The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Feb 14, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 17: Like Father, Like Son, Copyright 2016 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 17: Like Father, Like Son By Tripp Savidge

  • Scene 1 *

"Please Blake... enough already," Craig begged. He put his hands on the shower walls to brace himself. Blake was running his hands over him, enjoying the wet lather and the feel of Craig's smooth muscles. One hand returned to fingering his hole, while the other slid around his hip and stroked his thigh.

"Be patient. It's not often I get to just touch and play with your beautiful bo-DY!" Blake ended in a shout as Joseph's fingers slid inside him.

"Sorry. Did I distract you? Your ass is so wet and I swear it was calling out to me, over and over... fuck me... fuck meeeeee," Joseph teased. "And it's only fair, if you get to play with his ass, I get to play with yours."

Blake pressed his body against Craig and slid himself up and down the smooth channel between Craig's muscled ass cheeks. In moments he found himself sliding in as Craig pushed himself back. Blake worked his way in and then had to pause and catch his breath. Joseph was opening him up and pushing inside of him.

Joseph reached his arms around sandwiching Blake between himself and Craig. When he had pushed in as far as he could go, he licked along Blake's shoulder and whispered. "Now you can move."

Blake slowly started flexing and moving his body - holding tightly to Craig's hips so as not to pull out. "Fuck, it's almost too much. Damn but I love your ass Craig and your body is so fucking gorgeous.... Ahhhh!" Blake gasped as Joseph thrust hard and deep. "And I love your hard cock in my ass Joey... but you knew that."

"Sometimes..." Joseph said biting up Blake's neck. "It's nice to hear..."

"Fuck Blake, you're gonna make me shoot. And just to go on record I like being fucked by both of youuuuuuu... shit." Craig ended his conversation and began grunting with each thrust, then made a loud moan as Blake wrapped his hand around his cock and began stroking in time with his thrusts.

Blake rested his head on Craig's steamy shoulder and let the orgasm take him. If he hadn't already had sex countless times in the last eight hours he knew it would be mind-blowing. As it was, it still took his breath away. He couldn't help but gasp as Joseph's motion made him continue thrusting even after he came.

Craig cried out at about the same time Joseph thrust extra hard, Craig's load dripping over Blake's hand.

"Thank you Craig, you know when you move in with us we are going to do this all the time." Blake said with a kiss as he brought his hand to his mouth and licked off the sweet cum. Joseph finally released them and they turned to kiss and touch as the warm water poured over them.

  • Scene 2 *

"You really didn't have to do this," Blake said looking down at the plate of breakfast Krysta set in front of him. She smiled and put plates together for Joseph, and Craig. Diablo was already eating.

"I enjoyed it. I don't often get to feed so many handsome men."

"I don't know, you've got Brent. He's pretty handsome in my book," Craig said.

"Yeah... I'd fuck him," Joseph said with an evil smile and a pointed look at Krysta.

"Glad to know you approve and I was talking numbers, not that I don't have a beautiful man in my bed," Krysta said with a light smack to Joseph's head.

"Hey, you learned that from Blake didn't you," Joseph said rubbing his head in mock pain.

"No, he learned it from me. Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Max, Stephen, and Jared are... uhm... having some guy time before they get cleaned up. I thought I heard the shower so guessing Michael's getting ready," Joseph said.

"Guy time?"

"Yeah, you know where one guy's parts fit inside another guy's parts..." Craig said snickering.

"You know you men go hard on a girl's self-esteem," Krysta said shaking her head.

"Why's that sis? You look beautiful and you're an amazing cook."

"Yeah, obviously she got ALL the genes for that one," Joseph added.

Blake turned and smacked Joseph but not nearly as gently as Krysta had done.

"Oooooo, touchy," Joseph laughed.

"I'm used to being the focus of attention when I'm with a group of men. It's a little unnerving to have you all ignoring me and staring at Brent."

"Well, he does have a really nice ass," Craig said around a mouthful of bacon.

Krysta sighed and it was Diablo's and Joseph's turn to snicker. "We all think you're beautiful Krysta. You're like a female version of Blake," Joseph said trying to make her feel better.

"Joseph, Joseph, Joseph... Nice try," Blake said.

"Morning everyone," Brent said pulling up a chair. He was looking especially dashing all decked out in his suit and tie. Craig and Blake both whistled and Diablo gave his best leer, causing Brent to turn several shades of red.

"Grrrrr," Joseph growled. "Like I said Krysta, I'd f..." his words interrupted by the piece of toast she shoved into his mouth.

"Wait... what did I miss? I feel like I came in at the end of the joke," Brent asked.

"No sweetie. We were just saying how good everyone looks all cleaned up in their suits."

"And your ass..." Joseph called out taking his plate to the sink.

"What?" Brent asked looking to Krysta.

"You should stay close to me today dear. I'm afraid your virtue may be in danger otherwise."

Blake almost choked on his coffee. The expression from Brent was priceless, as he looked at each of the guys and put the comments together. If he wasn't blushing before, he sure was now. Poor guy. He thought he was having a tough time resisting before - now add the cumulative lust of a few more beautiful men and he is so doomed. But from that smile, I'm not sure he'd mind at all...

"Dad?" Michael called.

"I'll be back. It's delicious Krysta and worthy of seconds... oh and keep Brent safe - I'm claiming dibs," Blake said as he squeezed Brent's shoulder and then walked back to Michael's room. Michael was standing in the doorway, tie in hand.

"Can you?" Michael asked.

"Sure, but you know how to tie a tie."

"Not this morning. I can't seem to make it work." Michael turned and limped back into the room.

"The red one goes a little better," Blake said holding up the tie.

"Uhm... it needs to go to the cleaners."

"Okay, the burgundy stripe?" Blake suggested

"Needs to go to the cleaners."

"You getting sloppy?" Blake asked as he walked to the mirror and began working on the tie.

"Long story," Michael said with a frown as he sat down carefully on the bed.

"You feeling okay?" Blake asked watching Michael in the mirror.

"No. I think I'm going to die."

"What's wrong? You catch the flu?" Blake asked as he handed Michael the tie and put his wrist to Michael's forehead.

"No Dad. Wow this is awkward," Michael muttered.

"Can you tell me what hurts exactly? I am a doctor."

"Uhm... Diablo and I sorta..."

"He said at breakfast you worked out an apology..." Blake offered seeing Michael struggle.

"I should have known it was too good to be true. Yes, he suggested that maybe if I was put in the same position and understood what it 'felt' like, I'd better appreciate what I'd done. No, no, he didn't drug me," Michael said quickly.

Blake couldn't help but laugh.

"Shit, you know?"

"Not the details, but the general idea, yeah. You want to tell me what hurts now?" Blake offered feeling some compassion for Michael's predicament.

"The idea was he could use me how ever he wanted and I couldn't resist or take any action on my own. That was harder than I thought. That's where the ties came in. He used them to tie me down - they may have gotten a bit of spooge on them."

"Okay and did you come away with any revelations?" Blake encouraged.

"Lots..." Michael paused. "One, Diablo is way out of my league. He is incredibly skilled and sexy and gorgeous and I didn't even know you could do some of the things he did. Two, I don't like being used. And at least I knew he wouldn't really hurt me and that he does really care about me, but there were moments when I had to remind myself. I can't imagine if he were a stranger or someone I didn't know well. In those moments... I felt so cheap, so violated - like I was totally worthless."

"You do realize that same treatment is used to break men. Destroy their self-confidence, their will."

"I did. But I understand it a whole lot better now. I also didn't know that you can cum without an orgasm. There were several times, he would get me so close, then stop - then he's start again and sometimes my body would just start pumpin' out the juice. I wanted to scream in frustration - well I tried, then he shoved a sock in my mouth and continued."

"Michael, that's called edging."

"I've heard of it, but never knew exactly what it meant. I shot so hard one time, it hit the ceiling! He'd slide inside me and stroke me, getting me really close then stop, eventually he'd stop stroking but start sliding in me real hard and fast and it would make me blow. Can you damage your balls because you came to much?"

"Not likely, why?"

"Cause my balls ache something fierce. My throat hurts and while it felt great at the time, now it feels like someone took a baseball bat to my ass. I keep leaking jiz out of my butt!"

Blake couldn't help but laugh. "How many orgasms did he give you?"

"I lost count after six. It got to be really hard to think straight at some point in there. I do remember I liked sucking him and the taste of his cum; though I didn't like the not breathing part when he slid his dick down my throat."

"I think you'll recover. An ice pack will do amazing things for your balls and I do have something I can give you to relieve the sore throat. If it won't gross you out too much, I can also show you how to clean yourself out and I have something that will make your ass at least feel better."

"That would be great. Could you?"

"Sure. But can I ask, did he allow you to enjoy his ass. It is truly amazing."

Michael scowled. "Sort of, I mean he made me rim him and use my tongue. That was both gross and sort of sexy, I was surprised how good he tasted. He teased me with his hole, let me slide my fingers inside and he acted all hot and horny playing with my hand, but he said my ass was the only one being used. God, I wanted him so badly. Guess that was to drive home the lesson part?"

"I'd say so. Sounds like you learned some things." Blake held out his hand. "Come on, let's do a lesson on clean up."

  • Scene 3 *

Chris helped Joseph carry plates to the table. "This is a new record, what... almost five days without delivery? Someone's going to be feeling unloved."

Blake laughed. "Not to worry, he came by the office after school. I had to promise him a minimum of once a week. Deliveries or not."

Michael set the glasses of water on the table. "Delivery?"

"Your Dad has a reputation with delivery boys. One in particular has become a regular and can't say that several of us haven't ... uhm... sampled his skills. But I'm sure he was disappointed that Joseph wasn't there to help," Chris said.

"Two more weeks and then I can. I have to keep the University labs ready for the students to finish their projects. Finals start next week so that means early days for you and me all this week then proctoring and grading next week."

"I am going to miss it," Chris said as they finished putting everything out.

Joseph wrapped his arms around Chris and hugged tight. "Doesn't mean you can't still be my preferred daytime companion. Don't know that I'm ready to give up your sweet ass."

"Should I be jealous?" Blake asked.

A smile lit Chris's face as he hugged back. "Can't have that boss. Maybe you should join us."

"Oh, believe me, I plan to. It's been too long."

"Seems too quiet with everyone gone," Michael said as he passed the food.

"Sergio and Takashi are outside. I made plates for them," Joseph said.

"Yeah but the other guys aren't here and Aunt Krysta and Uncle Brent went home, I'm guessing Grandpa is trying to make up with Gabriel," Michael said.

"Don't knock it. It's our first breakthrough - he's taking him to a fancy restaurant and show in the city," Blake responded.

"Personally I think Gabriel should hook up with Tanner. He's hot and a lot nicer than Grandpa."

"Yeah..." Blake laughed. "But for some strange reason he loves your Grandpa. Though between us, Tanner did earn his bonus and gave Gabriel a few nights of sex he won't soon forget."

"I was really hoping Aunt Krysta and Uncle Brent would stay a while," Michael said.

"Me too, but I think we were straining Brent's resolve. He loves Krysta but none of the guys made a secret of their willingness to bed him," Blake said.

"Come on Dad, that includes you... and let's be real. The guys in this house, well... other than me, are far from ordinary."

"Don't take yourself out of it Michael, you are just as tempting," Joseph said giving Michael a serious once over.

Michael blushed but didn't try to argue.

"Changing subjects." Blake began. "Tomorrow you need to go back to school. I'll have someone drop you off in the morning and then pick you up and bring you to the office. Joseph has to be at the University and I honestly don't have enough guards I trust to have us in three different places."

"Dad, come on. I'll be fine. Why can't I just come back to the house? You could let me drive..."

"No, it's not safe and Max isn't giving us a choice. Besides, he already took my car and Joseph's."

"Yeah, one little long lunch without guards and bam, my car is towed off and I get a lecture," Joseph complained.

"Can you at least not send the limo?" Michael pleaded.

"That I can do. I'm really hoping this will all die down soon and we can go back to something closer to normal. Believe me, I miss my car," Blake said.

"So I suppose that means I can't ride with Taylor either?"

"Not for a while. I don't mind sending a car for him if he wants to come here. You already asked him to spend the weekend, right?"

"Yeah. He just thinks I'm a bit wacko. Can't really tell people that there are bad guys out to kill me, can I?"

"Please don't remind me..." Blake said.

  • Scene 4 *

"How are you doing?" Claire asked. She sat across from Dr. Connor's desk giving him her best interrogation look.

"I'm fine."


"Okay, I'm coping," Dr. Connor answered knowing he didn't stand a chance against Claire. Her time working with Dr. Blythe had only honed her already impressive skills.

"Better. You could have taken another day or two. It's not like we're incapable of carrying on without you."

"Leave me some delusions. I like to at least pretend I'm important."

"Oh please... you're very important but you hire good, smart people. If there was anything major or that we couldn't figure out, we'd call you. How's Michael?"

"All things considered, not too bad. You can ask him yourself, he'll be here after school. So what's on the agenda?"

"Max is on is way up and you have meetings with Vince and David this morning. This afternoon you have a conference call with Mr. Kanko from Kelmore Pharmaceuticals and then a session with Jose. I tried to keep it fairly light."

"Thanks." Dr. Connor paused. She might have ideas... she has a son and she knows Michael as well as anyone. "I need your advice..."

"That sounds ominous," Clair said.

Dr. Connor recounted what he found out about Michael and Diablo, what Michael had done and the reason for Diablo's quick departure.

Claire sat for several uncomfortable, silent minutes after Dr. Connor finished. "Well... that sure explains a few things. I'd like to think about it a bit more, but my first reaction is educate him."

"Sorry, you lost me."

"Having Diablo use him may have given him insights into feelings, but I doubt he understands the risks he took or what the drugs can really do. So teach him, have him work here, at the Lab, let him see firsthand what the drugs do. Let him get to know the people and then see how it affects them. Like I said, that's my gut reaction but I'll think on it."

A knock sounded at the door.

"Come in," Dr. Connor called.

"Not disturbing anything am I?" Max asked peering into the office.

"No, Dr. Connor and I were finished. I'll let you know when Vince shows up," Claire said excusing herself and pulling the door closed.

Dr. Connor took in the view. Max had foregone a suit today in favor of a snug polo and chinos that couldn't hide the massive muscles. Fuck but that man is hot. Blake thought as he stood and moved to meet Max at the door. Max was a couple of inches taller than Dr. Connor so he put his hand to the back of Max's head and pulled him down into a tongue probing kiss. He could feel the roughness of Max's stubble and taste the coffee on his lips. He leaned in letting Max wrap those tree-trunk arms around him and basked in the heat.

"We missed you last night..." Dr. Connor said breaking the kiss.

"I would have much rather been home. Derrick, Carl, and I worked late on some ideas for tightening security. By the time we finished I was too exhausted to get home, so I just slept here... alone."

"That is sad," Dr. Connor commiserated.

"When I could have been in bed with you and Joseph... hell yeah," Max whispered as he kissed Dr. Connor again and gripped his ass.

"Guess we should talk business..."

"Yeah, probably. Nothing real notable happened in the last few days. Only update from the Agency is that they'll be done with the house by the weekend. No new leads and so far they've found nothing suspicious," Max said as they disengaged and Dr. Connor returned to his desk.

"Guess that's good news. I talked to Frank in legal, he verified the will I found is the most current so everything is registered and set at the court house. I still can't believe she never changed it. It's the same one we drew up when Michael was born."

"You don't have to do it alone."

"I don't plan to," Dr. Connor said with a nervous chuckle. "I expect you and Joseph to be with me every step of the way. Joey can take Michael over this weekend - let him tag anything he wants and decide what to do with his stuff."

"You think there's anything you'll want?"

"Not much, maybe photos and videos of Michael. I was pretty thorough when I moved out. I didn't leave anything that was 'mine' behind and any gifts from my side of the family or friends, wedding or otherwise, I took."

Max laughed. "So was anything left?"

Blake responded with a guilty look. "No, not really. But I made sure Michael was well equipped and she had picked most of the furniture."

Bing. Bing. "Vince is here."

Bing. "Thanks Claire. Send him in," Dr. Connor responded as he and Max turned to the door to watch Vince enter.

"Damn. A gay man's wet dream," Max said in a low growl.

"Certainly mine. Good morning Vince. You're looking incredibly fuck- worthy this morning."

Vince turned several shades of red. "Thank you."

His dark silky hair partially hid his eyes, but framed his face nicely, accentuating the sexy blue eyes and dark lashes. The dark t-shirt was more like a second skin and the black leather pants showed off his athletic build, the nice curve in his legs and the bulge of his now firm cock trying to escape.

"If you're not getting attention now, then I am at a complete loss of what to do next. Well... except maybe take you home and keep you to myself. I'm sorry we were interrupted, I really hoped to have more one on one time with you," Dr. Connor said as he pulled Vince's profile up on Hookup.

"Oh believe me, they notice, and I'm real sorry for your loss sir," Vince said.

"Guess they have noticed," Dr. Connor muttered as he scrolled through the comments. "Well, looks like you'll never have to sleep alone again. But I see Joseph still has you as claimed, with Takashi and Craig both claiming dibs if he lets you go."

"Yes sir."

"Not saying much are you? Is there a problem?"

"Maybe he's exhausted?" Max offered.

Vince gave a nervous laugh. "No, it's just a little overwhelming."

"What is? The newfound attention or finally getting some sex?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Both sir. And it's not just attention, there's a hunger to the looks and an edge to the comments that's almost a little scary, and the sex is... amazing. Sort of a head rush when they act like they can't get enough of me."

"Can't say I blame them. What do you have for us?" Blake said.

"Just the updates you guys requested: Punch list at the resort is completed, so while I can't comment on operations, the facilities are done and look fantastic. We got the final permits cleared for renovations at the new house and broke ground on the new wing. They've also started putting in the new access roads between the properties and we should have quotes on new perimeter fencing and security systems next week."

"Your team's made great progress Vince. The plans look amazing, it's going to be an amazing place to live," Max said patting Vince on the back.

"Dmitri is working on specs for the workout equipment and how to set up the gym. The previous owners auctioned off all the old equipment and furniture, so we've got a clean slate. What do you want to take with you from your current house? I need that so I can work up a list of what rooms we need to furnish."

"Our bedroom furniture and the formal dining set, plus anything you think you can use. Joseph and I picked out those pieces together so I want to keep them. I'll let you and Joseph make the call. Once you get a list we can go shopping. Max, Craig, and Michael should pick out their own bedroom stuff."

"You also said you wanted my team's help on Mrs. Connor's place?"

"Yeah, I'd like them there when Max and I go through. I can set aside or tag anything to be kept then they can inventory and clear things out. I'd like you to be there for Michael too. He and Joseph were going to do a walk through this weekend."

"We'll be glad to sir. Is there anything else?" Vince asked.

Blake looked at Max, a smile spreading across his face then turned back to Vince. "Yeah, I want a raincheck. Since I got distracted from your visit, I didn't get to properly entertain you. While I know Joseph, Takashi, and Craig jumped in to help, I want my turn. So maybe you come stay with us for a week or so... you know personally oversee picking what goes to the new place while I personally see to your sexual health."

"Uhm... sure... if that's what you want," Vince stammered.

"Oh, it's more than want Vince. See... I have to show you that I'm as hungry for you as the other guys," Dr. Connor said as he moved close to Vince, running his hand up his thigh and over the bulge. He leaned in, nudging the silky hair away from Vince's neck and ear, kissing and teasing with his tongue. "I want to make you scream in rapture Vince, give you such pleasure you think you'll pass out..." Blake whispered.

Vince's breath sped up and a small moan sounded in response to Blake's attention. He focused on standing as his heart and cock started pounding.

"Have a great day Vince. Just know I'm thinking about you..." Blake whispered. He watched in amusement as Vince almost stumbled to the door, letting himself out.

Max burst into laughter as the door closed. "It would be even funnier if I didn't know exactly how he felt. It makes me hard just remembering."

"Are you saying I get to you Mr. Moore?" Dr. Connor teased.

"Bastard. You know damn well you do but sadly, I have to go meet with Derrick and Carl again."

"You sure? After seeing Vince's bulge I'm horny..."

"We've got lots of dudes Blake. Go pick one," Max said giving Dr. Connor a squeeze and heading for the door.

Dr. Connor followed Max out the door pausing at Claire's desk. "Can you let David know I'll come to him? I'm going down to training anyway. Come on guys." Dr. Connor gave a nod to Mario and Stephen.

"Will do."

Dr. Connor waited for them to join him, pressed the button and watched the elevator doors slide closed. He tapped his earpiece and waited.

["Good morning Doc. Derrick here..."]

"Hey Derrick can you check on where Scott is this morning?"

["Sure, one second... still in his room sir."]

"Guess we're headed to the dungeon guys. You can decide who comes in with me and who waits outside."

  • Scene 5 *

The guard unlocked the door and held it for Dr. Connor and Stephen to enter while Mario stood outside.

Dr. Connor looked at Scott and couldn't help but appreciate the rugged, athletic body. The workouts and careful diet showed. While the former football coach was in good shape when they brought him in, now he was in great shape, every muscle clearly visible and many of them accented with warm brown hair. Dr. Connor's eyes trailed down the planes of Scott's muscled chest, following the brown treasure trail that led down his washboard abs, and to his cock trapped in the clear lock. The only thing that distracted was the look of fear and apprehension in Scott's eyes.

"This can't be good," Scott said.

"Good morning Scott. How are you feeling?" Dr. Connor asked as the guard approached Scott, knelt down and removed the penis lock.

"I would have said okay, but don't figure you just dropped in to chat... so now, maybe not so good."

"Don't assume the worst, you might decide my visit is a good thing."


"The guards tell me you've been behaving very well, that you've become... how did they put it... very accommodating."

"Have I mentioned recently how much I fucking hate you?" Scott said through gritted teeth.

"Oh please... why even waste your breath. I must say you're looking good. I always thought the restraining collar was distracting. I can see why the guards are so willing to help you out."

Scott absently reached up to the base of his hairline and rubbed his neck. "If it weren't for you, those damned drugs, and your sadistic thugs, I wouldn't need 'help'."

"I can tell them to stop if you prefer?" Dr. Connor said leaving the question hanging and watching Scott's reaction.

"Fuck you," Scott muttered, then barely above a whisper. "No, please don't."

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you."

"I don't want them to stop," Scott said, the fury almost palpable.

"Okay. Done. May I check to see how you're healing?"


Dr. Connor walked behind Scott, admiring the view. His back was just as muscled and lean, tapering down to narrow hips that blossomed into a full round, muscled ass. Dr. Connor had to restrain himself from reaching down and running his fingers down that tempting hairy crack. The cheeks were so round and firm, he could almost feel them without touching. He gently lifted the hair at Scott's neck and saw that the incision was mostly healed, just a small red line remained. He leaned in and took a deep breath, capturing Scott's scent, still clean and fresh from his shower. He brushed his lips against the scar and couldn't help but smile at the goosebumps that formed over Scott's skin and the small sound that escaped his lips.

"I'll have them dispense some cream to help prevent scarring. It should be hidden in your hairline but I'd hate to have anything mar such a hot specimen." This time he didn't hold back and let his hand skim down Scott's back across the dimples and to the curve of his ass. He let his fingers tickle the hairs down Scott's crack and was rewarded with another small sound that Scott tried unsuccessfully to swallow. "You know... you don't have to make it so hard on yourself..."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked turning to face Dr. Connor.

"You've been very 'cooperative' the last few days. If that were to continue, there's no reason you couldn't move up to the dorms. Start some classes and maybe expand your training."

"What classes and what kind of training?" Scott asked.

"We'll have to run some tests to see what would be a good fit. The training would be for satisfying a man. Giving blowjobs, rimming, seduction, maybe even topping."

"You mean no more bondage, no more torture and edging?"

"If you cooperate, and only as it relates to pleasuring someone and meeting their needs." Dr. Connor could hear the interest, the slightest bit of hopefulness in Scott's question.

"Why would you do that?"

"Self-interest. Purely selfish on my part. If you cooperate I can turn you into a useful resource. Put you to work. If I can't then it costs me to feed you, house you, and pay the staff to keep you out of trouble."

"And Billy?"

"He has similar options, but he's also insurance. My ace in the hole for keeping you in line."

"What's to keep me from escaping, spilling the beans on this place or coming back and killing you?"

Dr. Connor laughed and reached out pulling Scott against him as he grabbed his face and kissed him soundly. At first Scott tried to pull away, but as Dr. Connor's tongue worked its way into his mouth and his hands began to roam down Scott's back, the resistance ended. Scott returned the kiss gently at first, but the passion built and it was all out tongue wars. Dr. Connor disengaged and held Scott back by his shoulders.

"So do you really want to kill me? Or maybe you'd prefer to fuck me?"

Scott pulled away and screamed grabbing his head and leaning against the wall. "God, I hate you!"

"No you don't. Not really. Oh... and to answer your question that chip we implanted in your skull is even more effective than the collar. Not only can it deliver just as much pain, but it also lets us track you."

"I'll dig it out!"

"Good luck with that. You'll be dead before you ever reach it. It would take a surgeon to do so and that's after the chip has been turned off. Are we done with this line of thought? It's really not productive."

"So what would I have to do?"

"Why don't you start by showing me what you've learned?"

Scott looked at Dr. Connor with suspicion. "You don't..."

"Oh most certainly." Dr. Connor undid his tie, then began unbuttoning his shirt. He stripped naked and carefully folded the clothes and set them aside. He gave a wink to Stephen who remained stoic, standing at attention like nothing of interest had happened.

Scott looked at Dr. Connor like a starving man. His tongue running across his lips, his body tense - his fists clenching and unclenching. He stood still, watching Dr. Connor carefully as he approached.

Dr. Connor pressed his body against Scott and reached up to pull him into another kiss. He bit at Scott's lips, running his tongue across until Scott opened his mouth drawing Dr. Connor in. Dr. Connor pushed his body against Scott, letting their cocks rub and dance against each other.

Scott reached around and pulled Dr. Connor tighter, moving his hips in response as he probed with his tongue. His cock already hard and leaking, he started making small moans at the attention.

Dr. Connor broke the kiss and ran his tongue along Scott's jaw to his ear, down his neck to his collar bone and back up again. "I know you've been fucked, but have you made love?"

"No..." Scott gasped as Dr. Connor bit at the soft flesh of his neck feeling the beat of his pulse beneath the skin.

Dr. Connor kissed down the planes of Scott's chest, taking time to lick and bite at his nipples before following the treasure trail down to what he wanted. He knelt and gently slid his hands along Scott's muscled legs, teasing the soft hair and guiding them apart, just a little. He let the tip of his tongue run across the glans and then down the underside of Scott's cock, eliciting another moan. He licked the glans and took it into his mouth sucking, as he looked up to watch Scott's reaction.

Scott's eyes were wide. The pleasure he was feeling clear on his face as he just stared in disbelief as Dr. Connor took him.

Dr. Connor went deep taking all of the cock into his mouth and down his throat. He sucked and licked and moved back and forth letting it slide in and out of his mouth.

"If you do that much longer, I'm going to cum," Scott said.

Dr. Connor smiled up at Scott and released him long enough to speak. "Good, cause if you didn't then I've been doing something wrong." He resumed sucking and moved his hands up to start playing with Scott's balls and teasing his hole.

"Can't hold back... I'm cuming!"

Dr. Connor continued to suck, to squeeze and finger Scott's hole. I love sucking this man's cock. He is so virile and masculine and so undone. I wonder if anyone has ever done this for him - or at least done it for him right. I'm thinking not. Dr. Connor felt Scott tense and prepared himself. The release was powerful and Dr. Connor sucked and swallowed, enjoying the copious amounts of Scott's jiz being pumped down his throat. He held Scott's ass tightly as the man orgasmed making sure he couldn't pull away as he dutifully sucked every drop out of him and then licked him clean.

"Wow..." Scott muttered, looking down at Dr. Connor in disbelief.

"Did you like that?"

"Yeah," Scott chuckled.

Dr. Connor stood and pulled Scott back into a tongue fucking kiss, letting him taste his own seed in Dr. Connor's mouth. "You're gonna love what comes next even more," he said as he guided Scott to the bed and pushed him back. Stephen walked over and handed Dr. Connor a tube, which he opened, squeezed onto his fingers then worked into Scott's crack and deep into his hole. Dr. Connor knelt on the bed, lifting Scott's legs. "Hug them to your body, that gives me plenty of access to play..."

Scott gasped as Dr. Connor teased and fingered his hole. Rubbing gently, beginning with just the slightest penetration until Scott was ready for more. He slid his finger in more deeply, exploring, stretching and relaxing Scott's opening. When Scott started making satisfied little sounds, Dr. Connor added a second finger, then a third until the moans became more intense.

"Please fuck me," Scott pleaded. His eyes were dilated and his breathing rapid.

Dr. Connor leaned in and captured Scott's mouth, kissing him like a lover as his body pressed against him. He began rubbing against Scott as he kissed, gently sliding his erection against the slicked crack and over the dark hot, opening. Scott tried to position himself to pull Dr. Connor in but couldn't wrest control away from him.


Dr. Connor continued kissing and touching as he gently began pushing himself in. Scott was trying to open himself to get the big cock into his hole faster and when Dr. Connor finally was all the way in, Scott let out a satisfied groan.

"You have an amazing ass Scott. So tight and hot, it's no wonder the guards like fucking you. But you can do better - a man hole this good should be reserved for lovers."

Scott moaned something incoherent and pulled against Dr. Connor's ass to get him in deeper.

Dr. Connor continued to kiss and hold Scott as he worked into a rhythm, trying to bring as much pleasure as he could. Damn this is a fine ass. And for a guy who claims to be straight, he sure does enjoy being fucked. The look on his face, how his body responds, how he squeezes and strokes me with each thrust - and then there's how hard his cock is pressed between us. Yeah, he likes this a whole lot. From how slick his cock feels on my stomach, I'd say I'm hitting the right spot.

Scott's kissing became more desperate and more passionate. He had a death grip on Dr. Connor's ass and back, and the little moans he was making were adorable. Dr. Connor felt Scott tensing, felt his muscles flex and knew Scott was close. Then it hit, his body shook with the intensity, vibrating and tightening on Dr. Connor's cock, his own manhood erupting and shooting hot sticky seed between them and coating their chests. Dr. Connor fucked Scott's mouth with his tongue in time to his thrusts and swallowed Scott's cries of ecstasy.

One more deep thrust and Dr. Connor felt the orgasm take him, it was powerful enough he wanted to just freeze but Scott had taken over moving and milked him through the peak of his orgasm and down the other side - making Dr. Connor see stars as he collapsed into Scott's arms. He let his breath return and kissed Scott gently as he withdrew.

Dr. Connor sat beside Scott on the bed and ran his hand over the muscled hairy chest. "Still hate me?"

"Even more," Scott said in a whisper.

"Come on... don't tell me you didn't enjoy it. I know the body well enough to know pleasure and we tipped the meter."

"Yeah... but I'm not gay."

"Oh. So this is hating me because I'm making you enjoy things you don't want to."

"Pretty close."

Dr. Connor leaned down and captured Scott's mouth, kissing him and letting his tongue slide in and explore. Scott returned the kiss his body wrapping around Dr. Connor. This time when Dr. Connor pulled back he could see the tears.

"Does it really matter? I don't care if you're straight - I still think you're handsome and an incredible, hot, fuck." Dr. Connor ran his hands down Scott's body as he spoke, scooping up the cream and licking it off his fingers. Then he reached Scott's hardening cock and stroked it, enjoying how firm and straight he was.

"I care." Scott turned his head away and stared at the wall.

"Well, it is up to you at this point. I've shown you what it could be like, that is, if you wanted. Or, you can go back to being bound, edged, and continue letting the guards fuck you so you can get off. I'll let you think about it."

Dr. Connor stood and let Stephen help him get dressed. When he finished he returned to Scott, bent down and kissed him again. "If you forget and need a reminder of how good it could be, so you can make an informed decision, let the guards know. I can come back and show you."

Dr. Connor pulled the door closed behind him, very aware of the almost silent sobs coming from Scott.

  • Scene 6 *

"I would have come up to the office," David said with a smile. He sat down at his desk with a cup of coffee and a big smile.

"I was down here anyway. Only fair that I come to you once in a while. You're looking very sexy today by the way."

"Thanks. You do know, all you have to do is say the word and I'm yours?" David stood up, giving an evil smile as he ran his hands up is lean abs, to the muscles accentuated by the harness and teased his own nipples. He swayed his hips just a little, enjoying how Dr. Connor's eyes tracked his crotch.

Damn he's hot. Dr. Connor thought almost mesmerized as David swung his hips. David was about 5'7" with an athletic baseball build, nice full pecs, muscled arms and legs and a narrow waist that accentuated the bulge. His dark hair was cropped short and while his body hair was 'groomed' he still left enough to make him satisfyingly masculine. David wasn't huge, but damn what he could do with his cock. Dr. Connor felt his ass twitching at the memory, a heat rising slowly to his face and his pants becoming uncomfortably snug. There was a reason David was in charge of the trainers, if they could do half as well as he...

"Did I lose you Doctor?"

Dr. Connor looked up and blushed, not trying to hide the smile. "Just remembering and thinking I need to take you up on that offer, maybe soon."

"I hope you do. So you ready to get to business or did you want me to take care of something else first?" David's eyes focused on Dr. Connor's crotch and the noticeable bulge.

"Better make it business, though you know damn well I'd rather do other things."

"Good. I was beginning to think I'd become invisible or lost my touch. So... nothing big to share. Test subjects are all doing pretty well. Just like you asked, we switched things up so the ones topping start bottoming today - well, at least some of the time. Before you ask. With the exception of Adam and Mal. The new kid, Hunter, he's doing real well too. I think putting him with Kevin was a great move. Kris is still being real cooperative too."

"Where are we with the campers?"

"Nathan's about ready to be moved to the Ranch. He's done several tricks and has behaved well. Clients like him. He's turned out to be a pretty good bottom whore for being straight. Ryan needs a little more training and some more time getting into shape. I agree with your recommendation to send him to the resort. He's the perfect cabana boy and the guests will just eat him up. I think our bigger challenge will be deciding how to manage his queue."

"And Zachary?"

"Your call, but we need to decide soon. He's got natural talent, not to mention a pretty impressive tool. They guys who have worked with him, love him and are eager to work with him again. I think Daniel may have a crush on the guy."

"Why don't we put him in with Mitch? He's ready to return with his new attitude and it gives Zach a roommate. Go ahead and start Zach on the full training regimen. Maybe get Mitch to help him catch up."

"Works for me. What are you gonna do with Mitch? No question that Carl broke the boy, he's a perfect submissive, but then... makes it tough for him to be given any responsibility."

"I'm still thinking. Would he be good as a trainer?"

"Maybe. He could work at the resort as another option," David answered.

"I want him back in classes for now. Why not try him out as a trainer and see how he does."

"Sure. What do you want to do with Scott Davis and Buddy Carmichael?"

"Recommendations? Seems to me that we've broken Scott pretty thoroughly, would you agree?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Yeah. I do. Buddy's not there yet. Oh, he's using the ass wrecker and riding like a champ to get himself off each night, but he's still belligerent and difficult. Still threatens us in between moans of pleasure."

Dr. Connor laughed. "Give him time. Wasn't that long ago that Scott was doing the same. From my little visit I think he's really close. His body has definitely crossed the line and in the midst of passion his mind is right there with it, but he's still fighting. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what answer he gives us. Only a matter of time, if he says no, we'll repeat until the answer turns to a yes. Any cracks in Adam or Mal yet?"

"No, but I think they're close too. They talk all the time and have been sticking a little closer to each other. In the milking room and on simulations, there's no question that they enjoy being fucked and the lack of a real orgasm is wearing down their resolve."

"Once they've started voluntarily being fucked, let's add a random release when they're being penetrated. The drugs and modifications should be far enough along that it won't take much anal stimulation to bring them and that intermittent reward may help them down the path."

"Sure boss, anything else? That was all the updates I had."

"Yes. This is a little awkward but think about it before you answer. I'm thinking about asking Michael to work here over the summer, helping the medical team with dispensing the drugs and checking on the subjects. I'm also debating whether or not to put him through training."

"Shit! Your son Michael?" David asked in shock.


"Okay... yeah, I'm gonna have to think through that one. Can I ask why?"

"He's very much like me. I think he'd really do well having the self- confidence boost of knowing he's good at it. I have no doubt he wants to, no... make that needs to, pleasure his partners. It might also help my guys - like I said, he's so much like me and that means, horny like me, needy like me and well... manipulative like me. If we bled off some of his needs it might help my family manage."

"Well, fuck. Okay let me think about it," David said shaking his head.

"Hey, one more question."


"Is Billy on the receiving end today?" Dr. Connor asked not trying to hide the hopeful tone.

"Yes." David glanced at his phone. "He should be finished with his workout and on the way to Milking Room 2 now."

"Any problem with me bumping in on your schedule?"

"Let me check." David pulled up the schedule on his screen. "Nope. First up is one of my trainers so not a problem at all."

"Good. I want to see if his ass is as good as his dad's."

  • Scene 7 *

Dr. Connor looked around the room as the men were hooked up at their stations. It gave him an odd feeling seeing the tables turned. While Adam and Mal-Chin were hooked up as usual, today they were joined by Daniel, Brandon, Peter, Jose, Kyle, Malcolm, and Billy. Every station was occupied and their first partners were coming into the room. He walked around admiring the young men, enjoying the view of their asses held up in air. Dr. Connor ran a hand across Jose's back and gave his ass a squeeze.

"Lookin' good Jose."

"Dr. Connor?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Please tell me you're my partner."

"Sorry stud not this time. But I believe you have an appointment with me later today. Afraid it's just you and me. Joseph is tied up. Well not literally," Dr. Connor laughed.

"I'm looking forward to it," Jose said before the trainer slid the phallus into his mouth.

Dr. Connor moved behind Billy. If he had a little more hair and muscle, yes... definitely got his daddy's ass. Dr. Connor ran his hand over the smooth globe enjoying the shudder that ran through Billy's body. He teased the lightly haired crack and pulled the cheeks apart. Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.

"Time to begin gentlemen," David called out.

Dr. Connor knelt behind Billy, running his hands up his legs, teasing his inner thighs and then moving up to the globes of his ass. Billy still had a little extra padding but he'd trimmed down quite a bit since his arrival and now muscle was starting to show. Dr. Connor ran his thumbs down the crack and separated the cheeks as he leaned in and ran his tongue down the dark hair lining Billy's crack.

He could hear the sounds Billy was making around the life-like phallus filling his mouth. He teased the tender, pale hole with his tongue, enjoying how Billy reacted. He pushed his face into the crack and began licking and tongue fucking Billy's star. He worked it like a starving man, getting Billy ready for what was to come.

"Okay gentlemen, time to get down to business," David said to the room.

Dr. Connor stood, unzipped his pants and pulled out his already hard cock. He added some lube and then pushed against Billy's hole, still dripping with his own spit. Dr. Connor was gentle, but persistent as he worked his way in. Oh, definitely your daddy's boy. Now let's see if you're as much of a bottom bitch as he is. See if you like being fucked. He started sliding in and out, enjoying how Billy's tight channel held and sucked at him with each stroke. He heard the milking machine come to life. Damn but you have a hot ass, Dr. Connor thought as he pushed his way deep into Billy. Billy couldn't move much within the restraints but there was enough movement to tell Dr. Connor that Billy was trying to meet each thrust. I think if he weren't restrained he'd be fucking himself.

Billy shuddered, a tremble from his head to his toes as he orgasmed, squeezing Dr. Connor and filling the collection tube with his boy cream. Dr. Connor watched the sweet seed traveling through the tube up and over to some lucky young man. Given how quick you came, I'm thinking your ass is as sensitive as your daddy's. Let's see how you like this... Dr. Connor started thrusting hard and fast, driving himself all the way into his balls. Giving Billy every bit of his big cock. Oh damn, you like it alright... listen to those moans. Dr. Connor felt his body crest and then he was pumping his load deep into Billy's chute. Driving it hard and churning it up with each thrust. Well look at that... you just shot another load.

Dr. Connor pulled out and wiped himself off before putting himself back together.

"Well, what's the verdict?" David asked.

"Definitely his father's boy. If you haven't already, you really need to take him for a ride. He's good."

"Oh, I have. And I agree but I might have said 'great'. Something about a bottom who you can fuck the cum out of just makes it all the better."

"You mean like me?" Blake teased with a wink.

David laughed. "No. You are exceptional and the only one who compares is Joseph."

"I'd say Diablo is close too."

"Isn't it odd, how all the very best ones end up in your little circle?" David asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hell no. I assure you that is very intentional. If you weren't such a good trainer, I'd have made you a guard just to keep you close." Dr. Connor said putting a hand to David's cheek.

"Like I said, just say the word."

  • Scene 8 *

Dr. Connor pulled Jose's naked body against him, kissing down his neck as he reached around and ran his hands down the lean bronze body to capture and stroke his cock. "You are so beautiful..." he said as he kissed down the lean back, licking on dimple then the other before biting the full round cheek.

"I never knew it could be so goOOOD," Jose's voice rose and turned into a loud moan.

Dr. Connor licked down his crack and then started licking his hole and biting the tender flesh. "Sorry, it appears I missed some. Can't have you leaking, can we?"

Jose's only response was to moan louder as he bent over giving better access to his ass.

Dr. Connor turned Jose around and took the firm young cock in his mouth and sucked it clean. "There. Now you're all cleaned up." He kissed up Jose's groin to his abs and then moved to his nipple before reaching his neck and then finally his mouth. He kissed and bit at Jose's lips pushing his tongue in to explore the hot cavity. "So very hot."

"You're the one who's hot and sexy," Jose said as he wrapped himself around Dr. Connor and returned the kiss.

"Sorry Joseph couldn't be here today for your lesson. Hope I did okay."

"Oh, it was way better than okay. You can make love to me like that any day, any time you want."

"Maybe I will. You promise to at least consider my proposal?" Dr. Connor asked as he kissed and nibbled at Jose's neck.

"I can't even think when you do that."

"Sure you can."

"I don't know. Seems sort of risky, him being your son and all. What makes you think he'll even be interested?"

"He's my son. I expect that if I can't resist you, neither can he," Dr. Connor answered as he moved down and teased Jose's nipple.

"But I've never seduced anyone... ohhhh my."

"Just do what comes naturally. You're both young and horny. I don't think it will take much other than letting him know you're interested. It may not happen the first time. There's no rush."

"Guess I should get dressed now..."

"Sad, but yeah. Personally I like you naked. So can I trust you?" Dr. Connor asked as he grabbed Jose's clothes.

"I hope so..." a questioning tone clear in his voice.

"If I were to say you didn't have to wear the cock lock, do you think you could refrain from doing things for yourself?"

"Yes." Jose turned to look at him, hope clear in his eyes.

"Don't disappoint me. Anyone else is welcome to play with you, suck you, whatever. You just have to promise not to yourself. I can't imagine any of the guys not being willing to. Just show them that beautiful tool and they can't resist."

"I promise," Jose whispered as he wrapped himself around Dr. Connor and kissed him again.

After he was dressed, they walked through his office and he opened the door ushering Jose into Claire's office. He stopped and caught his breath. Michael was there, leaning over Claire's computer, his back toward them. He looks good, better than good. If he weren't my son I'd have him in my bed in a heartbeat.

Michael was wearing some of the new clothes Joseph had picked out, skinny button-fly jeans tucked into Doc Martens and a tailored button shirt from Guess. He turned as they entered and Blake heard Jose's intake of breath. The new haircut was dramatic and showed off his fine features, the sculptured jaw and large eyes. He was so similar to Blake at the same age, dark silky hair, lean and lanky with long lashes and a killer smile. The shirt brought out the cobalt blue of his eyes.

"Michael, I'd like you to meet someone. Jose this is Michael, Michael, Jose."

Jose turned to look at Dr. Connor then leaned over and whispered. "Yes. Definitely yes."

Dr. Connor pulled Jose closer and whispered back. "Go for it. No time like the present to let him know you're interested."

"Pleased to meet you," Michael said holding out a hand.

Blake watched his son, noting how his eyes dilated, how his eyes scanned the young Latin man in front of him, pausing ever so briefly on his crotch. Blake knew if he were close enough he'd be able to hear Michael breathing more rapidly. Oh, he's noticed alright and appreciates Jose almost as much as I do.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger," Jose said as he stepped into Michael and pulled him against his body.

Blake couldn't suppress the small laugh as he saw Jose firmly grab Michael's ass as he hugged, grinding himself against his son - letting him feel how hard and aroused he was. Jose leaned back for a second, gave a big smile then reached his hand up behind Michael's head and pulled him into a kiss. Not chaste, but a tongue fucking, I'm going to eat your soul kind of kiss. Jose broke the kiss and stepped back.

Michael was speechless, his face flushed and his erection clearly defined in his skinny jeans.

"I really hope to see you around," Jose said as he headed for the elevator. When he stepped inside and turned around he caught Dr. Connor's eye, gave a wink and a dramatic fist punch in the air.

Blake couldn't help but smile. Well that went better than I'd hoped. Guess I won't need to convince Jose, now let's see how Michael's doing.

"Who the hell was that?" Michael asked putting his fingers to his lips.

"Jose, one of the test subjects and a student here. He's about the same age as you within a few months."

Claire reached out a hand to Michael. "You might want to breathe again." She turned to Blake and smiled. "Looks like he takes after you Blake, the men just can't keep their hands off."

"But why'd he do that? He... like... kissed me?" Michael was still acting a bit stunned.

"Because he found you very attractive. Probably just wanted to make sure you knew. The boys here are rather competitive. If they see someone they want they try to be very clear on their willingness to take things further. It's part of our training."

"Wow... Do you mind if I go take a cold shower?"

"That bad?"

"Yes. If the home life weren't already testing me, I'm not sure I'd survive working here with guys like that," Michael said before heading back to the suite

"He is so much like you," Claire said.

"Yeah he is. That's what worries me. I have moments where I'm so proud and then I remember what I was like and wonder what I've gotten myself into." He sat down on the edge of Claire's desk. "Any luck with the reservation?"

"Done. You have reservations for 8:00 on Monday, your preferred table."

"You are a gem. I want this to be really special for Joseph."

"Did you find a ring?"

"Sort of. I've narrowed it down to three and I'm taking Craig and Diablo with me tomorrow to help me decide. I hope I'm doing the right thing... I love him so much. What if he says no?"

Claire looked at him like he'd grown a second head. "Men! How can you even think he'd say no? Joseph loves you so much. Though I'm not sure we'll be able to live with him."

"So you think I'm doing the right thing? I can't believe my sister talked me into this."

Claire stood and hugged Dr. Connor. "Absolutely."

  • Scene 9 *

"Gate just called, Mr. Rickle and his son just came through," Beau said.

"Great, keep a low profile. I don't want to make Mr. Rickle nervous," Blake said as he pulled out his phone and texted Joseph:

Dr. Connor: 'Almost here. Give me a couple hours.'

Joseph: 'Have fun.'.

Blake pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and headed for the door when the doorbell rang.

"Good morning."

"Dr. Connor? Hey, I'm Jon, Taylor's dad. Thanks so much for letting him stay this weekend. Not that he couldn't fend for himself but I'm sure he'll have a lot more fun here. Oh and this is for you. We're so sorry for your loss." He handed Blake a cake covered in plastic wrap.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to."

"Taste it first before you thank me. I made it. It's carrot cake. As Taylor will tell you, my wife doesn't bake. Sure see where Michael gets his good looks."

"Thanks. I was about to say the same thing about you. And thank you for the cake, I never turn down sweets. Go on in Taylor, make yourself at home, I think you know where everything is." Goodness, he's checking me out and he's not bad. Though the polo and chinos don't do a thing for him. He looked over Mr. Rickle, good looking guy of average height and build, with his dark blond hair in a nondescript cut. He had a good shape, maybe he was in sports at some point - just let himself go a little soft.

"You have a beautiful home Dr. Connor. Don't think I've ever been in a gated community before."

"Thank you. It has its benefits and its annoyances but with my business I need to keep a little extra privacy. Sorry you had to work this weekend."

"Part of the job. We're doing a system upgrade at the bank this weekend, so I need to run test scripts and make sure everything's working the way it's supposed to. If all goes well, we can cut over and get things ready for go live on Monday. I should be done in plenty of time to pick Taylor up Sunday evening."

"Why don't you join us for dinner? Taylor said your wife's out of town and if you're working all day it might be a nice break."

"You sure it wouldn't be intruding?"

"Not at all. We'd love to have you. Why not plan on sevenish?"

"Thanks Dr. Connor I'm looking forward to it. Hey, I hope this isn't inappropriate... Taylor said you were a 'sex' doctor."

"That's one way to put it. I specialize in male fertility, plumbing, and enhancing pleasure."

"Do you think you could give me a recommendation on a doctor to help with... well... you know getting things to work better?" Mr. Rickle asked nervously.

"Absolutely. I'll write down a couple options, okay if I give them to you Sunday?"

"That would be great thanks!"

They shook hands and Blake watched as Jon walked down the drive. What a hot little ass he has... I think I may just have to seduce that man.

"Hey Taylor can I get you a soda?" Blake yelled.

"Sure, that would be great."

"In the can or over ice?"

"Ice please."

Perfect. Blake grabbed the soda, filled the glass with ice and opened the cabinet looking for that something special. He double checked the label and carefully measure two drops into the glass. Oh, what the hell. He added a third drop then filled with the soda. He gently stirred and delivered it to Taylor.

"Michael's not here?"

"Sorry, he's running a little late. He'll be here shortly. He's at his mom's going through stuff to see what he wants to keep."

"That can't be fun."

"No but I'm glad you're here. You can distract him."

"I'll do my best."

"Hot guy like you, I'm sure you'll have no problems taking his mind of things," Blake said with a big smile.

"Pardon. Oh goodness, we're not, I mean we don't... never," Taylor stammered.

"Come now, I've seen how you two look at each other. Two young, horny guys, nothing more natural in the world. You mean to tell me you're not interested in Michael?"

"No, it's not that. Just that we've never... you know and I don't even think he notices me 'that way'."

"You're wrong there, I guarantee he notices you. Maybe you just need to let him know you're interested."

"I wouldn't even know where to start..."

Blake noticed the flush building in Taylor's face and the bulge in his shorts. The drugs should be taking hold soon. "I was just getting ready to jump in the pool. Would you like to join me?"

"I didn't bring a suit."

"Not a problem, I'm sure we can find you one or you could just swim nude. The pool is private."

"I don't..." Taylor stopped as he watched Blake pull off his t-shirt and drop his shorts. His eyes trailing over the man before him, his eyes freezing on Blake's crotch where the black speedo struggled to contain his package.

"You'll love it," Blake said reaching out and pulling Taylor to his feet. "Here, let me help you." He helped pull Taylor's shirt over his head. Taylor didn't even seem to be aware that he was being undressed. Probably so focused on how horny he is that his brain stopped working.

Taylor kicked off his shoes and Blake knelt down sliding the elastic basketball shorts down, letting them fall around Taylor's ankles. "I don't think you have anything to worry about Taylor. Just show this hot body to Michael and he'll be all over you."

Taylor blushed. "I'm not hot, nothing like Michael and certainly not like you."

"You're too hard on yourself. Such beautiful, pale, smooth skin," Blake said running his hands down Taylor's arms. "And those little pink nipples... they look so tasty."

"Really?" His voice starting to get a little raspy.

"Definitely. Now let's see what's under here." He slid the boxers down, letting Taylor's boner flip up against his stomach. He was a late bloomer, his body still looked boyish for his age and he had almost no body hair, just a nice little blond triangle pointing to his cock. Even his balls appeared to be smooth. "Michaels gonna love sucking on that beauty."

"I'm not nearly as impressive as he is."

"You've seen Michael?" Blake asked as he pulled out a little speedo from the basket by the patio door.

"A few times. He's big like you and all ripped."

"I'm sure you'll do fine. Just let him know you're interested. Ready to get in the pool?" Blake handed him a neon green speedo.

"But I wouldn't even know where to start."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out... but if you're worried, if you'd like some pointers? I could show you. Maybe you could even practice on me. I help adults with sex all the time - I think Michael already told you that it's my specialty."

"Would you?" Taylor gave Blake a curious look as he pulled on the speedo, trying to figure out how to get his boner tucked inside.

"Sure. Do you want to skip the pool and have me show you some stuff before Michael gets home?"

"I'd really like that. If it wouldn't be a problem."

"Not a problem at all," Blake said as he took Taylor's hand and led him to the bedroom. He saw the changes coming over Taylor. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of Blake's cock and he was hard enough that he was poking out above the waistband of his speedo. Taylor had started licking his lips and was practically drooling as the drugs took hold.

Blake pushed Taylor onto the bed and began touching and licking his body. He sucked at the nipples until Taylor made whimpering sounds, then kissed him, tongue fucking him as he got him to open himself up to the intrusion. He kissed down his body and sucked in Taylor's cock, taking it into his mouth then moving down and sucking and rolling his smooth balls as he slid the speedo off of his body. He kissed and caressed his thighs, pushing him open until his body tilted up, revealing his tight little pink hole.

"So very pretty Taylor. What I'm doing is what you can do for Michael."

He licked the sensitive skin under Taylor's balls then teased the pink puckered flesh of Taylor's hole. Taylor was moaning loudly as his little boy hole was thoroughly and expertly rimmed. He grabbed his knees and held them tightly as Blake tongue fucked his opening.

"That feels so incredible."

"You think you could do this for Michael?"

"Yes. Can I practice on you?"

"If you want."

Blake slid off his speedo and rolled onto his back as Taylor changed positions and began kissing and licking down Blake's chest. He did an admirable job on the nipples but was struggling with the size of Blake's cock. He could get the head in his mouth but couldn't yet get him deeper.

"Don't worry, it takes practice. Just try your best," Blake encouraged.

Taylor did and moved lower beginning to lick and rim Blake's hole.

"That's the way, get me nice and wet. Show me how much you want to slide your dick inside of me."

Taylor grew more enthusiastic until Blake decided to move things along. He pulled Taylor up and kissed him, before flipping him onto his stomach. He grabbed the lube and then rimmed Taylor some more before applying the lube to the tiny rosebud. He worked his finger in, then two. "What a tight little ass you have Taylor. Michael is gonna love this. He stretched and fingered the slender ass until Taylor started to beg for more. He held Taylor down and positioned himself, gently and slowly working his cock into the tight little opening.

"That's the way, relax, let me slide in. You are so incredibly sexy Taylor." Blake worked his way in until there was no more to give then gently started moving. Taylor moaned and groaned as the monster cock stretched him open. Looking down as his cock slid in the pale ass, Blake marveled at how huge he looked compared to Taylor's ass - but the feeling was too good to stop. He fucked Taylor into the bed, pounding his ass even as Taylor begged and pleaded for more. They changed positions and Taylor climbed on top impaling himself and riding like he'd been doing it for years.

"It feels so good. You're so big it's hitting things inside."

Taylor's tempo became erratic and he started riding harder then he froze for a second as his body quivered, his cock twitching and squirting as his boy cum shot out in one stream after another. As the orgasm started, Blake took over thrusting, pushing himself deep and the tightening of Taylor's ass brought him over the top and he erupted in Taylor's gut. Letting his jiz fill the boy.

When the orgasm finally passed. Taylor looked glazed. Blake helped him climb off and let him lie back to catch his breath.

"I don't think you'll have any trouble with Michael."

"Is it always like that?"

"With practice, it's even better."

  • Scene 10 *

Blake finished loading the last of the dishes and turned on the dishwasher. He turned to see Joseph doing last minute touches as they cleaned up for the night. His back was toward Blake and he was reaching for something, showing off his muscled back and his gorgeous round globes in his snug jeans.

Blake walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Joseph's middle grinding his hips into Joseph's ass. "I love you."

"Ah... come on, you just love my ass."

Blake turned Joey around and kissed him. "Nope, I love every inch of you and while your ass is notably awesome, I just hope you don't figure out that I don't deserve you."

"Just try and get away from me. And why would you say something stupid like that?" Joseph pulled Blake against him rubbing their crotches together.

"I'm not a very nice person Joey. I've done some pretty awful things and probably will do worse. Not to mention that I hold the record for unfaithful."

Joey play punched Blake in the gut. "You are an ass sometimes but I still love you. There is no one in the world who I'd rather be with and let's be honest, neither one of us is good at monogamy. Besides I think we've worked it out, threesomes and group sex are a good compromise but we wouldn't want to bring anyone in we hadn't fully put through the paces."

Blake couldn't help but laugh - especially with the serious expression on Joey's face. "You are still without question the best, and if I had to pick one, there's no doubt in my mind it would be you."

"Ditto. But we don't have to pick just one. And as far as I'm concerned we do what we gotta do. You didn't have a choice in what your dad did with you as a kid and I think you've made the best of it."

"You're sweet. Even if you lie like nobody's business."

Joey kissed Blake and held him tight. "Not lying, just accepting of you and all our questionable activities."

"You're too good for me."

"Keep thinking that. Maybe spoil me a little more, give me extra sex and attention."

Blake nuzzled into Joseph and squeezed his ass.

"That's the way."

"I never got to ask, how did this morning go with Michael?"

"Good. He got teary eyed a few times but all in all he was good. He pointed out to Vince and his team what he liked or wanted to keep but other than his own stuff, there wasn't much."

"Any interesting conversations?"

"What, you want me to kiss and tell?"

"Shit, you two..."

"Nah, just teasing. Though given how horny he is I think he would. He's still talking about Jose. Guess he made quite an impression. I think he really wants to work at the Lab over the summer, he's just a little nervous given all the sex and hot guys."

"Claire gets the credit. It was her idea. David's a little apprehensive, but more about my reaction to the guys training Michael than anything else."

"That's reasonable. You are possessive and you do have a temper..."


Joseph interrupted Blake with another kiss.

"He and Taylor seem to be getting along well."

Joseph snorted. "He most certainly noticed by the way. We barely got in the door and Taylor was all over him before dragging him off to Michael's room."

"From the sounds I heard coming from the bedroom, I'm thinking they've had a really good time. Did he say anything?"

"Not much, I think he just wanted to confirm that you had actually interceded because he couldn't come up with any other explanation."

"Since they're gaming, I guess they needed a break. Personally I'm ready to take you to bed and have my way with you."

"About time!"

"Too bad Max isn't here, we could put you in the middle."

"Nah, he's enjoying time with Peter. Besides, sometimes it's nice just to be with you."

Blake led Joseph into the living room and around the couch so he could say goodnight to Michael. He was focused on the game at the moment. Taylor was lying on the couch, somewhat sprawled with one leg over the back and the other on the floor. His shorts had slid down, showing off most of the smooth white leg. Blake wanted to run his hand down that leg so badly. He leaned over the back of the couch and kissed Michael's neck.

"Night buddy. Love you."

"Good night Dad, night Joseph," Michael said then turned and gave a big smile before whispering. "Thanks dad."

"Believe me, it was my pleasure," Blake said. Michael couldn't see but Blake had taken the distraction as an opportunity to slide his hand down Taylor's, smooth inner thigh and under the edge of his shorts. Taylor shifted and took Blake's hand, positioning it on his cock and balls and squeezing. Blake gave a little tug, noting how quickly Taylor hardened.

"Night Taylor."

"Good night Dr. Connor."

  • Scene 11 *

"Everyone ready for dessert?" Joseph asked.

"It has all been excellent. Thank you both for having me and Taylor. This is a treat. We don't eat this fancy at home."

"You could say that," Taylor muttered.

"We're just glad you were able to join us. And thank you for letting Taylor spend the weekend. I think they've had a good time," Dr. Connor said.

They finished dessert and Taylor and Michael excused themselves before disappearing.

"Just so you know, Taylor is welcome anytime. He said his mom was out of town?"

"Yeah, Deb's sister isn't doing well and she went to help out with her family. She's planning to come back in another week. But Taylor and I do okay - sort of treat it like guys' night every night."

"Sounds like fun. Hey, I have those names you asked for but I was wondering if you'd mind if I did a quick check. We all have our specialties and I'd like to make sure I'm sending you the right way. You could consider it a free consult?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Well, I guess... if it wouldn't be a bother or put you out?"

"Not at all. The boys are busy for a bit. We can use my room. Won't take long."

Mr. Rickle excused himself to the restroom and Blake helped Joseph clear the table.

"You ready?" Blake asked Joseph.

"Yup. It already hit Taylor so Jon should be heating up real soon." Joseph turned Blake toward him and kissed him. "Though... I expect to sample Taylor sometime too. It's only fair."

"I don't think he'd mind at all."

"I'm ready Dr. Connor," Mr. Rickle said as he stood at the kitchen door. He looked a little flushed.

"Come on back. Don't be nervous. I do this all the time..."

Blake sat down on the bed and had Mr. Rickle stand facing him. That way he couldn't see Joseph slide in the room and lock the door behind him. "Please just call me Blake. Seems a little formal with the boys being friends to always call me Doctor. Makes me think you're talking to my Dad. May I call you Jon?"


"Just relax, go ahead and lower your pants and underwear. Let me take a look," Blake said. He could tell Jon was aroused already.

"A little embarrassed, the reason I asked was I haven't been getting hard lately," Jon said as he looked across the room - trying to ignore the fact that his manhood was standing at attention.

"Oh, that's a beauty Jon. I'm going to touch you, check things out. Hope you don't mind I didn't use gloves - I promised I washed my hands. I like being able to feel things and sometimes the gloves hide what's there."

"Sure," Jon said with a nervous laugh.

Blake reached under and rolled Jon's balls, running his fingers over the sensitive skin leading back to Jon's hole. Jon made a small moan. Blake brought his hand forward and ran his fingers along Jon's hard cock - it was cut and beautifully shaped, straight with a nice head and well proportioned. It really was a beauty, not super large but sometimes that made it easier to have fun.

"So are you losing your erection during oral sex or penetration?"

"We don't do oral and if I'm hard when I get in, then no I don't lose it. Just lately I can't get hard enough to start things."

"Well you're certainly hard now. Any problem with producing pre-cum?"

"Don't think so. Can't say I've noticed."

"Maybe you haven't had the right inspiration?" Blake said as he pulled off his shirt. As he did Joseph moved in behind Jon and began helping him out of his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Jon asked, a mixture of excitement and nervousness in his voice.

"We're going to check out the equipment. Make sure it's working," Blake said as he stood and captured Jon's mouth. Jon melted into him, kissing and letting Blake take control of his mouth.

Joseph had both Jon and Blake naked and moved his own body into sandwich Jon between them. He started kissing down Jon's back and reached his ass and began kissing and licking, preparing Jon for what was to come.

Blake's hands explored Jon and he kissed down his neck before capturing Jon's nipple and worked it as Joseph rimmed Jon's ass. Blake moved down and took Jon's cock in his mouth and began sucking.

When Jon could no longer stand they moved to the bed and let him suck on Blake while Joseph worked his way into Jon's ass.

"How does it feel Jon?" Blake asked.

"Oh fuck, this is incredible. I haven't been this turned on in years. God I can't believe he's fucking my ass. I never thought it would feel so good!"

"We're just getting started Jon. Why don't you see if you can deep throat my cock, get it all the way down..."

Jon took Blake's cock with enthusiasm as Joseph continued to fuck his ass. He got more and more of Blake down his throat until he was all the way to the base. He looked up in surprise and gripped Blake's monster cock with pride. "Fuck I want this beast inside me! Will you fuck me when Joseph's done?"

"Oh... absolutely Jon. Maybe you can even ride me. Bet you'd like that..."

"I'm gonna cum Jon," Joseph cried out.

"Yes! Cum inside me!"

Joseph buried himself deep and thrust pushing Jon forward onto Blake, until he came.

"Your turn Blake." Joseph said moving around to let Jon clean him up. "When you're done cleaning up my cock, I want you to rim me and eat my ass."

Blake looked down at Jon's dripping hole and smiled. He might not be super fit but he had a nice body and a fine round ass. And while Joseph may have been his first, he'd still be more than tight enough for Blake - besides he had popped Taylor's cherry, so it was only fair that Joseph got Jon's.

Blake pushed his way in and reveled in how tight and hot Jon's ass was. He also had a great view of Jon working enthusiastically on Joseph's beautiful little pussy. I wonder if Joseph will let Jon fuck him. That would be so hot to watch and if Jon's not hooked now, once he's had Joseph... well...

It wasn't long before Blake got his answer. Joseph slid down and positioned himself and pulled Jon to his ass while Blake continued to stretch the daddy's hole. Then Jon was positioned between them, fucking Joseph as Blake fucked him.

"I'm gonna fill your hot ass with my spunk Jon. That's what you want isn't it?"


Blake hit the peak and thrust hard and fast forcing Jon into Joseph as Blake blew his load. He could feel Jon's hole tightening and squeezing him as Jon erupted in Joseph. When they were both spent they collapsed on Joseph.

Blake and Joseph helped Jon get cleaned up and dressed when they were finished. They both took turns kissing and touching him, making sure he kept the high as long as possible.

"That was amazing," Jon said in a soft voice.

"Yeah, you were. Got to be honest Jon, I don't think there's anything wrong with your equipment. Maybe you've just been using the wrong bait. Seems you like man holes and dicks just fine."

"Oh God..." Jon ran his hands over his face. "This can't be..."

Blake pulled Jon into another passionate kiss and rubbed against him while Joseph moved in behind. "It's okay Jon. We got you. We know men who'd love a chance at your hot body, discreet men, fuck buddies who keep secrets. Nothing needs to change but you getting your needs met."

"I can't..."

Blake slid his tongue into Jon's mouth and squeezed his ass. "Sure you can. We guys have to stick together."

"Maybe... I don't know."

"That's the spirit. You and Taylor should come over this week for another dinner. You know, help Michael take his mind of things."

Joseph had slid his hands into Jon's pants and was stroking him as Blake kissed.

"Yeah... that would be nice."

Blake and Joseph managed to get Jon out and reconnected with Taylor and after confirmations of a dinner on the next Friday, sent them on their way just as Max's car pulled in the driveway. Both Jon and Taylor were smiling and maybe a little sex drunk when they left.

"They're both still pretty pumped Blake," Joseph observed as he watched the father and son pull out.

"With what I gave them, oh yeah. It won't wear off until morning."

"But they..."

Blake gave an evil laugh.


"If they've ever had any lustful thoughts about each other then guy's night might take on a whole new meaning. Or they'll find some porn and pleasure themselves until they pass out."

"Fuck but you make me horny. Let's get things started, Max is here." Joseph said grabbing Blake's hand and dragging him to the bedroom.

"Hey - wait up!" Max called as he walked in and overheard. He started stripping off his clothes as he followed.

"Good night guys, love you Dad, don't mind me. I'll just take another cold shower!" Michael yelled.

Joseph paused at the door, still holding on to Blake as Max scooted into the bedroom past them. "I'd ask you to join but I don't think you're quite ready for that."

"Fuck!" Michael said - just loud enough that Blake heard him before Joseph's mouth distracted him and he didn't care what Michael was doing.

  • Scene 12 *

"Goodness but you're as nervous as a cat today," Claire said putting the folder on Dr. Connor's desk.

Blake was pacing and looking out the window. "You don't think he'll say no?"

"No. Haven't we already been through this?"

"God, I love him so much. He's also so good with Michael. It's starting to feel like a real family. You should have heard them this morning. Joseph was teasing Michael and Max something awful. They were both beet red and laughing. I think Craig was laughing so hard there were tears and then Joseph pinned him against the wall and he just melted."

"And Michael didn't seem bothered by all this man on man action? Craig and Joseph aren't usually the most subtle."

Blake laughed. "No, he was egging them on. He and Craig are best buddies and he already told me he loves to see them be affectionate with each other. He said it makes him feel like he belongs when they don't hide stuff. Diablo on the other hand, stayed outside until Craig and Takashi showed up. He's..."

"Still uncomfortable?"


Red strobes started flashing.

"What the fuck?" Blake asked looking at the emergency lights. He grabbed his earpiece from the desk and quickly clicked it.


["Bad news boss. We're on lockdown - Agency just did an emergency override. Derrick's trying to find out why."] Carl's voice rumbled.

"Do we have anyone on the outside?"

["You mean from the Black Guard? Chris is with Joseph. Jared and Diablo should be home sleeping, they have night shift. I'm not sure where Beau is."]

"Get a hold of them and tell them to get to ground. We need to keep someone on the outside."

["We're on it. We've only got a few minutes until we're totally locked out of systems."] "Shit. I know, remind me if we get out of this that we need some back doors. I never in a million years thought it would come to this."

Blake's phone chirped and he pulled it from his pocket. "Shit, shit, shit." He looked down at the message and frowned realizing it was from Sean

Sean: 'The Smith's took your pizza.'

The door flew open and Max came in like a thunderstorm, Takashi on his heels.

"Agents coming in the front door. They've..." Max stopped at the expression on Blake's face.

Blake looked up. "Where's Craig?"

"You sent him out to Lava Java, remember?" Takashi said.

Blake clicked the earpiece again. "Carl, Craig's on the outside, tell him to stay out there and have him find Sean and then meet up with Jared."

["Done, he just called me on my cel. He saw the agents and made a quick detour. They may shut down our wireless - just to warn you."]

So that means they took Michael. Well... at least he's safe. They've got to know about Taylor. He could be in danger too. Blake thought as he keyed in a response on his phone.

Dr. Connor: 'Make another and deliver to smart ass after school. He'll take care of you.'

Blake felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

"Any idea of why?" Blake asked.

"Not a clue. They secured the perimeter and are on their way up," Max said.

They all turned as they heard the elevator chime. Several armed men in suits exited along with Dr. Tanner. They came into Dr. Connor's office like they owned the place.

"Dr. Connor?" One of the men asked, older, perhaps middle-aged with a seriously unhappy scowl on his face.

"Yes, what's this about?" Blake demanded as his anger built.

"I'm Mr. Smith. You are officially on lock down. We will be taking over until the crisis is resolved per our agreement. Paragraph 4. 'In the event of a personal crisis or threat to Dr. Connor or his inner circle, the Agency reserves the right to assume control to protect its interests.'"

"But that could only mean... Joseph?" Dr. Connor asked the fear building in his gut and pushing the anger aside.

"Please sit down," Mr. Smith ordered.

Blake sat, confused and scared. Joseph's at the University, Chris is with him - so are at least two Agency guards.

"Sorry Blake, I don't have a choice," Dr. Tanner said as he rolled up Blake's sleeve and cleaned his arm with an alcohol swab. He pulled out a syringe and gave the injection.

"What?" Blake asked. He looked to Mr. Smith for answers and felt the world spin... he was getting very warm and saw that Max and the others were being handcuffed.

"Tranquilizer. Can't afford to have you interfere so we're securing you someplace safe and out of the way. Your boy toy was taken - both our men are dead and your guard was shot. He's being life-flighted to City as we speak."

"Joseph?" Blake slurred, the room was going dark. Chris has been shot.

"Taken, don't know where but we intend to find him."

Blake knew he was crying but he couldn't seem to focus and then the world went dark.

END Chapter 17

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy', and My Heart Belongs to Daddy under 'Incest'

(Note that while listed under the incest category, there is no incest in the story.)

Next: Chapter 18

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