The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Published on Jun 16, 2012


Warning! This story is a work of fiction written by a legal age adult. Any similarity between the fictional characters and any live persons is purely coincidental. This story contains fictional descriptions of sexual activity between adult males. If you are under the age of 18, and/or if you are offended by this content, and/or if it is illegal in your jurisdiction to posses or read such material, please leave now.

The Last Feres

By Nell Bas

Chapter 1

A cute slim girl the color of mocha stood in front of the restaurant across the street and waved at me. I waved back. Her name was Ruth. She's a frequent customer of the bookstore where I work; although, she rarely buys anything. Sally, a co-worker of mine, thinks she fancies me. I didn't know what to make of that. I've never been interested in girls before. I didn't even know if I could.

Swiftly, I turned and rushed into the bookstore and shut the door behind me.

'You're late.' There came a familiar voice behind a stack of books next to the counter. Rising from a squatting position, Sally Hart straighten with a huge volume in hand. I glanced back through the glass door where I saw Ruth standing moments earlier and found no one. I signed in relief.

'What are you looking at?' Sally said right behind me. I jumped having not seen her move. 'What's going on? I've never seen you so jumpy.'

By the look on her face, I could tell that she was confounded.

'I thought I saw something. But it's nothing. See.'

Sally gazed through the glass door and pulled up a knowing smile.

'It's Ruth, isn't it? You infatuated with her too, aren't you,' she probed.

'No!' I said a bit too loud for my taste. Sally chuckled and followed me through the aisle towards the counter where I pulled out my uniform. I threw it over my shoulder and made my way to the restroom to change.

'Rye, come one. Admit it. You like her too, don't you? I can see it in your eyes.'

My eyes, my foot, Sally was beginning to annoy me with her assumptions, just like I was beginning to sound like a broken record in trying to defend myself from her. Alarmed and irritated, I turned on her ready to throw something mean, but I chicken out at the last minute.

Sally was a friend. I didn't want to hurt her, even if she deserved it for being on my case ever since Ruth waltzed through the front door about a month ago.

'Just drop it, will you? I don't want to be rude but this is getting old,' I started. 'And for the record, there is nothing going on between Ruth and me. Like you said, she may feel something for me but I don't feel anything whatsoever for her. You got that!'

'Lighten up Rye. Can't you take a joke anymore?' She retorted. She said something else but by then I was already out of earshot.

I feel sorry for taking my anger out on Sally. She wasn't being nasty, just curious like anybody would. Nonetheless, she needs to find something productive to do like a pastime or something rather than pestering me.

Sometime later, I was busy stacking books on a shelf when Sally walked up behind me. She didn't surprise me this time because I saw her coming.

'Riley Blacknell. Are you still mad at me?' She asked innocently. She played with her ponytail like a sweet little Catholic girl on a mission. She was so cute that I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

She took that as a white flag and hugged me from behind.

'I'm sorry okay. And I promise I wouldn't bother you like I did again. I promise. Although, I still think Ruth fancies you.'

'Sally!' I threatened.

'Sorry,' she said backing down. I watched her giggled her way to the counter where a customer stood impatiently. I smiled and went back to work.

The rest of the morning was uneventful, that was, until two younger guys walked in the store looking suspicious. Their movement was subtle but their intention was clear. I've seen it before. They had no interests in books.

The short one with shoulder length hair, in a moss-green t-shirt walked up to Sally and asked where the restroom was. As if he didn't know. He'd been here twice before. The bookstore shared a restroom with three other stores since the whole building was originally meant for something else. The Bookstore was by far the easiest route there.

As Sally gave him directions, I saw the other one grinned behind an open book that he was pretending to read.

He was a tad taller than the first. He had a sexy crew cut and he looked rather built for a guy his age. He might be 13 or 14 and he too had been here before. He bought a book. A reference book about the FIFA rules of soccer, I remembered.

When he saw the other boy moving towards the backdoor to the restroom, he replaced the book and followed discreetly. Soon, the back of his white t-shirt was the only thing I saw before he disappeared through it.

For several minute while I helped out a costumer, who wanted a book by her favorite author, my mind drifted to what those two might be up too. I already had an idea but it wasn't set in stone yet. I was anxious to find out.

At last the woman I was helping dismissed me.

'Sally, I'm taking a break,' I yelled.

'Alright,' she yelled back.

I pushed the restroom door open and went in. The urinals were on the right side of the restroom. No one was there. Just beside it facing the mirrors, four cubicles lined up the wall. The two closest cubicles to me had out-of-order signs on the doors. One of the other two at the far end was shut. I knew they'll choose the last one, thinking it was the safest, little did they know that this particular cubicle was far from private.

It so happens that there's a hole between the last two cubicles. The hole was high and unnoticeable. I entered the unoccupied cubicle, closed the door behind me and lightly stepped on the toilet seat.

Peering through the hole I can't say what I saw surprised me. The moss-green t-shirt guy sat fully clothes on the toilet while the white t-shirt one stood before him clutching the hem of his t-shirt to his chest exposing his flat rippled abs. His denim jeans were opened and his hard cock was out. The little guy had one hand wrapped around it and was gently pulling at it. He looked up at the white t-shirt guy and grinned with glee in his eyes.

'Come one, suck it Kyle.' White t-shirt guy urged.

Kyle was happy to oblige.

'Oh yeah,' white t-shirt guy cried as Kyle engulfed the head of his cock. 'That's it Kyle, make little Johnny happy.' I supposed his name was Johnny, or maybe John. Either way, Kyle was really making Johnny happy. With the noise he was making, I guessed he forgot he was in a public restroom. I could relate to that. I was aroused and spotting a hard on too, and doing my very best not to moan.

Absently, I rubbed myself throw my pants. Kyle was a pro at sucking cock. I could tell it wasn't his first. I could also tell he was enjoying himself, judging by the moaning that melted with Johnny's cooing as well as the background slurping sounds.

They went at it for about five minutes. By then I had my own cock in my hand and matching the rhythm of Johnny's thrusts into Kyle's hungry mouth.

'Oh men, I'm cumming,' Johnny said in a hoarse voice. 'Get ready I'm cumming.'

I jacked off faster to synchronize my ejaculation with his.

'Four, three, two, one... here I go... argh!' Johnny threw his head back and lodged his cock deep within Kyle's throat, and spurted in spasms against Kyle mouth still clutching at the little guy's head. I came too, coating the partition that separated me from them with my jism. I licked the white stuff, which had gotten onto my hand and marveled the tangy taste of it.

That was when it happened. In the afterglow of my orgasm I lost my footing and slipped. Only the toilet broke my fall. The noise was loud enough to cause panic to my two young entertainers.

'What the fuck!' Johnny exclaimed. 'What the hell was that? Did you think he heard us?'

'Probably,' Kyle replied miserably. 'What will we do now?'

'Shush! Let's wait until he goes out.' I heard Johnny whispered. 'Maybe it's a costumer and would be out of here in a little while.' He continued completely unaware of his voice carrying through the tight closed space.

Taking that as my cue to leave, I pulled my pants up, tucked in my soft member, zipped up, walked to the basin, washed my hands and left the restroom. A glimpse at the locked cubicle where I knew Kyle and John were brought a satisfied smile to my face before closing the door completely.

'Where have you been?' Sally jumped me on my way to the counter. 'Gath called. He's not coming in today. He has business in town.'

Gath or Mr. Gath as he preferred to be call was our boss. He was a bitter little man with a bald head and an angry face. Sally did not like him and so do I.


'He told us to lock up at five when we leave and drop the keys at The White Anchor.' The White Anchor was really the restaurant across the street where Ruth worked. I made a mental note to let Sally go bring the keys.

I glanced at the clock on the far wall: 2:35 pm. It was still early.

Sally went for her break and I manned the counter. I hated handling cash but with Alex calling sick this morning, I had no choice.

With the searing August sun outside, the street was near deserted, with the occasional passerby who seemed to be in a hurry to get wherever they were heading. Inside the store was way cooler; thank God for air conditioning. I can't say I wasn't grateful that the change in weather brought down the customer to none.

All but Johnny and Kyle were still in the restroom.

I chuckled remembering those two. They'd really put up a show.

It was fifteen minutes later that they emerged. Johnny strutted out first with his head held high with self-confidence followed by Kyle practically tucking his head in his shoulders trying to be inconspicuous.

When they passed by the counter I said, 'Did you boys have fun in there?'

Both of them blanched and were surely shocked. Johnny was the one to recover first. Realizing they weren't in trouble or anything, he winked at me to which I chuckled loudly. That brought a shy smile to Kyle's adorable face.

Then they hurry out the front door and disappeared. They'll be back. I though. I'm pretty sure of it.

When Sally returned, having done most of our chores for the day, we waited for costumers for almost two hours but none came. By 4:30 we decided to close up and leave.

Sally wanted a lift home, so I waited for her by my car as she sauntered across the street to drop the keys. She came back a short while later skipping along as a child with her hands behind her back, a grin plastered on her angelic face.

What's she up to now, I though.

'What?' She asked when she saw the lines etched on my forehead.

'What've you got behind you?'

To my surprise, she produced a tiny piece of paper that had been folded in half. She held it up for me to take, which I did. On it was a phone number and I instantly made the connection.

'Don't tell me this is what I think it is?'


I pocketed the piece of paper and drove her home. We were silent all the way there and the stupid grinned never left her face.

'Bye. See you tomorrow, lover boy,' she said, rushing up the stairs to the front porch of her house before I could reply. I shook my head before I put the car in gear and drove off.

Next: Chapter 2

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