The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Apr 4, 2021


Happy reading!

The feri war

Chapter 14

'Where to now?' Wren asked.

'We can't leave yet,' I said to which Stryker halted in his track.

'Do you know something we don't?' He asked.

There were too many eyes and ears at the entrance of the Guild headquarters, so I used telepathy. "The Guild masters may be assholes but I caught a few errant thoughts from the commanders. Some of them are sympathetic to our cause. Give then time. They will come around."

Stryker's face visibly brightened. 'That's good news.'

'That is truly good news,' Malik echoed. 'Follow me. I know a place we can stay for the night.'

Wren laced his fingers with mine and we followed Malik through the city streets. It looks like Roccia had been one of these places that hadn't known hardship. The streets were clean, the buildings were pristine and the people were well dressed. Well, maybe this is where the wealthy people hang out.

We arrived at a beautiful three story house. Malik knocked on the hard wood surface and a beautiful woman opened the door.

'Malik!' She exclaimed. She pulled him in for a tight hug. She then ushered us inside.

'Your Majesty, this is my sister Una.'

We exchanged hugs and kisses before she led us to the living room.

'Rye, what you did back there was freaking awesome!' Connor said.

'Don't encourage him, Connor. It's not even funny. Rye, you do realise you just caused us a shit load of trouble. You threatened their livelihood for Great Feri's sake,' Eric said sternly.

'I do realise that. Perhaps you didn't notice, they've been discussing us before we got there. And they've already made their decision. As you heard, they have no intention of backing down.'

'Still, you could have chosen a more diplomatic approach. What's going to stop them from coming after us now?' Eric countered.

'Eric, you were the first person to teach me that to create allies one has to impress the intended party with your wealth, your existing alliances and above all your power,' I replied.

Wren chuckled. 'Uh, yeah. You taught him that brother.'

'What is done, is done,' Stryker said. 'Now let's hope His Majesty's strategy works.'

I didn't regret what I said ... and did. These people were assholes, and you reward assholes by being assholes to them.

Malik's sister Una wasn't mated. She lives in that big house alone. She didn't have any servants. She took care of their late elderly father until he died last year. Shyly, she barely made eye contact with any of us.

Maya went to help her cook dinner. Connor followed them.

As I predicted, one of the commanders showed up shortly after we arrived there. She met with Stryker in the living room. Eric and Malik were there too.

It was now late afternoon, Wren, Rhett, Ferard and I were on the rooftop terrace. There was no sunset on the horizon but it was still bright enough to see the city from way up here. It was truly beautiful. Few trees, as expected from a city, but the architecture was spectacular. Since space was limited, houses stood shoulder to shoulder. And since there were no garden, all houses had a rooftop terrace.

We marvelled at the sight. Except for Rhett. He was looking but he wasn't seeing. I think he was too anxious to hear the verdict of Farren's trial. He went downstairs a while later.

'Hey! Where are you going?' Wren yelled after him.

'Leave him be, atsa.'

'Another commander just entered the house,' Ferard said after some time. He was leaning forward against the balustrade.

'That's the third one. Do you think we'll get more?' Wren asked. He positioned himself behind me and enveloped me in his arms. He kissed my neck.

I hope there will be more but we would be leaving tomorrow. Charlie is still waiting for us to rescue him.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an animal jumped on the balustrade from next door. It startled me.

'It's only a cat, atsa. Look how cute it is,' my mate said. He reached out and scratched the animal's back. It purred its appreciation.

I sniggered. A wolf calling a cat cute. Bron will have a field day with that comment.

The cat was black as night, and in the human realm, such a creature crossing your path is a bad omen. I wasn't superstitious but I sincerely hope it wasn't a harbinger for something darker.

Wren picked it up and cradled it to his chest.

'You should get rid of that pest,' Ferard said with disgust.

He jumped a metre away When Wren came close to him with it.

'What's up with you?' Wren asked. 'It's only a harmless cat. Look, you're scaring him.'

'I don't like cats. My mom had one when I was little and it clawed my face off because it was jealous she was paying more attention to me.'

Wren and I laughed, with me the loudest.

'What a coincidence. The same thing happened to me when I was little. But I've learnt to love them since.'

Ferard shivered when he looked at the cat and bolted downstairs.

Wren laughed his ass off.

We each took a chair and chatted about trivial matters, mostly concerning our group of friends.

After a while, we grew quiet. I glanced at Wren and he had his eyes closed. Although, he was still stroking the cat.

'Do you think Charlie is doing ok?'

'It's hard to tell really,' he said. Then elaborated when I said nothing. 'Well, I guess it all depends on his captors. And to what purpose he is being detained. If it's information they want from him then torture will be their method of choice. But I doubt he's sleeping in luxury.'

I sighed. 'Hang in there, Char. We're coming,' I whispered.

'Your Majesty,' Maya said approaching us, 'dinner is ready.'

'Maya, how many times do I have to remind you to call me Rye? Enough with the formalities, we're friends.'

She flushed. 'It's hard to do that, especially with a title like yours,' she said.

'Yeah. I am the High King of the Feres. You should respect me or else I will smite you ,' Wren teased in the same voice I used on the Guild masters.

'Shut up,' I said laughing. If it wasn't for the cat, I would have thrown something at him.

Maya giggled.

Dinner was uneventful, save for the conversation about the four commanders that came to enlist.

The cat had followed Wren inside and was now rubbing against my mate's legs. Periodically, Wren would feed him scraps from his plate.

Wren and I were not intimate that night. Ferard was sharing our room. Not that it would have mattered if we did, but I wasn't in the mood. Like the night before, I couldn't sleep. I was too unsettled. If I was in the human realm, I would have made a trip downstairs, raid the fridge and binge-watch movies, but here there's nothing to do after sundown.

Wren was fast asleep next to me. I debated whether I should wake him so he would distract me. I did that the other night and I felt guilty afterwards. Ferard was snoring across the room and I also didn't want to disturb him.

After a while, I got up and went to the rooftop terrace with a blanket over my shoulders. I knew it would be cold out.

Surprisingly, Roccia was well lit at night. Streetlamps dotted the streets and one might think they've discovered electricity. They haven't of course, and I wondered what they were running on.

Sitting on the cold chair, I made myself as comfortable by drawing my legs to my chest. Leaning my head back, I gazed at the night sky. It was a miracle to be seeing stars. Ever since winter began, there has been nothing but angry dark clouds up there. It was refreshing to have this at least.

After some time, I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply.

Once again, the cat startled me when he meowed. He must have followed me out.

'Well there,' I said in a gentle voice. 'You couldn't sleep either, huh.'

He meowed again as if to say he wasn't bothered. I grinned.

'Of course, you're aren't sleepy. You're a cat. And cats prowl during the night.'

I created a space between my legs and chest. I patted it, encouraging the cat to jump up. He must be a clever cat because he did exactly that.

Instead of curling up into a ball, he just sat staring at my face. I supposed he needed a distraction as well.

I call three ferilights from nearby. The cat watched as they flew towards us. His eyes stayed fixed on them as I made them dance above our heads.

Cats loved chasing lights, this one didn't seem to share that passion. He just sat there and watched.

I was beginning to feel that there was something odd with that cat. Leaving the ferilights unmoving above I gently cradled its face between my palms.

I stared into his eyes.

The mental image of a pair of human eyes stared back at me.

'Definitely odd..." I thought. I didn't release the cat though.

Then, I remembered something Farren told me once. In Targeten not all animals are what they appeared to be. Some were familiars like Pitch, Amegra's crow.

"I believe my friend, you are an animal familiar," I projected into the cat's mind. "Whoever you are watching me, I can see you."

The minute I said that the cat got agitated. He scratched at my hand and I had no choice but to release him. He darted towards the neighbouring rooftop terrace and leapt.

I grinned.

I didn't need the cat to find the perpetrator. I took a good look at his surrounding and I can be there within seconds. However, I had a better idea instead.

Gather ferilights around him, I teleported him to me.

As the ferilights faded, a boy faced me with apprehension in his eyes.

His surprise was short-lived because within seconds blue sparkles were forming around him.

'Trying to escape? I wouldn't do that if I were you.'

I sent the three light spheres I played with earlier to circle him. His blue sparkles dissipated.

'Who are you? Who sent you to spy on us?'

'No one sent me.' He was scared. And he was telling the truth. I was already in his head.

'And your name?'

'Silas, Your Majesty.' He spied on us, so obviously he would know my title.

'Well, Silas. Let me try and guess what you were doing. You sent the cat through this rich neighbourhood to case the houses so you could come to steal from them later.'

His eyes grew big, wondering how I got this information. He told me himself, unknowingly from his thoughts.

'I only steal food. They have plenty of it. They won't even miss it,' he said. Was that contempt in his voice?

Food isn't the only thing he had stolen. So, that statement was a lie. My little friend here was a pretty crafty pickpocket as well.

So, there were poor people here too after all. I should have realised that all these rich people would need lower-class people to work for them. How could I miss that?

'If it's the food you're after then come. I'll feed you.'

I teleported us to the kitchen. The ferilights from the ceiling came to life and I could see Silas more clearly.

He was wearing a typical Targ garb; a long tunic tied at the waist with a belt and long tight pants. Over them was a travelling coat with a hood. His assemble were clean and new, I'm guessing he might have stolen them, except for his coat and boots. They were old and worn.

I sat him at the table and fished a bowl from the cupboard. I served him some vegetable stew. I also placed a piece of bread and some grilled meat on a side plate before him. After, pouring him some water, I joined him at the table.

Elbows planted on the table, I support my chin with both hands. I watched him as he wolfed down every morsel.

I heard the front door opened and closed. Who could that be? Then I remembered not seeing Rhett at dinner.

He must have picked up our scent because he sauntered in a moment later.

'Who is this?' He asked pointing to the boy who was busy eating.

'A little thief,' I said. 'Silas, meet Rhett.'

Hunched over his food, Silas barely nodded his acknowledgement. And when Rhett's stomach growled he comically pulled his bowl closer to him.

I laughed. 'Sit, I'll get you something to eat,' I told Rhett.

'Where did you go?' I asked after serving him.

'I wanted to go for a run, alas this place doesn't have a park big enough for such activities.'

I watched him intently. 'Any news?' I didn't elaborate but he knew what I meant.

'No. I'm worried sick that something might have happened to him.'

It was perfectly understandable. Farren was his bondmate. He was worried for him.

I wanted to ask him some more questions but judging by his aloofness, I decided not to.

I turned to Silas. 'So, tell us your story?'

'There's nothing to tell,' he said, to which I gave him an incredulous stare.

He put down his spoon and wiped his mouth with a napkin. 'I grew up in an orphanage somewhere outside Seaport city. When I turned fourteen two years ago, they threw me out and said I should learn to fend for myself...'

'You're sixteen? I thought you were twelve,' Rhett said with a grin. And he wasn't wrong. Silas did look twelve; short, skinny with a boyish face.

Silas reddened. 'Anyway, I went to Seaport to find work but I didn't have any skills that could be useful. The tradesmen didn't want to invest time and money on a street urchin so they all turned me down. At the orphanage, I assisted master Tyron as an assistant animal trainer.'

'Of course, that was where you learn animal familiar magic,' I said.

'Yes. Unfortunately, it's a dying profession. People no longer need familiars anymore. So I had to develop other skills to survive the streets. On my very first try, I was caught picked pocketing by a guy and he almost beat me to death. I was saved by Dorian. He nursed me back to life and took me under his wing. He showed me the ropes. He became my big brother.'

'Dorian is an orphan?' I said.

Silas shook his head no. 'He had family in Pixan but he never talked about them. He got involved with a street boss and stowed away on a ship bound for Seaport when he lost an expensive bag of dream berries he was supposed to deliver.'

I know of dream berries. Kane used one to neutralise the warg venom in his system to heal. It's a powerful drug. The catatonic state Dale and I found him in was scary. Huh! Targ communities weren't any different from that of the human community I grew up in. Crimes and drug dealers, nothing new.

'Where is he now?' I asked.

'He turned eighteen last summer and wanted to join the Guild as a warrior. He moved here to Roccia for the opportunity. Although he was of age and possessed elemental power, no squad wanted him. He was untrained with magic and his combat skills were acquired in the street. I stayed at Seaport because I didn't want to move here. At least there I had my little shack. After a month in Roccia, Dorian stopped sending me whispers. He wouldn't do that unless something happened to him. So it's been a month and a half now since I've been searching for him.'

'And you haven't found him yet,' Rhett said.

'Yes. And I fear his former boss might have caught up with him.'

'What made you think that?' Rhett asked.

'Another orphan told me he heard it from a guy called Trash.'

'And where is this Trash now? Maybe I can interrogate him for you,' I said.

He grinned knowingly and then grew sombre. 'He's in the wind. He stole something valuable from someone extremely influential.'

His situation reminded me of Dale and Eva. They were living in the streets before Niall, the Redhurst clan alpha took them in. They were fortunate to have been found by a kind and generous soul. I wanted to be that person for Silas. There were plenty of rooms at Notwitt and plenty of people to love and care for him.

Am I ready for this kind of responsibility? Well, I wasn't alone. I'll have to discuss it with my bondmate.

'Ok, here is what we'll do. You can accompany us to Pixan and I'll help you look for him there.'

Silas gave me a face widening smile.

Rhett sniggered. "Your generosity knows no bounds," he was thinking.

Generosity may be, Charlie raised me that way. Although, I am not doing this for praise nor out of pity. Silas, himself won me over. He's kind, caring and loyal to the point of leaving his comfort zone to go in search of a missing friend he'd known but for a short while out of concerns. He didn't know what he would find in Roccia, yet he went there anyway. That's bravery.

The question now was how will I be able to convince Eric that the boy was coming with us.

As it turned out, Eric didn't need much convincing. I sat him and Wren down and told them Silas story and predicament. Eric was sold the moment I mentioned Silas' ability to train familiars. He said it was a skill that might come in handy in this war. He wasn't being selfish or cold-hearted, he just was thinking more like a war general.

Late morning we left Una's home in Roccia via shallow pool to the witch city of Soren. Stryker stayed behind with Malik's sister. He will remain there a few more days just in case more commanders showed up.

If I found Roccia beautiful, then Soren was breath-taking. We got access to their pool because of Ferard. Wren told me the wencher was rich in passing but he didn't say how rich. Ferard was the nephew of the Lord of Soren, the most powerful and influential person in the city. The pool sentry recognised him instantly and allowed us through.

'Master Cummore, welcome home, sir.' A male servant said at the front door of his family mansion.

'Ferard Cummore,' I whispered candidly to Wren. He sniggered. How ironic he has a last name that matches his thirst for cum.

'Rolf, these are my friends. Prepare the guess chambers, they'll be spending the night.'

Rolf scanned us with appraising eyes. He was the kind of person that always has a gentle caring smile that made you feel welcomed. He was a bit surprised when his eyes fell on me. He recognised me. For a minute there I thought he was a telepath, and I wondered how he got past my mental shield. Then I realised my glyph-less wrist was on display.

He inclined his head in acknowledgement but didn't betray what he knew.

'Where's my mother?' Ferard asked.

Before Rolf could reply, a female voice shrieked from the balustrade above. 'Fayfay you're home!'

The chubby yet elegantly dressed woman in her late fifties came flying down the stairs into her son's arms.

'Fayfay, you bad boy. It's been five years since you visit your poor mother.'

Silas and Connor sniggered each time she said Fayfay.

'I'm fine, mother.'

'I know dear but your poor father was so worried.'

It was strange to see Ferard this way. He was a completely different person from the Ferard I've come to know.

'I'm sorry, mother. How is father, by the way?'

'Much better than before. You should go and see him. He has been waiting for you.' That was when she realised she had company. 'Greetings. I'm happy to meet you all. Any friend of Fayfay is welcome in this house. Please, do feel at home.'

I don't understand how she could have a son like Ferard. The guy obviously was raised in luxury, pampered by dotting parents and surrounded by love. How did he end up in the filthy state he was in when Wren and I found him in Theran?

'It's a good thing you showed up when you did. Your cousin Roland is throwing a witnessing ceremony tonight. You and your friends can attend. Rolf, give him the invitation, will you?'

'Yes, my Lady,' Rolf said

'Mother, please. I don't feel like going to a party right now.'

She placed her hands at her waist and stare sternly at her son. 'Fayfay, you've been gone a long time and people are starting to gossip. You will go tonight and represent your father and me.'

Whatever she was asking of him was important to her. And she wasn't giving him much of a choice.

Ferard sighed. 'All right, mother. We will go.'

'Wonderful! Rolf will get your friend something proper to wear.' Her happy face returned and she was even more elated.

She led us to a luxuriously decorated family room and have the servant served us tea with some finger food. Then she and Ferard left to visit his father upstairs. The older man was bedridden and not in the best of health.

Wren, Connor, Rhett and Silas laughed when they left.

'Did you know Ferard was this wealthy?' Eric asked Wren.

'Yes, but I didn't know he was Lord Cummore's nephew.'

'What's a witnessing ceremony?' Maya asked to which Eric chuckled.

'It's a thing wealthy people here in The Sear does. Normally, when a same-sex couple takes a breeder to start a family, they perform the breeding publicly to acknowledge the legitimacy of the child they are siring,' Malik explained.

'You mean they copulate in front of everyone?' Maya exclaimed. I felt she was both appalled and intrigued.

'Yes, but only people of similar status as them will be invited. Usually family, friends and equally wealthy neighbours.'

'You don't have to go if you don't want to Maya,' Connor said.

It was early in the afternoon and our sleeping quarters weren't ready yet. So we had some time on our hands. Well, not exactly. We didn't come to Soren to be with Ferard's family. We came to meet a contact of Malik's that can give us more information about The Sear and the witch council. We're heading to Pixan, so we need to know who we're up against.

'Malik and I are going to meet his contact. Rye, you should come with us,' Eric said.

'What will we do here then?' Connor asked.

'Why don't you and Maya take Silas for some shopping. He needs better shoes and travelling coat,' Eric said.

Maya liked the idea. She get to do some sight seeing. Silas did too by the looks of him.

'I'm going to find a park. I need a run. My beast is agitated,' Rhett said to which Eric nodded.

'I'm coming with you,' Wren said to Rhett.

'It's not fair,' I whined. 'They get to have fun and I get a boring meeting.'

They all laughed. They knew I was joking.

We left before the others. We hired a coach because the man we're meeting with lived on the other side of the city.

'Rye, Soren might be friendly, but try not to reveal who you are to them. Like Helding, many nobles here has ties to Pixan. We don't want news of our whereabouts to reach the capital,' Malik said.

I nodded in agreement.

The man we were meeting was a former council member of the witch council. Malik used to work for him as a junior assistant. As a junior assistant, he wasn't privy to confidential documents. So, the man was invaluable to our mission.

Frankly, when Charlie spoke of his sister's bondmate, I thought he served as a member of the council. But now I knew better.

The coach halted in front of a cosy little cottage with a beautiful flower garden all around it. As we got out, an old man came out to meet us.

'Lord Henry.' Malik bowed to the man.

'Malik, come in son. Come in.'

We followed the old man to the back porch where he had prepared some hot beverages for us.

'Today is a beautiful day. The sun is finally out. For days I've been depressed with those winter clouds and the cold,' the old man said.

'Sorry for asking. Will Master Gregory be joining us?' Malik asked as we took our seats around the table.

A dark veil came down over the old man's face for a microsecond before he brightened up again.

'I know you came all this way to see him, but I'm afraid Master Gregory won't be joining us. He passed away three days ago, not long after you contacted him.'

'I'm so sorry for your loss. You know, Master Gregory was a good man. And he loved you very much, he never shut up about it at work,' Malik said.

Lord Henry chuckled loudly.

'That bondmate of mine was everything I could have wanted. We were the same age but somehow he knew he would die before I did. The man spent every waking moment making me happy so I won't miss him when he was gone. And I don't, because we have so many joyful memories together that would last me a hundred lifetimes.'

He revelled in the memories of his mate. And I was there with him. I couldn't help myself, his thoughts were so loud.

One particular memory made me gasped.

'Oh my God! He bought you this cottage just because he wanted you to have a garden with as many flowers as the days you've been together. That's so romantic.'

He laughed, while Eric and Malik frowned at me.

Oops! I just broke my promise to them about not revealing my identity.

Lord Henry caught on the exchange between us. And he smiled.

'Malik, I know who he was from the moment you showed up here. Gregory never told you, but I am a telepath. If you want to blame someone then blame yourself. By the way your Majesty, your mental shield is flawless. I couldn't get past it without being detected,' he said and winked at me.

'Thank you, I guess,' I said shyly.

Eric was disappointed we wouldn't be getting anything from the late master Gregory, and Henry just scanned him.

I need to teach them how to shield their thoughts, from people like Henry and me.

'Gregory and I had a mental bond as well. We often shared thoughts. I could tell you all he knew about the council.'

Mental bond? I was fishing for answers in his mind as soon as he said that. He knew I was in his head, but he didn't fight me. Instead, he pulled the memory I wanted to the surface so I could get easier access to it. He did that without even tripping over his words in the oral conversation with us.


'The council is being led by a man named Callum Hunter. He was appointed as the leader after Lord Baxter died. Be careful with this man. He is very crafty. He is a narcissist with a god complex, who also happens to be a duo-powered warlock. That's a witch who had inherited powers from both parents. He is both a strong telepath and a fire elemental. This is a deadly combination of powers because he worked out a way to combine them both.'

Eric was intrigued. 'How so?'

'With this secret weapon, he can create an explosion with his mind. Now think what he can do with such a power. He once killed a man by creating a mini-explosion directly into his heart.'

Wow! 'Is that why Master Gregory left the council?' I asked.

Henry laughed. 'Great deduction, your Majesty. And the answer is yes. When the man died, Gregory led an investigation. An autopsy was performed and the physicians were baffled and couldn't tell how the victim's heart just burst open from the inside without an apparent source. Without a reasonable explanation, they ruled it out as death from a natural cause. Gregory knew better. He figured it out from a confrontation with Callum.'

Eric went quiet. He was assimilating the new information. 'If Callum was a powerful telepath, how did Master Gregory flew over his radar?'

Lord Henry grinned. 'I told you already.'

'Because of the mind bond, your mind shield extended to him as well,' I said.

Henry answered with a grin.

'Who was the man Callum killed?' Malik asked with curiosity.

'The former council leader, Lord Baxter.'


End of chapter 14

Next: Chapter 106: The Feri War 15

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