The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Mar 30, 2021


Happy reading!

The feri war

Chapter 13

I thought we would leave for Helding at first light but Devlin asked us to wait for Stryker. I don't know what the deal was but it allowed me to sleep a little bit longer. Not that I could get any more sleep.

Awake, I freshened up and left my chambers to get some coffee.

Absentmindedly, I walked down the corridor leading to the kitchen. Just as I rounded a bend, I crashed into a servant girl. Warm liquid soaked my tunic as I helplessly watched the cups she was carrying broke into pieces on the floor.

'Watch where you're going idiot?' She said pinning me with a stern gaze.

'Fara!' A more senior servant yelled at the girl and rushed to me. 'Forgive her your Majesty. She's new here and she still learning the ropes.'

Hearing Hetty called me by my title shocked the girl. She blanched like a poached chicken before dropping down on her knees and touched the floor with her forehead.

'I'm so sorry your Majesty. I didn't know it was you. Please forgive my clumsiness. Please, please don't punish me,' she cried.

Looking at her, I sighed. She looked far too young to be a servant. What was she, 14? And she looked unrefined in both appearance and behaviour to be in servitude. 'Where did she come from?'

'Lady Jan brought her in yesterday,' Hetty started. Then she launched into the story of how Jan had to save Fara from being severely punished for stealing food in the market. The poor girl was hungry and she and her older sister barely have enough to eat since they arrived in Ryestown.

'What happened to your parents?' I asked the girl directly.

She kept her head low as she answered. 'My parents were killed by werewolves while trying to save my little brother. They were out in the fields when it happened. My sister and I barely escaped with our lives.'

I took pity on her. To go through so much at such a young age. 'Where's your sister now?'

She wiped away her teary eyes and snivelled. 'She's in the infirmary getting treatment for the injury she sustained while escaping the werewolves.'

I studied her for a moment.

'Hetty, I need some coffee.'

'Right away your Majesty,' she said backing away.

I squatted next to Fara and helped her pick up the broken pieces of ceramic. 'Dry your tears. It's my fault we collided. Next time I'll be more careful.'

'Thank you, your Majesty,' she said still a bit perturbed.

Hetty brought me my coffee, I thanked her and was about to leave when I smelled pancakes.

I usually associated pancakes with Charlie, so for a minute there I thought he was back. But I quickly dismissed the foolish thought.

I followed the aroma to the kitchen where I found Alessa assisting a cute guy flipping the pastry over the stove.

'Chase. When did you get here?'

Both he and Alessa glanced at me.

'Hey, Rye. I arrived late last night. Dad wanted to tell me what happened in person.'

So he knew his father was missing. It looked like he wasn't disturbed by the news.

'How are you handling it?'

His whole demeanour changed before my eyes. He paused what he was doing, his shoulders sagged and he stared at the flame. Alessa placed the plate she was holding on the counter and grabbed the pan from him. 'Here, let me try,' she said.

Chase stepped away from the stove and came to sit at the table I was leaning against.

'I'm worried as hell,' he said rubbing the palm of his hand over his face. 'But I know dad will be ok. He's a tough guy. He can take care of himself.'

I placed a hand on his shoulder. 'Don't worry. I will bring him back. I promise.'

He looked up at me. 'I know you will. I just wish I could be there with you when you do.'

'Eric told you to stay, didn't he?'

'Yeah. He's afraid something would happen to me too. That's why he sent for me. He wants me to remain here while he's away.'

'He loves you Chase. He wants you safe.'

'I know,' he resigned.

I ruffled his hair and put on a smile. 'I'll take care of them for you. Now go help Alessa. I think she's burning the pancakes.'

He sniggered and hurried to the stove. I watched them in amusement for a while before leaving them to their demise.

When I entered the lounge, Nick was there chatting with Kane. Aiden, Connor's younger brother was there too but he was hunched over a parchment spread over a small table.

'What's he doing here?' I asked the guys.

'We have a debriefing with Devlin later and he wants to be ready for his presentation,' Nick said with a chuckle. 'He takes his work way too seriously.'

'Where's my brother?' Kane said. He was referring to Wren. It's was true we've been rarely seen apart for a while now. But we still do our own stuff now and then.

'No idea. He went out early saying something about meeting someone to discuss something. Aren't you a bit too early? The briefing is in three hours.'

Before Kane could replied, the reason for his punctuality waltzed in. He blushed.

Nick laughed. He must have felt the surge of emotions coming from the both of them. Frankly, I didn't need empathy to see that.

Eston greeted us and stood uncomfortably with pent up excitement. He was nervous and he kept shaking his sweaty palms.

'If you'll excuse us, gentlemen. Eston and I have something to discuss,' Kane said half dragging Eston by the arm out the corridor.

Nick and I laughed at their expense.

'I guarantee you those two are going for a roll in the hay,' Nick said.

Nick eyed my wet tunic with raised eyebrows. Whatever he was thinking he kept to himself.

I sat next to him on the sofa. I pulled my legs underneath me and sipped at my mug.

I saw Nick rubbed his temples with his eyes closed. Why is he wearing gloves?

'Are you okay?'

'It's only a headache, that's all.'

'Are you sure?' It looked more than a simple headache to me.

He sighed. His eyes were still closed.

'My empathy has gotten stronger ever since your grandmother linked our minds in the Memorium.'

I frowned. 'How come?'

'I don't know. Before I could feel others emotions if they were very close or picked up residual emotions from a particular place if it was fresh. But now, I can feel every single person's emotions in the whole citadel. And every object I touch comes with an emotional attachment. Now think of last night when everyone was frantically worried about Char. Alessa and I slept in the Memorium last night. It was the only place where it was quiet.'

'I'm sorry Nick.' I was about to comfort him with a touch when I remembered what he just said.

Nicholas has been in control of his abilities longer than I have mine. He just has to reign in the new ones. 'You'll get them under control for sure.'

'Yeah,' he said.

I found Maya and Connor on the bench Wren made for me at the overhang. They were quietly chatting away.

'You guys found my favourite spot.'

Maya looked up and smiled at me. 'I like it here. It kind of reminds me of home.'

I know what she meant. Her cottage lies on the edge of the precipice at Mathyel with a spectacular view also.

Maya scooched over so I could sit down.

'I'm sorry I didn't have time to show you around yesterday. I completely neglected you,' I told her.

'I understand. Connor did me the honours.'

'I've heard,' I said with a knowing grin.

Connor blushed.

'I forgot to ask. Will you guys be coming with us on the rescue mission?'

'Definitely, yes,' Connor said. 'Maya?'


I tilted my head upward and let the cool breeze washed over my face. The scent of wet soil and grass entered my nostril. Not my favourite smell but this was the wet season, well, their version of winter.

Theran looked peaceful from up here. I felt the urge to go down there and spend some time with Wain. I haven't seen him for a while. Maybe do a little shopping while I'm at it.

'It's a shame there isn't any garden here,' Maya said.

I grinned. 'There is.' I point towards the secret entrance at the far corner of the overhang. 'Right through there.'

'Really?!' Maya said enthusiastically.

'You can check it out if you want.'

She and Connor left to explore.

Splashing noises came from the shallow pool. I turned to see Wren with two other people.

'Over here, atsa,' I shouted. He came to me. One of the people was Rhett. He looked the same but I could tell he was bothered by something. Telepathy was becoming second nature to me but I reigned in the temptations to read his mind.

The other person was none other than, Ferard! What's he doing here?

I gave Wren a quizzical stare.

'Don't ask,' he said enveloping me in his arms.

Ferard was wearing clean clothes but he still had the dishevelled appearance with his long messy hair, beard and dark complexion.

'Greetings, Your Majesty,' he said. I gave him a courtly reply.

Wren released me and veered Ferard towards the citadel. 'He's coming with us on the mission.'

I didn't know what Wren was thinking but I suppose I should trust him on this one.

'You're doing ok, Rhett?'

He followed me to the bench.

'I'm fine,' he said.

'Any news from Farren?'

He cringed. 'He sent me a whisper last night. He'll be going before the Neornite council today, othewise he's fine.'

That took me by surprise. 'The council? Why?'

'He broke their law.'

I frowned. 'What law is that?'

'He's mated to a non-neornite, and to top it all off, a male.'

It was true the neornites value a monogamous and productive relationship. I wish I could do something to help but right now we need Warren and his people. I can't intervene into their internal affairs and risk straining our alliance.

I glanced at Rhett's wrist where he was gently tracing his glyph. A bonder glyph. That must have been why they were arguing during Chase birthday party. Farren must have freaked out.

'I don't know how this will play out but there's always the possibility they cast him out. I hope they don't. It will crush him,' he said.

'Whatever happens, Farren knows he has a home here with us.'

Rhett gave a wan smile. 'What about the alliance?'

'Alliance nothing. I'm the High King. They swore fealty to me. I don't get involved in their clan issues and I will not allow them to get involved in mine either. Because if they cast Farren out, he will belong to my clan.'

Rhett genuinely laughed. 'Let's hope it doesn't come to that.'

Rhett and I chatted until Wren whisper brushed against my ears. "In the kitchen...come."

Rhett and I stood to go when Maya and Connor joined us. I introduced Maya to Rhett and were off to the kitchen.

Everyone was already at the table when we entered. The place next to Wren was occupied by a man I didn't recognise, so I sat opposite him.

'Who's the new guy?' It took Connor's curiosity for me to realise I was looking at a cleaned up Ferard.

Hair cropped short, strong jawline and a clean-shaven face, he looked like a catalogue model.

Wren laughed. Ferard reddened.

'Who would have guessed a handsome guy lurked beneath that hot mess from before,' I said with a laugh.

Ferard grew shy. He barely met anyone's gaze. I like the new version of him. It suited him well.

We were all ready to leave when Eric called us outside. Dark clouds were blocking out the midday sun, encouraging a cool afternoon.

Eric, Stryker, and Malik stood waiting for us by the shallow pool.

It seemed like we weren't heading straight to Helding.

'Are we taking a detour?' I asked.

'Yes, to Roccia. The guild masters agreed to meet us. They're not happy we missed the last appointment and it's best if Eric was there with us,' Malik said.

We already lost a day to find Charlie and now we were about to lose another one. Yet, I couldn't argue because that was what Charlie would have wanted.

The shallow pool was large enough to accommodate all of us. And one second we were in Notwitt and the next we were standing in Roccia.

It was time like this that a shallow pool becomes handy. Just like in Valpak, Roccia had sentries around their pool.

'Welcome to Roccia, gentlemen. If you'll follow me, please,' a man in a guild warrior uniform said.

We crossed a large square to the biggest building with the word "To protect and to serve" intricately carved in wood over the huge double doors.

There were lots of people around, mostly in uniforms. They stared at us when we passed.

The man brought us to yet another huge double doors. He pushed it in and told us to enter.

The adults entered first then we followed.

The room has similar settings as a thrown room. Three throne-like chairs on a dais and a large enough floor before them to hold a hundred people. On the throne sat three men. They were fit as any young warriors yet the grey and silver in their hair and beard were obvious signs of maturity.

We weren't alone in the room. There were at least five dozen men and women in different coloured warrior outfits on either side of us before the dais. I remembered when I first met Commander Nicodemus, Nick's dad. He was wearing an outfit of a similar fashion but of a different design. So, it looked to me these people might be commanders of their troop.

I didn't like the way most of them were staring at us. Not in a threatening way but it was clear that we were not welcome.

'In the name of the Great Feri, thank you for considering our request,' Malik said. 'We've come to...'

Malik couldn't even finish when the master on the right interrupted him.

'We know exactly why you came before us, so as not to waste much time, we ask you this: What compensation is included in your agreement should we agree to become your allies?'

I completely forgot. The Guild functioned much like hired guns, so to speak.

'I understand, as it is, we're asking for your help to protect lives in the name of justice and peace. Helping ones people take precedence over monetary gain,' Malik said.

The same master turned his nose at him.

'We're done here then. If there is nothing else to discuss, you should take your leave.'

Malik glanced at us with resignation in his eyes.

'Master, please. I beg you to reconsider. This war affects all of us. No one, not even the people of Roccia nor the Guild will be left unscathed,' Stryker said.

'We do not speak for Roccia, but the Guild stands on its principles. If we don't abide by them, we might be putting ourselves out of business,' the same master said again.

'Stryker. You've been part of this. You know how we operate and even how our men are. That's the primary reason you joined the Guild in the first place, am I right? Justice and peace don't put food on our tables. They don't hold the promise of a good pension for our retirement,' the master on the left added.

'Master...' Stryker started but he stopped when I called his name out loud.

'That's enough. We didn't come here to beg. If they won't find it in good heart to help their people, then we got nothing else to say to them.'

The master in the middle frown and shifted in his seat. But it was the one on the right who spoke. 'And who might you be?'

I stepped forward and stared him down. 'I am High King Riley of the Feri.'

There were murmurs amongst the commanders. Even the master in the middle leaned to the one on his right and whispered something to him.

'Your Majesty we didn't know it was you.' one of them said. Which one, I completely ignored.

'Whether you knew it or not, isn't the issue here. It wouldn't change my opinion of you. As you said, we have nothing to offer you so we will leave. Before I do I will say this. Should the Guild offer their services to our enemies I will personally get involved. I will make sure you never have any more business in this land again.'

The commanders protested as I knew they would. After all, I just threatened their livelihood.

My companions took a defensive stance around me, but I didn't need their help. I projected a high pitched noise in the protesters' heads that had them reeling in pain. I stopped myself before things escalate any further.

I gave a quick curtly bow and turned on my heel to leave.

Connor had a smirk on his face while Eric looked worried. I could tell he and the adults disapproved. But we will not beg anyone.

My companions turned to leave without any arguments.

But I have one more thing to say to these assholes. I faced them one last time.

'One more thing. The motto you hanged on your door, to protect and to serve, you might consider changing it because it doesn't reflect your principles. Let me do you the honour.'

I teleported the sign inside and shattered it into pieces with my telekinesis.

If that was a declaration of war. I welcome it with open arms.


End of chapter 13

Next: Chapter 105: The Feri War 14

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