The Last Beat


Published on Jul 9, 2010



Okay, so here's the general disclaimer... this story is entirely FICTIONAL. If you're not old enough to read this, or if you do NOT like this type of erotic fiction, then do NOT read. This story is my own and please give me an email at if you wish to redistribute or copy it.

Otherwise, read on. I'm not an author (but one day hope to be). Please send me some feedback on what you thought.

I present to you....

The Last Beat


It was one of those hot days where you stepped outside and immediately your breath was sucked from you. Your forehead instantly became aglow with sweat. There were no clouds in sight, only sun. Not even the birds attempted to fly. It was that hot.

I stepped onto the dry, brown grass. It crinkled under my sneakers. I stared around at the others surrounding me. We were all used to this exhausting heat by now.

It was marching band practice day.

To tell you a little about myself, I'm freshly 18 and a senior in high school. My name is David. I'm 6'0", 230 pounds, brown hair, and I always sport a five o'clock shadow. I'm somewhat hairy. All natural down below. I consider myself straight. I've never really pushed my sexual orientation any farther because it never really mattered. I'm a band geek, obviously, because this is where this story starts out -- band practice. I play the drums; I have since 6th grade. It's a passion of mine, but I never intend to follow it after high school.

I was standing beside Lisa, a wiry, cute, and quirky girl. I never really liked her personality, but she was nice to look at.

"I hope Mr. Carpenter gets here soon," Lisa whispered to me while fanning her face. I only nodded, keeping my gaze focused on the new freshmen. (They are a pain and always need constant guidance.)

Suddenly, the crowd around me froze. I knew immediately what was happening and I froze too. Mr. Carpenter, our band director, made his way into the middle of our group. He is a good looking man, about 6', a light sprinkling of hair on his face, hairy arms. A bear with piercing blue eyes. He was wearing thin basketball shorts and flip-flops. I found myself staring at the front of the shorts in hopes to see a bulge or a hint of movement. Anything. But I got nothing.

"If we want to play our best and take the top award at the state competition, we have to get focused!" Mr. Carpenter's strong voice rolled across our practice field. He was pumping us up. Like the football coach, except cuter.

Practice went off without a hitch. Everything went according to plan. Mr. Carpenter didn't get angry or fuming like he does some days. So we prepared to leave with our heads held high. I was helping Lisa stow away the drums, when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Mr. Carpenter was standing behind me, smiling as usual after a good practice.

"Can we talk?" he said, in almost a whisper.

"Sure thing. I'll be there in a second." I said back to him.

Lisa was in a rush that day, so she hurriedly did what she had to and split. I was gathering my things until I remembered Mr. Carpenter's request and I went to his small office. When I opened the door, I was greeted with Mr. Lowell -- another band director from a different school -- and Mr. Carpenter's boyfriend. (Yes, Mr. Carpenter is gay, but he isn't out. It's just known around the band. We don't pay it much attention at all.)

Mr. Lowell was a big man, and by big I mean... well, big. He stood 6'4", weighed about 270 pounds -- most of it muscle -- and he was balding. He had been around me since I had joined band seven years ago.

"Hey Mr. L," I beamed, giving him a high five and a shoulder tap.

"Hello, David. Mr. Carpenter tells me you've been getting better and better, but I didn't think that was possible!"

I smiled at him and looked around to Mr. Carpenter, who was sitting at his desk, arms raised behind his head. I could see very noticeable pit stains in his shirt. I could feel a wave of ice trickle through my stomach. The feeling was familiar -- I was turned on.

"He is very good, I agree," Mr. Carpenter sat forward, resting his hands on his desk.

"Is there something you wanted me to do? I've been helping Morgan on her A flats, but..." I began to babble, totally oblivious. Mr. Lowell sat down in a chair beside Mr. Carpenter.

"No, no. Mr. L and myself just wanted to share something with you."

I must have looked like a lost child or something, because Mr. Lowell chuckled and rubbed his chin nervously.

Mr. Carpenter gestured for me to take a seat across from him, so I did. The silence between us was almost unbearable.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, very afraid to hear his answer.

Mr. Carpenter started, "David, I can't help but feel a certain way about students when I see their potential. Especially in music. But something else about you captures my attention..." he trailed off.

My mind was racing, until my thoughts hit a snag -- he must be talking about the scholarship! Of course... right?

"You're very talented and you're very..." Mr. L searched for a proper word. ""

I looked at him quickly. My heart must have skipped a few beats. The blood sang in my ears. Did he just say what I thought he said? The look on his face told me he did.

"What do you think?" Mr. Carpenter finished.

"What do I think about what?" I managed to squeak. The strength in my voice faded quickly.

Mr. Lowell moved from his chair and made his way across the room, gently shutting the door. I clenched the strap of my messenger bag tightly, my knuckles shining white. Mr. Carpenter reached out and touched my hand -- his fingers were coarse and rough. A man's hand.

I quivered, but something was stirring in my shorts. I was becoming hard. Very hard.

"I want to touch you, David. I want to feel you and taste you and smell you," Mr. C said so smoothly I wanted to melt into him.

Then I did something so compulsive, that to this day I don't understand how or why this happened.

I jumped up and kissed him. As hard as I could. My tongue lapped against his, flying around his mouth. Tasting his sweet opening. He eventually pulled away and I realized I was light-headed, so I took a deep breath.

Mr. C stood and I could see what I had always wanted to see; there, in the front of his shorts, was an extremely large boner! (My mouth began to water. Literally!) I swallowed hard.

Mr. L stood behind him, his hand on his hips, and began to grind into Mr. C.

"I see you looking some days, David. I like it when you look." Mr. C whispered.

I was totally dumbfounded. I couldn't speak or even move. Good thing Mr. L knew what he was doing. He moved out from behind Mr. C and walked over to me, removing my messenger bag, revealing my own hard-on. He grinned like an idiot and reached down...squeezing it. I shuddered with pleasure.

Mr. C bent down and kissed me again. Mr. L was on his knees, removing my shorts. My sweaty thighs stuck to the chair when I stood. My dick flopped out, revealing me at full attention. I was about 8 inches. Mr. L looked shocked at the girth, but he immediately dived down on it, going to town.

My first blowjob ever. And it was beyond fantastic. His warm mouth covering my entire member. His tongue scraping against my throbbing head. My knees became weak and I would have fallen, if it wasn't for Mr. C behind me, kissing the bend of my neck and holding me. This was beyond anything I had ever felt.

Mr. L continued to suck on my dick, harder and harder. Wetter and sloppier it became. I could feel precum leaking, and I was getting close.

"Stop," I squealed. Mr. L quickly pulled off and stood, undoing the belt buckle on his pants. Mr. C stepped around and my hand went straight for the raging bulge in his shorts. As soon as my hand connected, I could feel the head pulsating from under. The hair scratching against the rough fabric. Years and years of longing desire flooded through me.

In that instant, I wanted nothing more than to be with these two men forever.

I pulled Mr. C's shorts down and his dick sprang up to meet me. He was about 7", but a great set of balls dangled below. A nice patch of hair surrounded it and I could smell his musky sweat. I slowly bent down and looked up at him.

"You don't have to..." but that's all he could say before I began to cram all of him inside my mouth. He moaned. Mr. L was jacking off furiously beside me. I reached out and felt his dick. It was the same size as Mr. C's, a little wider. I began to jack him off as I continued to suck on Mr. C.

My first time to ever give a blowjob!

His dick tasted sweet and salty and delicious. (yes, I'm saying delicious) I could feel the slick sensation of his precum sloshing around inside my mouth. Clumsily I moved my tongue in circles over the head of his dick. His moans grew louder so I kept up with that. Apparently, I was doing better than I thought.

Mr. C began to scream, "I'm cumming. David, oh GOD DAVID! I'm CUMMING!!" His voice was a screech as I felt a spurt of something warm and sweet fill my mouth. It easily slid down my throat and I continued to suck as hard as I could as wave after wave of his seed was pumped into me.

He stepped back and pulled me up. We kissed again, his tongue rolling against mine -- in an attempt for him to taste himself. Mr. L turned me to him and we kissed passionately. I wrapped my arms around him as we kissed, I could feel his body tense.

"I'm cumming!" he said, and I bent down to his dick. He jacked off for another second, and I was hit with a huge spurt of cum. It kept coming. I lapped it up.

"Oh, God. That was amazing." Mr. L said, falling against the wall, licking his hand clean.

"Yeah, it's your turn now, David." Mr. C was still hard as he pulled me up and fell down to my dick. At this point, I was ready to blow, but I held on. I grabbed the back of his head and forced him down. He began to deep throat me and I was in heaven. One of the best sensations of my life. But my body began to tense and shake and my legs began to tremble.

"I'm going to shoot!" I bellowed.

This only drove Mr. C to suck harder and I began to unleash my cum waves into him. Mr. L held onto me so I wouldn't give out from all of the pleasure. I shot seven spurts. The most intense orgasm of my life. I opened my eyes to see stars -- it was THAT great!

Mr. C stood up, wiped his mouth, and smiled. I loved his smile.

"What did you think?" He was stroking my now limp dick. Mr. L was rubbing my ass and I mulled the question over. My mind was so jumbled and crowded with what I had just experienced.

"I loved it," I whispered, "a lot."

Both Mr. L and Mr. C laughed and we leaned in to kiss one another.

I pulled my shorts on and grabbed my messenger bag. Before I opened the door, I stopped to look back at them.

"Thanks." That was all I was able to say. The two men nodded at me, neither of them dropping the goofy smiles from their faces

Later that year, we took first place in the state marching competition and that May I graduated from high school, which meant... no more band. Mr. L and Mr. C never made another move on me, to my dismay, but we exchanged some hot emails from time-to-time. But eventually, we lost touch all together.

Saddened I was, but a new chapter was beginning in my life, and so much had changed that day my life skipped a beat from the norm. I was ready to experience a whole new outlook.



I just started my new job at Blockbuster.

It had been a long day, nothing too exciting had happened. A man walked up to the counter and handed me two videos and I scanned them, rung him up, and took his money. He thanked me and left. The store was quiet.

I bent down and lifted the returned movies into a crate and began to put them back on the shelves, when the door opened. I was beginning to get pissed now. I headed back to the register and waited for the customer. As they approached, my back was turned. I didn't hear them come up, but I could sense their presence, so I spun around to see... Mr. Carpenter staring back at me. I was floored.

"I'm feeling up for a little action," he said in that familiar voice I always adored.

Mr. L appeared behind him. I couldn't stop myself from grinning.

Mr. C outstretched his hand to me. It was strangely comforting to be looking at him. It felt as if high school had only begun. I slipped my hand into his.

A strange feeling fluttered around in the pit of my stomach. This was something I had not felt before.

But whatever the hell it was, it felt good.

More to come, possibly, if you liked this.

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