The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Mar 26, 2024


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain bondage, edging, incest, violence, or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 30: Fresh Start, Copyright 2024 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without the express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 30: Fresh Start By Tripp Savidge

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 1

Blake noted the surprise on Taipan's face at Anna Louise's parting comment.

"What? You thought I was in charge?" Blake laughed. "They allow me a decent amount of latitude on how I achieve the goals, but make no mistake, the Board pulls the strings."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get in your business." Taipan glanced nervously at Cobra.

"Don't sweat it. You guys will have a prime seat for the shit show. I don't mind explaining or answering questions where I can. My, or rather 'our' relationship with the Board is complicated. Our team has the research, knowledge, and skills to produce unique products. The Board has the clout and influence to enable us to make money from that while staying out of prison or getting caught up in turf wars by those who want to control us. Not perfect, but it is a beneficial relationship to everyone involved."

"I'll admit I was surprised when we got the assignment that our government wasn't in charge. Not sure how you managed that," Cobra said.

"I didn't. My father started the business, and his original backers took direction from someone in Vatican City. Don't ask. I was never told and knew not to ask. When I took over, and we had a number of successes under our belt, others took interest, and the Board was formed to ensure no one government or organization got control. I don't know who is on the Board or who is represented. Over the years, I've made some educated guesses based on interactions...but they don't provide a directory."

"So you have a front person who relays information, like Ms. Keaton, but you don't deal with individual Board members. Guessing you have ways to verify communications or people claiming to speak for them." Cobra looked as though he was thinking hard at connecting the dots.

"That's right. Very cloak and dagger, but so far it has worked. Smith was an anomaly. He had very mistaken beliefs about the Board and how it worked. Added to his leadership not paying attention, he did a lot of damage before they caught up. Pretty sure 'our' government got handed their ass...or at least as it relates to our operation. I'm somewhat surprised Anna Louise is the spokesperson."

"If it tells you anything, all of our orders have come through a contact in Rome," Cobra said.

"May I ask, Cobra? Were you the one they approached about this job?" Blake was curious about what the security company had been told.

"No, sir. All of the communications have been with Ace. I don't know details, but he said that we'd been recommended as someone on the inside had worked with one of his operations before."

Of course it had to be Ace, Blake thought. It looked more and more likely that the man was going to be part of his life whether he wanted it or not. And Joseph pushing for him, what was that about? He took a deep breath and checked the time. I still have several hours before we need to deliver Cofield.

Blake sat at his desk and glanced at Cobra and Taipan, who were speaking quietly before Taipan stepped out-he assumed to stand guard on the other side of the door. He didn't think the Blue in the spiked water had hit them yet. It was a very mild dose, so it wouldn't do more than get them aroused. Baby steps, he reminded himself.

Engrossed in his work, Blake was startled when Claire's voice came over the intercom.

"David is here to see you; should I send him in?"

"Yes, please." Blake looked up to see Cobra watching him and the guard gave a nod as he moved to the door.

David, the lead trainer, stepped in and gave a nervous glance at Cobra. "Do you guys have to be so intimidating? Is that part of the job?"

"Sorry, but it is a requirement. Keeps people on edge." Cobra winked before closing the door.

"Are you going to glare at me the whole time?" David took a seat in one of Blake's guest chairs and gave a somewhat beseeching look to his boss.

"Enough fun, Cobra. Give him a break." Blake noticed a slight sheen on Cobra's brow and the way his eyes had tracked David's ass. Maybe the stoic guard was more interested than he let on.

"Sir." Cobra looked uncomfortable as he moved his gaze to the windows.

"Please tell me he's messing with me," David mock whispered.

"A bit. I think he likes your ass," Blake kept his voice low but knew the guard could hear.

David snorted. "Maybe he went to Carl's school of dating and seduction." Taking a deep breath, David continued. "Now still a good time?"

"It is. Thank you for making everything happen so quickly. I know I didn't give you much time."

"Nothing too difficult, especially with Max's and Dr. Smalley's help. Harrison's phone interview with Skids went well, and it seemed all his questions were answered. I think he was surprised at how quickly they made him the offer, and he said it was more money and better benefits than what he had before. We took him to see the apartment after he signed the employment contract. Max is taking care of cleaning out his old place and getting everything moved."

"Has he spoken to his son?"

"That's what he's doing now. Dr. Smalley is observing, but when I left, he thought it was going well. Smalley thinks Justin is having a harder time with the situation than his dad."

"He feels responsible for his dad getting dragged into this. Kerr's having similar issues over his brother." Blake thought silently for a moment. Time would likely help more than anything else. "Is Harrison ready for tonight?"

"Nervous." David chuckled. "Though I think that's to be expected. He knows he's going to be fucked, and as much as he wants it, he's still adjusting. You still want him to have a half Blue?"

"No, cut it to a quarter Blue. He won't need much, just enough to help him over the hump. Also, use the new bait on his ass. I don't think there will be an issue getting enough guys, but why chance it? Once he's been with some of the regulars and knows he's got access to a never-ending supply of dick, I think he'll settle in. Skids and Tuck will take good care of him, I'm sure."

"Sounds good. We'll have him prepped and ready to go. Was there anything else?" David asked.

"No other concerns or issues with the other subjects?"

"We'll need to bring in a few replacements soon. We've lost several-for good reason-but the work goes on." David glanced at Cobra and caught him staring.

"That may be resolved shortly. I want to get more information before I go into it, but I hear you. Is Wesley doing okay with Smith?"

"He's great. I expected him to balk at taking advice, but he's been very receptive. Smith, on the other hand, has entered a new level of hell. Wesley started him on the milker today."

Blake grinned. "Make sure you keep him supplied with real dicks. I know the dildos work, but Smith needs to get used to taking the real thing."

"Thought you started that in the hospital?" David stood.

"We did, but he's not there yet. Thanks again, David." Blake watched him leave and noticed Cobra's eyes tracking his ass. Thinking about what Joseph had said about Cobra being a hardcore top, it made sense. David had a delectable round bubble butt. Once David was out the door, Blake stood and approached Cobra. The man had clearly been affected, given the prominent bulge snaking down his pant leg.


"You okay?" Blake thought Cobra took a little too long to answer.


"Uh-huh. You know, David is very talented and would probably be glad to show you how good he can make a man feel with that hot ass of his."

"No doubt. It seems all the men around you are...skilled. But as I've said, I prefer to keep this professional." Cobra's words were clear, but his expression and body language said something different.

"Sex is our business; therefore, it counts as professional-should you ever want to reconsider." Blake knew it wasn't time to push. The walls were starting to crack, and he'd have to be satisfied with small wins.


"If you plan to guard Joseph and me this evening when we go to the bar, I'd suggest you take a break first. It is likely to be intense. Especially if you're not used to the leather bar scene."

"Taipan and I will be prepared. We've been in much more dangerous situations than a gay bar."

Blake smiled but chose not to say more. Danger was relative, and while there wasn't likely to be a threat to the Vipers' lives, their virtue and ability to keep their steely resolve were at risk.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 2

"Hello... I don't remember you, tall, dark, and deadly." Joseph stopped inside the door, staring at Mamba and, from the reaction, perhaps standing a little too close for the Viper's comfort.

"Mamba, sir." The black guard was a couple of inches taller than Joseph with a similar athletic build but still looked intimidated.

"He was at the Country Club with us, but I believe he worked outside," Blake said.

"Hm." Joseph grinned and looked back to Claire's office, where Adder was waiting to close the door. "You, I remember. Such a sexy voice."

"Ah...thank you?" Adder glanced furtively at Mamba and Dr. Connor as if expecting them to help.

"It's the British accent," Dr. Connor added.

"Please tell me they're going with us tonight." Joseph's smile was pure mischief.

"Sorry, they're giving Cobra and Taipan a break before we leave. You look hot, though the hoodie doesn't do it for me."

Joseph laughed and pulled off the sweatshirt revealing the leather harness hugging his chest. "Better?"

"Much. But I guess you can put it back on until we're there. I don't want you to be cold." Blake approached Joseph and pulled him in for a kiss. He gripped Joseph's ass clad in tight black leather.

"Aren't you going to change?" Joseph made himself comfortable on the couch.

"I am. Stuff's in the washroom. Just remember that tonight's about Cofield, not us. We're going to eat, have a few drinks and socialize, not start an orgy." Dr. Connor raised an eyebrow, waiting to ensure Joseph got the message.

"Kill joy. Fine. Can we at least watch Cofield's gangbang?" Joseph grinned.

"Yeah, and before you bitch and moan, I already promised Skids we'd come back for another visit when we could play and bring some friends."

"Ooooo! I like that idea." Joseph tapped his chin as if thinking. "Who should we take?"

"We have plenty of time to figure it out. There's a lot going on, so it may be a few weeks." Blake didn't like the disappointment on Joseph's face but it was the current reality. "Max and Jared will be going with us tonight."

"Max begged off. I think he asked Beau to go in his place."

Dr. Connor turned to Joseph before he got to the washroom. "He did? That's odd. Though Beau will fit right in."

"He said he was wiped out after the sex with the construction guys."

"Wait. What? Construction guys? Max? That's not his style."

Joseph shrugged as he concentrated on his phone. "Guess he had an itch to scratch."

Blake shook his head as he stepped in to change. That really wasn't like Max at all, and he wondered if he should be worried, or at least check in with him. He stripped and hung up his clothes as he shook out the leather pants. He even remembered to take off his underwear before he started pulling them on. Once he had himself shimmied and stuffed into the tight pants, he pulled on the tight black tee and sat to put on his Doc Martens. Since they weren't playing, he wasn't going all out, but didn't want to stand out either.

"You look good," Joseph said.

"No harness?" Jared gave him a disappointed look. He must have arrived when Blake was changing.

"Not this time. You and Joey have that covered."

"Hm...Beau would look really good in a harness and some cuffs. Maybe some tiny leather shorts to show off his ass and legs..."

"You wound me!" Jared clutched his harness. "I could do shorts."

"You're right. You and Beau all done up like leather twins would be hot." Joseph strode over to Jared and pinched his nipples.

"Don't get him started, Jared. Tonight we need to focus on getting Cofield settled."

Joseph let out a deep sigh.

"I'm free later if you want to take me home with you after and have your wicked way..." Jared winked.

Joseph grabbed Jared's crotch as his other arm wrapped around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

"Guess we're having a sleepover." Blake grinned and then looked up when the door opened for Beau. The handsome guard was dressed much like Blake, but his tee had some strategic rips, like he'd been attacked by a Mountain Lion.

"You heard?" Beau asked.

"Welcome to the party." Blake checked the time and realized that David would be bringing Harrison soon.

Cobra and Taipan returned and sent Adder and Mamba home. Blake wasn't surprised they'd stuck with the black cargo pants and long-sleeved black tees. They weren't really dressed for the bar but they also wouldn't stand out, other than Taipan being paler than most of the patrons. He had to wonder if the guard was ready for the attention and how Cobra would feel about being ignored.

A knock sounded. David had arrived with Cofield.

"Hello." Harrison's nervousness was coming through strong.

"Harrison. Big night." Blake shook his hand and gave him a once over. "Looking good." Justin's father had trimmed down, switched to contacts, and put on some muscle since he'd joined them. He looked much better than most men who were approaching fifty.

"Are you sure about the suit? I feel out of place compared to how everyone else is dressed." Harrison fussed at his jacket.

"Oh, no. It's perfect." Blake knew it would be irresistible to the guys at Leather and Chains. White corporate type in a suit showing up at a mostly black leather bar... He had to stifle the laugh.

Joseph caught Blake's eye and he realized his fiance guessed Harrison's reception as well. Then again, Joseph knew Skids and Tuck well and had been to the club many times.

"Time to head out, gentlemen." Blake followed Beau with Joseph at his side, and Cobra followed. Joseph took his arm and leaned in to whisper.

"I hope he's already lubed up. Don't think he'll have a chance once we get through the door."

Blake laughed. "He is."

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 3

Blake waited with Cobra as the others exited the SUV. He glanced up at the neon sign for Leather and Chains. You'd never know looking at the outside how large the bar was.

"We're ready," Jared interrupted Blake from his thoughts.

Cobra insisted on entering first but Blake stuck close as the bouncer wouldn't know the Viper.

"Doc, long time no see." The huge man grinned as he gave a scrutinizing once-over to Cobra. Then his smile grew even wider when Joseph stepped in.

"Hey, big guy! Miss us?"

"Sure did. Ya know, you could leave this cold fish and come play with us any time, Joseph. You shouldn't let him take all your fun." The bouncer winked at Blake.

"Careful what you ask for," Blake warned.

"Live on the edge, that's what I say. Skids is expecting you, seven of you, right?" The bouncer's eyes inventoried the men with Blake.

"Yeah. You know Jared, and this fine hunk is Beau, and these two are my chaperones." Blake rolled his eyes and figured Skids had already given his crew a rundown. "Cobra and Taipan. And this handsome man is your new co-worker, Harrison."

The bouncer's eyes went predatory as he openly stared at Cofield. "Better get him delivered quick, or he'll be bent over the nearest table." His words teased, but his expression told Blake he was dead serious.

"I got this." Skids appeared and extended a hand to Blake before pulling him in for a rough hug. His gaze moved to Harrison, and he let out a growl. "You bring us the best gifts."

"I try. Skids, let me officially introduce you to Harrison Cofield, your new employee. I know you video chatted, but this is the first time-"

"Hey... welcome to the team." Skids wrapped his arm around Harrison and pulled him into his chest putting Cofield's face between his pecs.

"Mmph." Harrison grunted.

"We're going to take real good care of you, don't worry. Come on, let's get you settled. You sure you won't be joining?" Skids led them through the crowd to a reserved table near the bar.

"We may look in now and again, but tonight's about Harrison," Blake said, letting Cobra indicate where he wanted people around the high top. They hadn't taken seats before Tuck arrived.

"Dr. Connor, Joseph, great to see you again. And Jared...always a pleasure. It's been a while. You didn't bring the ginger with you from the other day. Damn but I'd love to have that man bent over my bar."

"Maybe another time; he wasn't on duty today." Blake introduced everyone. Harrison looked somewhat intimidated. Skids and Tuck were large men towering over Harrison, with Skids at six-foot-six and Tuck at six-two compared to his modest five-foot-ten. Little did he know that the men were also proportional, though he figured that would be a good surprise.

"What can I get you, gentlemen?" Tuck asked, his voice a deep baritone.

"I'm going to give Harrison a quick tour before we go to the back room." Skids still had his arm possessively around the suited man. Given the stares from other patrons, that was likely intentional.

"I'll join you shortly." Tuck smiled at his partner with a nod.

"Don't take too long, or you'll miss your turn. I have a feeling the first time's going to be quick." Skids laughed as he pulled a confused- looking Harrison with him.

A thoughtful expression came over Tuck as he watched them leave. "He's even hotter in person. But you know, Doc...dressing him in a suit was cruel. That's like kryptonite to us, that man is going to be so fucked." Tuck shook his head.

"That was the plan." Blake grinned and gave Joseph a quick kiss.

"Hope he's okay with things a little rough." Tuck looked toward the back of the bar before returning his attention to their group. "Now, drinks? Food?"

They placed orders with Cobra and Taipan both asking for water. Blake could feel some of the tension easing as he sipped his mojito and enjoyed his meal. Skids had hired a decent chef so Leather and Chains had more than the usual fried bar food.

Blake looked at Joseph absently picking at his food as he checked out the leather-clad bodies. He felt sorry for his fiance, who was vibrating with the sexual tension in the club. It was unusual for them not to find a conquest and head to the back. Jared gave Blake a knowing look and then glanced at the others in their group.

Beau looked curious but not too freaked out. Cobra had exchanged his scary scowl for one that was more confused and Taipan looked like he was somewhat terrified. Though given how many of the patrons were staring at him, that wasn't difficult to understand.

"You okay, Taipan?" Blake asked.

"Huh?" The Viper flinched before turning wide blue eyes back to Blake. "Yeah, fine."

Blake had to give the man's instincts some credit. He might be used to danger and violence, but sensing he was the prey in a room of predators was probably wise. "You're safe, Taipan. They may want you, but Skids and Tuck are adamant about consent being given in their place."

"Why me?"

Joseph snorted. "Duh. Good looking white dude with an Aussie accent and killer eyes? You're like candy to this crowd. They want to get you dirty." Joseph snickered as he took a sip of his drink.

"Oh." Taipan slid his chair a little closer to the table.

Jared leaned into Taipan. "Do you even like guys? If they think you're straight, it will take all of us to protect you."

Blake resisted face-palming. Jared was being a dick, not that he wasn't right, but it was apparent he was trying to get a reaction.

"Ah..." Taipan glanced nervously at Cobra. "Aye."

Blake couldn't hear the response but was able to read lips enough to get that. He glanced at Joseph to see if he'd caught it, but his fiance seemed to be focused on the scowling Cobra.

"Cobra, you look uncomfortable. Is this your first time in a leather bar?" Blake asked.

"He shouldn't be. They all look like him but dressed better." Joseph lifted his drink.

"Funny. No, I've been to a lot of sketchier places. This bar is pretty upscale in comparison. But gotta say it's weird being ignored."

"Face it, Cobra, for this joint, you're competition and blend in a little too well. Unlike Taipan over there who has them all drooling over how exotic he is," Blake said.

"Exotic, my arse," Taipan grumbled.

"Oh, your ass is well worth all the attention," Joseph teased.

Beau watched the crowd curiously and nursed his drink but didn't seem to be bothered at not being the center of attention or having a stream of propositions like Jared and Taipan were receiving.

"Jared, if you want to have some fun, go for it. We've got Cobra and Taipan keeping us safe." Blake turned to Taipan and couldn't hold back the grin. "Unless you want to take up one of those offers?"

"Hell, no!" Taipan looked unnerved by the constant attention. "Next time, maybe you should bring Mamba," he muttered.

"Thanks, Blake, but I'm fine. I enjoy watching the crowd, picking out who I might go after the next time I visit," Jared said.

"Besides, he knows we're not staying long, and he wants lots of time to enjoy those bad boys." Joseph stood and tapped Blake's arm. "Shouldn't we go check on Cofield?"

Pushing his empty plate aside, Blake stood and gave Cobra a questioning look. "You want to come with us, or I can take Jared and Beau?"

"They can hold the table. Taipan and I will join you." Cobra nodded to his partner who stood and stepped in with Blake and Joseph.

Blake wasn't sure where they'd taken Harrison. Leather and Chains had several private rooms, another full bar, and several playrooms. Given their plans, he figured he should start with one of the larger rooms. He led them back several hallways and hit it right the first time, leading them into a room with couches, a few pool tables, and some more interesting pieces.

There were about a dozen men in the room. Cofield was bent over one of the couches with half his body in Skids's lap, arms wrapped around the big man's waist as another fucked his ass. He'd lost the suitcoat but was otherwise still dressed with the seat of his pants ripped open.

Tusk came up to them. "He's doing great. Thank you, Doc."

"You're dressed. Not going to try him out?" Blake asked.

Tusk snorted and gripped Blake's shoulder. "Already planted my claim. I was second one in, but someone has to run the bar. Skids will stay with him and keep everyone in line. I think he's going to be rather protective of our little bitch." Tusk gave a squeeze and left.

"He looks like he's doing okay..." Joseph whispered.

Blake took his hand and approached Skids and Cofield.

"...that's the way. Don't fight it. Let go and enjoy. I've got you, and I'll keep you safe," Skids murmured as he rubbed Cofield's back.

Cofield let out a deep moan, burying his face in Skids's crotch.

"Everything good?" Blake asked.

"Coffee is great. He's such a responsive bitch, and his ass is perfect."

"Coffee?" Joseph asked.

Skids lifted Harrison Cofield's head and looked into his glazed eyes. Drool dripped from his chin. "Yeah. We decided he needed a fresh start. He's leaving Harrison behind and starting over as our boy, Coffee." Skids put his cock to Coffee's lips and nudged until the man took it into his mouth and began sucking. "I do like cream in my coffee, you know." Skids smirked.

"God, that's awful!" Joseph laughed.

Skids shrugged. "Seriously, he needs to forget his former life and accept that he belongs to us now. With how he's taking dick so far, I think he's going to do just fine." Skids petted Coffee's hair as the man sucked.

"I thought he might be a good fit," Blake added. He did a quick check on Cobra and Taipan. Cobra's eyes looked glazed and he had a sheen of perspiration, not to mention his prominent bulge was back. Taipan was struggling too, but his eyes also showed a hint of panic.

"We've talked about it before but Coffee reminds me how terrifying those drugs can be. To take a man and turn him...well, you know."

"I do. His wasn't even an extreme case, but I think he already had some unacknowledged leanings that they brought to the surface. If it makes you feel better, I think he'll be happier in his 'new life' than he ever was before."

"Good. Tusk and I are going to enjoy having him." Skids cupped Coffee's cheek and caressed him with his thumb. "Such a good little cock whore. Daddy's going to take good care of you, baby. I'll make sure you get all the cum and black dick you can handle."

Coffee let out another moan. Hearing a man who was approaching fifty making sounds like a teen who'd just discovered sex was...awkward. Knowing that only nuance distinguished his future life from that of a sex slave...

"We'll leave you to it. Give me a call and let me know how things are going, deal?" Blake extended a fist and bumped with Skids. He knew this was the best outcome for Harrison Cofield that he could orchestrate. That would have to be enough.

"Will do, Doc. You're the man."

Blake turned to Cobra and bit back a grin. "You want to take a turn before we leave? You and Beau are the only ones who've got what he wants." Blake winked.

"Thanks, I'll pass." Cobra looked like he was in pain.

"He's going to be such fun to break," Joseph whispered in his ear as he took his hand.

"I do believe you're right, love. Let's head home. I think we should introduce Jared to Caden."

Joseph's smile in response was radiant.

Michael Connor | Scene 4

"I wonder what they'll have me doing today?" Sean stood at the mirror fussing with his hair.

Michael finished drying off and cringed as he hung the towel. He caught Sean's eye in the mirror, and his friend smirked.

"Oh, me too, dude. Jose had his game on last night. He was a little rougher than usual, and that dick of his is not to be scoffed at." Sean turned and gave Michael a heated look.

"Yeah, blame it on Jose. I seem to remember your dick being involved. Not that I'm complaining. I enjoyed it at the time; things are just a little tender this morning."

Sean laughed. "That might be more because of your enthusiasm. What a slut!" Sean play-punched him in the gut as he left.

Michael looked at his reflection and smiled. He was happy. For all the crap that had gone on in the last year, life was good. Living with his dad and Joseph was so much better than the way it had been with his mom, though he still missed her. And having Sean and Jose living with him and in his bed every night was amazing.

"Better get a move on. Joseph's not going to wait forever," Jose said from the doorway.

"Hey, poor me a cup of coffee, would ya? And throw in a Pop-Tart. I'll be right there." It didn't take him long to get dressed, and he wandered down the hall, reminding himself they'd be moving in a couple days. This place had memories, but the new house was going to be awesome. He paused when he heard something in his dad and Joey's room.

"...fuck, fuck. Don't worry, we'll think of something. We'll have to move up the timeline. Wait, you're not the one who tipped them off, are you? Damn it. We have to be careful, and you need to be patient. I'll handle it." The door swung open, and Michael jumped as Joseph stepped out.

"Hey, buddy. Ready for a day at the office?" Joseph asked.

"Yup. Looking forward to it. You taking Caden in with us today?" Michael tried to look past Joseph to see who he'd been talking to, but he pulled the door closed as he came out.

"We're headed out to the new house once we drop off you guys. They're doing some last-minute touches and delivering the last of the furniture and carpets. I want to be there to make sure everything goes in the right place."

"I thought I heard Jared last night. Was he here?" Michael asked.

"Probably still is. That's why your little brother wasn't in your bed. I think he gave Jared a pretty good workout." Joseph led the way into the kitchen where Jared and the others were eating breakfast.

"Hey, Michael. Been a while." Jared fist bumped him before returning to his coffee.

"Caden take good care of you?" He glanced at his new brother and was rewarded with a huge grin.

"It was awesome! I got to spend time with Uncle Jared and show him the stuff you've been teaching me."

"Fuck." Jared gripped Michael's arm as he passed. "Don't teach him anything else for a while. Give us old guys time to catch up, deal?"

Everyone laughed. Michael turned and wrapped his arms around Jared from behind. "Don't worry, we'll have you whipped into shape in no time. Though I am rather jealous he got you first."

"Joseph, is this your fault? Have you thought about how this will work when we're all under one roof?" Jared asked.

"ORGY TIME!" Sean, Jose, and Michael shouted, throwing their fist into the air.

Jared dropped his head pretending to bang it on the table.

Maximillian Moore | Scene 5

Max paused at the door, his hand on the latch as if frozen. Did he talk to Blake about it or not? Was he making too much out of what happened at the house? But it wasn't like him-he didn't do shit like that-ever. Cotton, the Viper, on duty outside the door looked at him curiously.

"He's expecting you, Hon. You can go in." Claire's voice had a note of concern.

"Yeah, Thanks, Claire." Max stepped in and closed the door behind him. They still had time before the others would be brought up. He felt a sick twinge as he saw Copper inside the door. Having a witness, no matter how discreet, made this harder.

"Hey, Max. We missed you last night." Blake stood from his desk and approached.

Max welcomed the hug and held on a little longer than usual.

"Everything okay? You didn't fight with Peter, did you?" Blake gave him a worried look.

"No. We're fine." Max dropped on the couch and put his head in his hands. "Something weird happened."

"Weird, how?" Blake sat beside him.

"Yesterday, when we were at the house, I did things..." He glanced nervously toward Copper.

"Ignore him," Blake said, then sat quietly while Max figured out what to say.

"You know how when Joseph has had his spells, the guys pulled in sort of experience a blackout and don't remember for a while what they did? But in the moment, you can't tell anything's wrong?"

"Yeah..." Blake's tone was even more worried.

"I had one of those but without Joseph. Er...well, I don't think it included Joseph. It hasn't all come back yet. But he swore he didn't have an episode."

"Max, what happened?"

"Seems I had several of the construction guys put a train on me. I came 'round with four naked strangers next to me and a sore ass full of spooge. You of anyone know that's just not me. I don't bottom for just anyone-"

"And it's really not your thing. I know. Did you take anything? Don't freak." Blake held up his hands. "Like getting ready for a night with Peter? I know you avoid most of our stuff."

"No. Nothing."

"Were you lightheaded, dizzy, a fever? Anything out of the ordinary?" Blake asked.

"Hornier than usual." Max hesitated deciding whether he wanted to admit his thoughts. "Fuck it. I seriously thought of getting one or more of them hard again and riding them. I didn't care that they were unconscious. The idea that I had cum dripping out of my hole turned me on."

"Whoa..." Blake sat back and stared at Max. After an awkward pause, he spoke again. "After we're done here, I want you to go down to medical. Have Ian draw a blood sample. I'll send him the orders so he knows what he's checking and how much to pull. I don't blame you for freaking out."

"You have a thought?" Max asked.

"Not a rational one. First place my mind goes is you were unwittingly drugged. We've got more than enough enemies or people who want some retribution. They still haven't rounded up all the agents, and who knows if anyone from Corsic's group is lurking out there."

"You think you'll find something in my bloodwork?" Max asked.

"Not likely. Maybe if you'd come to me right away. There's a chance, depending on what was used, but I wouldn't pin my hopes on it. While I certainly hope nothing like this happens again, if it does, don't wait to get checked out. I'll put in an order just in case so whoever's on duty knows what to do."

"So you don't think I'm overreacting?"

"No, Max. I'd be freaking out too. I'm sorry that happened, and I know losing control-especially for you-is...unnerving."

"Fucking terrifying, you could have said it." Max gave a nervous laugh and decided that even without answers, he felt better having told Blake. "So, we're doing intake and telling Kerr and Cofield about their future?"

"Decker, too. We've got all the test results, and I spoke with Blythe and Smalley, as well as Carl. We need to get as much settled as we can before they drop those twenty new test subjects on us." Blake scowled as he spoke.

"I'm more concerned about the other two they're sending us. Can't even say I'm all that surprised they want us to replicate the black market blue. Did you tell Joseph?"

"Yeah, last night after we got back from the club. He took it all pretty well. He was most upset about accelerating the timeline with Ben. He thinks it's risky and that he's too young to handle it."

"He's not wrong, Blake. Joseph lived it and knows better than anyone, though he wasn't much older." Max thought about it for a moment. "You know, it doesn't really matter. If the Board wants it to happen, we have to do it and deal with whatever."

"I thought we'd shoot for the end of the week. I've already asked Blythe and Smalley to start working on a plan, and David's looking at who can help. I suggested that it might be a good way to use Michael, Sean, and Jose. Since we'll be living together and they're close in age, it works longer term."

"And big brother Brice." Max grinned at the thought. The sexy blond might have loosened up a little, but being one of those responsible for dealing with his brother's hyperactive libido would be fun to watch.

Blake laughed. "That was a given. David says he's doing well in training and seems to have given up the futile attempts to deny he likes dick."

"What about using Ace?" Max had a moment of inspiration.

"Ace? For what? You mean as a fuck buddy for Ben?" Blake's eyes went wide.

"Yeah. Hear me out. Pretty sure he's going to be around for a while. I read the proposal, and to be honest, it's good. The Board is insisting, so we need to figure out how to make it work. If he's invested and has a connection to Ben, it might be insurance to keep him on our side."

"Huh." Blake was silent for a moment. "That's not half bad. He's hot. He's got a great dick and knows how to use it. Adding him to the list also means there's one partner with some stability and maturity to help ground Ben."

"Let's not go too far." Max hated to admit that Ace had anything going for him.

"He's running a huge operation, Max. I expect the Board thoroughly investigated him and his operations before they contracted him. Carl has found nothing but good stuff. We have to accept that he's not the same Ace who worked here before. He's grown up."

"And you won't object to having him in your bed again." The thought made Max angry, but this wasn't a fight he could win.

Blake blushed. "So much but even scarier, I think Joseph wants him. Hell, I know he does."

Max raised an eyebrow. "Buddy, you are so screwed."

There wasn't time for a reaction before a knock sounded at the door. Copper held it open while Sergio poked his head in.

"Ready for us, boss?"

"Bring them in, Sergio." Blake stood and met the three men as they stepped in. "Welcome, gentlemen. Have a seat, and we'll get started. Sergio, you can wait outside or, if you'd rather, I'll call when they're ready to go back."

"That works." Sergio gave a nod and left.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet together. You'll be spending a lot of time with each other and this will help you bond."

Decker, Kerr, and Cofield gave him similar confused looks.

"I believe you all know Max?" Blake gestured to where he sat on the couch and got nods in answer.

"We have the results back from your tests and intake evaluations. While I've spoken to you each individually, I hope you'll indulge me as I repeat some of the information to ensure we're all on the same page. While you might think Decker, as an ex-agent is in a different place, you'd be wrong. As far as the outside world is concerned, all of you are dead. The government doesn't want anything to do with you and will happily look the other way. Corsic and many of his leaders are dead. The Agency has been disbanded in a cloud of disgrace and corruption. Whatever safety net you thought you had is gone."

"What Dr. Connor is trying to make clear is that there is no going back, and you don't have options," Max added.

"I get that," Justin Cofield muttered, and the others grumbled in agreement.

"But we're going to take care of you. Give you a new start. You should all start thinking of names if you haven't already come up with something. Consider yourselves like a mini pledge class about to go through hazing. It will help you deal with the changes if you rely on and support each other," Blake explained.

"Hazing?" Justin asked.

"I doubt it will be as intense as working for Corsic, but you will be uncomfortable and you will be expected to do as your told. The sex training you were informed about begins tomorrow. We require some elements for all employees, but for back office personnel, you get a more thorough regimen."

Max could see Decker fidgeting as Blake spoke and figured he'd have the hardest time adjusting.

"Justin and Eric, Smith already put you through some of it. Your tests validate you like men and dick, so I'm sure you'll adjust easily, and I'm pretty sure all of our trainers are more appealing than Corsic. If you could bend over for him, this will be a cakewalk. Decker..."

The ex-agent visibly jumped. "Sir?"

"No sugar-coating this. You'll struggle but come out just fine. I think you already suspected, but your test results confirm you're gay. Not bi, not pan, fully one-hundred-percent dick-loving gay. Are you hearing me?"

Decker's eyes went wide, and he glanced nervously at his companions as if they'd judge him. "Could it be wrong?"

"No. This is our business. I can assure you the test is accurate. Justin, Eric, this is where you can help. Decker's inexperienced and, I'll make a leap here, somewhat terrified. I need you to guide him through. While he'll be getting coached by the trainers, some personal TLC and cock sucking lessons would help. Get him used to ass play and being fingered. I think once he realizes how good it feels, you'll have no trouble getting him to practice with you." Blake turned to Max with a questioning look.

"We're changing your room assignments. We know you've barely gotten settled but we think you'll do better in a shared space. Once we're done here, you can move your stuff. The new room is much larger with a super king instead of bunk beds and it has a sitting area. I think it will also be better for your cat, Decker."

"Thank you again for rescuing her," Decker said.

"Certainly." Blake looked at each of them in turn. "In case I was too subtle, let me spell it out for you. You are expected to suck, finger, rim, kiss, and fuck each other daily. If a casual observer wouldn't assume you're all hot and heavy lovers, you're doing it wrong. I expect you to help get Decker up to speed on his skills, and keep each others' balls drained and stomachs and asses full of cum. Am I clear?"

"Yes, sir," Eric and Justin responded while Decker looked pale enough to pass out.

"Don't worry, Decker. We'll give you some medicinal help to get you over the hump. Once you realize how much you like it, I think you'll be fine." Blake paused. "That said, you'll all start regular therapy sessions with Dr. Smalley. He'll advise if we're going too fast or slow and if changes are needed; therefore, it's best for everyone if you are completely honest. Max..."

"On the work side, you'll be reporting to Carl on my team effective immediately. He'll introduce you to the rest of the team, give you a tour, and explain your duties and training. As I told you individually, you'll be working in security. Specific roles and duties will be established as we validate your aptitudes and skills. Questions on that?"

"You'd really trust us after everything?" Cofield asked.

"You've all been chipped. You can't run. You can't hide. We can drop you like a rock with the flick of a switch. Plus, two of you have people who you care about under our watchful eye." Max wasn't worried, and they'd been told this before, along with the reminder that they had Eric's brother and Justin's dad as security.

"Thomas said he's accepted a job working for you," Eric said.

"He did. You've seen him, so you know he's recovering well." Blake sat back and steepled his fingers.

"I'm not sure I'd go that far. His visit to see his fiance was rough," Eric said.

"Ex-fiance. It was. We're trying to convince her parents to let us help. Not sure what Thomas shared, but her condition was drug-induced and isn't mental. There's still a chance we could help. On the plus side, your brother learned he was gay before he got married."

Eric snorted. "I think there were less traumatic alternatives to getting here."

"That's true for all of you," Max interjected. "And us. Let's face it, we got caught in an epic shit storm, and all have scars to prove it."

"So, what? We're like slaves or indentured servants who work and fuck for you and that's it? That's our life?" Decker asked.

Max watched Blake as the silence dragged on.

"Yes, but it can be more if you cooperate. Prove yourselves and you can have a life outside as well. The work and sex requirement don't go away, but you can, in every other way, live like the average employee with a house, family, vacations, et cetera. We'll establish new identities and have all the documents to back them up."

A knock sounded and Sergio stepped in.

"Thank you, Sergio. Eric and Justin are ready to help move to their new accommodations. I'll let you know when Decker is ready." Blake stood and shook hands with both men. "Welcome to the team, gentlemen."

Max shook hands with them and gave a pat on the back as Sergio led them out. He turned to see Decker watching them nervously.

"Am I in trouble?"

"Not at all. I wanted you to have a chance to ask more questions. This won't be all that different from what they were used to with their former employer. Hopefully, they won't think I'm as much of a psychopath as Corsic was, but..." Blake shrugged and let the rest of his answer hang.

"The Agency is really gone?"

"It is, though you'll be seeing more of some of your former co-workers. We were just notified that several more are being sent to us for disposition. To be clear, that's not like your case. They won't ever be employees," Blake said.

"Can they do that to them?" Decker looked surprised.

"Legally, no. But you were on the inside; are you really that surprised? It's a problem that those in power want to go away. They didn't ask me; they gave me orders. I'm sure you understand the difference."

Max watched as Blake walked over to where Decker was seated and pulled down his zipper. He pulled out his dick and held it in front of the man's face. Decker looked at Max then back at the cock. He licked his lips.

"You know you want it." Blake leaned forward enough to brush the tip over Decker's lips.

Max was looking forward to this. He knew Blake had the ex-agent dosed with a mild aphrodisiac, nothing as strong as Blue, just enough to take the edge off. Smalley had suggested that Blake be his first. Max was okay with that; it would get the muscular ass stretched open for him to be second.

"That's the way." Blake slid his hands over Decker's smooth head as he sucked. He glanced over at Max. "You ready?"

Max joined them and guided Decker off the couch so he could strip him. In no time, all three were naked. Max was a little unnerved at having Copper standing in the room but did his best to ignore the guard. It was an odd thought, but he decided maybe he'd deal with them better if they'd all been seduced into the fold.

"Get his ass ready for me, Max." Blake continued to offer encouragement as Decker struggled to take in the doctor's cock.

"A work of art," Max said appreciatively as he gripped Decker's ass cheeks. He loved a buff bodybuilder, and Decker was certainly that. Full, round, bulging muscles with golden skin and smooth-not a hair below his neck. Who knew? All of this magnificence had been hidden by poorly fitted clothing. That's not going to happen again, Max thought. I'll make sure they issue him stuff that's a size too small so he shows off this body to its best.

Decker quivered as Max ran a finger over his tight pink pucker. Bending forward, he licked down his crack and teased the tender virgin skin with his tongue. Max grinned as he worked, listening to the man's moans and squeaks as he had his ass rimmed for the first time.

"I think he's sold on rimming, Max." Blake laughed.

"Most men are if they're being honest." Max worked the hole until he could feel Decker relax a little. He grabbed his pants and pulled a tube out of the pocket. Max glared at it, noting the "TM" label. Fucking stupid name. He left it just to razz me, I'm sure. You'd think by now they could come up with a real name. Max squeezed some of the cream onto his finger and began working it into Decker's hole.

"Oh, God!" Decker gasped.

"Uh-uh... focus Decker. Keep me nice and hard so I can give you what you want."

Max got caught up in the feel of Decker's hole and how tight he was. This would be a turning point for the ex-agent. Not all gay men liked anal, but from the responses he was getting so far, Decker wasn't one of those. Max was pretty sure the man was going to love bottoming if the way his dick was leaking was any indication.

"You're going to make me cum!" Decker groaned and Max realized he'd gotten lost in his work as he saw three fingers buried all the way up the virgin hole-well, maybe not quite so virgin anymore.

"Change places with me? You're okay with creamy seconds?" Blake asked.

"My favorite." Max winked and felt a comforting warmth doing this with Blake. He could no longer remember the count of how many men they'd shared like this or how many cherries they'd popped together.

As Max moved in front of Decker, he sat on the floor and spread his legs, pulling the man forward until Decker had the head of Max's cock engulfed in the wet heat of his mouth. "Take it slow, buddy. No need to try deep- throating on your first go. Wrap your hand around the base and focus on the head. Not everyone's made to take it into their throat. You've got plenty of time to figure that out with your trainers."

"I wouldn't worry, Max. I'm pretty sure Decker is going to be a very fine cocksucker. He's got the enthusiasm already." Blake grinned as he positioned himself behind Decker's ass. "Nice and slow, Paul. Let it ease in."

"Oh, my God, fuck, fuck." Decker buried his face in Max's thigh as he took his first cock. "It's huge!"

Max thought about rubbing his back but opted for teasing his nipples instead. That was quickly proven as the right decision as Decker gasped and pushed back onto Blake. It was a beautiful sight, seeing that muscular ass swallow Blake's cock.

"Good?" Max asked.

"So fucking tight."

He gripped Decker's chin pulling him off his cock so he could look into his eyes. His other hand continued to tug on one of the ex-agent's nipples. "Do you like having a dick in your ass?"

"Fuck, yes..." The last morphed into a moan as Decker squeezed his eyes closed.

"Believe us now when we say you're gay?" Max pulled harder on his tit and Decker quivered.

"Yes. It feels so good. I think he's going to make me...UGH." The magic dick strikes again. Max couldn't see, but from the face and shudder that ran through Decker's body, he guessed Decker had just cum from being fucked.

"Oh, fuck, yeahhhh..."

And the follow-up. Blake was wearing his orgasm face and had a death grip on Decker's hips. Maybe that little spasm and tightening pussy was what it took to bring the good doctor over the edge and put the first man seed deposit up Decker's ass. The first of many, most likely.

"Your turn, Max."

Carefully removing his dick from Decker's mouth, Max slid back and cupped Decker's chin forcing him to look up. His eyes were glazed, and he looked a little out of it, but he smiled. "I think you're ready for more, aren't you?"

Decker's gaze dropped to Max's still hard dick, and he could see the look of worry.

"Don't worry, buddy. It'll fit just fine. Now that you're relaxed and Blake opened you up, it will feel real good." He watched with a grin as Blake got on his back and slid underneath their conquest, putting him in a 69. The whimper made him wonder if Decker was still sensitive after cumming. No matter, it might serve as a distraction as he got inside.

"Fuck that's tight." Max bit back a groan as he pushed into Decker's creamy hole. It was just as good as he hoped, but it meant he probably wouldn't last long.

"Oh, God, that's..." Decker moaned around Blake's dick.

"See what you've been missing? Don't worry, Eric and Justin know how to fuck and can keep this hungry hole satisfied. No more going without or blah, boring sex." Max enjoyed every thrust until he'd added his load to Blake's.

They helped a stunned and out of it Decker onto the couch before they dressed.

"No more virgin hole." Blake sounded sad and let out a sigh.

"I'm sure we'll find more. That's one fine body; the men are going to love getting their hands on him-and their dicks in that sweet ass." Max grinned as he pulled his shirt on. He felt more like himself than he had in a while and he also felt...good.

"No doubt he'll be popular. I think Eric and Justin will be too. Also, fresh meat always gets the guys worked up. What did you think, Copper? Bet you'd like a chance at that ass." Blake had an evil glint in his eye as he watched the ginger guard blush. A knock sounded before he had a chance to come up with a response.

"Todd? You swap out with Sergio?" Blake asked as the guard stepped in.

"He was still helping the new guys move their stuff, and last I saw, they were chasing a cat through medical. He asked me to pick up Decker."

"They lost Decker's cat?" Max asked.

"Not lost exactly," Todd said.

"Pussy Galore got loose?" Decker sat up looking worried.

"Pussy Galore?" Blake turned to look at Decker with a raised eyebrow.

"Geez, Blake. Didn't you ever watch James Bond? I think it's a great name."

"She won't get out, will she?" Decker asked.

"Nah. All of the back office has double security doors between sections. They'll catch her in no time." Max turned to Blake as the doctor burst into laughter.

"We've got a loose pussy in medical..." Blake wheezed as he laughed. "Don't worry, if there's anything we're good at, it's finding a man's pussy!" The man bent over, he was laughing so hard.

Max rolled his eyes and looked at Decker. "It's just the stress after everything that's happened. That's my story, 'cause the alternative is that he's finally cracked."

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 6

Blake disconnected the call and sat back. He was going to have to take serious stock of their current subjects and see if there weren't a few he could send to the Ranch. He'd let it go on too long and it wasn't fair to Gustav. The man was doing a great job, but he needed more workers.

The intercom buzzed.

"Yeah, Claire."

"The Tellers just checked in at the front desk. Max went down to escort them. Would you like me to have Jacob brought up, or do you want a few minutes first?"

"Have him brought up. He can hear anything I have to say to Jamison and Alejo." Blake sat back and took a deep breath. Getting Ward's son dispositioned would be a relief. His daughter was already at the Ranch so that just left him finding a solution for Ward.

He looked at Copper and wondered what the guard was thinking. It was apparent their time with Decker had unnerved the guard. He'd been stoic and hadn't said anything, but the signs were there that the guy was still aroused. Maybe he should just excuse himself and jack off in the restroom.

Max arrived, ushering in the couple who were "adopting" Jacob.

"Jamison, Alejo, good to see you!" Blake stood and greeted his guests with hugs. "How are you?"

"Doing well and so excited about our new son. The boys are excited too and can't wait to meet him. We're doing a welcome home celebration, so we've got them distracted getting Jacob's room and the house ready for his arrival."

"Thought you had servants for that," Max teased.

"Oh, we do. But the boys want to add their own special touches," Jamison said.

"We wanted them to feel like they're part of making this a success," Alejo added.

Blake's history with the Tellers was complicated. It included kidnapping, blackmail, and drug cartels, or at least that's what got him involved. The short version was that they were able to get the men out of a very nasty situation and earned a stockpile of favors. Jamison came from old money and had used his business acumen to build it into an even larger empire. Alejo, a software developer by trade had made his first million before he graduated high school.

"Did you have a chance to review the materials I sent over?" Blake asked.

"In detail. We shared the photos and videos with the boys as well. Doesn't hurt to get them interested before they meet in person. Dr. Smalley also thought it would help them build some empathy seeing that Jacob went through hell to get here, just like them. While there are differences in his case, the end result is similar." Jamison took Alejo's hand.

Everyone's head turned toward the door as Dr. Smalley arrived with Jacob.

"Jacob, welcome. I'd like to introduce you to Jamison and Alejo Teller, they're the ones adopting you."

"Hello, son." Alejo approached and gave a warm smile. "Would you be okay with a hug?"

Jacob nodded and Alejo engulfed Jacob in an embrace. Alejo was probably in his late thirties, Latin, stunning, and very fit. He also was almost a foot taller than his new ward. Jamison joined him and took over the hug. Jamison was just over six feet with a country club vibe, dirty blond hair and classic good looks.

When Jacob stepped back, Blake could see the men had affected him.

"Are you okay with coming to live with us?" Jamison asked as everyone returned and took seats on the couches.

Jacob turned to Dr. Smalley with a pleading look.

Smalley cleared his throat. "Jacob has some concerns that perhaps you can address. Jacob has developed certain needs that he's concerned won't be able to be met if he moves in with the Tellers."

"It's okay to speak freely and be as blunt as you need to be. The Tellers have been fully briefed on Jacob's history and what he was forced to do," Blake said.

Dr. Smalley turned to Jacob and continued once he got a confirming nod. "Jacob is worried that he won't get enough sex if he leaves."

"Oh, Jacob. I'm sorry for what you've been put through but maybe you'll feel better if you know a little more about our non-traditional family." Alejo turned to Jamison. "You're better at explaining."

"As Alejo said, we're not your typical family. Like you, I was kidnapped, drugged, and forced to have sex. Also like you, some of the effects didn't go away so I have a much stronger need than most. When Alejo attempted to rescue me from my captors, things went poorly and he was also captured and drugged. If you didn't guess, we're gay and were before we were taken." Jamison paused.

"The drugs that were used on Jamison and Alejo were different but had similar after-effects to what you were given, Jacob. They understand personally what it feels like," Blake interjected.

"We have also adopted three other young men, about your age, who've gone through similar trials. Dr. Connor helped place them with us because, like you, they need frequent sex and need to be in an environment where that is supported and accepted," Jamison said.

"Part of being non-traditional is that we are open about having sex with each other. Not everyone would accept this, so we have dual lives: the one we show to the outside world and the one we live behind closed doors. You'll have not only your three brothers, but me and Jamison to help with your needs. We also have a number of family friends who are supportive and share our interests," Alejo added.

Jacob's eyes roved over the two men and Blake could see the change. There was predatory lust in his eyes as he looked on his new family with a different lens.

"'ll fuck me?" Jacob gave them a skeptical look as if expecting them to change the answer.

"Gladly. You will have to communicate and tell us what you want. You can be with both of us, one or the other, and include any combination of your brothers. No one will force you to do anything, all sex is consensual and agreed to in advance. You'll also be continuing your sessions with Dr. Smalley and can always engage his help in working through issues." Jamison put his arm around Alejo as they sat back expectantly.

Jacob nodded. "Okay, I'm good." He turned to Dr. Smalley and smiled. "Let's do this."

Jamison and Alejo stood and extended a hand to Blake. "Thank you, Dr. Connor. I'm sure we'll be talking regularly. Maybe once Jacob is settled, you and Joseph can join us for a weekend. Maybe we can get more use out of the beach house."

Blake laughed. "Sounds wonderful. Jacob, did you know your new family is loaded? Yup, servants, mansion, multiple houses. You're going to be living the good life."

"And the best part," Alejo put in. "As much sex as you want."

Jacob's smile grew even bigger as he let the men sandwich him between them as they left. Dr. Smalley gave a wave and followed them out.

Blake waited until the door closed. "What a relief. I am so glad Jeffrey suggested them. I couldn't have come up with something this good."

"You know that our good Dr. Tanner may be somewhat biased toward the Tellers?" Max said.

Blake looked at him wondering what he meant.

"Surely you knew? Jeff is a frequent visitor and vacations with them. It may have started up as follow-up care, but pretty sure he's checking all the dicks and holes in that household on a regular basis if you know what I mean." Max gave him a knowing grin.

"Our sweet, innocent Jeffrey? Never." Blake had to let that one process.

"Oh, please. Jeff is just as much of a slut as the rest of us. He just hides it better. Now, what's the meeting with Carl and Frank about? Claire said you wanted me to join."

"Honestly, I no longer trust myself to do some of this stuff on my own. I like having you with me so you can call me on anything you think's out of line. It's also good for you to know as much as I do about the moving pieces and parts. My gut tells me the Board is going to keep us on our toes. They're already making demands I never would have expected."

"You think there are new players?" Max asked.

"Could be. Or, it might be that they feel they can flex their muscles after the shit storm and our government won't balk." Blake shrugged. "Frank and Carl are going to give updates. I'm not expecting any problems."

"I expect problems every time I talk to legal. That's their thing," Max grumbled.

"Well, we've certainly put them through the mill this year. Even with the 'pass' we got from the feds, they want to nail down any risks they can."

Frank Dixon, one of the attorneys, and Carl Robinson, head of information technology, joined them and took seats. Frank didn't look like a lawyer, a coach or fitness instructor, maybe. He was average height with a thick muscular build and had doubled as Sheriff Buddy Carmichael when they'd taken him down.

"You're smiling. I hope that means most of your news is good?" Blake said.

"You're keeping us busy so guess that's good for job security." Frank grinned. In spite of the body, the guy was an introvert and a self- proclaimed geek.

"The times we live in." Blake sat back and waited.

"Easy stuff first. We're almost done with the new identities for the test subjects being reintroduced. We'll need names for the other new guys since I'm assuming they won't keep the old ones." Carl's baritone sent shivers down Blake's spine. He was low-key today; the small horn nubs were somewhat permanent but he wasn't wearing the "devil" contacts or any of his other accessories.

"They've been told."

"We went through the new Board contract again and didn't find anything that raised a red flag. Nothing that wasn't already noted in the prior synopsis. So far the new support team has been very efficient, and the new identities process is much smoother. Can't say that we ever expected the Board to provide those services, but rather than 'Black Market' reproductions, they're providing what appear to be authentic originals," Frank explained.

"Don't think we want to know how they manage that or who they have in their pocket," Max said with a shudder.

"True." Frank looked at Carl. "Want to give the updates on Stewart and Newman? That's more your area even if we've been monitoring too."

Blake was a little confused. "Frank, how is our legal team involved?"

"We're not really-we've been assisting off the record, so it's somewhat professional courtesy to include us, and we've had one of our team in the courtroom for all the proceedings."

"Still good news." Carl took over. "Both 'former' judge Stewart and Senator Newman were convicted on all counts. They can still appeal, but the cases were airtight. It's not likely that will go anywhere. Sentences are what we'd hoped for. At this point I think you can forget about them."

"Will they suffer? That's what Blake really wants to know." Max turned to Blake and gave him a compassionate smile.

"You're not wrong," Blake admitted.

"They didn't end up in the same facilities but that's not a problem. Stewart has already been discredited as an attention-seeking troublemaker. His file specifically labels him as being delusional and a pathological liar. Doesn't matter what he claims, they ignore him. We don't even need to use the bait anymore, he's already the prison bitch boy for both the guards and his fellow inmates. You can rest assured that his life is hell." Carl paused with a glance at Frank.

"I don't have anything to add."

"We're still using bait on the senator but whatever's happening, he's not once tried to report it. We think he may have been threatened. We really don't expect him to last long as word spreads that he whored out his son. Mrs. Newman received a much lesser sentence but was still found guilty."

"Let's not spend any more time or effort with them. I think we'll close that chapter and move on. I'm pretty sure the correctional system will handle the rest. Do you have any updates on Blaze? I know you've been monitoring him."

Carl gave a deep, rumbling laugh, shaking his head. "I'm hoping he can age out before we bring him in, but we may have to pull him sooner. Time will tell."

Blake's eyebrow shot up to his hairline and he looked at Max who shrugged.

"You must have more to share," Max said. "With everything going on, I don't think we've had an update since he was taken in by his aunt and uncle."

Carl took a deep breath and sat forward with his elbows on his knees. "By the end of the first week, Blaze turned his cousin into a personal fuck toy. End of the second week, his uncle was his bitch as well. He's kept the uncle wrapped around his little finger, or rather, in this case, his dick. We're pretty sure the aunt found out, but while we couldn't get details or confirm we think he dosed her with a Blue and turned her out at his uncle's poker night."

"You're kidding?" Blake was stunned but also, maybe a little, impressed. "We didn't give him that much product. Do you think he's abusing it?"

"Subjective question. I think he's been using it strategically, maybe combining it with blackmail. We haven't found any evidence but from the behaviors and how they treat him and respond, that would be my guess. My biggest concern, and why I think we may need to pull him in sooner, is he's whoring out his cousin and uncle to earn extra cash."

Max barked a laugh and then put a hand over his mouth. "Shit, sorry. That's just...not right." It would have had more impact if he didn't start laughing again.

Blake rolled his eyes. "Maybe we need to do an intervention. Not that I object to what he's doing, but we don't want him to get into trouble or get caught. If he can't rein in his entrepreneurial spirit, we'll have to bring him in. He does sound like our kind of boy."

"I'll take care of it. But something to think about, whether it's if he ages out or sooner, we'll probably need to move the cousin and uncle to the Ranch. Pretty sure they're already past other options."

"Huh... That's fine with me, you can make the call. What about the aunt?" Blake said.

"I'd like to observe for a few more weeks. I don't think anything has happened since the poker night, but I'm not ready to commit. We've added additional surveillance to keep closer tabs on all of them."

"That's good and if you think he's being responsible and you want to supply him with more product, that's your call as well. We owe him for his help, and after they balked at taking him in until they were paid...well, sorry, just not too much sympathy for them."

"That's where I was too," Carl admitted.

"Max has a new situation to review with you. The Board insists that we keep the additional security, the Vipers, Spades, or both. Max has Ace's proposal so I'll want legal to take a close look and, Carl, you can help Max figure out how to make it work for us."

"I've got to say that both teams have been professional and efficient. I have no complaints." Carl glanced to Copper, who was doing his best to be invisible.

"Good to know. Anything else we need to cover?"

"Yeah. You okay working with Ace again?" Carl asked. "He appears to have done a complete turnabout since he was here before. I dug deep and everything looks legit, but that doesn't mean your head's in the same place."

"I am and I do think he's grown up a lot." Blake flashed Max a guilty look.

"God, not to mention that ass." Carl sighed. "The man is walking sex, and I so hope this time around he'll come play with me."

Max grimaced. "Sadly, that opinion seems to be shared widely. Rather disgusting how all the otherwise sane men on our team drool over him."

"Whoa, the green monster rises. You are so damn jealous. Admit it, you want him too," Carl teased.

"You need to die." Max scowled.

"Boys, play nice. Frank, you're being awfully quiet." Blake turned to the blushing attorney.

"I'd bend over for him...drop to my knees...fuck, whatever he wanted." He turned even redder and stared at the floor.

"I think I'll include some Ace disruption contingency plans when we're brainstorming. I prefer this kind of 'interesting' to what we've been having."

"Me too, Carl, me too." Blake stood.

"Ace" Mateo Enrique Sanchez | Scene 7

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cobra pulled up in front of the Connor house.

"Worried about my virtue?" Ace laughed.

"Frankly, yes. These people are...fucking batshit. I've been in some scary places, Ace, but I've never been as uncomfortable as I have since starting this job."

Ace looked at Cobra and pondered a moment. "You sure they're not making you ask yourself some tough questions? No need to answer, but it's something to think about. Don't forget, I worked with many of these people before. They won't win any Mother Teresa awards but they are true to their ideals."

"Just be careful." Cobra gave Ace a concerned look as they idled. "Give me a call when you want a ride back to the hotel."

"I will and if for some reason I stay the night, I'll text you."

"Can I warn you that would be a really, really bad idea?" Cobra did not sound happy.

"Live on the edge, buddy." Ace gave a light punch to Cobra's arm before exiting the car.

Ace paused on the sidewalk, doing a quick scan. He noted that two guards had already spotted him and signaled. He didn't doubt that his team was good but it was still nice to have confirmation.

Python greeted him at the door with a nod.

"You going to announce me?" He grinned at the Aussie. The original plan was that Python would be the lead on this project but illness had necessitated bringing in Cobra. Python would have been a better fit and more amenable to the LAB's work. Cobra was gay but wound a lot tighter and less flexible.

"Already done. Heads up, we've got extras for a bit. Two of their mates, think they work for Max? They're taking the boys out tonight."

"Do we have guys assigned to go with? Assuming this includes one or both Connor's?"

"Rattle and Krait are bringing the SUV now," Python was smiling and his blue-green eyes sparkled, that was a good sign and told Ace everything had been calm for a while. The Aussie didn't have the best poker face, pretty as it was.

The first thing he noticed were the boxes. Stacks of boxes everywhere.

"Ace, welcome. Sorry for the mess; we're moving in a few days, so the place is in chaos." Blake approached him and extended his hand like he wanted him there. Weird, he thought. Maybe they could reconcile after all.

"Sorry about that. I didn't think of it when I invited you. Promise we'll have you out to the new place to make up for it and then I'll cook like I'd planned." Joseph joined them and instead of shaking his hand, pulled Ace into a hug.

"We can do this another time." Ace was thrown by the greeting.

"Nope, we already ordered. Hope you still like the same dishes; we're getting Chinese." Blake took his elbow and ushered him into the dining room. "Drink?"

"Water is fine. You remember what I like?" Ace found that hard to believe.

Blake grinned and held up a hand. "Hunan beef, hot and sour soup, egg roll." He raised a finger with each selection.

"I'm impressed." And fucking moved, Ace thought, feeling overwhelmed that Blake would remember those details. He was sure the man had erased everything about him from his life. He sat at the table and took a moment to breathe.

Joseph tossed napkins, disposable chopsticks, and sauce packets on the table. "We might order from there a lot." He grinned. "I'm really going to miss that place. Hopefully we'll find something as good at the new house-or Blake's going to have to pay someone to drive back to the city and get it." He raised his voice for the last part.

"I heard you. Vince is supposed to be researching all that." Blake set glasses of water on the table.

"Have you met Vince? So hot and such an amazing ass. You'll have to try him..." Joseph gave Ace an intense stare that made him squirm.

Ace was saved from coming up with a response as four stunning young men came into the room.

"Hey, we're headed out." The guy speaking looked enough like Blake, he had to be related.

"You may not remember him, Ace. This is my son, Michael, his brother Caden is the cutie with curly hair-"

"Daaaad!" Caden whined.

"And his boyfriends, Jose and Sean. You may have seen them around since the older boys are working at the LAB this summer," Blake said.

"You were just a little guy the last time I saw you, Michael. You've really grown up." Ace tried to choose his words carefully. Drooling over Blake's son was not going to help smooth things over. But damn, he wanted him and maybe the others too.

"They do that when you're not looking. Guys, I expect you to listen to your guards as well as Uncle Dee and Uncle Craig."

"Yes, Dad," Michael walked over and kissed Joseph-on the lips-before doing the same to his dad. Caden added hugs to his kisses.

There was an awkward silence when they left.

"Non-traditional, I know. If you thought my life was complicated before, let me tell you, you haven't seen anything." Blake shook his head then stood when the doorbell rang.

"Totally hot, aren't they? You should know they're all great fucks and versatile." Joseph waited until Blake stepped out to drop that bombshell.


"Aw, dude. No need to pretend." Joseph had a wicked grin that unnerved Ace.

Blake returned, food in hand and began handing out people's selections.

"I heard that your new home is quite the showpiece." Ace was hoping to direct the conversation to more neutral territory.

"It's going to be amazing." Joseph took his glass to get more water.

"The food is excellent, I can see why you'd miss it." Ace could feel tension in the air and wondered if it was just him.

"I was skeptical about the new house, but Joseph's right. The property is gorgeous and it will be nice having everyone under one roof. Not as thrilled about the commute and how far we are from the office." Blake caught his eye and gave him an odd look. "Can I just cut to the chase?"

"Um, sure." This was it, Ace knew something was up.

"I looked at the proposal as did Max. He gave it a thumbs up. Next he'll hand it off to legal and will be working with his team to suggest how best to integrate. I thought you should know."

"Wait. We're moving forward?" Ace sat back in surprise.

"We are. You didn't know the Board had pretty much made it a requirement?"

"How would he know? You think they talk to him more than you?" Joseph set down the refilled glasses.

Ace pointed his chopsticks at Joseph as his mouth was still full.

"Well, they did. Maybe you should visit that contact of yours, fuck him good enough he remembers to keep you in the loop." Blake's grin took the sting out of his word.

"Sadly, it doesn't work that way."

"Pity," Joseph said.

"Question for you. I've been somewhat surprised how well both the Vipers and the Spades' team have dealt with our 'business.' Did you take that into account when making assignments or is it a coincidence?"

Ace felt a wave of relief and laughed. "Not coincidence. The Spades are pretty far removed from seeing the more unusual side of your business. The Vipers were men that Python and I handpicked. Having worked here I knew it was a requirement if I wanted to avoid problems."

"Do they have to list that on their profile? Gay, bisexual, into BDSM. I mean Blake does that for his back office employees but the LAB is hardly typical," Joseph asked.

"We try to know as much as we can about each operative. The Vipers don't handle generic mercenary jobs, and the clients tend to be more eccentric and demanding. It could cost them their life if we make mistakes. So, yes we track that and anything else that might be used against them."

"Makes sense. Thank you for the effort," Blake said.

"You may not be thrilled with me, but we do good work."

Joseph let out a huge sigh and rolled his eyes. "Okay, just stop. You guys need to get over 'whatever.'" Joseph waved his hands in the air. "Fuck and make up."

Blake gave Joseph the evil eye.

"Don't go there with me, Mister. I know damned well you've been thinking about getting him naked since he first showed up." Joseph turned to Ace and he really wished the man had kept his attention on Blake. "So is it true? Everyone tells me you two were exceptionally hot together. The sex had to be good, right?"

Ace opened his mouth but words wouldn't come.

"Joseph." Blake's voice had a warning tone. "Ace, I had a question for you. I was wondering if your brother was still running the porn studio and kept his network contacts?"

"No, Marcel got out. Sold the business for a tidy sum, got married, and is now living a boring, sedate life in suburbia. I think he cut all ties."

"Well, fuck." Blake frowned.

Ace wasn't sure why the question or why Blake wasn't pleased with his answer but he wasn't ready to ask either. Whatever it was, the man seemed to recover and turned to him with another question.

"Ace, how did you end up married? I'll be honest, that was unexpected."

"For me too." Ace looked at Joseph, who now seemed to be brooding. Somehow he didn't think the man was going to give up on getting the answers he wanted, even with Blake's intervention.

He debated a moment and decided if they'd be working together it would probably be best to tell the truth-perhaps leaving out some details.

"It's not a happy story and the short version is that I made the best of a bad situation."

"You don't have to tell us," Blake said.

"Yes he does!" Joseph looked like he was building up a good rage.

"I took a job and maybe should have looked into it more thoroughly than I did. I was in a bad spot and needed a change. It was supposed to be standard mercenary, soldier-for-hire work in Mexico. That was true for about two weeks when a heavyweight came through doing what they called an 'inspection.' I don't know that I did anything but the man noticed me.

"The next day, I woke up naked, chained to a bed with a splitting headache." Ace heard Joseph's intake of breath and could see the surprise on Blake's face but continued. "The heavyweight, now known to be Carlos, the boss, decided he wanted me. I lost track of days, but I think it was a couple weeks, he used me like a whore. Worse he shared me with his lieutenants."

Ace took a drink of water and a deep breath.

"Something changed. I don't know what. I don't remember doing or saying anything but all of a sudden he decided I was his. Fortunately that meant the sharing stopped. I was no longer chained, but it was made very clear that trying to leave or escape would be bad for my health. Over the next few months, I was treated more like a treasured concubine. He was kinder, the beatings stopped, and the sex wasn't as rough.

"Then he started talking. Asking my opinions, getting my input. It was maybe at the one-year mark when he started keeping me by his side, not just in his bed. He demanded everyone treat me like his partner. Oddly enough the lieutenants who'd used me started disappearing. I considered that a win because it meant I wouldn't have to kill them later."

"Fuck. I am so sorry, Ace." Blake had real compassion in his voice, and it was almost enough to undo him.

"Yeah, well... So. That continued on for a couple months and he started using me as his proxy, having me deliver orders, gather information. It was unreal how quickly his people accepted the change, 'course those that pushed back usually ended up dead. Then he started getting sick. At first, it was just tiring easily, and that was when he insisted we officially marry. Let me be clear, this wasn't him doing a romantic proposal, I was told I would."

"That sucks," Joseph said.

Ace shrugged. "Like I said, making the best of it. I continued on as his voice, his health continued to decline. He disappeared to see specialists. He gave me more and more responsibilities. It was around the two-year mark when I found him dead. No one even questioned that I was in charge. That's when I started cleaning up."

"Did you ever find out what was wrong?" Joseph asked.

"Cancer. I don't know if it wasn't treatable or he didn't want it treated. He didn't share and the doctors who'd been helping all mysteriously vanished. Not that unusual when dealing with that type. They wouldn't know I wasn't like Carlos."

"And now you have your own empire." Blake shook his head.

"Not the way I'd recommend doing it. But I guess you could say it forced me to grow up." Ace gave a pained laugh.

"But you also learned things about yourself." Joseph looked contemplative and it creeped Ace out that it felt like the man was looking into his head.

He thought a moment and yes, there were things he discovered, but certainly nothing he was going to share or admit.

"Being a dedicated top is totally overrated." Joseph dropped the comment and began gathering the remnants of their meal.

Ace couldn't breathe; it felt like there were steel bands around his chest. He was feeling dizzy and had an overwhelming sense of dread. How could he know? He'd never told another soul, and Joseph just drops it like it's nothing.

"Ace. Ace, you need to breathe. Ace, are you with me? Joseph, get a cold cloth. Ace, close your eyes and breathe with me, in and out. We're going to count."

"Aren't you supposed to do the '333' thing?" Joseph asked.

"Think we're past that."

The world came back into focus and the panic attack seemed to have abated.

"Are you okay?" Blake was inches away from him, His eyes wide, his hands holding Ace's.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for. Believe me, after what's gone on in the last year, I've become very familiar with the drill. Take some time, maybe move in to the family room and get comfy. Believe it or not there's still space in there."

Ace took the suggestion and tried to think back. Must have just been a rotten coincidence Joseph saying what he did at the perfect or perhaps worst moment, he thought. Movement caught his attention and he saw Joseph standing at the entryway, watching him.

"Dinner was great, thank you."

"Yup." Joseph crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head. "I'll ask Dr. Smalley to get you on the calendar. You don't want to talk to Blythe, he's a grump. We save him for people we don't like."


Joseph tapped his head. "Psychiatrist. Head doctor, he'll help you with your...whatever it is. What a drama slut."

"Excuse me?"

Joseph let out an exasperated sigh before dropping on the couch beside him. He gripped his thigh and looked at Ace intently. "You're too hard on yourself. Nothing wrong with liking to bottom or getting turned on by being used."

Ace was speechless. The comment before he could write off as coincidental but this? How could he know?

Joseph put a finger under Ace's chin and closed his mouth. "Don't tempt me. You leave your mouth open I may put my dick in there."


"Want it. I know." Joseph winked. "Now, Blake will be in shortly so let's keep this short and sweet. You want back in his bed. I want you back in his bed. You like being fucked, we have lots of hot guys who like to fuck. You trust me, and I can make it all happen. No need to fight those urges. I can promise you'll be accepted just like you are."

Ace still couldn't form words. He was sure he'd fallen into some altered reality.

Joseph stood and climbed into his lap straddling his hips and captured his lips. A tongue was forcing its way into his mouth as the man found and squeezed both nipples. If Ace wasn't hard before, he was now.

"Joseph, really?" Blake sighed loud enough for it to register with Ace.

Was he going to freak out that his fiance was kissing him? It didn't sound like that kind of reaction. More like he wasn't surprised at all.

"Can we at least move him to the bedroom? I don't want the boys to come in and find us getting hot and heavy in the family room. You know they'll want to join, and I'm not ready for that."

Ace heard Blake's words and was more sure than ever he'd fallen through the looking glass.

Joseph pulled away and Ace gasped.

"Sure. I can say I've verified one rumor. He does have an impressive dick." Joseph wiggled his hips and Ace moaned. "I hope the hot as sin sex conjecture was true as well, since you won't share!"

"Fine, yes the sex was hot. Now can we move?"

Joseph leaned into Ace and whispered into his ear. "Now, you're going to get fucked."

Ace felt a wave of vertigo and swore his body temperature spiked. He was aware of being led to the large bed but couldn't seem to focus. He felt hands undressing him, the coolness of the air on his skin.

"Oh, Blake...he is fucking hot. Bulging muscles, bit titties, all wrapped in bronze and the tattoo. You didn't tell me he was inked."

"He wasn't when I knew him before."

Ace was pushed back until the back of his knees hit the bed and he fell back. Seconds later a mouth latched onto one of his nipples, and he let out a low moan as a moment later another mouth engulfed his cock.

"Fuck, my memory failed me. I swear it's bigger and tastier." Blake resumed sucking Ace's cock.

"Mm... I like his chest and these nipples. Enough to get a good grip or wrap your lips around. You're about to join the family, Ace. We'll talk about familial obligations later."

Ace registered the words, but his brain was so focused on his nipples and dick it was hard to process. He was already close and was just about to warn Blake when the man pulled off. Blake gripped his legs and lifted.

"Hold your ankles," Blake ordered and Ace did. "Sweet."

Ace let out another moan as the warm tongue found his hole.

"Here, this will distract you. Get me ready for your dick." Joseph spun around and squatted over Ace, placing his hole right over his face.

Wondering why he was complying without thought, Ace began licking at Joseph's opening. Part of him thought something was odd, but he couldn't seem to focus with the delicious ass waiting for his attention. He was glad for the sweet hole distracting him and keeping his mouth busy so he didn't beg to be fucked. At the moment he didn't care that Joseph figured out his secret, he was too focused on finally getting Blake's cock. That was something he remembered clearly.

Without thinking he lifted his head to follow as Joseph moved away.

"Don't worry stud, you'll have lots of opportunity to eat my ass now that your family. But I need that big Latin dick more." Joseph gripped Ace and slowly lowered himself.

How? Ace was amazed at how easily Joseph took him in. Sure he'd been rimming him, but it usually took a lot more to get a guy ready for his dick.

"Ah, nice. That's a Mario sized cock. Probably make me cum just from riding you."

"Ugh." Ace grunted and bit back a cry as Blake pushed his dick into him without warning.

"Even better than I remembered."

"That's it, babe, fuck that pussy and make him moan. He wants it so bad. No need to be gentle either. Give it to him good and fuck the cum right out of him," Joseph said.

"And into your ass?"

"Of course."

Joseph was riding Ace like a pro while Blake fucked him. Ace felt like he was in the right place for the first time in years. Blake's dick was hitting all the right spots and reminded him yet again how much he loved being fucked. For just a little while, he was going to forget everything else and enjoy. Maybe this could be a fresh start.


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