The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Nov 10, 2021


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain bondage, edging, incest, violence, or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 27: This is Real, Copyright 2021 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without the express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 27: This is Real By Tripp Savidge

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 1

Blake didn't want to wake up or open his eyes. He was having the most amazing dream. So real he could still feel the heat, the wet tongue sliding up his shaft. There was a soft laugh, and Blake's eyes flew open. He tried to sit up, but someone was lying on top of him, holding him down.

"Relax, baby. Stay still and enjoy it," Joseph whispered in his ear.

But if Joseph was the one whispering, who was... Blake looked down his body, realizing that Caden was half covering him. That was when Michael lifted his head, lips wet and swollen. He and Caden were licking him, sharing his cock.

"Caden, let Michael have this load. You got the last one," Joseph said.

No, no. Blake wanted to object, but as soon as his cock was in the back of Michael's throat, he knew it was too late. He was almost there. Blake was both horrified and proud at how well Michael sucked and deep-throated his cock. Someone wiggled a finger inside his ass, and it was over. He erupted in Michael's mouth, his orgasm crashing through him.

Michael pulled back, and Caden took Blake into his mouth, likely catching the remnants of his load.

"Okay, guys. You ought to get a shower. Remember you're starting at the LAB today, Michael. Caden, you and I are going to check out the new house and pick a room for you," Joseph reminded them.

Blake squeezed his eyes closed and threw an arm over his face. How? How could this have happened? He wracked his brain trying to remember, and it started coming back. The porn video, popcorn, Michael pulling out his cock. No, no, no.

"Time to get up, Blake. You've got a busy day, and you're covered in sweat and cum."


Joseph laughed. "You must be tired; you know why. That's what happens when you have sex most of the night. You did great, by the way. I don't think Michael or Caden ever caught on to how you were struggling. And geez, Caden... I'm not sure we need to do much to make him a slut; he's already there. You'd think he really 'was' our son."

Blake swung his legs over and sat at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. "Did you have an episode? You've been good for so long..."

"What? No, Blake. Why would you think that?"

"Because your eyes... And it's the only way I'd have had sex with Michael!" Blake whisper shouted.

Joseph sat on the bed beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. Blake realized Joseph was already clean and dressed. "Blake, honey. That was the plan, remember? You were to have sex with Michael in front of Caden so he got comfortable with the idea."

"I never agreed to that. And why is my head so muddled? I can't remember..."

"Oh, babe, I think next time you need to ease back on the Mojitos. Maybe you had a few too many last night."

Blake tried to remember, but what came to him was he'd never even finished the first one. How was that possible? He didn't usually just forget things, and he was positive he wouldn't have willingly had sex with Michael; there was no way. A little voice in his head whispered back, "But you know you wanted it."

No, no. Blake shook his head trying to quiet the voice. "And it was even better than we dreamed," the voice added.

"Come on, Blake. Maybe a shower will help clear things up." Joseph stood and offered him a hand.

"But..." Blake had a flashback, not of Michael or Caden but of a fit gymnast's body with blond hair bouncing on his dick. "Tiger?"

"Oh yeah," Joseph responded dramatically. "I was surprised how you got him to join. You knew how badly I wanted him so, thank you." Joseph kissed him on the cheek before he went to turn on the shower.

I did? Blake stared at Joseph. Why can't I remember?

Caden Barrett | Scene 2

"Come on, Cade. We can shower together," Michael called as he turned on the water.

Caden felt like he had to be dreaming. No way could it have been real. He startled when Michael pulled him into his arms.

"Hey, little bro, it's okay. I've got you. Want to tell me what's got you freaked out?"

"I'm dreaming, right?" I had sex. Real sex. With multiple guys. It was fucking awesome! Caden thought as a huge grin spread on his face.

Michael laughed and kissed his forehead before stepping back. Which gave Caden a new problem; his new brother was standing a foot away, completely naked and hard.

"No, not dreaming. We really did have wild sex with Dad, Joseph, and that hot guard. Not to mention you and me...together." Michael wagged his eyebrows before stepping back into him. Michael gripped the back of Caden's neck, catching his eye. "You were so hot."

"But I never..."

"Well, you have now-several times. We need to get moving." Michael pulled Caden into the shower and grabbed the body wash. He didn't even hesitate before his hands were all over Caden, soaping him up and getting him worked up again. Caden tried to focus and was afraid he'd embarrass himself soon. He was almost desperate to have Michael fuck him again. His ass felt empty, and there was this itch that he knew would be fixed if that huge dick...

"Sorry we don't have more time, I'd love to fuck that hot ass of yours again. You think maybe tonight we could do things again?" Michael said, interrupting Caden's thoughts.

Caden was so horny he struggled to form words. "I...I'd like that."

Michael turned Caden and pulled him into a kiss. "From now on, we can have as much sex as you want. You just gotta tell me. And you don't have to always bottom; I liked having this big dick of yours in my ass."

Caden leaned his head on Michael's shoulder, wondering if his new brother's gentle stroking of his cock would get him off. He knew he'd probably have to jack off as soon as he got a moment alone. The image of having sex with Michael, or especially fucking Michael's gorgeous ass again was too much.

"And don't be shy about asking Dad or Joseph either. They'll give you as many fucks as you can take."

Caden bit his lip to keep from moaning in disappointment when Michael pulled back and turned off the water. He handed Caden a towel and stepped out.

"I still can't believe this is real," Caden said, trying to get his heart and breathing calmed down.

"Don't worry. A few weeks and it will seem completely normal. You'll also be a lot happier and not be stuck with blue balls." Michael laughed and walked out of the bath, not even bothering to cover up. Caden's eyes never left Michael's pert ass. He'd fucked that. His dick had been inside Michael's ass. Oh, my God. It was all so fucking incredible.

Caden leaned on the counter for a moment to collect his thoughts before he returned to his room to get dressed. His hard-on hadn't gone down in the least, if anything, he was harder. Even after all the sex he'd had, it didn't seem to be enough. I never thought about sex this much before, I wonder what changed, he thought to himself.

Caden Barrett | Scene 3

"You're being awfully quiet," Joseph said.

Caden was watching the countryside roll by outside the SUV's window. "Just thinking."

"About? You're not upset about last night, are you?"

"No. Confused, maybe?" He noticed that Cotton caught his eye in the rearview mirror. He didn't even want to consider what the guards might be thinking. The other guard gave a muffled chuckle. Caden hadn't seen him before, but he'd introduced himself as Timber.

"Why's that?" Joseph reached out and ran his hand up Caden's leg, drawing his attention.

"I hadn't done anything-with anyone-before. But last night, it was like I couldn't help what I was doing. My body kinda took over. And no matter how many times I came, it wasn't enough. I wanted more." He tried to keep his voice low, afraid the guys in the front would overhear. Did he dare ask Joseph why he was always hard now? What if there was something wrong with him?

"It's always been that way for me too. Your Dad will tell you the same thing; there's nothing wrong with liking sex. I know it might not be what you were told before, but as far as your new family is concerned, you can have as much sex with as many guys as you want." Joseph spoke at full volume, causing Caden to cringe and sink lower in his seat.

Caden peeked at Joseph and tried to read his face to see if there was a catch. He knew his dad's head, his old dad...or maybe his "biological" dad, as Dr. Connor called him, would have exploded if he knew what Caden had done last night. He'd never made it a secret that he hated gays and his mother wouldn't even discuss the subject.

"You're serious?"

Joseph laughed. "Oh, buddy, who was right beside you last night taking all the same dicks that you did?"

Shit! Did he have to say that out loud? He glanced up in the mirror, but Cotton was paying attention to the road. Caden thought about it; he hadn't done any more or less than any of the other guys. At one point, Joseph had been on the bed beside him, kissing Caden while they both got fucked. "You can't really worry if Joseph and Michael did the same..." a voice whispered in his head: "You absolutely love fucking and being fucked. There's nothing wrong with doing it with any guy you can." Caden's stomach did a little flip as it sunk in that the voice was right, and that was what he wanted.

Caden remembered that he hadn't responded to Joseph. "You were."

"Exactly. And if we'd have had more guys in the house, I'd have taken them too. Now, stop worrying about it. And you need to remember that in our family, sex is good and my personal favorite, get as much as you can whenever you can." Joseph winked. He leaned forward in his seat. "And you two...need to get with the program. I'm only going to be so patient."

Timber gasped, and Cotton turned red and cleared his throat. Caden smiled at the guards' reactions and turned to watch out the window again.

"Sir, we are flattered but do our best to remain professional," Cotton said though his voice sounded a bit strained.

"That's fine. I've known some very skilled professionals. I can give you tips," Joseph responded.

I really like my new family and hope they decide to keep me, Caden thought. And I think I'm really going to love all the sex.

"I'll tell you when we're getting close to the house. We'll also pass your new school on the way," Joseph added.


"Yeah, we're too far out for you to go back to your old school. Besides that, with everything that happened with your folks, it would be really awkward. Out here, they probably never even heard about what they did. You'll like it, I promise. There's going to be a couple of other guys moving in with us who are going there too: Toby and Ben."

"Have I met them?" Caden noticed that there were a lot of farms and an occasional mega-mansion on their drive.

"Not yet. We still have some details to work out, but we think it's likely we'll be sort of 'adopting' Toby."

"It would be nice to have other guys around. It might get lonely when Michael goes to college."

"Ben's older brother is also going to college this fall. He's even rooming with Michael."

"Really? I thought Michael was going to room with his boyfriends," Caden said.

"You've heard about them already?" Joseph asked.

"They're all Michael talks about since he came home. Them and the two guards who stayed with them."

"When they're not at college, they'll be living with us too, as will Beau and Mario. The guards have their own wing."

"Geez, how big is this place, and who all is living there?" Caden couldn't quite imagine.

"Fucking huge." Joseph laughed. "I was confused when I first saw it because it didn't look like any house I'd ever seen. The original was already big. Like a backward 'L' with the common areas at the bottom and the bedrooms in the wing. We decided to expand it, so now it is a 'U' with another wing of rooms creating a courtyard where the pool and patios are. It's going to be awesome. Hey, the Academy is coming up on the right. See the brick wall?"

"Looks more like a college."

"I guess. A small one, maybe. It has students from kindergarten all the way up through twelfth grade, and they have advanced placement programs to help you get ready for college."

"Um...will they talk to my old school?"

"They'll transfer your records. Why?"

"The day the bad guys came to get me, I got in a lot of trouble. I heard the principal arguing with my mom. They thought I was doing drugs."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Your dad had the police follow-up and explained that it was a set-up and that you had been kidnapped. Especially when they pointed out that the school let a stranger take you and could be liable, they got real cooperative."

"You mean Dr. Connor? Sorry, this gets confusing."

"Yeah, Dr. Connor. Your 'new' dad. Sorry but I'm not quite ready for you to call me papa. Though I think I'd love to hear you shout 'Joey' when I make you cum."

Caden felt the heat rush to his face and stared at the school as they passed. It looked fancy.

"Okay, now keep an eye out. Once we pass the big golf course, it won't be too much farther."

Just past the greens, there was a white wooden fence and huge fields - with horses. Caden pressed his face to the window to watch them running. "Wow."

"You like horses? Do you ride?" Joseph asked.

"I love horses, and I always wanted to. I begged for lessons, but Mom and Dad thought it was stupid and a waste of money."

"Then I've got good news for you. Those belong to the LAB. They have a large farm, and the new house is on the next property, which is now connected. We also have people who can give you riding lessons."

"Seriously?" Caden hated that his voice squeaked in his excitement.

"Yeah, buddy. Tell you what, if any of your new brothers aren't interested I'll even take lessons with you. I think it could be fun."

"Fucking awesome," Caden whispered as he tried to keep the horses in sight. Sadly trees blocked his view, and then they were slowing down to turn. Instead of the white fence, now there was a tall brick and stone wall. They stopped at huge iron gates with a guardhouse on one side.

Caden watched nervously as the guard spoke with Cotton and looked in the SUV. He couldn't hear what was being said, but he noticed the guard didn't look like your typical rent-a-cop, more like a soldier. The guard eventually stepped away, and the gates began to open.

"Don't let them make you nervous." Joseph interrupted Caden's thoughts. "They're here to protect us and the property. Security didn't want to take any chances with anyone slipping in or planting surveillance equipment or bugs while the construction was going on. They even put in an under-car scanner."

"Are we in danger?" Caden asked.

"Not directly, but it goes with the business we're in and the wealth. We'll help you adjust."

Caden wasn't sure he'd ever get used to it, but hopefully, he'd get the chance to adjust. After passing through the gates, they followed a long, winding drive.

"Almost there," Joseph said, reaching over and putting a hand on Caden's shoulder.

"Holy shit." Caden stared at the house coming into view. "That is not what I pictured."

"What did you think it would look like?"

"Big white building with columns and a fountain in front. Not like the White House, but more like one of those southern mansions you see in the movies." While different than what he'd imagined, Caden thought this was much better.

"That's one of the reasons I fell in love with it. It's super modern but has some nice Arts and Crafts elements to make it feel a little warmer." Joseph had a huge grin on his face, and the tires rumbled over the paving stones in the drive up to the front.

"I also expected it to be taller." Caden unbuckled as the SUV stopped, and the guards got out.

"That's part of the charm. It is deceptive from the front because of the angle and all the trees, but it is several floors. The front of house is built into the hillside, so you enter on the second floor, or I guess, third floor if you count the basement. If you see it from any other side, the place looks massive." Joseph didn't move until Cotton opened his door.

"All clear."

"Thank you, Cotton."

Caden waited until Joseph came around and walked with him to the large wooden front doors.

"Doesn't being built into the hillside make it dark?"

"Let's go inside, and you tell me."

The door opened before they reached it, and a very sexy man stepped out, holding it open for them. Caden might have stared. He'd never actually seen someone wearing leather pants, but they looked good on this guy. He had silky dark hair that tumbled down around his ears and bright blue eyes with long dark lashes. The t-shirt he was wearing looked a size or two smaller than his body.

"Welcome," the guy said with a big smile.

"Thanks, Vince. This is Caden. I don't think you had a chance to meet him in the short time he was at the LAB. Caden, Vince is the head of the LAB's real estate group and manages all our buildings and construction projects."

"It's nice to meet you." Vince extended his hand.

Caden shook his hand and did his best not to ogle the guy, but it was hard. As soon as they shook, the guy turned and showed off a really nice ass. They followed him inside and stopped in...Caden didn't know what to call it.

Joseph leaned in and whispered. "He's hot, isn't he?"

He nodded and felt his face heat up again. He noticed Cotton was checking out the guy too. "Does this room have a name?" Caden looked at the large open space and also noticed another armed guard standing out of the way.

"I'll let you give him the tour. Shout if you need anything," Vince said before walking off.

"Entryway? Haven't heard anyone else use another name. Huge, isn't it. I told Blake we have room for a full dance floor and wouldn't have to move anything out of the way. The hallway to the left leads to a library-study like room and a music room and a couple of offices. If you keep going, you'll get to where they're building the new wing. We'll walk around, and I'll show you."

Caden nodded and followed Joseph as he walked ahead up to a glass and steel railing. The room below was even bigger and full of light. "Wow."

"See? Not dark at all. The front rooms on this floor all have windows facing north. The huge window wall faces south, so gets really good sun, and it has built in...something...that makes the glass darken, so it doesn't get too warm. It will look better once they bring in the furniture and carpets. Come on."

He gripped the rail and looked down. It was like the biggest living room he'd ever seen. And a huge stone fireplace took up most of one wall, soaring all the way up to the cathedral ceiling.

Joseph cleared his throat, and Caden realized that he hadn't kept up. They went to the right, and he saw a wide set of steel and concrete stairs leading down to the other floor.

"Don't worry, we'll get to explore all of it before we leave. But first things first, we need you to pick a bedroom. While I have ideas, the only rooms officially claimed so far are mine and Blake's and Michael's. Max said he didn't care."

"Do you want to pick one for me?" Caden was feeling overwhelmed and was afraid of picking the wrong one and upsetting his new family.

"Nope. You get to decide. That door is the powder room. The next is a bedroom, which I thought worked better as a guest room. It has its own bath and a sitting room."

Caden felt his stomach flip. What if he screwed up, and they decided they didn't want him anymore? He realized Joseph was waiting for him and followed as he led him through the room and on down the hallway.

"This floor has four bedrooms, all with their own bath. The two on the end are bigger and probably better for a couple or someone sharing. On the left, you get a view of the courtyard and pool, and on the right, you can see the woods. None of these have been specifically claimed. The room your dad and I are taking is on the first floor, as is Michael's."

"Are they very different from each other?" Caden stepped into the first bedroom and was amazed how big it was. The entire far wall was window.

"Not really. Like I said, the two on the end of each floor are bigger, but most of the others are pretty similar. Biggest difference is the view and whether they have a balcony or a terrace and whether you get morning or afternoon sun. Go ahead and check out the balcony."

Caden looked at the window wall wondering how to get out. Joseph did something, and one of the glass sections slid open. He stepped onto the balcony and looked around. The grounds were landscaped right up to the edge of the forest that hid whatever was beyond.

"Let's keep moving." Joseph took Caden through the other rooms.

He decided that any of them would be pretty amazing. And Joseph was right, he'd feel guilty taking one of the larger ones. The closet was almost as big as his old bedroom. The high ceilings and glass walls made them feel even larger. He also liked that the furniture was modern enough that it seemed to go with the space.

They got to the end of the hallway and stopped at the top of a large set of stairs in a glass surround. There also appeared to be an elevator.

"The people who built this liked windows," Caden observed.

"That's one of the things that sold me on the place. There is so much light, but with the smart glass it doesn't get too bright or too warm. I know it doesn't feel traditional or 'cozy,' but once we finish getting our stuff in, I think it will be perfect. Blake and I have picked out some amazing artwork. And if you didn't notice, there are also elevators. The prior owner installed them because there was a family member who used a wheelchair."

They got to the first floor, and the first room was the biggest bedroom he'd ever seen. It not only had a seating area, it had a little wet bar and coffee station. "Uh...I guess this is the master?"

"Yup. Or one of them, though this one is the largest." Joseph walked into the bath and beckoned Caden.

"Wow. You could get like...six guys in that shower."

"Exactly! Hey, Cotton, you want to join me for some fun wet times?" Joseph laughed as the color drained from the guard's face, and he hemmed and hawed. "Relax, I'll let you think about it. Caden, Before I show you Michael's room, I want to show you the one I think would be perfect for you."

"Okay." Caden glanced at Cotton, who for being a big, tough-looking military-type, seemed completely rattled.

They entered the next room, and Caden couldn't wrap his mind around this being his. It wasn't substantially different than the others, but it overlooked the courtyard with pool and garden. He watched as Joseph went to a hidden panel and did something that had the glass wall opening.

"What do you think?"

"I don't need anything this big. Isn't there someone more important who should have it?"

"Caden." Joseph sighed. "You. Are. Family. You deserve the very best, and we're not going to change our minds about keeping you."

Caden turned and stared. Did he read my mind? How did he know?

"Take a look around and tell me what you think," Joseph said.

Glancing over at the wall of windows, he could see there was a hot tub in addition to the pool. "I could just walk out to the pool from my room." Caden turned and went into the bath. While similar to the others, it was so much nicer than anything he'd ever expected. Heated stone floors, a soaking tub, and a large multi-jet shower. It even had a bidet. "Uh, I have no idea..." Caden pointed.

"The bidet? I'll show you. The rooms that didn't have one, we changed out the toilets, so they have one built in. What do you think?"

Caden walked back in and looked at the massive king-sized bed. The headboard was built in so the entire wall was a warm honey-colored wood. He'd noticed that trend through the house. Wood seemed to be used to balance out the concrete, stone, and glass. It wasn't carved or fancy paneling, rather huge smooth sections with accent seams. The furniture was streamlined and modern and matched the accent wall. "I love it!" Caden fell back on the bed.

"We'll have them take the plastic off the mattresses once we have everything moved in. You'll need an area rug and some wall hangings, but I wanted you to help pick them. Some of the rooms have acoustical panels to help with the sound but not in the bedrooms. Did you notice the bed's big enough you could easily share with Cotton AND Timber," Joseph teased.

Caden spread his arms and legs out, while the guards were hot, the first person he thought of was Michael. "I like that it is so close to yours and Dad's room."

"Michael's room is across the hall from the master. Since he's likely going to have both Jose and Sean sharing, it made sense to give him one of the big ones. He also liked the idea of having his own private terrace. Are you okay with the furniture?"

"It's great. I wouldn't change a thing."

"Michael's room is in light blond wood, but everyone so far has stayed with this style. Originally we talked about bringing some of our current stuff, but I couldn't do it. None of it would have gone with the house. What about color? We went really bright and bold, but you can change it to your favorite."

"No, this is just right. Green is my favorite. You didn't know, did you?"

"Nope. Just lucky. You should have seen what the prior owners had. This room had horrid white and gold painted furniture with swirly handles, and a canopy bed, and the walls were pale pink. Disgusting."

Caden couldn't imagine and decided it was probably best not to try.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 4

Claire stood in the doorway and cleared her throat. "You okay? You haven't been yourself all morning."

Blake took a deep breath. "Rough night. That's all."

"I'll get you a latte. That always perks you up."

"Thanks, Claire."

"No problem. Don't forget tomorrow's the big day, and the graduation ceremony is on Sunday."

"Got it. And yes, I have the ring." Blake put his head in his hands. "Fuck. I've got to get a hold of myself." All morning he'd been going over his memories of the night before. They were still spotty. It sure felt like when he'd gotten pulled in by one of Joseph's episodes, but Joseph had sworn he hadn't had one. And when he had, everyone was usually out of it well into the next day. So, maybe...maybe he didn't.

Did it really matter? he thought. What's done is done. He'd been telling himself the same thing over and over again.

Blake turned back to his computer. Each day, things were getting closer to normal. Orders were coming in, and production was back up to meeting quota. New products were in development and testing. The complaints from the Ranch weren't too terrible and lined up with what he'd expected. They'd need to find new test subjects soon, as well as continue to look for candidates who could eventually go to the Ranch or the Resort.

A knock sounded, and Blake looked up, surprised to see Jeffrey. It struck him that his guards were staying outside his office today. That was unusual as most days, they had at least one of them on this side. Then again, he couldn't even say who was on duty.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Sorry, Claire isn't at her desk. Do you have a minute?"

"Come on in. Did you notice are the guards still out there?"

"Huh? didn't see them?" Jeffrey raised an eyebrow and gave him a look of concern.

"I might have been distracted, and they haven't come into my office like usual."

"I'm worried about you, boss. Yeah, two scary military types with guns, still here."

"Thanks. So what's up?

"I got some results back I thought you'd want to know about right away. We did the full medical on Barrett senior." Jeffrey Tanner sat in one of the side chairs and crossed his legs. A smile on his face.


"Already had a match on the DNA test. Thought you'd find it interesting that Caden is NOT Gene's son."

"Go on."

"His biological father is, or rather was, a personal trainer and Yoga instructor. Seems the reason the match came back so quickly is that there were at least a half dozen DC socialites who he knocked up. Caden has quite a few half-siblings. Oh, and don't worry, we didn't leave his data in the system. There's nothing for them to trace back."

"You said he 'was' a personal trainer. What's he up to now? Do we need to worry about him coming around and causing problems?"

"No. He's dead. Carl is going to look into it. All I could find out was that he was killed about fourteen years ago. Shooting," Jeffrey said.

"That's suspicious."

"Eh, maybe not so much if he pissed off the wrong people. We'll have to see what Carl finds. I'm laying bets on a jealous husband."

"Well, good news for Caden. I'm happy he doesn't have a connection to Gene and will make sure I let people know. Anything noteworthy in Barrett's exam?"

"Muscle atrophy that I'd expect from the body cast. Everything else checks out okay. Blythe is going to try and do a session with him, but he's not expecting much."

"I don't really care. It won't change what I have planned for him."

"Changing subjects, have you decided anything on Ward's son, Jacob? I did a check up on him. Drugs are out of his system, and he checks out fine." Jeffrey unfolded his legs and sat forward.

"I can't keep him here. He's too young, and I really can't take him in. There's too much bad blood with everything his dad did. That wouldn't be fair to him."

"You can't undo what Smith did. While we took him off the drugs as soon as we could, he's already too far gone to be your average teen, and he's taken more dicks than most forty-year-old gay men."

"Remind me, how did he test when Blythe did the intake?" Blake asked.

"Gay. Which is probably why it took so quickly. No two ways about it, Jacob is already a slut, and you're not going to change that any time soon."

"Fuck. I know, I know. I've also got to live with remembering that I'm the one who popped his cherry and started this."

"No, you did what Smith forced you to do. You didn't set up Ward, or the kidnapping of Joseph, or Smith taking Ward's family as hostages. You also aren't the one that ordered him to be on two Blue a day."

"Two? How did I miss that? He really is done for."

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Blake. Smith's agents administered some of the drugs themselves. Not everything was in the system. Good news is that since he is gay, it shouldn't cause too many adjustment issues, and while his needs are a little extreme, he'll still be accepted in the community. He's also not showing the typical reduction in cognitive thinking we'd expect to see after that many full-dose Blue."

"He'll need a foster family, but I can't exactly put him through the system. He'll need regular dick, and if he doesn't get it at home, he'll find it somewhere. I can't do that to him. He'll end up as a call boy in weeks."

"What about the Tellers? They owe you more than a few favors, and they've already taken in three boys. What's one more?"

"That's not a bad idea. They won't freak out about what he needs, and I could actually tell them the truth. This could work. Thanks, Jeff; I'll call Jamison." Blake thought about the couple and their "odd" family. All three of their sons were boys who Social Services had sent to the LAB after being rescued. None of them had family, and the Tellers knew how to handle "special needs" boys. Also, given their wealth and extensive philanthropy, no one was going to question them taking in another kid.

"Have you decided on Toby?"

"Yeah, Joseph and I talked about it this morning. I'll make him an offer today and give him the weekend to consider."

"You think he'd turn you down?" Jeffrey's eyebrow rose in disbelief.

"He's still fighting the idea of being gay. So yeah, he might."

"Don't take no for an answer, Blake. I've seen the test results. That boy may be confused at the moment, but he needs to accept that he prefers men."

"I'll do my best. Did you have anything else for me?"

"Damn greedy aren't you? Wasn't that enough? And no, nothing else at the moment."

"I do appreciate it, Jeffrey. I just have a lot on my mind. Sorry."

Caden Barrett | Scene 5

"Relax, Caden. You're making it harder on yourself by trying to hide it. Besides, you're too big to hide a boner. Was it Vince?" Joseph asked.

Caden felt his face heat. He didn't understand why, but lately he was hard all the time and not wearing underwear seemed to make it worse. Joseph had guessed correctly. Vince took them through the new wing, and between the leather pants and how sexy the guy was, getting his dick to calm down was a lost cause.

"Yeah." He refused to meet Joseph's eyes and stared at the floor.

"Figured. He's hot as fuck. You want him?"

"Huh?" Caden squeaked, and his gaze jumped to Joseph.

"I don't blame you. I want him too. Tell you what, we're supposed to meet up with him downstairs. Let's see if we can get him to play."

"You mean?" Caden was struggling to wrap his head around what Joseph suggested. Yesterday I was a virgin, and now he wants me to have sex with a complete stranger-er well, a complete stranger to me?

"Sure. It's been a while. I'm sure that's why you're so hard. You need sex."

"But I had lots of sex last night!" He was a little unnerved that his ass clenched at the idea, and he was so hard it hurt.

Joseph turned and pulled Caden into a hug. His lips kissed up Caden's neck and whispered, sending chills down Caden's spine.

"That was forever ago. Man like you has a strong appetite, like me. We need lots and lots of sex. Nothing wrong with that." Joseph pulled back and gave him a big grin. "Let's go. Lead on, sexy studs."

Caden wondered where they were headed when they passed the great room and took another stairway down to the basement level. He was surprised that this floor was finished similarly to the other. All he had time to notice was what looked like a large rec room with a pool table before Joseph pulled him through a side door-and into a gym.

"We have our own fitness room. Though that probably doesn't do it justice." Joseph leaned against a lifting rack.

"It's huge." Caden looked around at all the same equipment he was used to seeing at the club his old dad had taken him to.

"Joseph?" a voice called.

"In the gym," Joseph yelled back.

Vince walked in and glanced between the two of them. Odd, but Caden thought he looked nervous.

"I love what you did with it. This equipment is so much better than the crap the previous owners had. The additional mirrors are a nice touch too." Joseph turned to look around then looked back at Vince. "Don't tell me you're nervous? Is this because of that last time?"

"Maybe," Vince responded.

"Aw, you loved it, and look at you now. Probably one of the best things to happen to you."

Vince seemed to think about it before he nodded. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Great. This time, I have a different plan. You know about Caden, right?"

What? What does that mean? Caden wondered.

"Yeah, Max explained it to us and warned that we might, called on?" Vince turned his gaze on Caden and looked him up and down. "Are you sure? He's kinda-"

"Absolutely. What's even better is, he wants it bad. He thinks you're hot."

"Joseph!" Caden whisper-shouted while his face heated up again.

"Pfft. Vince, you should know that Caden likes sex as much as I do, and he really needs you to fuck him. But I was hoping you'd let me put you in the middle. I miss your sweet ass."

Caden was still feeling horrified but felt a little better that Vince went as red as his own reflection. There sure were a lot of mirrors.

"Sure." Vince's voice was quiet enough Caden almost didn't hear him.

"Awesome. I thought about asking a couple of the construction guys to take him, but I didn't want to put you behind schedule. And I figured he'd rather have you anyway."

Caden turned and stared at Joseph, then realized his mouth was hanging open. He was going to do what?

"Don't worry, Caden. I'm going to make sure you're very well taken care of. That's what good families do. And since you're so much like me and Blake, that means lots of dick."

"What about your guards?" Vince turned to look back at the door. Cotton and Timber were waiting outside for them.

"Oh, they're fine. I keep trying to convince them to join, but they're not quite ready yet. Soon, though. Do you mind if I let them watch?" Joseph leaned into Vince and dropped his voice. "It will help wear them down."

Was this really happening? Caden continued to watch Joseph whispering to Vince, but he couldn't hear him. Joseph looked up and caught his eye, and Caden bit his lip. Joseph's eyes had gone completely black. He'd seen it happen before, and Joseph assured him it just meant he was turned on. But still, Caden found it unnerving.

"Hey, buddy. Go ahead and get undressed," Joseph called out.

Caden hesitated, wondering if he was really serious. Then Joseph stepped away from Vince, and he watched as the sexy man pulled the t-shirt over his head and pulled off his boots. Caden couldn't look away. Vince was ripped with dark hair on his pecs and a treasure trail that disappeared into the leather pants.

Vince grinned at him as he got closer. He tossed the boots and shirt to the side and unfastened his pants-slowly. "Want to help me?"

Caden was on his knees in seconds, helping Vince slide the tight leather over his hips. Vince's hard cock sprang up as soon as it was set free. It took concentration to keep working on the pants and not start on Vince's dick.

As soon as Vince stepped out of the pants, Caden moved back up and sucked the cock into his mouth. He knew he wasn't super good at it yet, but Joseph and Michael had both been encouraging and told him he did just fine.

"Hungry, aren't you?" Vince rasped as Caden's head bobbed on his dick.

Caden realized Joseph was behind him just before he felt hands gripping his shirt and lifting it. He let Joseph pull it off and returned to Vince's cock.

"Let's get those pants off, Caden. I want to see Vince fuck your sweet ass. You want that too, don't you?"

"Yeah." He reluctantly pulled back and stood to slide off his jeans.

"Impressive," Vince said as he reached out and grabbed Caden's dick.

"Maybe later. For now, pay attention to his ass," Joseph said. "Caden lay on your back and pull your feet back over your head, or if it helps hook them under the barbell."

It took a couple of tries and Joseph lowering the bar, but Caden managed to get himself positioned, putting his hole clearly in view.

"Wow, that's a pretty ass," Vince said, dropping to his knees.

Caden had a second to realize what was coming before he felt Vince's tongue teasing his opening.

"Lick him good, Vince."

He was embarrassed with the moan that escaped. Caden couldn't help himself and closed his eyes to focus on feeling the incredible sensations Vince was giving him. How did I go so long without this? Caden thought to himself. He didn't understand why, and it scared him more than a little how much he craved having a cock buried in his ass. He enjoyed the rimming, but it wasn't what he really wanted. The night before had been eye-opening in more than one way.

Vince let out a low moan, causing Caden to open his eyes and look to see if something was happening. That's when he saw that Joseph was naked and on his knees behind Vince. He assumed doing the same thing for Vince that was being done for him

Caden had reached the point he was about to beg when he felt the cool lube being applied to his ass. A finger slid inside him and he groaned. "Yeah, I need you to fuck me. I want your dick inside me, and I want you to fill me with your load."

Vince snickered, and Caden thought about being offended. "I know how you feel, Caden. I'm hoping Joseph's going to do the same for me. Are you ready?"

"Past ready." Caden took a deep breath and pushed out when he felt Vince at his entrance. The thick hard cock entered him in one smooth motion, filling him and making his own cock leak a long stream of pre-cum. It was the best feeling, ever.

"Ugh, fuck," Vince groaned. "So damned tight."

"Such an amazing ass, Vince. I've missed you," Joseph said, and from the movement, he must have started fucking Vince as he pushed harder into Caden.

"That's what I needed," Caden said with a satisfied sigh. He still didn't know where this need and desire came from or how it started so suddenly. The voice in his head just told him not to worry and enjoy it, so that's what he decided to do. Vince pressed his body against Caden and buried his face in his neck as he ground his dick into him. Caden wrapped his arms around Vince hugging him tight. Their mouths came together, and Caden opened, letting Vince take control, his tongue sliding in and out with the same rhythm as his cock.

Vince's dick was hitting that spot inside him that sent waves of pleasure through his body. Not only was the guy super-hot, but he wrapped his body around Caden as if they were lovers. Caden didn't think he was all that good at kissing, but Vince made up for his lack of experience. Right now, Vince was his universe.

Cotton (Viper Guard) | Scene 6

"Hoooly shit, you guys weren't kidding," Timber whispered. "And you're sure this is okay?"

"I keep forgetting you haven't been with us for this one. Believe me, this is nothing. And I can't explain now, but this is so much better for that guy than the alternative. Just trust me and don't judge."

"But..." Timber started.

"Ah, come on. Surely you've seen this stuff back in the holler, but maybe with your cousins?" Cotton teased, knowing he'd get a rise out of his teammate.

"Funny. Very funny. You can just stop with the West Virginia jokes."

"You did go over the brief Cobra sent you, right?" Cotton asked.

"Yeah. I read it several times just to make sure I didn't imagine some of it. So we're on this job for a while?"

"As long as the client and subjects are happy."

Timber grunted. "The subjects meaning Dr. Connor, his son Michael, and his partner Joseph?"

"You got it. This is quite the place, isn't it?"

"That's an understatement. I've seen some impressive shit, but this is...hell, I don't even have words."

"It was the running water and indoor toilets, right?" Cotton teased, trying to get Timber to lighten up.

"I'm thinking your head needs to go in a toilet," Timber grumbled and gave a nod toward the doorway to the gym. Joseph was headed their way.

"Guys, we're going to be here for a bit having some fun. You're welcome to come inside and watch. Everyone's okay with it, I asked." Joseph gave a smile that made Cotton nervous.

"We can't do a good job of protecting you if we're watching, sir," Cotton said.

"Oh, please. There's a whole battalion of guards around this place, not to mention the wall, security cameras, and so on. I think we'll be okay." Joseph turned to the other guard. "You said your name was Timber, right? I don't think I've seen you around. Is the name because you have some impressive wood?"

Cotton couldn't stop the laugh before it escaped and knew he'd pay for it later. He looked at his teammate and saw that he was too stunned to answer.

"He's shy, but I'll tell you. The Timber Rattlesnake is the state reptile for West Virginia. That's where our big guy here is from. You know...back in the holler."

"I'm going to kill you, slow and painfully," Timber muttered.

"And where are you from, Cotton? Obviously somewhere they breed them big." Joseph's eyes focused on his crotch, making Cotton even more nervous.

"Florida, sir. Did you have any special requests? We can remain out here since there are no outside entrances into the gym."

He watched as Joseph's head tilted to the side, and his eyes darkened. A slow grin spread across his face. "I want you to come in with us and watch. I know it's a bit much for your friend, but don't worry, we'll get him there, eventually."

"I don't mind staying out here," Cotton replied.

"What do you mean, get me there?" Timber asked, looking between Joseph and Cotton. "And your eyes are kinda strange. You don't have a con-"

Cotton watched as Joseph put his hand on Timber and his eyes rolled back as he slid to the floor. Joseph knelt and positioned him more comfortably while Cotton stared in shock.

"Don't worry, he's just sleeping. It makes things easier, and that way, we don't have to explain so much."


Joseph took his arm and pulled him toward the gym. "You can watch for a bit, then I want you to join in. Don't worry, I'll tell you when." He turned and grabbed the back of Cotton's neck pulling him into a kiss.

Cotton didn't know why, but he opened to the intrusion and kissed back. It wasn't that he didn't like guys, but never in his career had he crossed the line to fuck where he worked. Worse, he couldn't seem to stop himself from responding. He was harder and more aroused than he'd been in a long time.

The world spun for a bit when Joseph pulled back. Cotton was too warm and was having trouble thinking. He let Joseph lead him into the room with the others, mostly because he couldn't bring up the fortitude to do anything else.

"You okay to stand, or do you need to sit down?" Joseph looked at him with concern.

"...'m fine, just lean here." Cotton backed up to the wall.

"If you're sure. Get undressed whenever you're ready." Joseph gripped his crotch and ran his hand along his erection. "Caden's going to love this one."

Cotton shook his head but still couldn't clear his thoughts. It felt like he was in a fog. He watched as the dark-haired guy rimmed "Smith's" son. Part of him wanted to argue that it was wrong, but he'd overheard enough to know that this was a hell of a lot better than being dead. Maybe he needed to take his own advice and not be judgmental.

No question that Caden was his type. He'd always been drawn to twinks but looking at the lean otter fucking him, he decided he was pretty hot too. Especially that round pert ass. Damn would he love to bury his face in that.

Fuck, what's wrong with me? Cotton berated himself. His eye was drawn to Joseph. The man could be a fitness model. All the smooth golden skin stretched over hard ripped muscle. Any gay man would have to acknowledge he was a fucking piece of art.

He watched them go at it for a while, and without even realizing, he began stripping. The clothes felt too constraining, and he needed them off. Cotton had come to the conclusion that he'd gladly have sex with any of the three men. He absently stroked his dick, thinking he might be harder than he could remember ever being, so hard it hurt. Cotton desperately needed sex. He didn't even care who topped or bottomed; he just needed to feel another man pressed against him. He startled when Caden cried out, and even across the room, he saw the fountain of cum shoot into the air.

"What a waste," Cotton muttered and then realized he spoke too soon when he saw Vince scoop it up and eat it while feeding some to Joseph over his shoulder.

He had moved up for a closer view without even realizing it. He watched as Vince's body tensed and then let out a moan as he came inside Caden. It must have been enough to bring Joseph over as well. Just the thought of them breeding each other made his heart beat faster.

"Pretty hot, wasn't it?" Joseph said as he pulled away, his cock still dripping and cum catching in the dark hair on Vince's crack. Cotton licked his lips holding himself back from pushing in to taste.

"You want this?" Joseph scooped some from Vince's hole and brought his finger to Cotton's lips.

He wanted to ignore him but couldn't; he opened and sucked Joseph's finger clean. The flavor exploded on his tongue, and he moaned. It was the best thing he'd ever tasted. Cotton wasn't sure why. He'd sucked off and swallowed a lot of jizz in his life, but none tasted like this. He wanted more. He continued to suck on Joseph's finger, then moved to the next, and before he let him go, sucked everyone, giving special attention to Joseph's thumb.

"Have at it." Joseph backed up and pointed to Vince, who was still folded over Caden. A stream of white jizz dripping into the dark hair of his taint.

Cotton dropped to his knees and gripped the sweet muscled ass. He kissed one ass cheek then the other, inhaling to enjoy the scent of sex. His mouth was already watering as he began to trail his tongue down the dark hair lining Vince's trench. He got to the recently fucked hole and groaned when the taste hit his tongue.

"Fuck, he tastes good."

"Lick him clean, Cotton. You know you want to get every drop."

"Mm." Cotton began licking, sucking, and tongue fucking, a continual chorus of moans and groans coming from him. He had to stop when he felt strong hands grip his cheeks and open him for some tonguing of his own. He rested his forehead on Vince's ass until he caught his breath.

"That's an impressive ass, Cotton. And so tasty," Joseph whispered, laying kisses over his lower back. "I think it's time to switch things up."

Before he really understood what was going on, Cotton found himself lying on his back. They'd pulled the bench out, and his head hung over one end while Joseph propped his ankles on his muscled shoulders.

"You ready?" Joseph asked.

"Fuck yeah." Cotton psyched himself for the pain and burn he knew was coming when Joseph pressed against his hole. When he felt the slick and full sensation of having a cock in his ass, he realized he'd been more prepped than he thought. Bonus. He'd always loved taking dick and Joseph had a nice one. It filled him and hit that spot perfectly.

"Climb on, Caden. You're going to love this beast. It's almost as big as your dad and Michael."

"Fuuuuuuuck." Cotton knew he'd be tight, but the warm slick sleeve that took his cock was nothing short of amazing. An irritating voice in his head said he shouldn't be doing this. That he should stop. Fortunately an even louder voice spoke up saying exactly what he wanted to hear.

"You want to fuck him so bad. Want to feel his tight pussy milk you dry and fill him with your cum. Look at that fit, beautiful body, the smile on his face. He loves your cock. It wouldn't be fair to take it away."

"He has a nice dick, Joey."

"Fills you up, doesn't it? Hey Vince, put your cock in Cotton's filthy mouth. He needs more distraction, and I'm pretty sure he loves sucking dick as much as we do."

Cotton didn't hesitate to open for the man-flesh brushing over his lips. Joseph was right, and it had been forever since he'd had a good hook-up. He couldn't remember ever having guys as hot as Joseph and Vince...and Caden was like a fantasy come true.

Vince's cock tasted so good. The flavor of his pre-cum burst on his tongue, and he wanted more. He wondered why it was so much better than he remembered. Vince's cock slid over his tongue and into his throat. The angle with his head back was perfect for letting Vince face fuck him. It took a few moments for his brain to catch up with the overwhelming input. Oh, God. This must be what heaven is like. It might even be worth losing my job, Cotton thought as all three men got into a rhythm using his body. Is this real?

Everything Cotton felt seemed to be perfect. Caden pinched his nipples and Cotton let out a moan around Vince's prick. "Mmmmmmm."

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 7

Blake closed down his computer and stretched. It was time to see Toby. Stepping out of his office, he spotted Copper and a guard he knew he'd met but couldn't remember.

"Ready, guys? And I apologize; I can't remember your name." The man had tanned skin, light brown hair, and a short beard. He didn't look quite as military as some, but he was just as muscled.

"No drama, sir. I'm Python and had to take a few sickies," Python said with a notable Aussie accent.

"Sorry to hear that. Weren't you the team lead?"

"For a day. Sorry I had to bail, but you didn't want me around. Cobra took over and will be staying on point."

"Glad to have you back. I hope you're feeling better," Blake said. "Claire, I'm going to the dorms to meet with Toby."

"Mr. Rhodes called back and will be here as you requested. Do you need me to take care of anything?"

"No, he can chill in my office if I'm not back by then. Thank you, Claire."

He'd already checked with David so knew that Toby would be in his room, and it didn't take long before they were at his door. Blake knocked.


Opening the door, Blake stepped back as Copper did a quick check. He nodded to Dr. Connor when he stepped back into the hall.

"You okay waiting out here? It's not a big room," Blake asked.

"It's fine, Doctor. Do your thing." Copper chuckled and gave him a wink.

"Hey, Toby."

"Dr. Connor." Toby looked past him at the guards. "You ever get tired of them following you everywhere you go?"

"Yup. But I think going to the restroom is the worst." He smirked and leaned in closer to whisper. "And knowing they're right out the door and listening when you have sex is kinda awkward."

Toby barked out a laugh, and Blake saw him relax a bit. He sat down on the bed, and Toby slid over to give him room. "Am I in trouble?"

"Goodness, no. You've been doing great. I just needed to talk to you about your future." Blake knew this was still a sensitive topic since it wasn't that long ago he'd found out his mother had passed away.

Toby snorted. "It's not lookin' so good, is it?"

"That's why I'm here. I may have a solution, but I have some questions first. Do you have any other family?"

"Hm...besides my mom? Not really. I have an uncle somewhere, but I haven't seen him for years. He and mom didn't get along, and she didn't like him being around."

"No other aunts, uncles, others who'd take you in?"

"Not that I know of. Mom had friends at church, but they weren't family, and to be honest, they didn't like me much."

"What would you think about coming to live with me and my family?" Blake asked.

"Like to work for you?"

"No, not at all. You're a bit old to adopt but think of it more like that. You'd be our son and be treated like family. If you still wanted to change your name and make it official, we could do that too. But it's not a requirement. I'll get you into a private school to get you caught up and ready for college." Blake held up a hand as he saw Toby about to interrupt. "You're a very smart young man, and our educational system failed you. We can fix that."

"For real?" Toby gave him a skeptical look.

"Yes. Now, there are a couple of stipulations."

"Ha! I knew there'd be a catch." Toby crossed his arms.

"Do you want to hear, or have you already decided?" Blake asked.

"Fine. What are they?"

"You have to accept that you like sex with men and act on it, especially with me. My family is...let's say...non-traditional. You'll have lots of opportunities to try out your new skills. Blue balls will never, and I mean never, be a concern. You'll be expected to follow the rules and study hard. We'll pay for college and all the associated expenses, but once you graduate, you'll have to agree to work at the LAB for two years. We have a lot of different areas, so I'm sure we'll find one that fits with your studies."

"So let me get this straight. I have to be gay, have sex with you and maybe other guys, and be an obedient son. Then after college, I've got to work for you for two years."



"I like you. You're a brilliant, gorgeous young man who got screwed over by circumstances outside of your control. I have the resources and ability to fix things and want to make sure you have a good life. And I'll be honest, I like the idea of being able to fuck that sweet ass of yours whenever I want."

Toby's eyes went wide, and he bit his bottom lip, staring at Dr. Connor. It seemed to take him a moment to either get the courage or ability to form words.

"But I only have to have sex with you?"

"Is that what you'd want?"

Toby turned away and was quiet for a minute. "No." It came out as barely a whisper.

"How about being able to fuck with whoever you want. I have a house full of men who all like dick. There will be no shortage of hard, horny cocks, asses, and mouths to satisfy you. I expect you'll get to be as versatile as you choose. No one will force you to do anything you don't want to; however, the opportunity will be there."

"But I still gotta give it up for you?"

"Small price, and let's not kid ourselves; I know you love the sex. It's not a hardship. Personally, I thought you'd consider it a benefit." Blake laughed to himself at the slightly altered explanation he was giving Toby. He fully expected the young man to be spreading his legs for anyone he sent his way. But that would happen over time, and there was no need to freak him out now. Probably wouldn't even realize it until he was already hooked.

"Won't your boyfriend object?" Toby asked.

"No. He might get grumpy if you don't let him join us, or you object to him worshiping your body. This arrangement was his idea. As I said, non- traditional."

Toby snorted again.

"You don't need to decide now. I'll give you the weekend to think things over."

"And if I decide no?"

"Smith and the men who brought you in are gone. No reason for you to stay here, so you'll go to Social Services. You're a bit old to go into foster care, but I'm guessing they may be able to find a shelter or halfway house for a short time. It wouldn't be too long before you'd be on your own and likely on the street. I'm sure you've already been thinking about it."

"Yeah..." Toby stared at the floor for a moment before speaking. "How soon would I move?"

"About a week. We're in the process of relocating to a new house. It's a bit cramped at the moment, so we'd move you in with us then-if you decide that's what you want."

"Would I still have to do the training things?" Toby gave him a side-eye.

"From what your trainers have said, you've not only been doing very well with your lessons, but they were under the impression you enjoyed them. Was that wrong?" Unlike Brad, who was doing anal daily, Toby hadn't progressed beyond blowjobs. Not because he wasn't doing well, Toby was right on schedule and following their standard program.

Toby shrugged.

"No. You wouldn't have to do more lessons unless you wanted to." Blake looked over the young man, again marveling at how attractive he was. The purple tee contrasted beautifully against his golden-brown skin. He really hoped Toby decided to take the offer. He thought maybe the obvious bulge in Toby's jeans was a good sign.

"Hm. I don't really remember if I liked it. Maybe you should prove to me that it would be good."

"What? Sex with me?"

Toby nodded, and a small grin spread across his face.

"Damn, you're going to be as bad as Joseph. Not sure I need two of you." Blake couldn't have asked for a better response, and he hadn't even had to resort to any helpful medical encouragement. Toby was drug-free, not even stim cream.

Toby shrugged again, and Blake laughed. He stood and pulled off his jacket, folding it and setting it aside before he kicked off his shoes and unfastened his pants. In no time, he was naked with hands on hips.


Toby sat and stared at Blake for a moment, licking his lips, then pulled off his tee and shimmied out of his jeans. He was about to get on his back when Blake reached out and took his hand. "How about we switch things up. Why don't you try rimming, and if you get me nice and ready, fuck me?"

"You kidding? Except for what you made me do with Brad... I don't really know what I'm doing."

"That's okay. I may not be an official trainer, but if you're going to stop lessons, then it's up to me to show you how to take care of a man. No reason we can't start now." Blake lay back on the bed and spread his knees. He worried for a moment that he'd broken Toby. He stood and stared but hadn't moved. Sometimes you had to reward behavior and throw the dog a bone, or in this case take a bone.


"You want to fuck me?" Rhetorical question, Blake thought. You're a horny teen and you're starting to realize how much you like guys.

Toby bit his lip and nodded, meeting Blake's eyes.

"No rush, you can take it slow. Why not get on your knees and explore a bit?" Blake knew that giving Toby a little bit of control would move him along the path to acceptance.

Toby did as Blake suggested and immediately went for his cock. It was quickly apparent the lessons he had were paying off. Blake also thought it was telling that Toby started there and with real enthusiasm. In the years he'd been working with men and exploring the depths of their sexuality, he'd realized that some guys were just naturals. They took to sucking cock, fucking, or taking it up the ass with a skill and passion not based on experience. Toby was definitely one of those.

Not everyone could take all of Blake's cock into their throat. Even men skilled at deepthroating sometimes struggled with how big he was, Toby wasn't having any issues, and if he didn't slow down Blake was going to shoot.

"You give an amazing blowjob, Toby, but don't you want to get my hole ready?"

Dark lust-filled eyes met his, and Toby gave a small smile. He licked Blake's balls and slowly made his way down to his taint and finally, a warm, wet tongue passed over his ass lips.

"Mm, that's the way." Blake put his head back and let himself enjoy. He'd always been versatile, but since Joseph came into his life, he'd found that he needed to be fucked more often. Toby was a good candidate for helping with that need, young, easily trained and molded, a gorgeous body, and a slender ten-inch dick.

The longer Toby worked his ass, the more he seemed to get into it. While Blake wasn't surprised, he was ready to move things along.

"I'm ready, Toby. Put that big cock in my ass and make me feel good." Blake grabbed the lube he'd set on the bed and got himself ready. Poor Toby looked like he might faint or throw up, but he was still with him.

"You can do it, buddy. Let your body guide you. I promise you'll know what to do."

It was awkward, and there was some fumbling, but finally, Toby's cock slid inside him. He bottomed out in one thrust, not the best move, especially for a big dick. Fortunately, Blake wasn't even close to average when it came to bottoming. A little discomfort and pain were worth it. He'd eventually give Toby tips and teach him how to do it better, but not now when Toby was already nervous.

It didn't take long until the long cock inside him felt good. It wasn't quite hitting the spot, but he hadn't expected him to. Toby was lost in a fuck haze and was clearly just chasing his own orgasm. That was fine. It was all part of the plan, and there'd be many more fucks in the future for him to improve.

"Oh, oh, oh, fuuuuuuuck!" Toby cried out while rapidly thrusting.

"That's it. Fill my ass with your cum, Toby. I want you to breed me. You can do it."

"FUUUUUCK!" A few more thrusts and Toby collapsed onto Blake panting and shaking.

Blake wrapped his arms and legs around him and hugged him tight, kissing the side of Toby's face and his neck.

"You liked it, didn't you, Toby?"

"Mm-hm," Toby groaned.

Caden Barrett | Scene 8

Caden shut off the shower and shook his head to get some of the water out of his hair. He was still wrapping his mind around the house having its own gym, but then to find out it had a full locker room and showers too? He debated again if he was dreaming, then grinned to himself as he realized he'd had sex with two more men. That meant he was up to six. Who'd have thought? Gee, should I feel guilty. Dad and Mom said it was unnatural and wrong.

"Here." Joseph held out a white, fluffy towel.

"Wow, you already have towels here?" Caden took the towel and began drying off. Maybe I should ask if it was bad?

"We've been letting the crews shower off here if they needed. How are you feeling?"

"Okay. I keep wondering whether I should do this stuff and if it's bad. Mom and Dad sai-".

"Stop right there! Don't let their poison get to you. Of course you should do this. Haven't Blake and I told you that it's perfectly natural?"


"And you enjoyed it?" "Yeah." Caden felt the smile spread, remembering. He walked to the lockers and picked up his jeans from the bench.

"Then quit second-guessing yourself. Maybe next time you meet with Dr. Smalley, talk to him about it. You know you can trust him," Joseph said.

"I guess." Caden couldn't argue that the doctor seemed very attentive and concerned about how he was feeling and how he was dealing with everything that happened. He'd have no reason to lie, Caden reminded himself.

"So what did you think of Cotton? Did you like fucking his muscled ass?" Joseph teased.

Caden bit his lip and grabbed his tee. "Yeah, it was pretty hot. I kinda wished we had more time so I could have done Vince too. I like his ass."

"Good taste. I do too. Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be too long before you get to try his sweet hole."

"Cotton seemed a bit freaked out when we were done and getting him dressed," Caden said.

"Tiger had the same reaction. He has this stupid idea that he'll be in trouble and lose his job. I already took care of it, and I'll call his boss so Cobra can calm him down. We worked out a deal so the ones who um...go above and beyond." Joseph winked. "Get a pay raise and priority for assignments to the LAB. Sort of like a promotion."

"I'm glad. I like Cotton; he was fun."

"Mm...he was, wasn't he? I thought Tiger was fun too. Eventually, we'll get to try all of them. You'd like that?"

Caden laughed. "Yeah. Tiger was cool, and I gotta say, I like the way you guys have fun. I keep having to remind myself this is real, and I'm not dreaming."

"Oh, buddy, it's only going to get better." Joseph patted his shoulder.

Donald Rhodes | Scene 9

Don sat in the reception area outside Dr. Connor's office. His assistant, Claire, had told him he could wait in the office, but Don wasn't comfortable with that. Perhaps he had too many memories of being on his knees or bent over the desk. It wasn't that he thought Dr. Connor would object as much as his unease at the awkward power imbalance between them. That didn't often happen to the Chairman of a Fortune 50 company.

He also dreaded the conversation with his head of security that would likely happen the moment he returned to his own office. But it was better than the alternative because he wasn't about to have his guards see him compromised or even get a hint at what went on here. They'd be fine in the lobby for a few hours. He'd think of something to explain his choices.

"Mr. Rhodes, would you like a coffee?" Claire asked.

"No, but thank you for asking." Don was feeling a bit twitchy, but it was hard to be here in this building and not remember how many times the good doctor had fucked him or that he knew Don's darkest secrets. There probably wasn't another soul who knew as much about Don as the doctor.

He glanced up when the elevator chimed, and the man of the hour stepped out with two armed guards. That's different; his guards aren't usually that obvious, he thought and noted that while the men still qualified as delectable beefcake, the open display of weapons cooled any interest.

"Don," Dr. Connor called out. "You could have waited inside."

"That's alright. I was early, and you know, wouldn't want to accidentally see anything I shouldn't."

Dr. Connor laughed. "You're safe. I hid all the fun stuff. Come on in. Claire, anything I need to know?"

"Nothing urgent," Claire said without looking up.

Don noted that the two acted like an old married couple. He was about to follow Blake and realized that he'd stopped. The light-haired guard stepped out of Dr. Connor's office and gave a nod.

"Sorry, we have all kinds of new security protocols after recent events. I assure you these men are professionals and won't breathe a word of anything they hear, so you don't have to filter. Right guys?"

"Yes, sir," the ginger said.

"Copper, why don't you take office duty. We probably ought to ease Python into things. I don't want to make his head explode on his first day back," Dr. Connor said with a grin.

"Sir," both men responded.

Don could tell there was a story behind the comment but would probably never know what it was. He followed Dr. Connor into his office and sat in one of the guest chairs facing his desk.

"Breathe, Don. I can feel the anxiety from over here."

"Sorry. I don't want to screw this up."

"You won't. I'm sorry for giving you such short notice, but Dr. Blythe- he's Bradley's psychiatrist, our legal team, and I came up with some ideas that I think will help you with your goals."


"Maybe you should spend some time with Dr. Blythe, Don. You look like you're going to come out of your skin."

"My life is about to turn upside down. Hopefully in a good way, but there's so much that could go sideways," Don admitted.

"Eh, we got your back. It is in my best interest to make sure this goes off without a hitch, and you get exactly what you want."

Don nodded but wasn't sure what else to say. He turned and glanced nervously at the ginger guard. I hope Dr. Connor's right about him.

"Try counting your breaths in and out, four in, four out. Do that a few times, then I'll run through our game plan."

He closed his eyes and tried to relax his body as he ran through the breathing exercise. When his heart seemed to calm and some of the tension left his shoulders, Don opened his eyes.

"I'm ready."

"Let's start with your wife. The legal team has gone through everything with a fine-toothed comb, and I have good news. The marriage contract and pre-nuptial agreement gave us a pretty clear option. We'll use the fidelity clause-"

"Wait! If I admit to an affair, she'll clean me out!"

"Chill, Don. Hear me out. Amanda is going to have the affair."

Don barked out a laugh. "That's not going to happen. The ice queen hates sex, and those legs are permanently closed."

"Tsk tsk tsk. Don, ye of little faith. I guarantee I can not only open those legs but get amazing stills and video of the deed. You'll have enough evidence to guarantee a quick settlement. Now, next question. Any men in Amanda's life that you'd particularly like to take the fall with her?"

Don's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "You kidding?"

"No. It would help if they're somewhat close or have at least a social relationship, so it's believable."

Don thought for a moment, not that a name didn't come to mind immediately, but he had to make sure he thought it through. "Patrick Wentworth."


"He and Amanda grew up together. They've remained best friends, regrettably. He's an arrogant, pompous ass. He didn't come from money but married in. Even took his wife's last name to carry on the family dynasty. The family is wealthy and always on the society page. Pat became a social celebrity through association. And he's a constant thorn in my side."

"Hm. That could be perfect. I'll get the team right on it." Blake opened his desk and pulled out a business card, sliding it across to Don. "Take this and enter the info in your phone. He's a very reputable private investigator who will be working for you. He's well-known by the lawyers and judges in the area as being both professional and honorable."

"Do I need to call him?"

"No. We'll take care of all that. He'll call you when the job is complete and let you know what he found so there is a trail. You'll receive electronic and physical copies of the evidence. Now, if you want to share that with Ms. Wentworth, that's up to you," Dr. Connor explained.

Don smiled and pulled out his phone, not wanting to waste a moment. I should. That's what any decent man would do when discovering cheating spouses, right? A warm glow filled Don's chest.

"What we understand from the documents is that once you've proved infidelity, the terms of the divorce are already set. She gets the house, her car, and her personal possessions and accounts but cannot ask for any additional funds or alimony."

"Yeah... Wow, it's been a while, but that's what I remember. It was a lot harsher if I was the one to cheat."

"Good that she never found out," Dr. Connor laughed. "You might want to start moving your stuff out as discreetly as possible. Is losing the house going to be a problem?"

"Ha! Not at all. It's a gross monstrosity. She designed and furnished it, and I hate it. It's a money pit...which I guess she'll discover in a few months. The utilities alone will bankrupt her within a year or two. And even better, it's going to be a nightmare to unload for anything close to what it cost-or more importantly, what she thinks it's worth."

"It will probably take us a couple of weeks, but I'll keep you updated. Now, onto other more important matters. We've recommended to Bradley that he make you his guardian. Given the police reports and what he went through, we can get everything established, and I have some connections with the courts to get it approved. We'll establish power of attorney, medical power of attorney, etcetera so that you can handle his affairs. You'll need to take care of getting his bills paid and managing his household and affairs."

"I can do that. I have a few on my team I can pull in to help as well. My personal assistant is brilliant, and he'll have it all buttoned up in no time. What about Bradley's wife?"

"I'll let him explain it but assume she is out of the picture. We'll also put through the paperwork so you are listed as his son Brad's guardian as well. We are going to officially recommend that you remain so until it can be proven that he's no longer incapacitated."

"Wait, I thought he was okay?"

Dr. Connor shrugged. "Being the son's guardian and conservator will give you much more control. I've already reported the horrible abuse done by the Agency's people and how badly he was affected. With that on record, no court would question the need. They won't know if or when he's recovered unless I tell them. Doesn't matter what his age is."

"I think I'm missing something."

"Don, we talked about this. Brad Junior was the catalyst for what happened to himself, Toby, and his father. He can hardly be considered responsible. He's a spoiled brat. I think you need to provide some discipline and structure and whip him into shape. Now...if it happens to include being your personal bitch...well, that's something I can help you achieve."

Don felt his mouth drop open, but words weren't coming. He was serious. The voice in his head was very clear. Fuck yeah! He deserves it for what he put his dad through. Besides, I'd take care of him. Make sure he gets plenty of dick but is kept safe. I owe that to Bradley.

"But he's not gay, is he?"

"He sure wasn't straight. By the time we're done with him and release him into your care, I can guarantee he'll be a total cock whore. And no, he wasn't given the black market blue. I've put him on a low dose Blue, but as you know, if the patient is on it long enough, the changes become permanent. The safest way to ensure there is no mental impairment is to take it slowly."

"How long?"

"At his current dosage, another two weeks will guarantee it. I still say it's an absolute miracle that his father Bradley is functional after than many black-market Blue, let alone with no signs of impairment."

"You mean other than being a bit of a slut?" Don cringed as the words came out.

"Compared to what was likely, take it as a win. Having a strong need for dick in your ass you can manage, being dead or no longer able to function on your own, not so much."

"I'm sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean that it wasn't painful for him or that I don't still want to kill the bastards who did this."

"You can be Bradley's knight in shining armor. If you are honest with him and tell him how you feel, we think he'll latch on to you like a lifeline. Not to give you spoilers, but Dr. Blythe is certain Bradley's already in love with you. But with everything that has happened, he's flailing, and the self-doubt and recrimination are going to pull him down. Unless you get in there and make him see that he's loved and accepted 'as is.' Letting him know you'll also take care of his son is icing on the cake."

"Not sure he'd be so pleased about me fucking Brad Junior."

"Hm...actually, I think he'll be okay with it. He's spoken with Brad-with the psychiatrist present-and has seen for himself that Brad has similar struggles to his own. You really think he'd want strangers helping his son or want him in that kind of danger? He'll be thankful for how caring and considerate you are." Blake pulled out a prescription bottle and slid it across the desk.

"What's this?"

"It's called Addiction. Take one each morning. You might want to avoid any casual hook-ups for a month or so. Only have sex with men you want coming back."


"Those create an addiction in your lovers. It's transmitted through your semen, so it won't work on men who top. But if they suck you off or bottom, they'll want to come back for more. It builds up over time, so for the month you're on it, focus on your favorites."

"Will this work on Bradley?"

"Sorry, just like in the fairy tales, it doesn't work on someone who loves you. But if you start visiting Brad on a regular basis, he'll be coming back for more on his own," Dr. Connor explained. "Having seen your 'assistant' I'd make sure to take care of him regularly too."

"That's...interesting. So, with Bradley, you think I'll be enough to keep him satisfied?" Don asked.

"Probably not. It's going to take a few men, at least. But given how long you've been using our products, I'm sure you have quite the stable to help you out. Though you need to make sure you pick men you can trust. It would help if they're well endowed. I'm afraid Bradley's tormenters made him into somewhat of a size queen. Oh, and don't freak out if he spews a bit of filth. Something else that got imprinted with his attack."

"Bradley? He'd never..."

"Just warning you. So far, it's only come out during sex, but..." Dr. Connor shrugged.

"Okay then. What's next?"

"I'm going to give you some alone time with Bradley. He's gone twenty- four hours without any sex so expect him to be...uncomfortable. You'll need to take care of that and then have a talk. When you're ready to start the paperwork, text me. We can decide after that if you want to break the news to Brad today."

Donald Rhodes | Scene 10

"Come in."

Don opened the door and stepped in, closing it behind him.

"Don? Oh, my God, you can't be here right now!" Bradley exclaimed.

"Hey, is that any way to welcome your best friend? And I promise I cleared my visit with Dr. Connor."

"No! You don't understand. You. Can't. Be. Here!" Bradley wasn't just flushed, he looked terrified.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Don crossed the room and sat on the bed beside Bradley, wrapping his arm over his shoulder.

"Pleasssssssssse." Bradley squeezed his eyes closed and clenched his fists.

"What is it? Why can't I be here?" Don used a soft, reassuring tone, hoping it would help.

"I can't lose you too. Please, Don. You can't see me like this, and I don't know how long I can hold out," Bradley pleaded.

"None of that talk, you're not going to lose me." Don tried to rub Bradley's shoulders, but he pulled away. He realized that Bradley needed space, so moved over to sit on the floor and leaned against the door.

"Don, you need to leave." Bradley wouldn't even look at him.

"Nope. Not happening. We're going to have a quick chat, but it will work better if you're looking at me." He waited until Bradley made eye contact.

"That's better. It's time to listen, and I'll repeat what I'm about to say as many times as needed, but you need to hear this. There are some things or well, I guess lots of things you don't know about me. We'll start with the biggy. Bradley, I'm gay."

Bradley flinched and opened, then closed his mouth. "What?"

"I'm gay, buddy. Love dick and always have, but I was afraid you wouldn't take that well, so I lied and pretended."

"But Amanda..."

"I think in the community, she's called a beard. She doesn't know it, but that's why I married her. I picked her because she was self-centered enough not to catch on and doesn't like sex. Dr. Connor is helping me end that charade. That's also why we never had kids. I consummated the marriage, but it took a lot of liquor and some Viagra to make that happen." Don grimaced. "And more than a few hours of therapy after," he muttered.

"I wouldn't have cared."

"You say that now. Let me finish. I have loved you since I hit puberty, Bradley. I don't mean I love you as a friend. I mean, I've loved you as in I would have gladly spent my life with you, and let's not forget the important part. I love you in the 'I want to fuck your brains out,' way. Did you hear that too?"

"Yeah..." Bradley's response was barely above a whisper, and he started fidgeting.

"I will gladly be your best friend for eternity, but I'd like to be more. I've known Dr. Connor for more than five years. I also know what goes on here and what the drugs the kidnappers gave you do to a man. That you are still functional is a damned miracle."

"Dr. Connor has said that more than once."

"Exactly. You were a victim. There is no shame in this for you, and there's no reason you need to feel guilty or embarrassed with me. I know what you need, and I would be lying if I didn't say that I want to be the one to help you."

"Is that why you insisted on me coming here?"

"Partly. I didn't know the details at first, but there is no one better than Dr. Connor to treat my best friend after a sexual assault. Given what we know now, it's blind luck that he's also the best to deal with the drugs you were given. Why isn't your wife here supporting you?"

"Ha! Like that would ever happen. She's back in rehab. It was her last chance. I started the separation and divorce proceedings the moment the ambulance carted her off. Had movers put all her stuff in storage. That's over with." Bradley turned to look at him instead of staring at the floor. "What did you mean, you want to help me?" He was squirming on the bed like he couldn't get comfortable.

"While I'd have preferred you came to me under different circumstances, who better than your gay best friend to give you the sexual relief you crave? The thought of having strangers with no emotional attachment take care of you drives me crazy."

"You'd do that?"

Don laughed. "This is not a benevolent offer, Bradley. I've wanted to fuck you for years. Don't think there's not a ton of self-interest in my offer."

Bradley gave his first smile since Don had entered the room. But he could feel the tension, and from what Dr. Connor had told him, he knew Bradley would lose it soon.

"Please, Bradley. I want to be here for you in every way possible. Let me take care of you, please."

Bradley whimpered. "I can't...oh, fuck, I need it so bad, Don. You have no idea how hard it is not to pounce on you and mount you."

"Enough said." Don stood and quickly stripped while Bradley's whimpering got louder. When he was done, he pulled off Bradley's sweat pants and tee.

"Please fuck me." Bradley's voice sounded like he was in pain.

"I'd rather make love to you, but we can save that for the next time."

Bradley moved to his hands and knees without prompting, offering up his ass. Don grabbed the lube from the nightstand and squirted some on Bradley's ass, then coated his dick. He worked some into Bradley's hole with his finger.

"Fuck yes!" Bradley pushed back, and his ring easily opened for Don.

He slid a second finger in, and Bradley tried to fuck himself.

"Don't tease me! I need dick! Your big fat dick in my cunt, NOW!"

"I don't want to hurt you, love. I'm going to make sure this is good."

"I don't need prep. I need a big cock in my ass, fucking me!"

Even having been warned, Don was taken aback by Bradley's words. He reminded himself that it wasn't a bad thing. Actually, having a slut in his bed was a bonus. He gave into Bradley and positioned himself, planning to slide in slowly and make sure Bradley was used to him before he moved.

It didn't work that way. As soon as the head of his dick was past Bradley's ring, his life-long friend slammed back, taking all of him, and then fucked himself like a whore.

"Holy shit, Bradley, slow down."

"No! Need it hard and deep. Give it to me, Don! Show me how much you've wanted to fuck me. How much you've wanted to take that big cock and stretch my pussy open just for you. Make me your bitch, Don. Fuck meeeeeeee..." Bradley moaned.

"Oh, baby. I've thought about this so many times. You have no idea. Yeah, I've wanted to bury my dick in your sweet ass for a long time." He gripped Bradley's shoulders and power fucked him. Slamming into him over and over, hard and deep.

"Fuck YES! Harder!"

Don leaned down and wrapped his arms around Bradley as he ground into him as far as he could go. He wrapped a hand around Bradley's rock-hard dick already wet with pre-cum and began to stroke. "It's even better than I imagined. You are so fucking hot, baby."

"Your dick feels so good. Don't worry about hurting me. Fuck me hard. I want to feel you!"

"I've got you. I promise to take care of you and do this for you every day, whenever you want. I want to be yours, Bradley. And if you ever decide you want to switch, my ass is yours."

"FUUUUCCKKK! You're so biiiiiiggggg."

Don couldn't believe this was finally happening. He was fucking the man he loved, who he'd thought was totally out of reach. His dick was buried to the hilt in his hot ass and he was begging for more. This can't be real, he thought as he stroked his buddy, hopefully his future mate, and felt him tightening and squeezing with each thrust.

"Close. So close."

"Cum for me, love. Let go," Don coaxed.

"Breed me, Don! I want you to fill me with your jizz. Claim my pussy as yours!"

"I'm planning to claim all of you, Bradley. Your head, heart, dick, and everything else."

"YESSSS!" Bradley cried out as he came, squeezing Don tight enough that it brought him over the edge. His cock felt like it was going to explode, and he shot more juice than he had in ages. The orgasm went on and on, making him see stars.

They collapsed on the bed, panting.

"Fuck, Bradley. That was like the best fuck ever."

"You don't hate me?" Bradley asked in a whisper.

"No, love. You're mine now, and I plan on doing this with you every day."

"Mm. I'd like that."

Once they recovered, Don helped Bradley get dressed then captured his mouth in a kiss.

"I've got your back, Bradley, and I promise I'll be with you every step of the way. I love you and don't feel bad that you can't say the same. It's okay, I'm not leaving your side, and we'll get through this together."

"You are too good to me. I'm sorry I'm such a wreck. And...I guess now you know that when I um...get a spell, I kinda lose it."

"Nothing to apologize for. I thought you were incredible and I like this raunchy side you've picked up. It turns me on."

"Yeah?" Bradley looked both terrified and hopeful. A stream of tears was running down his cheeks.

Don pulled him into a hug, and Bradley lost it. Now openly sobbing as he clutched Don tight enough it hurt. Don continued to rub Bradley's back and whisper assurances while he laid gentle kisses all over his face. When Bradley calmed, Don wiped up the tears and gave another quick kiss on Bradley's lips. Still astonished that his friend not only accepted the kiss but actively responded in kind.

"I know it's fast, but I think I may be in love with you too." Bradley buried his head in Don's shoulder.

"Well, I'm sticking around no matter what. So you've got time to make sure."

"Thank you, Don. For everything."

"Yeah? You liked my dick?"

Bradley chuckled. "Nah, 'that' I can say I loved with no doubts."

"Uh-huh, I thought so. Let's text Dr. Connor and meet with the lawyer so we can make all this official."

"You're okay with their recommendation?" Bradley asked.

"Dr. Connor explained it in detail, and I am more than okay with taking care of you and Brad. We'll make a great family."

Bradley's tears started again before Don pulled out his phone. Sure is good they already prepped him about the guardianship. Conversations are going to be tough when his emotions are all over the place, Don thought. Then his mind jumped to what came later: explaining the rules to Brad and finding out if his ass was as good as his dad's. Not that it mattered, he'd enjoy it anyway, as would a number of his friends. He couldn't help but smile at the way things were turning out.


*Apologies - I messed up Walker's name a couple of chapters back. He is Wesley Walker, not Brett. Sorry about that.

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Next: Chapter 28

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