The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jul 11, 2021


Happy reading!

The Feri war

Chapter 16

In the cool morning breeze under a grey sky, I found Wren and Connor outside in the garden. Shirtless, grunting and sweating like pigs. They were fighting. Silas was on the side-line cheering them on. Maya was there too, although, she was hunched against a tree with a book. I didn't know how she could see anything since it was still a bit too dark.

'Hey, who's winning?' I asked Silas.

'Honestly, I don't know,' he said with a chuckle. 'But if I have to guess I'd say Wren. Connor is fast but strength trumps speed. So, Connor doesn't stand a chance.'

'I heard that!' Connor yelled without losing eye contact with his opponent.

We both laughed.

I watched as Connor landed a punch and a kick at Wren's chest and thigh before quickly darting away.

'Strength, huh,' he muttered.

Wren remained quiet and focus. As Connor launched another attack he laid his cousin flat on his back with only an arm to the chest.

Silas about peed his pants laughing. He teased Connor mercilessly. 'Did you see yourself being brought down? Your eyes were big like a rat drowning in the river. And here you said I should watch and learn. Learn what? How to shriek like a rat as I fall to my ass?'

Connor took the bait. He chased a giggling Silas around the garden. Tackling Silas to the ground, Connor sat on him and tickled into a fit of laughter.

I shook my head in amusement.

'Morning, atsa,' Wren said pecking me on the lips. He lifted his arms to hug me and I dodged him. 'No! No! You need a bath. You stink.'

He sniffed his armpit and made an exaggerating face. 'Okay, you're right. But can we go out for something to eat when I'm done? What do you say, we'll take Silas with us?'

'Yeah. I would like that,' I said with a smile.

We did go out to eat in a little inn just outside the wealthy neighbourhood. We weren't dressed fancy so people paid little attention to us.

Silas was a glutton. Despite his age and stature, he rivalled Wren in servings. Between them, they ate a whole duck each and a bowl of mashed vegetable. I wondered where they put it all.

Both the innkeeper and his wife were elated to have us. I think of her because we were enjoying her meal while him because of the coins in our pockets.

After a short stroll downtown, we returned to the mansion.

Maya was having tea with Ferard's mother on the terrace when we arrived. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so we didn't disturb them.

We found Eric in the living room talking quietly with Malik. They looked troubled. Connor was there too. Judging by his expression, he was trying to follow the conversation.

'What's up, bro?' Wren asked Eric.

'We're at a loss for what to do next.'

'What's going on?'

'We could find neither horses nor a long distant coach to Helding. No one wants to part with their animals and the coachmen are afraid to leave the city. They say the roads aren't safe and they aren't willing to risk their lives and properties for anything.'

We sat next to Malik on the other couch. 'What do we do now?' I asked.

'The only option left to us is to walk there since their pool is closed,' Malik said.

'It's a three days journey on foot, but it's not going to be easy in this weather. I can smell it already. It will rain by this evening,' Eric said.

'I may have an idea,' Connor said. We all gave him our attention.

'Tell us,' Eric said.

'Maya and I visited the local temple yesterday. She wanted to donate a few of the stuff she bought. Surprisingly, they were friendly to us since the priests and the mystics are united in their benevolent work for the less fortunate. I believe they might be willing to help us if we ask nicely.'

The two older male shared a look. 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking? 'Malik said to Eric.

'Getting a supply wagon full of provisions to Helding disguise as priests?'

Malik chuckled. 'I guess we are.'

Eric nodded with a grin. He then turned to Connor. 'Go get Maya. We're going to the temple.'

Connor grinned and hurried out.

'Fiori wants to accompany us,' I told Eric.

Why am I not surprised that he wasn't surprised? 'I know. She was here. You just missed her.'

'Do you trust her?' Wren asked.

'Stryker vouched for her. She is good people. And we'll be lucky to have her.'

I didn't ask how they managed to persuade the priests to donate a horse and a covered wagon, but I do know Ferard's mother donated a bunch of second-hand clothes and other household stuff to the temple on our behalf.

We had been living in her house for almost two full days now and she was bound to find out something about us sooner or later. Naturally, Rolf told her as I knew he would. He was too loyal to deceive her. Even when she found out she was cool with it. She didn't treat me any differently but she did stop me once to thank me for turning Ferard's life around. It was awkward taking credit for something I didn't do, although I felt like she just wanted to express her gratitude to someone and I was the lucky candidate she chose.

Eric couldn't wait to leave so after a few trips for some supplies downtown, we left the mansion in the late afternoon. Ferard came with us and his mother gave us her blessing before we left. She was more elated Russell was courting her son.

'Take good care of my larka,' she said to Russell after brushing off invisible dust at the latter's travelling cloak around the shoulders as if the man was already her son-in-law. Embarrassing Ferard further, she held his face between her palms and planted a kiss full on the mouth like a child. 'Fair well larka. Mummy loves you.'

Ferard blushed. 'Love you too mother.'

I couldn't prevent Connor and Silas from teasing Ferard after that.

Once again, Ferard's familiar face opened doors for us. Initially, the guards at the outer gate refused to let us out burner. Mr Popular pulled down the hood of his cloak. And just like that permission was granted.

Three hours later, it started to rain. A drizzle at first and then a near downpour. Fiori and Russell who had their horses didn't take refuge in the wagon like the rest of us. Neither did Malik who was driving and Eric who was on Ferard's horse. Wren reminded me that someone had to guard the wagon and they were it. They've already worked out a system. Wren, Connor and Rhett will take the next shift later.

We huddled close to keep warm and made idle chitchats to pass the time. I noticed Maya cosying up to Connor in a corner and she appeared comfortable.

Sometime later the wagon stopped. Thunder crashing and swooshing noises kept battering the sky and land which troubled me much since Wren and his wolf kin were disrobing for their shift outside.

Meanwhile, Silas and Ferard were fast asleep.

'Be careful out there,' Maya whispered to Connor, who responded with a nod and a squeeze to her forearm.

Wren gave me a blown kiss as he stepped outside into the storm. One at a time they shifted into their beast forms and dashed away.

'Is something wrong with Rhett?' Maya asked when they were gone.

For the past few days, the shifter had been quiet, yet not so distant. I found his behaviour pretty normal considering the anxiety he was going through because of the situation with his bondmate.

'Don't worry about him, he'll be alright. He just has a lot on his mind right now.' Rhett hasn't confided in anyone but Wren and me. And I wasn't about to betray his confidence. Maya seemed to get the message because she only nodded.

'How about you? Everything going good with Connor?'

The deemed feri-light above did nothing to conceal her blush. 'Things are moving along fine.' And she left it like that. I only smiled.

Last night storm kept me awake all night. And it took one step outside the wagon the next morning to understand why. Yes, indeed, it rained last night. And indeed, there was a strong gash of wind coming from the east. But it wasn't just the storm making all the noises. It's that we were camped right by the ocean. The waves swelled and thundered as I made my way down the beach. The expanse of the beach was vast and riddled with dunes.

I heard a familiar grunt behind one. I climbed up on it to see Russell thrusting vigorously between Ferard's opened legs. Naked from the waist down, he writhed from the brut force of his partner's thrust. Although, he didn't fail to give pleasure to the latter. Having his nipples pinched, sent Russell into a frenzy. Too soon he was cumming.

The trusting ceased as he shoved himself as far in as he could. Grunting, he gazed down at Ferard's satisfying grin. 'Ready for another round?' Russell asked.

'Ready when you are,' Ferard's replied.

Once again, the top moved with little calculative jabs that sent the bottom hissing in ecstasy.

Shaking my head smiling, I chose to leave them in their demise. From way up the dune, I could see Wren, Connor and Silas playing catch in the crushing waves. After a night on sentry duty, where did they the energy for such vigorous play?

I made my way down the dune when I spot Rhett sitting solemnly behind another dune. I made a beeline to him instead.

He was toying with some sort of amulet stringed with three white feathers. Must be a trinket from Farren.

'What's that?' I asked pointing to the trinket. I didn't want to know, just making conversation.

He glanced at me before staring down at the trinket. I sat down next to him.

'Farren made it for me so that I would always have a piece of him with me.'

That surprised me. 'Wait! Is that his mergent's actual feathers?'

Rhett gave a wan smile. 'Yeah.'

'Can I see it?' I said wanting to have a closer look.

'Sure,' he said handing it over. The feathers danced in the breeze as they touched my opened palm. With my other hand, I ran my fingers over the soft velvety texture.

I wondered where Farren was. From his crying thoughts, Rhett's had no clue.

But then I regretted asking.

A tingle sensation crawled over my entire skin as the irrevocable grip of a search vision took hold of me. My eyes clouded and when it cleared I was no longer at the beach.

I wasn't sure where I was at first, but as my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw a figure of a man leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his knees. Upon a closer inspection, I recognised my friend.

'Farren!' He didn't hear or see me until I touched him.

My presence didn't evoke any reaction, although he did reply. And when he did, his voice was flat and monotonous as if all the joy has been sucked out of him. That was nothing new of course, and I shrugged it off as Farren being himself.

'What are you doing here?' He said.

'I unintentionally touched the feathers you gave to Rhett and it brought me here. I didn't need to explain further because he was aware of my gift.

'How is Rhett?'

I smiled to know he cared so much for his bondmate. 'He misses you.' Again, I didn't need to clarify. I wished I could see his eyes more clearly. Having spent months with his stoic exterior, I've come to recognise that his eyes convey most of his emotions.

I tried to reach into his mind and met with a brick wall. He didn't have shielding abilities but somehow he managed to block me with an actual thought of a brick wall. I sniggered. "Nice one," I told him telepathically. Since it wasn't a real mental shield, he heard me.

He grinned became I sensed it through his mind.

Footsteps brought me to my feet and soon they were opening his cell.

They were armed guards with sheathed weapons. 'They are ready for you,' one of them said. As Farren, there was not a hint of emotions that came through.

Farren got up and walked out of the cell. They flanked him as they walked away. I followed closely behind.

"Where are they taking you?"

"To the meeting hall. Today they will deliver my verdict," he projected back.


The meeting hall was a fusion between a throne room and an indoor arena; with huge pillars and paved marble floor and a throne. There were also bleachers; three stories high with no balustrades to stop the spectators from plummeting to their death. It was packed full with a mixed gendered crowd in boring white and different shades of beige and saffron-coloured robes.

Now that I was being observant, there were three raised platforms with throne-like chairs on the first bleacher. King Warren sat on the throne in the middle flanked by his brothers. By his side was a beautiful woman with delicate features in the only red dress around. She must be his queen.

Far-right on the throne on another raised platform sat an older man. He wore all black and his clean-shaven face did nothing to soften his vacant expression. He was also flanked by a handful of stern-looking men. So far they were the only odd ones out. They were displaying emotions.

Way across the room, on the throne opposite the black robe man, sat a middle-aged woman with a stiff posture. Her face was more or less neutral but she has the no-nonsense kind of stare about her. She was flanked by a handsome young man among a bevy of ladies. But they seemed tame compare to their counterpart across the room.

I wanted to know what was going on but something was blocking my telepathy. I wasn't entirely sure but I thought I felt an inhibitor crystal close by. I could try to locate it but there were too many buzzing sounds coming from the crowd which gave me the mental image of a beehive.

I appeared to be in stealth mode because no one noticed when I move closer to Farren.

Suddenly, the guards sprung giant pairs of wings and flew off. I forgot that these people were mergers. A fact that sent me scanning the room once more for birds. Most of them weren't there, but some were present nonetheless. Stiff-lady's bird was in her lap. She was gently and patiently patting it.

The crowd grew quiet as a senior looking man broke rank and came to stand in front of Farren. The man nodded slightly to Farren before facing King Warren.

'Your Majesty,' he repeated and bowed to each of the occupied thrones in turn.

Wait! Do the Neonates have three kings? I didn't know that. I worried about what that would mean for the alliance.

'Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen, yet again we convene to discuss the case of Farren, the second son of Warren the first of the Whitelaw royal lineage,' the man said. 'Let me remind you of the crimes committed by the accused. While discharging his duty as an ambassador of the people in the outer world Farren son of Whitelaw engaged himself into the heathen practice of bedding other males, which I remind the assembly that this is a crime punishable by a hundred lashes in itself. Yet his indiscretion did not end here. He intendedly let himself be seduced and thus engaged in this heinous act long enough to forge a mate bond with one of those heathens.'

Despite their obvious disdain, most if not everyone were completely stoic in their demeanour. They were being true to the stereotype of the Neornite race.

I frowned at the man even though he couldn't see me. Did he just call my friends and me heathens? I downed the urge to crush him where he stood.

'To his defence, life outside our borders can be seductively enticing. It takes a great deal of self-restraint. One that as a direct descendant of a pure-blood royal lineage should be able to resist. Thus proving my point that he, Farren of the Whitelaw lineage did these crimes willingly.' The man paused and glanced back at Farren. My winged friend was devoid of any emotions just like his kin.

'However, in light of what has happened to the accused, his predicament raised an important question. A question we had been debating over for months now. Should we risk breaking seclusion knowing fully well what lies outside our borders? What we would be subjecting our people to? And to what cost? Is it to the expense of our culture, our way of life and the very fabric of our core beliefs? Your Majesties, ladies and gentlemen, it is not my place to pass judgement. So, it is up to you to decide.' He finished with a bow before moving aside from Farren.

The hall was silent with all eyes on King Warren. Calm and collected he shifted in his seat. 'A decision has to be made today and it looks like two separated motions have now become one. A lot has been said about both issues but is there anybody else who wishes to bring something new to light.'

A few older males from the crowd stood and basically repeated what the proctor said. When the last man has said his piece the Black King spoke. 'There is no getting around this. Our people don't want the seclusion to end. And your brother just cemented the deal here Warren. As a King, I would go with the people on this.'

There were murmurs of agreement in the crowd. And I began to notice they were mostly coming from the older generations.

'You are not the king now, Balen,' stiff-lady said from her throne. 'That privilege is Warren's. You'll have to wait for your turn.'

The Black king scolded but he said nothing.

Stiff-lady smirked. Then she turned her gaze in the crowd towards a young woman in a pale green assemble.

'The old people had a lot to say and we have yet to hear from the younger generation. Karen, you look like you have something to say.'

The young woman smiled from the second story bleachers. Her obvious cheerfulness made her stand out in the sea of robots. Unlike the others who spoke before her, she stood, unfold her wings, and flew down towards us.

'Thank you, Your Majesty, I do have something to say.'

She bowed to Warren and the other two leaders before she spoke again. 'I am speaking in defence of Farren Whitelaw. I've heard countless arguments about him breaking the law and of his digression. But none of you questioned the mate mark on his wrist.' She paused for effect as each person looked at each other quizzically.

'What is your point, Larkin,' the King Balen said impatiently.

The girl grinned. 'My point your Majesty is that we are the one breaking the law here.'

'That preposterous!' The King Balen roared. And he wasn't the only one. He and his people ranted about disrespect amongst other things before King Warren intervened.

'Quiet!' He yelled. 'This is not a fish market.'

Silence descended on the crowd.

'Karen is a member of our community, like everyone she has the right to express herself. Now, Larkin, I fail to see the connection between what you're saying with the issue here so get to the point.'

Her grinned never went away. She was stirring shit up and she knew it. That made me chuckled.

'The glyph was gifted to us by the Feri. It changes according to our needs and perception. Many years ago, our numbers have greatly dwindled from the constant waring with the Northenders, and so the breeder glyph reflected our need to populate and replenish our ranks. We all would agree that we had met that goal, wouldn't you say. Moreover, the glyph is susceptible to our emotions as well, a fact that most of you chose to ignore. That's why we have adopted to suppress the said emotions the way we did. As a proctor in training, I can tell you that the strategy worked. But that doesn't mean it was perfect. In truth, there is a flaw in that design. You see, when we find our true mate, emotions can't be held back. In our archive, countless records had proven that strong emotional outburst may occur in such event. Recognising the potentially devastating effect of depriving someone of their mate, our elders went and amended the breeder only rules to allow bond-mates to find and be with each other. So you see, even if Farren Whitelaw was strong-willed, he didn't stand a chance against the emotional turmoil of finding his mate. Yes, it's unfortunate that his true mate is male and an outworlder, but he found him nonetheless. Are we to punish him for that? Punish him for something he had no control over? That is all I have to say.' She sighed before bowing to Warren and then stared the crowd down, daring them to disagree with her.

None did.

Stiff-lady laughed; a weird hysterical-like sound that made me cringed.

'The youngling has a point and I find myself agreeing with her. We are so keen on upholding the law, so why should this one be different.' She stood from her throne and took a few step forward. Her bird flew off and returned to her. It landed on her shoulder. 'I've heard all the arguments. And I might say, I am fairly disappointed in us as a people. Our years in isolation has turned us into snivelling idiots. I could go one but I do not want to rant. So I leave you with this question, when did we become such cowards?'

Complete silence followed her as she returned to her seat.

I scanned the crowd and found many were lost in thoughts. Good. I hope they were reflecting on her words.

'Thank you Queen Myren,' Warren said. I couldn't help noticing the smirked on his face. 'In the matter of Farren, the second son of Whitelaw royal lineage, and in light of the rectifying clause the proctor neglected to explore in his debate, I declare all accusations against him to be null and void.'

The proctor paled at that. It was his job to present the fact in accordance to the law and he failed. And he knew it too. He just lost credibility and I doubt he would be taken seriously again.

'As for bringing the seclusion to an end, I say we end it now,' he chuckled, 'after all, I never considered you all or myself a coward.'

His words were deliberate, and it had the desired effect. One by one, people stood and barred their faces with an open palm while tilting downward. It was a sigh of respect and declaration of fealty. They've chosen to agree with him and to follow him wherever he may lead them.

I beamed in satisfaction. I was mostly glad that I didn't have to interfere.

I turned to Farren, who was still as stoic as ever but his eyes. They were misty.

"Where are you guys?" He said before I opened my mouth to say goodbye. I've been here too long. I've feeling my physical pull for a while now.

'We're on our way to Helding. We're rescuing Charlie.'

He nodded. 'Tell Rhett...'

I didn't hear the rest of it because I was already gone.


End of chapter 16

Next: Chapter 108: The Feri War 17

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