The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Sep 30, 2017


This is a work of fiction and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 19: The Dark Side, Copyright 2017 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 19: The Dark Side By Tripp Savidge

  • Scene 1 *

Blake finished the last of his fries and crumpled up the take-away bag. "Why does the stuff that's bad for you have to taste so good?"

Max laughed. "Maybe you just like living on the wild side."

"No, I think I'm ready for some calm, boring, and very mundane weeks," Dr. Connor said grabbing up Max's trash and throwing it in the bin as he gave a cautious glance to the locked door. "At least they fed us."

"What's next?" Max asked reaching out a hand to Blake.

"No idea... we wait I guess." Blake glanced back at the door. He wanted to strategize and talk to Max about options, but he was pretty sure the room was bugged.

"You know... I was thinking... for being a terrorist bastard who needs to die, Walker had a real fine ass." Max looked up to the ceiling with a dreamy expression.

Blake burst out laughing. "Thanks, buddy, I needed that."

"No seriously, that was some nice man-flesh."

"Yeah, he was. What a waste... I think Smith's going to make what remains of his life hell."

"Maybe. But if Smith's not careful that guy might just get him so worked up he makes a mistake."

Blake smiled at Max. Yeah, Walker seemed to know exactly how to play Mr. Smith. It was about the only positive moment of the day... well other than fucking Walker.

Max and Dr. Connor both turned as they heard the tumbler of the lock turn. The door opened, and Agent Decker stepped in.

"You guys get enough to eat?"

"Yes, thank you. Any idea when we're allowed to leave?" Dr. Connor asked.

"No, sorry. Mr. Smith wants to talk with you. If you could follow me, please," Decker said.

They returned to the original interrogation room they'd started with in the morning. Mr. Smith was seated at the table, more folders spread out around him.

"Dr. Connor and Mr. Moore, sir," Decker announced as they stepped into the room.

"Everything good?" Smith asked.

"Yes. They all checked out fine. They'll be ready for tomorrow, just as you requested," Decker responded.

"Good. We have a situation - an opportunity perhaps, for you, Dr. Connor. It seems our lookouts weren't attentive when they brought in Ward's family and we had a couple of witnesses. That makes things a little awkward."

"Why were they even here?" Dr. Connor asked thinking of the sketch area that was by all observations abandoned.

"Drug deal." Smith opened one of the folders and scanned it. "Seems that one, Tobias White, was doing a little business out of his mom's car. Selling to Mr. Bradley Whitmore, the third. We've already stripped them and took the cars to leave them - abandoned - far away from here. But we can't have loose ends."

"Not sure I understand what that has to do with me?" Blake said. He wanted to just say it wasn't his problem but was trying not to make things worse.

The door opened behind them, and a man entered they hadn't seen before. He walked up beside Max and stood silently.

"Fletcher, glad you could join us. This is Dr. Connor and Mr. Moore. Gentlemen, Mr. Fletcher. He's my chief interrogator, and since we're always looking for new techniques, I thought I'd have him observe the master of 'fagdom' in action."

Blake looked at Smith and Fletcher in confusion but held his tongue.

"I've got two teens that need to disappear. It would be a waste to kill them so; I figure they can be a training exercise then you can have them."

"What am I going to do with them?" Blake asked.

"After the demonstration? I don't give a fuck. Test subjects? Sex workers? Hell, I don't' care if you use them for spare parts. They just need to disappear. The farther away from here, the better."

"And this is my problem, why?"

Smith gave a condescending smile. "Because I said so."

"You said demonstration?" Max asked inserting himself before Dr. Connor responded with something they'd both regret.

"Yes. You seem to have a specialty of breaking men - straight men. Best we can tell, both teens are hetero. I want you to show Fletcher how it's done. While I sure as hell don't want any more fags in the world, there may be some techniques we can adapt."

"It takes weeks, sometimes longer..." Blake began.

"You can start today. We'll be together for quite a while so Fletcher can continue to observe once you take the punks back to your facility. By the way, I expect to be done with interrogations tomorrow so we'll move all of the prisoners and their incentives to the LAB the next day."

"I told you, we aren't set up to hold dangerous criminals," Dr. Connor objected.

"Please. I've seen your facilities. Your complex is tighter than most maximum security prisons, and you have more guards as well. You've got tomorrow to get things ready. You'll just need to be back here early afternoon. That gives you the morning to get things in order and take care of any business."

"Will you be observing as well?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Hell no! There's only so much of your gay shit I can stomach. I gave Fletcher instructions, and he can report back to me."

  • Scene 2 *

Agents directed them to another room nearby, and Fletcher followed Max and Dr. Connor. The space was large and appeared to have been a storeroom at one time. It was near the freight elevator and had a huge, double door entrance. There were still some metal frames to store pallets. The two young men were handcuffed and chained with their arms stretched overhead to a couple of the support frames. They had been stripped down to their underwear, blindfolded, and gagged.

"You thought they were dangerous?" Dr. Connor asked turning to Fletcher.

"Mr. Smith insisted. I think it was more for psychological effect. We've already screened them. Thought you'd appreciate that..."

"Thanks." Dr. Connor said, not trusting himself to say more. He approached the first of the two teens and started checking him out.

"Please, Doctor. Share your thoughts. It might help me understand better what you're doing," Fletcher said. There was no condescension or judgment, just a simple statement.

"You sure you can stomach my 'gay' thoughts?"

Fletcher laughed. "I'm not Smith; it's not my issue. I like a good boy pussy now and again, and personally I'd much prefer a blowjob from a guy. They're a damn sight better than any of the women who've gone down on me."

Blake gave a nod and made eye contact with Max. "You want to help me?"

"Just say when."

"So... what I'm thinking... He's cute. A little soft maybe, but he's in decent shape, nice build, and coloring. Blonds are very popular if he ends up being a working boy. Can't tell much about his face with the blindfold and gag." Blake walked around the young man, noticing how he filled out the Adidas trunks. There was a decent bulge, and he had a nice round ass. "I think if we worked on him a bit and he has the skills, he'd make a good cabana boy."

"Meaning what?" Fletcher asked.

"I think you'd call him a sex worker. But he'd be at a resort, high- class, working a regular job so the guests could get a good look at him, interact and if interested, let us know. Depending on skills and how he behaves, maybe serve both men and women. He'd look good in a speedo or swim trunks, and with a little bit of working out, he'd have no shortage of takers."

"I don't think Bradley likes your assessment," Fletcher said giving a not toward the suspended teen. His muscles had tensed, and he was pulling at the cuffs while muffled cries came out around his gag.

"I usually let them know up front so they can start mentally adjusting. You said he was cleared?" "Yeah, both of them. No current signs of drugs in their system either."

"If he's already hooked we may have to take a different path, but too early to tell," Dr. Connor said.

"And the other one?"

Dr. Connor walked over to the other teen and smiled appreciatively. "Nice. This boy must either have inherited great genetics or work out like a demon. Damn is he ripped."

"That's Tobias White, the drug dealer. He's already got a notable rap sheet. While we expect both families to create a fuss, his mother has a reputation with the local station of being an absolute hellfire," Fletcher said.

"Regardless of past offenses, he's got an excellent body. A little thin but that's probably just due to age. His skin is practically flawless... a beautiful golden brown." Dr. Connor ran his hand down Tobias's ripped abs. The teen tightened and tried to pull away. "Nice nipples and a damn fine ass."

"You ready?" Max asked.

"Ready for what?" Fletcher asked.

"Normally on a take-in, the first thing we check is erogenous zones. Each person, man or woman, is wired differently. As an example, many assume that nipples are sensitive for everyone. Not true. Some guys and even some women get absolutely nothing from having them played with - while others can be brought to orgasm with the right stimulation. We'll check to see what parts of the body bring arousal. Do you have a preference on who we start with?"

"Yeah, start with him," Fletcher said pointing to the black teen.

"Okay. Max is going to be the one 'touching' while I observe for reactions," Dr. Connor explained.

Max began by standing behind Tobias and gently running his fingers under his chin and down his neck. He leaned in and let his breath trail along the back of Tobias's neck and ear.

"Notice?" Dr. Connor said pointing to the teen's notable growth which had his cock head now peeking out from below the leg of worn gray boxers as he tried to pull away. "Obviously his neck and ears are a hot spot for him."

Max continued running his hands down, first Tobias's arms, then his back, around his chest and over his already hard nipples and tracing delicately across his abs.

"So what does that tell you?" Fletcher asked.

"That Tobias is a very touch-oriented young man. His pits and nipples are obviously extra sensitive, but any touch seems to arouse him. That's good for us. When you get a guy, who's so easily aroused it's very easy to build positive reinforcement to the behaviors you want."

"May I?" Max asked with his fingers hooked in the waistband of Tobias's boxers.

"Please," Dr. Connor encouraged.

Max slid the boxers down Tobias's slender legs, and his large cock sprang up. "Impressive." Blake commented, admiring the long slender penis. Not nearly as thick as his own but a bit longer, probably ten, maybe even eleven inches.

"Not near as impressive as the view from behind. Fuck, Blake. For being a skinny dude, he's got one fine bubble butt. Smooth as a baby too."

"Well, he certainly likes whatever you're doing..."

"Just a gentle little touch down his crack and over the tight little brown pucker. And I mean tight." "Mr. Fletcher, given the reactions we're getting, I'd say his whole body is an erogenous zone. But if you notice the pre-cum forming from Max's attention to his ass..."

"Oh yeah, hard to miss on that beast." Fletcher had to readjust himself, his boner very evident in his slacks.

"Not all men like anal stimulation. For some, it can even be painful - even with lube, prep and the gentlest of touch. Tobias here is probably a natural bottom." As Dr. Connors finished the words, Tobias violently shook his head no and struggled away from Max's touch, crying out through the gag.

"Doesn't seem to like that idea."

"Straight boys usually don't. Doesn't change the facts nor does it keep them from fighting it. But get a nice hard dick inside them, and they're putty in your hands. Sadly, only while they're being fucked. Then it's back to fighting."

"But when they break, they're the hottest bottom sluts ever," Max added.

Dr. Connor smiled seeing the lust building in Fletcher's eyes. "As he said, when they finally give in they are a whole lot of fun."

"And you think he'll be one of those?" Fletcher asked openly stroking himself through his pants. "Just guessing at this point but that's my bet." Dr. Connor turned back to Max. "Give him a breather and let's check out Bradly."

Having heard the entire interchange, Bradly struggled against the cuffs and pointlessly tried to hunch in on himself.

Max didn't even pause before grabbing the tight trunks and pulling them down Bradly's legs. "Well, look at that. Our little country club boy's already throwing a boner."

"Guess he liked what he heard," Fletcher offered.

"Fletcher, would you mind if we removed the blindfold? Since he's already hard, it will let me know what's getting to him," Dr. Connor asked.


Max reached up and untied the blindfold and slid it off of Bradley's head.

"A pretty boy. What beautiful brown eyes you have Bradley." Dr. Connor walked over and ran his fingers under the teen's chin. "You're going to be very popular."

Bradley screamed around the ball gag, clearly protesting what Max was doing.

Dr. Connor stepped back as Max began. It didn't take long to see that Bradley's most sensitive spots were his ears, nipples and inner thighs. His man hole was not quite as sensitive as Tobias's but still noteworthy. He remained hard through the entire session, and he had produced a notable amount of pre-cum which dripped to the floor.

"So what does all this tell you?" Fletcher asked.

"I'll write down our observations, and we'll use this to set up their seduction and training."

"You don't use punishment or pain?" Fletcher asked sounding somewhat surprised.

"We do. I prefer to break them with pleasure - it takes longer, but pleasure is a much more effective behavior modifier. Fear and pain are quick, but they work better to contrast with the pleasure than they do as a motivator. I often use them as a deterrent or to discourage undesired behaviors," Dr. Connor explained.

"Interesting. What's next?"

"Now Max and I will begin helping them understand that their lives are in our hands and we're their masters. That they will do exactly what we tell them." Dr. Connor watched Bradley's eyes as he answered Fletcher, noting the panic and fear.

"This is more of what I'm used to," Fletcher said with a laugh.

"Max, would you remove Tobias's blindfold and gag?"

Dr. Connor watched as the teen looked at him, anger, fear, and determination clear in his gaze. He also noticed the full soft lips and handsome face.

"You can't fuckin' do this to me! I have rights!" Tobias screamed, pulling again at his cuffs.

"Why are we here? What are you going to do with us?" Bradley asked after Max removed his gag.

Fletcher jumped in, answering before Dr. Connor or Max. He walked up to Tobias and gave a swift punch to his gut. "You have no rights. You belong to us now. You want to live; you'll do what you're fucking told. Is that clear enough for you punk?"

Dr. Connor was taken back a bit by the venom in those words. So far Fletcher had come across as fairly moderate and even-tempered. But Blake had to admit to himself, that given his role as an interrogator, he shouldn't be surprised.

"May I continue?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Sure, be my guest." Fletcher was back to being cool and calm.

"You were in the wrong place at the wrong time doing things that you shouldn't have been doing. As far as the outside world is concerned, you're both 'missing' and sadly won't be found."

"My parents will come looking!" Bradley shouted.

"They knew where you were?" Dr. Connor asked.

"They'll figure it out."

"Not likely. But it doesn't matter. You'll be long gone. So let me explain some things, and you can decide whether you want to make this easy on yourself or hard. First, as you were informed already, you belong to us. You will do exactly what you are told when you are told. While you heard me say I don't like to administer pain and punishment, I will. Each time an order has to be repeated, it will be after you're punished."

"You can't make us do shit!" Tobias spat out.

"Actually I can." Dr. Connor walked up to Tobias and placed his hand on the teen's slender hips. "Let's start with some questions. You ever been with a man?"

"I ain't no fag."

"That's not what I asked. So you've never sucked a guy or been sucked by a guy?"

"Hell no!" Tobias yelled pulling again and trying to get away from Dr. Connor's touch.

"Then can I assume you've never taken a guy up the ass or had a dick in yours?"

"What the hell? You guys all queer? Let me go!"

"Gentlemen, it's time to give Tobias a taste of his future." Dr. Connor said going to his bag and opening it to find what he needed. Blake called back over his shoulder. "So, Tobias, is that what you go by or do you prefer Toby?"

"Toby," the teen muttered.

"You carry some weird freakin' shit in your bag Doctor," Fletcher said with a satisfied smile.

"Yeah, I do." Dr. Connor held up the violet wand and tested it. "Can you help our difficult boy down, keep him cuffed though. I want him on his knees in front of Bradley."

"My pleasure," Fletcher said. He was none too gentle getting Tobias down and for being average in size had no difficulty in manhandling the teen to his knees.

"So Bradley. Is that what you prefer?"

"Brad," the blond said in an almost whisper.

"Ever had your cock sucked, Brad?" Dr. Connor asked.


"By a guy?"

"No." Bradley looked nervously at Toby being manhandled to kneel in front of him.

"First order Toby. Suck Brad's cock. I want you to worship his prick like it's the best thing ever, and I expect to see it buried in your throat all the way to his pubes. When he orgasms, you will suck down every drop. You let any leak out, and you'll experience your first lashing."

"Fuck you!"

Dr. Connor leaned down and put the violet wand to Toby's cock. The spark jumped to his glans, and the teen screamed. Blake held it there until Toby begged him to stop, jolt after jolt stabbing into his sensitive prick.

"You want to reconsider?"

"Please, no."

"I know what you're feeling Toby. A little revolted, your stomachs churning and you feel a little nauseous. Right?"

Toby nodded as he stared at the floor.

"Look at me and open your mouth." Dr. Connor took a small canister out of his bag and sprayed the inside of Toby's mouth and throat. "If it makes you feel better, you'll come to love it. Before you know it, you'll be looking at a guy's prick and imagining what it will taste like, how it will feel on your tongue, how it will fill your mouth and throat. Your mouth will start watering, and you'll wonder how good he'll taste and whether or not you can make him moan as you bring him to climax."

"No..." Toby whimpered barely audible.

"You'll start watching guys crotches, wondering what they're packing and trying to figure out how you can get them to let you wrap your lips around their manhoods and suck out their seed. You'll get hard and aroused imagining how good it would be to slide their hard dicks deep into your throat."

"Please..." Toby whined shaking his head no.

"Time to start Toby. Look at that big drip of pre-cum on Brad's cock. Stick out your tongue and taste him, Toby." Dr. Connor put his hand on the back of Toby's head and gently pushed him forward. "That's the way... tastes so good... doesn't it Toby?"

Toby looked up at Dr. Connor, pleading with his eyes.

"Time to suck him, Toby. I won't tell you again."

Toby leaned forward and took Brad into his mouth and began to suck, working the cock farther and farther into his mouth and throat.

"That's good Toby, now look up at Brad while you suck him. Careful of the teeth. Watch his eyes and his expression. That way you know what he likes."

It only took a few minutes until Brad was panting and his pupils had blown wide. It was obvious from the way his balls had pulled up he was really close.

"Remember Toby, don't miss a drop."

Toby continued to work Brad's cock, and then Brad cried out, his whole body shaking as he blew his load into Toby's mouth. Dr. Connor was pleased to see that Toby sucked it all down and swallowed every drop.

"Good job, Toby. Max, you want to put Toby back?"

"That was hot," Fletcher said.

"Glad you enjoyed." Dr. Connor turned to Brad. "You enjoy that?"

Brad nodded but didn't comment.

"First blowjob by a guy? It was good, wasn't it?"

Brad blushed and nodded again.

"Need you to open up for me Brad." Blake took the spray and used it on Brad's mouth and throat. "It'll tingle a bit, should taste a bit minty. It will help when you try and suck Toby's monster dick."

Brad's eyes went wide and immediately focused on Toby and the notable size of his erection. "I... I never..."

"You'll do fine," Dr. Connor reassured him as Max released him from the overhead hook and guided him to Toby, forcing him to his knees. "He did good for you Brad. Now it's your turn to show him how much you appreciated it."

Brad looked up at Dr. Connor, the fear, and apprehension clear in his pretty brown eyes.

Blake reached down and ran his hand through Brad's silky blond hair. "You can do this. I don't want to have to hurt you, Brad."

Brad took Toby into his mouth and began to lick and suck. At first, Toby looked on in horror and disgust, but in less than a minute it turned to lust as his eyes dilated and his cock grew stiff. A few minutes later and he was groaning in pleasure. With the help of the spray to numb and relax his throat, Brad had managed to get the full ten inches of Toby all the way down his gullet. A few minutes later and Toby was a goner.

"You can do it, Brad. Take it all," Dr. Connor encouraged. He turned to Max and Fletcher. "That's a natural born cock sucker. If he can take a big one like that all the way down his throat on the first try, he's got a gift and obviously no gag reflex."

"Oh, fuck!" Toby cried out as the orgasm hit, and Brad studiously sucked and slurped capturing every drop.

"So now you both know it's true. Guys give much better blowjobs than girls." Dr. Connor slid his hands over Toby's ripped abs as he stepped behind him. "You liked that didn't you Toby?"

"Yes." Toby's response was barely above a whisper, and the 's' stayed on his tongue, drawn out and breathy as Dr. Connor licked up his neck to his ear.

Dr. Connor slid his hand around the full, ripe ass. Toby had a very round bubble butt with firm muscle and the two cheeks clenched tightly as he slid his finger down Toby's deep crack. Dr. Connor pulled his hand back and licked his finger, then gently rubbed and teased the tight, hot opening. "Soon Toby..."

"Noooo..." Toby gasped.

"Oh yeah," Dr. Connor whispered as he licked around Toby's ear, letting the tip of his finger push in a little. "You're going to love being fucked. You're so tight and so hot - it's gonna feel real good."

"Please, no."

Dr. Connor continued and managed to get his finger into the second knuckle. Toby's ring had relaxed, and he was pushing back a little as Dr. Connor's other hand gripped his cock and began stroking.

"Lots of men are going to fuck this sweet tight hole Toby, and you're gonna beg for every one of them. Your big black cock is the bait to reel them in, but what you'll really want is for their dicks to be buried deep inside your fuck tunnel. Tomorrow, when you're alone, think about it. Imagine the pleasure of spreading your legs and letting them pleasure you... big thick cocks sliding inside your body and blowing their loads. Breeding your hot young ass."

"Never," Toby whimpered.

Dr. Connor pulled away with a final tug on Toby's now hard cock. He walked over to Brad who was now standing again, his arms cuffed and stretched over his head. He was face to face and slid his hands over Brad's pecs and rubbed his thumbs on Brad's nipples.

"I've got an assignment for you. When you're alone, I want you to think about what happened and how much you liked it. Then I want you to come up with a list of what else you want to try." Blake leaned in and kissed a shocked Brad full on the lips. Brad opened to him, and soon they were tongue dancing as Dr. Connor pressed his body against Brad and took an ass cheek in each hand.

Brad gasped when they pulled apart. "Why?"

"It can be a very pleasant experience if you work with us." Blake leaned in and bit Brad's earlobe as he whispered. "Maybe you'll want to try taking a dick in your ass... maybe you'll want to fuck Toby... maybe, just maybe you'll want all of us to fuck you."

"No," Brad whispered.

"Just think about it. That should be enough for today," Dr. Connor said turning to Fletcher.

"That's all?"

"For the first time, yeah. Slow works better. You want them to have time to think about it. Let their imagination help you, sometimes what they think up is more effective than anything you could do to them. I like it better when we can start with them fully dressed. It makes the seductions much sweeter. Slowly removing layers and exposing their weak points one by one and them realizing that eventually, they'll be completely exposed and at your mercy. Mr. Fletcher, how are you with ropes?"

"Pardon?" Fletcher said in confusion still caught up in Dr. Connor's description.

"When you take them down for the night, I'd recommend tying them up in a '69,' face to crotch. They might not sleep well, but by morning I can pretty much guarantee they'll have sucked each other off several times. When you position them, make sure they start out with each other's cock down their throat. Give them a couple of inches of leeway, but no more."

Fletcher gave a big smile. "I look forward to it. Thank you, gentlemen. This was helpful."

Dr. Connor picked up his bag and searched through the bottles. "Here," he said, putting two small pills in Fletcher's hand. "Give one pill to each in the morning after they've been fed. If you can, keep them separated after that. We won't be back until after lunch, and I have no idea what Mr. Smith has on the agenda. With those in their system, even if we don't get back to them, they'll have a very productive day."

"What do these do?"

Max laughed and put a hand on Blake's shoulder.

"Aphrodisiac, a bit of a stimulant and a smidge of hallucinogenic. The aphrodisiac is not nearly as strong as the 'blue' you gave the others, but it works similarly. If they're alone, it will make their imaginations work overtime and help prepare them mentally."

"Looking forward to it," Fletcher said with a nod.

  • Scene 3 *

Dr. Connor peeked around the bouquet of roses to see Joseph. He was propped up in the hospital bed, giving Blake an evil eye.

"Hey beautiful, brought you something," Blake said.

"What happened?"

Blake glanced at the agent seated near the door, then moved in and kissed Joseph's forehead. He leaned down and whispered. "Agency kept Max and I occupied all day, sorry."

Joseph grabbed the back of Blake's head and pulled him in for a real kiss. "I don't like them," he whispered back.

"Me neither love, me neither. So... they tell you when you get out?"

"Tomorrow morning. Hey, your dad stopped by."

"My dad?"

"Yup. But get this. Gabriel was with him and... your dad held his hand most of the time they were here."

"What?" Blake exclaimed.

"He said he was checking in to make sure I was okay. Told me that he and Gabriel were back together and staying at the Ritz. He said he'd catch up with you later and explain."

Blake smiled. "So it worked?"

"I guess so, given how lovey they were with each other."

"Anyone else stop by?"

Joseph glanced over at the guard, "Other than my favorite nurse and doctor, Craig and Stephen were here with Michael after school. They just left not long ago."

Blake pulled off his jacket and kicked off his shoes. "Room in there for me to join you?"

"Always." Joseph scooted to one side of the bed and lifted the sheet as Blake climbed in beside him, wrapping Joseph in his arms. "I wish we could fuck. I miss you," Joseph whispered.

"Me too Joey, me too." They snuggled into each other, spending the next several hours just being connected.

  • Scene 4 *

Carl's dungeon was a rather distracting and unusual place to hold business meetings. The folding table and chairs looked very out of place between the fake rock walls and dirt floor.

"Anyone else want coffee?" David asked. Several of the guys raised hands and David poured and delivered as they waited for Max.

"Joseph doing okay? Dr. Wakahisa asked.

"Yeah, much better now that he's out of that hospital. By the time we're done, he'll be in our suite upstairs. The guys are picking him up as soon as he's released from the hospital," Dr. Connor answered.

"You didn't need to be there?" Dr. Wakahisa asked.

"I would have liked to, but there's too much that needs to be done before I have to head back to the Agency. It was Joseph's suggestion."

"Sorry I'm late," Max said joining them at the table. He held up a hand to decline the coffee David offered.

"Thanks again everyone for your amazing work in our latest catastrophe," Dr. Connor began. "If anyone hasn't already heard the explanation, we're meeting here to avoid Agency eyes. While I'm fully confident Carl's team did a thorough job of removing any listening devices, we still have agents on premises. Worse is that we will for some time. Since this level is secure and they can't come down here without an escort, we'll make this our new war room. Sorry, Carl."

"No problem boss. Welcome to my parlor boys," Carl delivered in his creepiest voice.

"Before we do rounds for updates I'll repeat our primary objectives for the next few weeks. Some of you haven't heard. First, is keep our people safe. Mr. Smith has openly threatened Michael and Joseph so it's not a big leap to think anyone close to me could be targeted. Second is to find out everything we can about Mr. Smith and his team and develop a plan to take them out. We also need to review our security and operations and make sure the Agency can never do a forced lockdown again. I don't care what's in the contract. They're planning on moving the prisoners and hostages here tomorrow. That means we need to make sure everything's secure before they arrive."

"So we'll have Agents on premises for the foreseeable future?" Dr. Cable asked.

"Yes Katherine, we will. I'd make sure your girls stay out of sight, and any who you want to keep off Smith's radar should be moved... today."

"Are the boys in similar danger?" Dr. Blythe asked. "I'm concerned that for some it could mess with their mental state."

"No, except as it relates to me. Smith is very vocal about being straight and quite homophobic. But I'd like to keep his exposure to any of our subjects to an absolute minimum. Work with Carl's team and have them scan surveillance for Agent positions before moving any subjects where they could be seen. Max..."

"I've got two guys with Joseph and Michael at all times. I spoke with Dr. Maxey at the school, and he's got a good cover story for the teachers and kids. We're also keeping an eye on Sean. We got Commissioner Crandall to send one of his detectives to talk with his parents and smooth things over. Told them he was a witness and may have to go into protective custody for a bit. Given that the Agency was specifically looking for him, I think we should pull him in until this is resolved."

"I agree, I don't trust Smith."

"Blake, I think we should update Michael's and Sean's chips. They're several generations behind and if they were taken..." Dr. Jeff Tanner said.

"Make it happen, Jeff. I still haven't forgiven you for drugging me though," Blake said with a glare.

"Sorry for interrupting you, Max. I and the other doctors worked that out too. We've created some mock bottles to put in stores with the others. The labels are different enough we won't miss it but I doubt agents would catch on. Obviously, it doesn't help if they bring their own," Jeff added.

"No, that's still good. Thanks," Dr. Connor said.

Max watched Dr. Tanner to make sure he was finished before resuming. "The boys will be done with school soon, so that will make it easier. I'll help Dr. Tanner get them in for the new chips. Carl, you give the update on the systems and security here." Max finished and nodded to Carl.

Carl was fairly subdued today. He couldn't hide the horns or tattoos, but he was wearing normal street clothes and no satanic contacts. "We're still testing but looks like we closed all the loopholes. It will still appear to the Agency that they can lock us down, but we partitioned the system so we can run everything from the backup control center. We've also tied all the cameras and door locks into the system so if they ever do try and take over again; we control what they see and where they can enter."

"Anything on Smith yet?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Your call to D.C. has definitely helped," Max said.

"Yeah, thanks to encrypted lines and old 'friends' who hate the man as much as I do."

"Really high-placed friends," Max laughed. "We just received the files so haven't had time to go through anything yet. But I promise it's a priority."

"Test subjects doing okay?" Blake asked to no one in particular.

"Business as usual. No notable breakthroughs or problems and if there is I'll let you know. That way you can focus on the Agency stuff," David said.

"Thanks. I have some ideas for Mal and Adam once I've got some time. Anything else?"

Vince tentatively raised his hand.

"Yeah Vince, what is it?"

"We've got crews in cleaning up the apartment today. I'll work up plans for a remodel but thought, for now, we could get it in good enough shape to use for you, Michael, and Joseph since you don't want to go back to the house."

"Did something change?" Blake asked in confusion.

"Your dad moved out and told me it's yours. He said when he visits he'll get a hotel room and we shouldn't keep the apartment for him," Max interjected. "I asked Vince to get it ready."

"David, need another favor. I need a couple of well-endowed black men to accompany Max and me today. They'll definitely be expected to fuck and probably oral. But I won't be in control - meaning - it could go off the rails. I'd really like them to be volunteers and know what they're getting in to. Obviously, they get the combat pay bonus."

"Blake, we know what Smith is like. We've got your back, and I'll get them lined up for you. Don't worry about it. You didn't want Beau? He's by far the prettiest."

"Regardless of color, he's one of the prettiest, but no. Beau's way too innocent for this. I need guys who are experienced trainers. Your guys can handle it much better."

"Consider it done," David said.

"Boss, have you decided what you're going to do with Ward?" Carl asked.

"No. I mean there's no doubt he's ultimately responsible for the deaths of our drivers and giving Corsic's people intel on how to get Joseph."

"So you okay if we come up with some ideas to help you?" Carl rumbled in his deep baritone.

"Yeah. I'm not sure I can be rational when it comes to him. Thanks, everyone, we've got a lot to do before tomorrow," Dr. Connor said as he stood, ending the meeting.

Dr. Connor headed up to his office and hopefully a reunion with Joseph. He stepped off the lift and saw Claire seated at her desk. The door to his office was ajar.

"Dr. Connor, your father is waiting to speak to you. He's in your office," Claire said.

"Thanks, Claire. And Joseph?"

"He's in the suite. Mario and Beau are with him."

"Thanks." Dr. Connor pushed open the door and saw his father stand as he entered.

"Blake. I'm so sorry," Dr. Arthur Connor said.

"Thanks, Dad."

"I checked on Joseph, and he seems to be fine physically. I also checked over the tests yesterday, and everything looks good."

"You don't trust the hospital?" Blake asked.

"When it comes to the man you love, no. Don't let him get away Blake."

"Look who's talking."

"You were right, and I'm fixing things. We're headed home this afternoon, but if you need anything, call us and we'll be on the first flight back," Arthur said.

"Us... so this means you've fixed things with Gabriel?"

"Working on it. He wanted to say some goodbyes before we left. Then we're headed to the airport. Just so you know, I've already asked my lawyer to draw up the divorce papers. And before you freak out, I'll take care of your mother. Don't need to be her husband to do that. But if I'm going to make things right with Gabriel then I need to be single first."

"I'm proud of you Dad. Gabriel loves you."

"I'm going to sell the house, and we'll pick out something together. Who knows maybe get a condo near the beach on some tropical island too."

Blake couldn't believe he actually wanted to hug his father and congratulate him. It didn't change history, but it certainly looked brighter for the future. "Congratulations."

"Don't think I don't see your prints all over this. I raised a manipulative bastard. You're just lucky I agree it's a good outcome."

"Just helping you see what you wanted-" A knock at the door interrupted them. "Come in..."

"Hey Blake, Arthur," Gabriel greeted.

"You ready?" Arthur asked. Blake's dad gave him another hug before heading to the door.

"Give me a second Arthur, I'll be right behind you," Gabriel said as he closed the door slightly. "Thanks."

Blake pulled Gabriel into a hug. "No, thank you for loving that old prick."

"I try."

"Claire can help you with the stuff we put in storage. Or better yet make the old coot buy you new. And I'm guessing you said good-bye to Tanner?"

"Yeah. You know, that was almost cruel... That guy is so hot and damn can he fuck."

Blake laughed. "We train them well you know. I'm sure if you ever need a pick-me-up. Tanner would be glad to make the trip. He rather fancies you."

"That's why I had to say good-bye. You're right we were good together. Who knows, maybe someday I'll need help taking care of your dad..."

"Tanner has already made it clear he's more than willing. I don't believe he'd mind being a kept man where you're concerned and I also think he'll need to make some trips east whether you call or not."

"Thanks, Blake, you're too good to me. And hey, I'm expecting an invitation to the big event."

"Count on it might even let you bring Dad along."

Blake watched the door closed and headed to his suite. He stepped into the vestibule and saw Mario just inside.

"Hey, why's it so dark in here?"

"Joseph's request. Beau's at the other door," Mario said.

Blake stepped into the bedroom and paused while his eyes adjusted. The blinds had been lowered covering the floor to ceiling windows and leaving the room dark. Blake felt the heat a moment before Joseph's arms wrapped around him.

"You took forever," Joseph whispered as he kissed along Blake's hairline and down his neck. Joseph's unbuttoned his shirt and his hands slid inside caressing Blake's body.

"I'm sorry. Have to get things ready for bringing the new prisoners in. I really wish I had more time. Smith wants us back over there. I'd much rather spend my day with you, maybe in bed." He let out a small moan as Joseph teased his nipples.

"Guess I'll just have to be quick," Joseph said as his hand slid down and unbuckled Blake's belt, unfastened his pants and slid his hands inside.

"Joey..." Blake gasped. "God, I've missed you."

"I wasn't sure I'd make it. Need you so badly. Damn agents are always hovering, no privacy." Joseph slid Blake's pants down, letting them drop to the floor, followed by his briefs.


"Shhhhh." Joseph gripped Blake's ass cheeks and pulled them apart as he pushed Blake forward against the wall, pinning him.

Blake felt slick fingers pushing inside of him and let out a groan. Joseph began sliding two fingers in and out, deep and hard, rubbing against Blake's prostate with each stroke. Joseph pulled out and turned Blake into the room. He roughly pushed Blake toward the bed, and with his pants and underwear tangled around his ankles, Blake fell forward, hitting the bed hard. It knocked the air from his lungs, and before he could take a breath, Joseph was on top of him.

"Mine," Joseph's growled into his ear. His slick cock already sliding against Blake's ass as he found himself pinned to the bed. In one brutal thrust, Joseph pushed all the way in and Blake cried out in pain and surprise.

With no build up and minimal prep, Blake buried his face in the bed to muffle his cries of pain. Joseph was slamming into him hard and fast. Balls deep with each thrust, pounding Blake into the mattress.

Oh god... He's never this rough. Blake thought as slowly the pain subsided and was replaced by pleasure. He must have been pretty desperate - he's usually so gentle. Blake didn't mind. He found it a turn on to know how much Joseph wanted and needed him. Knowing that he was the only man who could truly satisfy Joseph's need made it all worthwhile.

Joseph continued to fuck him harder than he'd ever done before, causing Blake to grunt at the bottom of each stroke. He didn't want it rough all the time, but this felt good. Joseph's cock fit his ass perfectly and hit all the right spots. He loved feeling the heat of Joey's muscles pressed against him, the power in his legs as he thrust. Sometimes it was nice to be dominated and there was no one Blake trusted more to do it than Joseph.

It was only minutes before Joseph's fucking became frantic and he was pistoning in and out of Blake's ass like a jackhammer. Then he froze and cried out, and Blake swore he could feel the seed exploding deep inside him, filling him with hot fiery jets of Joseph's cum. A wave of satisfaction rushed through him, knowing it was his body that brought Joseph pleasure.

Joseph collapsed onto Blake's back, kissing and biting at his neck as he slowly thrust in and out churning his load in Blake's ass.

"Fuck I needed you."

"I needed you to baby," Blake responded.

Joseph held him tight and eventually pulled out and rolled to lie beside him. "Sorry I was so rough..."

"It's okay. I sort of like you losing control." Blake kissed Joseph and ran his hands over the lean muscles. "It's nice to be wanted."

"Oh, you're more than wanted," Joseph chuckled. "Please, be careful today, don't piss off Smith. I really want you to come home to me in one piece."

"I promise," Blake said kissing down Joseph's chest and teasing his nipple with his tongue. "Max will help keep me on track."

"He better. I want several more rounds out of you when you get home. My ass is in desperate need of your cock."

"Really? I rather like that." Blake paused and looked into Joseph's eyes. "I love you. I wish I could sell the business, move to some remote corner of the world and spend my time making love to you."

"Mmmm. Sounds nice. But we both know it would never work. They'd never let you. You know too many secrets. Besides, what would happen to our people?"

"Yeah..." Blake let out a sigh and rolled onto his back. "But I can dream..."

Joseph climbed onto Blake and straddled him. "Why not dream about me? About all the possible ways and positions we can make love, about waking up with my mouth wrapped around your cock?"

Blake looked up and marveled at how beautiful Joseph was. His eyes had adjusted enough that he could see the shadows outlining the strong round pecs, the rounded biceps, and ridges of Joseph's abs. "Fuck, you are so beautiful."

Joseph leaned down and kissed Blake, letting their tongues dance and explore before he pulled back with a grin. He ran his hands up Blake's chest pushing the shirt open to reveal Blake's lean, tanned muscles. "You need a new shirt and tie."

"Ya think?"

There was a hard knock at the outer door. Blake heard Mario, and what sounded like Max before the lights came on and Max burst into the room.

"Geez Max..."

"Sorry, Blake. We've got a problem."

Blake sat up and tried to at least pull his briefs and pants back on.

"Craig and Stephen are both missing. They did the changeover last night just fine, but they didn't show up this morning, and they aren't answering their phones. I had Carl track their chips..."

Blake buried his face in his hands and tried to breathe. The possibilities were streaming through his mind faster than he could process. "And?"

"Looks like they're at the Agency warehouse."

"Fuck! That man really has to die. And soon."

  • Scene 5 *

Blake took comfort in Max's presence as they entered back into the Agency warren. Max had gotten him somewhat calmed down, but he couldn't help but worry about Craig and Stephen. Smith was too unpredictable and seemed to have no conscience. One step at a time, he repeated to himself. Most likely he took them to keep me in line. Blake was also apprehensive for Clive and Barrett, the two trainers, who'd volunteered to join them. Blake had no idea what to expect from Smith and knew it could be as ordinary as what they'd do with a new subject at the Lab, or something much worse.

The agent guiding them had said nothing more than "follow me."

He stopped and unlocked a door, swinging it open. "Dr. Connor, you will continue with me, but we ask that the others wait here."

"I'd rather stay with Dr. Connor. That was our agreement with Mr. Smith," Max said.

"Sorry, Mr. Moore. He was quite specific - you are to wait here."

Blake saw the concerned look on Max's face and put a hand to his shoulder. "I'll be okay."

He didn't like leaving Max behind but from his experiences with Mr. Smith so far; he didn't want to provoke the man unnecessarily. He and the guard continued on until they arrived at the room Blake had seen too many times already.

The guard opened the door and announced him. "Dr. Connor, sir. The others are secured in the room as you requested."

"Thank you. Welcome back Dr. Connor," Smith said. "You missed a fun morning."

Blake debated asking about Craig and Stephen but quickly realized that would just play into Smith's hand. Better to wait him out. He noted that the only other person in the room was Ward and he wasn't looking so good. He was naked, cuffed, and shackled as usual, with his arms extended over his head and secured to a hook and chain in the ceiling. The man looked miserable, and Blake wondered what Smith had done to him. He didn't appear to be bruised or marked...


"Oh yes. Mr. Ward here got to watch a great show, didn't you Ward? He got to see what a slut he raised as a daughter. You wouldn't appreciate it, but I sure did. Her pussy was a little loose, but her back door? Oh, damn tight, and I'm guessing by the way she screamed and cried, it was unused." Smith laughed. "Sadly not so tight anymore."

"Fuck you," Ward muttered.

"His girl's almost as much of a slut as his wife. Easily took three men at a time, filling all her holes. Didn't even mind that we kept her blindfolded, and as soon as one guy unloaded, she was ready for the next. Mr. Ward had a seat right up close so he could see all the details."

Dr. Connor could see Ward sag a little more in his restraints and felt a twinge of guilt for the drugs he'd supplied. Though, from meeting Hannah, Ward's daughter, he wasn't sure she wouldn't have responded similarly without the help. "Did he answer your questions?"

"Questions? Oh, I don't have any questions for Mr. Brett Ward. He spilled his guts when we started fucking his wife. I just like to see him suffer. But we've got more planned for you Mr. Ward... yes, we do. You're gonna have a great day." Smith walked over to Ward and ran his hand under Ward's chin, forcing him to make eye contact. "You get to be a participant... your girl needed a rest, but when we're done here, we'll let you try her out, then later... your boy. I'm really curious to see which one you think is a better fuck."

"You fucking bastard! You can't do this!" Ward screamed.

"Watch me."

The door to the room opened and guards brought in the other prisoners. Cofield was the first in and didn't look any worse than the day before. Kerr was next, and he was stumbling more than walking. He looked more miserable than Ward and never lifted his eyes. Dr. Connor didn't see any marks, but he sure acted like a broken man. That made Blake worry about Kerr's brother and whether or not he was able to play-act his way through. The last was Walker. He looked like he'd just left the fight club and maybe not as a winner. He was badly bruised, with swollen lips, a black eye and multiple lacerations; yet, he walked tall and proud - probably just to piss off Smith. Dr. Connor had no doubts the man was a psychopath and a killer, but he couldn't help but root for him just a bit if he got the best of Smith.

"Gentlemen, so glad you could all join us. I've got something special for you." Smith turned as a guard set a large white case with a green cross emblem on the folding table along with a box of vinyl gloves. "I know you are all really hoping Corsic was going to come rescue you. Sadly, he won't be able to make it. But he did send a token." Smith turned to Dr. Connor and directed him to the metal box. "If you would do the honors. You'll want the gloves."

Dr. Connor gave Smith a skeptical look and donned the gloves. The guard unlocked the white case and opened it. A cloud of vapor billowed out. Dr. Connor saw the clear medical box inside, and bile rose in his throat. He carefully removed the box and opened it.

"Don't be shy doctor, go ahead and remove it." Smith pulled on his own gloves and didn't even flinch when Dr. Connor placed the cold contents in his hand.

"Anything else?"

"Not for the moment. Gentlemen. While Corsic wasn't able to be here, we've got the next best thing. I think this will be familiar to all of you. And if you had any doubts about him coming to save you... this should lay those to rest. I asked for proof positive so you'd have no doubts." Smith held out the severed penis, tied off like a sausage - fully engorged - and as large as it was in life. He held it close to Ward's face and smiled.

"Remember this Ward? I'm sure it is very familiar, you certainly spent enough time with it down your throat. Maybe one last time?" Smith brushed the cold organ against Ward's lips. "Come on, open up. You know you want it."

Dr. Connor cringed. The horror was clear on Ward's face as he gagged and tried to turn away.

"How about you Cofield. Maybe you'd rather get some of the doctor's lube and take it up the ass. Ward told us you were quick to bend over for Corsic. Said you were one of his bottom boys."

Cofield turned his head away and glared at Ward. The hatred clear in his eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Mr. Ward told us all your secrets. Once a turncoat, always a turncoat. I don't think there's anyone he hasn't betrayed. Is there Mr. Ward? What about you Kerr. Want a taste? It should look real familiar to you. Ward said you spent a lot of time with your lips wrapped around it. Said you're a damn fine cock sucker. That true?"

Kerr went totally white as Smith pushed the organ up to his face. His eyes focused on the tattoo up the shaft and he began to gag then retched, heaving everything in his gut onto the floor at Smith's feet.

"That was close Kerr. You almost soiled my shoes. And you Walker? Want to get up close and personal for old times' sake? I gotta say I was surprised a tough guy like you took it up the ass. Ward said you tried to hide it, but Corsic liked to brag."

"Never said I didn't like dick. And as you can tell, what you're holding is still bigger than what you've got in your pants. That little worm wouldn't satisfy anyone. Feel sorry for your wife. Obviously, it didn't satisfy Randy."

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you."

"Go for it. I'll just go to my happy place, remembering Randy's pretty pink lips wrapped around my dick. The look of adoration on his face when I fed him load after load. How he moaned and begged when I fucked him, his legs spread wide. Such good memories of your partner, giving him what he always wanted. Oh, and in case you wondered, he died happy. My cock was buried in his pussy, his own little prick shooting stream after stream of his boy juice in the best orgasm he ever had while I gradually squeezed the life out of him. He never fought, never complained... just gave himself over. Or maybe, I should imagine your wife. The expression on her face when she finally has a real man fucking her cunt."

Smith roared in rage, smacking Walker in the face with the cold appendage before dropping it to the floor and beating the man like a maniac. Walker never made a sound as Smith pummeled him. When Smith ran out of steam and stood back cursing, Walker smiled.

"You done now? You know, it's really not my fault you couldn't satisfy him."

Smith screamed again. "Get him the fuck out of here!"

Dr. Connor bent and picked up the organ and returned it to the box before placing it back in the case. He closed the lid and latched it while the guard locked it again. Blake tried to ignore what was going on in the room. He wasn't sure he could trust his own reactions.

"You two, take Kerr back to his cell, then come back for Cofield. We'll put him in interrogation room two. Ward will return to interrogation room one, but this time strap him to the table."

"No. Please... no," Ward pleaded.

Smith ignored him and waited in silence until the room was empty except for him and Dr. Connor. "We're done with Kerr, but before you leave, you might want to check on his brother. No rush, but he wasn't looking so good. After we get Ward started, you can get your black fags to work on Cofield's father."

"And me?"

"You supervise them, make sure they do a good job. Once we're done with Cofield, I have a special job for you and Mr. Moore. But we'll save that for later. First, we need to talk about Walker. I need you to pull your team together. You have access to some of the best specialists in the world, and so I expect you to pull in some favors. I want you to turn Walker into a woman."

"What?" Blake exclaimed. "I can't do that! That's... that's just wrong. Besides, it takes months, hormones, psychologists, prep for the change..."

"Oh, not completely a woman, just give him a pussy and take away his man- parts."

"I can't do that."

"But you will. I have doctors who 'can' do the procedure but the outcome is a little questionable. I'd have to have them practice a few times to make sure they got the hang of it before risking Walker. Fortunately, I do have two volunteers if we need to take that route. Up to you. You willing to have them practice on Craig and Stephen?"

Blake stilled, his blood felt like it had turned to ice in his veins. He wasn't even able to form words, the thought of harm coming to Craig and Stephen.

"Yeah, I thought so. Gotta say your team upped their game. I thought we'd be able to grab Sean and Michael but no such luck. Never thought to protect the big boys, did you?"

"I'll do it." Blake felt sick, but there was no way he could sacrifice his men for his own attempt at morality and doing what was right.

"Of course you will. And just so we're clear, this is simple reconstruction. I don't care if it drives him insane or messes up his hormones. It's punishment Dr. Connor, pure and simple."

Dr. Connor didn't respond. He couldn't - he was trying to figure out how he could get the others to agree and came to the only possibility, he'd tell them the truth.

"Now, let's go check on Mr. Ward."

"You'll release Craig and Stephen?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Once Walker has been successfully altered, yes. But not before."

Blake felt numb as he followed Smith to the interrogation room. They were just finishing strapping Ward to the table as they entered. He was on his back with this torso, arms, and legs secured. Still naked with his erection pointed to the ceiling.

"Go ahead and bring her in," Smith told one of the guards. Within a few minutes, Ward's daughter was guided into the room, also naked and blindfolded. She was guided to the table, where she reached out, found the man and began touching and stroking him before taking him in her mouth.

"That's it, princess, just like the others. Get him nice and wet so you can mount him," Smith encouraged. He turned to Dr. Connor. "We used this setup this morning for all the other men after I finished fucking her. One would be strapped down and once she got herself mounted two others would join. That way, she wouldn't see anything different about this time."

Blake nodded in understanding. Watching Ward's face as he saw his daughter climb onto the table and mount herself on his prong - sliding down and beginning to ride him. He'd been gagged, so any sounds that came out were more like grunts and groans.

"We're done here. Boys, let her ride him as much as she wants."

Dr. Connor followed Smith back into the hallway. "What are you going to do with her?"

"I'm going to keep that one for myself. It's nice to have a willing slut when the urge hits. I'll share her with the other agents of course. Helps build morale and keeps her in practice."

Blake didn't say anything else as Mr. Smith led him into the interrogation room. The older Mr. Cofield was already stripped and locked into a bondage bench. He was on his hands and knees, with his ankles and wrists secured, a chest pad kept him upright, and steel collar kept his head in place. Blake looked around and saw the large two-way mirror. Mr. Cofield had been positioned so whoever was on the other side would have a clear view. The door opened, and Max, Clive, and Barrett were ushered in.

Clive and Barrett had already changed and were wearing leather harnesses and boots. Their faces were hidden behind fitted leather hoods.

"I don't expect you or Mr. Moore to participate. Just provide direction to your fags. Mr. Fletcher and I will be in the other room interrogating Cofield. We will let you know when things need to get more intense or rough."

One of the guards brought in a couple of folding chairs and set them up out of sight of the window.

Dr. Connor couldn't miss the horrified look on old man Cofield's face. Mr. Smith had already said he was a racist and a homophobe. Blake wondered what that really meant coming from Smith - pot calling the kettle black - or was it that Cofield had even bigger issues than Smith? With what he had given the man the night before, his libido would take over soon enough, and it wouldn't really matter what he thought.

Smith's voice came through the speaker in the room. "Please begin gentlemen. Show the old man what he's been missing. No need to be gentle either."

Dr. Connor watched as Clive and Barrett moved in close and began running their hands over the accountant's body. He objected, telling them to stop, but that just made them get more intimate. Both of Connor's men were well built and nicely endowed. Clive was much darker, almost more of an ash black while Barrett was a warm, medium-brown. Blake didn't know them well, just enough to know their names and a bit about their personal lives.

Clive was slapping the man's face with his cock while Barrett had grabbed some lube and was alternating between stroking the guy and fingering his ass. With the amount of stimulant Dr. Connor had shoved up Cofield's ass, he was pretty sure the man was beyond confused. How do you tell yourself you're not gay and you don't like this when it feels so good?

"Guys, crank it up and fuck that old geezer. Justin isn't being so cooperative," Smith's voice echoed in the room.

Old geezer? Blake pondered. Mr. Cofield wasn't that old and to be honest; he had a decent body.

Cofield cried out as Barrett plunged his full length inside in one brutal thrust. It would have been much louder, but Clive had managed to shove his fat cock in Cofield's mouth at the same time. He was now getting his very first spit roast, taking big black cocks at both ends.

Blake had to change positions and adjust himself as he felt a bit of envy along with a good bit of lust. Threesomes were one of his favorites, and he liked being included in any position. I'm just so damned lucky that Joseph likes it as much as I do, he thought.

Max sat quietly beside him not saying a word. Occasionally Dr. Connor would call out a suggestion or tell them to do something but most of the time, he let his mind drift, thinking of Joseph. After a while, he'd already planned out how he'd officially propose and what he wanted for a wedding and honeymoon and began to wonder how much longer this would last. Old man Cofield had been thoroughly fucked by both Clive and Barrett and had swallowed loads from both. He'd even managed to drop a couple of loads himself from being fucked.

The door opened, and Agent Decker stepped in. "We're done guys."

"Now what?" Max asked.

"The guards will take Mr. Cofield back to his cell. Your guys can wait here. Mr. Smith wants you and Max back in Interrogation room one."

Dr. Connor and Max stood and followed Decker. He sure doesn't look like a happy agent, Blake thought. He wondered how they were handling Smith as a new leader. He was very different from the Agency heads Dr. Connor had worked with in the past. Decker held the door open, and Max entered first. Just as Blake passed Agent Decker, he heard him whisper.

"I am so sorry."

Oh fuck, that does not bode well, Blake thought. Ward was still strapped to the table, but there was no sign of his daughter. Mr. Smith was leaning against the wall, and they'd added a second table.

Just as they made it into the room, the guards ushered in a boy, dressed in a tee and sleep pants. Dr. Connor had no doubts that this was Ward's son. The resemblance was very strong. He had thick curly brown hair and dark brown eyes with thick lashes and prominent brows. His lips were full and when he matured a bit would probably turn heads.

"Dad? Dad what's going on?" the boy asked.

"Decker, unstrap Mr. Ward and help him sit up before you secure him again. I'm sorry son, but your father can't talk right now- gag and all."

"Who are you?"

"Don't you worry about that. Please undress Jacob. Dr. Connor, you and Mr. Moore can get undressed as well."

Blake turned to look at Max. He could see from Max's eyes they were thinking the same thing. They both removed their clothes and carefully folded them, setting them in the corner.

"Decker, please get Dr. Connor's bag from the other room," Smith said. Decker stepped out and returned in less than a minute with the medical bag.

"Here's what's going to happen," Smith began. "You, Dr. Connor are going to fuck Jacob so Ward can watch his boy take his first cock. When you're done, Mr. Moore will fuck him. After both of you deposit a load in his ass, pick him up and mount him on his daddy's dick. Either he rides, or you lift him up and down and fuck him on Ward's cock. Got it?"

Jacob cried out and tried to make a break for the door. The guard easily caught him and spun him around, pinning him to the wall. "Strip kid. And don't you dare try something so stupid again."

"I won't do it. He's just a kid," Dr. Connor argued with Smith.

"You will. Guards, give Dr. Connor time to lube Jacob up and if he's not balls deep in the boy's ass in five minutes, shoot out Mr. Moore's knee. If he still hesitates, shoot out the other knee. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," the two guards answered in unison. Decker looked pale and like he was about to lose his lunch.

"I'll be checking back. Decker, you're with me." Smith opened the door and turned briefly. "I always thought I had a strong stomach but you queers... there's only so much a real man can take." With that Smith pushed Decker out the door and locked it behind him.

Shit, shit, shit. That man is totally insane. Blake had no doubts the agents would follow the crazy man's orders, so he quickly checked his bag, grabbed a couple of pills and a stimulant lube. He approached the terrified Jacob who was feebly trying to cover his junk with his hands.

"Open up. Swallow these; they'll help. I promise."

"What are they?" Jacob's voice came out in a whimper.

"We don't have time. Just swallow," Blake said sternly.

Jacob swallowed the pills and stared at the floor. Blake really felt bad for the kid. He was good-looking, maybe 5'6", and skinny - like he had a growth spurt but hadn't filled out. His pubes were dark and thick and seemed to be the only body hair he had. The rest of his body was smooth and lightly tanned.

"Jacob lean over the table, placing your chest flat and then spread your legs," Dr. Connor instructed. He wasted no time in putting a generous amount of the lube on his fingers and worked it into Jacobs crack and virgin hole. He hated being so rough and going so quickly but he sure as hell wasn't going to let them shoot Max. Jacob cried and complained as Dr. Connor worked his fingers inside his tight hole. He had just managed to get two solidly in the virgin tunnel when the guard spoke up.

"Close to time Dr. Connor," the guard said.

"Please don't..." Jacob begged.

"Sorry kid, but your discomfort doesn't carry much weight against someone getting shot." Blake put his heavily lubed cock to the tight pink opening and could feel the heat from Jacob's body. He started to push and could feel Jacob resisting. "Don't hold your breath and try to push like you're taking a crap."

"Oh god, it's too big!"

"No, it's not. Just relax and keep breathing." Blake pushed past the ring of muscle and closed his eyes savoring how hot and tight the kid was. He reached around and wrapped his slick hand around Jacob's hardon and began to stroke.

"Stop! Fuck, pull out, pull out," Jacob cried.

"Keep breathing and push out... that's the way." Blake managed to get several more inches buried in the virgin hole, as he continued stroking Jacob. He turned to look at Ward. The man looked like he was about to burst. His face was red, and he was sweating but was secured tightly enough he couldn't move.

"Shit, you're big. It feels like you're going to rip me apart!"

"Keep breathing. It will get better. Doesn't it Ward? Don't you want to coach him through? Oh, sorry, that's right you've got a ball gag in your mouth." Blake turned his attention back to Jacob and began massaging his back and ass cheeks as he pushed farther in. That lube and the drugs should start hitting him soon, Blake thought.

Max came up behind Blake and hugged him. "I'm with you stud. You're almost there, just a couple more inches." Max leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Don't feel guilty, you don't have a choice; just enjoy the virgin pussy and how tight he is. You know you love takin' cherries."

Blake leaned his head back and kissed the side of Max's face, enjoying the rough stubble and the smell of his best friend. "Thanks."

"Don't thank me. I'm protecting my knees. Not to mention I get to fuck him when you're done and he'll still be tight."

Dr. Connor pushed the rest of the way in and stayed still, letting Jacob adjust to having all of his cock buried in his hole. Jacob had stopped crying and fighting, and his body was adjusting to the new sensations. Blake slowly started to pump, gentle deep thrusts.

Jacob moaned and began pushing back to meet Blake's penetrating cock.

"Guess he does take after you, Ward. Don't you remember how much you liked having me fuck you? You'd fight and complain until I was buried deep in your ass - then it was 'oh fuck me Blake, harder, faster.'"

Blake savored the silky glove sensation of Jacobs fuck hole. He felt marvelous and so snug wrapped around Blake's cock. From the sounds and how he was moving it was clear he'd moved into a happy place. He was willingly fucking himself deep and hard. Blake felt Jacob's movement change, and he quickened his pace and let out a gasp. Blake could feel the hot creamy jizzsquirt out over his hand and onto the table. Jacob's ass squeezed even tighter bringing Blake to the edge. He jackhammered Jacob's ass while he was caught in his orgasm and blew his load deep in the virgin hole. Claiming the boy as his own.

When they both came down from their orgasmic high. Blake leaned against Jacob's back and kissed his neck and along his ear. "That was a tremendous fuck, Jacob. You've got an amazing ass. And you're not a virgin anymore."

"My turn." Max dropped to his knees and sucked Blake's creamy cock into his mouth licking it clean. He turned and ran his tongue up Jacob's dripping, gaping hole and sucked the cum out of the recently fucked tunnel. "Mmmm. So good."

Blake stepped back and helped guide Max in. Soon, Max, had himself buried in Jacob's ass and began a serious fuck while Jacob oohed and aahed and moaned in pleasure. His cock was already hard again. Blake got down on the floor between Max's legs and scooted under the table enough that he could wrap his lips around Jacob. With mouth and tongue, Blake began to fellate Jacob.

"Oh... fuck... yeah. God, that feels so good," Jacob moaned.

It only took a few minutes until Blake got a mouthful of sweet boy cum and Max blew an impressive load into Jacob's fuck chute.

Blake moved up and licked Max clean then licked Jacob's freshly fucked hole while the boy groaned in pleasure. When he finished, he and Max lifted Jacob and walked him over to his dad. Jacob had gone somewhat limp which helped get him in place, and they gently lowered him, guiding Ward's cock into the wet hole. As they pushed down on Jacob's shoulders, he let out a loud moan.

"Yeah you like having a cock in there now, don't you?" Max asked.

"Yes. Feels so good," Jacob said in a raspy lust-filled voice.

They started lifting and lowering Jacob and looked up when the door opened, and Smith entered.

"Glad to see you can follow directions. From the look on the kid's face, I'm guessing he's a fag slut like his old man. So tell me, Ward, how does he compare to your girl?"

Ward's face couldn't get much redder, but with the gag, nothing coherent was coming out. Blake wondered if the guy would burst some blood vessels.

"You truly are a worthless piece of shit. Does Jacob know this is all because of you? Your fault and no one else's?" Smith gripped Jacob's chin and turned his face to look in his eyes. "Do you know your father has sold out and betrayed all of you? Your mom, your sister, his boss, his team, even the man who pulled him off the streets and gave him a second chance? When you look back and wonder why you lost everything, look in that man's eyes, the man whose cock is buried in your ass and know it's because of him." Smith roughly turned Jacob's head to stare into his father's face.

Blake and Max continued to help Jacob, but he had taken over and was riding his father without their help. For whatever reason, he had closed his eyes and put his hands down on his father's chest to steady himself while he slid up and down on the hard shaft.

Even as Ward looked truly miserable, his body still responded, his cock and nipples hard and erect.

"What an accomplishment Ward. Your decisions have brought about your son becoming a gay whore, while your wife is a sex slave in a faraway country and your daughter gets to be my own personal slut." Smith turned to look at the guards and then Dr. Connor. "When he dumps a load in his kid, bring your two black fags in and have them fuck him next. Make sure Ward has a good view."

Smith walked out. It was only a few minutes before Jacob had milked a load out of Ward and they helped him down and let him lie down on the other table and catch his breath. The guards brought in Clive and Barrett and Blake explained what they needed to do. Jacob was fully under the influence of the drugs now and eagerly spread himself to take Clive and Barrett. He looked up at Clive in lust and worship.

He gladly let Clive kiss him, enthusiastically opening up to him and playing tongue wars while Clive slid his big black cock into Jacob's gaping hole. Jacob moaned and pulled Clive in deep, wrapping his legs around the muscled man. He ran his hand over and around Clive's back like he was trying to get more of the black hunk inside him. Jacob had become a very enthusiastic fuck partner.

Clive grunted as he exploded inside the kid's ass and gave a few jackrabbit thrusts to finish him off. When he pulled away, Blake could see that Jacob had blown another load. His abdomen glistened with the creamy load.

Blake couldn't resist and moved in and began licking up Jacob's load. When his skin was clean, Blake took the softening cock in his mouth and sucked it clean while bringing it back to a full erection. He buried his nose in the dark silky pubes and enjoyed Jacob's sweet youthful scent. He licked down Jacob's cock, suckled his balls then dove in and ate out his dripping hole. Blake loved the taste of man seed, and Jacob was overflowing with the best cocktail ever. Jacob moaned and writhed at Dr. Connor's oral ministrations. When there was no seed left to suck out, Blake reluctantly stood back as Barrett moved in.

Dr. Connor reached up and took Barrett in his hand and sucked the thick black cock deep into his mouth. It was an impressive tool, and he loved the taste. When he got Barrett hard and dripping with his own spit, he helped guide him into Jacobs's ass.

"Enjoy it, Barrett. He's got a sweet fuck hole." Blake said as he sat back on his heels. He looked up and down Barrett's body as he began thrusting into Jacob. He was a handsome man and very nicely formed. Maybe not as stunning as Beau, but still real fine. Blake fought the urge to bury his face in Barrett's ass. It was beautiful - smooth, medium-brown and so nicely curved. Blake felt Max's touch on his shoulder and looked up. Max knows me too well, Blake thought as he saw the smile.

Max pulled Dr. Connor to his feet and gave him a quick but passionate kiss. "Easy there, buddy. Smith doesn't need any more ammunition."

Blake let Max wrap him in his tree-trunk strong arms. Max always knew how to make him feel better. He decided that it was best not to watch the sex between Barrett and Jacob. He was finding Barrett way to attractive at the moment and was afraid he'd lose control. He turned to look at their observer. He looked pretty miserable, but then that was the goal.

While there was no love lost with Brett Ward, Blake still felt bad for Jacob. Even though Smith was wrong in thinking this was enough to turn Jacob into a gay whore, there was no going back. If he was straight, it meant a lifetime of confusion and probably cheating to satisfy that burning itch that wouldn't go away. Constantly plotting to get guys to fuck him. If he was already gay or bi, it would certainly make him a lot more promiscuous and taking such large cocks as his first would probably also make him a size hound. A sucker for any man who was well endowed.

Eventually, they'd all taken turns and Jacob had passed out on the table with a huge satisfied smile on his face. Ward was obviously an emotional wreck. The guards let Max and Dr. Connor get dressed, and soon they found themselves back in audience with Mr. Smith.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Nice of you to follow instructions. Tomorrow we'll bring the prisoners to the Lab."

"What are you going to do with Mr. Cofield, Jacob and Kerr's brother?"

"As of tomorrow, they're your problem. I'm keeping Hannah as I already mentioned. We'll also bring those two punks. I do want them all tagged. Just in case we ever want to track them down. Decker went to get the chips for you. I'd recommend you keep a close eye on them. If they cause trouble, bring in the police or try anything I'm holding you accountable. Probably best if you don't give them their freedom."

"What am I supposed to do with them?"

"I don't really care. Your focus is on training Kerr and Cofield and making sure Walker has a very successful surgery. Ward is my gift to you. Punish him however you want."

The door opened, and Decker returned carrying an aluminum brief case. He unlatched it and opened it to reveal a set of Agency chips. Similar to what the Lab used for implants but several generations older with substantially reduced functionality. Blake nodded to Decker, and he closed and locked the case.

"Your team should be very experienced with doing the implants. Correct?" Smith asked.

"Yes. We are."

"Good, oh... that reminds me. You ought to check on Kerr's brother before you leave. He wasn't looking too good. If you need to, you're welcome to take him with you. I'll expect regular updates, and please let me know when we can expect Mr. Walker's surgery to take place. I'd like it to be as soon as possible, but please don't say anything to him. It's a surprise. I'll explain things when he wakes up from the anesthesia."

"Understood." Blake tried to keep his tone as neutral as possible. He needed to keep his anger under control. There was too much at risk and knowing Smith would easily give the order to shoot Max gave him no sense of comfort for Craig's and Stephen's safety.

"The guards will show you to Mr. Kerr and then take you back to the Lab. I take it you're no longer staying at the house?" Smith baited.

"No, we had trouble with pests."

Smith scowled but didn't comment; he just gave a hand signal to the guards to escort Dr. Connor and Max out.

They reached the cell door and stepped into Thomas's room. The first thing that hit Blake was the smell of blood and the soft sobs. He quickly moved into the room as Max turned on the lights.

Dr. Connor couldn't hold back the gasp. "Oh, god, what did they do to you?" He gently pulled back the bloody sheet that tried to stick to Thomas's back. "Fuck! Max, get the morphine out of my bag and a swap and alcohol. Dr. Connor did a quick exam and took the swab from Max as he looked for a clear spot to give the injection.

"This will help Thomas. I am so sorry. We'll get you fixed up, I promise."

"That wasn't just a flogging. Leather alone wouldn't make those cuts," Max said.

"No, and from the bruising, swelling, and black eyes I think he took a pretty hard beating too. Some of these may need stitching. There's too much blood to tell. When we get him out of here, call Jeffrey and have him get a team on site, stat. We'll need an anesthesiologist, nurses, a plastic surgeon... just tell him, and he'll know who to call."

"Guessing they didn't take the sex approach with the Kerr's," Max said.

"No. It looks like they tortured him then tried to beat him to death."

"You think he'll make it?"

"We'll do everything we can to make sure he does."

  • Scene 6 *

When they arrived at the Lab, a team was already waiting with a gurney and whisked Thomas away.

Blake turned to Max as the Agency SUV pulled away. "I'm not sure how much of this I can take before I crack."

"Don't sell yourself short, Blake. You're one tough son-of-a-bitch, and you will do what it takes to get our guys home safe and keep them that way."

"Maybe but damn I've never wanted to kill someone so much in my life," Blake said as they entered the building and headed to the medical wing.

"You and me both. I'm just trying to keep quiet, so I don't add fuel to the fire."

"Thank you. Just having you there helps me stay sane. You know I love you..."

Max grabbed Blake's shoulders, turning to him and kissing him hard. When he released Blake, he gave a big smile. "And I love you too. Not to mention the best fuck I've ever had, or likely will have."

"I'm sorry Max. You deserve more. I wish it could have worked."

"What? That we didn't work as life partners? Don't sweat it and don't discount what we have. You are my best friend, no one else even comes close, and there's nothing wrong with being fuck buddies. But that doesn't do justice to our relationship. Let's just call us non- traditional."

Blake laughed. "I am so fucking nontraditional."

"Yup, just the way I like you. Now let's go check on Kerr. You won't relax unless you're ringside watching every move."

A few hours later, Blake stood looking at Thomas's battered face while he brushed the silky hair with his fingers.

"He'll sleep pretty soundly," Dr. Tanner said.

"And..." Dr. Connor asked.

"How many times do you need to hear it Blake. He'll be fine. Odds are really high for a full recovery and minimal if any scarring. He didn't need that many stitches, and we got to him in time to clean things up and minimize the damage. He's not going to feel so good for a while, but we'll take good care of him."

"I wish I could have done more..."

"Quit beating yourself up. Sounds like you did the best you could under the circumstances."

"But Thomas, Jacob, the others... they were innocents. Their only guilt was being related to the men Smith wanted to break."

"When we get them in, we'll do what we can. Dr. Blythe will help too. He's dealt with these kinds of situations before. Remember his specialty used to be POW recovery."

"Yeah... not much I can do for Hannah or Mrs. Ward."

"So focus on the ones you can. Why not find Joseph and get some rest. Or knowing Joseph, let yourself be distracted."

Blake pulled Jeff into a hug. "Thanks. You're too good to me."

"Yeah, yeah. I keep offering, but you turn me down."

Blake laughed and gave a playful punch to Dr. Tanner's shoulder. "Careful doc, what if I say yes someday..."

"I can hope..." Dr. Tanner muttered.

End Chapter 19

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Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story. Comments, questions, and feedback are welcome at Special shout out of thanks to David S. for being a beta reader and editor, so you get a better story.

Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School,' Dancing with the Dragon and Bacchus Springs under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy,' and My Heart Belongs to Daddy under 'Incest.'

Next: Chapter 20

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