The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 30, 2013


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The Feres King

Chapter 9

Wren's voice woke me from my slumber. It was comforting yet sad. It was weird though, weird in the sense that I never known him to be so cheerless.

<Atsa, come back to me> He was crying.

I open my eyes.

Wow! My body was a bit stiff and I was hurting all over. I suspected it was from lying down for too long. With great effort, I managed to sit up. Dizzy spell! I held my head in my hands as if it will help. It didn't. I closed my eyes and waited it out. It took a while before it settled.

I opened my eyes again and had a look around.

Where am I?

I was sitting in a four poster bed large enough for three people, laden with black, white and silvery silk fabrics. It also had light see-through white drapes dancing in the small breeze coming through the opened glass doors leading to a large balcony.

Throwing the covers, I slipped out of bed. My feet met a soft dark fury carpet. I splayed my toes in it because it felt good.

I scanned the room again. It was huge and quite luxurious. It had white creamy bare walls, spacious, apart from the bed, had two cushioned arm chairs, and a large mirrored dresser with a high chair. There was also a round glass table with two more chairs next to it opposite the foot of the bed. Flowers in a highly decorated vase were in the middle of the glass table.

I stood up. Huh! I was naked. It didn't surprise me for I always slept in the nude.

Started for the balcony, I saw more drapes swinging merrily with the gentle breeze. The chill air sent shivers down my spine because I didn't find anything to wear inside.

The balcony opened to a large courtyard down below. It was paved with white grainy marbles. And in the center was a large circular shallow pool with crystal blue water.

But that wasn't all.

I found that the balcony I was on was part of a large façade stuck to a crescent rock face formation wedged between the slopes of two tall mountain peaks. And the leveled courtyard before it, spread thirty meters to a sheer high cliff without any sort of balustrade. Overlooking the cliff at the edge of the courtyard, I could see a wide green landscape with a river running through it.

Not far off, there was a city. With its high walls and pale red roofs, I could tell that it was a wealthy city. There were other clusters of buildings outside the walls as well but they looked more like farmhouses because high up as I was I could make out the different colored fields surrounding them.

As I marveled at the scene before me I heard footsteps in the room behind me. I turned and went in to see who it was.

`You're awake!' Dale exclaimed with mouth wide open.

I was happy to see a familiar face in this unfamiliar place as well.

`Hi. Where is everybody?'

He didn't answer my question. He only closed the distance between us and hugged me. `Good to see you up and about you highness. I was afraid you wouldn't get up from that everlasting sleep you seemed to have fallen into.' He said with teary eyes.

`Everlasting sleep ... what're talking about?'

`You had been in slumber for nearly a whole moon cycle, your highness,' he said still in disbelief.

`A month! What happened? Where am I?'

He grabbed my hand and led me all the way inside the room. `That'll have to wait. Let's get you something to wear first.'

He dashed to a large wardrobe I didn't notice before and pulled out a robe. He helped me get it on.

`Dale, where am I?'

You're home your highness.' When I cocked my head slightly to the left with a puzzled expression, he giggled. This is the Feri Citadel, your home.'

Wow! I was impressed. I didn't know the Feri led a luxurious life.

`How did I get here?'

`I am not the best person to answer your questions your highness, better one of the others who can explain it more accurately than I. Let me go get them so they can explain.'

No!' I promptly said, Perhaps later. For now just tell me where I could find Wren.'

He smiled. `Wren is near the cliff at the edge of the courtyard on the far right corner. Do you want me to take you there?'

`Thank you Dale. I think I can manage. Now please bring me some food, I'm quite hungry.'

`I can imagine,' he said giggling. I loved it when he giggles. He's big blue eyes lit up and his smile revealed the cutest dimples I've ever seen.

`As you wish your highness,' with that he walked out of the room through a tall double wooden door with brass handles.

A few minutes later, I was following the hallway to go meet with Wren outside. As I came down a flight of stairs I saw a large fully furnished and highly decorated living space with a live fireplace in the middle. Seth was there in his birthday suit. So was Wain.

Seth, he was standing and thrusting behind Wain who was bent over a sofa with their backs to me. I didn't mean to spy on them. Nonetheless, I stood there in plain sight and watched.

Apart from soft grants of pleasure, they weren't too vocal. Wain's low hanging balls and soft cock swung to and fro as Seth plowed his ass. Seth had a cute butt. I could see the high muscled definition as he flexed ever time he thrust into his friend. Wain brought up a hand and grabbed one of Seth ass cheek. Seth took that as a sign of yearning and really started assaulting his friend's ass. Wain grunts became incoherent and louder, begging for more and more.

God! How I longed for a hard fucking. My cock jerked. I was tempted to touch it but it didn't feel right. I wasn't a pervert. But then again what I was doing might be considered as such. Give yourself a break, I said to myself. You've been unconscious for practically a month without some sort of sexual release. Sit tight and enjoy.

I saw Wain tapped Seth on the thigh. Seth pulled out and his mammoth dick flopped out of Wain's ass. No wonder Wain asked for a time out. The guy was huge. A good ten inches long and four inches all around I wager. I was getting horny!

Wain stood and stretched his limbs and back. He rubbed his ass and chuckled. Seth drank some liquid form a goblet which was next to the sofa.

`Fuck! I won't be able to sit for a week,' he said in good spirit.

`You asked for it. Now shut the fuck up and lie down. It's not over yet,' Seth bantered as he replaced the goblet.

Wain lay in the sofa and pulled his legs at the knees. Seth dove right in. Not so gently I might add.

Wain hissed but didn't protest further. Seth stabilized himself by grabbing onto Wain's ankles. He thrust in and out with more power now. The force of each thrust cause Wain to seesaw on the sofa. Wain laughed between moans. Then he grabbed his own cock and began to jerk off. A while later he announced that he was coming.

`That's it boy, come for me.'

`Argh!' Wain cried shooting all over his chest and abs. Shortly after Seth pulled out and fiercely jerked his own cock. His come mixed with Wain's as he unloaded on his friend's chest and abs too.

Breathing heavily, they chuckled and kissed. I could tell that it was just a friendly fuck because the kiss lacked desire and passion.

`Get yourself ready my friend for next time it will be your turn to be with a sore ass,' Wain jovially said.

`Bring it on whiny.'

Good heartedly they both laughed.

I decided to take leave.

Down the hallway was another door. Pushing it open, I stepped into what appeared to be a throne room. Like the living space it was highly decorated but apart from a single high chair with gold trimmings set on a dais, there wasn't any other furniture to be found. Wanting to meet with Wren I didn't stop to admire the place. I found yet another gigantic wooden door. This time I was sure that it would lead me into the courtyard. And I was right.

I searched for Wren for a good five minutes before I spotted him sitting under an over hanged part of the rock face. His knees were drawn to his chest and he was blankly staring in the abyss below. I couldn't see his face but I knew he had been crying.

Quietly, I walked up to him. He heard me yet he didn't look.

`Go away Dale. Leave me alone, I don't want any food,' he said in a grumpy tone of voice.

Are you sure that's what you want?' I asked trying to keep my emotions in check, because you're no use to me dead.'

His head turned so fast that I was afraid he might have hurt himself. `Rye!'

Just as fast, he jumped to his feet and came to stand in front of me.

`Rye ... is it really you?' He reached up to me and touched my face. I only looked at him with tears in my eyes, letting him decide whether I was real or not.

He hadn't been sleeping well. His eyes had bags underneath them and they were quite red and teary. He was shirtless and he'd lost some weight. Not really skinny but the bones were beginning to show. His hair was a mess and he reeked too. Don't tell me he'd been like this the entire time I was out cold.

Rye, it's you. It's really you. You came back to me.' He gave me a crushing hug and cried. I cried too. I could only imagine what he'd been through. I would have been the same, has it been him who were in a comatose state for a month.

`Yes, atsa, it's really me.' I kissed his forehead and held on tight to him. God! I love him so much.

I lost count of how long we've been standing there crying, kissing and cradling each other.

I heard running behind us but we kept hugging. Wren didn't want to let me go.

`Rye! You're finally up.' Charlie said joining in the hug. Eric laughed and joined in too. I felt so loved.

`Hey, I want some too,' Wain shouted. He too joined and I felt another jolt and knew that Seth had also done the same.

We were standing next to the ledge of the cliff and I was afraid we might stumble over.

`Guys, I'm glad to see you and all but we're standing near the devil's mouth in case you didn't know,' I said.

They all laughed. And one by one they pulled off. Finally, I could breath.

Hesitantly, Wren let go too, only grabbed my hand the moment he unwrapped himself from me. I understand him wanting to have a piece of me to hang on to.

In cheerful laughter and banter, we went back inside the fortress. Wren and I had a long scented bath and joined the others for a meal later in a large kitchen that served as a dining room as well.

Although he was reluctant at first, Dale joined us for the midday meal.

All through dinner I noticed the guys were avoiding talking about the vampire attack in Belen. Every time the conversation led to it they either stop talking or skip that part all together. However, I wanted to know what happened to me and how I got here in Notwitt, the feri citadel.

`Guys I know you're trying to protect me in a way but I need to know what happened after I lost consciousness.'

All eyes went to Charlie and he didn't hesitate. Apparently, I destroyed the Black Mist and killed all the vampires and then I plummeted more than a hundred feet. I didn't know about destroying all the vampires but I did remember falling. They told me that it was Seth who caught me in mid-air. I was grateful for it.

`Thank you Seth,' I said reaching for his hand across the table. He squeezed it gently.

`Anytime your highness,' he replied.

Rye, you were incredible,' Wain said with excitement. It was awesome the way you vaporized those vampires with one touch. But you almost gave me a heart attack when you jumped off the tower.'

They all laughed.

As I listened to them, I realized that none of them become aware of the blind rage I was in. It was a relief because I never want to be seen as a monster by my family and friends.

I was told the spell caster managed to put up the shield shortly after I destroyed the Back Mist. Belen rejoiced and sang my praised even if I never woke up.

Charlie told me they tried everything to get me up, unfortunately it wasn't happening. So he sent a whisperer to Eric telling him to expect them and that they were on their way. He said here was quieter and safer. But I knew he wanted to keep my condition under low key.

`Where's Nick?' I said out of the blue. I just realized that he wasn't there with us.

Nick came with us when we brought you here. He stayed by your side for three days but then he had to leave. He went back to Belen to take his warlock training and, of course, to spend some time with his dad.' I could tell by his tone that Wren really wanted me to know that Nick hadn't abandoned me. He's pretty worried about you Rye. His whisperers had been bugging me on a daily basis.'

I had mixed feeling about Nick's absence. As much as I missed him and wanted him to be with me, I was happy that he was finally realizing his dream to become a skillful warlock and to be with his dad.

`I miss him,' I said. Wren reached for my hand and squeezed it.

`I do too.'

`What about Chase? Is he here? Why isn't he having lunch with us?'

Chase is resting,' Charlie said. He's been sick for a few days but he's going to be okay.'

`What's wrong with him?' I asked concerned. Chase was like my little brother and I really care what happens to him.

`Nothing too serious, it's just his body's preparing for his first transformation.' Charlie assured me.

`I don't understand.'

`Rye, Chase's wolf is coming out,' Wren plainly said. And it registered, loud and clear. Knowing Chase, he would be happy about it. I would too. Finally, he can feel like he belonged somewhere.

`When do I get see him?'

`No ... not yet, perhaps later, for now let the boy rests,' Eric said a bit too hasty ... even a bit too harshly. He was being overprotective. How come?

`He really needs that nap,' he continued with a pronounced finality to his statement. I was taken aback.

After the mid-day meal, Charlie and Eric went to check on Chase. Seth and Wain stayed in the kitchen to help Dale with the washing up. Meanwhile, Wren and I retreated to our room.

`Why do I get the feeling that Eric doesn't want me to see Chase?' I told Wren when we were in the room I woke up in. We were both sitting in a different arm chair facing each other. Wren had one of my feet in his lap. He was giving it a massage.

`Don't be offended. His parental instinct is on high alert right now.'


`It's just that Chase is in the most precarious state he'll ever be in his life. The first transformation can be jarring.'

It was understandable. Though, I still thought Eric was overreacting.

`Tell me about the transformation. What was it like for you?' I wanted to understand what Chase was going through.

`Well, the first apparent sign which told me I was entering in to transformation was the glyph. Mine appeared shortly after my thirteenth birthday. Unlike Chase, I knew what it meant because I grew up around other shifters. For about a month I barely felt anything except for an insatiable urge to have sex.'

I gave a short laugh. `Did you? Have sex I mean.'

He blushed and laughed sheepishly. `Yes.'

I was tempted to ask with whom and how often. Sorry to say, I didn't. It would have been too awkward for me and for him too.

`Anyway, three days before the full moon, I caught the fever. My bones were reshaping and my muscles were stretching to accommodate the change. It's a painful, even more an excruciating process. It felt like I was being fed on from the inside out. It's at this stage that some shifters give up and wants to end it by choosing death instead of life. Fortunately for me I had the strong will to live, because of my brothers. Well, they were with me throughout. And because of them, I was able to hang on. In the end, when I finally transformed, I was glad of the decision.'

God! Is the transformation that bad? I know Wren never meant it but now I was more afraid for Chase than anything.

I smell your fear,' Wren suddenly said. Did I scare you?' He got up and knelt in front of me. He reached for my hands. `Don't worry, Chase is strong. He'll get through this like a champ. You'll see.'

Wren words were really comforting, except I couldn't stop thinking of the worst case scenario.

Wren hugged me. I hugged back.

There came a knock on our bedroom door. Without waiting for an invitation, it flew open and Wain came through bugged eyes and breathless.

`Quickly you guys. Chase is in trouble. I think he's dying.'


End of chapter 9

Next: Chapter 25: The Feres King 10

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