The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Nov 26, 2016


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 5: Privileges, Copyright 2014 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 5: Privileges By Tripp Savidge

"You better slow down, or you'll get pulled over," Joseph cautioned.

"You're right. I'm just feeling a little wound at the moment," Blake said as he slowed the Porsche down to the speed limit. "I want to get you home and have my way with you."

"Something happen this morning?" Joseph asked putting his hand on Blake's thigh.

"Lots. But nothing that will distract me from you," Blake said as he opened the garage door and pulled in. It only took them a few minutes to get to their sumptuous bedroom where Blake immediately started removing Joseph's clothes.

"You are so beautiful..." Blake said as he kissed Joseph's neck, licking along his chin and up to his ear lobe. He took it in his mouth and nibbled. Running his hands down Joseph's muscular back to feel where his round bubble butt began. He reached further gripping and stroking Joseph's tight ass, pulling him tight against his body. Blake found Joseph's mouth and began exploring while he felt Joseph deftly removing his remaining clothes. They collapsed onto the bed, holding each other, caressing and kissing.

Blake reached down and cupped Joseph's heavy balls in his hand and squeezed gently. Joseph moaned into Blake's mouth as Blake worked his hand down and under Joseph's balls, finding that sensitive, sweet opening. Blake could feel the heat and started teasing Joseph's hole, getting it ready.

"Please Blake, fuck me," Joseph begged between kisses.

Blake kissed down Joseph's neck, across his muscular chest, taking a small diversion to suck each hard brown nipple before moving down those washboard abs. Blake ran his tongue along the valleys of Joseph's abs, enjoying how it made Joseph squirm - then found the tickle of Joseph's thick brown bush and the scent of his ripe cock.

"May I?" Blake teased, letting the heat of his breath flow across Joseph's hard cock.

"Please! Please!" Joseph begged.

Blake ran his tongue up from the bottom of Joseph's cock, enjoying the taste of his leaking pre-cum, the smooth texture, the subtle wrinkles of skin as it gathered at the base of his glans. Then he took the head in his mouth, the heat and velvety texture, the sweet taste of Joseph's pre- cum and he sucked, and sucked hard.

Joseph groaned and squirmed as Blake took more and more of Joseph's hard cock in his mouth. Blake took some of his spit and the pre-cum and lubed Joseph's hole as he sucked. He slid his finger gently into Joseph, finding that sweet spot as he vigorously sucked. Joseph was now lifting his ass off the bed to meet Blake's mouth and exploring finger. Blake knew Joseph was close - he could feel the tenseness in Joseph's body, sense the change in his breathing.

"Aaaah!" Joseph yelled as he erupted in Blake's mouth spouting man juice like a volcano. Blake deftly took it all in, not missing a drop as he sucked and licked, holding Joseph tightly. "Please fuck me Blake! I want you inside me... Please!"

"God Joseph, you taste so good. I can't get enough of you," Blake exclaimed as he pulled back and pressed his wet engorged cock to Joseph's hole.

As soon as Joseph felt Blake's cock he started pushing his ass down and his hole worked to suck Blake in, hungry for that huge cock. "So hot, so tight... Joseph... slow down..." Joseph had taken all of Blake inside and was writhing and thrusting his body back and forth on Blake.

Blake did his best to take over the rhythm but Joseph was so hungry for him and was moving so much he knew he couldn't last long. "Joseph, please let me...fuck...uggggh!" Blake felt the explosion all the way to his core as his body released deep inside Joseph's tight ass. He was just catching his breath and found himself rolled onto his back with Joseph on top, still riding him.

"Joseph, enough love, I already came," Blake protested as he watched Joseph's muscular tan body ripple and flex as it rode his manhood. Seeing his huge cock sliding into Joseph's beautiful body was such a turn on, with Joseph's hard cock pointing straight up and leaking streams of pre- cum. Blake's head was starting to spin with the intensity and he was having trouble pacing his breath as he felt his body building again. The feel of Joseph tightening and squeezing his cock was so intense. He reached up to tease Joseph's nipples and was rewarded with more frantic fucking - without even thinking he grabbed and pinched harder and was rewarded with a huge load of cum shooting into his face before he felt his own body release yet again.

Joseph continued riding and leaned down, licking the sweet cum off of Blake's face and beard, kissing him, exploring his mouth. The taste of Joseph's cum and the feel of his ass still milking the seed out of Blake making him swoon. Joseph gradually released Blake's ravaged cock and slid along his body, holding Blake tightly.

"Wow Joseph. I swear it just gets better and better," Blake gasped as he held Joseph tightly.

"With all the competition, I have to make sure no one else can compare," Joseph teased, taking Blake's nipple in his mouth and biting gently.

"No worries love. Absolutely no one can compare to you."

"Guess it's McDonalds again on the way back?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah, somewhat of a letdown after this but sex is much more important than food..."

"And you get to explain to Max how you ducked out without any guards," Joseph chided.

  • Scene 2 *

"Sorry to keep you waiting Vince," Blake said as he greeted the man Claire ushered into his office. "Joseph and I ran a little late at lunch. It's getting harder and harder to go out, but I am so tired of the food here."

"Not a problem boss," Vince responded with a smile. If you didn't look closely, you wouldn't notice how attractive Vince really was...until he smiled. He hid behind his horn rimmed glasses and nerdy attire and tried to be as unremarkable as possible.

"Still hiding in plain sight Vince?"

"Yeah," Vince blushed. "The guys around here are a little overwhelming. I'm just doing my best to stay off the radar."

"Let me know when you change your mind... I guarantee you'd have a queue outside your door if you wanted. But I support you, so we'll let you lay low for now, but not forever. How are things going with our projects?"

"Mostly good news," Vince said as he took a seat and pulled out his tablet. "The final work on the island lab is almost wrapped up. The resort is ready and we've begun training staff. We are just finishing final security testing on the lab area before we start provisioning and moving people in. You saw the report that we had some 'espionage' issues and unwanted guests?"

"Yes. A little unnerving. Everything back on track?"

"Max's team took care of it. They confirmed it was the cartel and sent appropriate warnings. They really want in on the business."

"I'm sure they do. What else?"

"We've finalized selection on upgrading the facilities and new security for here as well. You should have the final acceptance meeting on your agenda for next week. Carl's team is really pumped. Some of the technology is a huge leap over what we have today. Also wanted to confirm that you still plan on decommissioning the cabin?"

"Yeah, that's the plan. It's too small and too vulnerable as a lab for test subjects. We'll just keep the cabin as a retreat. It's a great spot for relaxing and much more private for our team's use," Blake said smiling.

"Speaking of the cabin, did Carl or one of his team let you know about the breach there?"

"What? No. It's been a little crazy they may not have had a chance. What happened?" Blake asked with concern.

"Someone disabled the perimeter security and broke into the cabin. We sent out the state cops and they repaired the fence and did a walk about but didn't see any signs of life. Carl's team hasn't been able to bring the system back up remotely. Good news is the access to the lab area itself still shows as secured."

"There's not much left there... we've already moved most of the supplies. Maybe it's unrelated to our business. Max and Randy were going to head there this weekend, maybe we send them a couple days early."

"Might be a good idea sir. I'm sure they can handle it if it's locals and if not, there's no one better than Max to deal with it. That was all I had unless you have questions? We'll review the specs in detail with you next week for this facility."

"No, no questions. Thanks Vince. You sure you're doing ok? I know this place is a bit different than your prior employers but we take care of our people and I think it will grow on you. I want you to feel like you fit in."

"Thank you sir. I'm sure it will. I still feel a bit like a fish out of water. The thought of being openly accepted as a gay man at work is hard enough to wrap my head around without all the other... you know..."

Bing. Bing. "Joseph is here when you're ready Dr. Connor," Claire said over the intercom. "Thanks Claire, send him in."

"Joseph? Here? I'll excuse myself. Please let me know if you need anything sir," Vince said in a rush.

"Vince! So good to see you. I was beginning to think you were hiding from me," Joseph said as he entered the room and sauntered over to where Vince was standing.

"Hello Joseph," Vince squeaked.

"Vince, is there something wrong?" Blake asked.

"No, sir. Not at all. Just don't want to keep you. I know you have a busy schedule."

"Sure, thank you again Vince." Blake got up as Vince quickly excused himself. "That was weird. What's going on Joseph?"


"Bullshit. Vince was coming out of his skin as soon as he heard you were here. What's going on?"

"I think he's attracted to me and doesn't know how to deal with it. That's all."

"And?" Blake coaxed.

"And, he's more sexually repressed than Max and is about to burst with need. I can feel it radiating off of him. A lot of that going around lately."

"So why is he hiding? I've seen him working with Dmitri, he's got an awesome body and when you get him out of those horrid clothes and remove the glasses... well damn!" Blake said shaking his head.

"Issues? Who knows? I'm not Dr. Blythe. But I do agree it's going to get in the way of his job soon. I think we're all pretending he doesn't exist but sooner or later someone is going to comment, flirt or make a move and who knows how he'll respond?"

"He's damn good at his job and I want him to work out here. Maybe you could help."

"Sure... what did you have in mind?" Joseph asked.

"Talk to Dr. Blythe, see if we can't get him through an eval and if it isn't anything more serious, seduce him, and see if that fixes things."

"Blake! You are such a charmer. You'd share me just like that?" Joseph asked teasing.

"Hell no. But maybe if it goes well we can do a hot threesome, those I like," Blake said as he grabbed Joseph and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Glad to serve," Joseph said. "But both of us will feel Max's wrath if we keep him waiting any longer."

  • Scene 3 *

Blake saw Max standing at the nurse's station very intently sending a look of displeasure.

"Don't do that again Blake," Max began. "Luis and Pedro were sure they were going to get sacked when you snuck out on them. Fortunately I know your difficult ass and didn't hold them accountable for your bad behavior. You are not safe without an escort. With the cartel activity on top of everything else you can't take these chances."

"I'm sorry Max, you are right and Joseph warned me. I'm just not used to this nor do I like giving up the freedom," Blake said trying his best to sound contrite.

"And if something were to happen to Joseph?" Max let his question hang while it filtered into Blake's head.

Blake looked over to Joseph who was flirting with Ian. Max is right, our world has changed. "Ok. I promise I will not sneak off again."

"Good. Not that I trust you, but it's a start. If we want all the new guys dispositioned and started on treatments tomorrow, we need to wrap up your review today."

"Remind me, who do we have remaining."

"Ten in total. Four of them say they're gay and six say they're straight. Of the straight guys, we think a couple may be edging into bi. As we've seen, whether it's the community or the coach alone, they all have serious homophobic hang-ups. Even the gay guys feel bad about it."

"We can help with that over time. Did you have a preference on order or approach?"

"Dr. Blythe was just here and he recommended that we meet with each individually, then as a group. He also thought it would be good to pair them off for rooming in the next couple of days."

"Okay, that works. We've just never had so many at one time. Do we have the dorm ready for them?"

"Oh, yeah. Vince had one of his project managers on it as soon as we took them in. But we are keeping the milkers separate. Dr. Wakahisa is rather protective of how they're handled."

"Yeah, he would be. And given the diet and regimen he uses, it makes sense. They'll see each other soon enough," Blake laughed. "Has Mitchell met Carl yet?"

"Have you heard the screams? No, probably not for another few days," Max laughed. "Carl is flying out today for the island - he wants to go over everything personally when they power up."

"Let's get started. Joseph? You going to join us?" Max called.

"I have six of the guys waiting in exam rooms. Once we finish with a subject, Dr. Smalley and Phyllis will escort them back to their room and do a debrief. Then bring back the next subject."

"Debrief?" Blake asked.

"Dr. Blythe wants to make sure that their mental state stays good as they move to the next phase. Dr. Smalley is a little better on bedside manner so I think that's a good thing - he can get them to trust him. Dr. Blythe can be a little academic and cerebral at times. First up is Kris," Max said as he walked them to the first exam room and knocked.

"Ready," Came the voice from the other side. Max opened the door and allowed Dr. Connor and Joseph to enter first.

"Good afternoon Kris. I am Dr. Connor and this is my assistant Joseph and Max from Social Services. How are you feeling today?"

"Fine sir. Will I get to go home soon? I don't feel sick, but the doctors keep telling me I'm in quarantine."

"We don't know yet Kris, so we're going to do our best to take care of you and make sure you stay healthy. Would you mind removing your gown and I'll complete your exam."

Blake watched the young man remove the hospital gown and toss it on the chair. He had a lean, slim build, dark brown hair and eyes. His lips were very full and he had a good looking face. The body was nice too, with a nice six pack and Adonis belt, brown bush and very generous cock. "Lie back for me and put your feet up in the stirrups."

Blake put on gloves and then started pressing and touching Kris's chest. "Any sensitivity in your nipples?" Blake asked as he admired the pale pink nipples, slowly hardening at his prodding.

"No sir."

"Any other abdominal pain, or discomfort in your genitals?" Blake asked as he slowly slid his hands down into the bush surrounding Kris' now hardening cock.

"No sir."

"So no problems with erections or ejaculation? Any sensitivity to penetration?"

"Pardon, I haven't gotten off in a while but what do you mean... penetration?" Kris asked in confusion.

Blake had firmly gripped the shaft and was stroking Kris lightly while he started examining the pink pucker of his hole. "You know, pain or discomfort when something enters your anus?"

"Nothin' going in my butt," Kris said firmly.

"So you don't know then. Joseph, a little lubricant please," Blake said holding out his hand while Joseph squeezed some lube onto his gloved fingers. "Thank you. Kris just breathe deeply and I'll be done before you know it."

"You gotta do that sir?" Kris asked.

"Definitely, we need to make sure that there aren't any problems," Blake answered as he slowly worked his finger deeper and deeper into Kris's tight pink hole. When he had it far enough in, he started working it, exploring for the prostate.

"Shit! What the..." Kris exclaimed as his body writhed.

"Joseph can you please help Kris hold still. Kris, I am massaging your prostate - if it works correctly you should start leaking pre-cum." Joseph turned and gave Blake a smile while he held Kris's body to the table. Kris was very distracted by the attention to his hole and his cock was now very hard, showing off how large, straight, and firm he was. Kris was also leaking a notable amount of pre-cum that was running down and pooling on his balls.

"Is this painful Kris?" Blake asked.

"No sir, I mean it feels really weird but... sir, I'm sorry but if you keep doing that I think I'm going to shoot." Kris was breathing heavily and his eyes had glazed over.

"That's okay Kris, just relax and let your body do its business," Blake said as he worked Kris' ass.

"Shit!" Kris exclaimed as he blew his load several feet into the air. The amount of cum was impressive and showered down over his chest and a few streams hit him in the face.

"Impressive Kris," Blake said. He gently removed his fingers and handed some paper towels to Kris. Joseph removed his hands but did so making sure to capture some of Kris' cum in the process which he quickly sucked off his fingers. "That's a good sign. I think we'll be able to move you to the dorms soon and let you interact with some of the other quarantined patients. But no outside visitors yet."

"I don't understand sir," Kris said in confusion.

"Dr. Smalley will explain it more when he takes you back to your room, but for now, we'll start you on treatments, get you back into classes so you don't miss graduation and start some physical therapy."

"I get to go back to school? Sorry I'm still confused and what about my mom?"

"Sorry no outside visitors just yet. The classes will be with a private instructor - you and others in quarantine will pick up where you left off."

"This doesn't make any sense..." Kris said shaking his head.

"It will soon, trust me," Blake said as he washed up and left Kris to his confusion.

  • Scene 4 *

Blake continued on to the next exam room where he found Adam, a very muscular, young man of Indian decent, with a monster cock of at least 11 inches, thick and uncut with a smooth body, even his pubic hair was shaved, beautiful smooth light brown skin, brown nipples and a very full round ass. He and Joseph couldn't avoid playing with the huge dick, just a little so they don't know if he'd have given a load just playing with his ass - oh well, there's always next time.

Brandon was next up, little shorter and not as muscular, with wavy brown hair, brown eyes and long lashes. There was no getting around the fact that Brandon was just damn cute and almost as blessed as Adam. He wasn't quite as thick and had a little more taper but fine, just the same. Joseph was particularly entertained with Brandon's moaning and groaning during the exam - seemed he really liked the attention.

The fourth guy was Kevin; he was a very ripped African-American with a large cock, beautiful nipples and an expressive face. His skin was ashen black and his muscles rippled as he writhed in pleasure at Dr. Connor's attention. Blake couldn't resist stroking the massive cock and watching it bring forth a huge load.

So far all the subjects had questions, were confused and couldn't understand what was happening to them or why they couldn't leave. But at the same time, they all seemed to enjoy the attention and not one had voiced an objection to the invasion of his hole or getting jacked off by his doctor.

Max shook his head as they approached the next exam room. "I am going to need a seriously cold shower by the time this day is over."

"Better yet Max, why not visit the new milkers? They need the attention and there's some might fine holes waiting to be plowed," Blake said, winking at Max.

"Or, if you prefer, I could help you..." Joseph said putting his hand on Max's ass.

"No, no. I'm not ready for that quite yet. I don't know if I'd survive," Max said laughing.

"Put if off if you want, it will happen," Joseph said as he knocked on the door.

"This will be Aaron, a real fine young man." Max said as they entered the room. Fortunately all went well and they seemed to have a routine going. But, by the time they finished with Aaron, Max was looking a little flushed.

"You okay Max?" Blake asked giving him a serious once over.

"Yeah, yeah. Just can't get that boy off my mind. Wow would I love to plow that sweet dark brown bubble but of his. Just watching you finger that hole was almost enough to make me blow. So round and smooth, nice large round muscles, sweet six pack and nice meaty cock." Max drooled.

"Max, why don't you make a quick stop down to the milking lab and catch up with us again after?" Blake suggested.

"Maybe after the next one. Jason's given us a little trouble and don't want you in there by yourselves."

"Trouble? What did he do?" Dr. Connor asked with concern.

"He tried to escape. Went all 'kung fu' on us. No one was hurt, most of the staff know how to handle it and if they can't take him down, they know who to call," Max said.

"Was he hurt? How'd you explain it?"

"Nah, a little embarrassed at how quickly we got him down, maybe some bruises. Wounded his pride more than anything. But he'll think twice before trying again. We didn't collar him; he didn't really try to hurt anyone, just get by them. On a positive note, I think he has some real potential. If Dmitri doesn't nab him, I could make something of him."

"Oh, is this the assistant coach? The one Dmitri said was also a personal trainer?"

"Yup, he's the one," Max responded as Blake knocked.

"Come in."

"Afternoon. I'm Dr. Connor and this is my assistant Joseph. You may have already met Max."

"No, I'd remember him." Jason said looking up at the mountain of a man standing at the door. "Why can't I leave Dr. Connor? No one gives answers that make sense and I've never seen a hospital where the nurses and staff look like a cross between special ops and male models. What's really going down?" Jason challenged.

Blake looked to Max and then Joseph, who both nodded. Joseph moved to the exam table just behind Jason and gave an evil smile. I wonder what Joseph's up to? Blake thought.

"I'll give you a choice Jason. With knowledge comes responsibility. Do you want truth that puts you in an awkward position or comfortable lies that give you a nice safe place of denial?"

"Please just tell me straight up," Jason said.

"Give me a moment to gather my thoughts so I don't confuse you more," Blake said. What he really wanted was time to look Jason over and see what path might work best. This was one of those times he wished he could communicate with Joseph, to get those insights only he could gather. Blake looked at the serious expression on Jason's face, admiring the chiseled features. He was very handsome, probably as good looking as Ben or Brice but different. He had glossy black hair, dark brows and lashes, bright blue eyes. A light complexion and Blake knew that underneath that hospital gown was a very ripped, muscular body. Dmitri had already gone on about him.

"Jason, you have a choice ahead of you. You are indeed a prisoner and will remain one until such time that we are through with you or you prove yourself valuable and trustworthy enough to be given your freedom. And it is freedom of a sort since all of us here will never be 'truly' free. You are now a test subject in a medical facility for the development, testing, and sale of drugs used for sex. You along with your Coach and fifteen teammates are now our guests. Plus two other incidental passengers who were on your bus." Blake paused watching Jason's reaction. The anger and fear were clear in his eyes and he was holding himself stiffly, so stiffly that he hadn't noticed Joseph's hand on his shoulder.

"The choice is how we proceed with you. We know you are very fond and protective of the boys and really enjoyed working with them and helping them. Even trying to buffer some of Coach Davis's methods. You can continue to help them by cooperating with us and being an advocate of following our rules. That will give them the best chance of a positive outcome. Because understand, regardless of your decision, you and they will go through with the testing. We believe you may have long term potential of moving from test subject to part of our team. Most of the workers you see here started out as test subjects. Even those who didn't, eventually have to go through an initiation of sorts which is similar. If you choose not to cooperate and help us, we still use you, test the drugs on you and then when we're done find a place for you where you can't cause us any trouble."

"This can't be happening... this is some kind of joke right?"

"No, no joke. It's very real," Blake answered.

"What kind of drugs, what do you make us do?" Jason asked, visibly struggling to stay in control.

"Drugs that enhance your sexual experiences, make you want to have sex, that attract you to others or that make them attracted to you. Perhaps attracted is not the right word - it is a strong enough reaction that your rational mind can't or doesn't want to say no."

"Fuck," Jason said putting his head in his hands.

"Yes, you'll be doing that a lot."

"And if I say no?"

"You and the boys will still be doing so, but we may have to use more punishment, more force, restraints, shock collars... it causes more injury and damage that way. Unfortunately it also has more long term psychological effects - meaning fewer of the subjects can be mainstreamed or go on with their lives afterwards."

"You don't know what you're asking. I can't do casual sex. I don't work that way... even if she's totally hot. My body just won't respond," Jason pleaded.

"Dr. Connor. If I may," Max interrupted. "I have reviewed Jason's full file if you'd like me to share?"

"Thanks Max, that would be helpful. Go ahead, Jason might as well hear, since it is about him."

"Dr. Blythe said Jason has severe repression and guilt associated with sex. While he vehemently claims he's straight, all the tests show he is a very suppressed gay."

"That's not true!" Jason protested.

"Joseph?" Blake asked. Joseph nodded letting them know Dr. Blythe was on target.

"Jason, we know how much you liked helping these young men. Working out with them, doing physical training... watching them. Did you ever notice their bodies, how they moved, what it did to you when they'd spread their legs as they tried to lift that extra weight? How it made the crotch stand out? Maybe they even threw a hard-on while you were training them. You ever notice that?"

"No, I never!"

"You ever stand by the showers and watch as they lathered? Seeing the soap run down their young firm bodies. Their wet bodies, rippling with young muscle. Their cocks so ripe, calling to be sucked. Those round sweet bubble butts, the soap running down their cracks making them so wet and slippery, so inviting? You never thought of sliding your hard cock against those young bodies, pushing into that hot dark wetness ready to suck you in?"

"Please... stop. You shouldn't say those things."

"Any of your team particularly get you off Jason? Maybe Brice? That ripped body with blue pubes and gorgeous cock? Jeremy with that thick round ass, so ripe for the taking. Or maybe Adam - wondering how that huge cock of his would feel in your own tight ass?"

Blake and Max were both holding their breath. Joseph's eyes had gone black and he was untying the strings from Jason's hospital gown, slowly pulling it away until it tumbled to the floor. Jason hadn't made a move, but his eyes were squeezed closed and tears were running down his face. His body was as beautiful as Blake had expected, muscular and lean with a beautiful line of black hair pointing down to his dark black bush like an arrow. A defining layer of chest hair - just enough to accentuate his strong pecs and hard ripe nipples. His huge cock was now very hard and standing at attention. Blake glanced to Max and then back at Joseph.

"Joseph?" Blake called out tentatively.

"Max why don't you and Blake come help Jason. He really needs our full attention right now."

Joseph gently guided Jason to lie back on the exam table and then without ever loosing physical contact, helped him put his feet in the stirrups and strapped him down.

"Please, please, I want it so bad," Jason whimpered.

"I know you do and we'll take care of you Jason, that's what we do," Joseph cooed.

Blake moved in and started kissing Jason's muscular thighs, using his hands to caress and explore Jason's balls and ass while Max had zeroed in on Jason's hard cock. Max started licking up and down the full length of Jason's cock, giving special attention to the glans, sucking, nibbling and taking up the pre-cum that had started to leak. Blake had now moved in and was tonguing and sucking on Jason's balls while his finger continued to tease his tight hole, tickling the fine black hair, making it pucker.

Joseph was passionately kissing Jason, then moved down and started sucking and biting at his nipples while Max went full tilt on Jason's cock.

"Please I want cock, please give me your cock..." Jason begged.

Joseph had stripped and climbed up on the table to straddle Jason's chest, letting his own large hard cock rub across Jason's lips. Jason desperately tried to get Joseph in his mouth, but Joseph held back teasing him, running his own pre-cum over Jason's lips.

Max was now working up to taking the full length of Jason into his throat sucking like a mad man while Blake was trying to drive his tongue deep into Jason's sweet tight hole. Rimming him, tasting him making him squirm as Jason tried to get more and more of Blake's tongue inside. Blake pulled back and stripped off his remaining clothes and then reached over to help Max get out of his.

Joseph moved forward and allowed Jason to take his cock. Jason was almost savage in his sucking, taking Joseph's large cock deep almost immediately. Then he started moaning around Joseph's cock causing chills to go up and down Joseph's spine. Blake was now teasing Jason's hole with his own monster cock. Using his spit and pre-cum to lube Jason even more. Jason was trying to get his ass closer but the restraints and Joseph held him tightly in place.

Joseph watched Jason's face, trying to help guide his thick cock so that Jason didn't choke or gag. With a light touch from Blake, Joseph slid his cock deep into Jason's throat at the same moment Blake slid into Jason's virgin hole. Jason's eyes went wide but his mouth and throat were as full as his ass and there was no way to scream. Joseph put a hand on either side of Jason's face, pulled back a little and then slid in deep again. Jason's whole body relaxed, his throat and ass opening up to take in the huge cocks penetrating his body.

Blake found his rhythm pounding Jason's tight ass, getting further aroused by the sight of Max sucking on Jason's huge shaft. Max didn't move off of Jason's cock but Blake could still see the smile and the sparkle in Max's eyes as he gave Jason pleasure like he'd never felt before.

"Max. When you get a load, I want you to take me while I'm inside him." Blake said.

Max didn't say anything but the fire in his eyes gave Blake all the answer he needed.

Joseph could feel Jason building, from the desperation in his sucking he knew his release would come soon. Then he heard Max growling around his sucking of Jason and knew it had begun. Even with the restraints and Joseph and Max both on top of his body, Jason lifted off the table with his orgasm.

"Damn that was sweet," Max growled as he finished licking off Jason.

"I'm almost there Jason, you ok with me cuming in your mouth?" Joseph asked.

Jason made no sound but sucked harder and faster while Blake continued to pound his hole.

Max had moved around and was now licking Blake's hole while he continued to thrust inside Jason.

"Please Max, don't tease, just give it to me." Blake begged.

Max stood, applied some lube and pushed his cock against Blake's hole, gradually opening him up and sliding inside what Max considered his own private heaven.

"God! You feel so good," Max exclaimed as he slid the rest of the way into Blake.

It wasn't long until they found their rhythm.

Joseph blew his load into Jason's hungry mouth and let him gobble up every last bit before sliding back and running his ass crack up and down Jason's wet hard cock. Joseph leaned down and kissed Jason, licking up the stray bits of cum from around his mouth. Jason's eyes were as dark as Joseph's, lost in lust. Joseph felt Blake's hands helping him, guiding Jason's swollen shaft into his hole. Blake held Jason's cock as Joseph worked it in taking it deeper and deeper until he was all the way down to Jason's slick black pubes.

"Damn that is so hot Joseph. I know how that ass feels and seeing his huge cock deep inside you with Max pounding me... If this isn't heaven then I don't know what is." Blake panted. "Harder Max, fuck me harder."

Max started pounding Blake's ass so hard it was moving Jason and Joseph and within moments Blake gasped as he exploded deep in Jason's ass. Max, sensing Blake's orgasm, grabbed Blake's hips and thrust deep launching his own load deep inside Blake before wrapping his arms tight around him and holding him close.

Blake and Max watched Joseph continue to ride until Jason's hot jiz was squirting out around Joseph's sweet hole.

"I'll share," Blake said kissing Max before he moved in and started licking up the sweet cum dripping out of Joseph's ass.

Max didn't say anything, he just moved in close and started licking along with Blake, Joseph's hole, Jason's cock and everything in between.

  • Scene 5 *

"I'll catch up with you guys. I need a few minutes with Jason before Dr. Smalley takes him back to his room." Joseph said looking down at Jason still lying out on the table with his legs spread wide, his rosebud still wet and quivering.

"Sure, no problem." Dr. Connor said as he finished dressing and followed Max out the door.

"Damn was that hot. Jason is one sweet fuck and I can't tell you how much I enjoyed you... Dr. Connor." Max said with a wink.

"Mutual, absolutely mutual. Yeah I think we'll be ministering regularly to Mr. Tyler. Once Joseph sets his sights on a man, he doesn't usually let go. And while I was not witness to the prior occasions, being distracted and all... I'm guessing what Joseph did with Jason is how he managed to capture the six of you?"

"Oh, yeah. There's no resisting him when he goes all lusty on you. But I think the psych team is still going to have their work cut out for them on Jason Tyler. Joseph may be able to get him to fuck, but he's not likely to overcome the mental baggage."

"Then it is good we have the best team there is. They've overcome worse," Blake said, then looked up as Joseph closed the door into the exam room with Jason.

"Max, if you don't mind, I'd like to keep him," Joseph started.

"Joseph, he's not a pet..."

"That's not what I meant. I mean I'd like to be his trainer. I think I can get through to him especially if I work with Dr. Blythe's team."

"You sure, you already wanted to work with Ben and Brice and you haven't even seen the last four?" Blake asked.

"Blake, I don't think the numbers are a challenge, just perhaps your willingness to share." Max joked.

"If we share like we just did, I rather favor the idea," Blake laughed.

"Did you talk to him? You think Jason will cooperate?"

"Too early to tell but I think he'll come around once he sees that we're serious. I thought I'd share my own story once he's had time to digest what we've already told him," Joseph said.

"That might help, good plan Joseph. Well we have four remaining subjects: Jose, Kyle, Daniel, and Malcolm. All self-identified as being gay." Max said.

"Let my grab my tablet from the station. I came up with something I want to try with these four," Blake said as he returned and grabbed his iPad from Ian. "Don't give me that look! You'll see. Lead on..."

"Ok, first up is Kyle," Max said as he knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Afternoon Kyle, I'm Dr. Connor and this is my assistant Joseph and Max from Social Services."

There was a pregnant pause as Kyle just sat on the exam table quietly and didn't say a word. Blake took in the view; Kyle was a bronzed beauty, brown hair, green eyes, athletic build and he had already shed his hospital gown showing off a real nice straight cock, trimmed brown pubic hair and what appeared to be a very fine bubble butt.

"No questions Kyle?" Blake finally asked.

"No, not really. I figure you'll tell me when you're ready and until then I probably won't believe any of the answers anyway," Kyle said matter-of- factly.

"That doesn't bother you?" Blake asked in disbelief.

"Well, yeah. Duh. But so far everyone has been real nice, the view is damn awesome and all these gorgeous men keep wanting to touch me. If I complain you might send me home."

Blake burst out laughing and it wasn't long before Joseph and Max joined.

"Well, Kyle that is a very refreshing answer and I think you are going to do splendidly," Blake said as he walked over and shook Kyle's hand. "So I'm going to cut to the chase with you Kyle. The life you knew before is over but a great new one lies ahead. I saw from your file, you are a computer genius, top of your class - we have opportunities you've never dreamed of, but first you have some more mundane work to do. How do you feel about sex?"

"Wish I really knew," Kyle laughed. "I'm not what you'd call experienced, but from what I've tried, I think I'll like it... a lot. Correction, I would like sex with guys a lot, girls... not so much."

"Thank you for being honest Kyle. Question back at you, I have a list here of guys you may have known. Would you humor me and click them in the order you'd like to have sex with them. Who you'd pick first, second and so on. Don't worry about whether or not they are interested or gay, just in your own private fantasy," Blake encouraged.

Kyle took the tablet and looked down the list, then whistled. "My team? Damn this would be a fantasy come true." Then Kyle immediately started tapping away. "Done."

"You sure you don't want to think about it?" Blake asked.

"Are you kidding, I have the order memorized. You think I haven't already fantasized about doing exactly that. A couple names are missing but my top picks are all there," Kyle said blushing.

"Ok, you may be able to do this just as quickly. Now click one of the three boxes by each name, which ones would you top, bottom or both? You know what I mean by that, right?"

"Duh." Was Kyle's only response as he took back the tablet and started, returning after a few moments.

"My but you did have this all planned."

"Guy has to have dreams right?" Kyle asked.

Blake laughed. "Kyle, one more thing. When you return to your room, the doctor will be putting chastity devices on you. Now don't panic. Yours is primarily for show so those who need to wear them don't feel slighted, but I assure you, you will have as much sex as you could possibly ever want. Just hang in there and we'll make your dreams come true."

"That would be great sir, but forgive me if I say, I'll believe it when I see it."

"Dr. Connor, would you mind if I gave Kyle here a sample just to show we mean business?" Max asked with a smirk.

Blake wasn't sure what Max had in mind but didn't there was anything he'd do that would be objectionable. "Sure."

Max walked up to the exam table so he was just inches away from Kyle. "Hey Kyle."

"Hey." Kyle said in a small voice. He shrank back somewhat but his cock was getting stiffer by the moment.

"Do find me attractive enough that you'd let me suck your sweet thick cock?" Max purred into Kyle's ear.

"Oh yeah..." Kyle stammered.

Max reached down and slid his hand under Kyle's ass and lifted him off the table, as he guided him to lie back and spread his legs wide. Max started licking Kyle's inner thighs close to his package, eliciting small moans from Kyle. Then he moved in and took each ball gently in his mouth and rolled it around before moving to his hard thick shaft. Kyle's eyes were wide as he watched Max's face and mouth slowly devour his manhood. Max ran his hands up and down Kyle's body, making love to that smooth muscled body while he sucked, licked and bit at his cock.

"Grrrrr..." Max growled around Kyle's cock, causing Kyle to make new moans and groans. Kyle clearly wanted to grab on to something but the only thing available was Max's powerful arms, so he latched on to those and held tight until his body convulsed in orgasm. Max continued to suck and lick until Kyle was practically begging him to stop.

"Too intense! Too intense, please...God! I can't." Kyle yelled.

Then Joseph gave Max a smile and bent down to kiss Kyle, capturing his screams and driving his tongue deep into his mouth.

Kyle's body continued to writhe and Max continued to suck as Joseph explored Kyle's mouth and ate his screams until he came again. Then slowly Max and Joseph released him and let him be still.

"Oh God...Oh God..." Kyle panted. "I think I'm in heaven. That was just... damn."

Blake walked up and put the palm of his hand against Kyle's cheek, caressing him. "That's just the start Kyle. It only gets better."

  • Scene 6 *

"Blake I have to say this is one of the best days we've had in ages."

"Sorta makes up for some of the crappy ones. You two were extremely hot by the way." Blake said with a big smile.

"I don't think I can do that for each of them." Max said as he approached the next exam room.

"You don't have to, there's always tomorrow," Blake said as he knocked on the door.

The next subject was Daniel, a model pretty young man with wavy brown hair, bright blue eyes, a very ripped, lean body loaded with muscle and a fine 9" cock. While he wasn't quite as witty as Tyler had been, the reactions and attitude were similar and he was more than willing to suffer some embarrassment in chastity wear if it meant he got sex in the end. He was just as quick on ranking and giving preferences including a very clear invitation to Blake that he would really, really like to put him on the top of his list. Though no one was up to entertaining Daniel today, they all agreed that they would definitely be paying him visits to sample his wares.

The third subject was Malcolm, a beautiful young black man with golden brown skin, large dark eyes, nice average cock and an absolutely beautiful sculpted round ass. He was equally entertaining with a great sense of humor. He had them all laughing in no time and provided them with insightful commentary while he made his selections including a fantasy of tying Brice spread-eagle to the floor and riding his beautiful cock until he had no juice left to give. There were other equally colorful images, most of which involved torturous pleasure for his victim. Malcolm didn't target Blake specifically but did say he'd welcome all of them whenever they wanted.

"Well are you ready? Max asked Blake and Joseph while running his hands through his hair. "I'm not sure if I am. Just too many hot young horny men - I don't think I can keep up. I haven't felt this much lust... well since... Joseph."

"You are such as sweet talker." Joseph jibed.

"One more then we need to pull the medical staff together and plan out who goes in which program, which drugs, who we place with whom... the list goes on," Blake said shaking his head.

"I'm going to bow out and see if Claire can get the team together. You can let me know how it goes later," Max said as he headed off.

Blake nodded then knocked on the door.

"Come in," the voice called.

Blake walked in and started the dialogue while resetting the tablet for selections. "I'm Dr. Connor, this is my assistant Joseph... Fuck!" was out of his mouth before his brain caught up.

"Sorry, a slip. You're Jose, right?" Blake said trying to recover. The young man was another gorgeous hunk, Latino, beautiful olive skin, black hair, dark brows, eyes so dark to be almost black, long lashes, beautiful complexion, smooth skin, muscled and slender. Jose had also already rid himself of the hospital gown and showed off all his glory, the athletic build, six pack a beautiful hard cock that curved upward slightly, planted in a thick black bush. Smooth muscular thighs already spread wide as he sat on the table.

"So, you going to tell me I'm in quarantine for some mysterious disease?" Jose quipped.

"No, actually I was going to ask you about your sexual fantasies?" Blake responded.

"Well, that's different," Jose said skeptically.

"I have a list here of guys you may have known. For grins and chuckles, please rank order them on who you'd like to have sex with most to least."

"What if I don't like guys, maybe I prefer women." Jose challenged.

"That's okay, then it's who you'd mind the least to who you'd mind the most."

"Guess they probably told you, I already confessed to being gay. No one else knows. I'm not out or anything but they said it was really important to be honest and could affect my survival. Not sure if I believe that."

"It can. Being gay here is definitely a benefit and gains you privileges. But it's your call?"

"Yeah, all right. I'm gay and no I don't want to have sex with any women."

"Good, take a look at the list and rank them," Blake said handing over the tablet.

"Damn. These are my teammates," Jose said looking up with a look of shock.

"Pretend, it's your fantasy. Don't worry about if they like you, if you think they're straight - just what would you like if you got to create your own little piece of heaven."

Jose laughed to himself then quickly went through the list and handed the tablet back to Blake.

"Next you get to pick whether you'd top, bottom or both," Blake said handing the tablet back to Jose.

Jose gave Blake a skeptical look then made quick work of his selections. "So do I get to do any write ins, you know add names to the list or other activities?"

"What did you have in mind Jose?" Blake asked seriously.

"You didn't have a check box to make it a threesome."

"I can add notes, who did you want?" Blake asked pulling up a new page.

"You and Joseph."

Joseph walked over to Jose, grabbed his hard cock and leaned in for a tongue probing kiss. "You just got yourself an invitation to the penthouse."

END Chapter 5

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', and Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 6

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