The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Mar 14, 2021


Happy reading!

The feri war

Chapter 11

The next morning there were a lot of activities at the gated courtyard. Women after women carrying sacks and wooden crates. They were packing a wagon full of provisions. Some of the things they were packing were obvious what they were, like the sacks of grains, the blankets, vegetables and honey.

'What's going on?' Wren asked one of the ladies.

'We've received word from the monks in Covenfield. Refugees are at their gate. We're heading there to help.'

'Where's Maya?' Connor asked.

'She's in the ladder taking stalk of what we would bring. It's that building over there.'

Without another word, Connor went there and we followed him.

We found Maya with Mother Gretel talking.

'We heard what happened. Do you ladies need any help?' Connor asked.

'It's alright gentlemen, we're about done here,' Mother Gretel said. Perhaps she was so used to women that Mother Gretel looks annoyed by our presence. She excused herself before rushing out of the room.

'We want to help,' I told Maya, 'what can we do?'

She folded the record book and gave us her full attention. 'Everything has been taken care of unless you guys want to accompany us to Covenfield.'

'Sure, I'll go.' I have honestly been wanting to get out of Mathyel for a while. I was cured, but Devlin wanted me to stay here for a few more days. Eric agrees with him. And since the number of darkling attacks has reduced significantly lately, they think I need some rest.

'Ok, them. Come with me. We need Mother Celia's permission.'

We followed her to another room where Wren's grandmother sat behind a desk writing on parchment.

Maya explained our request to her and she nodded yes.

'Covenfield is not a pretty sight Your Majesty. I would prefer to keep your identity hidden from them. I'll send word to the High Priest of Covenfield and he will disguise you as one of them.'

She stared at us sternly, as if expecting resistance. 'Oh, and boys. No wolfing out. This is a benevolent mission, not a crusade.'

Half an hour later I was standing by the wagon with my two wolf shifter bodyguards, Maya and half a dozen sisters. Sister Daisy was in charge so everyone waited for her to join us. She was conversing with Mother Gretel and Mother Celia.

'You told us nobody can teleport in and out of Mathyel. How are we wheeling the wagon out of here?' Connor asked Maya.

I was intrigued to know as well. We have no horses and Mathyel sat on a small plateau surround by a precipice. It also has a concealment dome shield that is suppressing teleportation. And not to forget the gate, it lies eight feet up with steep stairs. Will we be rolling the wagon up to there?

It wasn't Maya, who answered. Sister Lissie, one of the most joyful soul I've encountered, did. 'We're teleporting. Mother Celia and Mother Gina have lower the shield this morning. They'll put it back up when we leave.'

I winked at her. She giggled. Two more sisters giggled too.

"Stop flirting, atsa," my mate's voiced in my head.

"Are you jealous?" I teased.

"No! It's annoying." He said curtly, which made me laugh.

Ever since I regained control of my psionic abilities, I found that my mind was attuned with Wren's. I can hear his thoughts even if I wasn't trying to read his mind. Maybe being bondmates has something to do with it. Of course, I wasn't sure.

Sister Daisy came and stood in front of the wagon. 'Grabbed on everyone,' she yelled.

I grabbed the side of the wagon and within seconds we were standing in the same formation around the vehicle but yet another busied courtyard.

'Welcome to Covenfield,' a man in a Saffron coloured robe, who I presumed was the High Priest said. He was partially bald with a greying beard and what was left of his hair.

'May the great feri be with you,' my companions said as one.

He repeated the greeting and added. 'I believe you gentlemen need a change of clothes. Come with me while my acolytes rope the horses to the wagon.

I like Theo just by his presentation. He exudes power yet he has a calm voice. He reminded me of father Paul from my local parish in the human realm. I wasn't religious but Alex and his parents were. Alex would often drag me to church with them when he didn't want to be alone with them. Father Paul was always kind to us.

I also like the fact that Theo didn't question our presence.

'I'm coming too, Theo,' Maya said to which he laughed.

'Maya, of course.'

'Aren't you a bit too informal with the High Priest?' Connor asked Maya. They were behind us as we were following Theo.

'No. Titles are just formalities to them. Their faith demand that they are humble and free of worldly attachments, including titles that can separate them from anybody else.'

Theo gave us acolytes robes to wear.

'I look stupid in this,' Connor complained. He kept playing with the long sleeves.

'Here, let me,' Maya said. She twisted his sleeves, making them shorter around his biceps. 'There. You're looking more handsome now.'

Connor blushed. And he couldn't wipe the goofy smile off his face.

Wren turned to me and rolled his eyes, which made me laugh.

Covenfield was indeed poor, even the Lord's castle looked worse for wears. The landscaped has been stripped bare and the only green was the forest that could be seen miles away. The uneven dirt road was hurting my feet as I followed the caravan to an appalling sight.

Thousands of refugees had made makeshift dwellings with anything they could find; twigs, logs, furs and even bones. I tried not to wince when I walked right into a dirty puddle. After last night rain, they were everywhere. Children were playing in them, animals were drinking from them, I tried not to think what else was in there.

We arrived at a large tent after crossing the river of misery.

The priests and mystics unloaded the wagon and as soon as they were done, people were lining up for rations.

I stood by and watched as the priests distributed food and blankets. The people were quiet and patient. They didn't complain about anything.

Wren took an old lady from some men and carry her to the tent. She needed medical attention. I went with him. Connor stayed close to Maya, helping her to wrangle a bunch of kids playing too close to the supply tent.

'Place her on the hay and someone will attend to her in a little while,' a young priestess said.

Wren did but we couldn't just leave the old lady like this.

'Thank you, young man,' she said to Wren.

'What seems to be the problem?' I asked her.

'I slipped and hurt my hip. Not getting any younger. I'm more fragile than glass at this age.' She said trying to make light of her situation.

I grinned at her. 'You've been a naughty old girl then.'

She cackled loudly drawing attention. 'You're funny. I like you.'

'Show me. Where does it hurt?'

She unashamedly lifted her skirt and showed me her bruised hip.

I felt around the bruise and it didn't seem anything was broken. I can easily fix this. I glanced at Wren and he was already off to find me the water I would need.

'Are you alone here?'

'I'm with my son and granddaughter. He's finding us food and she is guarding our tent.' While she spoke I massaged her leg. The way she kept them straight told me that she may be suffering from muscle cramps. 'Oh, that's it right there,' she said when I touched a sore spot.

'I'm Rye by the way. The guy that just left is Wren.'

'I'm Agatha. Is he a priest?'

We were wearing priest robes but they did little to hide Wren's bulky frame.

I laughed. 'No. He's my bondmate. We're not from around here. We just came to help.'

'That explains it.'

'Explain what?'

'You're too nice and clean. You smell like the court ladies.'

We laughed so loud that people were eying us as if we were idiots.

Just then Wren returned. Using the water I healed Agatha within ten minutes.

'That's some powerful skill you have there. I didn't expect to be walking out of here within the hour. And look, you didn't even use a poultice. I'm impressed.'

We helped her to her feet. 'Thank you,' she said before heading to the exit. Halfway there the priestess from earlier stopped her. They exchanged a few words before the priestess looked at me funny.

'Let's not be healing any more people here Rye. She's getting suspicious.'

That was a good idea. I was supposed to be keeping a low profile.

We followed Agatha outside, and just as she was making her way around the queue, a band of warriors on horseback appeared. They almost ran her over.

We rushed to help her.

'Lousy bastards,' she muttered as we got her to her feet again. I quickly made sure she was okay before glaring at the warriors. 'Now what do they want?'

We were close enough to hear one of the warriors as a priest came to greet them.

'What can I do for you gentlemen?' The priest said.

'Earlier we saw you pulling in a supply wagon. We came to collect the Lord's rations,' he said curtly.

Everyone stared at them and it was apparent that these men intimidated them.

'Well, uh... sure, sure.' The priest ordered some acolytes to bring them what they asked for. And by the end of it, they rode off with nearly half of what we brought.

How is that fair? The Lord resides safely within the gates of his castle and he probably has a full larder. Why take from these poor people?

I was boiling with anger. If it wasn't for Wren I would have broken these men into pieces.

'Lord Covenfield is a cruel man. If it wasn't for the attacks we would go somewhere else,' Agatha said. We walked with her to her makeshift dwelling.

'If you could, where would you go?' I asked.

'My eldest son lives in Soren. We were heading there when our caravan was attacked four days ago.'

'Werewolves?' Wren asked.

'No. Bandits. The roads are no longer safe anymore, I'm afraid.'

'That bad, huh?'

Agatha was a witch. She could technically teleport. Although, in this time of war, it was prudent to do so. All shields and wards against teleporting were up in and around most town and cities. It would be suicide to attempt breaching them that way.

We arrived at her door. And she invited us for some tea. We accepted her invitation. Her grandchild was pretty underneath the haggard clothes. She must be about fourteen years old.

She served us tea before grabbing a bucket. 'Going to the stream, oma,' she said.

'Go ahead larkin.'

Wren was scanning the passer-by's faces with a frown before he turned to Agatha. 'Where are all the young folks?'

Agatha huffed. She took a swing at her mug before answering. 'Most of them has been conscripted and sent to Pixan to serve. And the handful that escapes is hiding somewhere in the forest. They've joined the rank of thieves and bandits.'

'Pixan is already well fortified with their independent arm force. Why do they need more men?' Wren said.

'I don't know. All I know is that they're rich and feel entitled. They've closed themselves of even before the attacks,' Agatha said.

We chatted with her and a few neighbours that joined us for tea before we had to leave. They were good people who were unfortunate enough to live in the countryside. The war is costing them more than anyone else. I wished I could do more for them.

After a hectic day, we were Back in Mathyel. We didn't join the sisters for dinner. Instead, they brought it to us. I don't know where he got them but Connor shares some meat he procured in Covenfield with Wren. Maya turned her nose up at them as they tore through the meat. I laughed. If things improved between her and Connor, she'll have to get used to it.

Wren and I were exhausted but that didn't stop us from sharing some loving. We kissed a lot and sucked each other off. We came into each other's mouths.

The next day Mother Celia came to us with urgent news from Notwitt. She didn't seem to know what was going on, only that we were needed.

I said goodbye to Anya and thanked the sisters for their assistance in getting my health back.

When it came to Maya, I almost broke into tears for leaving her again. We hugged for the longest time.

'I wish you were coming with us. I'm going to miss you.'

'I'll miss you too, Rye.'

'Why are you crying? You could go with them if that is your wish Maya, Larkin,' Grandma Celia said.

Connor who had his head down perked up.

'Technically you're also male. All male children leave us when they turn sixteen. You know that already,' Mother Greta said.

'Nana?' Maya said to her mother. She was seeking her approval.

Anya pulled her in a hug and kissed her forehead. 'I love you. But if this is to be your life journey I can't stop you.'

They hugged and cried. Connor and I were happy. Maya was coming with us.

'Bye grandma,' Wren said hugging her.

'Farewell, larka. Don't be a stranger now you hear,' she said chuckling.

After going through the gate, I teleported us home.

We were met by Jan the moment we teleported in. She greeted us but I could feel she was sad.

'What's going on?' I asked.

She teared up and she wiped it quickly. 'The others are in the war room. I'll join you there with some refreshment.' She disappeared to the kitchen, leaving us in confusion.

Connor, Wren and I exchanged looks. Wren grabbed my hands. 'Let's go find out.'

When we walked in all eyes were upon us. Seated around the large map of Targeten was everyone it seems. Helen, Cole, Eston, Kane, commander Stryker, commander Nicodemus, Linda, Xander, Keene, Devlin and even some of my friends were there.'

Something must have happened.

We walked up to Eric and he hugged us. 'Take a seat,' he said sombrely.

Before I had a heart attack I opened my big mouth. 'Can someone please tell me what's going?'

Since Eric had gone mute. It was Linda who spoke. 'Rye, we don't know how it happened but Charlie...' Hearing his name my heart skipped a beat.

'What's wrong with Charlie?'

'That's just it. We don't know. Charlie has gone missing.'


End of chapter 11

Next: Chapter 103: The Feri War 12

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