The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 7, 2013


Happy reading!

The Feres King

Chapter 6

The games were about to start and Wren wasn't there. I checked the bleachers and found that Wain wasn't there either.

`Have you seen Wren?' I asked Nick. He said no. Chase said the same thing. I didn't want to ask Charlie, he might still be angry with me.

I saw Seth sitting a few steps down with some of the eagle shifters.

<Seth, have you seen Wren?>

He turned my way and shook his head.

Where could he be? I decided to whisper directly to him.

<Where are you?>

<Don't fret. Be right out>

Just then I heard a loud noise. It was obvious it was coming from a horn of sorts. Immediately after that a huge iron gate opened in a wall and eight warrior guards came out pulling at a heavy chain each. They were lugging something in the middle of the courtyard. Curious I was impatient to know what. But people were standing up and cheering, blocking my view.

And then I saw it.

Five feet in the middle of these men was a huge roaring werewolf. His clawed hands were clad in irons. Around his neck was an iron collar, which was attached to the eight heavy chains the warrior guards were tugging. The beast was powerful because these men were having trouble latching on.

`What are they going to do with that werewolf?' Chase asked Nick.

`The beast is part of the sport. Watch and see.'

It didn't take a genius to figure out what was about to happen. Redhurst said "Goading". If it's anything like teasing or provoking that thing then I'm right on the money.

`Nick, they're going to goad that thing until it bleed to death, aren't they?'

`You are correct. One thing about shifter, especially wolf shifters, they like living on the edge. They are kind of like adrenaline junkies. Goading is a very dangerous sport,' Nick told me.

`That sounds like bullfighting in Spain.'

`Yes. But this one is more risky. The werewolf is intelligent which makes him ten times more lethal than a bull. Only the best of men are chosen to participate. They are allowed only a ten inch dagger and the most important thing; they must refrain from shifting. If they do they are disqualified.'

`Awesome!' Chase said excitedly.

I never was one for bloody sports, what's more for animal cruelty. I was appalled at the ideology of this sport.

Another horn, and out came the contenders which were to fight the beast. Ten oil soaked armed men in nothing but loincloths. The crowd cheered even louder that before. And like kings of the castle, they strutted in, jumping up and down, flexing and pausing to incite the crowd further.

I was thinking that I didn't want to be there, because whatever the outcome the beast was going to be slain. He might take a stupid few with him before it happens but it's definitely going to be killed.

Hey, isn't that Wren there next to the nasty looking black dude?' Chase said. It's him! Look! That's Wain over there too. That's awesome!'

Flabbergasted, I watched Wren showing off with the short blade in his hand by slashing the thin air around him. People actually applauded.

`Has he lost his goddamned mind?' I exclaimed.

`Chill out, Rye. Wren knows what he's doing,' Nick said trying to assured me. He was failing. Of all the bullshit I put up with Wren this is by far the craziest. Fighting a werewolf with nothing but a tiny blade, what the hell is he thinking? And his brother, right there alongside him, not even bothering to see what they're doing to the people who matters to them.

Argh! I wanted to scream. I wanted to go down there and pull them both out by the ear.

Rye, listen to me.' Nick said grabbing my arm to get my attention. I know you're tempted to do something irrational right now but don't. Wolf shifting warriors have a hierarchy like that of real wolves in the wild. If Wren loses face, he loses his status within the pack as well. You can punish him whichever way you want after that but please don't embarrass him in front of everyone.'

I thought about what Nick said and I concurred. This was neither the time nor the place for a lovers spat. Ooh! If the beast doesn't kill him though, I'm going to do it myself.

Another blown horn, the werewolf was released. The men circled it and sent insults of the worst sort at the poor creature. The beast swatted at them but they were out of reach. A swift warrior saw an opening and quickly dashed up to the werewolf and slashed it on the back. He was quick at retreating as well. The beast roared in rage and pain. The crowd cheered.

Two more warriors zigzagged before the beast allowing a third to slash at the beast once again. As the beast roared in pain for the second time my heart sunk, I could barely watch. Despite myself, I couldn't turn away. Time after time, I watched heart wrenchingly as they slashed, gored and wounded that poor creature. Every time they did it I was slipping into despair.

The beast was giving all it could too. It managed to hurt three warriors who had to be dragged out of there. They barely escaped with their lives.

I'd never been so nervous in my life.

Suddenly, out of the blue, the unimaginable happened. A five year old girl running after a strayed ball entered the fray. The spectators watched and cried in horror as the child came between the beast and its tormentors.

How could that happened? Who in their right mind would bring a child to such a place? Where were her parents?

Finally noticing the child, the warriors stopped and started shouting at the poor girl to get out of there. Sadly their shouts and her cry alarmed the beast. It twisted and turned until it spotted the source of all the commotions.

`She is a goner,' Chase murmured.

Miraculously the beast didn't attack her. Instead it stood there frozen as if confused by the presence of the youngster. However, it would growl and snarl every time one of the warriors would try to get near the child.

It was a stand-off. The warriors couldn't approach the child because the werewolf wouldn't let them. Anybody else, even the warlocks with fire powers, couldn't intervene because that could cost them the life of the child and possibly the other warriors.

`Nick, do something?' I yelled.

`I can't. Werewolves are unpredictable. You saw the way it bashed the guy they had to pull out. And even if I could teleport right next to her I wouldn't be fast enough to get her out of there.'

`What about the other witches? Couldn't they use a spell of some kind to wisps the girl away or, I don't know put a shield on her?'

`Spells take time, Rye.'

This was really a downer.

I should do something, but what? I don't have much to work with, just some control over some tiny light balls and minor telekinesis abilities ... hey my powers! I've got an idea that may actually work.

Without thinking all the way through, I climbed down the bleachers. Nick and Chase were right behind me followed by Charlie.

`Where're you going?' Charlie said. I didn't reply just stood clear of the people in front of me and I focused on the task at hand.

I raised my hand and called for the feri-lights from the great hall that I didn't see but sensed were there. My plan was to distract the beast using the tiny spheres while I pulled the girl away with my telekinesis. It was an easy plan but it had a little flaw, which could be a problem. I've never used both powers simultaneously before. Like Helen would say, it was worth a try.

I started feeling the feri-lights. They were on their way. I have to keep the connection as I attempt to see if I could move the girl with the telekinesis. It didn't quite work because something else occurred.

The feri-lights, they appeared and swirling around the girl instead. The werewolf snarled and swiped at them but the spheres disappeared with the girl altogether. And before I knew it the girl was in my arms crying.

I was relieved. But the curious thing, what seemed like hours lasted nothing more than thirty seconds.

The people gave a collective awe and started applauding. Charlie pulled the girl from my arms and walked away with her. I was still dazed at what I did.

Nick, Chase and Seth patted me on the back and shoulders, happy that I saved the day. Soon they were joined by Wren and Wain and many others.

`Riley, Riley, Riley ...' the crowd chanted. With trembling hands I fell in Wren's arms in tears.

A while later I was in my bedchambers with Nickolas, Chase and Seth. We retreated there when everyone wanted a piece of me. Before I was a freak everyone stared at, now I'm a freaking hero. How do you get use to that?

Wain and Wren weren't with us. They went in the common bath on the ground floor with the others warriors who participated in the games. They said something about bonding with the others. Seth and Nick could hardly keep a straight face when Wain said it but I played ignorant.

`How did you know what to do?' Seth asked. I was lying on a mattress staring at the ceiling. Chase and Nick were mock fighting and Seth was leaning against the wall next to the balcony watching them.

`I didn't really. In fact I was trying something else,' I began. I then told him about my original plan to which he listened attentively. I like Seth. He kind of reminded me of my Uncle. He had the same pensive expression as Charlie when he was figuring things out.

`That was very fortunate for the girl because I'm pretty sure she would have died if you didn't intervene. There's something else I struggling to comprehend though. That werewolf, didn't you find its behavior suspicious, Nick?'

Nick stopped and stood. `What?' Seth repeated the question.

`Yeah, it was really strange.'

`How was it strange?' I asked now sitting up.

It was Seth who answered. `Werewolves are not sympathetic by nature. Apart from this one today, they never show any kind of inhibition when it comes to attaching anyone. I have heard of men, women and children whom had been torn to shreds without a second thought by werewolves. Why should this one be different?'

I didn't know much about werewolves but my guts was telling me that I should get to the bottom of this. I had the feeling that I could solve this mystery, which was begging to be unraveled.

But where should I begin?

Chase jumped on Nick's back and they went back to their roughhousing. Seth excused himself, saying something about checking on his men. Meanwhile, I was still thinking about the werewolf.

After much thought I decided that I need to see the werewolf in person. It hadn't been put down yet. Seth told me earlier that after I saved the girl, the warlocks used their fires to corral it back into a holding cell in the dungeon.

How do I get there? I knew none of my friends would take me. Charlie even worst, he would advise against it and probably ordered the guards not to let me through. I've got to see that werewolf?

Dale. That was my answer.

<Dale, come to me> I sent.

When Dale arrived I met him at the door.

`Nick, I'll be back in a minute. Dale is taking me to the library.'

I was lying of course. And he was too distracted by Chase trying to punch him to know that.

`Sure. Do you want me to go with you?'

`It's okay. We can manage. Besides it's not too far.' I had no idea where the library was, more so if this place even had one.

Dale looked puzzled and was watching me with intent. In the hallway I told him of where he was really taking me.

`My Lord, I cannot take you there. We will get in trouble.'

Dale, look at me,' I said stepping in front of him so we could be face to face. What am I?'

`You are a Feres, my Lord.'

`Who has more authority that the Feres in this place?'

`No one my Lord,' he replied.

`Exactly, now lead me to the dungeon. But we mustn't be seen.'

He hesitated at first but then relented. He guided me through a series of staircases I'd never used before. When we reached the ground floor we plastered ourselves against a wall because there were some guards blocking our way.

`Come this way,' he said pushing open a door. The door led to a narrow passageway that led to a tiny room next to the common bath. I said common bath because I could see gooey pipes and valves, and could actually hear people splashing around in water in the next room.

`Wait here my Lord,' Dale said. There was another door. Dale opened it slowly and peeked through it. He quickly closed it.

`We have to wait in here for some time my Lord, because there is a guard standing right outside.' He whispered.

`What if he never leaves?'

`It is a possibility but I do not think so.'

`What makes you say that?'

`There are always two guards and I saw only one. There is a restroom at the corner. The other one must be in there.'

We stood there. I didn't really want to touch anything because it was quite a filthy place. There were green mosses growing on the wall where water was leaking behind the pipes. The floor was wet and there were spider webs on the upper wall. And the smell, don't get me started on the smell. But let just say it was nauseating.

Then I heard something suspicious, moaning, and cooing along with other sounds that could be related to sex.

`Do you hear that?' I asked Dale.

He grinned and nodded yes.

`Next door is the place where the warriors who participated in the games are bathing, isn't it?'

`Yes my Lord.'

I was curious to know what was going on in there. More to the point, Wren was in there. Dale was looking at me with a knowing smile.

`Does my Lord want to see inside?' He said.

Why not, I thought. But I only nodded my answer.

Dale went to the wall. And between some pipes he slid open an iron slate I would never had guessed was there.

I peered through. It was a bit foggy. I could see a lot of naked men inside. Not all were the participants from the game, I noted. Some were splashing and fondling each other in the water while others were lying on bed-like benches getting erotic massages and more by both male and female servants.

I spotted Wren and his brother. They were both sitting on a bench with a different female fucking themselves on their pricks next to the pool. I couldn't hear them nor could I see their faces but I knew they were elated with pleasure. Every now and then the female would kiss them and laugh, adding more fuel to the fire. That asshole! He was cheating on me. How could I be so blind sighted?

God! I knew something was up when Seth and Nick sniggered as Wain mentioned bonding in the common bath earlier but I thought better of Wren. He and I were supposed to be bond-mates. I didn't care whether I had the glyph to prove it or not, We were together. He shouldn't be messing around with anybody else but me.

Suddenly jealous, I became irritated, annoyed and mad. I never had a problem with sharing before. Now I do apparently. The only person I would confidentaly say that I wouldn't mind if Wren was doing anything with was Nick, except this woman he was fucking wasn't him. I pulled my face from the hole.

`Dale, see if the guard is still there,' I said trying to shake of the veil of deception.

Once again he looked outside the door. `The post is clear my Lord.'

`Good. Now get me the hell out of here,' before I do something irrational. I didn't add the last part. He didn't need to know.

We walked until we reached another flight of stairs. The dungeon is down there,' Dale said. It is guarded by three warriors. I don't think they would let us pass without lord Redhurst authorization.'

I thought as much. I had a backup plan though. `Wait here for me and send me a whisperer if a person approaches.'

He nodded yes. I know he didn't like the plan but I was determined to see this through.

I figured if I could teleport the girl from way across the courtyard, I could do the same for myself. With just a thought, feri-lights appeared and swirled around me and the poorly lit dungeon cell that housed the werewolf was the first thing I saw when I materialized in.

I can teleport!

There were no guards were the cells were. As expected, it was filthy and smelly. The werewolf was standing quietly in the cell before me. The other cells were empty.

Redhurst rarely kept prisoners, I thought.

The beast must have sensed I was there because it lifted it heavy head and stared at me, snarling softly.

`Be still. I'm not here to hurt you,' I said not even knowing if he could understand me.

He obeyed. Huh!

`Can you understand me?' I asked it.

It didn't answer. I forgot, werewolf don't speak. Well, I believed they don't because I haven't heard anybody saying that they could.

How are my going to question it if we can't communicate. I wish he could speak.

"I understand you perfectly master." I heard a crusty voice in my head. I turned around searching for the owner of the voice and I saw no one. Okay, that was weird. I thought I just heard a voice in my head.

I turned to the werewolf and skeptically asked him, `It wasn't you talking was it?'

"It was master."

I was taken aback. WOW! It speaks. Telepathically, but it speaks.

I stood there looking at it, astonished. I couldn't believe what just happened.

This changes everything. This means that werewolves weren't dumb beasts as everyone thought, but thinking creatures with intelligence. Wow.


End of chapter 6

Next: Chapter 22: The Feres King 7

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