The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Apr 19, 2022


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain bondage, edging, incest, violence, or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 28: Consequences, Copyright 2022 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without the express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 28: Consequences By Tripp Savidge

Donald Rhodes | Scene 1

"That should be everything." The LAB's lawyer sat back and flipped through the pages.

"Dr. Connor, do you think there's any hope that Brad will eventually get better?" Bradley senior asked.

"I'm so very sorry. I know how hard it is for a father when his child is suffering. There is a chance that after a few years, he may begin to show some improvement, or at least better self-control, but there are no guarantees. As long as he's getting the sex his body craves, he should be able to lead a normal and productive life. Fortunately, he wasn't dosed as heavily as you, but he still has some of the same driving needs and addiction."

Wow, and he said every word of that with enough conviction and sincerity, I could even believe it, Don thought.

Bradley turned to Don and reached out for his hand. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Of course. I'd do anything for you." Don leaned forward and kissed Bradley, not giving the other man a chance to pull away. He was determined that once his divorce was settled, they'd never hide what they were to each other. After all the years he'd pretended, he was done with that.

A blush bloomed on Bradley's face, and he smiled. "Brad's going to know...the same kind of...attention that I do. That's a lot to put on you."

"That's a certainty," Dr. Connor interjected. "I've already advised Don that it will likely take a few men to meet Brad's and your needs. Speaking of which, I know you mentioned you had live-in staff, including a female housekeeper and cook. Are they going to be okay with your and Brad's new lifestyle?"

"Probably not." Bradley looked sad as he shook his head.

"I'll take care of it and make sure they get a good severance. Then we can look for replacements that are more open-minded," Don said.

"I can help you find people if you'd like, Don. I might have some connections." Dr. Connor didn't smirk, but Don still got it from his tone.

"Thank you. Bradley, are you sure you're okay with me helping take care of Brad? You understand that means me having sex with him? It's okay to say no. Making you happy is what matters to me the most. I'm glad to do it to keep him safe, but..." Better for him to think it's a sacrifice than know I'm looking forward to having his son as a fuck toy.

"Of course! I don't know anyone I'd trust as much as you to help Brad. We can't just send him out on the street, and he's already proven he's not a good judge of character." Bradley looked at Dr. Connor as if expecting him to disagree.

"You are correct, and unfortunately, as you know from your own condition, when the need gets strong enough, you can't make rational or sound decisions. Brad will not be able to discern dangerous situations or people and would likely put himself at risk." Dr. Connor turned to Don. "You'll need to supervise anyone who comes in contact with him, so he's not manipulated or used. I'll go so far as to recommend chastity devices. He doesn't have the self-control to be trusted on his own."

Oh, my God. Could he set this up any better for me? Don stared at the doctor for a moment as the man practically dropped the teen in his lap. "Of course. His safety is important, and perhaps, Dr. Connor, you can help me find others who'd be able to assist with his 'special needs' as well."

"You'd be the primary one taking care of me though. Right?" Bradley asked.

"Of course. You'll be my priority, always. So if it gets to be too much, I'd look for help with Brad before I'd let anyone take my place with you." Don gripped Bradley's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze.

The smile and trust in Bradley's eyes put a rock of guilt in Don's gut. While being honest about his love for Bradley, he knew caring for Brad junior had everything to do with himself and nothing to do with concern for the wayward teen. As far as Don was concerned, the brat was the reason they were all in this mess and would take whatever dick he threw his way. Don knew it was likely he'd still have to find men he'd trust to satisfy Bradley's needs, but it would be a very short list.

"Do you want to be with me when I talk to Brad and break the news?" Don asked.

Bradley sat back and shook his head. "I trust you. He needs to see you as the one in charge because we all saw how well he listened to his mother and me. I guarantee he'll put up a fight."

"I'll be glad to sit in with you for the beginning, Don. Since this is based on his health and mental evaluation, I can review our assessment so he doesn't blame you or Bradley," Dr. Connor said.

"Will I see you again soon?" Bradley stood from the table.

"Starting on Sunday, every day. I promise. There's some stuff I have to get done tomorrow." Don stood and hugged Bradley before he stepped out when a nurse arrived to escort him back to his room. Don waited as the lawyer gathered up his things and also left. "Are we meeting with him here?"

"We'll start here; then you can take him back to his room. I take it your prior conversation with Bradley went well?" Dr. Connor moved to sit by Don.

"Better than I'd even hoped. I'm still struggling to believe this is real. I have been in love with that man for so long." Don took a deep breath.

"Good. A horrible way to get there, but maybe accept the silver lining that you two can be together."

"What's really happening with Brad?" Don knew Dr. Connor had already told him parts of it, but he needed to hear it again.

"We've still got him on a low dose Blue so that in about two weeks, the desire and need for sex should be permanent. That also gives us more time for the trainers to make sure that the behaviors we want have imprinted. Continuing the training will also mean he's very proficient at sucking cock and taking it in the ass. The low-dose Blue is not as extreme as the black market Blue, but it will still guarantee you a willing cock whore while leaving him 'functional.' We've completed the paperwork and filed everything required, so he requires a guardian and can't enter into any agreements on his own. He also has a tracker implant, so if he ever tries to run, we can help you find him."

"That seems extreme." Don understood the concept, but he thought it was more Hollywood and television than reality.

"The Agency required we chip all the people they took in. We substituted their tech with ours, which has other features and an app that we'll set up on your phone. I think you'll find it helpful in managing Brad." Dr. Connor paused. "And, the offer stands that if you ever need a break, we'll gladly put him to work at the Resort. Whether that's for a week, a month, or a few years is your call."

"He'll need that much sex? That's not just a story to help Bradley buy in?" Don rather liked the thought of Brad being turned into a rent boy.

"He does. The addiction will be as real as the mental impairment. The longer he goes without sex, the poorer his decision-making will become. If he's getting enough, he can hold down a job as well as anyone."

"I'll keep that in mind, and I can see how having him work at the Resort would be a good solution. I'm sure there's something he could do when he's not on his back, and it would be nice not to worry about him while we're on our honeymoon or vacationing."

"Thinking ahead?" Dr. Connor asked.

"I've been dreaming of this for years. I'm going to spoil that man like you wouldn't believe. Bradley's already invited me to move into his place. Probably best to wait until the stuff with my wife is settled. I don't want to give even a hint of anything that could be used against me. And you said he's got a few weeks to a month before he'll be released."

A knock sounded at the door, and a guard poked his head in. "Sir, they've brought Brad."

"Show him in." Dr. Connor stood, resting his fingertips on the conference table.

Brad walked in with a frown on his face, but otherwise, he looked surprisingly good in a form-fitting t-shirt and snug jeans. He'd always been handsome, and the forced exercise and diet had toned his body nicely. Don could tell the teen was suspicious, hardly surprising given what he'd been through. A surprised look crossed Brad's face when he saw Don.

"Uncle Don?" Brad's mouth opened and closed before he spoke again. "Are you going to get me out of here?"

"Please have a seat, Brad. And we'll explain what's happening." Dr. Connor gestured before taking his seat.

"But I'm getting out, right?" Brad's expression betrayed the fear and insecurity he was feeling.

"Soon, son. The moment the doctors say you're well enough to leave," Don said. He wasn't Brad's uncle by blood; rather, he'd been around long enough and had been close enough to the family that "uncle" was how Bradley and his wife had referred to him.

"What? But you said the bad guys were arrested!" Brad gave an accusing look at Dr. Connor.

"They have. Unfortunately, the drugs are still in your system, and we have to gradually ween you so that you don't go into withdrawal or have other side effects. We expect it will take at least another two weeks, maybe more, before it would be safe," Dr. Connor explained.

"What they made you give me wasn't like what they gave Dad, was it?" Brad glanced frantically between us.

"Brad, we've talked about this. Yes, similar drugs with similar effects." Dr. Connor sighed and shook his head, glancing over at Don. "You can see that it has also affected his memory."

"But...but...Dad's a..." Brad looked at Don and stopped before he said what Don thought he was going to: "slut." He wouldn't have been wrong. Brad's eyes went wide, and he sat back, stunned.

"Your condition is not substantially different than your dad's. What you don't realize is that you don't remember when you lose control and act that way. If you doubt, we have hours of surveillance video we can show you."

"But I'm not...I don't..." Brad shook his head. "It's just because you made me do that stuff!"

"Is it Brad? I already explained to Don that you've been sucking dick daily. Tell me, were you tied down? Do the men who come to help you force their cocks in your mouth? Did you ever fight back or tell them 'no'?" Dr. Connor said patiently.

"I..." Brad paused, likely realizing that he'd eagerly and enthusiastically done everything they'd asked. "But... It can stop now, right? The guys who kidnapped me and made you do that stuff are gone."

"Do you want it to stop? Think about it carefully, Brad. I can guarantee you won't like how you feel or how you respond when those needs aren't being satisfied. You've seen one of your father's episodes. Yours won't be any different," Dr. Connor explained.

Brad's eyes went wide, and he shook his head. "No. I'm fine. I'm an adult and can make my own decisions, and I don't want them to continue."

"You heard him, Dr. Connor." Don turned to him and saw the knowing look. It wasn't going to go well for Brad, but if that's what he wanted. "Brad, I know this is a lot to take in, but you still need to listen to Dr. Connor explain the medical side of what's happening, and then I'll explain the next steps."

"But it's not fair! I'm fine!" Brad yelled.

"No, and what about your dad, who's in this mess because he cared about you and tried to find you? Was that fair?" Don asked.

At least Brad had the decency to look subdued.

Don wasn't surprised that Brad argued and fought when Dr. Connor explained. He even called the good doctor more than a few unpleasant names. Brad finally lost steam on his tirade and sat in stunned silence at what life could be like going forward.

When Don explained the restrictions on his freedom and that he'd be unable to start college in the fall, the rage came back in full force. After explaining and answering questions, Dr. Connor and Don stepped into the hallway to give Brad a few moments to cool down.

"Suggestions?" Don asked.

"He'll come around. He might not like it, but as you heard me say, we let him watch one of his dad's episodes, and I'll make sure he gets to see the recordings of a couple of his own. I think we both know there's a bit of manipulation and gaslighting involved. Are you okay with that?"

"Absolutely." Don didn't feel a bit of guilt over Brad's future.

"Today, maybe try to be his friend and offer some comfort. Once you start on those pills I gave you, you'll want to spend time with him every day until you take him home."

"I need to wrap up some things at work tomorrow and make sure I've got the last few things out of the house. I was planning to start visiting Bradley on Sunday; I can visit Brad then." Don mentally flipped through his 'to do' list and calendar.

"Since Brad is insisting he's 'fine,' we'll take him cold turkey until you return. That will give him forty-eight hours to stew. By the time you visit him on Sunday, he'll be begging for sex." Dr. Connor grinned. "It also sets it up for him to be the one who initiates and puts the idea that he's okay to rest permanently."

"Can we record that? I'll likely have to remind him later." Don started thinking of how he could turn this into an advantage and how seeing proof might seal the deal with Bradley.

"High definition with multiple angles if you'd like." Dr. Connor chuckled. "He should be recovered enough to take him to his room." Dr. Connor raised an eyebrow in question.

"Yeah. Let's do it." Don shook Dr. Connor's hand and then felt a chill as he saw something pass through the doctor's eyes. He wasn't a fool, and Don knew there'd be a price. Maybe even more than the occasional bending over for the doctor. It didn't matter, Bradley was worth it.

He waited while the guard brought Brad from the room and gestured for him to follow. Don stayed silent as they walked, and he noticed Brad never looked up.

"Home, sweet home," the guard said when he opened the door. "Knock when you're done."

"Thanks." Don stepped into the room and swore he felt it when he heard the solid clunk when the deadbolt was thrown.

"This sucks." Brad leaned against the wall and continued to stare at the floor.

"It does, but maybe you should have thought about it 'before' the drug deal from hell." Don sat on the bed and leaned back on his elbows.

"How was I supposed to know there was some crazy-ass, government psycho using the warehouse? It was supposed to be deserted."

"I've known you all your life, Brad. It's not like this was the first stupid thing you've done."

"Gee, thanks, Uncle Don, so glad you're being supportive." Brad slid down the wall, pulling his knees to his chest as he dropped his head. "Can't believe it, even Mom abandoned me."

"No one has abandoned you. I'm here, aren't I? And I promise I will take very good care of you and your dad. I'm sorry that your disappearance threw your mom over the edge and back into rehab. But you and I both know she wasn't well. It was only a matter of time."

Brad looked up, and Don had to admit the brat was finally looking rattled. "She's really bad this time?"

"She is. Your dad said it was a total psychotic breakdown with drugs and alcohol. She's lucky they found her when they did. She's not coming out anytime soon, and your dad already filed the divorce papers before he was kidnapped."

"You taking care of us; how's that gonna work? You have a wife and job."

"That's my problem. I promise you that you guys are my number one priority. Your dad asked me to move in when we take him home."

Brad frowned. "When is he getting out?"

"Dr. Connor said it depends. Anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month. You heard Dr. Connor's explanation that it will take that long to get the drugs out of your system. Are you really sure you're well enough to go without some relief?"

"I told you, I'm fine." Brad slumped, and Don wondered if maybe it had started to dawn on him that even though he argued against it, he really did need the sex. "And there's no way I can start college in the fall?"

"Brad, are you listening at all? How is that going to go? If you can prove you're fine, we still have time to reconsider. But if the doctor is right, you'd spend all your time on your knees or your back with your legs spread. When would you study? He didn't say you wouldn't ever improve. But the expert says it won't be anytime soon. You may have to accept this and move on."

"But what if it never goes away?"

"We'll figure it out. Let's start with one day at a time. You have a couple of weeks to prove you don't need the sex, and Dr. Connor has a treatment plan that should prevent any additional side effects or withdrawal. Once you're home, we'll gradually start trying to get back to a routine and see how close to normal we can get. Sound good?" Don asked.

Brad started to tear up and bit his lip.

"Hey." Don knelt in front of Brad and pulled him into a hug. "I got you. I'm going to take good care of you."

"Promise?" Brad's voice was breaking as he fought the sobs.

"I promise, son. I'm going to love you so good, I'll give it to you until it hurts."

Brad nodded and buried his face into Don's shoulder.

Coach Brett Findley | Scene 2

Brett couldn't seem to wake up. He was vaguely aware of noises around him but couldn't seem to come out of it enough to listen or even open his eyes. Something didn't seem right as the irritating voice in his head kept reminding him. His mouth and throat felt parched, and the strong scent of antiseptic was making his nose itch.

Why would I smell cleaner if I'm in bed? Brett thought. He fought against the desire to sleep longer and forced his eyes open. They felt dry and crusty when he reached up to rub them. Brett startled when he heard a strange, deep male voice. Brett had no idea what he'd said. It sounded like a foreign language. His vision was still blurry, and glancing around only confused him more.

More words came from the big burly man glaring at him that he didn't understand. He didn't recognize him. The muscled guy turned and opened the door before stepping out

Shaking his head, he tried to sit up, then vertigo hit him, and he lay back down. The second try was better, but he sure didn't feel good. He had to close his eyes once he was upright. Brett felt woozy and was struggling to think. He turned toward the sound of the door opening.

"Whew! We weren't sure you were going to wake up." This was a new voice, and he was speaking English, even if it was with a thick accent. "Don't freak out if you're feeling dizzy. That's normal." The man handed him a bottled water. "This will help."

Opening his eyes again, Brett accepted the bottled water and opened it as he looked at the new guy. Similar in build to the other one. Big with lots of muscles that strained the long-sleeved tee he was wearing. Dark cargo pants and heavy boots completed the pseudo-military look. And again, Brett knew he'd never seen him before. The first sip almost made him choke. He coughed a few times and tried again.

"Go slow. Give yourself some time to come around. Shouldn't take long now." The bouncer wannabe crossed his arms over his chest and stared at him. After a few more sips, the guy held out a blue pill on his palm.

Like hell I'm taking something from a stranger, Brett thought and shook his head.

"Take it!" The man squeezed his nose and pried his jaw open, shoving the pill down his throat and making him gag. As quickly as muscles had shoved his fingers into Brett's throat, they were gone, and he had his arms crossed again.

Brett took another drink of water. "What the fuck was that? Where...where am I?" Brett looked around at the concrete block room. It wasn't very large and didn't have much in the way of furniture beyond two crappy cots. There was a very small, barred window near the top of one wall, letting him know it was dark out.

"Something to make you feel better, and this is the recovery room." The guy gestured around him.

Brett rubbed his temples, trying to get his brain in gear. "And who are you?"

"I'm Jakub. One of the caretakers in this fine establishment. And just to set expectations, I'm the only one who speaks English."

Except for the accent, "Jakub" seemed to talk like an American. Brett tried to think back to what he last remembered. He and Logan had finished the summer camp and were out picking up groceries... He could remember pulling into the drive and unloading, putting stuff away, and then nothing. Brett ran his hand down his chest and stopped when something felt off. Glancing down at himself, a chill went down his spine as he realized that under the gross blanket, he was naked, and his chest was perfectly smooth. Lifting the covers, he looked and cringed when he saw that he was smooth everywhere.

"Something wrong?" Jakub asked.

"What did you do to me?"

"Not me. That's how you were when we took you out of the box."

"Box?" None of this was making any sense to Brett.

"Yes. Shipping box. You and the jock were in boxes. Sent from the States. Don't worry, it was safe. They've done this lots of times. You ready to get clean? You stink. No food yet. Your stomach needs a few hours before you'll keep anything down. You've been out for quite a while. Your sheet said you think you're straight. That true?"

Sheet? "Yes, I'm straight." The question seemed odd, but he'd answered without thinking. Brett wasn't about to mention the confusing last several weeks. He still refused to accept that he'd enjoyed it. He put his face in his hands. "Where am I?"

"If you're straight, I'm pretty sure you're going to think it's Hell. You don't need to know more," Jakub said.

"Can I have some clothes?"

"You won't need clothes; besides that, it's time for a shower."

"Can you tell me why I'm here or what's going on?" Brett pulled back the cover and stood, crossing his hands over his crotch in an attempt to cover himself.

Jakub laughed. "No need to hide. Everyone will see soon enough. Come on." He turned and held the door open.

Brett decided the hulk wasn't going to answer his question as they walked down the industrial-looking hall to another door. Stepping inside, he found himself in what appeared to be an old-style restroom and gang shower. Jakub pointed to the entrance to the showers and leaned against the wall near the doorway.

"Give it a minute to heat once you turn on the water." Jakub leaned in to look at Brett; his eyes traveled up and down Brett's body as he smiled. "You'll be popular, straight boy."

"You never answered my question." Brett stood back as the water coming from the shower head was ice cold. He still felt strange. The dizziness was much better, but his head was muddled, and now he was starting to feel floaty and warm.

The big guy shrugged before speaking. "You must have angered someone. Made an enemy, maybe? They don't tell us these things. We know you'll work here for the next year, no special privileges or instructions. Same with the other guy they sent."

The water was finally tolerable, and Brett stepped under the spray and used the body wash from the dispenser on the wall. "What other guy?"

"Young guy. Nice body. Looks a lot like you. Hair's longer, and he's a bit smaller. He woke up a few hours ago, and they already put him to work. He's going to be real popular, probably won't get much of a break until all the regulars have had him."

Brett froze and turned to look at Jakub. "Logan?"

"Don't know his name. I answered a couple questions but one of the others mostly handled him, and he referred to him as slut boy. That's a translation." Jakub grinned.

"What kind of work?" Brett was afraid to ask, given what he'd seen so far.

"You sure you want to know? Not sure you're ready." Jakub laughed again.

Brett rinsed the last of the soap off and realized there were no towels in sight. "Yeah, I want to know. Towel?"

"You'll air dry, princess. This isn't a resort. We're not allowed to call this place a brothel, 'cause we all know those aren't legal, but that's what it is. A private drinking club with some back rooms where people fuck. That's your job, by the way. Regardless of what you were before, now you're a whore that men pay to fuck. We'll probably even let them know you're straight. A lot of them will pay extra for a straight boy's ass."

"No." Brett's response came out as more of a squeak than a manly denial.

"Damn. Your face!" Jakub laughed again. "You may not like it, but you'll adjust. You all do eventually-even straight boys. Before you get any stupid ideas. One, you can't escape. Two, you can't say no. Three, don't even try to fight us. You'll lose. You've got a chip buried in your skull that will drop you like a rock if you try to leave, and we've got plenty of restraints and real nice drugs to make sure you're cooperative."

"But, I'm not... I shouldn't even be here! I'm a teacher, a coach. I have a job, family, a whole life-"

"You were." Jakub smirked at him and crossed his arms again. "No one is going to rescue you, straight boy. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. Let's go, you've got customers waiting."

"Clothes?" Brett didn't even get a response. This can't be happening; did they take Logan too? Brett mutely followed, hoping and praying it was just a nightmare, but there were too many sensations and too much clarity for it to be anything but real. He wracked his brain, trying to figure out how he got here or who would have done this. He had the feeling he wasn't even in the U.S. anymore.

"Important rule. Never go past this door unless you're with one of the guards. I'll show you this time, so you know how things work. Most of the time you're working you won't see anyone. Exception is if one of the customers wants to book some private time and that happens in a different set of rooms." Jakub leered, not even pretending about looking him over. "You've got a pretty good body and ass. You'll probably see those rooms before too long." Jakub opened a door that led into a darkened hallway. The walls looked like they were covered with cheap plywood paneling.

Brett watched him pull out a key and open another door. The first thing that hit him was the sound of sex. The second thing was the smell of sweat and man seed, worse than the raunchiest locker room he'd ever been in. It took a moment for his brain to register and recognize what he was seeing. Jakub had a tight grip on his arm as he pulled him along.

"This is the men's common room. It's where we do most of our business and where you'll be working." Jakub stopped, giving Brett a chance to look around.

Like the hallway, the walls were covered in paneling, and interspersed along each were openings where men's asses were hanging out with their legs spread wide and ankles fastened to the wall. He couldn't see anything above their waist because there were rubber gasket-like seals around each of the holes. Some of the men were on their backs, and others on their stomachs. Looking around, he saw there were also traditional glory holes and some that were higher up on the wall where more asses were on display. Several of the occupied stations had men lined up for a turn.

The "customers" must have noticed them as the strangers turned and stared at him, ignoring Jakub. The look in their eyes prompted Brett to cover himself as his cock began to rise.

"There's another room like this just for the women. Similar, 'ceptin some of those have booby holes so customers can play with their tits. Don't worry, we won't tempt you. You'll likely never see that room or the women."

Jakub patted Brett's shoulder as if he was comforting him, his eyes going to Brett's growing dick and smirking. Jakub said something in another language like he was making an announcement, and the "customers" turned and stared at Brett. He felt his stomach drop, and he looked at Jakub in horror.

"What did you say to them?"

"I told them you're a new slut and to check you out. They don't see much of the workers. Sometimes we put pictures over the hole if they're pretty enough. One of the bosses is talking about putting a monitor above some of them so they can watch the whore's face. Wouldn't work for all of the guys, but there are a few. Don't worry, you won't see most of the guys who fuck you." Jakub leaned in and whispered. "Just feel their dicks. Maybe you should take a good look so you can guess which one of those cocks is in you later."

"This isn't happening," Brett whispered.

"Sure is. And over there is the guy who came in with you. He's got a long line, must be pretty good. I haven't had him yet, but I will soon."

"It couldn't be. There's no way," Brett didn't realize he was speaking out loud until he felt Jakub's grip tighten. They didn't get close enough for him to see more, and while he was very familiar with Logan's ass, there was a big guy balls deep inside the guy blocking his view. I have got to get out of this place. There is no way I'm going to let them do this to me.

He turned to look at Jakub and swallowed. The guy wasn't just big, he was handsome. Brett's dick was painfully hard, and it felt like his ass was already clenching. Jakub glanced down and grinned, then took Brett's arm and pulled him from the room. He watched as the man's glutes flexed and moved as he walked, wondering what it would be like to bury his face...

They were back in the hallway. Jakub paused and turned to look at him. "We'll let you take a few customers to get you warmed up. It's late, but we'll be open a few more hours. By then, you should be able to eat something before lights out. Tomorrow you'll start a regular schedule."

"What?" Brett asked, struggling not to stare at the man's pecs and arms that wanted to burst through his tee. Why was he so aroused?

"We're open from six until two. Lights out is at three a.m., then you sleep until ten. The time between then and starting work is mostly spent on working out and staying in shape. Breakfast around eleven, lunch at four-thirty, then clean up and prep and get in your station by six."

"There aren't breaks?"

"You get a break mid-way through your work shift. It's staggered 'cause we can't have all the workers out at once. Oh, and don't be surprised if you get visitors during the night. The guards and the other sluts will want a piece of your ass, and you don't get much free time. I've heard it's quite a rush, waking up to a dick pounding your hole." Jakub winked, then opened another door and gestured for Brett to enter.

Brett was sure that something wasn't right. He still felt out of it with his brain not working the way it should and his body so hot and horny. He looked up and felt queasy when he saw where Jakub had taken him. He saw a row of wooden stalls, almost like dressing rooms with partial doors. One of the closest was open, and he could see a padded workout-type bench at one of the big glory holes.

"Got to tell Lukas he's got a new one," Jakub said before he called out something Brett didn't understand. He pushed Brett forward, causing him to stumble toward the open stall.

They must have had a special on big muscled hunks. Lukas pulled him in by the bench and banged on the wall over the hole, then spoke more words Brett didn't understand. He pushed Brett onto the bench, putting him on his back and grabbing his legs to feed them through the center of the gasket around the big glory hole. Brett felt strong hands grab his ankle, and then something was wrapped around it holding it against the other side of the wall.

"First few days are a little rough, but in a couple of weeks, this will be easy. Lay back and try to enjoy, straight boy." Jakub laughed.

"I have a name," Brett said.

"You think I give a shit?" Jakub turned and walked away.

Brett's other ankle was now being secured, and his legs were spread wide enough his muscles burned. Things were happening so fast, he wasn't sure what to pay attention to. Lukas was wrapping straps around his torso and arms, tying him to the bench. The man on the outside was fingering something slick into his exposed hole.

Lukas gruffly barked out a command, and when Brett didn't respond, the man gripped his cheeks, forcing his jaw open until he'd shoved a ball gag into Brett's mouth. Lukas stepped away, saying something, but Brett still didn't understand.

Brett tried to move and found that the most he could do was turn his head to the side. He felt hands on his inner thighs and then pressure at his opening. A dick slammed into him with no warning or prep. He cried out around the gag and panted as the pain and burn made him see stars.

The stranger started to thrust, and Brett felt shame and humiliation at how quickly his body recognized it as pleasure. Brett knew that he was in more trouble than he ever could have imagined. It reminded him of "that" weekend, the nightmare when his entire life had been turned upside down, and how those bastards had done something to him to make him like all the depraved stuff they forced him to do. It was happening again.

From there, it clicked that the only person who could have pulled off something like this was Dr. Connor, and while he'd said he'd give them a couple of chances, it wasn't hard to believe the man would change the rules. Some of the things he and Logan had done at the summer camp came roaring back into his mind, and Brett knew that somehow they'd found out... Oh, God. I am truly fucked...

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 3

"More wine, sir?" the server asked as his eyes raked over Blake.

"I'd like some also," Joseph said, winking at Blake while the server was turned away.

Once glasses were filled and the young man stepped away, Joseph leaned across the table.

"We could take him home..."

Blake laughed and blushed. "Maybe another time."

"Oh, come on. He's already hard and wet for you." Joseph slumped back in his chair and scowled.

Blake lifted his glass in a toast. "To us." Joseph was making this more difficult than it needed to be, and he had to wonder if maybe his man was doing it on purpose. "We have more men at home if I'm not enough for you."

Joseph grinned. "True. But we haven't had 'him.'"

"Ah, my beautiful, beautiful Joseph. Whatever am I going to do about you?" Blake sighed.

"Hmm..." Joseph tapped his chin as if thinking, then leaned in again. "You could fuck me."

"Every chance I get." Blake fidgeted with the box in his lap and decided it was time. "Joseph, I love you more than anything. You are it for me, and I'd really be honored if you'd be willing to share the rest of your life with me-as my husband." Blake set the velvet box in front of Joseph and lifted the lid.

"Oh my God," Joseph whispered. He looked up at Blake with tears in his eyes. "This is finally happening. I'm not dreaming?"

"No, baby. I want to marry you and tell the world that you're mine."

"YES!" Joseph pulled the titanium band out and slid it on his right ring finger. He held it up until the engraved facets caught the candlelight.

"I thought we'd pick out our wedding bands together, but I wanted you to have something."

"No, no. This is perfect, and I'll still be able to wear it even after we have the wedding bands." Joseph scowled and looked at Blake's hand.

"You need one too. Can't have people thinking you're available. First thing on Monday, you and I are going back to the jeweler to get one for you."

"It um...came as a set, so if..."

"YES. Give." Joseph held out his hand, and Blake pulled the second ring out of his pocket, giving it to him. Joseph grabbed Blake's hand and slid the ring onto his finger. Then held it for a moment. "Much better."

"I love you, Joey."

"Love you too, Blake." Joseph stood and moved over to plant himself in Blake's lap before taking his mouth.

Blake was a little worried about the public display, but it wasn't every day you got engaged, and he and Claire had given the restaurant a heads up. When the kiss ended, he was very aware of the others looking at them, including the two Viper guards at the nearby table.

"It's time for dessert," Blake whispered before giving Joseph a quick peck on the lips.

"Right here? With all these people watching? Oh, doctor, you have gone wild."

Blake felt the heat rush to his face as Joseph climbed out of his lap and returned to his seat. He watched as Joseph lifted the table cloth and looked underneath.

"I guess there's room. Now?" Joseph gave him what he was sure was intended to be an innocent smile.

"How about we wait until we're home and there aren't any distractions?" Blake had no doubt that Joseph would do it.

"I guess," Joseph pouted, then seemed to see something over Blake's shoulder, and his smile reappeared.


"Those two would make quite a pair. Even if they don't realize it yet," Joseph confided.

Blake turned to look at the Vipers who were on duty tonight. Cobra, the team leader, and Timber, one of the newer guards to join. "Meaning?"

"Timber doesn't know it yet, but no question he's a power bottom. I think he'd really enjoy that black snake Cobra's packing if he got the chance, or even better, introduce him to Skids and the gang. And Cobra? Total top."

The frown wasn't intentional, but Blake couldn't help the reaction. "You know how I feel about that."

Joseph smirked. "Have you ever talked to Blythe or Smalley about your 'issue?' This is from your father, isn't it? Okay, never mind. Besides, just because Cobra thinks he's a top doesn't mean he can't be taught new things. A few restraints or maybe some medical help and a night with Carl and problem solved."

"Not sure that breaking the man is required," Blake retorted.

"No, but teaching him some humility would make you feel better and likely improve Cobra's outlook as well."

"God, sometimes you are so evil," Blake snickered.

Joseph took Blake's hand and kissed it. "You have no idea. I already warned you that I would have every one of those guards before their assignment is finished. I feel it's my duty to open their eyes-"

"And their asses," Blake snorted.

"Of course. Think how much of life they're missing out on. It's a crime! Speaking of, when do we get our guys back?"

"Wait. I propose, and you want to talk about this?" Blake grumbled.

"They're family. I miss them." Joseph sipped his wine, but Blake could tell he was watching the guards at the table behind him. He was a little nervous wondering what Joseph might have planned for them.

"I don't know. The board is insisting that the Vipers protect me, you, and Michael for now. I'm sure they'll wait until the remaining agents have been rounded up before they'll consider changing it. Max has the Black Guard doing standard security at the LAB until they can resume their old duties. Chris is starting back on Monday as well."

"We're still moving them into the new house as soon as their rooms are ready, right?" Joseph gave Blake a stern look.

"Of course. They can still be with us, and if you want extra guards, they can do that too."

"Ooooo... I hadn't thought of that." Joseph grinned and played with his wine glass. "They could help me seduce the Vipers. Having more dicks is always better."

"Joseph..." Blake warned.

"Did I tell you that I think Cotton has a bit of a thing for our son?"

"Damn, you need to signal before you change directions. No, and what do you mean? Are we talking about Michael or Caden?"

"The way he looked at Caden. It was really sweet. He was so tender and careful when he fucked him." Joseph sighed. "You'd like him. Nice body, big dick like you, and he's versatile."

"Good to know. Though Caden is pretty enough, I think most of our guys will have a soft spot for him."

The server returned, setting down a creme brulee in front of Blake and a slice of cheesecake in front of Joseph. "Will there be anything else for now?"

Blake saw Joseph's smile and saw he was about to say something, so kicked him under the table because he knew it wasn't going to be appropriate. "No, but thank you."

"You're no fun. I bet I could have convinced him to crawl under the table and suck you off."

"This is 'our' special night, let's not invite in strangers."

"He wouldn't have been a stranger for long," Joseph mumbled, then took a bite of his cheesecake and moaned. He pushed it into the center of the table and looked at Blake expectantly.

I love him. I want to marry him. I can do this. Blake took a spoonful of brulee and savored it before reluctantly pushing it beside the cheesecake so they could "share." He'd have to be fast. Joseph could snarf down both before he had a chance for another bite if he took too long.

"Any thoughts on when or where you'd like to get married?" Blake asked, hoping to distract Joseph.

"Soon, and I'd like a small service with just our friends. Can we honeymoon at the resort? It's open and ready, isn't it?" Joseph took a bite of cheesecake, followed by a huge spoonful of creme brulee.

"It is, and I think that's a great idea. They'd spoil us, and we'd be able to relax knowing we're in a secure place surrounded by our own people."

"We'll need to take Caden." Joseph pointed his spoon at Blake and clearly dared him to disagree.

Blake hadn't thought that far ahead, but Joseph was right. They wanted the behavioral conditioning to set well, and that meant no breaks.

"We'll take some of our guys to help out," Joseph grinned around another bite.

"So it's a honeymoon for the whole family?" Blake was getting suspicious.

Joseph waved the spoon. "Hell, no. Your father is NOT invited. Though...I wouldn't mind having Gabriel."

"Did I tell you I sent Tanner James to help out?" Blake said as he scooped up the last bit of his dessert. Yes, it was more than a spoonful, but it was his, damn it.

"Help out? Want to explain that one?"

"Dad fired all the staff when he put the house up for sale. The new place at the beach isn't as big, but I convinced him it was unfair to expect Gabriel to do all the cooking, cleaning, and take care of him too-with no help. While it wasn't the ideal job for Tanner, he's flexible, I'm paying him very well-on top of what Dad pays him-and he is really smitten with Gabriel after their visit."

"I'm guessing there's at least some return interest?" Joseph said.

"The Addiction Gabriel was using on Dad might have nabbed him two men instead of one. Since it goes both ways..."

Joseph laughed. "I'm glad. Gabriel deserves a hot young stud of his own, and Tanner is a sweetheart."

"My thoughts exactly. By the way, Claire has already volunteered to help with whatever we need on wedding planning."

"She's awesome. Do you mind? I promise I won't commit to anything without talking to you first," Joseph asked.

"Whatever makes you happy." Blake stood and opened his arms when Joseph came toward him. They hugged and shared a quick kiss.

"Ready to go home and have second desserts?" Joseph asked.

"As soon as we pay the check, I'd love to."

Don Rhodes | Scene 4

"Are you sure I'm not causing too much trouble?" Don asked.

David, the head trainer at the LAB, turned and gave him a grin. "Not at all. Dr. Connor gave us a heads up on Friday that you'd be in. We've got a room all set up for you."

"Dr. Connor said you'd be able to record what happens?"

"Also ready. That's why we picked this room. It has several built-in cameras so we can get all angles without interrupting or being in your way. Sometimes you get better footage if they don't know you're filming." David winked.

Maybe I should be a little worried about how normal this is for them, Don thought as he followed David through the hospital-like hallways.

"Is there anything we have to do to get Brad ready?"

David paused and turned to look at him. "Nope. Though you might want to mentally prepare yourself. He's gone without long enough that he's getting desperate. We also took care of Mr. Whitmore as you requested. Not that he'd refuse sex if you offered, but he doesn't 'need' it, if you know what I mean."

"Thank you. My stamina is pretty good, but I didn't want to take a chance that he'd suffer. Is Brad still going to be coherent? How bad does it get?" Don asked.

"He should be unless you start by pulling out your dick. Once he sees what he needs, all bets are off. Until then, he'll be twitchy and uncomfortable, but he should be able to hold a conversation. Give it another twenty-four hours, and you can forget that as well."

Interesting, Don thought. That might be a great way to manage any future push-back or reluctance in following orders. Don grinned. He'd already started making a mental list of who he could entice into owing him favors.

"So there's no chance he can prove he's fine and back to pre-kidnapping 'normal'?"

David laughed. "No. If you'd seen the way he's been looking at every man who's crossed his path, you wouldn't doubt either. He needs it bad." David paused with his hand on the door handle. "Here we are."

"Any instructions?"

"Enjoy yourself? Nothing you need to do for us. There's lube in the room, and we'll start recording as soon as you're inside. Oh, and the microphones are good, but if you whisper...we won't hear." David gave him a slow wink.

"Got it. Thanks." Don took a deep breath and entered when David opened the door.

The room was empty except for a full-sized bed in the center. Brad was seated, cross-legged in the middle.

"No." Brad's voice came out in a whine.

"Brad, good to see you again. How are you feeling? I came to check on your dad and thought I should stop by."

"They wouldn't..." Brad stared at his hands in his lap. "I'm okay," he said after a pause.

"That's good to hear. No struggles or overwhelming urges?" Don asked.

"I'm fine."

"Once you and your dad get home, I was thinking of having a welcome home party. We could invite all your friends. Maybe we could have them stay over and have a pool party. Sound good?"

Don bit his lip to keep from laughing at the expression that crossed Brad's face. He waited patiently, wondering what kind of excuse Brad would come up with.

"Um...maybe hold off on any parties. I have no idea how to explain all this to my friends."

"You got kidnapped. That part wasn't your fault, and there's no need to tell them about the drugs. If you're fine like you say, then you also don't have to worry about begging them to fuck you. I promise I'll keep your dad out of the way and entertained."

Brad stared at him, a look of horror on his face. Don really wished he could read minds in that moment. Whatever was going through Brad's head had to be worth knowing. He could see Brad gulp, his eyes darting around the room nervously before he spoke.

"Just because I'm not ready for a party, doesn't mean I'm not okay."

"Of course not. You make it sound like I was going to set up a sex swing in the great room." Don paused as he noticed the tremors running through Brad's body. "And you say you're fine, no then you wouldn't be affected if I say...pulled out my dick?" Don watched with a mix of curiosity and fascination as Brad's head jolted up at his words, his tongue licking across his lower lip. That was panic if he'd ever seen it.

"No. Don't..." Brad shook his head while watching Don's crotch.

Oh, he's struggling alright. David was totally right on that call. Don glanced around, surprised that he couldn't see any sign of the cameras but trusting that they were there and recording. He pulled out his belt and dropped it to the floor before unfastening the waistband and lowering the zipper on his slacks.

Brad made a low whimpering sound.

"I'm glad to hear you're fine, Brad. We were really worried that those drugs would have affected you." Don slid his pants down, along with his briefs, taking his cock in his hand while watching for Brad's reaction.

"I..." Brad's eyes were glued to Don's dick. He leaned forward and licked his lips again. His eyes full of lust. "What are you doing?"

"Taking my clothes off."


Don thought he looked damn fine for his age. He worked out almost every day, watched his diet, and took care of himself. From Brad's reaction, he learned two things, one was that his future stepson found him attractive, and two, that Brad was showing all the signs that Dr. Connor expected. So, not so "fine" as Brad wanted them to believe.

"You want to suck it?" Don asked, gripping his already hard cock.

Brad made a mewling whine and moved to stand against the wall. He looked at Don's cock, then slowly raised his eyes. ""

"Get undressed, Brad. I want to see you," Don said.

Brad didn't answer, but he pulled his t-shirt off and slid out of his jeans.

"Do a spin and show me." Don crawled onto the bed and stretched out on his back, holding the base of his dick so it stood up at attention as he looked over the teen. Brad was handsome and truly fit the country club stereotype. Blond, buff, tanned, with a nice body and a beautiful round ass. "Bend over a bit and pull your cheeks apart. Show me what those trainers are enjoying."

Brad complied and Don felt his dick twitch in anticipation. He certainly took after his father in looks-a good thing to Don's mind. "You need to convince me that you really want my cock, Brad. You do that, and you can suck it."

Brad made another whining sound and nodded. "Please, Uncle Don. Please let me suck your dick. I've had practice, and I'm really good at it. Please, please, I really need it."

"Thought you said you only did that because you were forced." Don did a slow stroke of his dick, watching Brad lick his lips and inch closer. "Thought you didn't have such desires, that the drugs didn't affect you?"

"Please, Uncle Don. Please let me suck you."

"You sure that's all you want?"

Brad nodded as he climbed onto the bed and fell onto Don's prick like he was starving. He sucked, slurped, and took him all the way to the base. Don gripped Brad's head and fucked his mouth.

"Guess you're a pretty good cocksucker after all. You know, I'm pretty sure that's a skill all your friends would appreciate."

Brad pulled back and looked into Don's eyes. "No, please don't tell them. They can't know."

Don lay back and let Brad do his thing. He really was good at sucking dick, maybe having Dr. Connor continue his lessons wasn't a bad idea after all. Being well trained wouldn't take away from his value, only add to it.

"You like sucking your uncle's dick?" Don asked as he slid his fingers into Brad's blond waves.

"Mm-hm." Brad continued for several more minutes before he paused and lifted up. "Would you fuck me?"

"Why should I?"

"Please. I need fucked so bad. I can't think of anything else. Please, Uncle Don. You said you'd take care of me."

"You think taking care of you includes fucking you?" Don asked.

"I can't help it. Please, I feel so empty."

"You ready to admit that you've got a problem? That you are a cock whore and would do pretty much anything to get a big fat one in your ass?"

"If I do, will you fuck me?" Brad asked.

"Grab the lube and get yourself ready, then climb on and fuck yourself, Brad. Show me how badly you want my dick."

Don watched Brad, appreciating how handsome he was and what a win it was to have him as his personal fuck boy. He knew he'd owe Connor, but it had to be worth it. Brad straddled him, his muscles taut as he slowly lowered himself, guiding Don into his ass.

Fuck, he's tight and feels so good, Don thought. The young man looked better than Don remembered, maybe due to the workouts and diet they'd put him on. I've got to hire a personal trainer to keep him like this. Probably would help with Bradley as well.

"Yesssss." Brad moaned as he began to raise, then lower himself, taking Don in.

"You like being fucked?" Don reached up and pinched Brad's nipples until they were hard.

"Fuck, yes. So much."

Don let Brad do the work until he decided it was time to switch things up. He lifted his hips, slamming hard into Brad and making him grunt. He twisted and pulled on his nipples, watching as the pre-cum started leaking out of the teen's hard dick.

"You ready for me to stop now?" Don teased.

"No, no, please. Fuck me harder," Brad begged.

"Get on your stomach and spread your legs." Don moved until he was on top of Brad and slowly slid back into the hot, wet heat.

"Fuck me," Brad pleaded.

Don pushed in and then began a slow rhythm. He lay on top of Brad, wrapping his arms under his shoulders to hold him in place as he plowed him. Leaning down until his mouth was right next to Brad's ear.

"I'm not hearing you beg, Brad. You sure you want this?"

"Fuck me hard, Uncle Don. I want to feel you deep inside me. Breed my boy pussy. I want your cock in me every day!"

"Every day?" Don whispered.

"Fuck me all the time. Every day, my pussy is yours, Uncle Don. Just please fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me."

"That's right, Brad. From now on your ass is mine. Whenever I want, where ever I want it. You'll spread your legs for me, won't you?" Don kept whispering so the mics didn't pick it up.

"You can fuck me whenever and wherever you want. I'll suck you off every day," Brad moaned.

"You're my personal bitch now, aren't you, Brad? My fuck toy to use when I want," Don whispered into Brad's ear.

"Yes, yes! As long as you fuck me! Use me as a cum dump. I want it, please. Fuck meeeeee."

Don ground himself into Brad as his orgasm hit. More intense than he would have expected like his body knew what Brad needed, and it felt like his load was never ending as it pumped inside his future stepson.

"Such a good slut, Brad. I'm going to fuck you every day," Don whispered.

"Don't stop, please. Fuck me again, pleeeeease."

Don pulled out and smacked Brad's ass. "Give me a minute, and we'll try a new position."

Caden | Scene 5

"Are you sure he really wants me there?" Caden adjusted his tie again, thankful that Joseph had tied it for him.

"Of course he does. Why wouldn't he?" Joseph gave him a once over and dusted off his shoulders.

"Josh and his friends were really mean when I went to his high school graduation. He said he was embarrassed to have me as a brother and didn't want people to know."

"Josh is an ass. Michael wants you to be there, and he'd be hurt if you didn't show. I know it's all still new, but I promise that Michael is nothing like Josh, and Blake and I are not like your birth parents." Joseph stepped back and grinned. "Damn, you look good."

"I've never heard of having graduation at a country club before. Is it because he went to a private school?" Caden looked in the mirror to see the stranger looking back. He'd never had a tailor made suit, and the fancy salon Joseph had taken him to had cut his hair in a way that completely changed his looks.

"No. Sean and Michael missed their official graduation, so this is a private ceremony. The principal will be there, along with a few of their favorite teachers, friends, and our family. Maybe a few friends' parents too."

"I'll stay close to you and Dad since I won't know anyone." Caden was more than a little nervous. Not just because he was afraid of Michael's reaction but also being with so many strangers after everything that had happened.

"We've got you, buddy. The principal who is doing the ceremony is going to be the director at the new school, so it will be good for you to meet him. I'll also introduce you to Michael's friends and many of your uncles. It will be great." Joseph patted Caden on the shoulder.

"What if they don't like me?"

"Hey." Joseph gripped Caden's cheeks and kissed him on the lips. "It's going to be fine, and I won't let anyone be mean to you."

"Okay." Caden blushed. He liked when his new family kissed or touched him. It was so different than what he'd grown up with, and he felt like a sponge, trying to absorb as much as he could. He could do this. He would stick close to Joseph and not let him out of his sight.

Michael and Dr. Connor were in the living room waiting for them. The two Viper guards were standing to the side, neither of whom Caden recognized.

"Wow! Look at you, little bro. Totally hot," Michael exclaimed.

"Are you sure you want me there, Michael?"

"What? Of course I do!" Michael put his arm over Caden's shoulders. "Let's do this. Are the other guys meeting us there?"

"They are. Python, is there anything you need to do before we leave? Are there any other Vipers going with us?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Taipan and I will stick with you. We've got two SUVs. Michael and Caden will go with Cotton and Adder. We'll have four additional Vipers at the country club in addition to your own security. Copper, Tiger, Mamba, and Reef have already checked out the country club and are making sure it stays secure."

"Good. I don't want any surprise visitors," Dr. Connor said.

They each loaded into their separate SUVs. Caden was still nervous, but so far, Michael was all smiles.

"You can quit worrying. I'm not Josh." Michael gave him a stern look.

Caden was sure his eyes went wide, and he froze, not sure how to respond. It must have been obvious to Michael, who sighed.

"Joey told me."


"Seriously. I'm excited to introduce you to my friends, and most of my uncles will be there too. I'm used to them being around all the time, but with everything that happened, things have been weird." Michael turned to watch out the window.

"Joseph said that Sean and Jose are going to live at the new house." Caden glanced at Michael and wondered how his friends would treat him. It was hard to believe they'd be all that different from Josh's.

"It's going to be awesome."

Caden had been to a country club with his parents, but it wasn't the one they pulled up to. Then again, he realized that they had lived on the opposite side of the city, and there was probably more than one.

"Guys, you stick with me but wait until Copper comes out. Adder will park the SUV and then join us inside," Cotton said, his eyes seeming to focus on Caden.

Caden felt his cheeks heat, remembering their time together at the new house. He still wasn't used to being horny all the time, and Cotton's attention on top of being next to Michael had gotten him hard. Fortunately, they were soon moving and headed inside. When they reached the ballroom, a crowd of people was already there, some of whom, Caden thought looked familiar.

"You don't have to remember everyone's name," Michael whispered.

Nodding, Caden looked around and smiled when he saw Joseph heading toward him.

"There are my handsome men." Joseph draped his arm over Caden's shoulders and pulled him close. "Michael, you and Sean are supposed to go up front and find Dr. Maxey."

"I haven't seen Sean. Is he here yet?" Michael asked.

"I haven't seen him, though I did see that Taylor and his dad are here."

"Oh, shit. He's probably so pissed at me. I haven't called, and he probably has no idea what happened. Fuck. Excuse me." Michael ran off, Caden assumed to either find or avoid Taylor.

"Is Taylor going to be that angry?" Caden asked, keeping his voice soft.

"Probably not. But Michael might have to make it up to him. It was pretty shitty not to at least let him know he was okay. Don't worry, Taylor's a nice kid. It will all work out," Joseph said, pulling Caden toward where a stage had been set up.

"You stealing my boy?" Dr. Connor called as he walked up to join them.

"Your boy? Excuse me, I thought he was 'our' boy." Joseph put his hands on his hips and gave a glare that made Caden laugh.

He liked how they treated him, and he didn't even mind being called "boy" the way they did it. Maybe it was because there was a fondness and a little bit of possessiveness in their banter.

Dr. Connor put his arm around Caden and pulled him away from Joseph. "You need to meet someone."

"Where did you think I was taking him?" Joseph huffed.

"Dr. Maxey," Dr. Connor called out, and a handsome older black man turned toward them.

"I want to introduce you to someone special. This is Caden, he'll be starting at Wellington in the fall."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young man. So you're the one Blake has been telling me about?"

"I guess." Caden looked at Dr. Connor questioningly.

"He is. For the moment, I'm his foster dad, but as soon as we can, Joseph and I are adopting him and making him a Connor."

Caden beamed. It was nice to be wanted and have people act like they were proud of you instead of embarrassed.

"Did your dad tell you I've been watching over your brother Michael for a few years now? Only seems right I'd get the younger one."

"Thank you, sir."

"But I can see I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one, too. You sure do make them pretty, Blake." Dr. Maxey gave Caden a big smile.

"He cleans up pretty well, doesn't he?" Joseph bumped shoulders with Caden.

"A very dashing young man, to be sure. Congratulations to both of you on the engagement." Dr. Maxey's attention was drawn away. "And there's your big brother. Good to meet you, Caden. If you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Sean and Michael." Dr. Maxey turned and walked over to where Caden saw Michael standing with another teen he assumed was Sean.

"Did his parents show up?" Joseph whispered to Dr. Connor.

"No. Not surprised but continually disappointed in those two. I'm having Carl look into them to see if there's something else going on," Dr. Connor responded.

"Can I join you, sir?" a very handsome young Latino asked when he walked up to them. Caden couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous guy.

"Of course. Jose, this is Caden. Caden, this is Michael's boyfriend Jose. The one he goes on about." Dr. Connor winked at him.

"Pleased to meet you." Caden extended his hand, and Jose used it to pull him into a hug.

"Fuck, he didn't tell me how hot you were," Jose whispered before stepping back and openly giving him a once over.

"Not compared to you," Caden muttered, but it was clear from Jose's grin he heard him.

"Looks like we need to find seats," Joseph interrupted.

They had a reserved section in the front row, and not long after they were settled, the ceremony began. Dr. Maxey and several teachers gave little speeches, including recounting some stories of their senior year. Dr. Maxey congratulated them and presented them with their diplomas. Overall it didn't take more than thirty minutes. Caden was relieved it wasn't as boring or as long as Josh's.

"Thank you, everyone, for sharing in this special celebration. I've been asked to announce that the bar is open and that you please relax and mingle while they bring out the refreshments." Dr. Maxey finished and stepped off the stage.

Dr. Connor turned to Jose and Caden with a serious look. "Sodas only. You are not old enough to drink."

Jose saluted, and Caden chuckled. Like I'd have even thought of it. He watched as the staff opened a partition to reveal where they'd set up the food tables. Caden wondering what they'd have and hoped it was good.

"Blake, can I borrow you for a moment?" an older woman, maybe his mom's age, walked up to Dr. Connor. He was sure from how familiar they were that they knew each other well. They talked in low voices so he couldn't hear, but then they turned to look at him.

"Claire, you need to meet this guy. Caden, this is my assistant Claire, more like my boss, but we pretend." Dr. Connor put his hand beside his mouth and pretend-whispered the last part.

"It's nice to meet you, Caden. Welcome to the family."

"Thank you."

"Claire!" Michael ran up and pulled the woman into a hug.

"Hey, handsome. Congratulations!" Claire said, running her hand over his cheek.

"Did you miss me? I missed you," Michael said, still holding on to her.

"Yeah, right. You missed the cookies," Claire retorted.

"Of course I did. You make the very best cookies." Michael kissed her on the cheek. "Do you know Sean?"

"I've seen him a time or two; your dad was just doing official introductions. Hello, Sean and congratulations. I understand you're joining Michael for college this fall. I'm Claire, and you boys can consider me your surrogate parent when this one's not around. That includes you, Caden." She gave a pointed look at him and grinned. He was glad she'd made it clear that he was included.

"Yeah, and Jose is joining us too," Sean added.

"Oh, I know this heartbreaker very well. Bring it in, Jose." Claire extended her arms and pulled Jose into a hug just like she'd given Michael.

"If you didn't guess, Claire's been like a second mother to Michael for many years. She's been with your dad since before he and I met," Joseph whispered into Caden's ear.

Caden nodded, feeling a little sad that his mother had never hugged him with that much enthusiasm or made it that clear that she loved him. It showed on Claire's face and in the way she talked to them. He also noticed that Sean held back a bit more than the others, so maybe he didn't have the same history with her.

"Let's check on the food." Dr. Connor grabbed his hand and pulled Caden over to where the people were setting up. He approached a woman with a tablet and headset. "You have everything you need?"

"Dr. Connor, yes, Claire's on top of everything. I've got to ask, is this a military reunion or something?"

"No, we just have a lot of friends who have served, as well as a number of guests who are into fitness."

"And maybe some models. They've got to be models." The woman blushed as she looked over the guests.

"A few." He stepped back and pulled Caden with him. "Let's meet some of your uncles."

"I'm never going to remember all the names," Caden said.

"That's okay. Most of the people you're going to meet are family and will be around all the time. I think Joseph told you that many of them are going to be living with us in the new house. You'll have plenty of opportunities to learn their names."

Caden nodded and felt even more relieved when Joseph stepped up on his other side. "You're doing great."

"Max!" Dr. Connor called out, and Caden looked to see a familiar-looking bodybuilder headed their way with a young guy on his arm. "This is an important one, Caden. Max has been my best friend for years and is my number two guy at the LAB. The guy with him is his boyfriend, Peter."

Caden was sure he'd seen Max in the short time he'd been at the LAB.

"Caden, good to see you out and about. Hey, Joseph, Blake. Caden, this is my man, Peter."

Peter extended his hand to Caden. "Nice to meet you."

"You too."

"You're looking real fine, Caden. I like the suit," Max said.

"And who is this handsome young stud?" a new voice interrupted, and Caden turned to see two men who should have been on magazine covers. One looked like an action star, and the other could have either been a cover model or a romantic lead in a steamy romance.

"Craig, about time you showed up," Joseph scolded, hugging the man. "You've been giving Sean fits. You need to just break down-"

"Ahem." Dr. Connor interrupted Joseph with a look that Caden kind of recognized. One that said, "shut up, now." Dr. Connor put his arm over Caden's shoulder. "Caden, this is Craig and Dee, short for Diablo. They're part of our team and also family and will be living with us soon."

Caden bit his lip, not sure he could form words and terrified they'd notice his cock's reaction to them.

"Pleased to meet you," Craig said with a drop-dead smile. "Bossman has told us alllll about you." He waggled his eyebrows.

The Latin hunk gave him a backhanded smack to the chest and an accompanying glare. "Ignore him. He's a child and never understands when to be serious. Welcome to the family, Caden."

"I can be serious!" Craig objected. "I'm serious when I suck you off, aren't I?"

Dee locked an arm around Craig's neck and dragged him away as Dr. Connor and Joseph laughed.

"God, I love that man." Dr. Connor put a hand on Caden's shoulder. "As if you hadn't guessed, Craig is our resident jokester, but no one has a bigger heart."

"Are they a couple?" Caden asked, noticing how they seemed to be attached to each other.

"They haven't admitted it yet, but we all think so," Joseph said. "Don't worry, it's an open relationship."

Caden turned to look at Joseph in confusion. What did he mean, and why was he telling Caden?

Finally, the food was ready, and Caden filled a plate. He stuck close to Joseph and met more uncles as the evening progressed. He couldn't remember all the names but had come to the conclusion that you could only be in the family if you were handsome and ridiculously hot. He wasn't sure how he fit.

When it was time to leave, the guards put Caden with Joseph and Dr. Connor since Jose and Sean were riding back with Michael. He didn't mind and rather liked being sandwiched between the two of them.

"See, I told you it would be okay." Joseph bumped shoulders and gave him a grin.

"Yeah, they were really nice," Caden admitted. "I liked the food, too."

"Claire outdid herself. I'm going to have to think of a good way to thank her," Dr. Connor said.

"Dr. Connor, can I ask? How are all those guys uncles?" Caden turned to Dr. Connor, but it was hard to see his expression in the dark SUV.

"Dad. You're supposed to call me Dad now. None of this Dr. Connor stuff," he scolded. "We're more of a found family. I do have a sister who you'll eventually meet, and my father and mother are still living. You might meet my dad, but we have a rather strained relationship. The 'uncles' are mostly men who work for me and have been with Joseph and me for a number of years. Several of them were our personal guards before the Vipers were assigned. After having them around twenty-four-seven, relationships grew. Now I couldn't imagine life without them in it."

Caden noticed Dr. Connor hadn't mentioned meeting his mother but wasn't comfortable asking about her. It felt like it was a touchy subject. Maybe he could ask Joseph sometime when they were alone.

When they were back in the house, Caden immediately noticed the difference in the noise and energy levels. He was headed to his room when Michael called out.

"Hey, little bro! Change clothes, then come back and join us. We're going to game for a bit after we get out of these suits."

"I don't want to intrude." Caden felt awkward butting into the older teens' fun.

"Better do what he says, Cade. Oh, what do you like to be called?" Sean asked.

Caden had to think a moment. His mother had hated "Cade" so always insisted everyone call him Caden. "I like Cade."

"Cool. Then just to be clear, joining us wasn't an option. Change and get back here or we'll have to break in and drag your scrawny ass back," Sean continued.

"Scrawny? He's bigger than you short stuff," Michael teased.

"Is he? I haven't seen. We can measure later," Sean snarked.

"Please join us, Cade," Jose said.

Caden nodded and went to his bedroom. He wasn't sure what to wear. He peeked out his door and saw Michael walk by in sleep pants. It seemed a bit early, but he really wanted to fit in. He pulled on a pair of light flannel pants and one of his sleep tees.

Soon he forgot all about being nervous as Michael and the others pulled him into their group like it was natural. They played for several hours with Joseph providing snacks and drinks so they didn't have to move. When he noticed everyone slowing down, he figured they'd be going to bed soon.

"Ready to call it on the games? My thumbs are tired," Sean moaned.

"Well hopefully, other parts haven't given out," Michael teased.

"Pfft." Sean stuck his tongue out and then nodded toward Caden.

"Worth asking," Michael said, which confused Caden since it seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Caden, we were going to go games in my room. Would you like to join?" Michael asked.

Caden looked between Michael, Jose, and Sean, trying to read what wasn't being said. His first thought was they were going to have sex. Given how much Michael had talked about their week together, that seemed to be all they did. But, they wouldn't ask him to join for that.

"And this isn't for spectators. If you're in with the big boys, ya gotta play," Sean added.

"Geez, guys. You've totally confused him." Jose smacked Sean. "Cade, we're going to fuck. You are welcome to join us if you're okay with that. I'm hoping you say yes 'cause I've been eyeing that sweet ass of yours all evening, and I know it's going to be so good."

Caden's mouth dropped open, and he glanced around, just now realizing that Dr. Connor and Joseph had already gone to bed. He looked at Michael, hoping for a signal.

"His ass is amazing, but he's also got an impressive dick," Michael said with a wink.

"Dibbs!" Sean shouted. "What?" He looked at Michael and Jose as they stared at him.

"You are such a slut!" Michael threw one of the pillows at Sean.

Jose groaned. "Guys." His tone carried a hint of threat. "What do you say, Cade?"

"You'd really want me to join you?" Caden thought they had to be teasing him.

"Hell, yeah!" Sean said while Michael and Jose nodded.

If they were really serious, he'd be stupid not to join. "If you're sure."

Michael started closing down and turning stuff off while the other two straightened up the couch and pillows. Soon Caden was following the other three into Michael's room. He was just getting ready to close the door.

"Leave it open, buddy."


"The Vipers get all cranky if they can't check in on us. They come around every thirty minutes or so, and it's just easier if we leave the door open. Don't worry, they don't care what we're doing. Or maybe, Tiger will want to watch?"

"Or Cotton," Caden said before he realized the words were out. Michael turned and looked at him.

"Spill. You did it with Cotton? When? Where? Why was I not told of this earlier?"

"Which one's Cotton?" Sean fake whispered to Jose.

"The one riding shotgun tonight when they brought us home," Michael answered absently and waving his hand as if Sean were interrupting.

"You go, dude!" Sean gave Caden a thumbs up.

"It was when Joseph took me to see the new house. He was there and a hot guy with dark hair in leather pants." Caden felt the heat in his cheeks at the attention he was getting.

"Fuck! Vince? You had sex with Cotton AND Vince?" Michael was almost shouting.

Caden nodded, not wanting to look into Michael's eyes. "And Joseph," he whispered.

"Color me impressed!" Sean gaped at him.

"Isn't Joseph amazing?" Jose sighed.

"And you left out your wingman? Come on, little bro. You can't be doing this to me. We've got to stick together. Next time, make sure to invite me."

"You should invite all of us," Jose corrected.

"What he said." Sean nodded as he began undressing.

Michael came up to Caden and lifted the hem of his tee until he was pulling it off. "So was Cotton as hot naked?" Michael whispered.

"Better. And Vince was gorgeous." Caden liked having Michael undress him.

"Sweet." Sean drug out the word as he stared at Caden. He walked up and took Caden's cock in his hand as soon as Michael had him exposed. "Impressive. This needs to be in my ass."

"Patience, Sean. We'll get there. Caden's still new at all this, we need to take our time and not scare him off," Michael explained.

"I don't know, Michael. If he's had Joseph, Cotton, and Vince? Doesn't sound like a beginner to me." Jose was completely naked too, and Caden thought he might drool.

"He's my brother, what do you expect. You should have seen him taking Dad."

"That big dick. Feels so good, doesn't it?" Sean sighed.

"Yeah, but Michael's just as big," Caden pointed out.

"You know, I was born into the wrong family. There's just no other explanation. You guys are so fucking lucky," Sean grumbled.

"Don't jinx us. We've already got the invite to move in. I fully intend to offer myself up to Dr. Connor and Joseph whenever they want," Jose said.

"What about me?" Michael objected.

"You already have me. That goes with being boyfriends, right?" Jose said.

"Yeah, I guess." Michael burst into laughter when Sean and Jose grabbed him and threw him on the bed as they stripped him and tickled him at the same time.

"Cade, grab the lube. Should be in the nightstand," Jose called out as he pinned Michael to the bed.

Caden found the large bottle and tossed it to Jose. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched. Jose was devouring Michael's mouth while Sean slicked his fingers and pushed them inside Michael's ass.

"UGH!" Michael moaned.

"You have a hungry hole like your brother, Cade?" Jose asked.

"I guess." Caden grinned at the thought of Sean and Jose fucking him.

"Remember no spectators. Get in here and do something. There's dicks to suck, holes to play with, and mouths to kiss," Sean said.

Caden didn't need to be told twice. He went down on Jose's cock before anyone could tell him otherwise. He'd been lusting after Jose since he first saw him, and he was not about to miss this opportunity. As soon as the dick was in his mouth, he moaned in pleasure.

"Damn, Michael. Maybe he really is your brother." Sean ran his hand up Caden's thigh making his cock twitch.

Jose's cock had a slight curve that made Caden think twice about how best to get him down his throat. His eyes roamed over the ripped golden body as he sucked, making sure to go all the way down to the silky dark pubes until they tickled his nose. Jose, even with the curve, wasn't nearly as difficult to suck as Michael or his dad. He was pretty sure his dick was bigger than Jose's as well, but that body. Fuck he's so gorgeous. I want to lick him all over.

Caden moaned as he felt a tongue trail down his crack and tease his opening. He wasn't in a position to see who it was and figured it didn't really matter. He was fine with any of them and hoped by the end of the night, all three of them would fuck him.

"What has you grinning like that, little bro?" Michael asked.

Huh, guess it must be Sean then, since the tongue hadn't left his hole. He reluctantly pulled off of Jose's delicious dick. "Just thinking that I want all three of you to fuck me." He went back down on Jose, wondering if he'd get him to cum.

"Guaranteed, Cade. I want them to know how amazing you are, and I know how much you love it."

Caden nodded without letting Jose out of his mouth. Fingers now joined the tongue, and Caden couldn't stop the moans of pleasure. Joseph had told him he was lucky to have such a sensitive hole. Caden wasn't sure about luck, but he knew it felt good.

"Come on, Jose. Suck me. I think Sean's going to be first," Michael said.

A hand gripped and squeezed Caden's cock as the fingers in his hole scissored and stretched him open. "This is going to feel so good in my ass. Cade, ya gotta promise to fuck me with this beast."

"Mm-hm." Cade would be glad to plow Sean's cute ass. Oh God. What if I can fuck Jose too? Caden got light-headed at the mere thought.

"Fuck, you're tight." Sean had three fingers pumping in and out of Caden's ass. Caden pushed back to get them deeper, spreading his knees wider giving Sean better access.

"Michael, you go last, that way he's still tight for me after Sean's done."

"Are you implying I'm too big and will stretch him out?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. Dude that club feels awesome but this ass... Jose, you are going to want to eat this sweet hole. He's delicious, and his pucker is so responsive," Sean said.

"Pump a big load in there, and I'll be glad to eat him out," Jose said.

Holy shit. Caden was beginning to wonder if he'd survive. He was pretty sure he was hard enough and close enough he'd cum as soon as Sean got inside him. He savored the taste of Jose's pre-cum as more and more flavor hit his tongue. Caden had no choice but to pause when he felt the head of Sean's cock at his entrance.

"Let me in, pretty boy. You know you want it," Sean cooed.

Caden moaned and pushed back. Only a hint of burn and then a wonderful full feeling. How could his parents have ever thought this was a bad thing? He bet most guys would be doing this if they knew how good it felt.

Jose pulled away, surprising Caden.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, buddy. You were awesome. But ten seconds more, and I'd have shot down your throat. I want to save this for your ass."

"That's so I can felch it out of you when he's done," Michael added as he took Jose's place, spreading his legs wide and holding the base of his cock for Caden.

Caden had decided after the first time that having a dick in his mouth and ass at the same time was a favorite. There was also something special about sucking Michael. Jose was gorgeous and easier but Michael...

"We are so doing this again. Please tell me your room is close to ours in the new place." Sean was keeping a steady rhythm as he slid across Sean's special spot with each thrust.

"Depends on which room he picks," Michael said.

Caden pulled off of Michael long enough to answer. "Across the hall, next to Dad and Joey's."

"Awesome. Jose, get Sean opened up real good for us," Michael said.

Caden wasn't able to see, but he could imagine what it would look like for Jose to bury his face in Sean's ass as he fucked him. He wasn't going to last much longer, even if no one was touching his dick.

"Fuck, fuck. I'm cumming," Sean groaned as he ground himself into Caden. He stilled for a few moments before pulling out. "You're gonna love that ass, Jose."

"I will when you move out of the way," Jose said.

"Flip him over." Michael gripped Caden's shoulders as he and Sean got Caden onto his back. "Someone's all hard and wet, Sean. Almost like that dick is calling to you."

"Ha! It is, it is." Sean laughed as he moved onto the bed, then straddled Caden's chest, laying his spent cock on his lips. "Wanna taste?"

Caden tilted his head and took Sean into his mouth, sucking him clean as he felt Jose's tongue swipe across his leaking hole.

" good," Jose hummed.

Sean pulled out of Caden's mouth and scooted back. As he did, Caden glanced toward the door, thinking he'd heard something. There was just enough light for him to recognize Joseph standing there watching. He didn't think about it too long because Sean was lowering himself onto Caden's cock, and that took all his attention.

"Fuck. He's big." Sean tipped his head back and moaned as he slowly eased down until he was resting on Caden's hips.

"You like eating ass, Cade?" Michael asked.

"Uh..." Caden looked up to see Michael kneeling beside him. "I guess. I haven't done it much."

"Then this is good practice." Michael swung his leg over Caden's head, then moved so his hole was right over Caden's mouth. Caden tentatively stuck out his tongue and began teasing the opening. He heard sounds of kissing and moaning and tried to concentrate. Between Jose on his ass and Sean riding him he was in sensory overload. Michael pushed back into him, and Caden let his instincts take over.

When he felt Jose's cock slide into him, his cries were muffled by Michael's ass. Jose wasn't that much bigger than Sean, but he was fucking him hard and fast. It seemed to only be seconds before he cried out again as he erupted in Sean's ass. The orgasm hit him hard, and his whole body shook with the intensity.

He tried to move away as it was too much sensation but he was trapped. Sean continued to ride him, and Jose fucked while Michael ground his pucker into Caden's mouth. Fortunately the intensity faded to being enjoyable again.

After Jose pumped his load into Caden, the three of them lifted him and flipped him onto his stomach. Now it was Michael who had his face buried in between his ass cheeks.

"Sean, you're up again. Why don't you fuck Michael while he fills Cade?" Jose said.

"And what are you going to do?"

"Finger your hole."

"Oh, okay," Sean responded.

Caden didn't have the energy to say or do anything. He grinned and then moaned as Michael slid into him, his body pressed the length of Caden, pushing him into the bed.

"You still doing okay, little bro?" Michael whispered into his ear.

" good." Caden clenched his ass and sighed when Michael began kissing his neck and shoulders. Best day, ever.

Coach Scott Davis | Scene 6

Scott looked out the window, taking in the raw beauty of the ocean below. There was no way to miss they were now in the Caribbean. Not too much longer before he arrived at his new home. He leaned back in the large leather captain's chair and grimaced.

He was thankful for the cushioning and comfort, but his ass still hurt. Not surprising, considering how many dicks he'd taken over the last few days. Still, it had gone better than he'd hoped. The guys might have used him, but he didn't get the angry hate-fucks he'd expected. Just hard pounding and lots of jizz.

"Shit, what has my life become." He laughed to himself.

"Did you call me?" The sexy man in a uniform poked his head out of the galley.

"No, I was just talking to myself, sorry."

Scott picked up his phone. He was embarrassed that the flight attendant had to show him how to put it in Airplane mode, but it was a new phone and not the same brand as he'd carried. The sleek device came to life, and Scott flipped through the screens. He looked at the contacts and smiled. David said they'd already programmed several numbers, including the staff he'd be supervising, his handler, the resort front desk, his new boss, and a few key people at the LAB. They'd also included some explicit pictures of the people who'd be on his team.

He looked out the window again. This wasn't so bad. And what a way to travel, private limos, private jets, free food, and drinks. In many ways, it was going to be a dream job. Director of fitness at a posh resort on a tropical island. Meals and lodging were included, he had a staff of hot guys...women too, but he'd been a lot more interested when David had reviewed the men working for him.

"We should be coming up on approach in about ten minutes. Is there anything you'd like before we have to turn on the fasten seatbelt sign?" the hot steward asked.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." Why do I have a feeling that guy has probably ridden Dr. Connor's dick or at least gone down on the man? Scott snickered.

He ran his hand over the polo with the resort logo and smiled. He found he was smiling a lot more lately. Who'd have thought everything he owned would fit in one duffel bag or that this is where he'd end up? They'd assured him that everything he needed would be provided when he got to the resort. They'd let him keep the couple of tees, jeans, and the pair of Keds he'd had and given him the new shirt and khaki shorts for the trip as well as new flip flops. But the phone. The phone had surprised him, and David said he'd have a laptop waiting in his room.

Not too bad. So I have to have sex with men I don't know. I can deal with that. I like sex, I like being fucked, I like sucking dick. He pulled up his phone and looked at the pictures of the men who'd be working for him. And I get to fuck them... Scott grinned and turned off the phone, sliding it into his pocket as he gazed at the blue water below. Nope, not so bad at all.


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Next: Chapter 29

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