The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jul 15, 2019


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 21: The Go-ahead, Copyright 2019 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 21: The Go-ahead By Tripp Savidge

Dr. Connor | Scene 1

"Jeff, can you talk to David and work out the details on getting Walker prepped. I guess he won't have as good a day as I'd planned."

"Sure thing, Dr. Connor. I'll make sure they collect enough before we take him."

"We already put him on liquids so I think we can keep to the schedule. Everyone agrees we'll start at two p.m.?" Dr. Connor looked around the table at the specialists who were gathered for this clusterfuck. He saw nods and heard muttered agreements.

"We'll do what we have to, Blake. And I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we understand exactly who's holding the gun to our heads," Dr. Wong said.

"Or our family's," Dr. De Carlo muttered.

"I'm very sorry-"

"Stop, Blake. You didn't cause this or target us, and from what I've seen, there's nothing you could have done."

"Thanks," Dr. Connor said, gripping the arms of his chair.

"Well, I think we all have some preparations to do, and I suggest we all get as good a night's sleep as we can manage," Dr. Rodrigues said.

"Until tomorrow." Blake watched the doctors pick up their things and leave the conference room. Dr. Tanner hung back.

"If there is anything I can do tomorrow..."

"Thanks, Jeffrey. You take care of our people and stay sane. I may need something tonight..."

"I'll get it for you. We'll get through this."

"Yeah..." Dr. Connor watched as Jeffrey left, pulling the door closed behind him. He put his head on the table and just sat for a moment. I've got to get through this. Everyone is counting on me. Dr. Connor reviewed the notes on his laptop and began double checking the details to make sure they hadn't missed anything.

A knock sounded at the door. When Dr. Connor didn't respond immediately, the knock became more insistent. He walked over and opened the door to see a stern looking agent glaring back at him.

"Did you need something?"

"You didn't exit with the others."

"No. I'm still working or at least I was until some jackass interrupted me. What do you need?"

"We're supposed to keep you in sight," the agent retorted.

"I'm in a closed room. There are two doors, both of which are within your line of sight. The windows are fixed, not to mention we're ten stories off the ground. Where did you think I was going to go?"

"Smith said to make sure-"

"My God, you are too stupid to be an agent. Quit bothering me, or you can explain to Mr. Smith why we had to delay the procedure." Dr. Connor slammed the door in the guy's face.

Dr. Connor returned to his computer and smiled at the commotion he heard outside the door. He focused on their plans for Walker and took a little comfort from the expertise that had put the procedure together. It was hardly an orthodox approach, but it should satisfy Smith. He closed down his machine and packed up.

When he stepped out, the intrusive agent had been replaced by someone new.

"I'm going back to my office. Would you prefer to lead or follow?"

"I'll follow, thank you," the agent said.

When he got off the lift, Claire was at her desk and looked up. The concern on her face was obvious.

"I hope you don't mind, I ordered lunch for you and had it delivered. It's on the table. And Max is waiting for you."

Dr. Connor turned to the agent. "That okay with you?"

"Yes, sir. I'll remain out here."

Dr. Connor raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything as he turned toward the office. At least this one is a professional, he thought as he stepped in and closed the door. He'd barely turned around before he was wrapped in strong arms.

"I got you," Max whispered.

"Not sure I'm going to survive this."

"Sure you are." Max kissed Blake's forehead. "One step at a time and I've got good news."

"Yeah?" Blake tucked his head into Max's shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Come on..." Max led Blake into the suite and closed the door, pushing Blake down on the bed.

"I must ask you, Mr. Moore, what are your intentions?"

Max laughed. "Sadly, completely honorable. I brought you in here because I know this room is clear of bugs. As quickly as we sweep your office, they sneak back in and place new ones. But since I had Vince add the new locks they haven't been able to get in here or the apartment. And before you ask, we can justify privacy where you sleep, but they'll never go for being locked out of your office."

"Disappointing but okay, I'll grant you that. So if we're not going to do something fun, at least tell me what the good news is?"

"Since you sent out the S.O.S., we've started receiving encrypted files. A lot of files, unfortunately, we don't have the key yet." Max sat down on the bed.

"So how is this good news, we don't know anything more than we did before?"

"If they're sending files, it means we have at least some backing. I really expect they'll send us the key... somehow and if not, we'll figure out the key and decode the files."

"Soon would be good."

"I have other news as well." Max turned to look at Blake, but he couldn't read the expression.

"Good or bad?"

"A bit of both. When your dad and Gabriel returned home, agents were waiting for them and had the place staked out. Don't panic, the security team we hired spotted them and detoured before they ever got close."

"Where are they now?"

"On their way to a secluded beach resort on Nazareth Bay on St. Thomas," Max responded with a smile.

"You didn't want to send them to our resort?"

Max raised an eyebrow. "Probably not a good idea. You just got them back together, and since they didn't show up as expected, the Agency will be looking for them. We took them by charter to St. Croix then hired a private boat to take them over to St. Thomas. And just to be cautious, Krista and Brent should be on the ground in Venice."

"Do you know if they were targeted?"

"As soon as I saw how Smith handled the lockdown and Joseph, I moved them. I was surprised how quick they were to cooperate. Our friends in Italy were more than happy to help us out and will keep tabs on them. And yes, agents have been sniffing around but there's nothing for them to find."

"At least that minimizes collateral damage. I wish I could send the rest of you off somewhere safe."

"No, Blake. We're here to support you. This is where we belong. I better go before they get antsy. They don't seem to like it when we're alone together."

"Let me know if you find out more and... speaking of support, I need a favor."

"Of course."

"I need a pair of testicles, human of course."

"You need what?" Max sat back and gave a disbelieving look.

"A pair of human testicles, adult, they need to be at least average sized if not a little larger."

"Wait. You want me to grab some guy off the street and steal his balls?"

"Of course not. Don't be foolish. I'd suggest a mortuary or the morgue. As long as the subject is relatively fresh, they should be fine. Just take an organ transplant box to transport them."

"Blake... why in bloody hell do you need a spare set of balls?"

"They're for Smith. He'll want immediate proof that we emasculated Walker," Dr. Connor explained like it was a perfectly mundane request.

"And you can't just show him Walker's, why?"

"Somewhat unorthodox approach but we're not actually planning to remove Walker's."

Max held up his hands. "Fine. I don't think I want to know more. When do you need them?"

"We start surgery tomorrow at two. As long as you have them delivered to O.R. by say... two-ten, we should be good."

"Yeah. Pair of balls..." Max shook his head and sighed as he stood. He leaned down and gave Blake a quick kiss. "Never a dull moment."

Dr. Connor | Scene 2

Dr. Connor's eyes were starting to blur, and he sat back and rubbed them, reminding himself that he needed to be prepared. The knock at the door made him jump.

"Blake, Mr. Smith is on line one. Do you need me to stall him for a minute?" Claire asked.

"No, no, it's okay." Blake took a few calming breaths and pressed the blinking button. "Dr. Connor."

"This is Smith. Do you have a time for me?"

"Can you explain your desired outcome? It may change my answer."

"Quit stalling just tell me when the fuck he'll wake up!"

"First, there isn't a definite time. I can give you an approximate range based on averages, but each person reacts differently to anesthesia. Also realize that the first few times he comes around, he won't be very coherent and won't remember any conversations afterward."

"So you're saying if I break the news, he won't even remember?"

"Exactly. It's possible he may retain a fragment or think it was a dream, but it won't be clear."

"Fuck. So when will he be alert enough to take the news?"

"Given the pain killers he'll be on, the next morning is the soonest to guarantee that he's fully with it."


"Can I expect my men to be returned when the surgery is completed?" Dr. Connor asked.

"I want proof first."

"Either you or one of your agents are welcome to view the results before we bandage him up. Or if you like, I can put his balls in a jar for you."

"I want his dick and his balls. And once my agent verifies, I'll instruct my men to deliver your fags. I'll be there the next morning. Do a good job, doctor. I expect to put Walker to very good use."

"Mr. Smith, I can give you his balls, but the penis is repurposed in the procedure. I can't give that to you. And to make sure, you do realize that it could be as long as six months before Walker can have vaginal sex?"

"I don't care if it causes him pain. Actually, I'd prefer that option."

"It's not just about pain. You could cause damage that takes him completely out of commission and starts the healing process over again." Dr. Connor heard Smith's muttered cursing, and there was a long pause.

"But you can tell me when he is ready, and that won't be a risk?"

"Not a guarantee, but we can with a high degree of confidence."

"Will his ass still work?"

Dr. Connor stilled for a moment, surprised by the question. "Yes."

"Good to know. I'll make sure an agent is on standby for the surgery." The call ended, and Dr. Connor stared at the phone a moment before replacing the receiver.

"I need a break," Dr. Connor said to his empty office. He closed down his computer and noticed the time. He hadn't realized how long he'd been buried in his research. Stepping out into the outer office, he noticed Claire packing up.

"You headed home?"

"I am. Did you need something?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, a walk. Have a good night, Claire."

"You too. Try and get some sleep and if you need anything, anything at all, call me."

"Thank you, Claire." Dr. Connor turned to the agent. "I'm headed down to medical if you want to ride with me," he said before stepping onto the lift. It was the same guy from before - the somewhat professional one.

"So did you draw the short straw for tomorrow?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Sorry?" the agent responded.

"One of you lucky guys gets to validate the results of the surgery tomorrow. Won't be pretty, whoever Smith picks better have a strong stomach."

The agent went a little green and grimaced. "Haven't been told but I really hope it's not me."

"Smart man."

The doors opened, and they exited on to the infirmary floor. Dr. Connor headed to the nurses' station and smiled when he saw Clara behind the counter.

"Hey, beautiful."

"Dr. Connor. What can I do for you?"

"Just checking in. Jeffrey around?"

Clara glanced up at the wall clock. "He-"

"Speak of the devil," Dr. Connor said before Clara could finish. Dr. Tanner was still in his scrubs, walking toward them.

"Shouldn't you be relaxing with your man?" Jeffrey said as he stepped up to the counter.

"Soon, I promise. He's cooking dinner, and we're planning a quiet evening. How'd it go?"

"Implants are done. Just finished the last of them. Dr. Blythe took care of the intake questions and interviews this morning. The results should be in their files by morning."

"Jacob off all the drugs?" Dr. Connor asked, wondering about Ward's son.

"Yeah, remember you put Ward and the other on the simulators. So we did Jacob's intake too. He was the last one to get chipped. David's already putting together the training plan. They start tomorrow."

"Good. I'd like to keep Jacob off anything for a while if we can. And you said you got enough from Walker?"

Dr. Tanner laughed, putting a hand on Dr. Connor's shoulder. "Trust me, we milked that man dry before we started prepping him. Dr. Cable took care of his prep."

"Dr. Cable?" Dr. Connor said in surprise.

"I think she took great pleasure in removing all of the hair follicles from his ball sack and around his dick. Electrolysis doesn't have to hurt, but I think she enjoys causing pain."

Dr. Connor gave a shudder. "I'm not surprised. So I take it the implants all went well."

"At this point, I think I could do it in my sleep. Yeah, all good. I know it's not a surprise, but Walker is asking a lot of questions. I think the prep on his bottom is raising his anxiety."

"I'm sure. I prescribed something to calm him for tomorrow."

"Ah, that reminds me," Dr. Tanner turned back and caught Clara's attention. "Clara, do you have that envelope for Dr. Connor that pharmacy sent up?"

"Yes, right here." Clara handed Dr. Tanner a small pill envelope.

"Once you're ready for bed, take these with water. You need a good night's sleep." Dr. Tanner put the packet in Blake's hand.

"Thanks. Probably the only way I'd sleep tonight."

"I figured. And, Blake, don't worry about anything else, the team has your back, and we'll make sure everything else is handled."

Blake gladly accepted Jeffrey's hug.

"Thanks, Jeff. Guess, I better go find Joseph. I'm sure he's going stir crazy in the apartment by himself."

"By himself? Oh, you deluded man..." Dr. Tanner laughed as he walked away.

Sean | Scene 3

Sean groaned and opened his eyes. "Fuck..."

"Welcome back, sunshine," a warm voice said nearby.

"I think I was mugged. Fuck..."

"When you can sit up, I've got some pain pills for you."

Sean tried to sit up and felt a wave of nausea. He lay back down then tried again. A supporting arm helped him, and he opened his eyes. "Implant my ass. Feels like someone took a baseball bat to my head."

"Take these." Jose put the pills on his tongue and held the glass to his lips. "It won't last long, and tomorrow you should be feeling fine."

Sean swallowed and looked around while Jose adjusted his pillows and eased him back down. Sean was surprised to find himself in Michael's bed and even more so to find Michael asleep beside him.

"Why am I in Michael's bed?"

"Easier for me to take care of you. Michael was done after you, he hasn't woken up yet." Jose set the glass aside before sitting back down on the bed beside him. "He's naked under the sheet if you wanna peek."

Sean was tempted. Michael was as hot as his old man. But he didn't want to be a perv. Even with the pain, Sean was very aware of Jose's close presence. He didn't need to be drugged to find his fellow teen gorgeous, and he didn't need to feel like a stalker looking at him. He also noticed the way Jose was looking at him and while he had a great bedside manner, the look certainly wasn't fitting of Florence Nightingale.

"Looks like parts of you are already working again." Jose's hand slid along Sean's thigh until he wrapped his hand around Sean's erection through the sheet.

"Um..." Sean wasn't going to tell Jose to stop but with the way his head hurt he also wasn't sure what he was up for.

"This could be dangerous you know... shouldn't leave something like this unattended. Might be bad for you." Jose slid the sheet down and crawled between Sean's legs. "Not to worry, I know how to fix it." Jose licked up Sean's shaft before taking him into his warm mouth.

"Oh, God..."

"Mmm. Tastes even better than I expected."

Sean looked down into Jose's dark eyes and realized he'd found his match. A guy who liked sex as much as he did. Jose's mouth felt amazing, and he wished he could participate, but any attempt to move quickly told him it was best to lie still.

"That's it. Let me take care of you. I love sucking dick. Don't know if you could tell." Jose resumed his oral ministration.

Fuck, when I can move without passing out, I am so repaying him tenfold. I want my hands on that Latin hunk, no, who am I kidding I want that Latin hunk buried inside me so deep I'll feel him for days.

Jose's hands started exploring, and Sean spread his legs and tipped his hips at Jose's urging. Then a slick finger slid inside, and Sean knew he was about done. Jose worked his spot like a master while he took Sean's cock all the way into his throat.

Sean's orgasm hit fast and hard, and he erupted into Jose's sucking mouth. Between the pain in his head and the power of his release, his vision went black and the world spun. Sean thought that maybe he'd passed out when he realized Jose was gently licking him clean.

"Nice. We'll have to do that again," Jose murmured.

"Next time... want you to fuck me..." Sean rasped.

Jose crawled up his body, laying gentle kisses every few inches until their lips met, and Sean opened to him. They kissed until Sean thought he was ready to go again. Damn, Jose was a good kisser.

"What if I want you to fuck me," Jose whispered into Sean's ear, their bodies still pressed together.

"Mm... sure."

"Time to sleep, I'll be here if you need anything." Jose pulled the sheet up and moved to be beside Sean and pressed in against him and laid his arm gently over Sean's chest. He kissed Sean's temple.

Sean really wanted to do more and take advantage of having Jose naked and wrapped around him, but he couldn't hold his eyes open.

Sean | Scene 4

Sean looked around the room but couldn't find much in the way of clothing. Fortunately, when he woke for the morning, his head had stopped hurting. His stomach, on the other hand, was complaining. He finally gave up on finding his clothes and pulled on one of the speedos that were set out. He adjusted himself then startled when he saw Michael sitting up in bed and watching him. He hadn't even realized Michael was awake.

"Geez, Sean. You've been hiding that hot body all this time?" Michael's eyes raked over Sean's body, pausing on his crotch.

"What?" He was sure he'd heard wrong.

"You are hot."

"Um, thanks. Still not in your league but you know, I try to work with what I've got."

"Oh, I think you're definitely in my league. No wonder Dad thinks you're special."

Sean gave a nod but wasn't sure how to respond to the compliment. "I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did... about me and your dad."

"Forget it. After the last couple of days, that seems like the least of my worries. So you've been spying on me, right."

"Uh... not really, you. The people around you, making sure I let him know if anyone hassled you."

"Like the Coach? Are you why he got so nice all of a sudden?"

"Not really. I just told your dad what he was doing. Can we not talk about this? It's a bit awkward."

"So Joseph and who else?"

Sean's eyes went wide. "I'd rather not say. Just a few of the guys. I'm going to go look for the others, see what options we have for breakfast."

"We slept in the same bed. Did we do anything? I had some wild-assed dreams, but my head hurt something awful, and I can't really remember," Michael said, sprawling back on the bed and spreading himself out like a feast.

Sean turned away and blushed. "Not really."

"From as red as your face is, something happened. Spill."

"You... um... get handsy when you're sleeping, and you... um... may have dry humped me a few times."

"Yeah? Huh... not surprised I guess. Can we try again now that I'm awake?"

"Try what?" Sean asked skeptically. Not that he didn't find Michael attractive, he did. And not that he wouldn't willingly bed the guy, because he would. But this was the boss's son, and he had no idea what Dr. Connor would consider acceptable. Besides that, Jose was here to take care of Michael.

"Oh, I think you know. From the way that speedo is about to split, I think you might like the idea."

"Morning guys, ready to head for breakfast?" Jose stepped in, wearing a black thong that only made Sean's speedo problem accelerate. Though Sean was very happy for the interruption.

"Sure!" Sean said. Then saw Mario step off the patio with a towel over his bronze shoulders, water glistening over his extremely well formed upper body and dripping down to a lime green speedo that barely held his impressive package. "Oh, God. Just kill me now," he muttered.

"Beau went ahead to get us a table at the beach-side restaurant. Suits are fine, there's no dress code. Come on, day's wasting!" Mario called.

"Give me a second," Michael called as he went in search of a suit.

"You okay," Jose whispered, wrapping his arm over Sean's shoulder.

"No. Michael propositioned me."

"That's great, dude. Why are you not okay?"

"Dr. Connor wants you to take care of that."

"Get real. He wants all of us to distract Michael... and each other." Jose leaned in close and whispered. "Mario thinks you're hot by the way. Said he'd love to fuck you if you were interested. And, I if we work on him together, I bet we can seduce Beau before the week's out."

Sean whimpered and Jose laughed.

"This is paradise, accept it!" Jose mock-shouted.

Dr. Connor | Scene 5

Dr. Connor waited outside the door, dreading the next hour. His only bright spot was that Craig and Stephen had been returned and were now safely secured out of Smith's reach. Max had asked Blake to trust him and had refused to give him any details. Blake knew they were alive, knew they needed medical care, and knew that they were being cared for. Dr. Smalley had disappeared within minutes of them being returned.

Dr. Connor tried not to make assumptions about the reasons for them needing a psychologist. But he did agree that Smalley had a much better bedside manner than Blythe. Let it go, Blake, he thought to himself, you've got to trust Max to do what's best.

He heard the elevator chime and the approaching footsteps. Deep breath, you can do this.

"Mr. Smith."

"Dr. Connor. My agent said he was awake?"

"He was waking when the agent called you. He should be alert by now. Just to set expectations, you can't really see much. The compressive dressings will be removed tomorrow. I assume the agent passed on the 'proof.'"

"He did. Brought them with me so I could show Walker. I'm looking forward to that," Smith said with a smile holding up a paper bag. "You can be present but let me do the talking. Understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Smith."

Dr. Connor opened the door, and they stepped into Walker's room. Even to Blake, who knew what to expect, Walker looked terrible. The sound of the monitors seemed to echo in the room.

"Good morning Mr. Walker and how are you feeling this fine morning?" Smith asked, walking up beside the hospital bed.

"Like shit. What did you do to me, Smith? Or should I ask the doctor?"

"Oh, don't give him credit. I assure you that I am one hundred percent responsible for your current condition. I just brought him along to answer questions." Smith looked truly demented with the huge smile on his face.

"What? You plant a bomb in my gut?" Walker asked, his voice faltering. Dr. Connor poured some water into a cup and held it for Walker to take a sip. His eyes met Blake's. It was more than a little uncomfortable. It seemed a bit overkill to have the guy strapped to the bed with his arms secured given his condition - but then again...

"Thanks, Doc."

Smith looked down at the straps and ran his fingers over the one holding one of Walker's arms. "Dr. Connor, for this next piece I'd like Walker to have use of his right arm. You think that would be safe?"

"Probably not. I think, given the opportunity, Mr. Walker will do anything in his power to kill you."

"Yeah, but he's drugged and not in the best shape. I'll be careful." Smith unfastened the buckle holding the strap then worked the Velcro loose. "There you go."

Walker stretched out his arm and hand, probably trying to get the blood flowing again. Dr. Connor watched in trepidation, but Walker could only hold up his arm for a few seconds until it flopped back to the bed.

"So... you gonna tell me, or do I need to make more guesses?" Walker asked.

Smith reached over to the side table and opened the paper bag he'd brought in with him. He took out a clear jar and held it in front of Walker. "Recognize them? You should, they've been a part of you, your whole life."

"What the fuck?" Walker looked confused.

Dr. Connor could see how it wouldn't be obvious, other than size and shape most people never saw their testicles outside their sack.

"Those are your balls, Walker. Or they were. Now they're my trophy. Think I might set them on the shelf in my office, you know, just to remember you by. But wait there's more!" Smith pulled the sheet back and took Walker's hand, placing it on the compression bandages between his legs.

The look of horror on Walker's face was physically painful. Dr. Connor looked away as the realization hit the man in the bed.

"What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Why Mr. Walker, can't you tell? We took your manhood and gave you a cunt. Somewhat fitting to my mind."

"You fucking bastard! You did this to me, Connor?" Walker yelled.

"Oh, that would have been perfect, but no, this was beyond the good doctor's skills. And soon, Mr. Walker, I'll collar you like a dog and offer you up like a bitch in heat. I'll let any man fuck you who wants a bit of your pussy. And the best part, there's not a damn thing you can do about it." Smith laughed then grabbed Walker's hand and strapped it down again while he was still in shock.

"I'll never..."

"Oh, but you will. For the rest of your fucking life, you're going to be used. Nothing but a few holes for real men's pleasure." Smith ran his hand across Walker's bandages. "So looking forward to it."

"Did you need anything else, Mr. Smith?" Dr. Connor asked hoping to get him out of the room.

"No, Connor, get him healed up and make sure the others are trained. I'll be checking back." Smith stepped out, and the door closed.

"Please tell me he was lying," Walker whispered.

"I am so sorry, no." Dr. Connor forced himself to meet Walker's eyes.

"How could you?"

"He took several people I cared about and held them hostage. He was going to use them for his doctors to practice the procedure. Then he had his agents threaten the families of the best surgeons to force them into doing the procedure. The best I could do was make sure you had the most experienced surgeons in the field."

"So those really were my balls?" Walker's voice sounded broken.

"No. You still have your balls, it may help with hormones, but you'll still likely be sterile. They weren't meant to be tucked up inside you."

"Fuck. And I have no dick?"

"Correct. Once you're healed, you will have a working vagina and clit. We did give you a larger than average clitoris. More like a trans who's been on T for a few years. It wasn't much, but we tried to do what we could."

"Can you just leave me alone?" Walker's voice was broken.

"Of course, we'll explain all the steps and what's coming next. We also have a good psychologist who can help you work through this. I can't keep Smith away from you, but I think I can at least stall him for several months."

"A lot can happen in several months," Walker said, the first signs of hope showing in his eyes.

"Oh, trust me, Mr. Walker, I'm counting on it." Dr. Connor said, pulling the sheet back up and offering another sip of water before he left. He heard the screaming start as soon as the door latched.

"Hey Ian, can you let Dr. Blythe know that he's cleared to speak with Walker whenever he feels the time is right."

"Will do, sir. He stopped by a few minutes ago. He's in with Thomas at the moment."

"Good, is Thomas improving?"

"Yeah, each day is a little better," Ian said nervously glancing at Walker's door, the screams still echoing in the hallway.

"I think it's time to introduce him to some change." Dr. Connor stepped around the counter and sat down at the computer when Ian moved for him. He pulled up Thomas's care plan and made some changes. "Tell, Dr. Tanner to call me if he has any questions. I think he's well enough and this may actually help him."

"I couldn't see what you put in. What did you add?" Ian asked.

"We'll start slow, we still have the portable milking machine, right?"

"Yes..." Ian asked with a smile.

"So four times a day to start."

"And how am I to explain it to him when I hook a milking machine up to his dick?"

"I have faith in you, Ian. Tell him it's therapeutic."

"Oh, yeah, he's going to buy that. Thanks, doc."

"You could do it manually if you think he'll accept it better," Dr. Connor said over his shoulder as he walked away.

"Tank would kill me!"

Dr. Connor laughed and pressed the call button for the lift. "Tell Tank it's a prescribed medical procedure."

Sean | Scene 6

Sean picked up the suntan lotion, standing at the open doors to their private deck and took a moment to enjoy the view. In the distance, he could see Michael, Jose, and Mario playing in the beautiful turquoise waters. The beach was gorgeous but so was the man lying on the chaise lounge, and that was his target.

They'd all been working on Beau since their arrival, constant flirtation, touches here and there, not so casual nudity, and even a performance or two, just to get his blood heated. After five days, Sean knew they were getting close - mainly because Beau had started avoiding them.

"Did you sunscreen?" Sean asked, stepping up beside Beau. His dark golden brown skin glowed in the sun, highlighting his muscled back.


"And why the speedo, you want lines?"

"Someone might see." Beau huffed without lifting his head.

"Private bungalow, dude. Private island and most of the guys out there are nude. Strip it off and let me sunscreen you. Just because you're dark doesn't mean you won't burn, especially in this sun."

"Fine." Beau slid the speedo down without getting up, kicking it off onto the deck.

Wow, that is one fine ass, Sean thought as he swung his leg over and straddled Beau, squeezing lotion into his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Told you, applying sunscreen, so you don't burn." Sean began rubbing the rich cream into Beau's shoulders, starting at his neck and working down. The man had beautiful, flawless skin, and Sean could feel the powerful muscles. "Fuck, you are hot."

Beau snickered. "Dude, have you ever seen a guy who you didn't think was hot?"

"Oh, yeah. Well, not lately though. The guys working here make it hard to think. Even the girls are hot, and that's saying something."

"You expected less from a resort set up by Dr. Connor?" Beau made a satisfied moan as Sean's hands slid down his lower back.

"Good point." Sean slid down, so he was at the end of the chaise lounge and worked from Beau's feet up his legs, pausing before he got to his ass. He rubbed more of the cream down Beau's sides and stared at the globes. Fuck it, he thought and gently squeezed the firm round muscles as he buried his face in Beau's crack.

"Fuck, Sean! What the... ohhhhhh, God."

Sean had found a new happy place. His tongue trying to get inside Beau's tight hole as he licked, nibbled, and slurped. Beau was making very satisfied noises and surprisingly was doing nothing to try to stop Sean's oral invasion of his ass.

"You have an amazing ass, Beau. Fucking delicious."

"God, that feels good."

Sean continued to work his way in, adding a finger and opening up Beau's rosebud until he could slide his finger in easily and find his spot. "Ah, there it is."

"Fuck," Beau muttered into the chair. "Just do it already."

Sean laid gentle kisses up Beau's spine until his body was pressed against the muscle man. His hard cock wedged in the spit-slicked crack. "Do what?" Sean licked the shell of Beau's ear.

"Fuck me, just... just do it."

Sean kissed his way back down and licked at the opening again. He grabbed the bottle of lube he'd stashed just in case his plan worked and dripped it on the puckered opening. He worked his finger in again then two, adding more of the lube. He slicked his cock and then carefully pushed in until he'd breached the outer ring, giving Beau time to adjust.


Sean braced himself on the chair frame and slowly slid the rest of the way inside until his body was pressed tightly against Beau's. He was still for a moment, just enjoying the feel of the powerful man beneath him. But Beau had other ideas and began flexing and lifting his ass.

Sean enjoyed topping, though in general, he preferred to be on the receiving end. Beau's magnificent ass might just be his kryptonite. It felt so good. He tried to keep a steady rhythm, but the way Beau moved with him, it wasn't possible. Soon he was pile driving with his orgasm building quickly. He came hard and flooded Beau's insides with his load, collapsing onto Beau while he caught his breath.

"I think the doc trained you well," Beau said.

"Mm... your turn." Sean slid out and awkwardly stood trying not to fall as he maneuvered around the chair. Beau turned on his side and looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I want you to fuck me. You didn't get off, did you?"

"No, but I did enjoy it. You don't have to do this Sean."

"Beau, trust me, this is what I want. I'm not doing it for any other reason."

"So Dr. Connor didn't..." Beau started hesitantly.

"No, I got zero directives or instructions before this trip. Remember, you were with me. Now, if it were Jose, then it's worth asking. But from what he told me, his mission is to distract Michael and whatever or whomever else he does is his call."

Beau stood and wrapped his arms around Sean, pulling him in for a kiss. "You are dangerous."

"Nah, not me. Just a horny teenager who knows what he likes."

Beau ran his hands down Sean's well-tanned body. "You look really good with some sun. Your hair is getting lighter." Beau fingered the strands of dark brown hair, some now more golden brown.

Sean slid out of Beau's arms and grabbed the sunscreen. "First we gotta finish getting you protected." Not that Sean didn't have ulterior motives as he rubbed the cream over Beau's muscled chest, teasing his nipples and reveling in the feel of Beau's eight pack before he got to the prize. Beau was as blessed as Mario, a thick, long cock standing at attention. He passed it, using all of his resolve and rubbed the lotion into Beau's legs before laying a gentle kiss on Beau's glans. Sean sat down on the chaise lounge, lying back and spreading his legs. "How do you want me?"

Beau took a deep breath and stared at Sean for a moment. "Make that 'very' dangerous. Scoot down a little, I want to see your face when I'm buried inside you."

Sean obliged and smiled as Beau crawled in between his knees and took his cock into his mouth. His dark eyes looked up at Sean, and he smiled while he released him and began work on Sean's balls. Soon he moved lower and began showing Sean that he was equally versed in rimming.

"That feels good, Beau." Sean spread his legs wider and scooted down so he could give Beau a better angle.

Beau found the lube, and soon a finger joined his tongue. He found Sean's prostate within seconds and began working it.

"I think I'm ready now," Sean got out in a rasp.

"Almost." Beau slid a second finger in and then a third while his mouth returned to Sean's dick.

"I'm going to cum soon if you don't get inside me."

Beau shifted, and soon Sean felt the large black dick prodding his entrance. He tried to relax and felt Beau slowly breach his entrance. He was very glad for all of the backdoor activity this week, or he'd have been struggling to take Beau's massive cock. It still gave a satisfying burn as his ass stretched, but it stopped short of painful.

"Go for it, all the way," Sean encouraged and welcomed the full, stuffed feeling that followed. Seeing the bodybuilder hovering over him was a turn on, but not nearly as satisfying as the feeling of having his dick buried deep in his gut.

"Damn, you're tight," Beau said, his muscles bulging as he gripped the chair and started thrusting.

"Oh, yeah, just like that," Sean cooed. He's been wanting Beau since before they even got to the island and it was finally happening. Not that he hadn't enjoyed Mario's equally large tool or the amazing sex with Jose and Michael, but he'd longed for Beau.

"Fuck, but you've got an amazing ass."

"All yours, Beau. Fuck me like you want to. Come on, don't hold back I know you've been thinking about it, imagining it. Now just take me."

"Fuck!" Beau hammered into Sean, his whole body jumping with each powerful thrust. With how big Beau was, there was no way not to pummel Sean's prostate.

"Oh, yes!" Sean cried as the orgasm hit, and his cum shot out coating Beau's chest and dripping down onto his own. Beau's pace became even more frantic and then Sean swore he could feel the heat of Beau's release filling him.

"Wow," Beau gasped, leaning down and kissing Sean. After a moment, Beau gently withdrew, leaving Sean feeling very empty.

Beau grabbed a towel and wiped off Sean and then himself.

"Hey, want to go rinse off in the ocean?"

"I'd love to. Do you want your suit?" Sean asked.

"Nah, it would just be in the way for round two. I've been thinking all week how I'd like to fuck you in the ocean."

Sean smiled and took Beau's hand as they walked toward the waves. "Okay, but we've got to be careful of sand. Quick way to ruin the fun."

Beau let out a deep laugh, reached over and picked up Sean throwing him over his shoulder, giving his ass a playful smack.

Dr. Connor | Scene 7

Dr. Connor silenced the phone alarm and threw back the covers. He put the earbud in and waited while he pulled on the pair of jeans and tee he'd left by the bedside. He heard Joseph stirring behind him and turned to see Joseph getting dressed as well.

"Why don't you stay here and sleep? It's three o'clock in the morning."

"No, I'm coming with you," Joseph retorted.

A few seconds later, he heard the click, and a voice came through the earbud. "All clear."

"We're good to go." Dr. Connor carefully opened the door into the elevator lobby and looked around before stepping out. The agent was curled up in a corner by the elevator doors. Dr. Connor knelt beside the guard on the floor and checked for a pulse, then pulled up an eyelid. "Out cold."

"How long?" Joseph asked, pressing the call button.

"Should have two hours but we won't need near that much time." They stepped into the lift and rode down to one of the floors where they could get an elevator that would go to the dungeon level. He glanced up at the surveillance camera and hoped they were all off-line as planned.

The last twenty-four hours had been strange but positive. It started when Dr. Connor discovered a surprise package in his morning latte from Lava Java. A micro flash drive in a sealed pouch taped to the inside of his coffee. He had no idea how it got there or who was behind it, but he had turned it over to Carl's team immediately. An hour later, he'd gotten word that it was the key that opened most of the files they received. The team had gone silent for the rest of the day while they poured through the contents of whatever had been sent. Now it was time for them to tell Dr. Connor.

They found most of the crew already seated around the folding tables in Carl's cave. Dr. Connor took a seat beside Joseph. He let out a sigh and looked around. "Well?"

Carl laughed. "I'll take point... so, good news and bad. That mysterious little drive was the magic key. The team got through the majority of the files, at least enough to sort them and figure out what we've got."

"Start with the critical stuff, then we can fill in," Max said, glancing back to Dr. Connor.

"Most important - Dr. Connor, you've been given license to use whatever means necessary to take down Mr. Smith, also known as Gene Barrett. The license also grants the right to use deadly force for both Barrett and any of his associates, family, and or supporters or enablers."

"Fuck," Dr. Connor muttered, his wide eyes scanning the table.

"Yeah, a big deal. It's a PDF scan of the original which is on file in Washington. But there are some conditions, Carl, please continue," Max explained.

"Like the man said, conditions or complications. We need to secure the blackmail materials Barrett has been using against a number of key people in power. The files provide enough detail to what we're looking for without becoming their own risk."

"So that's how he got this position?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Looks like it. From the names, I question the man's intelligence. There are too many and some of them powerful enough Barrett was on borrowed time in the best scenario. Why they've decided you get to be the smoking gun, we don't know."

"Are there any tips, or clues provided in these files?"

"Yes. His wife is fully involved, a former D.C. socialite with connections who helped him get the dirt and has been involved in delivering threats and ultimatums. As has his oldest college-aged son. While the son is more of a 'delivery runner' the files say he knows what's going on and is a participant. Barrett also has a high school-aged son, who is listed as a 'possible' accomplice but they don't have any hard evidence."

"So how does that point us to where?" Joseph asked.

"That doesn't, however, they are clear in the notes that both Susan Barrett and Ethan Barrett know where some of the evidence is secured. They also provided information on banks, lockers, and rental units used and visited by those two and Gene Barrett."

"Okay... so complicated and will take some planning, but I haven't heard what the bad news is."

"Also included is an official letter dated several days from now that will disband the Agency and place them under an internal investigation for corruption and terrorism. All active agents will be on leave and advised not to travel or leave the country until they have been cleared. Their passports, licenses, and agency related clearance revoked until further notice."

"So... implying Smith or rather Barrett may retaliate?"

"Yes, but it gets worse. This is too big for the people we have left. We're down several key players on our team, and there's a lot of ground to cover. We not only have to contain the Barretts, but a number of agents while we secure the evidence. And the best part is, the authorization to do all this is contingent on a 'go order.' Meaning we're not cleared to do the above-the-law cloak and dagger shit until we get word."

"Does it say how we'll get these orders? From whom? Or what form?" Dr. Connor asked.

"No," Carl said, sitting back and letting out a sigh.

"Well, fuck." Dr. Connor leaned forward, putting his face in his hands. "I guess we can at least strategize on how to take them down. Suggestions on the weakest link?"

"The wife and son are where I'd start," Carl suggested.

"Also wouldn't hurt to throw Mr. Smith off his game, maybe have the sons disappear, break into the house - since we now know where he lives. Shake him up a little," Max said.

"Unlikely that he's keeping any of the evidence at the house," Dr. Connor said.

"True, but when someone breaks into your home and trashes your shit, it becomes very personal. I really wish we had all our people, but we do have allies and folks we've worked with in the past. Expensive but it is a possibility," Max explained.

"There's a limit to how many favors we can owe. Do we get any funding with this job they've assigned?"

"It doesn't come right out and say in any of the documents, but it is somewhat implied that resources will be provided," Carl added.

"What about all the agents on site here?" Joseph asked. "And won't they be suspicious after their little nap tonight?"

"Given what we know, would it be prudent to incapacitate all the agents here. They're already unconscious. Wouldn't take long to get them secured and out of the way," Carl said.

"What do we tell Smith?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Let me take care of that," Carl said with a rumbling laugh. "Max, I'll need your help with some of this, but we'll need to move fast."

"We have to assume they all have chip trackers," Dr. Connor warned.

"I've got an idea for that," Carl said. "Sorry, but we need to break this up and get moving. Doc, I'll give you a cover story by morning for when Smith asks. I think we can assume you'll be the one getting the message to proceed. Though we have no idea what we're looking for hopefully it will be clear to you. Let us know. Max, I need you and David and your teams."

Dr. Connor held Joseph's hand as they headed back to the apartment. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. More worried about you. How do you think they'll explain to Smith when his agents all disappear?"

"No idea, but I trust Max and Carl. Maybe it's better not to know."

They got back into the retro apartment undressed and crawled back into bed. Joseph snuggled up against Blake.

"What are you going to do with him?" Joseph asked, running his hand over Blake's chest.

"You mean Smith? Not sure yet. Honestly, death is too good for him. He needs to suffer."

"Maybe it won't be too much longer."

"It can't be. Did I tell you they tried to get into R&D? Dr. Gupta's team kept them out, but..."

"Too bad Decker is part of it, I kinda like him," Joseph said.

"Yeah, but he's turned a blind eye to a lot of illegal actions."

"Maybe he's being blackmailed too."

"Certainly possible. Let's try and get a little sleep, tomorrow will be a challenge."

Dr. Connor | Scene 8

Dr. Connor hadn't seen a single agent so far. He'd already been to his office, and there were no inflammatory emails or messages waiting for him. The whole place seemed too quiet and normal. He was on his way to do rounds when his cell phone rang.

"Hello, Dr. Connor speaking."

"Dr. Connor, this is Commissioner Crandall, I need to ask a favor. A consult on a case at City. Can you come down?"

"Certainly. Anything or anyone I should bring? Sounds ominous if the commissioner himself is handling it." He knew Smith wouldn't be happy but consulting with local authorities was part of his job. Smith would have to suck it up.

"No just you and it is serious. The inspector in charge will be on site, but I'm babysitting this one. It has the potential to be a political mess."

"I just have to follow up on some post-op to make sure it's handed off then I can head down and meet you at the hospital."

"Thanks, Dr. Connor, I appreciate it." Crandall ended the call.

Dr. Connor just made it to the nurses' station as he finished. Fortunately, the man he needed was there.

"Morning, Jeffrey. Can I hand off to you? I've been summoned down to City."

"Sure, Blake. What do you need?"

"Today is the day to remove Walker's dressings and clean him up a little. Leave the catheter in until tomorrow, but we can get him up and moving a little. He can also start back on solid food. I already put that in his chart for food service."

"Move him? He's strapped down."

"He's too weak to get away, and he's already going to need P.T. to undo this much inactivity. I don't want it to get worse. Besides, he's chipped so just have a guard stand by. When you talk to Dmitri, tell him I'd suggest using Jason."

"Will do. By the way, where are all the agents, I haven't seen a single one today?" Dr. Tanner asked.

"No idea and afraid to ask and ruin it." Dr. Connor was glad to be able to give a somewhat honest answer.

Twenty minutes later, he was at the main desk of City Hospital, asking where he could find the commissioner.

"Oh, hey, Dr. Connor. Commissioner Crandall said to go up to ICU, and he'll meet you at the nurses' station."

"Thanks, Holly, have a great day." Dr. Connor gave his best smile. He'd found that being pleasant to the staff put him way above the other doctors when and if he needed something.

When Dr. Connor reached the ICU, he saw Crandall waiting for him along with a man he didn't know.

"Dr. Connor, thank you for coming. I want to introduce you to Inspector Green. He's handling this case."

Blake shook hands with the inspector. "It's nice to meet you, Inspector Green, how can I assist."

"I'm going to leave that to the commissioner while I head back to the crime scene and see if I can't find any more clues."

Commissioner Crandall steered Dr. Connor into a vacant room and closed the door. "No shadow today?"

"No idea why, I'm just counting my blessings. So what's the deal?"

"I need you to take a look at the bloodwork for the patient. Wouldn't hurt to do a physical check as well but I have no idea what we're looking for."

"Why me? There must be something that makes you think this is in my world?"

"The man in ICU is Bradley Whitmore, the second. Father of the kid I told you went missing. The man has money and power and was raising a royal stink about finding his son and how botched the investigation was. He was found stuffed in a shipping container down on the pier. Beaten up pretty badly. Let's just say the beating had some unusual twists. I'd rather not say more and influence you."

"Why do you think there's something off with his bloodwork?"

"Initial evidence would suggest recent heavy sexual activity. Not characteristic of all the accounts or information we've been able to pull together for the guy. And there's one other piece, Ms. Wanetta White, the other missing teen's mother was found this morning. Dead of an apparent overdose. Again given her history, that's highly unlikely. Signs would indicate there was a struggle, and the overdose wasn't her choice."

"She was also raising a fuss, right?"

"That she was. She'd even partnered with Mr. Whitmore. Rather odd that they'd both run into life-threatening issues at the same time. They didn't exactly run in the same circles. Not to mention Mr. Whitmore had sent a text to Green late yesterday saying he'd 'found' something."

"I'll be glad to do an exam. Let me get changed and scrubbed and I'll text you when I'm done."

"Thanks. I'm guessing you still don't have anything you can share on the whereabouts of those teens."


It didn't take Dr. Connor long to complete Mr. Whitmore's exam. He wasn't happy about what he'd found, but at least he had a course of action.

"Well?" Crandall asked as he stepped up beside Dr. Connor.

"Let's find a spot to talk," Dr. Connor led the commissioner into one of the counseling rooms.

"From your expression, this isn't good."

"No, but it is fixable. Where do you want me to start?"

"Your best guess on what happened and how he ended up in that condition, then what we need to do to keep him safe and help him recover. I don't think I need to say he has some very influential friends who are going to create a shit ton of pain for my people."

"Without more results back, some of this is speculation, but I'm fairly confident. I'd say he was given an off-brand 'Blue' - stronger and with more side effects. That's what made it easy to spot. The real product is almost untraceable. I'd say before the beating they put a train on him."

"English, doctor."

"Gangbang, a series of men having anal sex with him in a row or using dildos or other objects to simulate the act. With that drug in his system, he wouldn't have resisted or struggled, he'd have likely welcomed it and encouraged them."

"Fuck. Is that shit legal?"

"The knock off, no. And the other is a highly regulated and controlled substance." The commissioner didn't need to know that the LAB made it, or had ample supplies to use without oversite.

"And, then?"

"Either the same group or another, I have no way to tell, beat the crap out of him, I'd guess a baseball bat or similar object was used. The damage suggests they also inserted a rusted metal object into his urethra. My guess is a large nail or spike. An object was also embedded in his rectum, from the abrasion and particles I saw, I'd guess a baseball bat or similar wooden object."

"I'm impressed. The nail and bat were still in him when he was found. I think something or someone interrupted them."

"That explains why there wasn't more damage. I'm guessing the staff here removed them?"

"They did."

"The damage can be repaired. I can give you a list of qualified specialists. There are others who 'can' do it, but if he's likely to make waves, you want the best, and they need to act quickly. He also needs to be moved - somewhere remote and be listed under an alias. Please trust me when I say, he is still in danger and they will come back to finish the job."

"You're just a ray of sunshine, aren't you?"

"I'm trying to be as honest and helpful as I can," Dr. Connor said.

"I know, and that's why I called you. Give me the names, and I'll make it happen."

Dr. Connor slid into the back of the SUV waiting outside the E.R. and smiled at Sergio, who was driving. Kameko opened the other door and slid in beside him.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today. That was hardly fun," Dr. Connor said as they pulled away from the hospital.

"I was talking to one of the nurses while you were in with the commissioner. Shouldn't you offer to bring him into our facility? We could fix him back up," Kameko suggested.

"We could, but we don't want him knowing that much about us. Too well- placed; he'd be a liability, but I did give them names for doctors who could do just as well. I have a feeling we'll eventually be hearing from Mr. Whitmore again, regardless."

"You think it was Smith's people?" Sergio asked from the front.

"Pretty sure," Dr. Connor responded. The rest of the ride back was silent and still no sign of agents as he stepped off the elevator.

"Dr. Connor," Claire whispered glancing at his open office door. "Smith... in there."

"Thanks, love." Dr. Connor walked in and saw Mr. Smith standing at the windows. "Mr. Smith, I wasn't expecting you. Though I do appreciate you recalling your agents."

Smith spun around and glared. "I didn't."

"Oh... sorry, I just assumed when they all left that you..."

"I know you're behind this, Connor," Smith practically seethed with anger as he pointed at Dr. Connor. "I am going to get to the bottom of this and so help me I will destroy you and everything you care about! Now. What the hell did you do with my agents?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Smith but I have no idea what you're talking about or why you're so angry. This morning when I came out of my apartment, the agent was gone. As were all the other agents who'd been at the LAB. No one said anything or told us they were leaving, they were just gone."

"That's right, they're gone. No one has seen or heard from any of them."

"But they're agents, they all have chips, can't you track them?"

Smith's face got even redder, and Dr. Connor realized that his calm was not projecting to the man across from him. If anything, it seemed to be upsetting him more. Smith growled, his fists clenched as he walked to the door. He spun and pointed again. "I'm going to bury you!"

Well, that certainly created a distraction, Blake thought. And if we wanted him off-balance, I think we achieved that as well. He walked back out to Claire's desk.

"Soooo... anything I should know about?"

"He was... upset," Claire said, glancing at the closed elevator doors.

"Yeah, he was. Can you call Carl's team and have them come up and sweep for bugs again. Since Smith was in there by himself, I'd like to be sure."

"Will do. Also, building maintenance called to say there are crews in doing the interior windows. Maybe we should wait to do the sweep until they're done?"

"Good idea. No other updates or calls?"

"Not yet."

Dr. Connor returned to his office and opened his computer. He pulled up the file for Bradley Whitmore the third and read through the intake results. Interesting... Blake thought as he read through Blythe's summary. Brad self-identified as straight but showed strong attraction to pretty men. Blythe suspected bi-sexual, which was perfect for Dr. Connor's plans. He updated the training plan and added a quarter 'blue' to his daily medications, then added a note for David.

"Would have really liked using you at the resort, but this may work out yet," Dr. Connor said out loud as he closed the file. The events of the last few hours had changed things, but they still had time. Brad would not be the same young man when he returned to his father. But... then again his father was very unlikely to be the same either. Which was perfect and put Dr. Connor exactly where he wanted to be - in control.

Max | Scene 9

Max couldn't believe he'd gone this far, but it had been a while, and with everything going down, he desperately needed it. Didn't matter that David had made the suggestion or that their lead trainer said it would help them with the subject, Max was going to power fuck a man to burn off the anger. While he'd love to have had some time with Peter, they'd agreed that they would all steer clear of the test subjects. They didn't want any of them on Smith's radar and for Max, that definitely included Peter.

He stepped into the training room and could already feel his dick getting hard. Former Sheriff Buddy Carmichael was strapped onto the kneeler bench, his legs spread wide with his full round ass up in the air, greased and ready.

Max walked over and ran a finger down the slightly hairy crack. Buddy's pink little rosebud winked at him. He teased it and slid his finger inside. Buddy wasn't nearly as tight as when they found him, his man-hole was very pliant and opened easily. Max slid in another finger and found Buddy's spot, giving it a good rub.

Buddy let out a loud groan and pushed back.

Max wasn't surprised that Buddy had loosened up, after all, the guy had taken more dicks than most working boys would in their careers. Even so, Buddy had learned some pretty good muscle control, so while eager, he was snug.

"Ready for a hard fuck, Buddy?" Max asked.

"Why are you doing this? Haven't you guys fucked me enough? Please, please just let me go."

"Buddy, Buddy, Buddy. Haven't we discussed this? Besides your man-cunt looks pretty hungry to me. Look at the way that little pucker grips my fingers. Can't deny it, Buddy, you love getting some action back here."

Buddy let out another groan.

"And if we let you go it would only be a matter of days if not hours before you're locked up again for the murder of those poor boys. Then you'd be in jail, getting fucked again but by much less desirable types than what we give you."

"I hate you," Buddy muttered, but even as he did so, he pushed back as he felt the head of Max's cock at his opening.

"Yeah, you hate me. But you love my big ol' cock. That's the way, Buddy, take it all." Max pushed in, not giving Buddy time to adjust to taking all ten plus inches. "Mm. You feel real fine, Buddy. This cunt was made for fucking."

Buddy gasped and squeezed his ass around Max's thick cock. The straps kept him from moving very far, but he still managed to slide forward and back enough to encourage Max to fuck him.

"Oh, yeah you love a nice thick cock inside, reaming out your guts, making you feel stuffed full." Max began thrusting harder, almost pulling out completely before he slammed in again. He knew Buddy was used to a hard fuck and would more than likely get off from the pile driving action in his ass. Max didn't hold back and gave it his all, imagining it was Smith taking his dick.

Buddy cried out as his seed spurted onto the floor, long streams of white cum shooting out and puddling below him as Max opened him up. Max gave a few last hard thrusts, enjoying how tight Buddy squeezed as he came. Max slammed as deep as he could up Buddy's ass and closed his eyes as he pumped his seed deep into the ex-sheriff.

"Damn, I needed that." Max gave a few more thrusts churning his spooge inside the well-fucked hole. He slowly withdrew and caught some of his dripping seed on his fingers. He reached around and fed it to Buddy as he pushed the dark blond bangs off his face.

"Good service deserves a reward. You've got a talented cunt Buddy, don't be so shy about using it." Max offered up his cock, and Buddy sucked it clean.

Max got dressed and threw another glance over at Buddy, still positioned in the kneeler. David said there were several others scheduled to take him after Max was done. He shook his head wondering when Buddy would accept his fate and move on.

Max's head felt clearer now, and he smiled at the absence of agents as he headed back down past the dungeon level until he reached the lowest floor, only one floor above the sub-basement. He took another couple of turns until he came to the large steel door. There were two armed guards in tactical gear at the entrance to what was usually secured storage.

"Everything quiet?" Max asked.

"Wouldn't go that far, but other than a bit of whining they're doing okay," one of the guards responded.

Max spun the wheel on the steel door and heard the clunk of the locks retracting. He stepped through and pulled the door closed. He rapped twice and got a responding double rap, then he heard the wheel before the locks clunked back into place. Under normal circumstances, the wheel was removed when not in use.

He stepped up to the second door, this one with a retinal scan and fingerprint pad. He never thought they'd be using it like this but when needs must - you improvised. He stepped into the airlock and waited until the light turned green, then keyed in the code for the next door. It was a brightly lit and fairly clean space, not exactly posh but then secure storage rooms weren't supposed to be. There wasn't a secure enough place to store the drugs they produced.

He walked down an aisle of metal shelves loaded with pharmaceuticals and reached an open area that had been cleared that morning. Spare shelves were pushed in a jumble against one wall and at the very back, sat a line of gagged and shackled agents. Max wanted to make sure they all looked healthy. The knockout drugs shouldn't have had any side effects, but you never knew for sure. It was a little cold, but given the cost of the drugs, the agents would have to do with extra blankets.

"Just thought I'd let you know, we have cots and blankets on the way along with some better restraining devices so you can at least be comfortable. My apologies for the accommodations but we'll try to get it fixed up for while you're here. Promise we'll also feed you, and we'll set up some kind of portable john. If you have food allergies or anything we need to know about let the guard know when he comes to tell you about dinner options."

One of the agents was trying to speak through the gag. Max knelt down and pulled the gag off so he could speak. "Something urgent?"

"We're government agents, you can't do this. You don't understand how much trouble you'll be in for-" Max put the gag back before the guy could finish.

"Just so you all understand. We work for the government too, and sad to say, but just so you understand, you all are in a shit load more trouble than us. Be glad you're here, that way Mr. Smith isn't adding to the illegal activities you'll be charged with. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the space you're in has six-foot walls and is lead-lined and built to withstand explosives. No signals of any type are getting past these walls, including those fancy chips you've got."

He could see several of the agents slump in resignation. It didn't take a leap to think some of them already knew there would be repercussions for some of their recent activity. You had to have some pretty strong backing to justify murder on your home soil. And the Agency wasn't a group likely to ever be given that kind of leeway. Max walked the perimeter one more time before repeating the procedure to exit. When the locks on the outer door were back in place he turned to the guards.

"When the supplies arrive, make sure there are at least six on duty. Two at this door, two on the inner door and two delivering. At no time should both doors ever be open. Make sure to stage everything on the other side before opening the inner vault."

"Yes, sir," both guards responded.

Max made his way back to Carl's little corner of hell and found him in the control room with Derrick. He glanced down at the board and saw they had the surveillance feed from the vault up, front and center.

"Everything on track?" Max asked.

"Yup," Derrick said, turning in his chair. "All the vehicles were moved to the open air lot by the airport. All cellular phones, IDs, and wallets were left in their respective cars. We only had one agent without a car, but when we looked him up, he lives in walking distance. We put his stuff in a trash bin outside his apartment."

"Mr. Smith been by yet?"

"Yup, cornered the boss in his office."

"And?" Max prompted.

"Dr. Connor was as cool as ice. Of course it helped not knowing - couldn't give anything away even if he wanted. By now Smith's tech team should have dug up the broadcast text originating from Mr. Smith's phone telling all the agents to report to the airport. And yes, all the surveillance cameras between here and there were wiped or turned off, so there's no record of any of those cars arriving."

"Ah... a mystery for our illustrious Mr. Smith to solve. Bet it fries him the order came from his own phone."

Carl gave a deep rumbling laugh. "Oh, the fun has just begun. I've been looking forward to this moment."

"Any luck with the feelers we put out?" Max asked.

"A few pings back, but it's still early," Derrick said.

"Hey, Max. Just wanted to tell you again while I thought of it. Drew is a great hire. He's been doing a bang-up job, and with a little more experience, he's going to be amazing. Totally wasted in Real Estate."

"Yeah, he was quite the hacker back in the day."

Derrick snorted but didn't say more, just got busy with his own computer.

"He's still quite the hacker, once he's up to date on the new systems, I'll be glad that he's on our side." Carl gave a smile, but with the prosthetics, it always looked a little creepy to Max.

Dr. Connor | Scene 10

Dr. Connor knocked on the door before opening it and stepping in.

Walker looked up at him and smirked. "Like I'm going to be able to keep you out?"

"Small courtesies still count," Dr. Connor said, stepping in and closing the door. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. Weak and doing the littlest thing wears me out. Not to mention it fucking hurts."

"Did they bring you food?"

"Okay, so that was awesome. It even tasted good."

"We don't serve your standard hospital cuisine. Dr. Tanner helped you move around a bit, at least to stretch?"

"Yeah, but not to get anyone in trouble..." Walker lifted his arms, showing he wasn't strapped down.

"That wasn't an accident, though if Mr. Smith comes to visit, we'll have to put them back on while he's here," Dr. Connor said.

"Afraid I'll kill him? Not sure I could do much other than fall on him at the moment."

"I have more faith in you than that, but no, it's for your own protection. If he feels threatened he's more likely to lash out. Right now he's a little more testy than usual."

"Yeah? Is there a reason I'd like?" Walker asked.

"Are we back to the 'enemy of my enemy is my friend' tactic?" Dr. Connor asked, and Walker shrugged, giving a smile that made him even more handsome.

"Seems all of his agents that were assigned here have inexplicably disappeared, as in gone with no trace."

"Imagine..." Walker laughed. "Like I told you before, you want him dead, just get me out of here."

"No, dead is too easy. Don't you think he should suffer for a very long time?"

"For what he did to me," Walker waved his hand at his crotch. "Eternity isn't long enough."

"We don't have that option, but we'll see what we can do. For now, let's focus on getting you better?"

"How the fuck do I get better. You cut off my junk! You think Smith will ever give me a chance to escape?"

"Focus on what you can do, rebuild your strength, improve your stamina, and learn how to take care of yourself."

"You mean my pussy?" Walker made air quotes and glared.

"That too. Day after tomorrow we'll teach you what you need to do for that. You can still have orgasms and experience pleasure and if someday you work out a way to regain your freedom and want to build a new life we also have your seed safely tucked away in a sperm bank."

"Wait, you're saying you saved my spunk and that I could have kids?"

"Yes. It would require a doctor's assistance since you wouldn't be able to deposit the old-fashioned way."

"Smith know about this?" Walker asked with a calculating look.

"No, but if you want to make sure I die quickly, you could tell him."

Walker snorted. "You know for working with the enemy, you're not half bad. Almost sorry I nabbed your boyfriend."

"Well Corsic is dead too, so let's deal with one egotistical maniac at a time."

"Just so we're clear, I want my revenge," Walker said.

"And I will do everything in my power to deliver it to you on a silver platter. So maybe work with us on healing and building your strength?"


Dr. Connor extended his hand, and Walker shook without hesitation. Dr. Connor took it as a good sign because Walker was someone he wanted fighting with him, not against him.

His next stop was Thomas's room. He knocked and heard an acknowledgment from the other side. He stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, Thomas, sorry I didn't get by earlier today, we had an emergency."

"Not like I'm doing much."

"You're looking better." The swelling had gone down though there was still a good bit of discoloration from the bruising. The nurses must have washed his hair, the golden brown waves looked good, and his blue eyes had more sparkle than the last time he was in.

"They started physical therapy and come in and make me walk up and down the hall every so often. It hurts, but each time gets a little easier."

"Your mood seems better too."

Thomas blushed and turned away. "So, what's going to happen to me?"

"Don't know yet. As long as Smith's involved, my hands are tied. Best we can do is focus on getting you well."

"Somehow I don't think those... um... treatments are about getting me well."

"Do they hurt or give you any pain or discomfort?" Dr. Connor asked.

"My pride, maybe. It's damn embarrassing. Feel like a cow."

"You sure don't look like a cow," Dr. Connor teased. "I do think keeping the plumbing well primed helps your overall disposition. Not to mention we're building up your production. I know how good it feels. I made sure when we developed the machine that I tried it and helped improve its design to maximize the pleasure it brings." Dr. Connor leaned in as if sharing a secret. "We keep a few of them in the employee recreation room that can be checked out."

Thomas laughed. "You're kidding."

"No, I never kid about a good orgasm. If you haven't figured out, this place," Dr. Connor waved his hand around the room, "is the LAB. We develop pharmaceuticals related to sex and do research on male and female sexuality. We take the subject of sexual pleasure very seriously, it's our business."

"And I'm here, why?" Thomas asked.

"Because the very bad man that captured you wants to leverage our products for his own gain. He's in a position where technically, for the time being, we report to him. So he's using the resources he has at hand."

"Do you know anything about Eric?"

"He's a prisoner here too. Health-wise, he's doing well. As far as his future or what Smith has planned for him, I have no idea."

"So we wait?"

"And take care of yourself, do what the therapist tells you, listen to your nurses and for the other stuff, just enjoy."

"Got it, thanks, doctor."

Dr. Connor winked at him and backed out the door. He checked the time and realized it was early enough he could make a stop before heading back to his office. There wasn't much he could personally do to prepare at the moment, and he didn't want to draw any more of Smith's attention.

Dr. Connor poked his head in David's office and found him working on his computer.

"Hey, boss," David looked up and smiled.

"Hey, you get my updates on Bradley? I wondered if he was free at the moment?"

David swung back to his computer and began typing and flipping screens. "I did. What's going on? Thought you liked to take it slow with the young ones. And...he's done with training for the day and is on rest period until dinner."

"Situation changed. We need to accelerate his taking dick. I want him hooked before we turn him back over to his dad."

"He and Toby just started, so they're both on blowjobs. Both taking to it like pros. But anal?" David questioned.

"Right away. Start him with four times a day. I'm putting him on a quarter dose of Blue. It'll keep him going, but then we don't run the risk of addiction or permanence."

"Oooookay. You mind if I throw in the other occasional lesson as long as I get the anal sessions in?"

"That's fine. I expect we'll eventually get him back and can finish up right," Dr. Connor said.

"Do I even want to understand what you're saying?"

Dr. Connor laughed. "In good time, David. I think I'll go get him started."

It only took a couple of minutes to arrive at the door to Brad's room. Dr. Connor gave an obligatory knock before using the master code to unlock the door and step inside.

"Hello, Brad."

Brad startled and scooted farther back on his bed. "Doctor... Is something wrong?"

"Not at all. Heard you were doing well... with your lessons."

Brad blushed and turned away.

"Nothing to be embarrassed by. Get undressed. I want you to show me your skills." Dr. Connor began undressing and carefully folded each piece setting it aside.

Brad hesitated a minute but complied, sliding out of his jeans and pulling off his tee. He stood naked, hands covering his junk as he waited.

Dr. Connor sat on the bed and spread his legs. "Don't be bashful. Come on..." He pointed to his erection.

Brad slowly climbed back on the bed and crawled over, carefully taking Dr. Connor into his mouth. He was gentle but determined and began sucking. He was a natural. Dr. Connor slid his hand up the back of Brad's smooth leg and squeezed the firm flesh of his ass. He ran his finger down the crack and teased at his opening.

Brad made a small sound as he continued to suck.

"You liked it when those handsome men used your ass, didn't you?"

Brad pulled off far enough to answer. "No, I'm not into guys."

Dr. Connor laughed and fingered the quivering hole. Brad didn't even realize he'd spread his legs wider. "You don't need to lie to me, Brad. It's our secret, and I promise I won't tell. Nothing wrong with enjoying something that feels good."

Brad sucked a little harder and pushed back against Dr. Connor's probing fingers.

"You have a very nice ass, Brad." Dr. Connor picked up the lube he'd thrown on the bed and slicked his fingers before returning his attention to Brad's hole. "Very nice, indeed."

Brad let out a sweet moan when Dr. Connor rubbed his spot, two fingers deeply embedded up his ass. David had told him that Brad had very much enjoyed the attention and it hadn't taken any force or coaxing to get him to bend over for the other guys after David took his cherry. Whatever label Brad put on his sexuality, he liked being fucked. A fact Dr. Connor intended to exploit to its fullest.

"Come on Brad, you can get it deeper." Dr. Connor gripped the back of Brad's head and pushed him down, forcing his thick cock into Brad's throat. He held him a moment until Brad stopped struggling then let him slide off, coughing and choking.

"See. I told you that you could do it. Try again."

Brad went down on him again and managed to get him deeper before pulling back and doing it again.

"You are going to be a great cocksucker, Brad, but I know what you really want."

Brad looked up at Dr. Connor, his lips still swollen and wet. His eyes were dark with lust, and Dr. Connor could see Brad working through what he'd just said.

Dr. Connor squirted some of the lube onto his fingers and stroked his cock, then added more, pushing his fingers in and out of Brad's ass. "There we go, all ready."

Brad crawled over Dr. Connor and straddled him, letting Dr. Connor align his cock with his slicked opening before slowly impaling himself. Brad gripped Dr. Connor's shoulders as the thick cock slowly slid inside.

"Mm... there you go. I know that's what you wanted. All the way now..."

Brad lowered himself until he was fully resting on Dr. Connor's hips, his dick fully engulfed in Brad's tight ass. He began fucking himself, lifting and lowering, using Dr. Connor's shoulders for leverage.

Dr. Connor watched Brad's young face and wondered how long it would be until he could compare father and son. He hadn't mentioned it to the commissioner, but he knew the most common side effect of the knockoff Blue was a residual need. It was much more addictive and often left the subject hungry for a repeat. He gripped Brad's hips and helped him ride, smiling as he thought about breaking both father and son.

Dr. Connor slid Brad off and moved him to his hands and knees on the bed, then slid back in and began to fuck in earnest. "This is what you needed, isn't it, Brad? Our secret, I promise. I'll make sure you get all the dick you need."

Dr. Connor reached around and began stroking Brad as he fucked him, his other hand running over the smooth firm body. He held him snuggly as he pounded into the warm, slick, ass knowing that Brad had already cracked and accepted that he liked having a man's cock buried deep in his body.

Brad's body trembled and he gasped. His cock swelled and grew even harder before his cum exploded out in a torrent, stream after stream of boy cream shooting across his bed. His hole clenched and squeezed and Dr. Connor fucked harder.

"That's it, Brad. Let go..."

Dr. Connor continued to stroke and grunted when his own release rolled through him, filling Brad with his hot load. He thrust over and over until he was sure every drop had been spent and slowly pulled out, scooping up some of his seed dripping from Brad's gaping hole and let Brad suck it from his fingers. He lowered him to the bed then put his dripping cock to Brad's lips to lick clean.

"Rest for a bit, and I'll make sure someone comes by later to take care of you." Dr. Connor laid a gentle kiss on Brad's forehead then picked up his clothes and started to dress.

Dr. Connor was on his way back to his office when he saw an unlikely guest coming toward him. Even the mirrored aviators, hoody, and snug jeans couldn't hide Agent Decker's muscled physique.

"Dr. Connor, can we talk for a minute?" Decker asked.

"Sure." Dr. Connor steered them into an empty exam room. "So what's with the street clothes?"

"Unofficial visit and just in case any of the agents were around I didn't want my visit to be obvious."

Dr. Connor nodded and waited for Decker to continue. The man looked nervous, but with the mirrored sunglasses, he couldn't read Decker's eyes.

Decker must have figured the same because he pulled back his hood and hooked the aviators in his collar. "I came to warn you, Smith assembled a team. He's planning on breaking in tonight and taking Joseph."


"He thinks you're behind the agents disappearing and honestly... I think he just wants to make you suffer. I've tried to be a good agent, but I just can't do it anymore. I'll be turning in my resignation in the morning. Just wanted you to know so maybe you could hide or something."

"You can't do that Decker. Resigning now is as good as putting a gun to your head. He'll never let you leave - you know too much."

"But... I can't...I just can't live with myself if I don't get out now."

"Stay here, we'll hide you until it's safe. I can't make any guarantees, but I will speak for you when the time comes."

"Too late for that, I've already been complicit in too many crimes, but thank you. Stay safe, Dr. Connor. I know it doesn't count for much, but it was a pleasure." Decker shook hands and walked out.

Dr. Connor keyed his earbud. "Derrick?"

["Yeah, boss. I'm here."]

"Don't let Agent Decker leave the building. He's in street clothes leaving medical now. Knock him out and secure him. I don't think he's a danger to himself, but strip him just in case, and we need to get his tracker out."

["Got it, guys are on their way."]

"Thanks and find Carl. Smith's planning an attack tonight. He needs to get with Max and plan a greeting party. I think Joseph and I will be sleeping in Carl's corner of hell for the night."

["On it."]

Dr. Connor stepped onto the lift and started formulating how he'd explain it to Joseph. Clair wasn't at her desk when he got back to his office, but the door was open, and he saw someone inside.

He stepped in and realized it was the window washer Claire had warned him about. Though, the man wasn't what he was expecting. They guy was as big as Max with broad shoulders and close-cropped blond hair. Everything about him screamed military - but he was, in fact, cleaning the windows.

Dr. Connor walked over to his desk, and the man turned and gave him a smile. Damn, but he was handsome, and as Dr. Connor trailed his eyes down the guy's body, he couldn't help but picture him with less clothing in much more intimate settings.

"Afternoon, sir. Promise I'll be out of your way shortly. Almost done." He turned back to the windows. "You know, it's a very satisfying job. I'm sure not as important as what you do, but when I remove the filth, the whole world looks so much better. Brighter, healthier, like it gives you a whole new perspective."

"I can see that," Dr. Connor said deciding to enjoy the view while he could - and he wasn't looking out the windows.

The window washer turned and picked up his stuff. He extended his hand, and the big smile was back. "Guess in a way, you remove filth too."

Dr. Connor accepted the handshake and tried not to react as he felt the man press something into his palm. "Hope you have a great day."

"You too, sir, and good luck with that filth." The window washer gave a nod and walked toward the door. Just as he was about to step out, he looked over his shoulder. "Maybe we'll see each other again."

Dr. Connor stared after him a minute then stared down at the object in his hand. It was a challenge coin. A very special one. He turned it over in his hand and looked at the image of the Pentagon on one side and the United Nations symbol on the reverse with a microchip stuck to it.

"Fuck." Blake held it a moment as the ramifications hit him. This wasn't just a coin, it was a blank check which had the authority to open a lot of doors. Max had wondered if they'd know when they got the "go order," Dr. Connor didn't think this left any doubt.

End Chapter 21

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Next: Chapter 22

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