The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jun 27, 2020


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain bondage, edging, incest, violence, or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 24: Claiming, Copyright 2020 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without the express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 24: Claiming By Tripp Savidge

Dr. Connor | Scene 1

Dr. Connor knocked and waited until he heard a response before opening the door. He stepped in and saw that Walker was still in bed.

"So, it's true?" Dr. Connor asked.

"What is?" Brett didn't bother to open his eyes.

Dr. Connor let out a sigh. "Come on; you've got to work with us. Dmitri said you declined his offer to do your physical therapy in the gym. The nurses said you aren't eating." Dr. Connor walked over to the side table where the dilators were laid out.


"Have you been doing your dilation?" Dr. Connor held up the starter size and couldn't tell if it had been used.

"Fuck... Yes, 'Doctor.'" Walker exaggerated doctor when he said it.

"How are you going to help me if you can't even get out of bed? You've invested a lot of time and workouts to get your body in shape. Don't let the effort go to waste. Atrophy is a real thing."

Walker opened his eyes and glared. "Help you, how?"

"You mean to tell me that the nurses, for once, haven't been gossiping where you could hear?"

"No. But I tend to ignore them. Can't deal with their looks of pity."

Dr. Connor sat in the side chair and smiled as Walker glared even harder. "I have things to tell you. Do you mind?"

"It's your place. Make yourself at home."

"Smith is no longer a thorn in our sides. He's been discredited and placed in my care. The agency has been disbanded and almost all the agents are now either in jail or on parole waiting for their trial date. Well, except for Paul Decker. He works for me now."

"Shit." An almost smile spread on Walker's face, and he sat up, no longer glaring but looking at Dr. Connor with curiosity. "And..."

"You had expressed interest in helping me with Smith, but if you can't even get your ass out of bed..."

"Fuck you. I'll do it. When can we start?"

"You have almost a week to get yourself in shape. Smith, otherwise known as Gene Barrett, is currently secured off-site. We've had to keep him hidden until things die down. Wouldn't do for the local police or state boys to try and put a feather in their hat by capturing the infamous criminal. I'll want to start on him as soon as he's here."

"Criminal? You mind explaining how he went from heading up a government agency to being on a wanted poster?"

"We helped a little. He was already guilty of a lot of crimes; we just made sure the right people had proof."

"So what happens to me and how does that fit with me helping you with Smith? You going to turn me over to the feds now and wash your hands of the inconvenience?"

"That depends on you. I would like your help with Smith. The feds don't want you and would rather I either make you disappear or deal with you myself. I do have a small amount of latitude, so I can offer you this: agree to work for me as one of my employees. You'll be paid and will be allowed a certain amount of freedom while still keeping the police and feds at bay, and you'll get to help me torment Smith."

"Doing what, becoming your resident torturer? And how much freedom?

Dr. Connor could tell he had Walker's attention now.

"No. I don't need you for that. What are you qualified for? As I understand it, you were part of Corsic's personal security force, a hired gun, if you will. I expect you're capable of more. We'll have you complete some tests for interest and skills and go from there. The amount of freedom is based on how well you prove yourself."

"So not really freedom." Walker crossed his arms.

"More than you'd have under any other option. And to offer full transparency, you have a chip inside your skull that makes it impossible to hide." Dr. Connor debated telling Walker what else it could do.

"I'll dig it out, I'm not afraid of pain."

"Not gonna happen." Dr. Connor smiled when he shook his head. "Surgically implanted according to our protocols, not the governments. Not only would it require surgery, but it has to be a surgeon who has been trained on that particular implant process. Oh, and just so you know, if you try to remove it in let's say, 'an unauthorized' medical procedure, a signal is sent and you are immobilized and in a great deal of pain."

"The chips don't do that," Walker argued.

"The Agency chips and most used by the government agencies do not, that is correct. But the chips we use have a number of additional features. Don't worry, you'll become familiar with many of those."

"And say... I refuse to work for you?"

"I don't play games, Mr. Walker. I've been given very clear parameters and the other options aren't your call. I think you can make some educated guesses. You're a very handsome man, you know what our products can do, there are better uses for you than killing you outright."

Walker covered his face with his hands. He was quiet for a while.

"Fuck. Okay then, let's say I play nice and do a good job." Walker's voice had gone very quiet. Enough so that Dr. Connor had to lean in to hear.

"Eventually you'll be able to live off campus. Socialize, start hobbies, just like any other employee. I think it goes without saying that any unsanctioned activity would not be tolerated and would put you back to square one."

"Yeah, figured that."

"I don't expect an immediate answer. I'll give you time to mull it over. The more immediate need is I'd like you to be Smith's jailer when he arrives. You have the unique ability to drive the man mad without trying. You'll coordinate his punishment and be the face he associates with his torment. I'll have Carl and our trainers work with you, so you're not doing it on your own."

"Yeah? What are my limits?"

"We're required to keep him alive and make his torment last for years. We also have to provide recordings of what we do - not everything - but enough to keep them happy. No permanent physical damage. We can fuck up his mind as much as we want."

"This part sounds really appealing. I assume to continue; I'd have to agree to work for you?"

Dr. Connor shrugged. "Of course. Today, we'll be moving you to your own room. It's not palatial, but it is private. We have dorm-type rooms that we use for the test subjects and our employees when needed. You'll have one to yourself. You'll have an extensive library of music, movies, and videos you can stream, and yes that includes porn."

"So a fancier type of cell?"

"No. You can come and go within the facility, use the gym, the recreation rooms, go to the cafeteria for your meals. I'll have someone give you a tour and any of the staff can help direct you if needed."

Walker stared at Dr. Connor without saying anything for a minute. "I don't need to think about it. I'll take the offer."

"I'm glad. Will you work with Dmitri and keep up with your dilation exercises?"

"Ha. Call it like it is, my pussy stretching exercises."

"If you prefer. Are you still sore?"

"Yeah. It's more uncomfortable than painful unless I don't use enough lube, then it hurts like a muther. I gotta say, it's fuckin' weird."

"The sensation of having something inside?"

Walker rolled his eyes. "You think? So can I still take it up the ass?"

"I'd recommend another week at least. While nothing there was changed, the whole area is likely to be sensitive. And if you don't recall the prior conversation, you still have your prostate, you can still cum, and anal shouldn't feel any different," Dr. Connor said.

"Great. I still don't have a fucking dick!"

"No. But that doesn't mean you can't experience pleasure and equally strong orgasms. I'd suggest you explore things when doing your exercises. You have a large enough clitoris you can stroke it with two fingers. I'd recommend using some of the lube and try some different techniques. I think you'll be surprised."

Walker's glare was potent.

"When you're ready," Dr. Connor continued. "I'd be happy to help you."

"What? You want at my ass again? Couldn't forget how good it was?"

Dr. Connor laughed. "I won't lie. Yes, I'd love another chance at your ass. But don't discount how handsome you are. I'm not the only one here who'd be happy to help you with your transition. I would enjoy helping you discover how much pleasure the new parts can bring."

"You into chicks? Cause without a dick, don't think I qualify as a man."

"You are absolutely a man. One hundred percent masculine, regardless of what's between your legs. I'm also pretty sure that once you get back into your fitness routine, no man is going to take advantage of you or have any questions that you are an alpha male. Just because a guy's dick is inside you, doesn't mean you aren't in control."

Dr. Connor felt his tension ease a little when he saw a hint of a smile.

"Thank you, Doc. For doing what you could."

"I'll say it as many times as you need to hear it, I'm sorry this happened. But I and my team are committed to getting you through it. If you need me for anything, just ask. I'll keep you updated on Smith, and in the meantime, you can start thinking of some fun activities for him."

"Ha, wish I had a dick for that," Walker muttered.

"Something to think about, you could use a strap-on. They've improved them a lot and I'll make sure we have some of the best for you to use... if you want. I think you'll like the double sided one that fucks you while you penetrate your partner - even has built in thrust and vibration."

"Yeah, get me one of those."

"Do the exercises; it won't work until you can take something a little bigger."

"Ugh. Fine. When we get to the bigger ones, maybe you can come back and help me?"

"Walker, I'd be glad to."

Walker blushed and his next words were hesitant. "Maybe call me Brett? If I have to start over, I think that would help."

"My pleasure, Brett. Check out your new room and let us know if you need anything. The nurse will be in to prep you when I leave. She'll also give you some sweats until we can get you fitted for some new clothes."

"Thank you, Doc." Brett Walker extended his hand and Dr. Connor took it and shook, then gave a squeeze before leaving the room.

Michael Connor | Scene 2

Michael felt Sean's grip tighten around his hand as the plane made a couple of bumps when the wheels hit the runway.

"We're good. Almost there," Michael said, looking at a very pale Sean in the seat next to him.

"Do you ever get used to it?" Sean muttered.

"Yeah. This was only your second flight, right?" Jose asked. He was seated in one of the captain's chairs facing them.

"Obvious, huh?"

Michael and Jose laughed, and Michael could hear Beau and Mario snickering. Michael turned back to look at Mario.

"What's the plan?"

"Max said there will be a car and driver waiting to take you guys home. Also, be prepared 'cause you're going to have some guards you don't know," Mario said.

"What do you mean?"

"While we were gone, the Board hired a private security team to handle your dad, you, and Joseph. They'll be your guards until the Board decides otherwise."

"Not you?" Michael wasn't happy not having the guys he considered as big brothers - or maybe now, big brothers with benefits.

"Sorry. Max said to tell you to suck it up. You'll live," Mario said.

Michael was not happy with the smile that went along with Mario's words.

"Are you taking me back to my folks' place?" Sean asked.

"That's the plan. Dr. Connor already called your parents and gave them an update, so they're expecting you. They'll take Jose back to the Lab. And you, Mr. Connor, are going back to the house."

"What? It's safe?" Michael was happy not to go back to the apartment but wished he could take Sean and Jose with him.

"It should be. The Agency was disbanded, and Smith is out of the picture. Corsic is also history. But you'll still have the Viper guards - that's the name they go by. Each one of them has a nickname based on a snake."

"That's creepy," Sean said.

"Max said they are very professional and that it's a top-notch private security team. You'll probably have as many as six of them at the house, two for each of you."

"If all the threats are eliminated, why is the Board insisting on these guards?" Michael asked.

"Max said it is because the agents haven't all been dealt with, and they don't want to take chances on retaliation. Don't worry about it, Michael. We'll still be around."

"You think we'll see each other once we're home?" Sean asked.

Michael noticed Jose's worried look and assumed they both were afraid their time was truly over.

"I'll talk to Joseph and Dad. Even if Dad doesn't go for it right away, I'm sure Joey will help me convince him. I'm supposed to work at the Lab over the summer, so I'll at least be close," Michael said.

"Me too, though I really don't know what I'll be doing yet," Sean said.

"I live there, and I'm not normally allowed to leave, so I guess you know where you can find me," Jose joked.

Michael could tell the humor was fake and that Jose wasn't happy with his situation. Michael really couldn't blame him. He hoped to help but didn't want to make promises he couldn't keep.

The chime sounded as the plane came to a stop. Beau and Mario were the first up and indicated for them to stay seated.

"They still have to pull up the stairs, and you're not to exit until the security detail is here," Beau said.

The opening of the hatch was loud in the cabin, and Michael waited nervously. Beau stepped out of sight, and then Mario signaled for them to follow. He was the first down the stairs and looked around quickly, spotting the strange guards right away. They were in black tactical gear and weren't even trying to hide the guns they carried in shoulder holsters.

"I miss the weather on the island already," Sean said from behind him.

"Not that bad for spring here, and it's still sunny," Jose said as he waited for them to move down the stairs so he could follow.

"Holy shit, your dad sent the stretch limo!" Sean exclaimed.


"Might be normal for you Michael Connor, but for us poor, common folk, that's cool." Sean turned and poked Jose.

"Yeah, I think so too," Jose said.

"You ever have sex in the limo?" Sean asked, and Mario let out an uncharacteristic snort. "What? It's a good question."

"No, never had sex in the limo," Michael loudly whispered back as he saw the strange guards looking at him intently.

"Michael Connor?" the blond guard asked.

"Yes, that's me."

"Thought so, you look remarkably like your dad. I'm Tiger and this is Cotton." Tiger was the blond, which meant that the tall guy with a military cut must be Cotton.

"These are my friends, Sean and Jose."

"Nice to have you back. I hope your flight went well," Tiger said.

"If you'll please walk with us to the limo," Cotton said.

Michael turned to Beau, who was standing to the side. "You're not coming with us?"

"No, buddy. We have a car taking us home so we can get cleaned up and be ready for work tomorrow. I'm sure we'll see you again soon."

They were almost to the black stretch limo when Sean leaned in and whispered in Michael's ear.

"Is it just me, or do these guards make you nervous?"

"They're rather intense," Michael whispered back.

"Tiger, why don't you ride in the back, and I'll take shotgun," Cotton said.

"Works for me. Guys, we'll be stopping by the Lab first since it's on the way. Then we'll drop off Mr. Abernathy," Tiger said.

"Okay," Michael replied, climbing into the dark interior and scooting to the far side of the back seat.

"This is cool," Sean said as he got in beside Michael.

Jose sat on the side-facing seat closest to Michael. Tiger crawled in and sat on the other end of the side bench.

"Never been in a limo before?" Tiger asked.

"Not like this. I've looked in some of the fancy party ones. This isn't as glitzy, but it feels more elegant," Sean answered.

"There's still a fancy bar," Jose said, pointing across from him.

"You guys all set?" Cotton's voice came through the sound system.

"Good to go, bud." Tiger sat back but still looked on edge.

"Hey, Jose, check the drawers under the bar and see if there's a notepad and pen," Michael said.

Jose leaned across and started opening drawers until he found a fancy leather notepad and pulled it out along with a pen and handed them to Michael.

"I thought we could share emails and phone numbers," Michael said as he wrote his information on the pad.

"Um... I don't have a phone, and I'm not allowed to access anything outside the Lab," Jose said with a frown.

"That's shitty. Well, I need to be able to reach you. I'll ask Dad. Take my info just in case, okay?"

"Sure." Jose shrugged, but the sad look on his face was killing Michael.

"I don't have a phone either, Michael. Craig took it when he picked me up at school, so the bad guys couldn't trace it. Fuck, I'm going to have to explain that to my folks. Damn, they're gonna shit bricks - that thing was expensive," Sean groaned.

"I'll ask about that too. I'm sure Dad will make sure it's replaced. Here, take this and write down your number and email. Even if you get a new phone, the number stays the same."

Michael watched Sean write out his info and wondered if he needed to write a list for all the stuff he needed to do. Damn, I forgot, they took my phone too. Well, shit, guess I won't forget to ask about that then.

He noticed they were pulling into the underground parking deck and took a deep breath. The car pulled up to a heavy steel door and stopped for a moment while the door slowly raised. Michael knew this was the secured parking area where they always brought him when he came to the Lab. As they pulled up, he saw the elevators ahead and two familiar looking guards. He didn't know their names.

"Looks like we're here. They're waiting to take you in, Jose," Tiger said.

Michael grabbed Jose as he started to exit and pulled him into a hug. "I'll see you again, I promise." He gave Jose a quick kiss, and then Sean leaned forward and kissed Jose as well.

"See ya, guys." Jose climbed out and went straight to the elevators and the waiting guards.

"Fuck, that hurts," Sean muttered.

Michael sat back and took Sean's hand. "Don't worry. We'll figure it out. We were too good together to give up."

"Sorta wish we could have just stayed there. Best fucking week of my life."

"Haha. Yeah, we did a lot of fucking." Michael smiled to himself and turned to look at Sean. "Who knows, maybe we can get Mario and Beau to take us on 'outings.'"

"Fuck." Sean threw himself back in his seat and closed his eyes. "You think your Dad and Joseph would notice if I snuck in with you and didn't go home?"

"Yes, we'd notice," Tiger said. He didn't look at them or even turn in their direction.

Sean gave Michael a freaked out look but didn't say anything.

"Your parents must be going crazy worrying about you," Michael said.

"Doubtful. Though it's been long enough, they might have noticed. But that's only because I wasn't there to do chores. We aren't a TV-type family. Your dad is more attentive and knows more about me than my parents."

"I'm sorry."

"The sooner I get out, the better. That's why this job with your dad is so important. I'll still need loans because my parents already said they're not giving me a cent toward college. And don't say you're sorry. Maybe just appreciate how great you've got it."

"Yeah." Michael wasn't sure what else to say, so he sat quietly while continuing to hold Sean's hand as they drove to his house. It wasn't that far from Michael's, but he could tell as they got closer it was a very different neighborhood than his own.

There wasn't room in the small drive for the limo, so the driver parked in front.

"We're here, Mr. Abernathy." Tiger pointed out the window as if Sean and Michael hadn't already figured it out.

"Good luck, and we'll talk soon, I promise," Michael said, pulling Sean into a kiss.

"Thanks, you too. I want to hear all about this new brother of yours." Sean climbed out, and the driver handed him his backpack. Sean turned and waved as he walked up to the front door and stepped inside out of sight.

The car pulled away, and Michael took another look at his guard. He was a handsome jock-type. His hair was bright blond but not quite platinum, and it was cut in a fade. He had his eyes closed, but the tension in his body was clear.

"How long do you guys have to guard us?"

"Until we're given different orders. We were not given a time-frame."

"If you have to guard all three of us, I'm guessing there are several on your team?"

Tiger sat up and turned to look at Michael. He had light blue eyes.

"We have twelve currently assigned, but there are others with the company we can pull in if needed. Having you guys all in the same place will help - even if it's just when you're sleeping."

"Do you think there is still a threat?" Michael asked.

"Someone must, or we wouldn't be here. Have we seen anything in the few days we've been on the job? No."

They finally reached Michael's house and pulled up in the drive. Michael waited for a signal from Tiger that he could get out.

"Nice. We often don't have clients who are used to security. Thanks for waiting." Tiger opened the door and climbed out then signaled for Michael to exit.

"Welcome home," Cotton said.

"Thanks. Feels sorta weird. It looks normal, but everything has been so crazy lately I'm waiting for someone to jump out of the bushes."

"Don't worry. Those bushes and the full perimeter are clear. We've got you covered," Tiger said, putting his hand on Michael's shoulder to steer him toward the door.

"Just the one bag?" Cotton asked, holding up the resort bag with the clothes they bought on the island.

"That's it." Michael smiled, thinking of how little he wore clothes on their trip. It was strange walking in through the front door; he almost always ended up going in through the garage. Tiger entered first, and he could practically feel Cotton's breath on his neck as the other guard followed him.

"Well, hello blond, buff, and sexy."

Michael heard Joseph's greeting, immediately followed by a snort of amusement from the guard behind him.

"Mr. Connor. We brought Michael home," Tiger answered with a slight squeak in his voice, which Michael found very amusing.

"Hey, brat." Joseph stepped around the blond guard and pulled Michael into a bone-crushing hug.

It felt great. Michael melted into Joseph's arms, relieved to be home. While he was a little taller than Joseph, his father's partner was substantially more muscled. Joseph still had his athletic build from when he was expecting to be a professional soccer player. When Joseph had first come into Michael's life, he had a bit of hero worship.

"So glad you're home," Joseph said quietly.

"Me too. Pretty fucked up, right?" Michael said as he reluctantly released Joseph.

"Oh, don't get me started. Your dad's still at work, and Caden is taking a nap."

Michael thought that was kind of weird, and it must have shown on his face.

"He's still on some low-key sedatives. The kid's been through a helluva lot this past week. Come on, I can fill you in. Hey guys, you gonna stick around? Do you need anything?" Joseph turned toward Cotton and Tiger.

"No sir, we'll check in with the others then be gone. We're both back on duty tomorrow, sorry I can't remember if we're with you or Michael," Cotton said.

"Have a good night, thanks for bringing our man home," Joseph said.

"Have a good one," Tiger said as the two guards left.

Joseph dropped into the corner of the large couch and looked at Michael expectantly. He sat in the other corner so he could face Joseph as they talked.

"Where do you want to start?" Joseph asked.

"Tell me what I missed and then I can tell you about my trip. We can save the Caden stuff for last."

"Deal. So after you guys got out..."

Joseph walked Michael through the events of Smith's increasing interference, the downfall, and disbanding of the Agency all the way up through their new directives. Then turned it back to Michael as he asked for every detail on the week at the new island resort.

"...and that's why you need to help me."

"Um, I need to help you because you had amazing sex in a tropical paradise?" Joseph sat back and crossed his arms.

"No. I mean sorta... Jose and Sean and I just hit it off so well. Like we'd been friends for years. I need your help to make sure we can stay friends. Or, I guess... more?"

"And get together to continue your run of mind-blowing sex," Joseph said.

"That too. Please, Joey. Jose's a test subject and like one step above being a prisoner. Can't you help me convince Dad?"

Michael paused at the look that came over Joseph's face. It wasn't one he'd seen before, and it gave him chills. He'd never in his life thought of Joey as calculating or manipulative - but his eyes said otherwise.

"Hm..." Joseph stared at him for what seemed like forever. "I think we could work out a mutually beneficial solution."

"What does that mean?" Michael was a little worried.

"It means we help each other. I'll help you get what you want, and you help me get what I need. So, you still want to fuck your dad?"

"Whoa! Signal next time if you're going to make a turn like that," Michael said. He took a moment to get his mind to stop spinning. "Yessss."

"Thought so, and honestly, I think it will be good for him. He's carrying too much shit from his old man, and we need to fix that. And... if you're willing to help me with some things, I'm sure I can get your dad to keep Sean and Jose close to you. This 'new' situation with Caden is the perfect opportunity."

"Not sure I see how, but yeah, I'll help you. Is someone going to explain how I have a new little brother? Dad was pretty vague, saying it was a difficult situation and that he'd need my help."

Joseph laughed and Michael couldn't help but smile as things were starting to feel normal again. It struck him as he looked at Joey how handsome he was, and if he hadn't known him since he was little, he'd probably be having all sorts of lustful thoughts. Okay... maybe I'm still having lustful thoughts but...

"Here is what you need to know for now. I'm sure your dad is going to explain all the details so I won't bore you. Caden is Gene Barrett's son - otherwise known as 'Mr. Smith.' Though Dr. Tanner doesn't think Gene's his biological dad - we'll have to wait on that one. Anyway, the muckety- mucks who want revenge conceded that Caden didn't need to pay as dearly for his parents' crimes, but they weren't okay with just letting him go. The compromise is we adopt him and make him our son." Joseph leaned across the couch until he was inches away from Michael and whispered the next part. "But we have to make sure he's raised gay and pretty much a slut."

Michael realized some of their conversation wouldn't be good for Caden to hear, something he'd forgotten.

"That's kinda strange, but that second part would probably be used to describe most of us and certainly me after this week."

"Right, bro. Not an issue for us, but some of the people out there have strange ideas. To make that work, you, your dad, and I need to set an example that shows Caden it is all perfectly normal. That family can show their love in ways that he might not have been shown or even been told are wrong or evil."

The pieces were starting to fall in place, and more importantly, he saw why Joseph thought this helped with his dad. If Caden needed to be okay with being sexually intimate with his dad, then he'd have to see Michael doing the same things. And by extension, he'd probably have to do them with Joseph. Oh, fuck...

Joseph laughed at him as he moved back to his corner of the couch. "I could practically see the gears all sliding into place. So which piece was the shocker? I can only guess."

"That would mean you and I need to..."

"What? I'm that repulsive?" Joseph scowled.

"No. No." Michael paused to try and think of the right words. He thought Joseph was very attractive, but part of him still saw Joey as a big brother and shit, he was his dad's future husband. "But you and Dad are probably going to get married."

"You know Blake and I have an open relationship? We are in no way fucking monogamous. It would never work for either of us. On the other hand, no secrets. But in this case, since it would likely be in front of him, it's not like we'd be hiding it. I think it would turn him on."

"So what you're saying is that I need to start being more affectionate - especially in front of Caden and show him that nothing is off limits?"

"Pretty much. You might want to start slow, so your dad doesn't freak out and ruin it. That might also help Caden adjust. If we build up to full on sex, it won't be so much of a shock. You never answered my question; do you not find me attractive?"

"I think you're very attractive. I just always considered you off limits."

"Well, I can't have you being hesitant. Caden would pick up on that right away, and your dad's going to be enough of a challenge."

"I guess." Michael looked at Joseph and swore he could feel a change in the air. Then he noticed how dark Joey's eyes were, and he felt sort of funny inside. Joseph turned and crawled across the couch. What's with his eyes? The whites are gone, they're all black, Michael thought before Joseph's lips pressed against his own.

Holy fuck, Michael opened to Joseph and found it hard to think as the muscled body pinned him down on the couch. His mouth claiming Michaels and his hands caressing his chest.

"Come to the bedroom with me," Joseph whispered, and Michael followed.

He was aware enough to know this was weird, but at the same time, he was in a hurry to get Joseph's hands on him again. He had no doubts Joseph was a lot more skilled than Sean or Jose and probably Mario and Beau. Would Joseph make him beg?

He paused when Joseph pushed him into his and his dad's bedroom and had only seconds before Joseph was pulling off Michael's tee and unfastening his pants. Michael was naked within seconds and fell back on the bed, ready for whatever Joseph wanted.

"Oh, God," Michael moaned as he watched Joseph strip revealing smooth golden muscles and a body that should be in porn. He didn't have time to think more because Joseph was on top of him, rubbing all those smooth muscles against him as he claimed Michael's mouth.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, Michael. It's going to be great."

Michael wasn't worried about being with Joseph, he was worried about coming way too soon. Joseph's body felt so warm under his hand, and Michael reached down and gripped his ass, squeezing and trying to pull him closer.

Joseph kissed down Michael's chest, then wrapped his arms under his thighs and slowly licked up the underside of his cock. Michael looked down to see Joey between his legs and felt the need course through him.

"Will you fuck me?" Michael asked.

"You want me to?" Joseph licked Michael's balls and then up his shaft again.

"More than anything."

Joseph smiled, his eyes still black, and took Michael into his mouth. He sucked and licked until Michael was completely engulfed. He slowly slid off with a pop. "Don't worry, I have every intention of fucking you... once I'm done playing."


Joseph took him back into his throat again, and Michael lay back, closing his eyes. Michael knew something was strange about this, but he didn't care. He'd never tell a living soul, but he'd always wanted Joseph, and now, finally, it was happening. He couldn't ever remember wanting to be fucked so badly in his life. Even at the resort, it was never this overwhelming.

Michael gasped as a slick finger slid inside him, and the suction increased on his cock. He was so close. If Joseph hits that spot, I'm done, he thought, and then it happened. Joseph didn't just hit the spot, he hammered it with his finger while he sucked.

"I'm gonna... UGH!" Michael cried out as the orgasm crashed over him. Joseph continued to pummel his prostate and suck. It was too much, and Michael heard his own whimpers.

"Mm... you taste as good as your dad. See, I gotta make this so good you'll keep coming back to me for more." Joseph released Michael's oversensitive cock and kissed up his body, teasingly biting his nipples before kissing him and letting Michael taste his cum on Joey's tongue.

"Thought you were going to fuck me," Michael said when Joseph released his mouth.

"I am. Turn over for me."

Michael turned over and spread his legs, wrapping his arms around the pillow to muffle the cries he knew were coming.

"Mm, tasty." Joseph licked up Michael's crack before burying his face between his glutes and driving his tongue into Michael's pucker. He gripped Michael's cheeks and ravaged his hole.

"Fuck," Michael moaned. "Want you to fuck me so bad..."

"Mm-hm." Joseph didn't stop but did add a slick finger, sliding inside and finding Michael's prostate.

"Oh, God!" Michael thought he was going to lift off the bed, but Joseph had him firmly pinned. He buried his face in the pillow as he felt another finger slide inside, then a third. He lifted to meet Joseph's fingers. He wanted more, and then Joseph pulled back.

"Now, you're ready."

Michael heard Joseph pump the lube bottle, then the warm flesh of his cock pressed against his opening.

"Yes, please. Give it to me, Joey."

"Nice." Joseph slid in so slowly that Michael wanted to whimper.

After a week of almost constant sex, Michael had no trouble taking Joseph with only the slightest burn as he was stretched open.

"You've got a great ass, Michael, just like your dad's. I might have to fuck you every day just to get my fill."

"God, yes!" Michael couldn't believe he'd said that. No wonder Sean and Jose talked about how good Joseph was. Joseph started fucking harder and deeper, and Michael felt the press of his body against his back, Joseph's breath on the back of his neck.

"Such a good fuck, Michael. I'll take good care of you, make sure you get as much cock as you want. Bet now that you've had Beau and Mario, you want a taste of the other guys, right?"

Michael was afraid to answer. Yes, he wanted them all to fuck him, but if he said that...

"Don't worry, baby. We'll get you mounted on your daddy first. Then we can worry about the other guys."

Michael grabbed onto one of Joseph's arms and pulled it under him, so he was being hugged. How had he not begged Joseph for this sooner? He could feel his orgasm building deep in his gut as Joseph managed to hit that spot just right, and he was moving enough that his cock was stroked with each thrust against the bed.

"I'm going to breed your ass, Michael. Fill you with my spunk so you smell like me."

Michael tried to respond, but words wouldn't come only moans of pleasure. He was so close and lost in the overwhelming sensations. He came hard as Joseph sped up and fucked him into the mattress. Michael could swear he felt the heat of Joseph's load filling him.

Joseph let his weight rest on Michael and kissed along his neck and shoulder. "No reason to ever be nervous around me again. Can't wait until your dad watches me fuck your pretty ass."

"Mmm." Michael whimpered when Joseph pulled out, leaving him feeling empty.

"Roll over for me."

Michael did and watched as Joseph straddled his chest, pressing his cum- slicked cock against his lips. Michael opened and sucked Joseph in, savoring the taste of his seed and trying to commit it to memory.

"You look so handsome with your lips wrapped around my cock, Michael. We'll have to do this more often."


"Sadly, we need to take a break for now. Why don't you take a quick shower before your dad gets home."

Michael wanted to complain when Joseph pulled away, but he wasn't quite ready for his dad to find him this way. Joseph started stripping the bed while Michael climbed off.

"That was..."

Joseph came over to Michael and kissed him. "Awesome. We're going to be great fuck buddies, Michael."

"Yeah..." Michael nodded and grabbed his clothes, still feeling...strange. He felt like he was in a sex haze and was tempted to try and entice Joey into another go. He watched the golden muscles flex as Joseph pulled off the cum soaked sheets and wondered if he'd ever get the chance at Joseph's ass. Michael found himself already fantasizing about burying his face between those golden globes.

"Shower, Michael." Joey didn't even look up as he gave his reminder.

Michael stepped into the hall and let out a squeak as he ran into someone.

"Sorry," a soft voice said. "I didn't see you... um..." The twink's eyes trailed over Michael's body, landing on his still hard cock. His tongue came out and licked along his lips.

"My fault. I wasn't paying attention. Guess this is an awkward first meeting. I'm Michael and I'm guessing you must be Caden?"

"Yeah." Caden's eyes stayed on Michael's cock for a moment longer then jumped to his eyes as his face flushed in embarrassment.

"I'm kind of a mess at the moment, so I'm headed to take a shower. Do you like to game?"


"Cool, why don't you go set up, and I'll join you in a few, and we can play until dinner."

"You'd play with me?" Caden seemed surprised.

"Sure. We all love to play, but everyone has their favorites. Well, Dad doesn't so much, but all the other guys will. Pick whichever one you want, and I'll join you." Michael didn't wait for a response before heading to the bath. He was pretty sure Caden watched his bare ass leave.

Huh, this isn't going to be so bad after all. He's cute and the way he was checking me out... oh yeah, Michael thought to himself as he turned on the shower. I wonder if he heard us? Shit, we didn't close the door, did he watch? Nah, he wasn't blushing enough for that. Maybe next time Joey and I can make sure he has a show.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 3 The door was open but Dr. Connor knocked anyway to announce his presence. David seemed to be concentrating and hadn't looked up from his screen.

"Hey, Blake...what can I do for you?"

"Do you have a minute? With things finally starting to get back to normal, I wanted to check in."

"Of course. What can I tell you? We've tried to keep everyone on as normal a schedule as possible."

"Maybe a quick run-through? I've not given them a lot of attention, so I'm woefully out of touch with the progress of our newest test subjects." Dr. Connor sat in one of David's guest chairs and got comfortable.

"Sure, give me a second, and I'll pull up their profiles. You okay if I start with the milkers?" David continued to stare at his monitor while clicking away on the keyboard.

"That's fine."

"Overall, their semen production has at least doubled, and Jeremy is almost at three times his original volume. I'll continue with Jeremy, our fighter. He's calmed a good bit and hasn't put up any kind of struggle since we pulled Mitchell out. That seemed to have scared him into line. He's cooperative but not an enthusiastic participant. We've found he does best in the sling where he can just lay there and take dick. Pretty sure the psych team would say he's been broken."

"He doing okay on training?" Dr. Connor asked.

"All of them have completed their training. He knows what to do, he just doesn't try."

"Well then, I guess it's good that he's a good producer."

"He's giving us between ten and fifteen loads a day," David said.

"Maybe he's just worn out," Dr. Connor joked.

"Austin, our nipple slut is also doing well. But we've noticed a cognitive decline. He's cooperative and the nipple enlargement Dr. Wakahisa's been doing has worked remarkably well. His nipples are now as big as the last joint of my thumb." David held up his hand to demonstrate.

"When you say he's declined, what do you mean?"

"No interests outside of sex. We've at least got him reading and watching porn. We haven't used Blue on him, but his reactions are similar to someone who's been on it too long."

"It happens, anyone else having that reaction?"

"Fortunately, no. James and Carlos are as bright as ever. Both are extremely popular with the staff and their former teammates. When they're not being milked, we have them helping out as training partners. Though, to be honest, we get enough requests we could keep them busy every night. The only other one from the last intakes is Aaron. Fuck. The body is awesome, the personality is awful. His production is fine, but the only way to get anyone to use him is to strap him down and use a gag. We've found a good spider gag that at least keeps his mouth useful."

"I take it that his teammates haven't forgiven him?"

David snorted. "No but Aaron hasn't helped things. He still takes no responsibility and shows no remorse. I thought maybe the gangbang would have woken him up. But no such luck. That's why we need the gag, he gets them so worked up I'm afraid they'll hurt him. And can't say I blame them. On the plus side, he has a gorgeous ass and flawless skin so we can still use him."

"As long as he can't talk. I get it. A meaty bodybuilder is always popular, and he's got a nice dick, it's too bad he's so nasty. Have you tried any of the drugs on him to see if that helps mellow him out?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Even on Blue, he still manages to insult everyone and piss them off." David frowned.

"Turn him over to Carl. Maybe he can salvage something from Aaron."

"Speaking of Carl, Mitchell has become a good pup. We have him helping with training since he's now exceptional at following orders. Carl turned him into a total sub, and I haven't seen him show any hint of reverting."

"Anything else noteworthy?"

"The vast majority are model subjects. Now that Adam and Mal Chin have finally broken, I don't have any from that crew resisting or giving trouble. So you know we're now using Adam and Mal Chin as our primary subjects for testing the new bait. While I think we have the formula nailed, we want to make sure. It also means our two hold outs are getting plenty of action."

"Strike while the iron is hot, right?" Dr. Connor laughed.

"Ben and Brice are slowly catching up. They've both pretty much mastered Lesson One, so we're moving on to cleanliness and rimming today. We aren't putting them in any other classes so we can get their sex skills ramped up. All the others are into advanced techniques and toys. We've also got the rest of the subjects in some of the college level classes or vocational training depending on how they scored."

"That's good. Jose should be back by now too."

"I was going to ask you about him. I'm kinda worried - he looks like he lost his best friend. Something go wrong?"

"I don't think so, but I'll look into it. How are Sheriff Buddy and Coach Scott?"

"It has been a while hasn't it? Scott's become very cooperative and has been a regular for a number of the guards and trainers. Buddy's a bit like Aaron, he'll take it but complains a lot."

"Assign him a handler and start booking him. Preferably gangbangs. Give him a Blue for the first few, and maybe we can start making some money from him."

"Great. I'll be glad too. I think that's about it except that Ced has submitted an official request for Nick. He hasn't mentioned it to Nick because he didn't want to get his hopes up."

"As long as he's willing for Nick to continue the program, I'm fine with that. We'll have to find Peter a new roommate."

"You mean for when he's not with Max? And how often will that be?" David asked.

"Haha. Yeah, good question. I'll poke Max and see if he just wants to make it official."

"Let me know."

"Thanks, David. Only heads up I have is that I need you and Carl to work with Brett Walker to help him come up with a plan for Mr. Smith. We'll be bringing in Barrett in less than a week, and I've asked Brett to be the face-off. Just his existence pisses off Barrett."

"We can do that, but you reminded me that I didn't mention Bradley, he's taking dick like a pro now. Pretty sure whatever mental barriers were holding him back have snapped. He may have fought it at first, but that's one horny gay boy."

"I thought so. We just brought his dad in as well. He's suffering from the side effects of black-market Blue and his attack. But from the pieces I've seen, I'm betting he's at least had some attraction to men before."

"We going to exploit that?"

"Most definitely. And thank you again for keeping Josh occupied. I have some plans, but right now there are so many things happening at once, I can't."

"I've been setting him up for all the test subjects for now. Not all at once," David held up his hands and laughed. "Just a few at a time."

"What about Toby? I know he's pretty new."

"That kid is smart as a whip and honestly, pretty nice. I'm not sure what you want done with him. While he was clean at intake, the interview shows history of experimenting, so he's not a good candidate for testing. Blythe thinks the kid is smart enough he got bored," David said. "We had started him on blowjobs, but with the death of his mom, we're giving him some time off. Blythe is meeting with him every day to help him through."

"I like him, and while he made some dumb choices, I hate to waste a good one. Let me talk to Max and Joseph and see if we can't come up with something."

"You thinking maybe rent-boy? He's pretty enough."

"No, if he's as smart as you say, that wouldn't be a good fit. Though I think it would work for Bradley. I'm assuming since he was the one buying at the 'drug deal' he's not good as a test subject either," Dr. Connor said.

"Correct. He comes across as your stereotypical country club rich kid. Not especially smart, but thinks he shits gold."

"Not surprised, except his father doesn't give that vibe. But then again, who knows what the home life was like."

"Any special instructions for any of the other guys?"

"Michael should be starting tomorrow. I want him to see and understand what we do here, and like any other employee, he needs trained on the basics."

"Can I get something in writing for the trainers? They won't touch your son otherwise.'

Dr. Connor laughed. "Sure. I'll enter it on his profile myself. And thinking of that, Sean is starting as well. I don't think you've met him but he's a great kid and has been doing some 'jobs' for me over the last couple of years. He's the one Smith was after that went to the island with Michael."

"I've heard some of the Black Guard talk about him. They sounded...protective of him, if I picked up right," David said.

"Yeah, they are. He has a way of getting under your skin. He gets the basic training too, though I doubt he needs it. If you need anything, I shouldn't be so hard to reach now."

"Good to know. Take care Blake."

Dr. Connor smiled and walked back to his office, greeting Claire then sitting at this desk and getting back to actually running his business. He knew there was a backlog of client requests and updates that required his personal touch.

When it was time to head home, and Claire announced she was gone for the day, Blake couldn't help but sit back and smile. The afternoon had been totally mundane and boring. He was almost giddy.

When the driver pulled into his house, Dr. Connor reminded himself to be patient as the Vipers got out and checked things before allowing him to exit the armored SUV. When they finally got him into the house, he felt a new wave of anxiety. He could hear Craig and Stephen's voices.

Blake stepped into the great room holding his breath. Craig and Stephen both stood and turned toward him. He bit back a cry as their faces were still bruised and puffy.

"Oh, my God." Blake clenched his fists. Smith was so lucky he was out of reach at the moment and if his wife weren't already dead...

Craig grabbed Blake and hugged him, burying his face in Blake's neck. "It's okay, I might be a little colorful, but I'm fine."

"I am so damned sorry." Blake wrapped himself around Craig and noticed Stephen there also, opening his arm he pulled him in as well. "I never meant for you to get hurt. I am so fucking sorry."

"Hey. We're just fine. Nothing a little time won't fix," Stephen said.

"But it never should have happened."

"You can't control every variable or be everywhere at once. Shit happens. We came through okay and don't forget, we won," Craig said.

"I love you both so much."

"Yeah, well I'm not going to let you lock them up to keep them safe," Joseph said.

"It would be for their own good," Blake said, turning to give a weak smile to his man.

"Uh-huh, come in and sit down. I ordered food to be delivered, and it should be here in about thirty minutes."

"Michael's not home?" Blake asked as he looked around for his son.

"He's out by the pool with Caden."

"And?" Blake prompted.

"They hit it off right away," Joseph said.

"So who's Caden?" Craig asked.

"The younger son of Gene and Susan Barrett. Though we've got doubts that Gene's his biological father." Seeing both Craig and Stephen tense, Blake continued on. "He wasn't involved in any of their schemes-didn't know a thing about what was going on. Joey and I are going to adopt him eventually. For now, I'm his foster parent."

"Shit, you don't waste any time," Craig said.

"Think of it from his perspective; he lost both parents and a brother, his house and everything he owned is gone. He also learned there were several contracts out on his life. Which Blake got cancelled," Joseph said.

"Damn. And you're sure he didn't know anything?" Stephen asked.

"Blythe did an interrogation using the drugs. We're sure. There is one complication. The victims still wanted some form of punishment."

"Like?" Craig asked.

Blake shared a look with Joseph. "There's not a nice way to say it."

"We have to turn him into a slut and film it so we have proof," Joseph said, jumping in.

"Okay then..." Stephen looked at Craig and shrugged.

"A rather strange punishment, maybe?" Craig said.

"It's mainly a punishment for Smith, and I'm afraid the people he pissed off are powerful enough to ask for whatever they wanted. We thought we got a win with this compromise." Blake stopped when he heard the door to the deck open and saw Michael and Caden coming through.

"Dad!" Michael ran up to Blake and hugged him tight before wrapping his arms around his father and pressing their lips together.

Blake froze as Michael kissed him on the lips, something Michael hadn't done since he was a toddler. Then he felt Michael's hand cup his balls before gripping his dick through his jeans.

"Michael," Blake growled in warning.

"Shhh... Caden's watching," Michael whispered in Blake's ear before biting his lobe. "Have to set a good example."

Blake tried to steady his breathing as Michael practically stroked his now very hard cock.

"I really missed you, Daddy. It's been so long," Michael said.

"Glad to have you home." Blake subtly tried to separate from Michael and fortunately his son took the hint and stepped back but kept his arm around Blake's waist.

"How was the pool?" Joseph asked.

"It was awesome. Must be nice to have your own that you can use whenever you want," Caden said.

"Well, it's yours now too. The new place is going to have an even bigger one, though I don't know if it will be done when we move in," Blake responded.

"Bigger?" Michael asked.

"I wanted one that had a zero entry and also had a deep end for diving," Joseph said.

"And he wanted a hot tub that could handle at least ten men," Blake added.

"I'm still not sure that's big enough, but they wouldn't let me go bigger, said it wouldn't work as well." Joseph frowned. "Oh, that reminds me. Caden, you and I have an appointment to go furniture shopping tomorrow. We need to pick out stuff for your new room."

"But I have a room..."

"You do. But we want you to pick out your own furniture and how the room will be decorated. We want it to be special," Blake said.

"It's cool, Caden. I got to pick out all new stuff too. You'll have fun, and Joey's a great shopping buddy."

"Sir, delivery vehicle just pulled up. Is the food paid for already?"

"I already paid and took care of the tip," Joseph said.

"If you don't mind, we'll take possession of the delivery and bring it in."

"That's fine," Blake said.

"Well, good, I'm hungry." Joseph gestured for them to go to the dining room. "Boys, maybe put on some more clothes before we eat."

"I thought you liked me in my speedo," Michael teased.

"I do, but we're pretending to have manners, so Caden doesn't think we're all cavemen." Joseph laughed.

Dr. Blake Connor | Scene 4

Blake closed the dishwasher and turned to Joseph. "You wouldn't have any ideas about what was up with Michael, would you?"

"He seemed fine to me. Though he did talk to me about Jose and Sean. He'd really like to keep seeing them. He wants me to convince you that Jose needs his life back." Joseph wiped down the counter without looking at Blake.

"I meant, the kissing and groping thing. But I've already decided to make some changes for Jose. I sent a note to Carl earlier to get him back on the grid so we can reintegrate him." Blake wasn't surprised Michael had hit it off with the other two, which made his plans for them all the better.

"Michael was just setting an example for Caden. What makes you think something was off? I mean, if we expect Caden to accept being physical with us, seeing Michael do the same is only logical."

"Fuck. You told him to, didn't you?" Blake accused.

Joseph turned and pressed himself against Blake, kissing him, then tugging at his lower lip with his teeth. "While I don't mind putting on a show, he needs to see you with Michael. We talked about that, but I certainly didn't give him detailed instructions. I thought he kept it pretty low key."

Blake growled. "You know I'm not okay with that."

"Suck it up, sugarplum. If you want this to work with Caden, then we all have to make sacrifices."

"Sacrifices? What sacrifice are you making?" Blake clenched his fists and did his best to glare even while Joseph slid down his zipper and pulled him out.

"I'm going to have to have sex with my man's son, probably in front of everyone. I'll have to pretend that he turns me on and act like we've been doing things for years. You know you're the only man for me. How could you think I'd so easily have sex with someone else?"

"Fuck, really? You managed to get that whole thing out with a straight face?"

"Mm-hm." Joseph now had his hand wrapped around Blake's shaft stroking him.

"Stop it. They might see." Blake tried unsuccessfully to push Joseph back.

"Isn't that the idea? I made sure Caden got his supplement with his vitamins this morning, and I gave him the tube of stim cream and explained how to apply it."

"How'd you explain that one?" Blake gave up trying to get Joseph to let go.

"I told him the doctors said he had some irritation on his butt-hole and that they prescribed it for him." Joseph shrugged and finally stopped stroking him before tucking his cock away.

"We need to make sure to leave some lube in his room and tell him why. I don't want him to rub his dick raw or hurt his ass. No way he can hold out on fingering himself... maybe a couple of days at most before he'll have to have something in there."

"Such a good daddy." Joseph gave Blake a quick kiss. "I think we need to get him to try on the clothes I picked up. I had to guess at size so got a variety. You feeling any better now that you've seen Craig and Stephen?"

"Yes and no. Smith's lucky he's not close by. He is going to pay for what he did to them."

"Pretty sure, he was going to pay regardless. I'm thinking maybe strap him in the kneeler and let the guys all take a turn. Work out some of their frustrations and let Smith know what it's like," Joseph said.

"I was planning that anyway, and I think I'll let him watch while they do the same to Josh."

"Okay, enough depressing shit. Let's get Caden to try stuff on."

Blake followed Joseph back into the great room where Michael and Caden were gaming.

"Guys, can you pause and save your game. We need Caden to try on some clothes," Blake said.

Caden looked up and gave him a nervous look.

"You can't live in sweats forever." Blake sat across from them while Joseph went to get the bags of clothing he'd picked up.

"You want me to leave?" Michael asked.

"No, I think you should stay and help out. I'm sure Caden would value your opinion a lot more than ours."

"That okay with you?" Michael turned to Caden and gave him a playful punch in the arm.

"Sure." Caden smiled briefly but still looked uneasy.

"Okay, so I've got all kinds of things for you." Joseph walked in with bags bulging on both arms. "We'll start with the boring stuff. You can get undressed."

"Here?" Caden squeaked.

"Yeah. We're all guys here, and besides that, we're family," Joseph said without even looking at Caden. He was busy pulling stuff out of the bags. "We'll leave tags on until we decide what we're keeping."

Caden pulled off the shirt he'd been wearing but stopped before tugging off the sweat pants. "Uhm... I don't have underwear."

"That's okay. You don't need underwear, it's more fun to go commando anyway," Blake said, making sure he kept a casual tone.

"He'll need underwear for some occasions. I'll put in an order once I know his size. Well go ahead, Caden, sweatpants too." Joseph held out a pair of khakis and a button-down shirt.

"But..." Caden reluctantly slid the sweats off then stood with his hands covering his junk.

"Oh, Son, that will never do. Handsome young man like you should never hide. You've got nothing to be embarrassed about; we want you to be proud of your body," Blake said.

"Here, try these first." Joseph handed him the pants first.

Once Caden had them on, he turned and they all agreed the pants were too large. Fortunately, Joseph had purchased multiple sizes of each. One size smaller was perfect, and they moved on to the other clothes. Selecting a couple pairs of chinos and several coordinating shirts before they moved onto jeans, which Caden thought were too snug.

"I think they look great. What do you think, Michael?"

"Hot, dude. Seriously, makes your ass look great, and you can even see the outline of your dick," Michael said.

"But that's not good. I don't want people to see my stuff!"

"Sure you do. No one can appreciate that monster you've got if you hide it away, right, Dad?"

"I agree with Michael; I think the jeans fit perfectly. Joseph, get those in every color and maybe a couple more in that color." Blake had to agree that Caden looked good and no way that every girl and gay boy wouldn't be checking him out. Probably a good number of men too.

"Okay, now for some casual stuff for around home." Joseph tossed a tee and some shorts to Caden. He'd finally gotten over trying to hide his junk and pulled them on before turning so they could see.

"Come here a second," Blake said. He pulled Caden close, then slid his hand up his thigh and through one of the leg holes. It was too snug for his hand to go farther. He then ran his hands over Caden's chest.

"I think we want to go up a size on the shorts and down a size on the t- shirt."

"They're not too big, but they are really short," Caden said showing he could still get a couple fingers inside the waistband.

"Humor me, son." Blake unfastened the skimpy shorts and slid them off before helping Caden with the shirt.

He struggled a little getting the thin t-shirt pulled on then fastened the shorts. They were still tight enough not to fall off, but when Blake slid his hand in the leg and over Caden's ass cheek, he knew these were better. He gave a squeeze then let his fingers trail down Caden's crack, teasing over his tender rosebud.

"Ohhhh," Caden moaned.

"Much better. Now turn and let me see." Blake straightened the tee and then ran his thumbs over Caden's nipples making them pebble until they visibly showed through the fabric. "That's better too, I like to see when they're hard."

"But Dr. Connor, the shorts are so short and loose that my thing is going to stick out," Caden complained.

"Remember what we agreed? You can call me Blake until you're ready to call me Daddy. And we don't call it a thing. I prefer you call it a dick or cock, and if you can't, then at least call it a penis. And you are very blessed, Caden. Nothing wrong with it coming out to be seen now and again."

"But." Caden looked down in horror as his cock stiffened and poked out through the leg hole, showing several inches.

Blake didn't hesitate to reach out and give it a playful stroke before tucking it back in and to the side. "See, you can adjust yourself if it bothers you too much, but personally I'd rather see so I know when I need to take care of my boy."

"Take care of me?" Caden gasped.

"Not until you're ready, but it's your family's job to help you out when you get uncomfortable. I promise it's perfectly normal even if that's not what you've been told."

"He's right, Caden. Daddy and Joseph have been taking care of me since I was little. I don't have to be afraid to show them when I'm hard and need attention. You just have to let us know when you're ready. Personally, I prefer when they suck me off, but hands work too if you want to work up to that," Michael explained.

"Suck me? You mean like a blowjob?" Caden sounded horrified and excited at the same time.

"Sure, Caden. How else would we help you?" Joseph asked.

Blake watched for a reaction and felt himself relax when Caden responded with embarrassment and maybe confusion. They'd just have to take it slow and ease him into things. While Blake wasn't happy about the Michael angle, he could see how it would move Caden in the right direction.

"Now for some sleepwear," Joseph pulled out some black satin briefs and a matching spaghetti strap tank. Blake knew that both the shorts and the sleepwear had come from the girl's department, but they weren't going to mention that and they were "boyish." While the panties didn't have a pouch, they were square cut, so it wasn't obvious.

"Wow, I like those. You should check to see if they have them in my size, Joey," Michael said.

Joseph rolled his eyes but didn't say anything more. Caden pulled them on, and they all "oohed and awed" over how good he looked.

"Well that's enough for today. Eventually I'll take you shopping for some suits and a few things to round out what we got. This other stuff that didn't fit, I'll return." Joseph gathered up the other discards and began folding.

"But you'll order me some underwear, right?" Caden asked.

"Sure. I already know exactly what to get. You'll look so good. But you'll only need them for special occasions, like maybe school or when we're going somewhere fancy." Joseph gave him a big smile, and Caden seemed to accept the decision.

Once Joseph had all the returns bagged, he and Blake took the clothing they were keeping to Caden's room while Michael and Caden resumed their game.

"That went well," Joseph laid out the clothes and began folding them so he could put them in the dresser.

Blake sat on the bed and helped fold. "It did. That low-dose Blue in his system is probably making it hard for him to think. We just have to take it slow and make sure he's the one to initiate."

"How long before it's safe for me to take him on outings?" Joseph asked as he started putting the clothes away.

"I'd wait a couple more days. While Anna Louise said the contracts were cancelled, I'd like to give time for the word to spread. And don't forget, we have a date tomorrow night."

"I won't. I already asked Michael if he'd be willing to hang out at the house with Caden. I told him it was okay to invite friends over. He'd really like to see his friend Taylor. They haven't talked since the Agency pulled Michael out of school."

"Awwww. We won't be here if his dad drops him off." Blake fake pouted.

Joseph laughed. "You could just call him, you know. Schedule a follow-up appointment to check on his progress."

"The only problem Jon Rickle had was likely his wife. He didn't have any trouble with us."

Joseph paused and stared up at the ceiling. "Hm. That's true. But a good doctor verifies."

"Maybe next week." Blake handed Joseph the stack of t-shirts. "Question, I've been trying to figure out what to do with Toby. With his mother being killed he's now an orphan like Caden. I talked to David, and he said he's not an ideal test subject since he has tried some of the drugs he dealt. David also said he's too smart to waste."

Joseph sat on the bed beside Blake. "What are you thinking?"

"I'd like you to talk to him and get your take. If you think he's worth the investment, I was thinking about having him assigned to me as his foster parent. He wouldn't have long in the system, but from the tests, he's a bit behind education-wise. Maybe send him to the same school we use for Caden. Claire said she's found a very prestigious private academy close to the new house. I've already got Carl's team investigating them."

"Are you thinking of him living with us?" Joseph asked.

"Only if you're okay with it and not until we move to the new house."

"Guys! I need every one in the hall bathroom now!" the Viper guard yelled.

Blake grabbed Joseph's hand and stepped into the hall where Taipan turned him to the bath and pushed them in. When he and Joseph stepped inside a nervous-looking Michael and Caden were already there. The guard pulled the door shut behind them with an ominous thud. Blake turned and locked it.

"Dad, what's going on?" Michael asked.

"I have no idea. Did you hear or see anything? Did the guard explain?"

"No, but Caden said he was talking to himself right before he grabbed us and dragged us down the hallway," Michael explained.

"Well, let's get comfortable as we can. Michael, get in the tub, and then I'll climb in with you. Blake, you and Caden take the floor," Joseph said.

Blake sat in the corner with his back up against the tub and lifted his hands to Caden. "Come on, buddy. You can sit in my lap." He could see Caden trembling, and his eyes were like saucers. Once Caden was in his lap, he pulled him close and wrapped his arms under Caden's hugging him.

"It's going to be okay; I've got you," Blake whispered.

"I thought they cleared the place," Michael said.

"They did. But that doesn't stop a new threat from coming later," Blake said trying to keep his voice quiet.

"Are they the ones trying to kill me?" Caden's voice cracked.

"I doubt it very much, and it's pointless to guess without more information. We'll just sit tight and let the Vipers handle it, but we'll need to be as quiet as we can." Blake buried his face in Caden's brown curls and inhaled. Their new family member relaxed in his arms much faster than he would have expected. He looked over at Michael and Joseph to see them both with their phones out, snuggled together like it was nothing unusual.

Twenty minutes later, Blake thought he was going to lose the use of his legs. Cuddling for a little was nice, but Caden was almost a full-grown man and after a while, heavy as fuck. He shifted to get more blood flowing and glanced up when he heard footsteps outside in the hall. He listened closer and heard multiple sirens in the distance.

Knock, Knock. "All clear, but please hold tight for a few more minutes."

Blake wasn't sure, but he thought it sounded like Cobra. He glanced at Joey and gave his best attempt at a smile. Joseph's response was a bright smile that warmed Blake inside. Joey gave a pointed glance at Caden drawing Blake's attention.

The sirens grew much louder, and Caden startled awake.

"What?" Caden rasped.

"Shhhh. It's okay. Just a few more minutes," Blake assured him.

It wasn't long before another knock sounded at the door. "All clear, you can come out."

Joseph was the first up and unlocked the door stepping outside. Michael helped Caden stand then gave Blake a hand.

"Can you distract Caden while I talk to the guards?" Blake whispered to Michael.

"Sure, just make sure to tell me later, okay?"

Blake nodded and followed the others out the door.

"Come on, Caden, let's start our game back up," Michael took Caden's hand, pulling him back to the couch in the great room.

Cobra, the leader of the Vipers stood quietly until the boys were distracted.

"Everyone okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, we're fine. What happened?" Blake asked, wrapping an arm around Joseph.

"Four ex-agents. Guess they were hoping to keep you from testifying. They're no longer a threat. The feds showed up and accompanied them on their ride to the hospital," Cobra explained.

"So they're still alive?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, not in great shape, but they'll probably all make it. We didn't go for kill shots after we saw what amateurs they were." Cobra shook his head as if he found the situation distasteful.

"But they were agents, right?" Joseph clarified.

"Yeah, no question. But I'm not going to sleep as well knowing how poorly trained and prepared our government's agents are," Cobra said.

"If it helps, the Agency was supposed to be 'administrative' and not involved in any combat or conflict situations. They're glorified paper pushers with a license to carry," Blake explained.

"Well, they should at least be trained on how to use their weapons." Cobra huffed and relaxed a little.

"Thank you for protecting us," Blake said.

"That's why we're here. You guys take care, and we'll finish up with the feds. They may want to confirm a few things with you, but it shouldn't take long."

Taipan stepped back inside the door as Cobra exited. He gave a wave and then stood at attention.

"How many more do you think are still out there?" Joseph asked quietly.

"She didn't tell me. I know they're working to round up the stragglers."

"I think I'll wait to take Caden out until they're sure they got them all." Joseph turned and looked back at Michael and Caden laughing and yelling as they played.

"You've got guards, and I'm sure if you wanted, a couple of our guys would go with you too. As friends." Blake wrapped his arms around Joey and kissed the back of his neck.

"I love you, baby. Please don't be afraid. We've got more protection than ever."


Peter | Scene 5

Peter gave a warning knock then opened the door to the room he shared with Nick.

"Sorry I'm late, the chef had me doing extra sous cheffing to help with tonight's meal," Peter called out before he got the door completely open. He froze when he saw Nick.

"What the hell?" Peter blurted.

"What do you think?" Nick brushed the lapels of the dark blue suit and did a turn.

Peter still felt stunned. Nick looked amazing. The suit fit perfectly, and he had it paired with a crisp white shirt, colorful tie, and oxblood shoes. "Wow."

"I know, right? I haven't worn a suit since my Uncle Jack's funeral. I think I was twelve."

"Why are you in a suit, and how did you get..." Peter gave a head to toe wave.

"Oh, Ced, of course. He's taking me out to dinner and the theater-not movie."

"You mean out, out?"

Nick nodded as a huge smile lit his face. "It's a date. Ced said he wanted to show me how special I was."

"But we're not allowed outside the grounds!" Peter didn't want Nick to get in trouble. "But dude lose the man bun, that's like the ultimate cockblocker."

"Ced got permission, Peter, it's okay. I thought it looked more formal if I pulled it up."

"Didn't you tell me that Ced loves to play with your curls?" Peter asked.


"Well then. And congratulations on the date. He must be really into you." Peter closed the door and then noticed a decent sized box on his bed.

"Oh, that was delivered just a bit ago. And yeah, I hope Ced likes me as much as I like him. I know it seems soon, but I really think he's the one for me, you know?" Nick ran his fingers through his curls letting them tumble down to his shoulders. They weren't nearly as tight now that he'd grown his hair longer.

Peter's head jerked back to Nick. "Seriously? Are you in love with him?"

Nick gave a nervous nod. "I think so."

Peter grabbed Nick and hugged him - carefully so as not to mess up the suit. "Be careful, buddy. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I will be. He treats me so well and fuck, the sex is mind-blowing."

"Haha. So you've said."

"How was the second day of apprenticing?" Nick asked.

"Awesome. I love it, and the kitchen staff doesn't treat me any different than any of the others. The head chef is brilliant and damn, it's fun. I am pretty sure being a chef is my thing."

"Maybe all those tests they gave us work. Not sure if I'm ready for college classes but..."

"You'll do great. Do you know what's in the box?"

"No, but I have a guess." Nick reached under the desk and pulled out a very similar empty box.

"Who would send me..." Peter quickly opened the box and pulled out a pair of black pin-stripe pants and matching vest, then a light gray shirt with French cuffs. Nick reached over and pointed at a small box tucked into one of the black loafers. Peter opened it carefully to reveal silver and clear crystal cufflinks.

"Maybe I'm not the only one going out tonight?" Nick teased.

Peter picked up the shoes and marveled at how soft the leather was, then he saw a small envelope and quickly opened it.

|| Get dressed and be ready by 6:00. I'll pick you up at your room. - Yours, Max ||

"Better hurry, that doesn't give you much time," Nick said, reading the note over his shoulder.

"Fuck!" Peter quickly grabbed his kit and bolted out of the room for the showers. He didn't want to go on a date smelling like onions, garlic, and sweat.

"Have fun!" Nick called after him.

By the time Peter showered and got back to the room, Nick was gone. He quickly got dressed and was just fastening the cufflinks when there was a knock at his door. He opened it to see his man. Fuck, he's handsome, Peter thought just staring at Max all dressed up. He figured the suit had to be custom made to fit the bulging muscles.

"You okay?" Max smirked.

"Sorry, I was just stunned by how hot you are."

"Good." Max pushed Peter back into the room and closed the door behind him. "Ready?"

"Almost. I ran late in the kitchen." Peter grabbed a brush and did a quick job on his hair. He debated grabbing a ponytail to pull it up when Max gripped his hand.

"No, baby. I love your hair and man buns are gross."

Peter snickered, remembering he'd just said the same thing to Nick. His breath caught when Max gripped the back of his neck and pulled him in for a gentle kiss.

"Let's go." Max took Peter's hand.

Peter couldn't believe he was leaving the complex. He grinned as Max took him down the elevator to the parking garage. Max led him to a big black SUV and opened the door, doing an elaborate bow as he opened the door.

He snickered and climbed in. Peter waited until Max got in the driver's seat to ask. "So where we going?"

"A restaurant."

"Okay. Is there a reason? You've never taken me out before. You know, you don't have to, right. I like being with you, no matter where we are." Peter felt a little nervous as he began thinking of possible reasons for the outing.

"It was time." Max was being unusually stoic and brief.

When Max pulled up to the valet service, Peter got even more nervous. One of the men opened the door for him, and he waited as Max finished up with the attendant. Max looked at Peter and smiled as he walked over and took his hand.

"Hope you're hungry."

Peter realized that he wasn't just hungry but famished. He'd forgotten to eat lunch with how busy they'd been in the kitchen. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of place Max was taking him to that would be on the top floor of one of the downtown towers.

"Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?" the maitre d' asked.

"Reservation for Moore, Maximillian."

"Ah, yes sir. Welcome back." The dapper man escorted them around the fancy restaurant and up a few steps to a small table next to the windows. Peter gawked at the panoramic view of the city.

"Sir?" the maitre d' held out a menu and must have been waiting.

"Sorry." Peter looked at the menu but had no idea where to start.

"Their specialty is fish and seafood. Do you have a favorite?" Max asked.

"Never been much of a fan of fish patties," Peter muttered.

Max laughed. "Well they don't serve them here, so that's good. Would you trust me to order for you?"

Peter looked up at his handsome dinner partner and felt the tension ease. "Please?" Their waiter arrived, and Peter listened attentively as Max placed their orders. He'd never been to a fancy restaurant before and was glad Max was taking care of things.

A few minutes later, a different man approached with a bottle and poured a tiny bit of the pale liquid into a glass for Max. "The wine you requested, sir."

Max took a sip. "It's perfect, thank you."

Peter held his breath when the guy poured a glass for him and then Max. Should I remind him I'm not old enough to drink?

Max interrupted the thought when he took Peter's hand and squeezed.

"Trust me, baby. I've got you. The Pinot Grigio will pair nicely with the seabass. Though in general, I prefer reds." He held up his glass, and Peter stared a moment until he realized what Max was waiting for and raised his own, clinking them together.

"To us," Max said, giving Peter's hand another squeeze.

Peter took a sip, and while he wasn't sure it would ever be his favorite, it wasn't as bad as he expected. He felt like a foreigner as the courses started arriving, but Max was very patient and explained what each item was and more importantly, which of the multitude of utensils Peter was supposed to use.

"Oh my God," Peter groaned when they finally got to the main course, and he took a bite of the sea bass.

"I'll never steer you wrong, baby. I'm guessing this is another food you've never had?"

"You do remember I was on the run with Nick before you found me? And while it may not have been said, my family was poor. McDonald's was a splurge."

"Then I will enjoy spoiling you and expanding your horizons." Max chuckled before taking another sip of his wine.

"Pfft. I'm already yours, Max. You don't have to." Peter froze when he realized he'd said that out loud.

"Good to know. That's something I wanted to talk you about. How would you feel about making our relationship official? Maybe even consider moving in with me?"

Peter gulped and thought all the amazing food might be reappearing. He took several deep breaths. "Um...what do you mean?"

"Just what I said. Be my boyfriend and lover, my partner. We'd get you set up with a new identity, and you could still finish your apprenticeship with the chefs until we get you into a culinary school in the fall."

Peter's mouth dropped open, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get words out.

"Now, so you know. I don't really have my own place, so eventually we'd be living with Dr. Connor and Joseph, plus a number of the other guys you've seen."

Peter's thoughts were coming faster than he could process, living with "other guys" meaning several men he'd probably had sex with. But going to culinary school and not being a prisoner, having Max as a real boyfriend.

"Did I break you?" Max asked with a concerned look.

Peter nodded. "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious, Peter. I've fallen for you. I think about you day and night and can't wait until the next time we're together. You make me laugh, and being with you makes everything better. I want to make you a permanent part of my life. You know that's what you do with the people you love."

Peter couldn't help himself as he pushed back and found himself in Max's lap, hugging and kissing him with everything he had. "I love you too, Max."

"Does that mean it's a yes?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Max gave him a tender kiss and wiped away Peter's tears with his napkin. "Maybe we can save the physical stuff for later? People are staring," Max whispered.

Peter got through the rest of the dinner in a daze of overwhelming emotions. He couldn't believe this was happening, and when they returned to the Lab and got in the elevator, he was even more confused when Max selected the button for the top.

"I'm not waiting. Dr. Connor, Joseph, and Michael moved back into their house, and I'm using the apartment until the new house is ready."

"Joseph's apartment?"

"Ah, so you've been there, huh? And no, it's not just Joseph's. It was actually set up for Dr. Connor's father. And quit, Peter. I know very well you've been with Joseph...and Blake and probably a lot of my friends. That's okay, I have too."

Peter snorted before his hand covered his mouth. When he got control of himself, he asked. "So is this like an open relationship?"

"We don't need labels as long as you understand you're mine. And while I might be willing to share you now and again, no one else gets to make that claim."

"I'm good with that. I don't need anyone but you, Max."

Max stepped out of the lift and pulled Peter with him. "Show me. Bedroom's the second door on the right. Get ready, and I'll be there in just a moment."

Peter walked into the bedroom and stared at the bed for a moment. He had a flashback to the last time he'd seen it and felt his ass clench. Maybe he shouldn't remember the incredibly hot sex he'd had with Joseph when getting ready for the man he loved. He already knew where the bath was and tried to put Joseph out of his mind. Peter had prepped, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure things were ready. He noticed supplies were set out on the counter.

He stripped off and folded his clothes, setting them on a side chair, then pulled back the comforter and tossed the throw pillows in the corner. He'd just climbed on the bed when he felt Max's presence behind him.

"You are so handsome."

Peter turned and watched with rapt attention as Max undressed. He never got tired of the reveal. Max was big with the perfect amount of dark body hair covering his bulging muscles. His arms were bigger around than Peter's thighs. But the feeling of being wrapped in those arms was the best ever. He'd always felt safe and secure with Max, but knowing he was loved...that made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy.

Max stepped out of his briefs, and all thoughts of butterflies and Joseph and being nervous were gone. Peter stared at Max's cock and wanted to beg Max to fuck him without any foreplay. He watched as Max climbed onto the bed, pushing him onto his back then hovering over him. Max leaned down and kissed him, pushing his tongue inside to stake his claim.

"Yes," Peter hissed when Max broke the kiss and moved down his body, laying gentle kisses until he reached his throbbing cock. Peter closed his eyes as Max gripped his legs and took his dick into his mouth. Peter couldn't have moved even if he'd wanted to.

"You taste so good, baby." Max resumed sucking until Peter tapped out, warning Max that he was close.

"I want to cum when you're inside me," Peter gasped as he tried to focus on not coming.

Max chuckled and lifted Peter's hips, swiping his tongue down his balls across his taint until he reached his opening and teased it.

"Oh, God." Peter moaned as Max attacked his hole with an enthusiasm that had him panting.

"My man is so responsive. You like having my tongue in your hole, don't you?" Max didn't pause before resuming his feast.

Peter couldn't form words, so just nodded and gripped his knees to better open himself up for Max's tongue. He cried out, and his head came up when Max added one of his massive fingers, pushing inside and immediately finding Peter's magic spot.

"Just fuck me already!" Peter panted.

"Nah, not quite there yet. You can still talk."

Peter felt the cool cream being worked into his hole and tried to keep breathing as a second finger pushed inside. Then a third joined it, and Max quickened his pace, fucking Peter's ass with his fingers and making sure to hit his prostate each time.

"UGHHHHH." Peter grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed to hold off the impending eruption.

"Now, you're ready." Max had the nerve to chuckle, but he was right that Peter was beyond words.

He felt the heat and pressure from Max's massive cock, breaching him filling him like no one else could. There was no pain, no burn, just the glorious silky feeling of being stuffed almost too full. He desperately wanted to pull Max in deeper and faster but he was pinned by Max's body.

Peter opened his eyes to see Max's face only inches away, a huge smile on his face. His gaze was piercing as he pushed the rest of the way in until Peter could feel their bodies pressed together.

"You look so beautiful with my cock buried inside you. I'm going to make sure to see this look on your face at least once every day from now on."

Peter nodded and tried to relax so he could ride the waves of pleasure coursing through his body. Max kissed him as he began slowly moving in and out, each time hitting Peter just right. Peter wanted to tell him that he wasn't going to last, but Max didn't release his mouth.

His body started to quiver, and Max fucked harder, pushing Peter over the edge until he was crying out in Max's mouth, and his cock was spewing his load between their sweat-soaked bodies. The friction of rubbing against Max's abs was almost too much, but he was pinned and Max ate every sound he made.

Finally, Max pulled away, and Peter gasped for breath.

"I'm going to cum inside you now, fill you with my seed and claim you. You are mine now, Peter."

"Yours..." Peter gasped as he felt Max's muscles tense as he released inside him.

End Chapter 24

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Next: Chapter 25

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