The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 21, 2012


Happy reading!!

The Last Feres

Chapter 14


Grabbing a torch from the wall, Bron went in first. As soon as he disappeared however, he came back flying backwards. Like a bowling ball he knocked us down with a thump.

I pushed Bron from atop of me and look at the way he came. And in strolled Xell with his hands behind his back.

`Finally, we meet at last,' he said to me before knocking me out cold with his power.


A piercing buzzing sound drew me back into consciousness. I didn't open my eyes but I could feel and smell the filthy floor beneath me. I could also sense Alex's grip on my skin which was proof that I wasn't gone for long.

`I've got the Feres, now. Surrender yourselves and I'll let you all live.'

Fuck you asshole!' That's my Wren, always the fighter. I've torn your cat into pieces and I would do the same to you too, dickwad.'

`Tsk, tsk, tsk, stupid mutt! Always trying to be the brave one, you think you're so tough. Without the Feres boy, you're nothing.'

`I challenge you to a duel.'

`Ha ha ha! Silly mutt! I'm stronger than you all put together so fighting me would be futile. But if you insist, I need to set an example anyway and you will be the perfect candidate.'

Wren charged and then stopped abruptly. I don't know what Xell was doing to him but I heard Wren gasping. I remembered when Christine was chocking Ned in the alley and figured Xell was doing the same thing to Wren. Roughly, Wren dropped to the floor and writhed in pain. I knew because he was struggling and trashing about desperately. And that angered me.

`Crushed him father,' Christine's excited voice echoed through the room. Xell is Christine's father, figures. The feeling that surfaced, when I thought of Xell and his bitch of a daughter, boosted my anger and like the mercury inside a thermometer it rose up inside me.

`Let him go. He's killing him!' Nick yelled. The slip of the tongue in his statement wasn't a mistake at all. It was meant for me. The empath in him had sensed the change in me and he was asking me to do something to help Wren.

Then Alex screamed. That tipped the scale.

My eyes flew open and I saw Wren's face. It had turned purplish blue and I know he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. The others were either crying or begging for his life.

With the rage I felt inside, I surprised myself when I stood up so casually.

`ENOUGH!' I roared. Yep! I roared. The whole dungeon shook and cracked. The cracks volubly grew and zigzagged through the structure as my voice ricocheted, mimicking a small earthquake.

Dust snowed from the concrete ceiling and Xell lose his grip on Wren as he fell to the ground like everybody else. Now I knew what an enraged bull feels like when someone goads him. I literally saw red.

Wren coughed and inhaled violently, heaving a sigh of relief. I watched as Nick rushed to his side and patted his back.

I turned my gaze on the source of my rage; XELL. He scrambled quickly to his feet and sent a few objects flying my way, I casted them aside easily. He relentlessly continued hoping he would get through my defenses but he was failing miserably. Then I was momentarily distracted because someone threw one of those scalpels they use to torture people with at my back. I didn't feel the pain when I reached back and pulled it out. I glimpsed at the sharp bloody object in my hand and traced it to Christine who stood slightly to my left. Just like Nick produces fireball I drew an energy ball and I sent it flying her way. It caught her right in the chest and she fell like a boneless sac of meat.

`NO!' Xell bellowed and rushed to his daughter's side.

`You killed her! You son of a bitch you kill my daughter,' he sobbed.

Gathering all the energy he had left he pushed them directly at me. I felt the pressure of his power. It felt like I was pushing against an army tank which was trying to run me over. It was so intense and strong that my left knee cave in. I was having a hard time holding on.

Suddenly, the feri-light Helen gave me began to vibrate inside my pocket. The energy it emitted fueled my power a little. I knew what to do right then. Redirecting the vibration of the feri-light I call for the others which were floating upstairs. At top speed they flooded throw the dungeon like a swarm of buzzing bees. They twirled around me, charging every cell in my body with energy. Using the bonus I reversed Xell power until it overpowered him. He flew a few feet of the ground and hit the wall near the entrance.

Chest rising from the exertion I gave the dungeon a once over. I'd cause a lot of damages but what caught my attention was the way my friends were looking at me. They were afraid... of me.

Vehemently, I forced myself to power down. All the feri-light flames died out and the glass balls fell, shattering into thousands of little pieces on the floor. Feeling weaker myself, I fell too. The only thing I saw before passing out completely was the Faraday sisters materializing with Charlie and Eric.

I woke up to slurping and sucking noises. I had no idea who was making them but I knew they were coming from somewhere in the room. My room! Baffled, I propped myself on my elbows and looked around. Through clouded eyes I saw that I was without a doubt on my bed, in my bedroom.

Sunlight was streaming through the opened window and a bird was cheerfully singing on a branch outside. I love mornings. But the slurping continued until I realized that there was someone between my legs pulling at my cock.

`Wren, is that you?' I croaked.

The warmth left my cock and I got a replied. `Hey! You're finally awake!' He genuinely said.

`Hey!' I said back. Weird! I can't remember going to sleep nor getting into bed. Glancing at the nightstand, blinking in green I saw it was fourteen minutes past ten on the digital clock.

`Why didn't you wake me? Why did you let me sleep for so long?'

Wren cheerfully laughed.

`What is the last thing you remember?' He asked more serious now.

`I don't know, being angry with you because you wouldn't let me help Chase I guess.'

`Hum!' Wren said in full thought. I expected him to reply soon but when he didn't I became concerned.

`What is it?'

`Are you sure you don't remember anything else?' What is this, twenty questions.


`Well, let me tell you that we've been in hell and back. And believe it or not you've been unconscious for almost seventy two hours.'

`Three days! What happened?'

He started telling me about the rescue mission, the dungeon, Alex, Bron and Xell. Frankly I didn't know what to make of it all. And the most disturbing news was when he told me I went "into the avatar state" on Xell. He laughed at the end but I was concerned.

`Was everyone okay?'

`Yes. The faradays arrived with Charlie and Eric and brought everyone to safety.'

`What about Alex and his dad?' If what he said was true I must have scared them.

`They're fine, well not quite. They were distraught when they find out about Susan but they got over it. They can't go home though because the police found Allen's fingerprints on the knife that stabbed Susan and they've launched a manhunt for father and son.'

That was terrible news. `Where are they now?'

`At the faradays. They'll be safe there. Charlie and Eric are there right now planning on how to help them attend Susan's funeral without being spotted tomorrow.'

How sad! I wish I was there with them.

`What about Xell. You said I blasted him against the wall.'

`He disappeared. Nick seemed to think that Ted dragged him out when we weren't looking. Christine and Ned is dead though.' He censored this part but I knew he killed Ned and ... I killed Christine.

I should be glad that I got rid of a bad person but I wasn't. Taking someone's life is hard.

`Can I finish what I started now?' Wren asked.

`Is that how you've been feeding for the last few days?'

`Yeah. It was hard too, especially when so many people wanted to stay by your side around the clock.'

Oh. My poor baby!

Resting my head back down I lay there and let Wren do his thing. When he got a few measly teaspoon of come from me he climbed over me and we shared a kiss.

`Make love to me,' I said.

He smiled as if he'd just won a million dollars. I chuckled as he awkwardly took off his short and lubed up his cock with spit. He aimed it at my hole and gently pushed in. I winced more out of discomfort than of pain. When he was all the way in he bent down and we shared another kiss.

We looked in each other's eyes while he waited for me to give the go-ahead. `Fuck me,' I whispered. He flashed me another smile and started thrusting. Not hard but not too slow either. I wrapped my legs around his hips pushing him deeper, and then I pull him close until he rested his whole weight on me. It felt incredible. His cock was pressing all the right spots and his mouth was driving me crazy. His laborious job paid off in the end when we both came together. He spewed three or four times in my bowel. I anchored him in place until he became too heavy. He kissed me in between breaths.

`You're hungry?' He asked.

`No but I want out of this bed. I've been in it for too long. Besides I want to see how Alex is holding up.'

Later. Now you need a shower and some food.' I pulled up a face. He chuckled. This is an order. No protest.'

After a shower and two trips to the john later, I went down for the snack wren had prepared. On the way to the kitchen I heard someone laughing in the den.

`Who's in there?' I asked Wren because I didn't recognize the voice.

`The cat, who else,' Wren said a bit annoyed.

`Bron is here?' I dubiously asked.

`Didn't I tell you? He lives here now. He's bunking with Nick.'

`What happened to him?' I asked him while he set a plate full of meat in front of me. Did he expect me to eat all this?

`It turned out he wasn't the twin's brother after all. He's an albino in his leopard form and apparently that is considered an abomination amongst the leopard shifter community. His mother was ordered to kill him but she sold him to Xell instead. His was his slave until you saved him.'

Poor Bron. `How old is he?'

`He's the same age as you; eighteen.'

Shanks! I missed my birthday.

I didn't eat everything and Wren was so disappointed. Wren dragged me outside on the porch and we sat on the swing-chair Charlie put up ages ago.

I looked at Wren who had his arm around my shoulders and said: `I've been meaning to ask you? Are we together?'

`Together as a couple you mean?'


He didn't answer, just showed me his left wrist after he removed the leather bracer that he'd been using to hid the newly engraved symbol in his skin. It was definitely new and pale. I saw two intricate X's fused together in a tight neat circle. It's a bonder's glyph, an exact copy of the ones on Charlie and Eric's wrists.


I know it changed on the night we brought you back from the dungeon. When I thought I was going to lose you. I realized then that I was in love with you.' He chuckled when he saw the look on my face. It surprised the hell out of me too that's why I didn't tell anyone until I showed it to you first.'

I pulled him into a kiss. `I love you too Wren.'

We stayed there in each others' arms until something occurred to me.

`It's strange isn't it? We're in love and I still don't know anything about you?'

That hurts,' he said jokingly. I knew he knows what I mean so I didn't press. My whole family belongs to a pack called Graylard in which my father is the alpha. He's a bit obnoxious and headstrong but he raised me well, considering I was a bastard.

The reason that I don't resemble Eric is that we don't have the same mother. My mother was a witch called Amm. She's alive too but I've met her only twice after my father took me away to be raise in the pack.'

`Do you miss her?'

`Yes. She's kind and so loving. I wish I could see her again.'

`Eric isn't your only brother. How many are there?'

He laughed. `I have five brothers in which I'm the sixth and the youngest. Eric is the firstborn, then come Kane, Wain, Reed and River. The last two are litter mates... twins.'

`Reed and River that's so funny.'

`Yeah. We make fun of them too.' He grinned.

`Do you get along with all of them?'

`Pretty much. Kane is more serious though. He took after dad. He thinks he will be the next alpha.' He snorted the last part. I guessed he doesn't really like this brother.

I was about to ask another question when Bron walked out.

`Hey! You're up and running I see,' he said to me completely ignoring Wren. Oh no! Now that Wren made peace with Nick another challenger came and took the let's-annoy-Wren position.

`Feeling better I see.' Wren told me about Bron being hurt by the Moran twins.

`I feel a little sore, but a lot better. Linda is sure a miracle worker.'

`That's good.'

`What do you want?' Wren barked at him. I nudged him.

`Sorry. Better you come inside and see for yourself.' he said smiling. I was intrigued.

I looked at Wren and he looked at me shrugging his shoulders. Wren stood up and pulled me with him.

`Come on. Let's go find out shall we.'

Wren and I entered the house and Bron followed us in. We heard voices coming from the den so we headed there. Once inside I saw Nick, Charlie, Eric and Alex standing there talking.

`Lex.' He saw me and we jumped in each other's arms.

`It's so good to see you again best friend,' he said.

`You too best friend,' I replied.

`I'm glad you're okay,' Nick said from behind me. He turned me around and gave me a full blown kiss on the mouth. I looked at Wren and he was smiling, not even a sign of jealousy in his gaze.

Charlie also hugged me, so did Eric. Alex wanted to have a best friend talk but Charlie had other plans.

`Everyone sit down, please.'

I sat on the couch in the middle of my best friend and boyfriend. Nick sat next to Wren. Charlie and Eric took the two empty single easy chairs.

`You too Bron, you're part of this family now,' Charlie said when Bron started to leave. Grinning he sat on the arms of the couch next to Alex. Alex smiled sheepishly at him. Men! He got it bad. A lot had been happening in my absence, I noted.

`What's up guys?' Wren said.

`I just want to give you an update on the latest development now that Rye is awake. Firstly, Alex and his dad will be attending Susan's funeral tomorrow. The witches would perform a switching spell tomorrow morning so that they could attend. Unfortunately Rye, you and I can't be there because they will be taking our places and appearances.'

I was sad I wasn't going but I would be sadder if Alex couldn't attend his mother's funeral. So I agree.

`The next thing is Eric and Wren must be getting back to Targeten tomorrow as well because their time limit on this side had expired.'

`If we don't Helledon will be gunning for us and it won't be pretty if he catches up to us,' Eric added.

Tears welts in my eyes. Wren is leaving. I dug my face in his chest and sniffed. He patted my head without a word. He was sad as well.

`Don't worry. You'll meet your bond-mate later because will be meeting with them there in a day or two.'

Bond-mate. How did... wait! Did he say we'll be leaving for Targeten as well?

Why don't we go with Wren and Eric?'

`Going through Helledon means he will have power over you and that's out of the question. Helen brought you here so she'll be taking you back.

`The other reason we'll be staying a bit longer is because of Chase.'

Charlie knows about him too?

`Rye, Nick and Wren told me about Chase. You'll be happy to know that only recently I discovered that he is my son. He'll be coming with us once the adoption papers are in order.'

I was so moved. I've got a brother.

`As for Allen and Alex, they'll be staying with the Faradays until they could be given new identities. I'm sorry Alex we can't take you with us. Targeten isn't so welcoming to any human.'

I'm going to lose my friend again.

`What about me?' Nick said.

`And me?' Bron added.

`Well, Nick you'll be with Rye went he crossed over to the other side and you Bron I'm afraid you'll have to stay here on this side.'

Bron's face fell and he was clearly hurt.

`Don't get me wrong Bron. We want you with us but it's not safe for you yet.'

`What does that mean?' Bron asked. I was curious to know too.

`You were Xell's slave and because of that you are link to him. You don't have the urge to find him now because we believe he's back in Targeten. If you didn't know, the only way to break a slave link would be the death of one of you. So even if you have more freedom you're technically still his.'

`Where am I going to stay?'

`You'll have Nick's room at the Faradays. The sisters also agreed to take you in.'

I saw Alex smiled. I say he's got a crush on Bron.

So my boyfriend is leaving tomorrow. I've got to give him something to remember me by before he reverted to his old ways. Yeah, Eric told me. Wren was often being sought after by everyone in Targeten; male or female. That's how loveable or was it skillful he was in bed.


End of chapter 14

Next: Chapter 15

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