The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Oct 14, 2012


To all my fans, thank you for loving my story. I greatly appreciate your kind words as well. Happy reading!!

The Last Feres

Chapter 12

Ever though the uniformed cops were gone, the Parishes' home was still under surveillance. Every hour a silvery white car would come by and parked down the street before leaving twenty minutes later. Two men inside looking very much like detectives purposefully repeated the routine erroneously in hope that the killer will return to the scene of the crime. They weren't being obvious of course but nothing escaped Eric while on guard duty in his alternate form. That's why Charlie didn't like the plan of going into the Parishes house even to get the few things we needed for the locator spell. Despite of his objection however, it was decided that Nick and I should go because Nick can teleport and I can identify what we needed since I know Alex and his parents intimately.

I hanged on to Nick as Alex's room came into view. A cold shivered run through me. The dim room was exactly how it was when I envisioned it.

`Are you okay?' Nick asked.


`We can't stay long. Hurry and find what we came here for.'

According to them, we'll need some things belonging to Alex to make the spell stronger; like a recent picture of him, a personal item that he has an emotional attachment to and something similar for his dad as well.

For Alex, I already had an idea what to take; a shark tooth choker I gave him for his birthday last year. Stupid as it may sounds he kept it on his shelf in the small plastic bag I gave him in. He said that he'll keep it as a souvenir of our friendship forever. As for the picture I knew where to get one, in his parents' bedroom on the dresser was a recent photo of him and his dad. But the hardest thing to find was something of Allen's. I searched Alex's parents' room and nearly gave up the search when I came across the gold Rolex watch Susan gave him for their tenth wedding anniversary. He rarely wore it; only on special occasions and I remembered he was proud to obtain such an expensive piece too.

Once I had all these items Nick and I disappeared the same manner we came.

At dusk we left the house in Charlie's four-wheel-drive. Eric rode shotgun and the other two were beside me in the back seat.

Honestly, Nick could have teleported us all to his home but Charlie insisted that we take the truck. `The patrol car is back. Someone may come knocking at our door and it would raise a lot of suspicion if our vehicles could be seen outside and we weren't at home.' He reasoned.

All through the trip I barely saw anything outside because the darkness had rapidly thickened. The trip itself though short was tiring and boring, especially when the conversation in the car switched from English to Targes, their native tongue. It wasn't like I didn't want them talking but what could they be saying that they didn't want me to find out? It annoyed me not knowing. I was glad when we pulled into a driveway, so they would stop.

Actually it wasn't a driveway, more like a dirt road gone wild because the overgrown grass beneath the vehicle was brushing and swooshing the underside of the truck. A moment later, Charlie pulled up the truck in a small clearing tight enough for two vehicles.

`We're here.' Nick announced. I'd been to the Faradays' and from what I could see this wasn't it. I said nothing though.

Charlie killed the engine and everybody stepped out.

`Vele taroni,' Nick said in Targes tongue. Later I learned that some places in Targeten are cloaked with magic and to get access to them a safe word had to be used.

Once the words had been spoken tremendous changes began to happen to our immediate surroundings. Flashes of light become visible all around us, the car disappeared, the grass beneath our feet grew back down, the night sky above our heads opened up to reveal a blanket of stars while the clearing grew larger until in the middle of it stood the Faraday cottage just like I remembered it.

Nick led us to the back of the cottage where floating light bulbs had chased away the darkness over the sisters setting up a long wooden table that had been placed on the lawn wrapped around with benches. A few meters off stood an altar with a circular iron bowl on top of it. It looked like one of those Thai's cooking wok without the handles. I wondered what it was for.

Welcome, welcome to our lovely home,' Jan said when she saw us approaching. She was wearing similar clothing to that she wore yesterday and again she was barefooted. She pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the cheeks. Welcome back Rye.' She said batting an eye at me. She then did the same to Nick and Wren, but when it was Charlie's turn, her eyes lingered three second longer and she even dared to grab his ass and rubbed herself against him when they hugged. Eric stood there watching. I was concerned, however, when Eric received the same treatment I was stunned and confused. Memo to self, ask Wren more questions about bond-mates later.

The other two sisters joined us and repeated the process of greeting and hugging all over again. They wore similar clothing as Jan and Linda, Nick's mom, looked exquisitely beautiful with her hair down and without the stethoscope. She pulled Wren aside to what I suspected was a way to check on her patient recovered.

Meanwhile Jan was openly flirting and animatedly babbling to my uncle and Eric. Helen on the other hand had returned to the table and began setting plates. She was very pretty. Unlike her sisters she had long curly copper hair with cherry colored lips. But under all that beauty she wore a face of sadness.

`She looks sad,' I said to Nick who was the only one standing by my side.

`She should be because she just lost her bond-mate.'

`What happened to him?'

`I told you he was a Warlock. He was taken prisoner in a darkling attack.'

If I was paying attention to what he was saying before, his uncle was dead but just now he contradicted himself by saying he was taken prisoner. I don't know, but it only logical to assume that if he was taken prisoner there could be a fifty-fifty chance of him being alive.

`Is that bad?'

`What is?'

`You said he was taken not died, yet you are referring to him as if he was already dead.'

`He might as well be because where he had been taken people don't normally return.'


I was poised to ask where that was but right then one of those light bulb things fell from above us. Curious, I picked it up to study it. Strange! It was cold to the touch. It was made of glass, the size of tennis a ball. No heat, but inside was a tiny candle-like flame fueled by nothing I could see.

It's called feri-light.' Helen kindly offered. She surprised me for I didn't see her approaching. She had a slight smile and I could tell she was an attractive person not only from the outside but the inside as well. She turned to her nephew. Nickolas. Your mother requests for the objects you brought for the spell.'

Nick nodded and teleported out to the truck I suppose because I didn't remember any of us carrying anything here.

She took the feri-light from my hand and studied it. `The feri-light was one of many gifts given to us Witches by the Feri. It provided us with light as human uses electricity but its primary purpose is far greater.'

I didn't bother to ask what because I felt she was going to tell me anyway.

`Originally it was meant to be a magical trigger mechanism like a trip wire to warn us of darkling activity in our immediate vicinity, for instance if any darkling is to appear here from nowhere it would turn red.'

She gently grabbed my hand a placed the glass orb in my palm. `You could have this one. Consider it as a gift from me.'

I smiled at her and pocketed the feri-light.

Now come with me,' she said, the ritual is about to begin.'

I followed Helen to the altar where the others had gathered. Linda stood behind it waiting for everyone to settle. She was joined later by Jan on her left and Helen on her right.

`Nickolas if you please.' She said.

From where he stood Nick produced a fireball and threw it in the large iron bowl. Like a torch the steady flame wavered in the breeze.

`We gathered here tonight to find the love ones that were taken from us. Into the flames we would seek the help of the seer to locate their whereabouts.'

Wren, who stood beside me nudged me and passed me the item we brought for Alex. I took it and looked around to find that Charlie and Eric had Allen's watch and the photo of both father and son and Wren had Christine handbag.

The sisters threw three feri-lights into the fire and it roared to life.

`Everyone if you please,' the witch Linda said.

One by one we threw in the object we held. It turned green at every turn.

Then the witches chanted.

`Keeper of sight, hear us now, hear our plight Taken from our side, Father and son to our heart they are tied Be our guide, show them to us, show where they have been hide.'

After the incantation, the witches put out the fire with their magic until only the three feri-lights were left floating above the altar.

`Go now and find what we seek,' they said in unison.

The green glowing orbs shoot up to the sky circled three times above us before disappearing into the night.

It is done,' said Linda. We'll find out soon where they are, for now, let us feast.'

Dinner turned out to be a feast indeed. The witches barely touch their plates while the shifters wolfed three to four platefuls each before they called it quits. All during dinner I've watched Jan who was continuously flirting with the senior males. And by the looks of things she might get what it was she was after.

When the meal was over, the adults drunk some chamomile tea while Wren, nick and I hurdle at our side of the table.

`It's time for us to leave. We've got business to take care of.' Wren said anxiously. Both Nick and I knew what he was talking about. It was time to execute the plan we made this morning. The bitch Christine was going to pay dearly.

`What are we to tell the adults?' Nick asked.

I'll take care of that.' I whispered to them and out loud I said, Hum! Char, the guys and I will be heading home now. I had a long day and I'm exhausted.'

Charlie looked at me and simply said, `Okay, go ahead but stay together alright.'

`Aren't you coming with us?' I asked.

He looked at Eric and at Jan. `No. We'll be home later.'

Nick sniggered and I knew why. I smelled sex and a threesome coming right up.

We stood up to leave when Helen cornered us. She had a look of concerned on her gentle face.

`I don't know what you young men are up to but wherever it is you're going be careful and be on your guard.' We glanced at each other but otherwise said nothing. She smiled knowingly. Her reaction reminded me that she was an empath like her nephew. A damned good one because I knew she knows more than we were letting on.

We dematerialized.

`Where are we?' I asked the second we teleported in. It was dark and the only thing I could see was the street lamp around the corner, and not to forget the smell of garbage. If we stayed there any longer I will lose my dinner.

`Come on, it's just around the corner,' Wren said. He held my hand and led me into the street. Now I clearly saw where we were. We just came out of the alley where he was cornered by Christine and the leopard shifters. The traffic had die down tremendously and I could hear the urban noise of the night; cats calling and fighting in the alley behind us, dogs barking at a drunken man singing somewhere to our right, a lovers spat in the apartment above us and the cry of a baby coming from another apartment across the street where a rowdy group of teenagers were smoking and teasing each other.

Wren led us across the street towards the rowdy group. When they saw us they stopped and stared.

`We got ourselves a couple of faggot here boys,' said the oldest of the group when he saw Wren and me holding hands. He had dark complexion, around seventeen wearing a backward cap, an oversize t shirt, pants and shoes very much like the others.

`We don't like faggots. And we don't need your kind here either,' he sneered. The others voiced their agreement.

The three of us didn't reply but I could sense Wren agitation. He wanted a piece of that guy.

The ones smoking dropped down their buds, then some of them produced baseball bats and knives. They began advancing on us but we didn't move a muscle.

Hold it right there ladies,' Nick said stepping in front of us. I don't want to hurt you but I will if you take one more step.'

The leader sneered and took a tentative step as if to dare Nick somehow. `What you're going to do if we don't? Cry like a girl and run for mommy.' They all laughed.

Nick sniggered but I could tell he was not amused.

`Alright you ask for it.'

His hands lit up like torches and he aimed it at the leader. Every one of them took a collective step back in awe, all except the leader who couldn't move out of fear. He wet his pants and was clearly trembling.

`Leave, now!' Nick yelled. They didn't wait to be told twice before they all bolt in every direction. One guy tugged at his leader when he didn't move and they both high tailed out of sight. Well not all of them.

A boy around the age of fourteen with a crew cut stood fast watching us. I could tell that he wasn't totally scared. He had a stocky build and was almost as tall as I was. He kind of looked familiar but I couldn't place where I saw him.

`How did you do that?' He asked Nick. I noticed he was more curious than scared.

`Scram kid before I light you up or worst set my friend here who can transform into a wolf after you.' Wren growled to prove Nick's point.

Nick shouldn't have said that because the kid was more curious now. He eyed Wren and raised his head. Is he doing what I think he was doing?

`You're right he does smell like a dog,' he said casually. Nick looked at us and Wren walked up to the boy and snatched his left arm. The boy protested but could do nothing.

`Nick, lights.' Nick obeyed by holding a blazing hand over the kid's arm Wren held.

Wren turned the boy's forearm and we all saw a faint wencher glyph on his wrist along with cut marks as if he tried to cut it off at one point.

`Where did you get that?' Wren barked at him. He cringed but didn't move.

I don't know. It just appeared a few days ago. I tried to get it off but it came back.' When he saw the sad look on my face he added. Do you know what it is and how to get it off because if I don't my stepdad is going to kill me.'

`He's a Targ and by the smell of him a wolf shifter too.' Wren said.

`What are we going to do with him? He could be bunking with a pack.' Nick said concerned.

`No. He's alone. I would have smelled the others on him if he did.'

`How is that possible? Human can't bear Targ kids could they?' I said for the first time I got here.

Hey I know you,' the kid said. You work at the Bookstore not far from here don't you?' I looked at him closely then. Yeah! I knew him. He was John the white t shirt guy that followed Kyle in the restroom.

`John!' I said.

He laughed as Wren let go of his arm. `My name is Chase not John. I told Kyle that so he wouldn't rat on me.'

I laughed too. Wren scolded me but I ignored him.

`It's not safe to be strolling around at night here you know. Where're you guys heading anyway?'

Perhaps you could help us,' I said. We're looking for the apartment of a blonde girl who lives around here, Christine.'

`The weirdo who strangled my friend Mica's dogs with her bare hands yeah, she lives in apartment 7B next to mine.'

`Do you know if she's home?'

`No. She left a couple of hours ago with some mean looking dudes that smelled like cats.'

`Do you know when she'll be back?' I figured he would know.

He shook his head. `I don't know really. But the last time these guys were here she came back on the next morning on her own.'

Too bad,' Wren said angrily. I was so looking forward to turn that bitch apart.'

Chase sniggered. `Can I join you when you do that?'

Oh God! Not another wolf.


End of chapter 12

Next: Chapter 13

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