The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Mar 21, 2021


Happy reading!

The feri war

Chapter 12

'What do you mean Char is missing?' I turned to Eric. 'Didn't you guys go to Helding together?'

Eric sighed. 'Yes, but something came up and he had to go alone. The plan was for him to go there and meet up with me in Roccia for the meeting with the Guild masters the next day.'

I can see Eric wasn't distraught but he was certainly worried. So was everybody. Charlie was the glue that held our group together. Losing him will be a big loss for us. And not only because of his role in our cause but because he was family.

'I went looking for him in Helding when he didn't turn up in Roccia,' some guy I didn't see there before said. He was seated between Nicodemus and Xander. I recognised him from Chase birthday party, Malik. He was Charlie's brother-in-law, in a figurative sense of course, since Targ doesn't officiate their union with marriage.

I was able to breathe a little. Charlie was missing but we cannot assume the worst yet. There must be a good explanation for his disappearance. If there was I'm going to find it.

'What did you find out in Helding?' Devlin asked. I'm pretty sure he knew already from Malik's thoughts, but he found it relevant enough for us to take note.

'I couldn't get a meeting with the Lord, although I learned from a servant that Charlie was there for the ball. He was also assigned sleeping quarters for the night. It's just the servant didn't see him the next day. She assumed he went away early.'

We all listened attentively.

So, Charlie went missing somewhat during the night to early on the next morning.

'I bribed a palace guard on duty at the gate that night and even he didn't recall seeing Charlie leave.'

Charlie is a shifter cambion, so he couldn't have left in wolf form, nor could he teleport because he wasn't a witch. Even if he was able to teleport someone has to do it for him. This was highly unlikely because Helding wards will prevent that from happening.

Then something occurred to me.

'Tell them what you're thinking, Your Majesty,' Devlin interrupted my thoughts. That nosy cunt. I forgot to put up my mental shield.

He chuckled despite the sombre atmosphere.

I relayed my thoughts to others. And to conclude I said, 'If no one saw Charlie at Helding yet he vanished then I say he is either still at Helding or he has been taken elsewhere against his will. What else could it be, it's unlike him to deviate from a plan without letting us know first.'

'I bet you the Lord of Helding knowns something,' the elf added.

They were all speaking at the same time. 'If he was taken. Why will they take him? And to where?'

It was Devlin who answered. 'The why is easy. He is Rye's right hand. They know he is the man that pulls all the strings. And as for the where, I can only see two possibilities. Helledon, but I doubt he will have anything to do with this. Not directly. It's not his usual M.O. but then again, he had Elron abducted so we cannot rule it out completely.'

The others nodded in agreement.

'You're right,' Commander Stryker said before launching in a tirade of unpleasantness, which was Helledon.

'What is the other possibility?' Cole asked.

'Pixan has him,' Devlin said without any further explanation.

'That would make sense,' Wren said. He told the guys what Agatha told us about the younglings that were recruited and sent to Pixan. 'Looks like they are amassing an army to me,' he finished.

'Great feri! If that is true, we can't afford to be at war on two fronts,' Kane said. And he was right. Fighting Helledon on one end and Pixan on another will crush us.

'We can't allow this to happen,' Nicodemus said.

'Then what do you suggest that we do?' Cole said.

'I say let's march our troops to Pixan and demand Charlie's release. If they don't we go on the offence,' Nicodemus said.

'That would leave us open for a full-scale attack from Helledon,' Cole countered. 'We can't afford that.'

'I have a suggestion,' Connor said. Everyone stared at him. Despite his obvious discomfort, he stood up. 'Pixan doesn't know we know that they have Charlie. So why don't we send a small band of warriors to rescue him? This way our forces won't be divided.'

I was impressed. I liked this idea. 'I will go and I'll need my friends with me. You adults keep up the pretence that nothing is amiss so that Helledon spy, which I know he has, won't alarm him.'

'I agree,' Devlin said. 'But should you younglings run into trouble send word and we'll come blazing in.'

They all agreed to that. I turned to Eric. 'I'm coming with you,' he said with finality to his tone. And I couldn't agree more. Bondmates will do whatever it takes to save each other. I know I would do the same for Wren and he for me.

We discussed a few more issues until it was time for dinner.

As I made my way out of the room, Devlin pulled me aside. 'Rye, before you leave, I think you should start the waking up process for your kin. It will take them a while to recuperate and we might need their help to win this war.'

He had a point there. We badly need a backup plan and they were it. 'I'll send for Lyra and we'll do it tonight.'

'How are you feeling, atsa?' Wren asked. We were standing outside the Memorium waiting for the others.

'I fear the worst but then Char is tough.'

'You're right. Char is as tough as they come.' Wren hugged me. He kissed me on the head. 'You must keep a level head though, babe. Promise me you won't do anything irrational.'

'Don't you worry. I'll be ok.'

Just then, Alessa and Nicholas arrived with Lyra.

'Are you sure it's safe to enter. Last time it nearly killed me?' Wren said concerned.

I remembered. The energy barrier wouldn't let him in. It knocked him on his ass and he banged his head to the wall. That was because he hadn't activated his feri power yet.

'It's quite safe. Nick has accompanied me inside many times,' Alessa said cheerfully.

She took Lyra and Nicolas by the hand and led them through without a hitch. I grabbed a fearful Wren by the arm and led him through as well. He let out a breath once inside.

I sniggered.

'How are we going to do this?' Lyra asked.

Shoot! I forgot to ask Devlin that part.

'Don't worry. Grandma Moira will help us figure it out,' Alessa said. 'She was talking to me about the other day.'

We stood next to the altar while Alessa retrieved grandma Moira's orb. She placed it in the dent in the centre of the altar. Since I already activated the altar with my medallion the first time I came here she didn't have to do it again.

'Well hello my darlings,' grandma said smoking out of her orb. She glanced my way. 'Oh my! You've mature a lot in such little time. How I regret not being there for you.'

I sniggered. 'It's ok grandma, I wasn't alone.'

She smiled. 'Of course, you weren't. Alessa, where are you larkin?'

'I'm here grandma,' she said stepping into the light. 'Is that boy of yours doing what he should be doing?'

I couldn't help but laughed. And so did Lyra. I can't believe Alessa told grandma Moira about her sexual issues with Nicholas.

Alessa blushed and Nicholas went stiff.

'Oh sweet pea, he finally did it. How wonderful! You'll tell me all about it later when he's not here. I want details.' She was teasing. Truly, I don't know, I kind of hope she was. She winked at Nick and his composure barely changed.

We all laughed.

'Oh the time is finally here,' grandma Moira said. 'I can't wait to feel the sun on my face again. Rye I see you've accomplished something no other feres hasn't been able to. You managed to change the nature of your core.'

I totally forgot. Grandma Moira is a strong telepath. Her power rivals that of Devlin.

'That elf doesn't hold a candle to me, larka. He could never best me in that regard,' she said in a jovial tone. Grandma challenging Devlin to a mind contest. I love the sound of that.

She cackled.

'Ok my darlings. Talk later. Now let's do this. Look around the altar there are markings on the floor. Five circles with writings in it. Each of you take one.'

We shuffled around and each of us took a circle. Alessa laughed as she snatched Nick's, forcing him to take the next one. He shook his head grinning.

'Larka, place the medallion on the altar and get back to your circle.'

Grandma sure likes to boss people around.

'Of course, I do. Now, Rye I'm going to commandeer your telepathic ability for a while. I need to sync everyone's mind and there's no time for me to properly teach you how.'


'Don't worry you won't feel a thing,' she said cackling. Now I was scared.

'You're forgetting I can read your mind too, old woman.' She cackled like she has no care for her dignity.

I didn't get time to brace myself when I felt her in my head. She mentally connected me with everyone. First, with Alessa, then with Nick, and with Lyra and then with Wren.

"How long will this take. It's creepy in here." The thought was in Wren's voice, and everybody heard him.

"This place creeps me out too larka," grandma Moira said. 'But this won't take long. You'll be out of here in ten minutes, promise.'

Everyone laughed.

"Right on. Alessa you cheeky girl," Lyra thought with laughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Alessa kept repeating in her head. She meant it for Nick of course.

"It's fine, atsa. We'll talk about it later." Among all of us, Nick was more in control of his mind. Not an errand thought escaped him. I was impressed.

"Being an empath is a lot like your telepathy, Rye. You just have to learn to sift through the thoughts and blocked the ones you don't want to hear," he said.

"Spot on, young warlock," grandma told him. "But now concentrate. I want you all to relax. Now that we're all connected, just go through the motion. Don't fight it. Just allow it to happen."

She reached deep inside me, down to my core. She touched it. I was sure the other felt theirs too. Raising my hand in my line of vision, she focused my gaze on the centre of my palm. I felt a pulled at my core and soon, a ball of purple energy was forming in my hand. I know my friends were holding theirs too. Since we were all connected, I felt them.

As one, grandma made us drop the energy balls at our feet. It seeped into the ground and illuminated our circles. Then, the energy slowly crawled its way towards the altar, and to the medallion, which soaked up all in.

Grandma broke connection with the others but not with me. She made me walk to the altar and pushed down on the medallion.

For a full minute, nothing happened. Then suddenly, all the orbs in the Memorium brightened. One by one, they took a purple tint, just like the colour of my renewed core.

Grandma Moira clasped her hands together in front of her chest and sighed. 'It is done.'

She then faced us with a genuine smile. 'I wish I could be of more use to you, my babies. Alas, I'm still bound to this place. The days ahead will be tough for you all but hang in there, we're coming. Now I'm exhausted. Goodbye, my lovelies.'

She sipped back into her purple coloured orb.

'That was easy!' Wren said.

Before we went our separate ways, I stopped Alessa and Nickolas. Lyra stood by, listening as well.

'Grandma and the others will waken soon. I don't know how long it will take them to regain the faculties, but with Wren and I on the rescue mission and Lyra probably busy helping Wain, I'm counting on you two to take care of them.'

'You can count on us,' Nick said. Alessa nodded in agreement.

'Where are you guys going?' Layra curiously asked. She hadn't been included in the meeting, which was a shame. She is part of my circle and a dear friend.

'We're going to rescue Char in the Sear.'

'A rescue mission! Why wasn't I invited?'

Wren and Nickolas laughed.

'I thought you were helping Wain.'

'No. Wain is busy with his kingy stuff and I don't want to distract him at this time. Coming with you guys will give me the perfect reason to keep away for a while.'

With Nicholas staying in Notwitt, we only have Maya as our lead witch. We could use another one on the team. Although, Lyra was technically a half-witch or a half-wolf shifter, depending on the way you look at it. I know she has the power of persuasion, which could be of use to us.

'We'll be happy to have you on board with us,' I said.

"It's too late, Rye. You took to long to give me an answer.'

I was mortified. And she laughed. 'No. I can't go with you guys because I'll be taking care of Kenzo. His grandmother is still grieving and with Kane busy he need someone to cater for his needs.'

That night I couldn't sleep. I was too worried about Charlie, about our mission and everything it seems.

I kept tossing and turning, and sooner or later I was going to wake Wren. Honestly, I didn't want to disturb him, but I needed some distractions. It was so selfish, I know.

'Couldn't sleep huh,' Wren croaky voice said.

'Yeah. Go back to sleep, atsa.'

'How could I when you're keeping me awake?'

'I'm sorry baby.'

He pulled himself up and sat leaning against the headboard. 'It doesn't matter, come. Talk to me.'

How ironic it was that now that he was awake I didn't have anything to say.

'Hey, you never told how you did the whole transformation thing in dreamscape.'

'That's easy. Whoever create a dreamscape can manipulate everything there. How do you think Devlin conjured the chains that bonded you when you attacked Keene in his dreamscape? He doesn't possess this ability in real life.'

'Oh. It makes sense. What about Maya? You neglected to tell she was there with us. Selfish of you to keep that from me,' he said tickling me.

'Who told you she was there?'


'Sorry. I barely gave it a second thought.' Hearing Maya's name however brought up recent memories. 'I have to apologize to her tomorrow.'

'Apologize to who?'

'Maya. I completely forgot about her when we got here. I don't even know where she's sleeping.'

Wren sniggered. 'Don't worry about Maya. I went to check on her for you. She's bunking with Connor. In the same room, not the same bed.' He clarified with a snigger.

'I bet Connor is happy with that arrangement.'

Wren chuckled.

We went quiet for a minute. And my mind wandered off.

'What do you mean?'


'Just now you said wing, can and sand. What do they mean?'

I didn't realise I said that out loud. 'It's just words, Mara told me it would be of use to us. I have no idea what they mean either.'

We spent another several minutes in silence again.

'I know of the perfect distraction. You game.' I knew instantly where his mind was.

I strained my neck for a kiss. It was refreshing. 'Do you mind if we reverse roles? I don't feel like bottoming today.'

'Sure,' he said without hesitation.

We kissed some more while I ran a hand over his arm, chest and stomach in a sensuous manner. His skin trembled beneath my fingers.

I broke the kiss only to reclaimed his lower lips. I held it between my teeth and apply small pressures.

Wren groaned.

As soon as I released him, he retaliated. He bit my jaw to my neck and shoulder. A warming sensation radiated from my skin. Wren had the same infliction because I was feeling his warmth too.

We broke apart to get more comfortable. Laying on his front with his arms crossed underneath his head, my mate's back and butt was exposed to me. I lay atop of him, making sure we were skin to skin to the maximum. Slowly, I rubbed against him by rocking up and down. It created more heat. Meanwhile, my face was buried in the crook of his neck where I was sucking him like a thirsty vampire. It would leave a mark no doubt, but I didn't care. He was mine after all.

After a while, I started dropping kisses along his back to his dimpled butt cheeks. I love Wren's ass, round and firm just the way I like them. I bit one of his cheeks. I couldn't hell myself.

That startled him. 'Hey!' He chuckled. He didn't expect me to do that. I grinned and did it again. Only now he groaned.

I alternated between biting and running my tongue all over his savoury butt. I played with his ass- crack before pulling his cheeks apart exposing his tight pinkish centre. I took a long whiff. I love his faint manly scent. It does crazy things to my libido.

I run the tip of my tongue over his hole. He tremored. I teased it a few more times, spat on his hole and wriggled a finger inside him.

He hasn't been penetrated in a long while. His sphincter muscles felt like a tight knob. I fingered and teased his prostate before he relaxed enough for me to use something bigger. From the canister we kept close at all times, I scooped a large amount of lube and lathered my cock.

'Ready, baby?'

He hissed his answer as I pushed in. 'Fuck!' He cursed. I thrust all the way in and kept still. 'Give me a minute, atsa.'

Breathing hard, he composed himself. I rested my upper body on his back again and hugged him tightly. His hole kept pulsing and squeezing me.

'You ok, baby?' I asked.

'Yeah. Keep going.'

Moving only my hips, I fucked him slowly.

He moaned delightfully.

I stayed in the same position, kept the same pace until we were both sticky from sweat and panting from the heat.

'I want to kiss you,' I said.

I pulled out and he rolled onto his back. Swiftly I pushed back inside and lowered down on him again.

While I trusted, our mouths remained glued. He hugged me back with both arms and legs.

His closeness, his touch, his scent, his passion drove me crazy. After a while, my trusting became erratic until I flushed his insides with cum.

It was after I was done chasing my high that I felt the sticky mess he made between us. And he didn't even use his hands.

'Thank you, baby,' I mumbled.

'Shht. Go to sleep.'


End of chapter 12

Next: Chapter 104: The Feri War 13

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