The Land Whore

By Mark Arbour

Published on Dec 5, 2008



by: Mark Arbour

Before you read this story, there are a few things you should consider:

  1. It contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. There may even be some sex with women in here. Fortunately, there is no sex with animals.

  2. Be aware that the effects of inflation have been profound. A good rule of thumb is to consider that $1 in 1973 is probably similar to $5 in 2008.

  3. This is a sequel to "Chronicles of an Academic Predator" and "1968." You don't have to read them before this story, but it will give you a deeper insight into the characters and their pasts.

Chapter Two

Musical Recommendation: "I Wanna Be With You," by The Raspberries

February 3, 1973

JP whisked Peter off as soon as he arrived, which kind of disappointed me, but then again, it wasn't completely unexpected. I told Rafael to put his suitcase in my room and he tried to get away with scowling at me. I giggled. I was hot and sweaty after my limousine calisthenics so I showed Peter where our room was and headed to the shower. The water felt amazing and I luxuriated in it, allowing it to flow sensuously over my body. I thought about sex with Peter and felt myself quiver again. What kind of spell had he put on me? I jumped when I heard the bathroom door open. It was Peter. I grinned and held the shower door open, inviting him in.

He moved in behind me and grabbed the soap, running it all over my body. His sudsy fingers grazed my nipples, making them erect and he fondled my balls and cock before running his fingers down my crack and over my hole. I moved back into them, begging him to enter me. He used the soap as lube, and then inserted his dick with the same gentleness he'd used earlier. His lips moved across my neck as he moved his mouth to my ear. "Stefan, you fire me up like no one has before. JP told me that you'd wear me out, that I wouldn't be able to resist you. I didn't believe him, but he was right. You are so sexy, you just reek eroticism. You drive me crazy. You drive me nuts." All I could do was moan, and then I felt the link again.

We moved together, in sync like before, and it seemed like we each instinctively knew just what to do to arouse each other. It was like fucking in a cloud, a haze, a pleasant haze, where we were linked and the focus of our lovemaking moved way beyond our dicks and centered on the core of our souls. I'd completely surrendered myself to the pleasure, so much so that I was genuinely surprised when I felt my orgasm surging forward, but not surprised at all to find Peter cumming with me. After this episode, this session, I felt completely drained. I leaned forward to grab the walls to prevent myself from falling down. He lovingly rinsed me off, led me out of the shower, and then dried me as well. I leaned in and kissed him, not the kind of kiss that says "fuck me," but the kind of kiss that says "thank you."

We had an hour or so before we had to get ready so I made sure the door was locked and I led him to bed. "I don't think I can go again for awhile," he said, seriously for once.

"Me either. You have totally satisfied me," I said and tossed him one of my coquettish grins. "I figured you might like a little rest, and I'd like to spend some time with you."

"I'd like that too," he said.

I reached into my nightstand and pulled out the box that I kept my pot in. "Wanna get high?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he said enthusiastically. Deke hadn't really been into smoking pot. Of the group, JP was definitely the biggest pothead, but I wasn't far behind. We toked some of the kind bud that Mike (our gardener) grew on our property, and then just lay in the bed. He was on his back so I snuggled up next to him and ran my fingers through the sexy red hair on his chest.

"How long are you planning to stay here?" I asked.

"Why, planning your next conquest?" he asked playfully.

"I do not have to plan them, they come to me," I said with faux arrogance.

"I can believe that," he said. "I'm planning to head back tomorrow."

No guilt, no sadness I told myself. Just enjoy the time we have. "Do you have to?" I asked playfully.

"Not if you don't want me to," he said, shocking the shit out of me.

"You mean you'd stay longer just for me?"

He grinned at me. "Stefan, seriously, you felt it, you felt the connection. It was awesome, and unique. I want more. More of you."

Wow. I giggled, felt myself getting all bubbly and goofy. "I felt it. I feel it. So how long can you stay?" I asked.

"I have to be back on Wednesday. So you want my company until Tuesday?"

I moved on top of him and kissed him gently. "Yes. I want your company. I'm gonna show you the best time."

"Of that I am sure," he said. I kissed him again. With any other guy I'd be ready to fuck again, I'd move this forward in some way to give the guy I was with more pleasure. But Peter had satisfied me and I'd satisfied him. We just lay there in each other's arms, quietly enjoying each other's company. But all good things must come to an end.

"OK handsome, time to get ready and wow the guests. There will be a lot of people here, so do not forget where your bed is," I said teasingly. I put on my newest suit with the wide lapels and flashy colors that were popular now. I topped it off with a loud, wide tie. I looked at myself in the mirror. I personally think I look much better without the coat. The tight pants gave my ass that "fuck me" look I always strive for. I wandered out into the bedroom to find Peter, looking stunning. He had on similar styles, it was the fashion after all, but he'd picked a rust pattern that went perfectly with his hair.

"You are a vision," I said, kissing him and linking my arm in his so we could look at the mirror together.

"I don't look half as good as my date," he said.

"Oh. Who the fuck is that? I'll kill him." I said playfully. He pushed me away, laughing. We strolled to the great hall to grab some food. JP was there, looking cute as hell, and Sam was near him, looking nervous. Sam wasn't as comfortable in crowds as JP was. It was fun to watch JP flip on his "social" switch and turn into the denizen of Claremont's leading family.

JP pretended to ignore me except for a small wink. "Peter, I was wondering where you'd gone? I hope you are making yourself comfortable?" The sarcasm in his voice was palpable.

"Quite comfortable, thank you. In fact, the welcoming committee has almost worn me out." I giggled and Sam just shook his head, but smiled.

I sidled up to Sam and whispered in his ear. "Give me your hand." He held his hand out and I looked around then moved it to my crotch. "What do you feel?"

"Uh, your dick, only it's soft," he said nervously, conscious that JP and Peter were staring at him.

"When is the last time I've been around you and that's happened?" I said while squeezing his cheek gently with my hand.

"Uh, never," he said.

"Peter totally satisfied me, wore me out." Peter had no idea what I was talking about, but he blushed. Sam raised his eyebrows and JP's mouth hit the floor.

"That's a first," JP said. I smiled and headed to the bar, leaving JP to explain it to Peter. Hopefully it would make him happy and not freak him out. I sipped my Bloody Mary and looked toward them and caught him staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and he blushed. I smiled and giggled. What is this emotion? Is this what love feels like? Scary. And exciting.

Before long the house was packed, and that's saying something. Escorial is massive. Gary showed up with his fiancée. "You're off the hook for tonight," I whispered. He looked disappointed, which made me smile. I led him to the study and he showed me his plans. I wanted time to review the plan at leisure, but things were more dire than I thought. If I didn't back them, they were bankrupt on Monday. I gave Gary a check for some of the money they needed, enough to tide them over for a week, and told him we'd work out the details on Wednesday. I'd be free then, I thought ruefully. He bounced out of the room on cloud nine.

I returned to the party just as the glasses were clinking. JP stood on the huge table in the middle of the hors d'oeuvre. Most people probably thought he was drunk, but I knew better. He was just doing this for effect. I wandered over next to Peter, shoving some slutty girl aside. She gave me a dirty look. I introduced myself and told her I lived there, and she grudgingly slunk off. Bitch.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate this momentous occasion. As of today, there are fewer than 100 troops left in Vietnam, down from a high of over 500,000 in 1968. During this conflict, Over 1,000,000 North Vietnamese people and 1,000,000 South Vietnamese people were killed. The United States lost some 58,000 gallant soldiers killed in battle, and another 300,000 wounded, of which 150,000 required hospitalization. One of the earliest casualties of that war was my dear, dear friend, Lieutenant Andre Clerrault, whose statue graces this hall." He pointed to Andre's statue, which gained new significance in the eyes of the crowd. "I pledged after that to devote my career to fighting this war. I was one voice of many, and some, like our brothers and sisters at Kent State, sacrificed far more than the rest of us. I'd like to ask you to join me in a moment of silence to remember their sacrifice." There was no grumbling in the crowd. Many people viewed the US troops as murderers, but JP had cleverly included the Kent State martyrs, so everyone had something to be sad about. The mood had changed from joyous celebration to complete sadness in such a short time, and many, including me and JP, had tears flowing from our eyes.

JP got a grip on his emotions, normally fully in check. "But my friends, the war is now over, at least for the United States. Let us put the horrible conflict behind us, but let us never forget the lessons we learned. I ask you to raise your glasses and join me in celebrating the end of this conflict, surely something we can all be thankful for. And I ask you all to wish me the best as I try to find something new to focus on. After 11 years, I'm kind of in a rut." That unexpected joke brought laughter and the sounds of clinking glasses. JP was a master. He'd brought everyone's emotions from the peak, to the valley, and back to the apex.

Throughout the party I found myself keeping constant track of Peter. I was worried that it would seem like I was stalking him, but I realized that it had nothing to do with trust. I had no doubt where he'd end up tonight. I just wanted to look at him. He was mobbed most of the evening. Half the crowd consisted of JP's students at Stanford. If they got an "A", he'd invited them. He was so clever. I giggled as I watched Peter flirt with amazing student gods and goddesses.

JP had let Brad and Ace come to the party, but most of the time they'd just been on the fringes. I saw Ace over with a bunch of students, clearly working to fit right in and succeeding fairly well. I looked around for Brad and finally found him sitting near Andre's statue looking lonely and sad. Without Ace, he really was lost in social circles. This would never do.

Musical Recommendation: "Mother and Child Reunion," by Paul Simon

"Bradley," I said firmly, "You're with me. I want you next to me until bedtime, unless you have to pee." He looked at me nervously, but then smiled and took station on my right flank. I led him through the crowd to where Peter was. "Peter, I'd like to introduce you to my nephew, Brad Schluter."

If Peter hadn't won me over completely already, he did it then. He stopped talking to the University Provost, a department chair, and four beautiful students and focused his whole attention on Brad. "Why it's very nice to meet you Brad. Your uncle has told me what a neat guy you are."

Brad blushed nervously, but gamely brought out the right words. "Thank you sir. He's the most important person in the world to me." I felt tears welling up in my eyes. He'd never said anything like that to me before. I fought them back. Peter smiled at me.

"I live in LA. Would you like to come visit me and go see a movie studio?" Brad's eyes lit up.

"That would be so cool!" he said, uninhibited, and the group laughed. "Can I go tell Ace?" he asked.

"Sure, go have fun, but when you're done talking to Ace, you come find me, got it?" He nodded and fled.

"Kind of a goofy young kid," said one of the students in the group. He blanched when he got glares from the rest of us. "We were all like that once," he said, trying to save himself, but it didn't work. In a few minutes the group had, through subtle dynamics, cleansed itself of this idiot.

I moved up to Peter and put my arm around his shoulder. "Thanks for that. He's shy."

"No problem," Peter said with a smile. Then he moved his mouth next to my ear. "Watch the touching, OK? I love it when you touch me, but people talk. Don't be mad, OK?" My first reaction was to be offended, but I realized how stupid that was. I gave him my biggest smile and winked at him, telling him that I understood and that it was OK.

The party seemed to last forever. There was a cadre of distinguished guests, including the Provost and the Chancellor, several leading academics, the Mayor of Palo Alto, some important business and civic leaders, and other members of the social elite. But Peter was the star. Having a celebrity, an academy award winning actor, was sure to turn any gathering into a gala. The bad news is that as the star of the evening, he was stuck at the party till damn near the end. About midnight my body was fully recharged and I was desperately craving his attention. By 1:00AM, I was almost beside myself. I cornered him alone.

"God I want you so bad. Let's sneak off and fuck," I begged. He giggled.

"We can't do that Stef. Hang in there. If this thing doesn't break off by 2AM, we'll bail."

"Another hour?" I whined. I'd make it just fine, but I wanted him to think I was more desperate than I was. "Alright, but you better make it worth my while," I teased. He winked at me and we wandered off.

At 2:00AM I found Peter cornered by some drunken sorority girl who was obviously convinced she'd be able to get into Peter's pants. As I approached, he yawned. "You've had a long day," I told him sympathetically. "JP told me to let you know that it's OK if you want to retire."

"Want me to walk you to your room?" the girl said and broke into giggles.

"I'll be fine, but thanks anyway," Peter said graciously. She stood there trying to look sexy, which was hilarious, but Peter just shook her hand and said goodbye. I led him to the corridor and found she was still following.

I turned and glared at her. "This area is reserved for the family. I'm sorry, but I can not let you back here."

"Peter wants me to come with him," she said confidently. Just when I thought I'd have to make a scene Sam appeared from nowhere. She knew Sam. He told her to scram, and she did. Quickly. "Thanks," I mouthed, and headed off to find Peter. He was busy taking off his suit and throwing it around the room. I locked the door and started laughing, doing the same thing. I had just calmed down when I heard a voice whispering at the door. It was the girl. "Peter?" she said. Then more fervently. "Peter?" We stayed quiet and heard her move to the next door and say his name. About three doors down she'd found Isidore's room and Isidore wasn't alone. Isidore had an ongoing fling with the gardener, so it could be him. There was also a student, a really hot guy, hitting on her all night. In any event, the next thing we heard was a scream, followed by loud shouts by Isidore, mostly in French. Then JP's voice, angry, and then silence as the girl was finally thrown out. I was laughing so hard I almost couldn't stand it.

Peter finally shut me up with his mouth, kissing me with an increasing passion. I didn't care about anything then. I only cared about him, about being with him. He moved down to my dick and took me into his mouth. I didn't let him stay there long. I wanted to last awhile, and I wouldn't if I let him work his oral magic. I pushed him back on the bed and returned his favor, but this time I wanted to really appreciate his unique aroma. I sucked his dick for a bit, just to get him going, then moved to his balls, inhaling his scent, feeling my cock strain from the nasal stimulation. Then I moved lower and he lifted his legs to give me access to his taint. The smell there was strong and ripe, but to me it smelled better than roses. I moved my tongue down and played with his hole, rimming him gently, then more urgently, until I was fucking his ass with my tongue.

"Stefan, I want you to fuck me," he whimpered. I grabbed the lube and started playing with his hole. He was tight, real tight. He didn't take it up the ass much, which made it that much more flattering that he'd let me do it. I got him lubed and then lay on my back.

"Come on Peter, sit on my dick. Take me inside of you," I cooed. He looked at me with lust and appreciation, thankful that I'd given him the control to regulate penetration. He lowered himself onto me cautiously and gently.

"Sorry Stefan, I don't do this very often," he said.

"You feel wonderful Peter. Incredible. And the fact that you're letting me inside you, well that is really flattering." He looked at me dubiously but he finally swallowed my cock up into his ass. "Ahhh," I moaned. "You make me feel so good. You are so tight, so firm, ahhhh." The vocals helped him, and he started to move up and down on my cock. After the third or fourth stroke, he hit his spot, and that set him free.

He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me fervently. He moved his ass up and down on my cock, still in complete control. I felt his cock glide across my abdomen, his pre-cum making an oil slick to lubricate the movement. Then we linked again. He was ahead of me, way closer, so he used his mouth, his words, to catch me up.

"God Stefan, you feel so good inside of me. I love feeling your cock sliding in and out of my ass. Ahhhh. I want you to fill me up. Flood my ass. Come on baby. Flood me." That did it. I screamed and pushed up into him and felt his warm wad fly across my chest as he came with me. Another intense orgasm, another intense connection. I grabbed a towel and wiped us off, and then we drifted off to sleep with him spooning up behind me.

February 4, 1973

I woke up to another amazing round of sex, one that left me unable to walk to the shower for about 15 minutes. We showered together, and as I washed his sexy body, I wondered how he did this to me? How did he connect with me like that? How did he give me the most amazing orgasms I'd ever experienced?

A hung over family (except the kids) gathered for a late breakfast. We came out just as Isidore finished laying into Sam and JP for inviting that stupid girl. She was a sophomore. Her last two years were going to be tough.

"So how are you two doing?" Isidore asked sweetly, much to the relief of JP and Sam. "Come join us Peter." She had such gracious manners and always went out of her way to make guests feel happy.

"We're doing great," said Peter, answering for both of us. That got him a grin from me, and I knew it looked idiotic but I couldn't help it.

"So you have to head back today? Stefan, I assume you're planning to go to the airport with him," JP said smugly. Bursting his bubble would be priceless.

"Actually, Peter decided to stay through Tuesday. I thought we'd head out to the beach today and spend a day or two there. You feel like heading to the coast today?"

Musical Recommendation: "Take It Easy" by The Eagles

JP stared at us, stunned, which was satisfying. It was rare when he didn't know what was going on. "You don't want us around," he said dismissively.

"Why not come down for the day at least? Bring the kids. They love the beach. Come back Monday morning," I said. I wanted to have Brad around, especially after he told me how important I was to him. JP seemed to sense that it was important.

"I'm up for a trip to the coast. Sam?" He just nodded. Apparently Claire and Isidore had a girls' thing planned, so it ended up as a boys' trip. The guys were thrilled. We piled into our cars and headed out. I took JP in the Porsche while Peter went with Sam and the boys in Isidore's Cadillac convertible. I had hoped to take Peter with me, but JP wanted to pump me for the scoop.

"So you and Peter seemed to hit it off pretty well," JP said as soon as we were on the freeway and he was done admiring my car.

"Yep," I said, teasing him.

He said nothing. He was so stoic. He would outlast me if I played this game, because he was too good at it. But I love him, I truly do, and I didn't want to torture him. I giggled and he looked at me sideways with a smile, knowing now that I was just fucking with him.

"JP, he is amazing. I have never been with anyone who has made me feel like he does. You are the only one who has come close."

He raised his eyebrows. "So he's a better lover than me?"

"Well, yeah, I guess he is, at least when it comes to me." He laughed. We were secure enough with each other to play carelessly with our fragile sexual egos. "We have this connection. When we are making love, it is like our minds meld into one, we truly become one. It is almost supernatural."

"I understand," he said with a smile. "That's how things are with Sam."

"Were they that way with Jeff and Andre?" I asked, walking onto some delicate ground.

I saw him thinking and I worried that I was making him dig too deep, but he seemed thoughtful, not sad. "It was different with Andre. With him, it was about expressing love, not about making love with each other. I experienced it with Jeff though. Did you?"

"No," I said. There was a time when I'd loved Jeff too. "I never had a connection like that with him. I think that when I was with Marc in Paris, there were a few times that it was close. And with you, when we were together, I felt it then." He looked at me lovingly. There were a lot of bittersweet memories we were touching on.

JP deftly changed the subject. "So is this a fling, or will it be a real relationship?"

"I do not know. It's only been a day. But I think it is more than just a fling."

"What about Deke?" he asked.

"That's a tough one. I do not know. He let me fuck him last night though, and I do not think he's let Deke do that." I giggled.

"What makes you say that?" he asked.

"He had to be careful with my puny cock. If he'd been with Deke, he could have swallowed me without lube." We both laughed at that, and our conversation turned to other topics. When we got closer to Santa Cruz, I brought up my conversation with Brad and Peter.

"You're not upset are you?" I was concerned that JP would be offended that Brad thought I was the most important person in his life.

"Of course not," he said. "I'm glad he has you. He's had a tough go of it you know. If it were not for Ace, I think he'd curl up and hide in his room."

"Would it be OK with you if I did some things with him this summer? Like maybe take him on some trips?"

"Absolutely," he said. "Stefan, I want you to spend as much time with him as possible. Where were you thinking of going?"

"I want to take him to LA. Peter promised him a tour of a movie studio. And maybe to Claremont. I think if he goes alone with me, he'll be OK. And maybe even to Paris."

"Paris? I mean, I don't have a problem with you taking him there, but you haven't gone back since you moved here." JP always looked out for me.

"I know, and I need to do it. It would be neat if you and Ace could come too, but you do not have to if you do not want to."

"That's an interesting thought. Let me talk to Isidore about it. I mean about Ace and I going. You can take Brad with you." I saw the wheels working in his brain. JP thought things through carefully.

We got to the beach house before the others, thanks to the Porsche and its great handling. "JP, this place is just amazing," I said as we walked through the front door. He'd bought it in 1968 and Isidore had completely rebuilt it. There were four bedrooms for adults and two bedrooms with bunks for kids. It sat right on a cliff overlooking a beautiful little beach, with floor to ceiling windows that provided the best view conceivable. The beach wasn't private; no beach in California is. But access was tough, so it was rare that anyone would make it that far.

"You should spend more time here. You've got a key." He said simply. That's the way JP was. What was his was mine. He knew how to share. Even Sam, I thought and giggled to myself. There was a thunder of footsteps as the boys got there. It was cold and overcast but that didn't stop them from running down to the beach. The four of us followed them at a more leisurely pace.

Brad did well when it was just him and his brothers. It wasn't until other people came into the mix that he had problems. That made it extra special to see him enjoying their company.

"JP, this place is just great! It's a good thing I didn't know about it before, or I would move up here when I'm not filming." The thought of that excited and scared me. It would be great to have him here, but that meant he'd probably bring Deke with him.

"You're always welcome Peter. We'll even give you your own room." JP was so gracious.

"Nah, I'll just share Stefan's," he said, and that got him a big grin.

What turned out as a seat-of-the-pants expedition turned out to be a great time. The boys played on the beach until they were exhausted. They cleaned up and Sam organized a baseball game. JP and I were horrible players, and the boys had a blast making fun of us. We barbecued burgers and hot dogs, and built a fire on the beach to roast smores. It wasn't until 11pm when an exhausted triad of boys headed to bed, and the rest of us joined JP on the deck to smoke his nightly joint with him. It was freezing cold outside with the wind whipping around, but we snuggled up on the two large couches, Sam and JP on one, Peter and I on the other, smoking pot and listening to the crashing waves. Despite Peter's body heat, though, I was still cold, so I led him off to bed. Sam and JP followed; JP could handle the cold, but Sam was a warm blooded boy.

We fell into bed and made love again, connecting again, bonding again. It was magical. I collapsed onto his chest, panting, trying to catch my breath after we were spent. He giggled at me. "I'm worried you're going to get hurt," he joked. Me too, I thought, only not physically.

"Did you mean what you said about spending time up here?" I asked. I regretted it as soon as I said it. "I'm sorry Peter, forget I asked. I mean, you've only been here for a day. I do not want you to feel pressured or...." he cut me off with a gentle kiss, a loving kiss.

"I meant what I said. Being with you is pretty amazing," he said, and all I could do is grin back at him. "I'd like to see how it goes. You OK with that?"

"I'm great with that." I started to say more but stopped.

"What? Say it Stefan. Don't be afraid."

"I have never felt this way before. I have had sex with lots of people. JP teases me about being a slut, and he is right. I think part of that is that I never found someone who could completely satisfy me. Until you." If that didn't scare him away, nothing would.

"You could be describing me. Did JP ever tell you how we met?" he asked.

"He said you met at Princeton."

Peter laughed. "Well, that's true to a point. We met in a bathroom, cruising each other. We blew each other, but there was something about him that stuck in my mind. Then I broke up with my boyfriend and went to the same bathroom, hoping to run into him. Instead, I got busted by a cop. The cop cuffed me and was being a dick, pushing me up the stairs ahead of him. When we got to the top of one flight and turned the corner, there was JP, my knight in shining armor. He sprayed the cop with a fire extinguisher then hit him in the head with it, knocking him down the stairs." I was laughing hysterically. The thought of JP doing that, solid, stable, Mr. Society defying the rules like that was more than I could handle. It took us both a while to stop laughing.

"We ran to his car and he drove south to the Delaware Coast where we hid out for a day and had great sex. Then, when we realized that we weren't the subject of a manhunt, we went into Philly for a few days. JP bought me a whole new wardrobe; helped me get cleaned up and presentable. I let him fuck me that night. You could probably tell I don't do that often. He was the last guy to fuck me until you did last night." I just stared at him and ran my hand down his cheek. "So he gave me a wad of cash and bought me a plane ticket to LA. Without him, I'd be nothing." I could tell Peter loved JP deeply, but just like I did. That meant JP wasn't a threat.

I stared at him and he looked at me. "Go ahead, ask me," he said. I couldn't do it. I just buried my head in his chest like a coward. "We're friends. He wants more, I don't. He knows that, I've told him, but he won't let go, won't give up." I looked at him. I couldn't ask him about Deke, but he told me anyway.

"I thought I was in love with him," I said. "It's funny; when he was here he was like a puppy dog, followed me everywhere. He was great. I'd go look at buildings and he'd drive me. He took care of me. After a year, I think we both knew that it was nothing more than friendship, and he started acting like I was taking advantage of him." A tear fell down my cheek and Peter brushed it away. "That hurt me, because I always tried to be there for him, but I guess it was not enough. When he told me he was moving back to LA, to try and work things out with you, I hated you. I really did. And when he was gone I was so lonely. But after a week, I was refocused and fine and I realized that if I got over him that quickly, it was not really that strong of a relationship to begin with." He just nodded.

"Funny you mention that. When he came back to LA it was fun at first, but he was mad that I wouldn't even let him try to fuck me. He told me about what an amazing lover you were, and how you could take him without a problem." I grimaced. Deke had a huge dick. He was not easy to take, but he was fun once you got used to it. "I grew to hate you too. Had you pegged for a boy whore, a total slut with no scruples at all. We had a big fight and cleared the air, and after that he let up and I could see from the things he said that you were actually a pretty great guy."

"So what did he say when you told him you were coming up here?" I asked.

He giggled. "He told me to stay away from you or you'd cast a spell on me."

I giggled with him and grabbed his hand, guiding it to my hard cock. "I do have a magic wand," I teased. He stroked my hard member and then he let me fuck him again. It was easier and better this time. When we were done I spooned up behind him and we drifted off to sleep.


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