The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Mar 8, 2019


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 20: Contingencies, Copyright 2019 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 20: Contingencies By Tripp Savidge

Blake | Scene 1

Blake stared at his reflection and wondered again where he'd gone wrong. Everything was totally fucked, and he wasn't sure how to fix it. He rubbed some pomade in his hair and decided it would have to be enough. He didn't have the energy to fuss over how he looked when the people he loved were in trouble.

"We'll get through this," Joseph said stepping up behind him and giving him a hug.

"I hope you're right. I really wish I could send you off with the others. I don't know how to keep you safe and out of Smith's reach." Blake turned and cupped Joey's face and kissed him.

"It would never work. I need you, and while a week might be manageable, I'd be batshit crazy and in a straightjacket, if it took longer. Somehow, I don't think this will be that quick to resolve."

"I wish you weren't right. I am so fucking worried about Craig and Stephen. What if Smith hurts them?" Blake hugged Joseph tight. He appreciated their co-dependence most days, but at the moment it scared the shit out of him. He wanted Joseph as far away from Smith as possible, but Joseph wasn't the only one who'd be going through withdrawal - a side effect of the drugs that had bound them together.

"You didn't sleep well, did you?" Joseph asked in concern.

"No. Strange bed. I don't know about you, but this place makes me feel like I stepped into a time machine."

"I agree it is a little dated, but everything's practically new. Though it is a bit heavy on the oak, brass, and pastels," Joseph said.

"Tell me. Dad never used the place much, and I wasn't comfortable having Michael stay here by himself, but I'll confess I considered sneaking downstairs to our own bed several times. Even if the place is bugged."

"We'll be fine. Once this is all over, Vince's people will remodel, and by then we'll probably be living at the new house anyway. And Blake, Craig and Stephen are tough - they can take care of themselves."

"God, I hope so. If anything happens to them..." Blake couldn't bring himself to even finish the thought. "I better get going if I'm going to have everything ready for our new guests. I'll say goodbye to Michael before I go. I won't be able to talk to him later without raising suspicion."

"Be careful." Joseph gave Blake another kiss.

"I will." Blake slipped out of the bedroom and walked into the main room. Jose was at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal. "Hey, you're up early."

"Morning, Dr. Connor."

"Everything okay?"

Jose looked over his shoulder toward the bedrooms. "I don't think so. I don't know what's going down but Michael's upset, and I might be wrong, but I think he's... scared."

Blake had to lean in to hear Jose, who was speaking barely above a whisper. "We all are. But thank you for trying to distract him. I take it, nothing happened?"

"Oh, no. Shit happened." A huge smile lit up Jose's face.

"Good," Blake said softly. "I'm sorry I can't tell you more, but for now, I need you to trust me. When Michael leaves for school, one of the guards will take you back to your room. I'm not sure when, but at some point today one of the Black Guard is going to come and tell you it's time to leave. Go with him. You can trust the Black Guard and David - no one else. Do you know who my guards are?"

"I've seen them around. Several are part of the simulations." Jose looked a little worried.

"Yeah. I'm sending you on a holiday of sorts. Enjoy yourself and take care of Michael for me, okay?"

Jose's expression moved from worried to confused. "Sure... no problem. I really enjoy being with Michael. Where are we going?"

"You'll find out when you get there." Blake patted Jose on the back as he went to pour himself a bowl of cereal.

"So what am I supposed to do? Offer myself up for sex if he gets hard up?"

"No, you can do much better than that, Jose. I want you to seduce him every waking moment. Fuck him until he can't walk and make sure he forgets about everything but how amazing you are in his bed. Now, if you happen to wear him out and need more, I have no objection to you doing the same for the others who'll be with you. I think you'll find them all, quite appealing."

"And what do I owe you for this? It sounds a little too good to be true," Jose asked skeptically.

"Nothing. Honestly, you are doing me a huge favor. They will need to be distracted, and with your body and skills, it should be child's play." Blake leaned over the counter and kissed Jose. "Wish I could be one of your victims."

"Yeah, yeah. You can have me anytime you want." Jose chuckled, but Blake saw the grin spread across his face.

Blake | Scene 2

"Good morning, Claire." Blake was glad that Claire was back working for him. While he'd enjoyed having Joseph in the role, Claire wasn't nearly as distracting, and honestly, she was better at managing him. He also noticed the agent standing near his office door.

"Morning. I know it's early, but you've already had several calls. Only one you need to act on soon is Commissioner Crandall."

"Did he say what it's about?" Blake asked.

"Wants you to meet him for coffee. He said it's important, probably about those consults you helped with." Her eyes did a quick dart to the agent.

"Did he propose when and where?"

"Lava Java at 9:00," Claire said.

"Okay." Blake paused to think about his schedule. "I can do that, can you call him back and let him know. I'm going down to find David. They won't be bringing our new guests over until closer to 11:00, but I want to make sure he's ready."

"Hey," Claire said with a concerned look.


"You can do this."

"Thanks, Claire." Blake leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate you."

"Bonuses are nice..." Claire teased as Blake walked to the elevator.

He turned and gave her a wink before the doors closed.

Dr. Connor found David in his office and closed the door behind him before taking a seat. At least the agents didn't follow him in. Their constant hovering was starting to make him a little twitchy.

"You ready for our guests? You have my list of what to do with each?" Dr. Connor asked.

"I do." David looked up and chuckled. "Would it make you feel better if we reviewed it again?"


"We quadruple checked the cells since the only time they've been used is when the Agency threw you and Michael in one. Fortunately, we have four. I've got Justin Cofield, Eric Kerr, Wesley Walker, and Brett Ward. You wouldn't mind if he 'accidental-like,' fell down the stairs or ran into a few walls on the way?"

Blake laughed. "Yes, I'd mind. Don't worry you'll get a shot at the traitor but for now, we've got to focus on more important things."

"I don't know, Blake. Seems mighty important to me," David said.

"With all the other shit going down? No, we've got years to make Ward suffer if we make it through this clusterfuck. Besides, think how messed up he'll be waiting for you to do something like that and then it not happening. The longer it goes, the more paranoid he'll be."

"Ha ha. Yeah. I like that. Okay, so on to the others... Dr. Tanner will keep Thomas for several more days. He was going to talk to Dmitri about getting one of his guys to help with some physical therapy. That much bed rest and with the beating he took, he's going to be pretty stiff."

"That's a great idea."

"We've got Tobias White, Bradley Whitmore, Harrison Cofield, and Jacob Ward in singles, that right?"

"Yes. I don't want them with anyone just yet. Toby and Bradley should go through full testing. I can't say I'm hopeful, but if they can be used as test subjects that will be a win. Get them both cleaned up and flushed; I plan on visiting Toby for some stress relief. I'd like you to pop Bradley's cherry. Oh, and full tests for Jacob too but he'll also be putting on a daily show for his dad. Use one of the observation rooms and schedule guys who knew Ward when he was here."

"You're so sweet! Giving me a virgin sacrifice. I didn't know you cared, Blake," David teased.

"Fuck you. You know I care and he's even a pretty one. Since they got nabbed making a drug deal I'm expecting Toby and Bradley will need detox but who knows."

"You want us to keep Jacob juiced up?" David asked making some notes.

"Yeah. While it will be rough on Brett, I want Jacob to enjoy himself. From what Max and I saw, I don't think that will be a problem for Jacob. Keep old man Cofield drugged as well. Only black trainers for him. I have no friggin idea what we're going to do with him."

"We need to do anything for the other four?" David asked.

"I'm sure we will, but neither Smith nor his agents have shared yet."

"What are we doing with the chips?" David dropped his voice as he set the case on his desk and opened it. "This is some old shit."

"See if one of Carl's people can program our chips to mimic the Agency's. That way we'd keep control and could always make changes later. All of them get the implants," Blake whispered. "Smith wants the four prisoners chipped today."

"I'll get right on it, I'm sure they can mimic the Agency chips." David closed the case and slid it back under his desk.

"Shit! I forgot we were going to upgrade Michael's."

"Hey, it's okay. Already taken care of." David glanced meaningfully at the door. "Trust me, okay."

"Thanks, David."

Blake | Scene 3

"Morning, Roz," Blake said as he stepped up to the counter.

"Oh, my God. In person, no less? The prince actually stepped out of his tower. Your usual?"

Blake couldn't hold back the laugh. "Yes, please. And I hardly think I qualify as a prince."

"With as many times as I've pictured you riding in on your stallion? Sometimes I even picture you with clothes," Roz teased as she rang up his latte. "You can pick it up from Tyler. He'll call you when it's up."

Blake paid and was surprised that the coffee shop owner still managed to make him blush. They'd known each other for years and had bantered back and forth since they first met. He stood to the side and waited. He saw Commissioner Crandall already seated in the back corner and gave a wave.

"Prince Charming," the barista called out.

Blake felt the heat return to his face and immediately looked back at Roz who gave him a wink.

"Good morning, Dr. Connor. I see Roz has your number?" Crandall held up his coffee as if he were toasting.

"Yeah, does she ever." Blake sat across from the commissioner. "Should I worry? You've never asked me to meet you for coffee before."

"Do you know you're being followed?" Crandall leaned in and whispered, giving a nod toward a table with two Agency guys in suits.

"Me and my shadows."

"I gather they're not yours. Not near pretty enough." Crandall sat back and gave an appraising look. "Got a question for you. I'm looking for two teens and wondered if you might know anything or have heard any rumors. One is a blond preppie type the other a young black teen - by all accounts a looker."

"Why would you think I'd know anything?" Blake asked.

Crandall rolled his eyes. "Just answer, Blake."

"I swear to you, neither my guys nor I have brought in anyone new in weeks. The last one is the young man you sent over."

"The parents are raising a stink, Blake. Both the black teen's mother and the other kid's dad. Mr. Whitmore already hired a private detective because he doesn't think we're trying. We found personal effects and the cars they were driving - abandoned. Everything wiped clean. Sorry, but it was professional and reminded me of someone's work I know."

Blake sat for a moment. If the parents pushed too far or if Crandall's folks got close, more people would get hurt. Fuck this is messed up, he thought. "As I said, I had nothing to do with it; however, from what I might have picked up you might want to let this one go."

"Let it go?" Commissioner Crandall repeated in disbelief.


"This wouldn't have anything to do with the rumors I'm hearing? That a group may have a new leader, who is let's say... a bit off the rails."

"Harry, I have a lot of respect for you and your team. To be honest, I like working with you and your guys and would really like to able to continue doing so."

"Fuck." Crandall sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. The look on his face was anything but pleasant. He stared at Blake for a moment and then his look changed to one of concern. "You're in deep shit, aren't you?" Crandall whispered silently enough, Blake barely heard him as Crandall's eyes traced back to the agents' table.

Blake snorted and took another sip of his coffee.

"I thought I should at least ask about the teens." Crandall took out a business card and a pen and scribbled something on the back. He'd actually taken two and made a show of sliding the card back in his jacket pocket while the second one he'd written on, he slid across the table. "If you hear anything, call me."

"Will do. Good seeing you again. And by the way that kid you sent over, Hunter, he's doing good."

"I knew you could help. Thanks, Dr. Connor." Crandall stood and shook his hand, giving a longer squeeze than usual.

Blake sat back down to finish his coffee and flipped the business card over. Written in small print was the message: "Need help? Call anytime," and what appeared to be Harry Crandall's personal cell number.

Blake palmed the card as he stood up and walked to the door, tossing out the empty cup and nodding to the agents watching him. "I'm headed back now, want to walk with me?"

Blake | Scene 4

Blake's team had cleared everyone from the area, and they were guarding the path that would take their new guests down to the cells and the dorm. He stood on the loading dock and watched as the armored panel truck backed in.

Within minutes armed agents had taken up positions, and one was approaching. Not a man he'd remembered seeing.

"Everything ready?" the agent asked.

"Yes. May I assume your people will escort them in?" Dr. Connor didn't offer any greeting or handshake, placing his own hands behind his back. He thought that way, he was less likely to strangle someone.

"Yes. Mr. Smith said your people would be taking over once they're in their... rooms."

"Correct. Any other special instructions?"

"Not for today. He did ask me to check on the schedule for Mr. Walker. Do you have an update?"

"The other surgeons are arriving tomorrow in time for us to do a consult and for us to plan out the surgery. We'll do the procedure day after tomorrow. Can I expect my men to be returned?"

"Sorry, that's Smith's call." The agent returned to the truck and began assisting the others in guiding the chained prisoners into the building.

Dr. Connor decided to follow the men taking the four down to the cells. He wasn't really worried that anything would go wrong with the others and his people were keeping close tabs. The level where the cells had been built out was only one floor below the training area. While not part of the planning, Dr. Connor was now glad that they hadn't decided to put them on the same level as the dungeons.

Dr. Connor watched quietly as the agents placed each man into his respective cell and removed the manacles and chains. He tried to hide his amusement at their juvenile prank. He was sure that leaving the former terrorists unrestrained in their cell was meant to cause Dr. Connor's team trouble later.

"Might want to warn your rent-a-thugs that they need to be careful when dealing with those guys," the agent smirked as he gestured with a thumb over his shoulder.

"Not worried. My rent-a-thugs actually know what they're doing." Blake took a certain amount of pleasure from the agent's irritation.

"Sign please." The first agent who'd come off the truck was holding out a clipboard.

Dr. Connor signed, indicating all four men had been delivered and secured in their cells. "Anything else I need to know?"

"Mr. Smith wants each of them kept drugged and fucked repeatedly. You know about what's needed for Walker. I was told the chips were provided, and you'll be doing the implants on all of them. Just let the Agency know when they're active, and we can test to make sure they are working." The agent looked up from his notes with a smug grin. "You can expect Mr. Smith to return when Walker comes out of recovery."

Dr. Connor remained silent, preferring to watch the agent get uncomfortable.

"Well, we can confirm the others are all secured then you can sign for them as well."

Dr. Connor nodded but didn't make any other moves or offer to lead.

"Are you going to show me where they are?" the agent barked.

"I can. Sorry, I assumed with how much time you spend here that you'd know your way around. Follow me." Dr. Connor turned and started down the hallway, not waiting for the agent or making sure he followed.

It didn't take long to confirm that every one of their new guests was safely secured. The crew who'd brought them in left and Dr. Connor was free to resume his day. Unfortunately, while those agents departed, there were more than enough left to make him feel crowded. Dr. Connor walked up to the nurses' station in the infirmary.

"Hey, Ian. Is Dr. Tanner on the floor?"

"Hey, boss. He just went in to check on Mr. Kerr," Ian said.

"Thanks." Blake quietly stepped into Thomas's room and pulled the door closed behind him.

"Dr. Connor," Dr. Tanner greeted with a smile.

"How's he doing?"

"He feels like he got run over by a fucking train," Thomas mumbled.

"I am so sorry, Thomas. If there's anything I could have done..." Dr. Connor looked down at the battered man in the bed and knew he had to be in pain.

"I stopped in to adjust the pain meds. Ian said they weren't strong enough," Dr. Tanner said.

Thomas snorted and then groaned.

"Guess you already figured out they didn't do anything sexual. Just beat the crap out of me after they flogged me."

"Yeah, again... I'm so sorry. Dr. Tanner here is the best. He'll get you fixed up and feeling good as new. They don't expect there will be any scarring." Dr. Connor absently watched while Dr. Tanner increased the meds flowing into Thomas's IV.

"And then what?" Thomas asked as he tried to focus unsuccessfully on Dr. Connor. The drugs already hitting his system.

"We'll figure that out later. Rest and try to get better. You're going to be here a while, so focus on that, okay?"

"Mm-hm..." Thomas was fading fast.

Dr. Connor looked back to the door then leaned in and whispered to Dr. Tanner. "Any news on Chris?"

"Doing better. They're going to move him when they take him down for follow-up x-rays this morning. The agents can't go in, so it's our only chance. Found a small regional where we can admit him as a John Doe until he's ready to go home. One of the other doc's has privileges there and wanted to help."

Dr. Connor leaned his forehead against Dr. Tanner's. "Thank you. I may need you to prescribe something... I'm not doing so well."

"What? You're not going to self-medicate?" Dr. Tanner teased.

"I don't trust myself, Jeffrey. Better if you take care of it."

"I'll get one of the guys to sneak it into your medicine cabinet. It will be labeled 'vitamin supplement.'"


Dr. Connor walked to the training dorm and felt a little nervous that he hadn't heard from Mr. Smith. They had to know by now, he thought.

His phone started to vibrate, and he pulled it out checking the caller. "Hello."

"What the fuck are you up to, Connor?" Smith yelled.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Everyone is all checked in, and to my knowledge, it went smoothly."

"Cut the act. What did you do to my agents and where the hell is Michael?"

"What? You lost Michael!" Dr. Connor yelled back. "You're supposed to be protecting him. Can't your guys do anything right?"

"Back off. This is your doing, I know it."

"Michael was fine when he left with 'your' agents for school this morning. I'm headed over there now. Did he even get to school?"

"Stay the fuck in the office, Connor. You have work to do. My people will handle this."

"Like you handled Joseph? And how many people died on that fuck-up? You said Corsic and his people were done. That we didn't have to worry!"

"Watch it, Connor. Don't take that attitude with me or you'll be picking up your two fag guards from the morgue. You stay there and do what you're told. And, Connor, no more social coffee breaks, you have work to do. Tell my agents what the schedule is for Walker and when he'll likely be waking up from his surgery. I want to be there to break the good news to him." The call ended.

Dr. Connor started to laugh and leaned against the wall. One of the passing trainers gave him a worried look but kept on going. Yeah, Smith, you're the one who's going to be picking up men from the morgue, Blake thought as he turned the lock and then knocked on the door.


"Hello again Toby. Remember me?"

Sean | Scene 5

Sean came out of the small bath and listened for a moment. He heard Drew and Taylor saying goodbye, then the door closing into the garage. He'd had trouble sleeping and was running slow this morning. He hoped Taylor would forgive him for not seeing him off for school. Poor kid had been through a lot. He'd make it up with extra game time tonight.

Sean walked into the small kitchen and saw Beau seated at the table eating cereal.

"Morning, Beau. Any news on Craig?" Sean asked.

"Sorry, nothing."

"Drew said you can track him. Why can't you go all SWAT-like and rescue them?"

Beau looked up, his expression sympathetic and sad. "I wish we could, buddy. These Agency guys are expecting that. Too risky."

"But, Craig..." Sean had to look away as the tears started. He was more scared than he'd ever been in his life. Craig had been the one to rescue him from the agents at the school and had been by his side acting like the big brother he'd never had. Craig had gone out to meet up with Stephen and never came back.

"Eat some breakfast. Starving yourself won't help anyone," Beau said pushing the box of cereal forward.

Sean grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard and sat down across from Beau.

"You think they know where we are?" Sean asked being careful not to spill as he poured the milk.

"No. Drew just started, so he wasn't on the Agency's radar, and this house has no connection to the Lab or any of its employees. I think we're still safe here."

"I was supposed to graduate this week," Sean said staring at the table.

"Sorry, buddy. I know this is scary and totally messed up. It wouldn't be safe for you. Besides, you'll still graduate. You said you already completed all the assignments and tests were done. All you're missing is walking across the stage."

"But..." Sean looked at Beau and knew he was trying to help. He'd worked so damned hard to do well and wanted to make everyone proud when they read his name and his honors. Now he wouldn't even be there.

"So, tell me, how'd you meet Dr. Connor?" Beau asked.

Sean knew that Beau was trying to distract him but figured he might as well just go along. "A couple of years ago. Dr. Maxey called me in, and Dr. Connor was in his office. Pretty simple, really. He offered me money if I kept an eye on Michael and sent texts updating him on anything that happened at school. You know, like problems, harassment, teachers picking on him, any bullying - the usual."

Beau laughed. "Okay, so how does that lead into you being so... um... familiar with Dr. Connor?"

Sean felt the heat rush to his face. "It doesn't. I was working at this pizza place, and they had an opening for delivery that would pay better. One of my first deliveries was to Dr. Connor, when he came to the door he recognized me. And... well... one thing led to another."

"Must have been some pizza," Beau said.

Sean shrugged and watched the man across from him. Beau was exceptionally handsome but had never hinted at any interest.

"You know they're all pretty protective of you."

"Who is?" Sean was curious and hopeful at the same time.

"Dr. Connor and Joseph for sure, but I saw how Craig watched you, and some of the others have mentioned you."

"You're not going to tell me who?"

"What? The list is so long you can't guess?" Beau teased.

"No, it's not like that. I mean... yeah, I've um... been closer with some of them than others. But like nothing's ever happened with Craig." Sean focused on his cereal and took another bite. "Wait. Are you and Craig?"

Beau laughed. "Goodness, no. I don't think Craig belongs to anyone and from what I gather, he's none too casual about hooking up. Though he's about the biggest tease I've ever met."

"Yeah, tell me."

Beau's phone began to buzz, and he pulled it from his pocket. "Hello. Yeah... He is." Beau looked up at Sean and appeared to be listening. "Okay. I can do that. You sure?"

Sean tried as hard as he could but couldn't hear what the caller was saying. He watched Beau's face for any emotions or giveaways of what might be happening.

"Yeah, will do. Okay, I promise." Beau ended the call and didn't look happy. "You need to finish your breakfast and get dressed. We're going out."

"But you said we couldn't... that we needed to hide here..."

"Change of plans."

"Something happen? Is it Craig? Chris? Oh, God, no one died did they?"

"Chill, Sean. Take a deep breath. As far as I know, Chris is still fine and no, there was no update on Craig and Stephen. We're just moving to a new location." Beau stood up and went to the sink to wash his bowl and coffee mug.

Sean watched his back skeptically. Even with as nervous and scared as he was, he could still appreciate a handsome hunk with an amazing ass. Beau definitely hit it on both counts. Sean finished his cereal and walked up behind Beau.

"You don't like me, do you?" Sean asked setting his stuff on the counter.

"Whatever gave you a stupid idea like that?" Beau turned and scowled. He was still handsome even so.

"You always keep your distance and keep scowling at me. I'm pretty sure you know I'm gay and willing. Dr. Connor said I give a good blowjob."

"Geez, kid. You are way too good looking for your own good, and I've met fully grown men who weren't as... forward. The scowl is because I feel guilty. I shouldn't have thoughts like that about you."

"Why the fuck not? If I'm willing - and I am more than willing by the way - and you're interested, what's the problem?"

"We're done with this conversation. Go get changed!" Beau's voice raised almost to a shout. "Huh..." Sean stepped back crossing his arms. "Joseph said you were a bit shy."

Beau made a strange sound and pointed.

"Yeah, yeah." Sean couldn't help but smile as he went back to the room he'd been using and changed. He only had one set of clothes, so it wasn't like he had decisions to make. So, I am getting to him. Joseph said I'd have to be patient and wear him down, now I think I get it. Sean checked his reflection and grinned. "Mission accepted," Sean whispered grabbing his backpack.

They locked up and stepped into the garage. Sadly Diablo's GT-R wasn't there, just the non-descript Ford.

"Get in." Beau climbed in the driver's seat after throwing his own duffel into the back seat.

"Where are we going? Don't we need to leave a note for Drew? Won't he be worried when he gets back from dropping off Taylor, and we're gone?"

"Diablo is taking care of it, and you'll see where we're going when we arrive."

Sean watched and tried to figure out where they were headed. He hadn't missed that Beau was going with him - to wherever. When they pulled into the large big box's parking lot, he was more confused than anything. Beau got out and opened the back door for his bag.

"Come on."

"But?" Sean put on his backpack and followed as Beau walked over to a catering truck parked on the edge of the lot. Beau opened the back of the panel truck like he owned it and pointed.

"Get in."

Sean was about to ask what the hell when he stopped himself. Beau was glaring daggers, and Sean wasn't sure why. He climbed in between the racks and wasn't sure where he was supposed to go. There wasn't much room, and it wasn't open to the cab.

"Sit down and try to get yourself as comfortable as possible. Won't be a long ride."

"Why are we in a catering truck?" Sean asked deciding it was worth another scowl.

"Because no one will be expecting us to be in here and it gets us where we need to be."

"Well, gee thanks for being so informative." Sean tucked his chin into his knees and did his own glare.

Fortunately, Beau was right, and it was only about twenty minutes before they rolled to a stop and Sean could hear voices. Beau held his fingers to his lips telling Sean to keep quiet. They moved forward again and another stop. Sean could hear what sounded like a metal gate and the truck crept forward. When they came to a stop, Beau stood and offered a hand to Sean.

The door opened, and a guy in coveralls with the caterer's logo looked in and smiled. "You guys ready? I'm parked by the stairs, so quick as you can, get on board. Keep low and stay on this side of the truck.

Sean looked at Beau in question but didn't get a response. Beau helped Sean out of the truck keeping him close and then led him along the side until they came to the jet's stairs.

"Hunch down and get in quick," Beau said.

Sean quickly climbed the stairs and barely got to the top before he was grabbed and pulled inside. He couldn't help the squeak of alarm.

"Shh. It's okay, Sean."

Sean looked up to see Mario, one of Dr. Connor's newer guards. Sean was so relieved, he wrapped his arms around Mario and hugged him tight.

"You're safe. Come on, let's get you settled." Mario pulled the curtain back and guided Sean into the main cabin.

"Sean!" Michael stood and pulled Sean into him, giving him a hug.

"Michael? What the fuck?" Sean asked stepping back. There was another Latin guy about his age already seated who gave a wave.

"That's Jose. He's going with us."

Sean took a seat in one of the big open captain's chairs opposite Jose and Michael. "Going where?"

"We... um... don't know yet?" Michael shrugged.

Beau and Mario came into the cabin and pulled the curtain. They stood to either side of the opening and both had their guns in hand.

"Sorry guys but we'll need to stay quiet until we're up in the air. Please, just trust us," Mario said.

Sean sat back and buckled in. He took a bit of comfort in realizing that Michael and the other guy, Jose, looked just as nervous as he was feeling. The window shades had all been lowered, and there was nothing to look at.

"How'd you two get here? Was it as crazy as my trip?" Sean whispered.

"Hmm," Jose chuckled looking at Michael. "I don't know about your trip, did you crawl through a sewer?"

"Or get stopped at gunpoint and watch as armed guys in masks knocked out your guards?" Michael asked softly.

"Fuck," Sean muttered with eyes wide. "Well, aren't you gonna tell me? All I got was a ride in a catering truck."

Jose and Michael both snickered, trying to keep it down, and shared a look before they must have come to an agreement that Jose would go first.

"It sounds more exciting than it was. Mario came to get me when I was leaving the cafeteria after breakfast - at the Lab. He dragged me into a stairwell and then we snuck through some hallways and changed to other stairwells going lower and lower. Ended up in some kind of sub-basement with all the pipes and utilities and shit. Took a few more turns and then I kid you not, crawled into the sewer. I'm not sure how, but Mario knew right where to go, and we went through a service door where a car was waiting. Just sitting there with the keys in it."

"And you?" Sean asked turning to Michael.

"I left this morning with two of the Agency goons. We were almost to the school when a truck stopped in front of us, and a van blocked us from behind. The agents told me to get down, and they pulled their guns. Guys in masks surrounded the SUV and told the guards to get out. They did, and I'm guessing they had some sort of knockout stuff because one of the masked guys got behind the guards and hit them in the neck and they dropped like rocks."


"Yeah... then they carried them off like it was nothing and shoved them in the back of the truck. Next thing I know Jared is knocking on the SUV window telling me to get out. He said they were getting me out and to get in the van. Diablo was driving, and they brought me here. End of story."

Sean sat back and shook his head. It had been the craziest week of his life and just when he thought it couldn't get any weirder, it did. He was so keyed up he almost let out a scream when the engines rumbled to life. Sean bit his lip and closed his eyes. Maybe I should take up that yoga meditation mom does, he thought. Voices and sounds interrupted their wait, and they looked at each other nervously. They could hear something being loaded into the plane. A minute or two later, the curtain pulled back.

Beau and Mario both stiffened and turned with guns drawn.

Max | Scene 6

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to take in your new guests?" the agent asked Max.

"I'm sure they can handle it without me. I have something important to do," Max answered as he double checked the contents of the crate against the manifest.

"Mr. Smith-"

"Would be very upset if this shipment doesn't get off without a hitch. And given the trouble we've had, I can't ask one of the drivers to do something I'm not willing to do myself. Mr. Smith is the one who promised that the blocked shipments would go out today. If you're that worried that I'm going to run off, you can follow me to the airport."

"Airport?" the guard asked suspiciously.

"That's where they keep the planes. That's how you get shipments to countries across the big body of water." Max continued with the other crates confirming that everything was right.

"Don't try anything," the agent said.

Max looked up and smiled. "Of course not. And if you get lost, we're going to the private charter terminals, not the main terminal." Max didn't wait for a response before pushing the flatbed to the loading dock. When he opened the door, he saw the nondescript van already waiting. Kameko was leaning against the back with her arms crossed.

"I thought you'd never get here," Kameko said.

"Sorry, agents..."

Kameko snorted and approached holding out her hands for the first box.

"I can do it," Max said.

"Just hand me the damn box, Maximillian."

The van was loaded quickly, and Max slammed the door closed, noticing the agent standing around the corner watching them. He climbed into the driver's side and started the van.

"These agents are starting to wear on my nerves," Max said.

Kameko turned and gave him an appraising look. "So, take pleasure in making them fools - even if they don't know."

Max laughed as he threw the van into gear and pulled away. He hadn't even made it out of the underground tunnel before he saw the agent's car pull in behind to follow them.

"Don't you think this is risky? Drawing their attention to the plane we don't want them to notice?"

"It is. Count it as hiding in plain sight. Jared and Diablo are already in position if anything goes wrong. The whole point is to have agents there and report back to Smith that there was nothing unusual. I'm sure someone is monitoring our flight plans and would notice if we had a jet leave. This way the only aircraft departing is one doing what Smith wants."

"Hmm. I guess." She was silent as they drove and didn't speak again until they turned on the airport access road. "The conversation with Dr. Connor must have gone well. You're still here, and you're still breathing."

Max gave a nervous chuckle. "Yeah, one of the scariest confessions I ever made."

"You know you had to. It wasn't really a choice," Kameko said as she scanned their surroundings.

"He already knew and was just waiting for me to tell him."

Kameko turned to Max, the surprise on her face obvious.

"He was okay with it. Said he knew I had to get comfortable with Diablo and promised to help."

"Damn. He must really love you, Maximillian."

"Almost as much as I love him. Thank you again for the advice. Not many are willing to speak up to me or give me hard truths."

"You may have noticed, subtlety is not my strength," Kameko said.

"True, but you make up for it in being the baddest, kick-ass ninja I know."

"Damn straight."

"Here we are, now for our very anticlimactic performance."

"The agents won't go on board?"

"No reason to, I expect they'll be watching with binoculars so we'll be sure to let them see clearly what we're doing. I'll be on the plane less than thirty seconds."

Max entered the code at the gate and pulled in past the small terminal. One of the attendants met the van and cleared them, opening a second gate for Max to pull onto the tarmac. He parked the van and saw that the agents were kept on the other side of the fence.

"Let's do this," Kameko said before stepping out of the van.

Max opened the back and pulled a portable hand truck out and began loading the boxes. Kameko rolled them over to the plane where another handler was waiting. They were loaded into the plane, and Kameko returned for the next load. It took four trips, and only three crates remained.

"Everything look okay?" Max whispered as he loaded the last boxes onto the hand cart.

"Yeah, the handler said the other cargo was on board. I noticed the shades are all drawn."

"While you get these loaded, I'll get them to sign off," Max said a little louder. Though with the noise of the plane's idling engines, it was unlikely anyone not within a foot or two could hear him.

Max started up the stairs into the cabin and saw the pilot with a tablet in hand. The man stepped back so Max could get onto the plane. He stayed in the doorway so the agents would be able to see him. The pilot handed Max the tablet.

"All signed and delivered," Max said as he finished.

"Yes, indeed." The pilot stepped to Max's right opening up the curtain that had been drawn.

Max nodded to Beau and Mario, glad they looked before they shot.

"Max," Michael whispered.

"Sorry, I'd love to give you a proper send-off, but we're being watched." Max did a quick headcount making sure everyone was on board. He felt some tension ease in his shoulders when he confirmed that they all were: Michael, Sean, Jose, Beau, and Mario.

"Are you sure I can't stay with Dad?" Michael asked.

"Positive. He can't focus if he's worried about you, so ya gotta do this. Try and enjoy yourselves and we'll bring you back as soon as it's safe. Sorry about graduation, but I promise we'll give you and Sean the biggest party ever once you're home."

"We're all set," the pilot said interrupting.

"Safe travels," Max yelled as he exited the plane, stepping down on the tarmac and watching as they closed up the plane. He got back in the van and pulled out of the way but didn't leave until he saw the plane taxi onto the runway.

"Everything good?" Kameko asked.

"Cargo on board and on its way."

Blake | Scene 7

"What are ya gonna do with me?" Toby asked. He had backed himself up on the single bed against the wall, hugging his knees. He was dressed in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, much better than the boxers he'd come in wearing.

"I wanted to check you over and make sure they didn't hurt you."

"I'm fine."

"I prefer to check for myself. Would you rather I call one of the guards to help me?" Dr. Connor asked.


"Stand up, Toby," Blake said as he knelt near the bed. "Get undressed."

Toby pulled off the sweatshirt and threw it on the bed then stepped out of his sweatpants. Blake couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the young man. It was apparent the drugs were still doing their thing. Dr. Connor estimated Toby would be flying high with almost overwhelming arousal for several more hours.

"Beautiful." Blake ran his hand over the ripped abs and down Toby's Adonis belt. His golden brown skin was buttery smooth, and his cock was swollen and hard.

"They sprayed me with something," Toby said noticing how Blake was running his hands around his smooth cock and balls.

"Mm-hm... removes all your body hair. Looks amazing on you. That's a very impressive cock, Toby. We're going to make sure you know how to use it." Blake licked up the shaft and felt a tremor go through Toby.

"I'm not gay." Toby crossed his arms over his chest even as he let out another small gasp when Dr. Connor took the head of his cock in his mouth.

"I don't care, Toby. But tell me, if you're not gay, then why is your body so aroused when a man is touching you?"

"You did something to me."

"I did. It's called licking. You're looking a bit tired though. Did you not sleep well?"

"Fuck you. You know I didn't. How was I supposed to sleep with a dude's cock in my mouth?"

"Not just any dude. A very attractive one. So how'd that go? Did you suck him off again?"

"Fuck you. Why can't you just leave me alone? I want to go home."

Dr. Connor stroked Toby's long, dark cock and a bubble of pre-cum formed at the head. He quickly sucked it off. "You sure you want me to leave you alone? Wouldn't you rather I stay and take care of this?"

Toby responded with a combination of growl and groan that was unintelligible.

"You also didn't answer my question. Did you suck Bradley off again?" Blake caressed Toby's balls, cradling them gently in his hands and then kissed them before using his tongue.

"Yes! Fuck yes! You happy?"

"Why would that make me happy? Bigger question is, did it make you happy? How many times, Toby?" Blake resumed licking Toby's cock like it was a lollipop.

"Four." Toby's response was muttered and quiet enough, Dr. Connor almost didn't catch it.

"Sorry it was so terrible. Too bad you don't like guys, you might have enjoyed it." Blake moved to full on sucking. Taking Toby deep into his mouth and throat. Toby gripped Dr. Connor's shoulders to steady himself.

Dr. Connor pulled off and gripped Toby's hips. "Sit back on the edge of the bed and lift up your legs. Wouldn't want you to fall."

Dr. Connor resumed sucking, wrapping his arms around Toby's thighs so he couldn't move. Dr. Connor occasionally stopped sucking Toby's cock to lick his balls and roll them in his mouth before he returned to the ten- inch dick. He could tell Toby was getting close so slid off the cock and licked down his balls to his taint then swiped his tongue over Toby's entrance.

"Fuck! What?" Toby bent himself in half trying to sit up.

"Relax, Toby. I'm going to take the edge off, lie back and enjoy," Blake said as his tongue started teasing the tight, dark opening. He licked and sucked at the tasty hole.

"Fuck, fuck..." Toby moaned.

"Mm-hm... you have a very tasty man-hole, Toby. So sweet and so tight. Feels good having your ass eaten, doesn't it?"

"Don't stop..." Toby gasped.

Dr. Connor continued rimming Toby's ass making the virgin thrash and moan in ecstasy while his sensitive boy pussy was opened and introduced to pleasures he'd probably never imagined. When Dr. Connor felt Toby's opening relax he moved back up to his cock, taking it all the way in while his fingers took over on Toby's hole.

"Shit, shit, shit," Toby exclaimed as his muscles tightened.

"Mmm." Dr. Conner hummed as his fingers slid inside Toby and found his prostate. He rubbed and massaged the gland as he continued to suck, deep throating Toby's long cock.

"FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK," Toby cried out as his cock began pumping his seed into Dr. Connor's throat and mouth.

Dr. Connor sucked down every drop of Toby's spend and licked him clean. "Flip over."

Toby moved to his hands and knees and spread himself, bending forward.

Dr. Connor then started rimming again, making the young man writhe in pleasure. He already knew that Toby had a sensitive ass and this reaction to having a tongue inside him just confirmed it. "You like this, don't you, Toby?"

"Fuck, yes..."

"I promise, we're going to take very good care of you and make you feel so good. Pleasure you never even imagined. Quit fighting and enjoy this, Toby. Don't worry about gay and straight, those are just labels. Think about what feels good."

Toby was grunting and moaning as his virgin hole was tongue fucked. He pushed back into Dr. Connor's face trying to get him deeper. That signaled Dr. Connor that it was time for lube and some finger work. He pulled out the tube and worked the cream into Toby's hole. Unfortunately, while it would make sex much more enjoyable for Toby, it didn't make for good rimming.

Dr. Connor used his fingers, working them in and out, gradually opening up Toby's ass and getting him more and more aroused as he teased his p- spot. When he had three fingers easily sliding in and out of Toby, he slicked up his cock and put it to the warm opening.

"Relax and breathe deeply, don't hold your breath," Dr. Connor coached.

"UUUGGGHHHH. Too big!"

"Shh... not too big at all. Keep breathing."

Dr. Connor felt the outer ring give way and he slid the head of his cock into the virgin hole. He reached down and began stroking Toby - his cock was still rock hard and leaking. The pre-cum slicked up the head and shaft as Dr. Connor stroked. It served as enough of a distraction that he was now halfway in.

"That's the way, Toby. You know you want me inside you."

"Oh... fuck..."

"Almost there," Dr. Connor said as he began sliding in and out, going a little deeper with each thrust. The cream had done its work. Toby might be feeling the stretch and an overly full sensation, but there was no pain as he took his first cock up his ass. As soon as his body adjusted it would be all pleasure.

"Yesssss... Fuck me," Toby hissed pushing back to get Dr. Connor deeper.

"Oh, yeah, I knew you'd love this. Feels good, doesn't it, Toby? Having a big cock in your hot little ass."

Dr. Connor squeezed the firm round globes and watched as his cock slid in the dark, tight hole. Toby truly had an amazing ass, muscled and smooth. It was a work of art, a bubble butt meant to be fucked. No other reason to give a man such perfect round glutes and tight little opening.

"Harder," Toby grunted.

Dr. Connor hesitated, not because he didn't want to fuck Toby harder, but because he knew he wouldn't last long. The silky innards of Toby's ass were nothing short of amazing. He gripped Toby's hips and began long stroking him deep and hard.

"Fuck, you have an amazing man-hole, Toby."

"Ugh, ugh, ugh," Toby grunted with each thrust.

Blake felt Toby's hole grip him and then his body trembled as Toby cried out. "FUCK!"

The added tightness was all it took to bring Dr. Connor over the edge, and he rabbit fucked Toby blowing his load deep inside the virgin ass. When the last eruption ended, Dr. Connor held still then ground himself deeper into Toby and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him against his body.

"You are an incredible fuck, Toby. I think you are going to be very popular here," Blake whispered as he nuzzled into Toby's ear. He licked along the shell and then nibbled Toby's earlobe. Dr. Connor eased out of Toby and scooped up some of his spend from Toby's ass. He put his fingers to Toby's lips. "Lick."

Toby opened and sucked Dr. Connor's fingers into his mouth. Dr. Connor turned Toby's head and kissed him, sharing the taste of his own seed.

"Lie down for a bit and rest." Dr. Connor dressed as he kept an eye on Toby. The young man watched him with hunger still in his eyes, his cock still hard as if he hadn't just had a load fucked out of him.

"You don't want to do me again?" Toby asked.

"Oh, I do, but regretfully, I have other things that I have to take care of. If you're still horny, I can send someone else in to take care of you. Would you like that?"

Toby nodded.

"If I don't see you again today, tomorrow they'll be running you through a series of tests. Nothing painful, I promise. We'll start you on training after that."


"We'll teach you how to give a proper blowjob and deep throat. You've got a lot of natural talent, so I think you'll do just fine."

Blake | Scene 7

After taking care of some of the ever-present paperwork, Dr. Connor made his way to the infirmary to check on their new arrivals. He found Dr. Tanner at the nurse's station.

"How is it going?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Oh, hey. Good so far. Just finished up the chip implant on the last one. If it's okay with you, I was going to start on the other guys. I think we can get at least two more done today," Dr. Tanner said.

"They give you any problems?" Dr. Connor was curious if they'd been successful with subbing out the chips but just because he couldn't see agents at the moment, didn't mean they weren't nearby.

Dr. Tanner rolled his eyes. "No, the guards took care of getting them in and settled, and they all went out pretty quickly. Last one should be waking up soon."

"Thanks. I'm going to poke my head in and check on him. Who was it?"

Dr. Tanner leaned over the counter and grabbed a clipboard, flipping through the papers. "Walker was last."

"Gotcha." Dr. Connor opened the door to the recovery room and waited a moment for his eyes to adjust. The blackout shades were drawn, and the lights were turned down. Walker had been flipped onto his back but was still restrained on the bed with large straps.

"You just gonna stand there?" Walker's voice was a raspy whisper.

"Wasn't sure you were awake yet." Dr. Connor walked over and stood next to the bed looking down at Walker. Blake was struck again how handsome the man was; too bad he was a sociopathic killer.

Walker turned his head away. "Didn't expect to wake up."

"Why's that?"

"Pretty sure Smith plans on killing me so why the chip?"

"He didn't give reasons, but I'm pretty sure he plans on keeping you around as long as possible so he can torture you."

Walker grunted and turned his head back to look at Dr. Connor. "You help me get out, and I'll solve both our problems."

"Believe me, Mr. Walker. I'd love nothing more than to offer Smith up to you on a silver platter. Unfortunately, he's holding people I love hostage."

"Love is a weakness."

"There was a time I would have agreed with you. Now, I find it a great motivator. I'm truly sorry I can't do more for you."

"Yeah, right. I kidnapped your boyfriend, and we shot your guard."

"True. And I could be wrong, but I don't think you planned on hurting Joseph. My bet is Corsic wanted him as leverage. While I certainly didn't like the man, he was a professional. I think that was why I was so surprised when you killed my ex-wife."

Dr. Connor saw the look of surprise on Walker's face as he turned and looked at him. "Wasn't us, Doc. Not that we didn't think about taking the kid, but Corsic said it would make you too angry."

Dr. Connor stood back gripping the side rail on the bed. Could Walker be lying? He was a proven pathological liar. But at this point, did it matter?

"What's gonna happen to me?" Walker rasped.

"As you may have noticed, I'm not exactly on good terms with Mr. Smith. He tells me the barest minimum of what I need to know and usually at the last minute. I know he has plans for you and two of your cohorts but don't have a clue what they are."

"Hmph," Walker grunted as he turned away.

Dr. Connor let himself out of the room. Dr. Tanner was still at the nurse's station talking to Ian and looked up when Dr. Connor pulled the door closed.

"Everything okay?"

"Huh? Um... yeah." Dr. Connor was still a bit distracted trying to decide if Walker had been lying. "I'm going to find David and set stuff up for tomorrow. I'd really like you to be in on the planning when the other doctors get here. Maybe pick their brains on post-operative care. We're hardly in our comfort zone with this one."

"Sure." Dr. Tanner walked over to Dr. Connor and put his hand under Blake's chin. "Let it go, Blake. You don't have a choice, and while I don't agree with it, the man would be on death row if he went through the courts. Maybe this is still better?"

"Yeah, yeah." Blake took a deep breath. "That's not what had me distracted. Walker said Corsic didn't order the hit on Jennifer, that it wasn't them."

"Fuck, Blake. Then who?" Dr. Tanner asked.

"I don't know Jeffrey. He could be lying, but why would he? Obvious choice is Smith, but I can't see his agents stepping that far over the line - even if they are loyal."

"We'll all keep our eyes and ears open. We can't afford to be distracted." Dr. Tanner glanced down the hall where one of the agents was approaching.

"Right." Blake turned to the agent when he got close. "Can we help you?"

The man eyed Dr. Tanner until he got the hint and walked away. "Smith wanted me to tell you they found the SUV."

"They found Michael?" Blake did his best to act both terrified and hopeful.

"No. It was in a ravine and either caught on fire when it wrecked, or someone set it on fire. There was no sign of any bodies."

"You're still looking, right? Can I have my people-"

"No! Smith said you and your people are not to get involved. We'll handle it." The agent practically growled his delivery, turned and left.

"Asshole," Blake muttered before turning in the opposite direction. He didn't have to look far before he found David outside Milking Room One.

"Blake?" David gave Dr. Connor a concerned look.

"Ignore the scowl, it's not for you. Damn agents. Hey, can we talk about tomorrow?"

"Sure." David led them into an empty interrogation observation room. "Okay, what's up?"

"Have they fitted all the simulation units with semen collectors?"

"Um... yeah... We did that a couple of weeks ago. Dr. Wakahisa's team took care of it."

"I know this may mess up your training schedule, but I'd like you to put all four of the men in the simulators tomorrow. Obviously give them breaks, but I'd like them milked dry."

"If you want 'em milked why not just use the Milking Room?" David asked.

"This may come as a shock, but I'd like Walker's last day with his man parts to be pleasant and somewhat memorable. I can't do something different with him without raising questions, so the other three get a good day as well. But one change, I want Walker's semen captured and put in the sperm bank. We can't label it as Walker so work with Tanner to come up with something so we can keep tabs on it and find it later."

"Whoa... give me a second." David paced while he thought. "So you want to save Walker's seed so he can make babies? The sociopathic killer? Is this a good idea? And what makes you think he'll even survive Smith's attention?"

"From what I've observed and his history, I think he's a survivor. I wouldn't count him out and to be honest, I'd rather have an Ace up my sleeve. It may not be much, but it might just put us lower on his hit list."

"What? You think he'll escape?" David asked in disbelief.

"I do... if I don't find a way to let him go first."

"What the fuck, Blake? Are you crazy?"

"The enemy of my enemy and all..."

"Okay, well I'm warning you this is a really bad idea," David said crossing his arms.

"Unfortunately, I don't' have any better ones. Changing subjects, our boys all doing okay?"

"Jose disappearing freaked them out. I explained that he's fine and just had to go off to do a favor for you. Not sure they bought it. On the plus side, I think we had a breakthrough with Mal. Though Adam is still as stubborn as ever."

"Really? Do tell..."

"Mal said he's done fighting. Said he'd do whatever we wanted if we'll just let him get off."

"About time." Blake leaned against the wall and thought about it for a minute. "I've got some work I've got to get done now, but if you bring him up to the apartment at the end of your shift, I think we'll put Mal to work."

"You want him drugged or any special prep?" David asked.

"No, let's do it all natural. Remove the lock and plug and make sure he's flushed. We'll take care of the rest."

"Will do. What about Adam."

"Keep up with the same treatment. No doubt that he'll eventually break. Being the last straight boy standing might just be what sends him over the edge."

Blake | Scene 8

"Damn, Joey. That was amazing. How did I get so lucky to find a man who is not only fantastic in bed but can cook?" Blake said.

"Hmm. Blessed beyond measure I guess," Joseph teased.

"Did you save a plate for Takashi?"

"I fed him first. Do you know when we'll hear something?"

"No, but it was over eight hours of flight time without any stops." Blake noticed Joseph's look of panic and how his eyes darted around the apartment. "It's okay, Carl checked the apartment thoroughly - no bugs. Our rooms downstairs though..."

"Oh, so that's why you agreed to stay up here. It wasn't so I had a kitchen and some space?"

"Busted. Though that is a nice benefit. My stomach appreciated the concession. I don't think the Agency expected us to stay up here and Carl has kept it locked up tight. He changed all the passcodes so they can't get in."

"You said you had a surprise for me later?" Joseph asked as he began clearing the small table.

"Mal-Chin is coming up later. I thought you and Takashi could help me give him a night to remember."

"He finally broke?" Joseph stared at Blake in surprise, dirty dishes still in hand.


A knock sounded at the door. "Blake, Randy is here to see you," Takashi called.

"Hey Randy," Joseph called out.

"Am I disturbing you?" Randy asked as he stepped in.

"Not at all, come on in." Blake waved Randy over.

Randy looked around and grimaced. "Time capsule?"

"Of a sort. Vince promised he'll completely renovate once we vacate," Blake said.

"Good. You've got an agent watching the elevator lobby. Takashi won't let him anywhere near the door but thought you'd want to know."

"Thanks. Not surprised but at least we had this place pretty well insulated when it was built. Dad didn't want anyone in his business. So, what brings you by?"

"I'm going to be taking shifts and wanted you to know. With so many of the Black Guard out of commission, Max and I are shuffling people around. I'm pulling in Sergio, Chad, and Jake. Kameko will also help out if there's any need to go off-site."

"You think that's enough?" Joseph asked.

"It's a start. Are we expecting more trouble?" Randy glanced nervously between Blake and Joseph.

"I hope not. Smith has me pinned down so I shouldn't be too much of a burden and as far as I'm concerned Joseph isn't leaving this apartment."

"Blake!" Joseph objected.

"No. I just got you back, I'm not taking any chances."

"Sorry Joey, but I gotta agree. We'll bring you anything you want if you'll just sit tight. I don't want those agents anywhere near you."

"Humph," Joseph grumbled and glared. "I should go to the funerals. It's the least I can do considering they got shot because of me."

"No," Randy and Blake said in unison.

"Babe, as far as the families know, you're still recovering from your injuries. They won't expect you, and Claire will make sure we send our condolences and flowers. Smith is too much of a wild card, and we already know, he's way too curious about you," Blake said.

"Fine." Joseph crossed his arms and gave an expression that made it clear that he thought it was anything but.

"Max doing okay?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, he's fine. We thought it would be best if he kept his distance for a bit. The agents seem to get worked up whenever you two are together. Probably assuming you're plotting or something silly like that." Randy chuckled to himself. "So, he sent me with messages."

"Send-off went well. Research is ongoing, and some info is starting to trickle in. Carl is working with Drew, so all of the data is being gathered offsite on the backup system. Jared and Diablo are still helping with recon and have managed to stay hidden. Chris was moved to that regional hospital as a John Doe. Guess that created quite a stir, and Smith himself showed up at the hospital."

"Wonder how long until they share that he's gone missing?" Blake pondered.

"I gather there was a lot of yelling and finger-pointing. Of course, it's a public hospital and there's not much Smith or his people can do without creating an incident. We made sure none of the 'staff' was involved, so they have nothing to hide," Randy explained.

"Any news on Craig or Stephen?" Joseph asked.

Randy grimaced and didn't make eye contact. "Yeah."

"Bad?" Joseph asked.

"Well, not good. Drew has been tracking them, and we know they're being held at an Agency facility some of the time, but they've made several trips to one of the big hotels in the city."

"What are you not telling us?" Blake's voice went cold.

"We're pretty sure Smith's people are pimping them. We've got all our network keeping their eyes open, and we have some people at the hotel. No one has actually seen it happening but... you know... one plus one." Randy shrugged.

"He's going to die," Blake growled.

"We're doing everything we can," Randy said.

"Do you know if we got the encrypted message out, any response?" Blake asked.

"To our knowledge, it went out, but that was just yesterday," Randy said.

"What message?" Joseph asked sitting down at the table.

"We have a 'mentor' of sorts in D.C. who runs sensitive issues for us. Usually, it relates to foreign powers, but we let them know what Smith is doing. Technically the Agency doesn't have authority outside of the U.S. It also went to several of our foreign contacts," Blake explained.

"Then how did the Agency get involved with Corsic and taking him down?" Joseph asked.

"Exactly. Smith's people shouldn't have been involved. That should have been CIA or MI6 or one of the other foreign partners," Blake added.

"We'll get word to you if we get anything back," Randy said.

"Randy, I'm sorry I never got to say this sooner, but I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Max," Joseph said.

"Aw, that's okay. We had a great time, but you know... two tops. It just wasn't meant to be."

"Wha...OW." Blake reached down to rub his shin where Joseph had kicked him. Blake took a moment trying to figure out why Joseph had kicked him, and then he realized that while Max was very versatile where they were concerned, that didn't mean he was with everyone.

"Sorry?" Randy looked at Blake.

"Wow, yeah, I can see that," Blake said hoping for a save.

"I mean sometimes I get that itch and a big one like you or Max is what I need but not all the time."

"What about Nick?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah, well. That was going amazingly well until Ced. Nick is so damned pretty and God, what a fuck. But Ced got involved, and now Nick's decided he likes being more versatile. I mean occasionally I can handle it, but no, I think that's over too."

"I'm sorry, Randy," Joseph said rubbing Randy's arm.

"You know, I may have someone else for you to try soon. He's not there yet, but he's going to be a power bottom for sure, and he's also very well endowed. I expect he'd top if you insisted but otherwise..." Blake said thinking out loud about Adam.

"Sounds awesome, keep me in mind. You need anything else?" Randy asked.

"Yeah, if you don't have plans, do you think you could hang around this evening? We're breaking in a new straight boy. If you could spell Takashi then take a turn or two yourself, it would be appreciated." Blake gave his best pleading look.

"Which one?" Randy asked skeptically.

"Mal-Chin. He finally broke today, said he'd do whatever we wanted." Blake smiled.

"Sure, I'd love to help."

Joseph had time to offer coffee when there was another knock at the door. "It's David and Mal, sir," Takashi announced.

"Send them in," Blake answered.

"Hey, guys," David greeted. "Mal's ready to go."

"Thank you, David. Appreciate you dropping him off," Blake said giving Mal a once over. He was dressed in the standard test subject attire, skinny jeans, t-shirt, and matching Converse shoes.

"You want me to arrange for one of the guys to come pick him up later?" David asked.

"In the morning. I'll call down when he's ready. Mal will be spending the night with us." Blake watched Mal-Chin's face to see if there was a reaction - nervous and a sharp intake of breath, but that was it.

"Sounds good, good night all," David said before leaving.

"Do you need to use the bathroom, Mal?" Blake asked.

"No, sir."

"Do you know Randy?"

"I've seen him around, sir."

"Pleased to officially meet you, Mal," Randy said as he gave Blake a wink.

"You'll get to spend more time with Randy later, Mal. Go ahead and get undressed," Blake instructed.

Joseph cuddled into Blake as they sat on the couch, watching Mal-Chin slowly and carefully remove his clothes. Each peace he took off, was carefully folded and set aside. Randy stood and slipped around the back of the couch.

"I'll go send in Takashi. If I watch much more, I won't want to leave. Let me know when it's my turn," Randy whispered as he leaned in.

"Oh, we will," Joseph said patting Randy's arm.

Blake noticed the changes in Mal since he'd come to them. While still bashful, he had more poise, and his muscles were more pronounced under the golden skin. Mal was the smallest of their current class but not the youngest. His cock was large for his body, and at the moment it was hard and pointing up.

"Very nice, Mal. Turn around, show us," Blake said. He heard the door and saw Takashi out of the corner of his eye. "Mal, this is Takashi. Takashi - Mal."

"A pleasure, Mal." Takashi looked Mal over intently his pupils going dark in lust.

"Mal, come here and kiss me," Blake said.

Mal approached and leaned down to give Blake a dry, chaste peck on the lips.

"No, Mal. A real kiss," Blake said.

Mal leaned in again, this time, opening his mouth and letting Blake claim him. He pressed in and dropped to his knees. As he kissed, Blake's hand reached around and squeezed Mal's ass. Finding his tender opening and teasing it. Mal moaned into Blake's mouth.

Joseph climbed off the couch and got on the floor behind Mal. He took Blake's hand and kissed it before he sucked in his fingers and got them wet with his spit. "Now, try it."

Blake slid his finger back down Mal's crack as they continued to kiss. This time his finger slipped inside the soft, malleable flesh. Mal groaned louder. Mal-Chin was far from being a virgin, and his hole opened easily at Blake's prodding. Even with the number of men Mal had taken, he was still snug and full of pleasurable promise.

Joseph kissed down Mal's back, and when Blake removed his fingers from Mal's pucker, Joseph replaced them with his tongue, teasing and licking at Mal's man-hole.

Mal broke the kiss and pressed his head into Blake's chest. "Oh, God..."

"Feels good, doesn't it Mal?"

"Yessssss," Mal hissed.

"Takashi, why don't you get undressed too and join Joseph. We need to get Mal warmed up and ready." Blake unbuttoned his shirt and then unfastened his slacks and let Mal slide them down as Joseph continued to rim him.

Takashi joined Joseph, and they pulled Mal back onto a blanket Takashi had spread on the floor. Joseph positioned Mal on his back and then lifted his legs, exposing his dark opening. Takashi wasted no time in diving in and driving his tongue into Mal's ass.

"Sweet, isn't he?" Joseph asked.

"Mmm," Takashi murmured slurping and licking at the pliant opening. "He's going to feel even better wrapped around my dick."

Blake couldn't help but smile at the sight. Mal was clearly enjoying himself holding his knees as Joseph and Takashi took turns ravenously eating and tonguing his opening. Proof yet again that straight boys truly made the best whores. Mal wasn't thinking about emotions, feelings, or relationships. All he cared about was pleasure, not whether Takashi or Joseph would call him tomorrow or think less of him for giving himself so easily.

"May I?" Blake asked as he removed the last of his clothing and crawled over to join them.

"Please," Joseph said moving to kiss Mal.

Blake licked and slurped at Mal's fuck hole, occasionally stopping to kiss and battle tongues with Takashi. They licked, fingered and sucked at the opening until Mal was begging to be fucked. Yes, the training had embedded deep in Mal's psyche, penetration and ass play meant pleasure. Blake and Takashi each had a finger inside Mal, spreading him and teasing his p-spot.

"I think he's ready for you," Blake said as he massaged Mal's prostate.

Takashi stood and grabbed the pump bottle of lube from the end table. He slicked himself up and stood over Mal, pointing his dick downward as he squatted and pushed into the tight, hot, tunnel.

"Mmm, so snug and warm." Takashi began to slide in and out, flexing his legs.

Blake helped support Mal's hips, holding them upright while Takashi pistoned up and down inside. "That doesn't look comfortable, why not get on your knees or have him turn over."

"Turn him over, I want to fuck him doggy style." Takashi pulled out and dropped down helping move Mal.

Blake scooted back so he could watch Mal's face as Takashi fucked him. He felt proud over the pleasure Mal got from this. A sign that their work had been successful - when a straight boy got such joy out of having a dick up his ass. Yeah, just wait until he starts coming every time he gets fucked, he'll have an insatiable lust for dick, Blake thought to himself and got up to find his phone. He pulled up the chip control app and scrolled to find Mal-Chin's name. Once he had it, he loaded the controls for Mal's dick. At the moment it still had the block on his ability to orgasm. Not yet, Blake thought. Maybe on the third go...

"Please, please let me cum..." Mal pleaded.

"Soon, Mal. Soon." Blake saw Joseph give him a smile and a nod. Joseph knew how this worked and probably knew what it was doing to Mal. The pleasure keeping him at the crest that would normally signal an impending orgasm - that pleasure that was almost too much, but you could endure since you knew what came next.

"Fuck, he's good. This is a fine ass, Blake." Takashi closed his eyes as he fucked, gripping Mal's narrow hips as he slammed into him over and over. The sound of flesh smacking against flesh loud in the apartment.

"He has been very well trained, haven't you, Mal?"

"Ohhhhh fuuuuuuucccckkk," Mal moaned.

"Hear that Takashi, you've rendered him speechless," Joseph teased.

"Fuck. I'm cumming!" Takashi grunted and slammed even harder into Mal, pushing him forward with each thrust.

"Yes!" Takashi cried. He slowly pulled out and sat back as Joseph moved in and began licking enthusiastically at Mal's recently fucked hole.

Blake moved over to the chair for a better view. Mal was cute, and Takashi was extremely hot, but Joseph... Yeah, Joseph was in a league of his own. Blake began stroking himself watching his love eat out the Asian twink. Joseph loved man seed, and Blake couldn't blame him. Takashi moved back in and kissed Joseph sharing the taste of his seed.

Blake thought maybe he should be jealous seeing Joseph with other men. That was the logical thing, right? But it just turned him on more. He was so handsome and seeing other men appreciate his man... Fuck. Joseph looked up and caught Blake's eye. His pupils were blown wide with lust and the look he gave...

"I love you," Blake whispered knowing Joseph could read his lips even if he didn't hear him.

Joseph's smile got even bigger. He pulled Mal to his feet and bent him over the end of the couch. Takashi also got up and lay on the couch, legs spread wide. By the time Joseph was done positioning them, Mal was bent at the waist, his lips wrapped around Takashi while Joseph took him from behind.

Blake shifted so he could see better. No one would ever look at this scene and guess that Mal wasn't one hundred percent gay. The way he sucked Takashi and took Joseph up his ass. The expression on his face of pure bliss... Blake liked success stories.

Blake had to stop stroking himself or he'd cum too soon. He wanted to save his load for Mal. Watching him spit roasted was such a turn on, especially when it was Joseph doing the fucking.

"Please, please let me cum!" Mal pleaded.

"What? Aren't you enjoying this? Do you want them to stop?"

Mal's expression turned to one of panic. "NO! Don't stop. Just..." He closed his eyes and resumed sucking. It was impressive seeing how well he deep throated Takashi's long prick. Then Takashi reached up and gripped the back of Mal's head, holding him down on his cock as he blew his load.

Mal pulled back coughing and gasping and then dove back in to capture the seed he'd spilled. Licking it all up.

Joseph grunted and then stilled holding Mal's hips. "Filling you up, Mal. Gonna get you pregnant with my babies."

When Joseph withdrew, he had to support Mal and help him up. He whispered in Mal's ear quietly enough that Blake couldn't hear. Mal turned and walked over to where Blake was seated.

Blake spread his legs a little wider and held up his hard cock. "Ride me, Mal. Show me what you've learned and milk the cum out of me with your boy cunt."

Mal climbed onto Blake's lap and lowered himself, slowly taking all of Blake's thick nine and a half inches into his well-fucked ass. He slowly began sliding up and down, fucking himself on Blake's pole.

"That's the way. Let go, Mal. Fuck yourself. You know how much you love taking a cock. Don't fight it. Enjoy how full you feel and how it rubs you so perfectly inside."

Mal groaned and put his hands on Blake's shoulders to steady himself. His eyes were squeezed shut as he concentrated on taking the thick cock into his body over and over again.

"Joey, grab my phone, would you?" Blake turned and saw Takashi was now dressed and gave a thumbs up as he headed for the door.

"Got it. Want me to?" Joseph held out the phone having unlocked it and displaying the control screen.

Blake smiled and nodded. He'd really hoped to last longer, but after watching the others take Mal and Joseph's show, he wasn't going to last. He ran his hands up Mal's firm abs and began teasing his nipples. Pulling and teasing the dark nibs as Mal rode faster fucking himself hard.

"FUUUUUUCCCCKKK!" Mal screamed as his cock erupted like a fountain, his seed pouring out between them and coating Blake's chest and stomach. His ass clenched and tightened bringing Blake over the edge.

"Yeah, that's the way," Blake moaned as he filled Mal's ass with his seed adding it to Joseph's.

Mal finally stopped moving, his breath coming in heavy pants as he leaned his forehead against Blake's. He ground his ass down and wiggled on Blake's still hard cock. Joseph came over and turned Mal into a kiss.

"Let's clean him up." Joseph helped Mal dismount then they both began licking the spend from Blake's body.

"I could get spoiled." Blake teased, and then Joseph moved up and kissed him, letting him taste Mal's cream. "Mmm. Definitely spoiled."

"Fuck, that was hot," Randy said.

Blake hadn't heard or seen the ginger join them, and he couldn't keep the satisfied smile off his face. Randy was already naked and dropped down on the couch. His huge cock already stiff and ready.

"Mal, there's another big cock for you," Blake said nodding toward Randy.

Mal wasted no time. He walked over and backed onto Randy's ten inches. He lifted his legs and supported them on Randy's thighs as he began riding the muscled man. It made a really hot view, Mal's tight, lean body spread wide his hard dick bouncing as he impaled himself over and over again on Randy's pale fuck stick. The contrast between their coloring and sizes made it almost obscene.

Randy ran his hands over Mal's body as they fucked. Mal's head was thrown back and his back arched as Randy began lifting himself to meet Mal's ass. Mal let out a guttural grown, and his cock shot off a stream that went at least four feet into the air. The second and third went almost as far.

"Quick trigger?" Randy laughed and stood lifting Mal and bouncing him on his cock. "You've got a nice ass, Mal. I'd even go so far as saying this ass was made for fucking. Mmm."

Joseph got up and went to the bath, returning moments later with a warm, wet cloth. He tenderly wiped Blake's body then tossed the cloth and climbed into his lap, wrapping his arms around him.

Blake pulled Joseph in and kissed him. "I love you."

"Love you more."

"What do you think? Can we claim success yet?"

"Almost. A couple more fucks, and there will be no going back." Joseph snuggled in giving little kisses over Blake's face and neck.

Blake and Joseph continued to make out while Randy finished reaming out Mal's ass. By the time he was done and had deposited his load, Mal was a limp doll. Randy carried him in and lay him on the bed.

"Thanks. I didn't realize how much I needed that." Randy dropped back onto the couch, throwing his head back and stretching out his arms.

"You don't have to wait for an invitation. We've got a lot of young men you haven't tried who are all very into sex. Mal was one of the reticent ones," Blake said.

"Yeah, maybe. So who is the one you were hinting at?" Randy asked.

"Adam. Another stubborn straight boy. He hasn't broken yet, but he's far enough along that he's already a power bottom - even if he'd never admit it. He can still use his dick, but any real satisfaction comes from his ass."

"You love breaking straight boys, don't you?" Randy laughed.

"I take it as my solemn mission in life. Something about seeing straight men and boys who beg for a cock up their ass and in their mouth gives me... hmm... a sense of purpose."

"Blake!" Joseph smacked him in the chest.

"But it's true. You wouldn't want me to lie, would you? I can't make them gay, but I can make them useful."

Randy let out a guffaw. "Yeah, useful to those of us who like a good fuck without complications."

"Exactly. I mean it wouldn't be right taking advantage of a gay or bi man like that. But a straight guy..."

"Blake, that's awful," Joseph scolded.

"I never said I was a good guy."

Joseph groaned and climbed out of Blake's lap. "Come on, we've got work to do." Joseph extended his hand to Blake.

"A man's work is never done." Blake rolled his eyes and gave a fist bump to Randy as they passed.

Mal hadn't moved from where Randy dropped him on their bed. They ignored him while they got ready and then slid Mal under the covers as they crawled in on either side of him. Blake flipped Mal over onto his side and spooned in behind him. It didn't take much before he had his cock buried back inside the creamy ass.

Joseph leaned across and kissed Blake. "Good night."

"You're not..."

"Oh, I will, but in case I fall asleep before you're done I wanted my kiss."

Blake finished his fuck and then turned and tried to get some sleep. Unfortunately, it didn't come easily, and he struggled with nightmares. He woke up at one point as he felt the bed moving and the sounds of flesh smacking. He opened his eyes enough to see that Joseph was plowing Mal again and then turned over.

The alarm sounded too early. Blake opened his eyes and was surprised to see the beautiful brown orbs looking back at him. "Morning, beautiful."

"Morning," Joseph said snuggling in a little tighter and giving him a gentle kiss. "Someone's hard again."

"You have that effect on me." Blake reached out and ran his fingers over Joseph's face. "I love you so much."

"Good," Joseph smirked.

"Tonight... You think we could just spend it the two of us. No one else. Maybe cuddle and make love a few times and just hold each other?" Blake asked running his fingers through Joseph's silky hair.

"I'd love that. I'll even make you a special dinner and see if I can't get them to bring us a bottle of wine."

"Hmm. I'm looking forward to it already."

"Me too, but not to be a mood killer but I gotta piss like a racehorse. And you, dark and sexy with the big dick, need to fuck him again. I'll take a turn when you're done then join you in the shower. Deal?"

"Geez, I guess... If I have to." Blake gave Joseph another kiss and then sat up. Mal was on the other side of him and sleeping on his stomach. He still seemed to be out. Oh, the sacrifices I'm forced to make, he laughed to himself.

Blake pulled the covers away from Mal and enjoyed the view of the slim body and hips. He ran his hand over the golden globes of Mal's ass and then gently slid his legs apart. He moved over top of Mal after slicking himself up. A gentle nudge and he was sliding back into Mal's well-fucked hole. He hadn't had time to tighten back up again.

Blake gently worked his way in and then lay his body against Mal's back, kissing his neck and shoulders as he began a slow and steady rhythm. "As Randy said, Mal. You were made for fucking."

Mal began making satisfied moans almost as soon as Blake began entering him. He wasn't moving a lot, just enough to let Blake know he was awake and very willing. His hips rose to meet Blake's thrust, and his head tipped into Blake to give him better access to his neck.

Blake never thought of morning sex as being as passionate or hot as other times of the day. To him, it was more cuddly and slow, and the orgasms softer. He came fairly quickly and held Mal for a bit after filling him yet again. He kissed and snuggled and then pulled out flipping Mal onto his back.

"Well, look at that," Blake laughed seeing the pool of man seed on the sheet and the drip connecting it to Mal's hard cock.

Blake leaned down and sucked Mal's cock into his mouth and then scooped up the spilled seed and fed it to Mal. "Never, ever waste a man's seed."

Mal nodded and carefully licked Blake's fingers clean.

Sean | Scene 9

Sean's head was still spinning. He stared out the window of the limo and wondered if he'd lost his mind. He wasn't positive, but from what he saw out the plane when they were coming in for a landing and how long they'd been flying, he was pretty sure they were somewhere in the Caribbean.

"Almost there," Beau said.

Sean looked across at Michael and Jose. Those two confused him as much as anything. From the way they acted on the plane they had to be lovers, but Sean had never seen or even heard of Jose before today. Worse was the looks he kept getting from the hot guy when Michael wasn't looking. Add that to being trapped in a small space with Beau and Mario, and Sean thought his balls were going to burst.

"We're here," Beau announced.

The limo pulled into a fancy resort and bellmen were opening the door. Hot, sexy bellmen. Sean climbed out and felt very out of place. His shirt and jeans were more than a little stale since he only had what he'd been wearing to school when they grabbed him. He turned and looked around at the island paradise.

"We'll deliver your bags to your room," the bellman announced.

"Come on guys," Mario called leading them into the lobby. "Beau is going to get us checked in, and we'll find our room."

Sean sidled up to Mario. "I don't have any clothes."

Mario laughed. "Dude, none of us do."

"Oh, so we're going to go around naked?" Sean exclaimed.

"To an extent, yeah. But we made arrangements, and we should have some stuff waiting for us in the room."

"Oh." Sean took the time to look around. He'd never been in such a fancy place and thought it was pretty cool. He noticed Michael and Jose still all over each other and sighed. It's going to be a really long exile if I have to watch them getting it on constantly, he thought.

He saw Michael and Mario talking then head off to the bathroom together. Jose was coming his way.


"Hey, so how long have you and Michael..."

Jose snickered. "A couple of days. How'd you end up on this trip?"

"A couple of days?" Sean snorted. "Geez, you move fast."

"Dr. Connor said I had to," Jose said with a shrug.

"You know Dr. Connor?"

"Yup. Do you?" Jose asked.

"If you mean does he know Dr. Connor in the biblical sense, the answer is yes," Beau said causing both Sean and Jose to jump.

"Beau!" Sean objected.

"Hey, were' going to be together for a while. Best if we're all honest and out with each other. Sean here is one of the boss man's favorites. He's like family, and he's here because the bad guys want to take him. Just like Michael."

"Shit," Jose muttered.

"And Sean, Jose is one of our test subjects at the lab. Also one of Dr. Connor's favorites - so you have that in common. He's here to keep Michael distracted."

"Geez, Dr. Connor is my kind of dad," Sean said. "So does that mean that you and Mario are here to distract me?" Sean moved in so he could wrap his arm around Beau's waist.

"We're ready," Mario said coming up with Michael. He gave a questioning look at Sean's arm around Beau but didn't say anything.

Beau led them outside and along several paths until they came to a large cabana. "This is our suite. We have two bedrooms but sorry, only two beds. This isn't exactly a family resort, so both have kings."

Sean stepped in and grinned. It was amazing and had a deck that led right out onto the beach. "So I guess that means we have to share."

"Um... yeah," Beau said looking around nervously.

"Huh... well since it appears that Jose and Michael are a couple, guess that means I sleep with you and Mario." Sean didn't turn around to watch for reactions, but he did hear Beau's intake of breath and Jose's snicker.

"Should someone let Dad know we got in okay?" Michael asked.

"Already done. I took care of that as soon as we landed. I let Drew know, and he'll get a word back to Dr. Connor," Mario said. "Oh, and to warn you, this place is run by the Lab. So, there are areas where clothing is optional and don't be too freaked out if you see some... uh... explicit PDA. The resort picked us up some clothes they'll be delivering, and if we find out we need more, they have people who'll get it for us."

"Cool." Sean stared out at the ocean and wondered how long he'd have to wait before he could go swimming. Maybe being on the run isn't so bad after all.

End Chapter 20

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Next: Chapter 21

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