The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jan 23, 2021


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain bondage, edging, incest, violence, or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 25: New Normal, Copyright 2021 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without the express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 25: New Normal By Tripp Savidge

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 1

Blake opened the door from the locker room and looked around. The place was as busy as he'd ever seen it. It had taken some serious self-talk to get motivated enough to come in early to the gym; he couldn't back out now. Besides, it was the first step in getting back to some sense of normality. He'd just ignore the two shadows that followed him everywhere.

"Hey, Doc," Dmitri called.

Blake hadn't even seen him but gave a nod and a wave. He noted that the head trainer was working with the new guy Drew Miller, Max's friend he'd recruited for Carl's team. "Lookin' good, Drew."

And so was Dmitri... Blake could just stare at the man for hours and catalog all his muscles. Dmitri was a bodybuilder with a pale complexion who tended to wear the tightest stretch shorts and the tiniest tank that still qualified as clothing.

Blake took the closest open machine, and his ever-present guards stepped up against the wall, so they were out of the way. Blake was pleased that Drew was adapting well, and it was good that Dmitri was helping him. Glancing around as he set up the machine, he caught sight of Jason training with Walker. Nope, supposed to call him Brett now, he thought to himself. I'm glad my little talk got Brett off his ass. The man had a great body, and it would have been a shame for him to let himself go. Several of the staff were also working out since it was technically before most of them started their workday.

The routine was already coming back to him, and Blake smiled as he was able to keep the same weights as he'd used before the world fell apart. Though he might regret it tomorrow. The exercise also helped distract him. He'd woken up this morning to find Caden, in his new silky jammies, tucked in between him and Joseph with his arm draped over Blake's chest.

While he thought their plan was still a good one, he was a little worried about Joseph and the obvious push for him to put on a show with Michael. Even if Caden hadn't admitted it on his intake interview, Blake struggled to believe he wasn't more experienced than he let on. No high schooler that good looking could be that naive.

Blake had a flashback to the night before when Michael had kissed him. Then later watching a movie, he'd openly played with Blake's cock through his jeans as Joseph did the same to Michael - all while Caden watched. Blake figured that Caden was probably more stunned by how open they were and their relationship to each other than any particular activity. Maybe he should talk to Blythe or Smalley about why Caden was acting so much younger than his age.

"Hey, Dr. Connor," Mario said, taking the machine next to him.

"Hey, Mario. You enjoy your island getaway?" Blake teased.

"Uhhh... very much?" Mario hesitated and looked a little worried.

"Relax. You guys did great. Michael had a great time and had nothing but good to say about you guys. Thank you. It really means a lot to me that you took good care of him."

"Sure?" Mario still seemed nervous.

Blake put a hand on Mario's thigh and caught his eye. "Seriously, my son loves a big dick just as much as his old man. And you have a beautiful one. Quit fretting over it; I am very glad you gave him what he needed." Blake tweaked Mario's nipple through his tank top. "I certainly find you distracting."

Mario gave a relieved laugh. "Thanks. And you know... anytime you want..." Mario winked and gave a real smile.

Blake turned his attention back to his workout. He intentionally didn't engage with the others in the gym, not wanting to interrupt their session. By the time he was showered and dressed again, he was feeling closer to normal than he had in weeks. He waited for one of the Vipers to go first as they exited the elevator, and it struck Blake that he was almost looking forward to the day.

"Morning, Claire."

"Good morning, Dr. Connor." Claire stood and followed Blake into his office. "The Dean from State responded, and everything is set up as you requested."

"Wow, that was fast," Blake said. "Can you put Sean and Jose on the calendar for later this afternoon?"

"Sure. I also wanted to let you know that you have a reservation for Luigi's this Saturday at eight o'clock, and I have the graduation ceremony set up for Sunday. Invitations are already sent."

"You are amazing!" Blake dropped into his desk chair and sighed. "Tell me again, where is the graduation?"

Blake tried not to squirm as he saw the look of disapproval and the raised eyebrow. In his defense, there had been a lot on his mind.

"The country club. Is there anything else you need for Saturday evening? You have the ring, right?" Claire's voice clearly conveyed her skepticism.

"Yes. I've got it. I swear that I won't mess this one up. It should have happened weeks ago."

"Are you expecting a long engagement?"

Blake laughed. "Not at all. I'll let Joseph decide, but I'd be okay with a quick trip to Vegas."

"Yeah, let Joseph decide. Oddly enough, I don't have any fires or emergencies for you today," Claire said as she turned for the door.

"Thank you, Claire. I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner but is your son still doing well?"

Claire turned and gave him a genuine smile. "He is, thank you. Apologies aren't necessary; I'm quite aware of what's been going on."

Blake pulled up his email and smiled. I'm going to have to give her a good raise, he thought and quickly sent a note to HR to get it started. It was nice having a relatively normal workday, and before long, his calendar reminded him it was time for his first appointment. Blake checked to see what he had after and realized he'd have time to do rounds before lunch

"I'm heading down to medical if you need me," Blake said as he passed Claire.

"Don't forget, you have an appointment after lunch with Dr. Cable to discuss Hanna Ward."

"Yeah, not looking forward to that one. I don't have high hopes." Blake ran his fingers along the edge of Claire's desk, reminded of all the problems he still had to deal with.

"You're not going to let Ward stay here, are you?"

"No. We can't keep him here, but I'm not sure the Ranch is the right fit either."

Blake glanced at Claire and knew from her expression that he wouldn't like what was coming.

"You could ask Ace..."

"Fuck, Claire. You were here for that. I don't want to owe him any favors, and while I agree he and his brother could handle Ward..."

"At least think about it." Claire let out a dramatic sigh. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but his brother's business along with Ace's security would be a good fit, and he could help us with a few of the others as well. Besides, you can't fault the man for his taste. Is it really so bad that he's into you?"

"I think it was a little more of a 'scary obsession' than just into me, Claire." Blake had a flashback to his last time with Ace. It was just before Joseph had been brought in as a test subject. No question that the man threw a good fuck; it was the stalkerish tendencies that made Blake squirm.

"Hmm, true, he is a little scary. But it could still work, especially if you got Joseph to help you."

"You aren't seriously suggesting..." Blake couldn't wrap his mind around what Claire was implying.

"Oh, honey. That boy's got a gift, not a curse. Maybe it's about time you learn to accept it and use it to your advantage."

"I got nothing." Blake decided it was best to just drop it as his brain refused to come up with anything intelligent.

"Mm-hm, enjoy rounds, dear." Claire turned back to her computer with an all-too-satisfied smirk. She really was like a work-wife at times, and Blake didn't want to admit to how well she knew him.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 2

Blake knocked gently on the door.

"Come in," a deep voice said from the other side.

"Hey, Mr. Whitmore, it's me, Dr. Connor," Blake said, opening the door. Bradley Whitmore II was sitting in the side chair, reading. Dressed in normal street clothes - a much better look than the last time he'd seen him. "Sorry we don't have more impressive accommodations for you."

"No apologies necessary, it's fine. Not like I'm here on holiday. Speaking of which, I can pay my own expenses, Don does not need to foot the bill for me."

Blake held up his hands. "Not going to get in the middle of that one. You and Don can fight it out. But give your friend some credit; he's the reason you're here."

"True, and he's been amazing throughout this whole ordeal. I don't know if he told you, but we've been friends since elementary school. He's always had my back."

Blake noted that Whitmore looked him up and down as if he were mentally stripping off his clothes. His eyes were dilated, and his breathing had become more rapid. Blake bit back a snicker when he thought about Don Rhodes, and given what he knew about the man, he'd begun to wonder if his friendship and interest in Whitmore's recovery was as innocent as he made out. After all, Rhodes was quite familiar with the drugs and likely knew exactly what was happening with his "friend."

"Before we talk, I'd like to do another exam if you don't mind. I know you've been poked and prodded enough for a lifetime, but it will help me frame up what we discuss."

"Sure. I'm really hoping you can help me. The other doctors didn't give me much to go on, and for the most part, couldn't tell me anything beyond what I already knew," Bradley confessed. "But more importantly, can you tell me what you know about my son?"

"I'll tell you what I can after we deal with what's happening with you, Mr. Whitmore. Go ahead and undress. If you're shy, there's a gown on the back of the door. I'll step out for a few..." Blake left the room and walked over to the nurse's station, where he spotted Ian.

"Morning, Dr. Connor," Ian greeted with a big smile.

"Tank must be treating you right."

Ian blushed. "He is. You doing okay?"

"Getting there. Thanks for setting up the room for Whitmore. It looks as welcoming as you can make a hospital room."

"You could have put him in a dorm room," Ian said.

"That would raise too many questions. This will be fine. Any news for me?"

"Not really. We've only got two patients at the moment, Thomas Kerr and Brett Walker, and Brett's being moved to a dorm room later today."

"How is Thomas?"

"Still colorful and pretty sure he's bored out of his skull. Jason's been taking him to the gym for some physical therapy, but that's about his only activity," Ian explained.

"Yeah, I need to talk to him. Maybe after I'm done with Whitmore. Do we have a consult room open? I'd rather talk to him in that setting if I could."

"Sure, I'll reserve one for you," Ian replied.

"Thanks, I may use it to wrap up with Whitmore too." Blake returned to Whitmore's room and knocked before entering. Bradley senior had undressed and wrapped the gown around his waist.

"All set?" Blake asked.

"You know, they examined me yesterday when I was brought in?" Even the gown couldn't hide the man's obvious erection.

"I do, but I'd like to confirm that I agree with their findings. Go ahead and lie back, then stretch your legs out." Blake noted again that Bradley was a good looking man. He'd kept himself in shape and had started out with good genes. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a natural skin tone that was darker than most blonds. Not much body hair either. This wasn't the day to try to begin his comparison of father and son, so Blake tried his best not to increase his patient's already blooming lust.

Dr. Connor began the exam and checked everything he could before things had to get personal. Unfortunately, Whitmore's arousal hadn't gone down in the least. "I'm sorry, but I'll need to look under the gown now," he said.

"I should be used to it," Whitmore muttered, but it came out forced and a bit raspy.

"I never thought to ask, how would you like to be addressed? If you're going to be under our care, I want you to be as comfortable as you can be." Blake asked as he began examining Bradley's cock and balls. The father was a little larger than his son.

"I go by Bradley if that's okay?" His voice was a little breathy as Blake felt his cock, checking under the skin for anything unusual.

"Sure. You can call me Blake."

Bradley gave a nervous laugh as Blake gently nudged his legs open.

"Go ahead and turn over; keep your knees under you but place your chest on the bed."

Whitmore complied, and Blake noticed his patient had started to tremble slightly.

"You doing okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah...just do whatever you need to do."

Blake pulled on gloves and grabbed the speculum from the tray and the bottle of lubricant. He applied some to Bradley's entrance and then the tool. "Just relax. I know this is a bit invasive, but I promise I'll be gentle. I'd like to see how well you're healing."

Bradley nodded but didn't say anything until the cold metal breached him, then he let out a low moan and raised his hips. Blake used the light and was pleased at what he saw.

"You've healed up beautifully, Bradley. I can honestly say, as good as new."

"But...but it's not the same..." Bradley's voice had gone deeper and had a raspy lust-filled edge.

Blake wondered if the man realized he was trying to fuck himself with the cold metal speculum. "Really? Okay...let's check. This might feel strange, and there will be some pressure. Try to breathe normally." Blake pulled out the speculum and then took off the gloves. Lubing his right hand, he slid a couple of fingers inside Bradley and massaged his entrance.

"Ughh...that feels so good," Bradley moaned as he spread his knees a little wider and pushed up into Blake's touch.

Blake slid in a third finger and targeted Bradley's prostate.

"Oh, God! Yes!" Bradley slammed his ass back to get Blake's fingers in deeper.

Well, that confirms what I suspected but now what to tell Whitmore? Blake thought. "Okay, I think we're done here." Blake grabbed some tissues and put them in Bradley's hand. "Get cleaned up and dressed, and we'll talk about this."

"You're stopping?" Bradley's voice came out in a whine.

"Yeah, buddy. We'll talk. Come out when you're ready." Blake gave a gentle pat to Bradley's ass and left.

It was only a few minutes before Ian ushered Whitmore into the consult room where Dr. Connor was waiting. The man looked nervous and a little pale.

"Thanks, Ian. Bradley, please have a seat."

"It's not good, is it?"

"It will be okay, Bradley. It's a whole lot better than it could have been. Why don't you start by telling me what happened and how you got to this point?"

"Do I have to?" Bradley refused to meet Blake's eyes.

"It's always your choice; however, it might help me understand and proscribe a more effective treatment."

"Shit. There are parts I still don't remember so clearly, but I will tell you what I can. I had finished my workout at the gym and walked out into the parking garage. It was probably around eight o'clock. I'd barely stepped out of the elevator when someone grabbed me from behind and put a nasty smelling rag over my face. Don't know what it was - very chemically. Next thing I know, I'm waking up naked in this big metal box, sort of like a train car, surrounded by strange men. They were all in black with black ski masks hiding their faces. They made me swallow some pills then shoved this horrid smelling bottle under my nose while they covered my mouth."

"Okay, I'm with you so far; what else?"

"Not really a polite way to put this. They fucked me. Squirted lube up my ass and then took turns. After the first few, they started fucking my mouth too, stopping every once in a while and shoving the bottle under my nose. That's sort of where I lose track. I kind of remember fighting at first, but they held me down, then later, um..."

"It's okay, Bradley, no judgment."

"I started liking it. There, I said it. I couldn't believe what started coming out of my mouth, but I can't deny it. I begged and pleaded for more. I don't know what came over me. They gave me more of the pills-"

"Wait, more than just the first one?" Blake interrupted.

"No, it was two the first time and then two later on."

"Shit. Can you describe them? What did the pills look like?"

"I can't remember the shape, but I don't think they were round...maybe a bright blue?"

"Okay, go on." Holy fuck, not one black market Blue but four? I'm amazed the guy is still able to function, Blake thought.

"After that, they started getting rougher, hurting me. Some of them punched and kicked me while the others took me, then they started hitting me with a bat." Bradley paused and took a deep breath. "Then they started fucking me with the bat, and that's pretty much the last thing I remember until I woke up in the hospital."

"I am so sorry."

"So you think this is all just trauma or PTSD?" The poor man sounded almost hopeful.

"No, I don't think so, and more importantly, the psychologists you spoke with don't either. How much do you want me to sugar coat this, Bradley?"

"A bit late for that, just tell me." Bradley slumped into the chair and stared at the floor.

"I'm pretty sure the pills you were given are a black market knock off of a drug we make. The real thing is called Blue and is heavily controlled and regulated. Unfortunately, the black-market copies are not the same, and they are known for being very inconsistent and having notable long term side effects. I'd guess the bottle they kept making you sniff was a popper, and good news is that other than putting you more in the mood, it's not harmful."

"What kind of side effects should I expect?"

"I could just as easily ask what you were hoping to fix. But, since you haven't said, why don't I tell you what is common and you see how it matches up?"

"Sure. I'm not going to like this, am I?"

"Probably not, but it isn't the end of the world. With a good attitude and an open mind, you can turn it into a positive."

Bradley snorted. "Doubt that."

"Hear me out, and then we can talk about options."

Bradley nodded, so Blake continued.

"Blue is a strong aphrodisiac meant to cause intense arousal and reduce inhibitions. In its controlled form, it amplifies what you already would desire." Blake felt a little bad for the lie, but in the long run, it would be best for Bradley. "The black-market version is known for being more powerful and that the increased arousal and need becomes permanent. If you liked it before, now you'll love it. If you enjoyed being penetrated, now you'll crave it. A person under its influence will want every hole filled and will suck, penetrate, and open themselves to anyone who can help them chase the feeling."

"Wait! You're saying I wanted to be fucked?" Bradley said, his voice rising.

"Bradley, didn't you just tell me you were begging and pleading for it?"

"Fuck." Bradley seemed to slump in on himself even more.

"I'm not going to judge you, Bradley. If it helps, I am bi-sexual, and I'm in a long-term relationship with a man. No one here has any objections to how you express yourself or what you like."

"But I never..." Bradley buried his face in his hands.

"Never? Never even thought about it or wondered?"

Blake let Bradley brood in silence several minutes, deciding he'd talk when he was ready. When he started speaking again, it was barely above a whisper.

"I always wondered...and there were a few men over the years that made me think maybe I wasn't so straight. I didn't act on it or do anything, but I've jacked off to gay porn a few times and imagined some of those men."

"Nothing to feel guilty about, Bradley. I think it sounds very normal. My specialty is male sexuality, and I've seen it all, trust me. I would've said you had more issues if you hadn't had such thoughts."

Bradley looked at Blake, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes.

"I'm sure it still seems overwhelming, and I expect that empty, needy feeling in your ass is driving you crazy. That's one of the most common changes. That's not going to go away, Bradley, and the only real way to satisfy it is with a dick. I've had patients try to use toys and dildos, but I'll be honest, they aren't effective, and what relief they provide wears off in hours. It is also common for an increased desire for fellatio, anilingus, or cunnilingus and an almost painful response to seeing genitalia of someone you find attractive."

"Yes to all of the above. So I'm gay now?"

"Your orientation hasn't changed, Bradley. The drugs turned up some of your pleasure centers to maximum, and you can't turn them back. Some of those needs aren't something that a woman could satisfy. Tell me, what were you hoping we'd be able to do for you?"

Bradley stared at the floor. "Take away this overwhelming need to do it all again. Well, not the beating and pain part."

"I know it isn't what you want to hear, but that's not going to happen. What we can do is help you adjust physically and mentally to your new normal. I promise I'm not just bragging when I say we have some of the best sex counselors and therapists, in not just the country but the world, on staff here. You are in the prime of your life, Bradley. A very handsome man, and as Don tells me, a successful one."

"But... Shit, what choices do I have?" Bradley's blue eyes pleaded with Blake for another answer.

"You could do it on your own, but I wouldn't say that's a better option. You can't pretend it didn't happen or ignore it. Is this going to be a problem for your wife?"

Bradley snorted. "She'd have to be sober and not high to notice. I'm sorry to say, but our marriage ended many years ago. I've already decided to end the charade. The last time this happened, we went for counseling and ended up agreeing to a contract that was supposed to keep her in line and me faithful. If either of us failed, it guaranteed a no-fault divorce. Obviously, it didn't work."

"I'm sorry. Do you have any others who can support you?"

"Not really. I have a lot of social friends, but they're more interested in what I can do for them. Don is my only real friend."

"You will definitely need a support team, people you trust, and that you can be open with about what you're feeling and experiencing. Please don't be angry, but I need to ask. Is Don one of those men you were attracted to before the incident?"

Bradley turned crimson and turned away from Blake, seemingly staring at the wall. "Yeah..." It came out as the barest whisper.

"Then you should know that Don already suspects what happened to you. Between what he got from the investigators and the doctors, he put it together. He has also worked with us in the past so has a better idea than most about the drugs. I'm pretty sure that's why he wanted me to take you on as a patient."

Bradley buried his face in his hands again.

"You have no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. I'd strongly encourage you to open up to Don and accept our help."

"I'm not so sure about telling Don. I'd hate to risk our friendship. But I would like your help. I wouldn't even know where to start on my own. Can we talk about Brad now?" Bradley turned to look at me.

"He's safe, and he is under our care. Your son was in the wrong place at the wrong time and witnessed something he shouldn't have. That rogue who's been all over the news captured him and was going to make him disappear. When you started pushing the investigation, he tried to take you out as well."

"Shit. What does it mean that he's under your care?"

"He's in a very similar state as you, Bradley. Perhaps even a little worse since they held him longer. I suspect they figured if they broke him, he didn't need to be killed. He's doing well, but I'll be honest, he's challenged to be able to think beyond his next chance for dick."

"God, no."

"Don't lose hope. He's responding well to the therapy, and in time, I think he'll be able to function normally in society." Blake wasn't going to add that the therapy would make sure Brad the third would function well as a cabana boy or fuck toy, and his primary contribution would be his skills as a whore. But then those were "normal" skills from a certain point of view.

"Can I see him?" Bradley asked.

"Of course, but before we set it up, I'd like you to spend time with one of the psychologists to help you prepare."

"So what are you recommending for me?"

"Let's start with two weeks of on-site care with our counselors and sex therapists and then evaluate where you are. I think it will take at least a month on-site, but we'll see. After that, you can return home and move to regularly scheduled sessions here. Would it be difficult for you to come back? Sorry, but I don't know where you're located."

"No, I'm local. So what's involved with the sex therapists?"

"What you'd expect. They help you get comfortable with your body and your needs. Help you figure out what you enjoy and what you don't. Their goal is to make you feel good about yourself and let you be authentic while asking for what you need."

"Oh, that's all?" Bradley laughed.

"We'll also get you set up with one of our fitness trainers. Physical activity helps, I promise. You are welcome to use the staff dining room if you don't want to be stuck in the room. If you don't have any other questions right now, I'll see about getting you scheduled. Sound good?"

"Yes. Thank you again, Blake. I know I'll have more questions, but my brain isn't working so well at the moment." They shook hands, and Blake took Whitmore back to his room.

"Hey Ian, mind if I borrow your computer real quick?" Blake asked.

"Sure, bossman. How did it go?"

"Pretty well, actually. You're not going to believe this, but Smith's people dosed him with four, FOUR black market blue within a few hours."


"Yeah. Then again, I don't think they were expecting him to live through it." Blake pulled up Whitmore's file and scrolled down to medication. Ian watched over Blake's shoulder as he keyed in the new prescription.

"You think we can help him?"

"We can. He's shown remarkable resilience considering the dose. I'm surprised he wasn't all over me."

" is that going to help?" Ian asked, pointing to the medication Blake had just keyed in.

"He's still fighting his desires, and while he has no chance of resisting forever, a little push will let us begin his recovery work now." Blake stood and gripped Ian's shoulder. "That will break down the last of his resistance and inhibitions."

"Recovery work?" Ian snickered.

"No matter what we do, the man is going to be a slut. But we can help him accept it and feel good about himself and maybe even score some very valuable IOUs along the way." Blake was already thinking about his next call with Don Rhodes and how he could manage this to the Lab's advantage.

Maximillian Moore | Scene 3

"Whoa, look at that smile!" David teased as Max sat down in his office.

"Yeah...get it out of your system." Max pretended to steel himself for the teasing David was going to rain down on him.

"Nah, I'll give you a freebie. It's nice to see you happy. That smile wouldn't be related to the request that came through first thing this morning, would it?"


"I've already got Carl's team working on it, and so you know, his roommate is not an issue. Nick's also going back on the grid. There seems to be a wave of that going through - new name of course, and he's moving in with Ced."

"And I thought I was moving fast." Max laughed.

"Have you seen those two together? Sickening and not what I'd ever thought I'd see coming from Ced. He's totally lost it for that man. But hey, more power to him. I've also never seen him so happy."

Max smiled, thinking about Peter. Yeah, I think I understand, he thought to himself. "We're going to hold off on remodeling the apartment until the house is ready so I can keep Peter with me. Blake's place is getting a little crowded."

"Yeah, and now they're thinking of taking Toby in too." David shook his head in disbelief.

"Strange times. I caught Blake when he was doing rounds, and he asked me to stop by."

"Is it about Smith? We're almost done with his cell. They're expecting to wrap up today."

"That's good to know, but no, I have updates on Coach Scott Davis. Blake asked Dmitri to get him up to speed over the next couple of weeks. He's going to be assigned to the resort to work in the fitness center."

"The guards will miss him; he's become quite the power bottom," David said.

"There will be a new one before too long. But before Scott goes, Blake wants him offered up to his former team. Doesn't have to be every day, but they should all get a few chances to take out some frustrations on his ass before he starts the new job."

"Private appointments or gang bang? What are we talking?"

"Hm...let's do both. And it doesn't have to be limited to those he coached; open him up to any of the test subjects."

"You answered before I could ask; that was my next question. What about Billy, his son?" David asked.

"He'll remain as a test subject for now. I figure eventually Blake will either send him to the Ranch or the resort, depending on Dmitri's success on whipping him into shape." Max paused, thinking about Billy and how much better he already looked. "Let him have a turn with his old man if he wants, but don't push it. I also forgot to ask, are you having any problems with the extra security guys?"

"Not at all. We've worked with the Spades before, and they're about as professional as they come. To be honest, I haven't had any direct interaction with the team guarding Dr. Connor."

"They don't talk much, but so far, the Vipers seem just as professional. Though I think Joseph might be testing their limits," Max laughed.

"We could offer them free therapy after..."

Max laughed even louder. "Yeah, I'd bet my money on Joseph too. Hey, how is Hunter doing? His name hasn't come up in a while." Max hadn't thought about the guy who got pulled up on stage at Zippers in quite a while.

"Model test subject. He and Kevin really hit it off, and I'm not sure they're an official couple, but they sure do fuck a lot. He does what he's told when he's told. Not really much to say about him."

"Blake already talked to you about putting the other guys through our new employee training? Kerr and Cofield, as well as Paul Decker?"

"Yup. They're all going through intake interviews with Dr. Blythe over the next couple of days, and we cleared out Decker's apartment last night. His cat is safe and sound."

"Life has gotten so complicated," Max groaned. He received a reminder about his next appointment and stood. "Sorry, supposed to be joining Dr. Connor for a meeting. Let me know if you need anything."

"Wait, you helping Blake with Brice?"

"That's one way to put it." Max laughed.

"See you later, Max." David rolled his eyes before returning to his work.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 4

"Thank God you're here," Blake said as Max walked into his office.

"Gee, thanks." Max walked over to Blake's desk and gave him a quick kiss. "What's got you so worked up?"

"Nothing really, maybe a little worried about what Dr. Cable is going to drop on us."

"You make me sound like the enemy," Katherine said from the doorway. "I normally avoid reminding you of this, but I do work for you, Blake."

"Hey, come on in, Katherine. I'm sorry, it's been a rough several weeks, and I keep expecting another shoe to drop. Feeling like we're on top again is making me paranoid," Blake said, glancing at the two Viper guards at the door.

"I think we've earned the right to be paranoid. And don't worry about our silent sentinels, Katherine. They don't leave Blake's side by order of the Board."

"Well, you are moving up in the world, Blake," Katherine teased.

Blake moved over to the seating area to join the others. "How are the girls doing?"

"Much calmer now that they're back in their rooms, and we're somewhat back to a normal schedule. Once they talked to some of the people who stayed, they stopped bitching and moaning. I think they realize we dodged a bullet getting them away from Smith."

"I wish the rest of us could have missed him too," Max muttered.

"Have you had a chance to check over Hanna?" Blake asked.

"Yes, and this is one of those times I know you hoped I'd disagree with you, but it's not."

"What's your opinion?"

"She's functional, but barely. And while there is no permanent physical damage..." Dr. Cable paused. "I hate to even say this, but they knew what they were doing. The combination of drug cocktail and almost non-stop sex has some behaviors and responses firmly embedded."

"What are your recommendations?" Blake asked.

"We could try therapy and counseling, but I don't believe it will work. I think at this point, you send her to the Ranch. She's functional enough to handle that. Any other course of action would be a waste of time and investment."

"What about the resort?" Blake asked.

"She's not up to it."

"Can't say I'm surprised. When I spoke to her before all this went down, she already showed signs. Can she handle women too, or is she too imprinted on men?"

"Sadly, men only and if she had her way, multiple partners at a time. You know I'd fix that if I could. I think we should all be versatile." Katherine winked at Blake.

While he and Katherine had different interpretations on versatile, he wouldn't disagree that having the girls be open to men and women made them move valuable. "I know you would, and I don't doubt that you explored every option. Maybe we should be thankful Smith didn't damage her more than he did."

"There was another name that came up numerous times when we talked with Hanna: Fletcher. Does that mean anything to you?" Dr. Cable asked.

"Smith's interrogator, why? Was there any context?" Max asked, joining the conversation.

"From her reaction, I'd say she was terrified of him and that he was one of the men who used her most often - not counting Smith, of course."

"Do we know what happened to him, Blake?" Max asked.

"No. He wasn't one of the people Anna Louise mentioned. Katherine, I'll start the paperwork to get her set up at the Ranch. Can you help get her ready?"

"Certainly. I'll take care of it. And thank you both for keeping me and my girls out of the line of fire. I can't even imagine what damage that man could have done. If Hanna is an example, he'd have set our work back years. And not to nag, but I'm going to need some new girls soon."

"I know, we're behind on all kinds of things. We'll need new guys too; several of them have been repurposed of late." Blake turned to Max and gave a meaningful grin.

"What? I only took one." Max glared back.

"Supplying the resort hit us pretty hard," Katherine added.

"It did. I have several more that I think will end up there eventually, but we've also got to make sure we don't strip the Ranch. I'm sure I've got a number of complaints in my inbox that I haven't gotten to yet," Blake said.

"Well, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I have women to edge and egos to break." Dr. Cable stood and strode out of the office.

"You're still sure you two aren't related?" Max asked.

Blake looked around, but there wasn't anything safe to throw. "No. We're not."

"I forgot to ask you. When the Feds brought Hanna over, they also brought us a crate of confiscated drugs. Their labs kept samples of each, but they wanted us to handle disposal. I thought that was kind of odd. Don't they have their own incinerators? What do you want me to do?"

"Give them to R&D, and I'll follow up with instructions. I think we'll hang onto them and test a few to see if we learn something we could use. There are times when it would be convenient to have the black-market stuff and not have to go through all the pain of buying it on the street. I expect that was the Fed's intent all along."

"I'd have expected them to object to something like that."

"Not if they see it to their advantage. I'll clear it with Anna Louise, just to be safe. Oh, wanted to tell you I spoke with Thomas, and he's agreed to at least interview with us."

"Did you tell him about his job and fiance?" Max asked.

"I did. While I'm sure Anna Louise could help us fix the job thing, it would be better for him to move on. I also told him he'd be getting a payout that would make a great down payment on a house."

Max laughed. "That probably helped. And the fiance thing? I mean he did see her get gangbanged while he was tied to a chair."

"I may have twisted the truth a little and thrown in just a couple of misleading lies. I'm pretty sure from her behavior afterward that Smith gave her black-market Blue - not sure how many. The family has managed to get her committed, but none of the police or medical team were ones who have worked with us, and the family is so embarrassed they didn't ask. Just tried to hide her as quickly as they could."

"That's not good for her."

"Nope. They're assuming it's mental. But I figured it would be easier for Thomas to move on if he attributed it to a mental breakdown and that she was as into the gangbang as he thought."


"Eh, it will be better for him. He's clearly gay, and while I'm sure he'd have figured it out eventually, we saved him a lot of pain and wasted time." Blake turned when he heard the soft knock at this door.

"Sorry to bother you, gentlemen. Randy called up to say they are running late. He said they were finishing up prepping Brice and should be here in about fifteen minutes. Also, you have a call on line two; it's Don Rhodes," Claire said.

"Thanks, Claire, put him through."

"Do I need to leave," Max asked.

"No. I wanted to run this by you anyway. For Don's sake, I'm going to pretend you're not here."

Max nodded and sat in the chair nearest Blake's desk.

"Hello, Dr. Connor speaking."

"Hey, Blake, it's Don. Called to check in on our patient."

Oh, how telling, Blake thought. "Not sure what I should be telling you, Don."

"Ah, come on, Blake. We're buds; you can trust me."

"Yeah, right. Okay then, let's just stop with the pretending and dancing around. You had to have some suspicions and maybe even some desired outcomes. Give it to me straight, Don." Blake looked over at Max and winked.

"Shit." There was a long pause. "I expect they used Blue on him, probably the black-market stuff, and from the wounds he had when he was brought in, I doubt they expected him to live through it. So it was likely pretty rough, and if they did all that while he was on Blue - I expect that some of it stuck."

"Well, you have used Blue on more than a few of your conquests over the years. So, yes, you are correct so far. Now, why not tell me why you're involved and interested in his care?"

"Not going to let me off the hook, are you?"

"No." Blake saw Max holding back a snicker.

"I've always been sort of maybe, kind of, in love with Bradley?"

"Is that a question for me?" Blake asked.

"No. Ugh...yeah, I have a thing for him, but he's so straight and married-"

"Last I heard, so were you," Blake interrupted.

"On paper, and if there were a way to end it without losing my shirt, I would. And you know damn well the straight thing is a front."

"I do. And since you have been such a good customer, I will tell you that Bradley Whitmore II is not nearly as straight as you thought."

"Thank God." There was another long pause. "Do you think I have a chance?"

"How much is it worth to you? I'm pretty sure I can deliver a well- trained bottom slut to you on a silver platter."

"You don't have to make it sound so crass!" Don objected.

"If that's not what you want..."

"No, fuck. It is what I want. So they did use the black-market stuff?"

"Four of them," Blake said.

"Shit, and he'll be okay?"

"He's surprisingly resilient and already has a thing for you. For a few more IOUs, I can deliver his son as well. Wouldn't that be the cherry on the cake? Being able to fuck both of them, maybe even at the same time? He'd make a mighty fine step-son for you if you get that far."


Blake let the silence hang as he waited for Don to recover. He could tell Max was dying to ask questions.

"Whatever it takes, Blake. I'll be your damned bitch if it gets me Bradley."

Blake held back his laugh; Don was already his bottom bitch whenever he wanted, but he didn't need to bring that up now.

"I'll let you know when you need to be here and what you'll need to do. Also, get me details on your pre-nup and any other agreements with your wife along with what you have of her bio - copy of driver's license, passport-you know the drill. Fixing entanglements is one of our side- lines."

"Yeah, and it will cost me extra." Don's sigh came through the call clearly.

"I know you're good for it. I'll be talking to you soon." Blake ended the call.

"What are you up to?" Max said in disbelief.

"I finally found Don's weak spot - other than his need for dick - he's in love with Mr. Whitmore. If people just communicated, their lives would be so much easier. All this time, and he never knew that Bradley secretly loved him back."

"You are so evil, and now he's going to owe you big time for something that could always have been his."

"Yes. Isn't it romantic?" Blake laughed.

A knock sounded at the door, and Claire poked her head in. "Heads up, Sergio called to say he and Sam were on their way up with Brice."

"Thanks, Claire. Send them on in when they get here."

"Hold all calls until you tell me you're done?" Claire confirmed.

"Yes, that would be perfect. On second thought, make an exception if Anna Louise calls."

"Got it." Claire quietly closed the door.

"You know, it was nice having Joseph around, but Claire is so damned good," Max said.

"She is."

"What's the plan for Brice; you didn't say?" Max asked.

"David said he'd finished training on oral and is ready. I thought we could break him in and give him a nice kick-off to the next sessions."

"You expecting him to be cooperative?"

"We gave him a little help for today, just something to relax him a little. But after his chaperones were done with him, he's lost all interest in women, and they did a fine job of getting him ready for men. Brice wasn't nearly as straight as he thought he was," Blake shared.

"I'm surprised Joseph isn't here for this."

"He didn't want to miss the first session with Ben, but he's already scheduled to be a trainer for both of them, so I think he was okay with missing this one."

Max gave Blake a questioning look.

"He didn't want to leave Caden by himself. Joseph has taken this whole adoption and family thing very seriously. We haven't decided on when we'll do Ben. And I'd also like to give Brice a head start. He's more reserved than his brother, and you were there for the intake; once we let Ben loose, no man will be safe." Blake laughed as he imagined Brice's face the first time he found himself balls deep in Ben.

Maximillian Moore | Scene 5

Max was still processing Joseph and adoption when the door to Blake's office opened, and Sergio guided Brice into the room, followed by Sam.

"Dr. Connor, Max," Sergio greeted. "I'll leave Brice to your care. When you're finished, please let me know, and we'll pick him up."

"Thank you, guys," Blake responded.

Max watched as Blake came around his desk and stood in front of the young man. Brice was stunning and would have looked at home on the runway of some cutting-edge designer's fashion show. He had bright blond hair, the tips died blue, tall and slender with sharp features and striking blue eyes.

"They going to be okay with this?" Max asked Blake quietly as he nodded to the guards.

"The Vipers? Hell, yeah. They're made of stone, aren't you guys? Nothing affects them." Blake turned his attention back to Brice. "Good to see you again, Brice."

"Did I do something wrong?" Brice asked, giving a nervous glance toward the guards.

"Not at all. You remember Max?"

Brice looked at Max and nodded.

"Good. I like to check on our subjects personally at times, and we did have a rather special and unusual agreement. Now it's time for us to move on and for you to do your part. I understand from David you've done very well in your lessons and are ready to move to the next stage."

Brice shuffled his feet and fidgeted, not holding eye contact with Blake. "Meaning?"

"Oh, please, Brice. You know exactly what it means."

"You want me to be your whore?"

"You're better than that, Brice. And I do expect more from you. We had an agreement, and while there are some similarities, you will be a very pampered, exclusive, and sought-after companion. When your attention merits five figures, I think you qualify as something very different."

Max bit his lip as Blake's intent for Brice finally clicked into place. But as he thought about it, he had to agree that Brice had the intelligence and looks for it and with his little brother as collateral, certainly the motivation.

"And if I've changed my mind?" Brice asked.

"We had an agreement, Brice. I explained it all to you before. I couldn't just let you go. You'd seen too much and were a risk. That has only gotten worse, and so you know, I have more support than ever to make sure such risks are mitigated. Besides, I've kept my part of our agreement. You got your life back, had a chance to see friends, reconnect with family, and reclaim your inheritance - giving you and your brother very impressive bank accounts. We also took care of that little problem with your grandfather, just as you asked, putting him on his journey to the great beyond."

Max noted that with each declaration, Brice had gone paler, and his shoulders slumped lower.

"And if I say no to the sex?" Brice's voice came out a little weak and shaky.

"We all have choices. I suppose your brother can pick up the slack for a while, though he'd have to give up his plans for college. He'd be way too busy for that. Then again, he is pretty and I expect he's got a tighter ass than you...I could salvage some of the plans. But think about it, that would mean there'd be no reason to keep you."

Max watched Brice's face as he processed, and while he understood why he'd needed to ask, it hadn't changed anything. From the bulge in Brice's pants, he knew the resistance was about over. While he hadn't been at the lab, the handlers who'd chaperoned Ben and Brice's time away had been very busy. Brice had gone through some unorthodox sessions to remove any remaining attraction to women and an extensive subliminal programming to get his head on board with being with men. While the treatment didn't work as fast as what they could do in the lab, it had been well tested and proven as being just as effective. Now Brice's head just had to catch up.

"If I do this, will you leave Ben alone?"

"Define 'leave him alone,'" Blake answered.

"Not use him for sex or pimp him out." Brice didn't hide the anger in his voice.

"Your protectiveness is admirable, Brice. I have a different future in mind for your brother, and being an elite companion isn't part of it. Now, I think Ben might object strongly if you limit his options too much, but being 'pimped out' is not part of my plan either."

Max chuckled in his head at how Blake danced around Brice's words. Then again, from what Tristan and Chloe, Ben and Brice's handlers, had shared, Ben was so interested in sex that they'd had to use suppressants to keep him in line. Brice didn't seem to know his little brother nearly as well as he thought he did, but if Max knew Blake, that would be changing before too long.

"If you're worried, I can make sure that you and Ben remain roommates until you return to school in the fall. Time to get undressed, Brice."

"Wait, you mean when Ben returns to school?" Brice clarified.

"No, both of you. You'll be starting college. I already have it all set up and even have managed to get you assigned with roommates who will have your back. We wouldn't want people getting suspicious of your extracurricular activities."

"So I'm not starting the escort thing right away?" Brice pulled off his t-shirt to reveal his slender frame with an absolutely ripped torso - every muscle revealed and a stunning Adonis belt that drew Max's eyes right to the bulge in Brice's jeans.

Max had flashbacks to Brice's intake and the beautiful cock and ass that would soon be revealed.

"We've got to get you trained first. You are a bit behind the rest of the class, and the men who have the money to afford what you'll be offering will want a smart man who's poised and articulate. There will be some assignments while you're in school but not enough to interfere with you getting the education you'll need."

"And Ben still gets to attend college?" Brice asked as he unfastened his jeans and slid them off.

Max bit his lip to stifle the groan. Damn, that boy had a gorgeous body. Max reached down to adjust himself; he was already painfully hard. Brice's eight-inch cock slapped up against his stomach, the head glistening with pre-cum. And just like the tips of his blond hair, his neatly trimmed bush was bright blue.

"College and likely med school after that. We've already got him signed up for a private academy to finish his high school work starting this fall. Doesn't make sense to send him back to your uncles when we can take care of him here. You can both visit, of course."

Max bit back a snicker understanding full well that "taking care of him" meant giving Ben as much dick as he wanted. Something his loving uncles might not be as keen on.

"Okay. Let's get this over with."

"Oh, Brice, I'm sorry. This isn't a once and done kind of thing." Blake stepped up to Brice and gripped his hard cock, giving it a slow stroke until a bubble of pre-cum oozed out. He caught it with his thumb and brought it to his mouth. "Today is just the first step. And stop trying to convince us you don't want this." Blake leaned in to whisper but was loud enough Max could still hear. "I know how turned on you are right now. I know how much you want this and how badly you want to be fucked. You don't have to pretend anymore."

"But-" Blake cut off Brice's words when he slammed their mouths together, gripping the back of Brice's head to hold him in place.

Max had no doubt Blake's tongue was practically down the guy's throat, having experienced Blake's technique many times. Max decided he wasn't waiting any longer and kicked off his shoes before he began unbuttoning his shirt.

"So hot," Blake whispered as he pulled Brice into the center of the room and pushed down on his shoulders, making Brice kneel. "While Max gets ready, why don't you show me what you've learned?" Blake unzipped and pulled out his cock, holding it in Brice's face.

"I..." Brice glanced over at Max and then back at Blake's dick. He let out a sigh and leaned forward, taking it into his mouth.

"You've learned your lessons well, Brice. You're going to love this, Max. He's a damned fine cock sucker, and if what David said is true... oh yeah, he can deepthroat too."

Max was now naked and stepped up behind Blake and kissed along his hairline as he began unbuttoning his dress shirt. As hot and fuckable as Brice was, Max still didn't think he held a candle to Blake. He slid the shirt off Blake's shoulders and carefully unclasped his dress slacks, interrupting Brice for a few seconds as he slid them down. He helped Blake out of his shoes, then removed his socks and finished pulling off his pants and briefs.

It was a strong temptation to grip Blake's round ass cheeks and bury his tongue in the man's trench, but Max reminded himself they were focusing on Brice. Max stood and was surprised when Blake turned and kissed him.

"Your turn. Let him work his tongue magic while I check out his ass," Blake said.

Max stepped closer to Brice as Blake ran his hand down the young man's lean back, tracking the indent of his spine down to a prominent "V" set off by his ass cheeks. Max tipped up Brice's chin and saw that his eyes were blown wide with lust as the tip of his tongue darted out and wet his lips.

"Whenever you're ready," Max said gently and watched in a mix of fascination and hunger as Brice weighed Max's cock in his hand and gave it a few strokes before wrapping his lips around the head. Max tipped his head back and sighed at the warm, wet, welcoming mouth. This guy has a gift; Blake was right.

As he enjoyed the oral worship, Max wondered what Blake had prescribed for Brice. It obviously wasn't Blue or anything near that strong. The blond was way too coherent and in too much control for anything like that. It had to have been pretty mild, maybe just enough to relax him? Which also meant this hunger was natural and that Blake was also right about Brice wanting it.

"Oh, God, Max. His ass is so damned tasty. Perfectly smooth with the tiniest of holes - just a hint of pink at the center. But damn, he's so responsive, and that little pucker relaxed as soon as my tongue touched it. Men will barter their soul for a chance with him."

Max couldn't hold back the laugh. "Um... I believe that was your plan all along." The vibration of Brice's moans around his dick felt amazing. More evidence that the cookie monster loved a tongue in his fuck hole.

"True. Mmm... He can't deny he loves this; his body reacts so beautifully."

Max grinned at the view of Blake's handsome face buried between Brice's golden globes. From the way he was sucking and deep throating Max, he had to agree that regardless of putting it off and acting like he didn't want it, Brice was enjoying this. I wonder what Smalley would say? Max thought. I'm sure there's some long, technical, psychological explanation that boils down to "he's lying to himself."

Blake pulled back and picked up the lube, slicking his finger before sliding it into Brice. "Oh, Max, you gotta feel this."

Max reached out, and Blake lubed his index finger before Max crooked it and ran it around the tender opening. He gently pushed inside and closed his eyes. Silky and hot and so very welcoming, Max thought. Fuck he was going to be good.

"Good, right? Don't worry he'll be just as tight for you when I'm done. And my cum makes a better lube anyway," Blake teased.

Max laughed at the time-worn words. Blake was only an inch smaller than Max's ten and a half inches, but he'd heard the line so often as he and Blake shared lovers over the years. Fuck, so many men. So many good memories. Max internally groaned at the image that filled his mind - seeing Blake fuck Peter and join them in Max's bed, sharing his man like they'd shared Joseph over the years. Ugh...or all four of us.

Max watched Blake sliding his fingers in and out of Brice and was getting more turned on by the second. How had the guy not known this is what he wanted? All that time wasted on women when what he really wanted was men. Max shook his head at the thought, so sad.

"You ready for my cock, Brice?" Blake asked as Brice rocked back on his fingers.


Max caught Blake's eye and smiled. He couldn't tear his eyes away as his best friend slicked up his dick and slowly slid into the blond stud. Brice wasn't a small guy, but Blake still looked huge pushing between the sweet round globes of the teen's ass.

"So good, Brice. You've got an amazing ass."

Max felt the intensity building and pulled back, kneeling down to kiss Brice's swollen lips. Something about watching Blake fuck always got to him and made his own ass twitch with jealous want.

Now that his mouth wasn't full of cock, Brice was openly moaning as he pushed back to meet Blake's thrusts.

"I'm not going to last long. He's so tight. C'mere and kiss me." Blake reached out, gripping Max's neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Don't fight it. Won't be long until you've fucked him so many times he thinks your dick belongs inside him," Max whispered before returning to the kiss.

"UGH!" Brice moaned as Max reached under the teen and squeezed his dick, causing an immediate and powerful orgasm, coating his hand with warm cum. Max gave a few more strokes as Blake filled Brice with his load, then brought his hand to his mouth and tasted Brice's seed.

"So good." He held his hand out to Blake to taste then put it to Brice's mouth. "Lick it clean."

Brice diligently sucked on every finger before Max slid three into his mouth and down his throat. He was surprised when Brice didn't gag, but the blond had just shown he could deepthroat him, so maybe he shouldn't have been.

"You're right, Blake, he's going to be extremely popular, and if you keep him exclusive..."

"Ah, don't worry, Max. He'll always be available for you, no matter how much the others have to pay."

Max grabbed Blake and kissed him again. "As long as you're sharing him with me, that sounds like a good deal."

"Of course. Sit on the couch and get comfy. You need to feel this." Blake helped Brice to his feet and turned him to look at Max. "Gorgeous, isn't he?"

"He is..." Max sighed, looking up and down Brice's lean form.

Blake laughed. "I was talking about you, stud. But yeah, Brice is a pretty boy. Too bad his nipples are so pale..."

"Get them pierced. With the blue tips and bush and how ripped he is, it would look good. Also make them stand out more and puff up a little. He'd also look good with studs in his ears - maybe match the color to his eyes."

"Fuck. Blue diamonds would be perfect." Blake reached around and pinched Brice's nipples, eliciting a moan. "Great idea. They may not be showy, but they are sensitive, and he'd look good with some bling." Blake reached down and grabbed the lube before tossing it to Max.

Max caught it and slicked up his cock, scooting forward and spreading his legs. Brice's eyes went wide, looking at Max's monster.

"It's going to feel so good when you get that beast all the way inside your fuck hole, Brice. You're going to love it. Probably even make you come without touching yourself. That happens to most of Max's lovers," Blake said, nudging him forward.

Brice looked a little scared, but his dick still stood at attention, and his eyes still showed lust, so maybe Max hadn't scared him too badly. Brice straddled Max with a knee on either side of his hips as he pressed up against Max's chest.

"Don't take too long, Brice. You know you want it," Blake said.

Max gripped Brice's slender hips and guided him into place with the head of his cock, teasing Brice's crack. "That's the way. You can take your time, as slow as you want," Max said as he ran his hands over Brice's chest, teasing the already hard nipples.

He couldn't see, but he could feel Blake's hand wrap around the base of his cock as helped line it up for Brice to take. The warmth from Brice's opening and the slick from the lube and Blake's load made him want to thrust up into what he knew would be heaven. He steeled himself and held still as Brice slowly, torturously took him in.

"That's the way, Brice. Keep going, take it all," Blake coaxed.

Max let out a deep sigh when Brice finally took him all and rested his ass on Max's thighs. It was incredible and painful all at once. He was so tight.

Brice lifted and lowered himself building up a slow rhythm as he fucked himself with Max's dick.

"Turn him around, Max. I want to suck him while he rides you," Blake said.

Brice awkwardly managed to turn without lifting completely off of Max. As soon as his back was to Max, he sank down and groaned. Max gripped Brice's waist and helped him slide up and down on his cock.

"That's a beautiful sight, Max. He looks so good mounted on your cock," Blake said.

"It's so big..." Brice moaned as he swiveled his hips and undulated his abs as if he were trying to hit every internal crevice with Max's cock.

Max couldn't see well, but he knew Blake must have taken Brice's cock into his mouth when the blond let out a whimper and let his head fall back against Max's shoulder.

"It's okay, Brice, we've got you." Max started lifting his hips and fucking deep into the blond as Brice seemed to lose the ability to move.

"Mm... yeah, Max. Fuck the cum right out of him." Blake pulled back briefly to speak then resumed deep throating Brice.

Max now understood why Blake had said he wouldn't last because he was in the same place. It wasn't going to take much more, and then Brice let out a keening moan, and his ass tightened.

"Mmmmmm," Blake hummed, and Max had to assume Brice had just blown another load. The cookie monster's ass twitched and squeezed Max into a powerful orgasm, and he pushed Brice down hard so his load would go as deep inside Brice's ass as was physically possible.

"Oh, yeah, breeding our pretty man good, Blake."

Max glanced over at the Viper guards and wondered how they were handling it. From how red their faces were and the obvious bulges in their pants, they weren't as unaffected as he might have thought. When his dick finally began to soften, Max lifted Brice and set him down on the couch beside him.

Brice was looking a little dazed.

"I'll call Sergio to come pick him up. I think he needs a nap."

"When are you going to start him on lessons with the trainers?" Max asked.

"He's scheduled to start tomorrow." Blake turned to the guards. "Want to try him? He's a good fuck."

"No, sir, that wouldn't be appropriate," Tiger answered, blushing even more as he stared straight ahead.

"Your loss," Blake said.

"You didn't really expect them to, did you?" Max whispered.

"Nah." Blake dropped on the couch beside Max and leaned in to speak directly into his ear. "But another couple of days and they will. I can see them weakening, and if Joseph has his way, he'll have them all broken in before you know it."

Max burst out laughing and didn't even try to hold back. He pulled Brice into him and ran his hand down Brice's lean back until his fingers found his well-fucked hole. He slid a finger inside and teased until Brice buried his face in Max's chest and moaned.

"We're going to have fun with this one..." Max said.

"Probably ought to get him dressed," Blake said as he stood and gathered Brice's discarded clothing.

Max lifted Brice's chin and kissed him. "Admit it; you loved every minute. Bet you're even thinking of how good it will be the next time. Now that you know what to expect." Max had no doubts that Brice was into it, and Brice couldn't even blame it on anything but his own desires.

Brice blushed. "It wasn't so bad."

"That's good since we'll be doing it again. Here, get dressed. Sergio is on his way to take you back to your room. You can chill tonight and think about things. The more cooperative you are, the better things will go for you...and for Ben," Blake said.

Brice didn't say anything more as he dressed, and Max focused on doing the same. Even when Sergio and Sam escorted him out, nothing else was said, though Max did notice how Tiger's and Cotton's eyes followed their cookie monster out the door.

"Do you have anywhere you have to be?" Blake asked.

Max finished buttoning his shirt and looked at his best friend. He was a little disappointed to see he was dressed again as well. "Nothing until four, why?"

"I'm going to break the news to Sean and Jose and wondered if you wanted to sit in."

"Already?" Max was a little surprised Blake had been able to do anything so soon.

"Not as fast as it seems. I put in the request as soon as we got the first reports back from Mario on how well it was going." Blake sat down at this desk and focused on his computer.

"I was thinking we should be able to release the Spades in about two weeks. Chris is dying to get back to work, and by then Craig and Stephen should be in pretty good shape. Also with the Vipers, we don't have the same workload as usual."

"Yeah, I asked Cobra about how long the Board was going to keep them here, and he didn't know. He thought it would be at least until they get the new governing structure in place, and they're sure all the agents have been rounded up."

"Guess you made someone nervous with your risky behaviors," Max teased.

"I think they're nervous about their wallets and ensuring they have a steady supply of drugs coming in."

Max sat back on the couch and got comfortable. "Are you going to talk to Ace?"

Blake groaned. "You too? Claire said I should ask him to help with Ward?"

"Ya lost me. Wanna explain that?"

"I assume you remember that Ace's brother had ventured into porn?"

"Yeah, but we usually have worked through Diablo's connections. Like we did for Findley and his boys or getting the help for Mrs. Barrett."

"Because they were a little more desperate and easier to manipulate."

"And you were doing your damnedest to avoid Ace. And let's be honest, that's probably the only reason," Max said.

"Yeah, that too. Though I think it did make Diablo feel good that he could use his connections."

A knock sounded at the door. "Come in," Blake called.

"Sean is here," Claire announced, holding the door open.

Blake stepped around the desk and pulled Sean into a hug when he entered.

"Did I do something? It's my first day, and I don't think I've had time to screw up yet."

"You're not in trouble; we just wanted to talk to you. How's your day been so far?" Blake asked, directing Sean to the couch as he sat in one of the club chairs.

"Good. I've mostly been filling out forms and watching training videos."

"First couple of days are like that," Max admitted. "Hear you had a good trip."

"Best week of my life. Thank you very much for sending me," Sean said.

"Of course. That's actually part of why we needed to talk to you. With how well things went, I've decided to make a few changes. I've pulled your acceptance from the local college-"

"What? But I need-"

"Calm down, and please let me finish. You'll be going to State. It's already set, and you'll be rooming with Michael, Jose, and Brice. The two rooms share a bathroom. Eventually, I'll want you in an apartment, but for now the school prefers that freshman be in on-campus housing."

"But I can't afford-"

"Chill, Sean. We'll be paying for it as part of the work program," Blake continued.

"But Jose isn't-"

"He just doesn't give up, does he?" Max laughed.

"Sounds like a motorboat. Don't worry, Sean, I'll take care of Jose. I also wanted to offer you room and board over the summer if you wanted. I noticed when I spoke with your parents that they didn't seem overly concerned about your absence."

Sean snorted. "I don't think they noticed until the police showed up. And thanks for the new phone. I would have been in trouble for sure if they'd have found out."

"You're welcome; I figured the least I could do was upgrade you since we took the old one. And those officers that visited your house were suspended and are in a shit-load of trouble. They won't be bothering you anymore. I'll let you talk to Jose and Michael about what would work best, but you could use one of the dorm rooms here until you work out something else."

"That would be awesome."

They turned when there was a knock at the door, and Claire showed Jose into the room. Max noticed right away that Jose looked as scared as Sean had.

"It's okay, Jose, this is good," Sean said, patting the couch beside him.

"I hope you don't mind me sharing this in front of Max and Sean, Jose, but I have some news for you," Blake said.


"We're putting you back on the grid. We'll have to give you a new identity, but we can work all that out later. I've also enrolled you at State for this fall. You tested very well, so we're putting you in the four-year program and cover all the expenses. You'll still have some responsibilities for the LAB, but your priority will be your studies. We've also arranged for you to be in a room with Michael, Sean, and Brice. That way, you can help cover for each other as well as take care of other needs."

"Brice?" Jose asked.

"I didn't know who that was either," Sean said.

"Oh, I know him, but..."

Blake laughed. "Don't worry, Jose. You haven't seen it yet, but Brice is turning over a new leaf. He's decided he prefers dick, and all that effort you saw him put out for the ladies will be directed at the three of you."

"Well, shit." Jose sat back, looking a bit stunned.

"There are still a lot of details to work out, but I wanted to let you know. I also have something for you." Blake walked over to his desk and pulled something out of the drawer, then returned and handed it to Jose-a brand new phone. "Key numbers are already programmed. I don't need to tell you that I expect you to keep our secrets and be discreet."

"Of course."

"Good-" A hard knock sounded at the door before it opened, and Randy stepped in.

The Vipers already had their guns drawn and were ready for trouble. Randy held up his hands.

"Sorry. We have an emergency. I know you don't like to be interrupted, but I thought this was important."

"Guys, you can stand down. Randy is head of security and works for me," Max said. "What is it, Randy?"

"Someone tried to take out Smith. Our people stopped him before he got to his floor, but obviously word of where he is got out. We have to assume this assassin isn't the only one that knows."

"Damn." Blake stood and grabbed his phone from his desk. "Sean, Jose, go back to whatever you were doing. We'll talk soon. Randy, pull a team. We'll have to move Smith tonight. Claire!" Blake shouted.

"Yes, dear," Claire peered in around Randy.

"Call Joseph and let him know what's going on. Also, find Carl and David and let them know we're bringing in Smith tonight, so they need to have things ready. We'll also need Dr. Tanner on standby. It will be pretty late by the time we get back with him."

"You're going?" Cotton asked.

"Yeah, do whatever you need to do. We'll be headed out as soon as we get everyone gathered. Max, you're coming, right?"

"Of course. I'll go make sure we're equipped, and the ambulance is ready. Do we want some of the guys in EMT gear?"

"Yeah, this needs to look legit."

"Can I go? I can help Max and pull together the other guys," Randy asked.

"Sure." Blake turned to look at the two Viper guards. "You wouldn't happen to have an incognito option, would you? You two are going to stand out like a sore thumb in the hospital and probably cause a panic."

Max couldn't help but laugh on his way out the door. He sort of wanted to stay to hear what they said, but he had work to do.

Dr. Blake Conner | Scene 6

The doors swung closed behind them as they finally reached the section of rooms where Smith had been placed.

"So you're sure I shouldn't be worried that you just happened to have uniforms that match the hospital's security?" Blake asked Tiger as they walked.

"No, sir. Take comfort in the knowledge that the Vipers are always prepared."

"Comfort? It creeps me out."

Cotton laughed. "With the shit I've seen you and your team do? Sorry, Doc, I'm not sure you've got room to talk."

"Maybe," Blake conceded as they reached Smith's room. There were two guards already on duty.

"Dr. Connor," one of them greeted.

"Everyone okay?"

"Yeah, they didn't get close, but we're still glad you're here. We have to assume the location is compromised."

"I agree. You can expect Takashi and Jared to show up soon with a gurney; they're dressed as nurses. We'll be taking him by ambulance since we don't have time to cut him out of the casts. Also don't freak out if you see Kameko; she's dressed like a doctor, but no less scary."

"Yeah, no doubt," the other guard muttered.

"Anyone in with him?" Blake asked and then paused when he saw the slightly guilty expressions on the guard's faces.

"Uh...there might be one of the know, checking on him..."

Blake bit back the laugh. "No problem. He should have time to finish." He opened the door into the room, and he and the Vipers slipped in quietly. There was indeed a large and well-endowed man currently enjoying Gene Barrett's ass. He looked up in surprise when the door clicked closed.

"Don't mind us. Please finish up," Blake said, prompting a big smile from the guy.

A few minutes later, the male nurse grunted and stilled. He pulled out his still dripping dick and tucked himself away. "Thanks for waiting. I needed that."

"Not a problem, have a good night," Blake said as the nurse exited.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Barrett. Looks like you've had a busy night." Blake turned when the door opened, and Max walked in. He gave Blake a wink and set a backpack on the chair.

"Everything's set," Max said.

"Did you get that guy's number, Gene? Looks like you two had quite the time together." Blake ran his finger up Gene's hard cock; the cum dripping down the sides was still warm, and there was a notable puddle in his pubes. "Ah well, I'm sure we can find others to take his place if not. But I can't let you travel like this; we need to do some cleanup."

With a tube still down his throat, Gene managed some gurgling protests but nothing coherent.

Blake stepped into the bath and grabbed some paper towels, soaking a few of them in cold water. He proceeded to wipe up Gene's dick and the spilled seed but only cleaned the outer surface around his gaping hole. Once that was done, Blake slid two fingers inside Gene.

"My, but you're just full of baby batter, Gene. One would think someone was trying to get you knocked up. Don't worry, I'll leave it in there for you, who knows with enough time it might just take." Blake grabbed the backpack Max had brought and pulled out a chastity lock and butt plug - the same ones they used on the test subjects.

"Gene, there has been a slight change of plan. We'll be moving you to your princess suite tonight, and your royal carriage awaits. Just a few things to make you look pretty before we go." Blake moved up to the side of the bed where Gene could see the cock lock he held, a combination of clear plastic and bright metal.

"I know you can't examine it closely, but I'm going to place this on your clit, Gene. Good news for you is this is a special one; it doesn't just prevent erections, it also works as an e-stim device." Then Blake held up the other item, which looked to be a cross between an anal plug and a dildo.

"And this baby is an anal stimulator. There is a mechanical device inside, so unlike most butt plugs, it's not solid silicone. It can extend, contract, and gyrate, and it has a pulsing ring that moves up and down the shaft. You'll love it. Oh, I almost forgot, it's also an e-stim device, but this is the important part." Blake demonstrated by turning the key in the base of the plug to show the flange extend. "Once it's in, you can't pull it out. It will be locked in place, and the only way to remove it is with the key."

"Aren't you going to warn him about the other?" Max whispered.

"No. Life is full of learning experiences; let him try," Blake said as he locked the chastity device in place.

"That's a lot of jizz," Max observed.

"He's been busy." Blake fingered as much of the leaking seed as he could back into Gene's hole before pushing the plug into place. He turned the key and locked it. "Now, for the fun part." Blake pulled out his phone and pulled up the app, quickly finding Gene Barrett's profile - appropriately labeled "Smith." He opened the controls for the plug and turned it on.

Blake watched Gene's eyes since there was no other window into what was happening with him. He looked forward to getting the man out of the casts and losing the feeding tube so he could see his reactions. Blake wouldn't even mind some threats and cursing, just to know he was getting to the man.

The door opened, and the guards let another nurse into the room.

"Sorry, I came in to take out the tube and IV," the man said.

"Sure, we'll move out of your way. Thank you," Blake responded as he and Max moved over to the corner while the nurse worked.

"Almost there," Max whispered.

"I'll call Jeff and give him an ETA once we're on the road. I want him to cut Smith out of the cast tonight before we put him in his room." In the background, Blake could hear the nurse telling Gene what to expect after the tube was removed. He was not going to have a good night.

"He's all set, gentlemen," the nurse said before he stepped out the door.

"I'll check to see if they brought the gurney." Max stepped out and returned shortly behind Jared and Takashi, pushing the wheeled bed into the room. It didn't take long for them to move Gene over and tuck him in. They'd just finished when Kameko stepped in, dressed in a doctor's smock and accouterments down to the official badge and stethoscope.

"Let's do this," Blake said as he stepped up to Kameko. "Everything going smoothly?"

"We got word that there has been some chatter out there. I think it's good we're moving him now. The decoy is ready. I'll stay with the patient, just in case anyone figures it out and tries to stop us."

They followed the gurney down several hallways, then paused when the service elevator next to them pinged, and the doors opened. Diablo and Mario stepped out, pushing an almost identical gurney with a "patient" in a full-body cast.

"Damn, looks pretty authentic, guys," Blake said as Diablo and Mario swapped gurneys with Jared.

"Good luck, and we'll see you back at the lab," Max said as Jared and Takashi took the decoy toward patient discharge. Once they were out of sight, Max stepped into the service elevator with the real Gene Barrett and the rest of their team.

When they reached the garage level, the Vipers stepped out first and cleared the area before the others exited. Once they got the okay, they wheeled Smith to a waiting delivery van. Kameko opened the doors and revealed that it was set up like an ambulance on the interior. Within minutes they had Smith secured, and Kameko and Diablo climbed in the back while Mario joined the driver up front.

"We'll see you back at the lab," Mario said.

Max double-checked the door on the truck then gave the driver the sign to go. "That's done. Now we can just hope this works and they have a smooth trip."

"I have faith in them, especially with Carl's team monitoring," Blake said as they walked back to the main elevator. They'd intentionally parked the not so unassuming SUVs where anyone watching would see them. Now that Gene Barrett was on his way and the decoy ambulance had left, they could do the same.

Blake called Jeff as soon as they were buckled in and let him know when he could expect Barrett to be brought in. The drive back was long but fortunately uneventful. Blake wondered if they were being watched but wasn't sure it mattered either way. Jared was driving the decoy ambulance to an exclusive and private rehab center. It would be a logical place to hide Gene and would hopefully throw off anyone who had figured out what they were doing.

And while Jared and company were providing a diversion, Diablo's team had planned for three different vehicle changes between the rural hospital and the Lab. Blake really hoped all the effort paid off.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 7

It was after midnight by the time they were done extricating Gene from his plaster prison. He didn't look well. The time spent in the full body cast hadn't been good for him. His muscles had already atrophied, and his skin looked like he had a disease. Blake knew it would all resolve with some physical therapy and a good cleaning.

"I've told him several times he needs to stop trying to talk and give his throat a chance to heal," Dr. Tanner complained.

"I'm sure he's got a lot to get off his chest. Any problems?" Blake looked around the curtain to see the nurses giving Gene a sponge bath.

"Nah, he'll be weak for a while and probably have some unusual aches and pains. I could give him some spray to help the throat, but I wasn't sure you'd want him talking."

"Thanks, Jeff. I don't mind. I appreciate you coming back in to take care of this."

"No problem. I was beginning to think things would get back to normal and be all boring," Jeff teased.

"Not yet. Guess I should get this over with," Blake winked at Dr. Tanner and stepped around the curtain.

"You fucking bastard!" Gene Barrett, aka Mr. Smith croaked.

"Good to see you too, Gene. The guys will be by in a minute to wheel you down to your new room. Tomorrow we'll get you started with some physical therapy and help you get settled in. Oh, and one more important update, I've assigned a personal coach to look after you and help with your care."

"You can't fucking get away with this! My men will rescue me." Smith's voice was weak enough that Blake had to concentrate to pick up all the words.

"Your men, as we already discussed, are distracted with their own problems. Once you've had a chance to rest, I'll go through the current state of affairs, so you're up to speed."

"Sorry, I came as soon as I got word," Brett said, stepping up behind Dr. Connor.

"Not a problem, I was just telling our new patient about you. Gene, you remember Brett Walker? He's your dedicated coach from now on."

"Hell, no!" Gene tried to shout. Sadly it came out more like a cough.

"Gene? Is that what we're calling him now? Hey, Gene." Brett walked over to the bed and lifted the sheet. "Well, damn. No wonder your old partner was so quick to bend over for me. Bet he was dying for something real."

"Stay away from me!"

"Nah, didn't the doc tell you? You get to see me every day. We're going to be great buds, you and me. I've got all kinds of ideas of how you can kill your time here. You best rest up, so you're ready." Brett completely ignored Gene's sputtering objections and patted Blake on the shoulder as he turned to leave. "Thank you for this," he whispered.

As Brett disappeared behind the curtain, Randy and Beau arrived pushing a wheelchair.

"Ready to move him in?" Randy asked.

"Yeah. But let me introduce you. Gene, I know you've seen them before, but since they'll be helping with your care, I want to introduce you to Randy and Beau. They'll be escorting you to your room. I thought you'd like having Randy - same name and even similar in appearance to your old partner. Sort of poetic, isn't it?"

"You're going to regret this," Gene muttered.

Blake followed them down to the holding cell. It was the same one the Agents had shoved him and Michael into when Smith took over. It had been renovated since with the installation of numerous cameras, new fixtures, and a ninety-five-inch flatscreen behind bullet-proof glass. It took a little away from the picture quality, but at that size, it was hardly noticeable.

Randy and Beau put Gene on the built-in cot and did a quick review of how the toilet and sink combination worked before stepping out and securing the door.

"Go ahead and start the videos," Blake said into his Bluetooth microphone.

["Got it boss,"] Carl replied.

"You're working late."

["It's a momentous occasion, and I didn't trust this to anyone but me,"] Carl's voice rumbled through the earpiece.

Blake peered through the window in the door and saw the screen come to life. There was no way for Gene to avoid it. Images of Josh's deflowering filled the screen, and Blake smiled.

"That's his son, right?" Tiger asked from behind him.

"Sure is. And Josh has been busy enough, we've got several hours of fun to share with dear old dad. We've also got Gene's wife's going away gangbang, without the messy ending, of course."

"Remind me never to get on your bad side," Cotton said.

"Yeah? I think you're safe. Now, Tiger could be in trouble..." Blake teased.

"What? What did I do? I haven't even said anything!" Tiger objected.

"Exactly, but I'm sure we can figure out a way for you to make it up to me." Blake face split into a huge smile as he walked away, not waiting for his stunned guards to catch up.

End Chapter 25

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Next: Chapter 26

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