The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jan 5, 2013


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The Feres King

Chapter 5

The next morning when I woke up, I was alone in the bedchamber. Naked, I lay across the two mattresses that Wren and I tussled upon last night. The others were still made as if it had not been slept in.

I attempted to sit up so I could stand but fell back down again. My legs were numbed and my ass hurt.

`Ow! What happened?' I murmured. I didn't have to wait long because everything came back to me in a series of images. I remembered everything, well, not everything but most of it. And that firebrew! No way, am I not drinking that stuff again. Pah! I could still taste it in my mouth.

Cringing, I finally got to my feet. The instant I did though, an intense pain crawled through my bowel on the way up. It gripped and pulled at my abdomen muscles, forcing me to bend over and to clutch my middle. I winced. It hurt.

I stayed like that for a minute waiting for it to stop. When it subsided a little I stood and splayed my arms slowly to steady myself. Then I toiled along the path to the johns. On the way there I felt a river of come running down my leg. It made me move faster yet causing more pain.

After emptying my bowel, I entered a readymade bath and sunk myself in gently. The warm water was just what I needed. Sighing, I lay there without moving.

I must have dosed off because when I woke up next a young guy around the same age as me was gently shaking me awake.

`Who are you?' I asked trying to hide my privates.

He laughed softly. He was small in stature and very cute. He had shoulder length blond hair and the bluest of eyes. And he wore turmeric colored tunic that barely covered his groin area with a leather belt around the waist.

`I am Dale Redhurst, your designated body servant for the day. I am here to make sure you're ready, for lunch will be served soon. Lord Blacknell insisted on your presence since your Lordship missed breakfast this morning.'

`Redhurst? Any relation to Niall Redhurst?'

He smiled and flashed me with cute dimples. `Yes and no.'

I frowned.

`Lord Redhurst and I are not related by blood but he is sort of a father figure to me.'

`Did he adopt you?'

`Not as his son, no, but close to it; he picked my sister and me from the streets. He gave us a roof over our heads, employments and his name so we could be recognized.'

Niall Redhurst was a benevolent man. First, he took in Xander now Dale and his sister. Wow! I was beginning to like the man even more.

`What does your sister do?'

Dale went to the corner and grabbed a towel from a tall shelf.

`She's usually in charge of the house and the servants. Although, right now she's resting because she's expecting.'

`Oh! She's married then.'

`I am sorry but I don't know the meaning of my Lord's word,' he said puzzled. I'd use the English word married because I didn't know the Targes' equivalent.

`You know, like united or bonded to someone before God to show that they are in love and that they belong to each other.' I figured if there was no equivalent for the word "married" meant that none existed in this realm.

`I think I know what your Lordship is talking about. Lord Xander told me about the human realm once. He mentioned something similar. But there's no such ceremony in Targeten. And my sister, she's expecting Lord Redhurst children.'

`Wow! Okay, I don't know many of your customs. So please explain,' I said with both curiosity and astonishment.

Once again he laughed. `My Lord Redhurst doesn't have any children nor any blood relatives since they all met their untimely end in the brawl that lasted for half a century with the Whitestone clan. He feared that he would leave these lands soon and had no heir to succeed him. Since he had our trust, he asked my sister, who is a breeder, to carry his children for him and she agreed.'

I understand but its still mindboggling,' I said stepping out of the bath. Dale wrapped me in the towel and patted me dry. I felt so flattered to be pampered like this. Although, we do have similar arrangements in my world where straight and gay couples who can't have children to find a surrogate mother to carry their babies,' I continued.

`I understand couple but what is gay and straight, my Lord?' He asked as curious as I was earlier. Now it was my turn to laugh. He stared at me bewildered.

I explained, trying to be as clear as possible and he soon were laughing alongside me.

`Humans are so complicated,' he said after a while.

In the bedchamber he helped me get dress in a pair of leather tight pants and leather jerking with buckle-up front over a padded shirt. It was so retro. He was helping me get my boots on when Nick entered.

`Good morning. I see you've awaken and alive,' he said kissing me full on the lips and then smirked. Dale gave us a weird look and I couldn't tell whether he was confused, shocked or jealous.

Ignoring the last part of his statement, I greeted Nick with a simple hi. He also had on similar clothing as I and I might say he looked sexy in leather.

I wondered why it wasn't Wren who came to get me.

`Wren went with his brother and the eagle shifters for an aerial sweep of the City earlier this morning, that's why his not here with you.' Nick said surprising me. I forgot how keen his empath abilities were.

`Where did you guys sleep?' I asked to change the subject. I didn't want him to feel like I didn't want to see him as well.

He sniggered. `When the guys and I came in last night and saw what you and Wren was doing; we decided to leave you guys alone. We honestly didn't want to interrupt. Chase slept in Charlie's chamber. Wain, Seth and I slept in the great hall with the other warriors.'

`Oh,' was my only answer.

After Dale was done lacing my boots Nick said, `Come, the others are waiting for us.'

`Thank you Dale. I enjoyed your company. Hope we could meet again before I go.' I told Dale when he announced that he was taking leave.

`It was a pleasure my Lord,' he bowed and winked at me with a smile. I laughed.

I fell into step alongside Nick and we went down to the great hall. `The servant is smitten with you, in case you didn't know,' Nick said laughing.

I didn't see that one coming. And all I could say in replied was, `I like him. He's cute and funny, although, I was a little uncomfortable when he kept referring to me as your lordship and my Lord.'

`He was being polite. And you better get used to these tittles because once everyone find out who you really are there will be a lot more.'

That was something I wasn't ready for. But I kept quiet even if I knew Nick already picked up on that.

We met Wren and the others at the great hall's entrance. They were throwing banters around like a bunch of hooligans. Wain saw us first. He waved at me and nudged Wren.

Wren turned and smiled. He followed me with his eyes, and when I stood in front of him he pulled me in for a kiss. The other hooted and laughed.

`Come on guys. Let's give them some privacy,' Seth said to which I was grateful. Wren and I watched them walked in the great hall leaving us alone.

`Sorry, I hadn't realized I was a little rough last night.' He was referring to the way I was walking. I was conscious of that fact too because my ass still hurt a little. Nick caught that earlier also but he chose not to say anything.

`Yeah well, you should know because you were the one fucking me like a maniac.' He blushed and I sniggered.

`And you were the one begging for it,' he replied in kind.

`Shut up. I was not.'

`You sure did. You were like; come one atsa, fuck me, fuck me harder, harder, harder ...' he said in a bantering tone. In mock anger, I feebly drummed his chest and pushed him away. But he latched on to me and didn't let me go. He was still being playful.

`Hey, hey, hey ... I was joking atsa. Come on.' He said pulling me back into him. I allowed him. He kissed my neck.

`I'm sorry atsa. I'll be gentler next time okay.' I could feel the sincerity in his voice and I decided to cut him some slack. I hugged him.

`If you promise not to give me any more of that fire stuff, I don't like what it does to me.'

`I promise.'

The great hall was a lively place. The tall side wall, which was also part of the exterior wall, was decorated with huge, elaborate and colorful tapestries. One of them had Redhurst family crest on it; a huge wolf head with a dagger in its mouth. At the front of the hall two enormous wooden doors with reinforced steel served as the front doors. The other side of the wall was lined with tall stained glass windows, which was responsible for the lighting.

In the middle of the great hall, there were long tables placed in two L-shapes, covered with cream colored linen. On the benches alongside them sat some high ranked warriors and some of Belen's high officials with their companions. Nick, Chase, Wain and Seth sat at the table nearest to us. Like everyone else they were chatting away, adding their murmurs to the crowded room that sounded as a busy high school cafeteria. From somewhere I smelled the sweet scent of lavender, and not to forget the delicious food coming from the kitchen which I couldn't see the entrance to.

Wren and I sat at the top table on the dais next to Charlie who was on Redhurst right-hand side. Redhurst himself sat on a huge chair at the middle of the top table. Next to Redhurst on the left was Xander and next to him was a pretty well- dressed pregnant lady I was introduced to as Eva. She bore an uncanny resemblance to Dale and I had no doubt that she was indeed his sister. Standing behind Eva were two maidens. I see that Redhurst was a cautious man. He didn't want to lose his children.

Redhurst stood and called for the attention of everyone.

`Welcome ladies and gentlemen. It had been too long since we've have a gathering of this magnitude and it warms my heart to see you all. As you know I'm not one for words.' The crowd laughed heartedly when he said that. One or two people even agreed loudly with him.

`Right, many of you had asked me why we're gathering. Why a feast in such lean times. The answer to your questions is to celebrate the return of my dear friend Lord Charlie Blacknell who up till yesterday I believed him dead. Many of you may remember old Charlie here. He very much grew up amongst us. His mother, my cousin, brought him along to visit Belen every summer after she was bonded to Lord Blacknell.'

The crowd were laughing and joking amiably at Charlie's expense. `Well I'll be damned. Watch out gents. Char the ass-breaker is back.' A bearded man about the same age as Charlie stood and shouted. More laughter followed. No doubt about that, Charlie was well liked by these people.

Thank you Tor,' Redhurst continued. And to further reason our cause for celebration, is the presence of the shy young man sitting next to Charlie.'

I didn't like where this was going. I glanced at Charlie and he nodded. I didn't like his nod either.

`He is called Riley Blacknell. I'm sure his human first name doesn't register to most of you but believe me you all have heard of him. Ladies and gentlemen I give you his Lordship Riley, the last of the Feri.'

Everyone gave a collective sigh and started chattering. No doubt about me. My heart was pounding in my chest. Why? I wasn't ready to be outed yet.

<Breath, it will be Ok> Charlie whispered.

<Rumors ... We had no choice>

<We'll talk later>

Wren grabbed my hand from under the table and smiled at me. I honestly wanted to smile back but I was in shock.

Once again Redhurst called for silence. `I know most of you have a lot of questions about his Lordship but I would ask you to respect his discretion for now because I'm sure we all don't want to overwhelm him just yet.' Almost everyone nodded and voiced their agreement. But their eyes were all fixated on me.

`Now, let us feast.' There were cheers around the tables. Nick winked at me and Chase waved excitedly.

A dozens of servants came in through a door next to dais and started serving everyone. Soon everyone was busy eating and I was temporarily forgotten.

The food looked delicious but I couldn't eat. I was too nervous and angry at the same time. I couldn't believe they did this to me. I knew sooner or later everyone would find out who I was but this was too much for me. I wanted to leave but Charlie gave me one of his don't-even-try look when he thought I would bolt.

Everything would be okay Rye,' Wren assured me. Everyone already suspected as much. I agree with you that Charlie and Redhurst had no right to surprise you like that. But believe when I tell you, it had to be done. The Feri had been gone for some time now. Their absence had caused a lot of malcontent throughout Targeten because they don't know what happened.'

I understood what he was trying to say and I was grateful to him for that. But I can't shake the feeling of being cheated.

`I'll be okay Wren,' I said even though I wasn't so sincere.

After the feast, Redhurst invited everyone to the courtyard for some sort of entertainment. He said something about Goading. I didn't know what that meant, and even if Nick tried to explain it to me on the way there I barely listen. I longed to be alone.

`Rye, are you okay?' Charlie said as we made ourselves comfortable in the bleachers under a huge tarp set against a high wall next to the great hall. The sun was out and hundreds of warriors lined the wall-walk. Some were on guard duty while others were there for the entertainment, which I was told was a mighty sport.

`How do you think I'm feeling Charlie?' I all but yelled.

`I know you're angry Rye but we had no choice. I heard people talking about you while we were waiting in the great hall. When I told Redhurst about it he told me he'd heard something similar as well. And before the rumors go out of hand, we decided to come out with the real truth. You know how rumors can hurt someone. We wanted to protect you.'

I sighed. `Wren already explained as much but my problem wasn't the reasons rather the way the decision was taken behind my back. Char, I'm old enough to be included in matters concerning me. You should have told me, not taking me by surprise like a fool.' It was the first time I was talking to Charlie in this manner but I was adamant in getting my point across.

`If you're trying to get me to say sorry, that I am. But know this. I was charged with your protection. And I also made a promise to your father to look after your well being. You liking my resolution or not, I'll be damned before I break that promise. End of discussion.'

Charlie was angry and I was even more livid. He went back to talk with that guy Tor while we wait for all of the guests to get in the bleachers.

Nick and Chase who were nearby heard our argument. Nick remained quiet but Chase patted me on the back, leant closer and whispered gently in my ear.

`Bro, give the old man a break. I'm telling you, you don't know what it is to be ignored and to feel uncared for, take it from someone who knows. You may not agree with dad now but he loves you. Otherwise he wouldn't have done what he did for you.'

Chase surprised me. He reminded me that he wasn't the ignorant child I thought him to be. I also discovered that his childishness was a front to cover all he'd been through.

I suddenly felt guilty for thinking and behaving like a spoiled brat.

I pulled Chase into a hug. `Thank you, brother.'

`Anytime, now can you release me so I could watch the show please,' he teasingly said.

Nick literally felt the change in me and he too patted me on the back and smiled. He must have known how Chase was feeling. Brilliant strategy on his part to let Chase get through to me first, he knew I wouldn't listen if it was someone else.

`Thanks Nick.'

`Thanks for what?' He said grinning.

`I'm not repeating myself. Let's watch this supposedly mighty sport.' I said laughing a little. Now that I was able to see things clearly, I really did feel better about everything. Chase was right. Charlie did love me. And he wasn't alone.

Yeah! I am lucky.


End of chapter 5

Next: Chapter 21: The Feres King 6

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