The LAB: , Perks

By Tripp Savidge

Published on Jan 23, 2017


This is a work of fiction, and contains scenes of explicit gay sex with a strong authoritarian theme. Some chapters may contain, bondage, edging, incest, violence or other adult/fetish themes. Any resemblance to actual places, persons, or events is coincidental. If you are not of the legal age to read adult stories, or are uncomfortable with gay themes, please stop reading now and close this document.

The LAB, CH 14: Changing POV, Part 1, Copyright 2015 Tripp Savidge. All rights are reserved. Do not duplicate or distribute in any form without express permission of the author.

The LAB Chapter 14: Changing POV, Part 1 By Tripp Savidge

Ryan | Scene 1

Ryan moved his arms testing the restraints. The bark of the tree branch was biting into his back and shoulders. They still wouldn't budge and his legs were getting tired. He either had to hang and let his arms support his weight or stand on tiptoe. Damn... I feel sick, I swear I'll never drink that much again. Ryan moved his jaw trying to adjust the cloth gag that was pulling into his cheeks. This thing hurts. Who are these people? What do they want with me?

He'd gotten up to relieve himself and had been throwing up his guts when they'd grabbed him. They'd come up behind him - lifted him off the ground like he was a little kid and then strapped his arms straight out to the side onto the branch of a large tree.

It wasn't full light yet but he could see enough. There were eight guys in camouflage breaking down their camp. He watched in horror as they pulled Zachary out of the tent then stripped him naked. They bound his feet and his hands with straps then put a hood over his head. So methodical, like they do this every day. Oh god Zachary I am so sorry. This is all my fault. You didn't want to come out here and I forced it. I am so sorry... One of them went to hoist Zachary up and shouted.

"Take a look at this one."

"Ah... nothing but skin and bones," one of the other guys yelled back.

He laughed and turned Zachary around. "No sir. All the meat's right here! Look at that baby!" The man holding the bound, limp Zachary started stroking his cock until he was hard and standing straight out. "Damn impressive!" he yelled then flipped Zachary over his shoulder and walked off.

Ryan watched as they pulled his cousin Nathan out of the tent and repeated the process, impressed that they didn't even flinch at how big he was. He probably weighed double Zachary, and had a meaty, bear build. He watched as they unceremoniously stripped him, bound him with the black straps and then hoisted him like a sack of potatoes before hauling him off. One of the men was approaching and Ryan tried to make himself look small and unthreatening. The man was handsome and huge, built like a bodybuilder, with dark hair and eyes.

"Looks like we caught a pretty little rabbit in our snare," the man said reaching up and running his hand along Ryan's chin. Then his hands moved down and he reached under Ryan's t-shirt and ran his hands over his stomach and up his chest.

God... his hands are so warm. No... oh, please don't. He thought as the man teased his nipples running his thumbs back and forth until his nibs were hard.

"Oh, I think he liked that," the man said then gripped the bottom of Ryan's shirt and ripped it from bottom to top exposing his chest and stomach. "So soft and pretty," he said as he continued to touch. Then he leaned in and licked Ryan's nipple.

Oh, shit no. Don't get hard, don't get hard. Damn, that feels so good. "Ahhh!" he cried out around the gag as the man gripped and squeezed the crotch of his jeans.

"So nice and hard. Guess you like guys sucking on your tits."

"Hey boss. What about the weed?"

"Leave it. We're licensed, might as well make use of it," the man called back and then knelt down. Ryan felt strong hands on his ankle as the man removed his shoe and sock. He massaged Ryan's foot, then tickled it lightly before moving to the other. Ryan could feel the cool wet leaves and earth under his toes as he tried to stand again. Oh... god, no, not that. He could feel his jeans being unfastened, heard the zipper and then felt the man sliding his jeans down and off, and his underwear with them.

"That's damn pretty. Hey guys... look at this one. He's a cute one. Won't have any trouble drumming up clients for him. And what a sweet cock. Randy, make sure all the personal belongings are in the car before you haul it off." He threw the bundle of jeans and shoes to one of the other men.

Ryan squeezed his eyes closed as the man started touching him again, running his hands up and down his inner thighs, then across his stomach. What do I do? Oh damn... oh damn. Shit that feels good. Oh god, he's jacking me... holy shit that feels so good, oh no, oh no... he's sucking my dick. This can't be happening. It's all a nightmare and I'm going to wake up and find that Nathan played some practical joke.

"Have to fix those tan lines. But you've got a real pretty cock, nice balls, and good legs. How's your pussy?"

Oh shit... I'm going to be raped. He's going to rape me. I can't even move. Ohhhhh. Ryan could feel the man squeezing his ass cheeks, pulling them apart. Then a light touch and tapping on his ass lips. Oh shit... this is gonna hurt. And then the man's touch stopped and heard the sounds of Velcro. He felt his legs being bound together then another man came up. The first big guy leaned into him putting Ryan's weight over his shoulder as the other guy released his arms and rebound them behind Ryan's back. A black hood was pulled over his head and he found himself hanging over the muscled man's shoulder. But the worst part was the man was squeezing his ass, teasing his hole and balls as he carried him. What's he going to do? Where are they taking me? The questions ran through Ryan's mind non-stop as he bounced along.

The next thing he knew he was lying on a ribbed metal floor that smelled of dirt and oil. Strong hands were moving him and then he felt a naked body pressed against his back. More sound then another body was pushed up against his front. Oh shit... this isn't good. Why do I have to have a boner now of all times. He could feel the soft ass cheeks against his cock and the scratch of someone's bush against his own bottom. Well at least the one behind me isn't hard. He felt the scratchy wool of a blanket being tucked around them and then the hard metal slam of a door.

"Might as well try to sleep kid. You've got a long ride and your buddies are out cold," a deep voice said as he heard the engine roar to life.

Kris | Scene 2

"Ready for another day guys?" Kris asked.

"Not really. I never thought it would be this hard to fight it," Adam said.

"Are you guys having trouble at night? Sometimes it's almost too much. If you get close enough to stay warm, then your ass and dick buzz like crazy and if you don't, you freeze. I start thinking it wouldn't be so bad for Billy to touch me. How do you fight it?"

"Just do your best Mal. We gotta fight it. Straight guys have to stick together right?" Kris said with a fist bump to each before gathering his tray to clean up.

Fight it, what a joke. At least Adam stopped harassing me about going down on Austin. But damn... I owed him. I don't need to tell them I enjoyed it. And we definitely won't talk about the simulators - the thought of which brought an immediate erection. Shit I don't need to tell them I like giving head at all. That can be my secret. Kris thought as he cleaned off the tray and slid it through the window. Wonder who's training today... sucking a dick is one thing but licking out a guy's ass...

"Come on Kris! We're all supposed to get showered, and meet in the aerobics room," Adam called from the door.

Shit, this can't be good. The last group session... Let's not even think about it.

Kris took a seat next to Adam and watched the other guys file in and sit down on the mats. Wonder where Malcolm is? I don't see him. Some of the guys were laughing and joking around, like none of this was out of the ordinary. How can they act like everything's okay? We're wet, naked, fighting painful erections and have no idea what's coming next. Shit, them too? He watched as Carlos, James, Jeremy, and Austin, were brought into the room. Kris scooted over to make room for Austin who came and sat beside him.

"Hey dude. What's going on?"

"No clue, I was hoping you'd know," Kris responded. He's looking much better, can't believe we're in this together. To think, we've known each other since the second grade.

"Gentleman." David spoke loudly and the room went quiet immediately as everyone turned their attention to the lead trainer.

The door opened and Dr. Connor and Max entered and walked up to join David at the front.

"Gentleman. Glad to see you together again. We're going to start some new training and will be running through a few tests to make sure we group you appropriately. I promise, it's simple and not painful. Please find your roommate and then form two lines facing your roommate," David said as he scanned the young men.

Kris looked again for Malcolm and saw no signs of him. Shit, now what do I do? The other guys were all pairing off and had lined up.

"Kris, is there something wrong?" Dr. Connor asked.

"Sorry sir, but Malcolm's not here," Kris said nervously.

"David? We missing Malcolm?" Dr. Connor shouted across the room.

"Sorry, yes sir. He wasn't feeling well and we took him to the infirmary to get checked out."

"Sorry Kris, I'll partner with you, go ahead and line up," Dr. Connor said.

Kris watched in amazement and with a little trepidation as he saw Dr. Connor start stripping off his designer suit, folding it carefully until he was as naked as the rest of them. Holy shit, he's acting like this is nothing. Damn I wish I were that pretty. Kris thought as he watched Dr. Connor approach. His muscles rippled as he walked and Kris couldn't help but admire him. There's not a single ounce of fat on that body and damn but he is hung.

"What? Something wrong, you didn't expect me to ask you to do something I'm not willing to do myself did you?"

"Yes." Was all Kris could think to say. He looked around and noticed all the guys staring at his partner.

"Okay guys. Now look around, at the guy on your right, on the left, the one across from you. You will eventually know every one of them intimately. You will have sucked their dick and know the taste of their seed. You will have felt their dick in your ass and know it so well you'll recognize them blindfolded. You will know the taste, texture and feel of their pussy. Not just your roommate, every other classmate. Today we start the next training sessions - many of you have done well with cleanliness and rimming, a few have some work remaining. Regardless, all of you will be continuing. Next up is anal sex, some of you will be giving, some receiving and some will be doing both. You will eventually master not only being fucked, but pleasuring a man with your hole and bringing a man to orgasm by fucking him. So let's begin... everyone stand as close to your partner as you can without touching. Look into their eyes and hold their gaze," David coached as he and Max walked in and around the couples observing...

Holy shit! I don't want to be fucked. Austin warned me - said they'd been takin' it up the ass for a while now. Maybe I'll get lucky and be on the giving side. Wonder what they're doing, is this some kind of test to see which group we're in? Wow, I can feel the heat from his body, those eyes are striking, and those lashes. Girls would go crazy over this man. Jose and Kyle sure think he's hot, said he's incredible even. Wonder what he does that makes him so good. Damn, I swear he's trying to seduce me.

"Okay, when we tap you, we want you to run your hands over your partner's body - without, let me repeat, without touching. Top to bottom, head to toe, every inch. When we're satisfied, we'll tap you out and your partner will do the same to you."

Kris watched Dr. Connor as he started and was surprised as those gray bedroom eyes stayed locked on his as he ran his hands over Kris's body. Close enough to feel the air move, to tingle the hairs on his body, but not actually touching. How does he do that without looking? Awe, come on body, really? Kris thought looking down at how hard he was and the shiny drop of pre-cum at the tip of his cock. I'm not gay, I'm not gay. I don't like guys. He closed his eyes.

"Keep your eyes open boys. Watch your partner," David scolded.

Kris opened his eyes and saw the sparkle of laughter in Dr. Connor's eyes staring up at him. His heart was pounding and the pre-cum was now a long drip hanging from his cock. Damn, this is unfair, why'd I have to get him as a partner. Mr. gorgeous with the perfect body and why the hell is my body responding! Then he felt the tap on his shoulder. Oh shit! I can do this. It's just a body, no sex involved.

Kris began and couldn't help but notice every bulge, every ripple, every curve of muscle as his hands traced Dr. Connor's body. When he got to his crotch and the huge cock he was having trouble breathing. Then around to his back, the curve of the bronzed cheeks. Wow his ass is perfect I don't think I'd mind licking that.

By the time they tapped him out, Kris was beginning to think his head and his dick were about to explode and he was embarrassed at the puddle he'd left on the floor, but as he looked around he realized he wasn't the only one.

"Last test. Man on the right stand with your back to your partner. Partner, close the gap, placing your manhood against and between your partner's ass cheeks pointed upwards. Then wrap your arms around him and put your palms on the inside of his thighs. Finally put your lips to the nape of his neck and kiss gently."

Kris watched as Dr. Connor turned and leaned back into him. He even helped guide Kris's hardon until it was nestled between those beautiful tanned globes. Then he guided Kris's hands around to his inner thighs. Holy shit. His body is so hot and feels so good. Why? Why? He leaned forward pressing his body against Dr. Connor's back and began kissing at his neck. I'm straight, I'm straight. I don't want to do this. Kris yelled in his mind as his body begged him to rub up the ass crack and to move his hands to the crotch that was so close. My god, it's never been this hard before. Have to fight it. Have to hold out. Shit why do I want to keep kissing? Please tap me, please, please tap me.

"Okay guys swap."

Kris felt a wave of relief as they disengaged and he turned his back to Dr. Connor. I made it. I did it. Then he felt that big cock against his ass, tucking in between his ass cheeks, the warmth of that body against his back and then the arms wrapping him tightly. When the palms pressed into his inner thighs Kris almost groaned but caught himself. Oh shit, no, please don't. Dr. Connor had started flexing his hands ever so gently, not enough to be seen but enough that Kris could feel it and his body reacted getting even harder. Then the kisses started and Kris wanted to melt. He wasn't moving much, but Dr. Connor was moving enough that Kris could feel the cock in his crack and it made him think of it being inside him. Kris closed his eyes and tried thinking of anything else but failed, all he could think about was the kisses, the hands and that cock against his ass.

"Okay gentlemen we're through. Take a seat back on the mats," David called out.

Kris sat down hard between Adam and Austin and took a few deep breaths.

"Holy shit, that was tough," Adam said quietly.

"Yeah," Kris agreed.

"We're going to split you into two groups for your next session. Would the following please follow me: Adam, Austin, Carlos, James, Jeremy, Kris, and Mal-Chin. The rest of you remain here and Dr. Connor will give you instructions."

Kris looked at Adam and shrugged. Okay, so is this a good thing or a bad thing. Did we respond well or not? Which group are we in? Can't be all good if all the straight guys are the ones being taken out. They followed David - down hallways, the elevator and to sections of the Lab, they'd never seen. They paused at a door.

"We'll be taking you in a few at a time. Please form a line. Welcome Kris, you get to be first, Austin and Jeremy - please follow me."

Kris turned and gave a thumbs up to Adam.

"We can do it. They can't break us," Adam whispered giving Kris a fist bump.

Kris turned to follow David and entered the room. Holy shit. "What is this place?"

"Welcome to Milking Room 2. Now if you'll follow me, these kind men will get you set up."

Brody | Scene 3

Brody could feel the sun on his face as he lay in bed wide awake. More importantly he could feel his raging hardon and the throbbing ache in his ass. He looked across the room, Trey was still asleep but the sheet tented nicely over his morning wood. Brody wanted to fight the urge but knew it was pointless. Ever since Trey had walked in on him getting fucked by his little brother... Yeah, that was a treat. And did he react like a normal guy, yell at me and storm out? No he had to lock the door, drop his pants - 'And you dissed me for being gay. Damn hypocrite! Come on Brody, if you can let your little brother fuck your ass, least you can do is suck my dick. Apologize with your mouth.'

That's also when Trey started sleeping nude. Brody made his way over and gently pulled the sheet back, looking at the huge cock, the smooth, light-brown skin and he knelt down to take it in his mouth. It had become a morning ritual. He sucked the cock, enjoying how it tasted and felt in his mouth - getting it as wet as he could. When it was wet and sloppy, he climbed on the bed, straddled Trey and started working the massive beast into his ass.

Oh fuck... yes. It feels so good. Brody started sliding up and down, letting the big dick fill him and massage his insides. It had been several days; yet, he still couldn't seem to get enough. His ass was always hungry to be fucked. Daddy was still his favorite, but even that only quenched his need for a while. Logan was good too, but that lasted just a few hours. Since Trey walked in on him, he'd been using him to fill in. Fortunately Trey insisted on being fucked as many times as he fucked Brody. And while it felt great, it didn't compare to having a dick up his ass. But it did make him feel better that he wasn't just Trey's bitch.

"That's the way Brody. Ride my cock with your hot ass," Trey encouraged as he woke.

Brody closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. In many ways he felt really lucky that Trey had walked in on them. He didn't know how he would have managed without the extra sex and it was even better that Trey was well endowed and more than willing to be his fuck buddy.

"Yes. Squeeze the load out of me!" Trey encouraged as he started rising to meet Brody's ass, fucking him faster and harder until he grunted with his release.

Brody rode a little longer, hating to give up the sensation of having the dick inside him. He stood and offered a hand to Trey then headed to the shower to finish. They climbed in together and he lathered Trey's slender body, soaping his ass and crack really well before wrapping his arms around him and pressing his body close.

"That's it baby. Now you owe me. Fuck me Brody, fill me with your juice." Trey said as he ground his ass back on to Brody.

Brody slid inside and started fucking the tight hole as he ran his hands over the wet and soapy body, enjoying the feel of having Trey in his arms. He reached down and lathered his cock and balls and played with them while he fucked. He loved the feel and weight of Trey's cock and he liked jacking him off while he fucked his bubble butt. He creamed Trey's ass and they took turns lathering each other a little more before they rinsed and got ready. Brody made sure everything was in his backpack and started thinking about his day. Logan will stop by at 3:00 right after I finish labs and best of all Daddy will come by at 5:30. Brody headed off for class with a smile.

# # Crap, crap! Of all days for him to keep us late. Brody hustled back to his room, knowing that Logan was probably pissed. He ran up the stairs and got to his door, surprised that Logan wasn't waiting. He put his key in the lock and pushed in. The first thing that hit him was the grunting and moaning coming from Logan. He was on his back, legs draped over Trey's shoulder as he was fucked by Brody's roommate.

"Damn Brody, no wonder you like fucking your little brother. He's got one tight, hot little ass! And damn can he fuck!" Trey said with a smile as he plowed his big dick into Logan.

"Harder Trey! Fuck me harder!" Logan begged.

Brody wasn't sure what to do at first and decided he might as well join. He locked the door and stripped, throwing his bag and clothes on the floor. He climbed on the bed and put his cock to Logan's lips. "Come on little bro, suck my cock."

"Yes!" Trey cried out as he ground his dick deep into Logan. He grabbed Brody and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Suppose you want him to fuck you now?" Brody asked.

"Nah. It's your turn. You can fuck me while he fills your ass. He already took care of me. Made him do that first," Trey said with a laugh. He turned and bent over, showing off his dark hole and then squeezed out a white stream that dripped down his ass.

"I wasn't that late!" Brody objected.

"Sorry Brody. I was a little early and he offered..."

"Stop talking guys." Trey lay on his back and lifted his legs. "Come on Brody fuck me."

Brody paused long enough to kiss Logan and run his hands over him. He squeezed and stroked his cock and then cupped his balls. "I've been looking forward to you all day. I want your dick in me so bad."

"Hasn't gotten better for you either huh?" Logan whispered with a kiss.

"Hell no. You desperate too?"

"Yes. Now turn around and shove your dick in his creamy ass so I can get started."

Brody slid in the slick ass and spread his legs wide, waiting for Logan to take him. He didn't even try to stop the moan that escaped when Logan's cock slid inside him. He held still and enjoyed the feel of Logan's cock in his ass. "Fuck me little bro." Brody let Logan's thrusting push him in and out of Trey. He closed his eyes and thought back to the weekend. It seemed so long ago now. All those men, those huge, hard dicks, fucking me one after another. But two stood out, the sexy boss guy and Daddy. He still got chills thinking about how the handsome man had made love to him. How huge he was and how good he felt. I would gladly let him take me again any day, Brody thought. And Daddy is so fucking good, I love fucking his hairy ass, feeling that cock of his explode inside of me. Oh god, I can't wait for him to fuck me again.

Trey was moaning loudly and Logan was pile driving Brody's ass. Brody wrapped his hand around Trey and began stroking his cock. He squeezed and stroked hard, feeling a sense of accomplishment as it shot its white creamy load. Brody was close himself and then Logan hit just the right spot and he felt his body pumping his seed into Trey. Logan's hands started up Brody's chest and started pinching and pulling his nipples as he finished his final few thrusts.

"You've got a great ass Brody."

"Thanks, so do you Logan. And I plan on fucking it so get yourself ready."

After they were done. Logan headed home and Trey headed off to the library to work on a project that was due the next day. Brody got as much work done as he could, struggling to concentrate on his studies. He began counting the minutes as 5:30 approached and then came the knock at the door, he opened it and smiled.

"Hey Dad."

"Brody," Mr. Findley said as he stepped in the room and waited for Brody to close and lock the door. As soon as it clicked he started stripping.

Brody was already naked and lying on the bed, legs spread, with his ass at the edge. He started fingering his hole, lubing himself and playing with his ass to get it ready. "Come on Daddy! Fuck me." He looked up at his hairy, muscled dad and smiled. Daddy's cock was already rock hard and the look in his eyes made Brody even hotter. He closed his eyes as he felt the cock pushing inside, filling him up. It felt incredible and then Daddy started fucking him, sliding that beautiful cock in and out of his hole. This is heaven. He feels so incredible. I love it when he fucks me. Brody reached up and ran his hands across his dad's pecs, feeling the firm round muscles and then the hard nipples. He pulled and teased at the nipples, enjoying how it made his daddy change his thrusts. He started squeezing with his ass.

"Damn but you are a hot fuck."

"Yeah and I'm yours so fill me up. Fuck me deep and hard Daddy. I want you to cum inside me." His words were stopped when his daddy leaned down and started kissing him while he drove his dick inside. Then he felt it, not the orgasm, but the satisfaction and relief as his body absorbed his daddy's cum, quenching the overwhelming need. He opened his eyes and saw his daddy already climbing on top of him, grabbing his dick and putting it to his hairy hole.

"My turn. Oh, damn you feel so good." Mr. Findley said as he slid down on Brody's hard dick, taking it all the way in as he began to ride.

Brody still struggled at times with the thought of having sex with his dad but when they were actually doing it... he couldn't imagine anything better and as the days went by, it bothered him less and less. Daddy is so hot and sexy, his ass is like heaven and nothing's as satisfying as having his cock buried in my ass.

Nathan | Scene 4

I don't get it. I can't think of anything that would have gotten me in this much trouble, growing a little weed isn't that bad. They should have at least let me call a lawyer, someone.... Nathan paced the small room, there wasn't much to see, a bed, a toilet, and a sink. And a tray of his dirty dishes from breakfast. This was the second day in the cell. Though most of yesterday he'd spent hugging the toilet or lying on the bed trying to get the world to stay still.

There was a sharp rap on the door. "Stand back."

Nathan watched the door open and saw a big guy enter the cell, a second man followed. They pulled a black hood over his head, cuffed his hands and guided him out of the cell. "Where are we going? What did I do? Shouldn't I get a call to my lawyer?"

He waited for a response but got nothing. Shit, this is not good. I never heard of them putting a hood on you in jail. He felt the cold, smooth floor against his bare feet and knew they took an elevator, but other than that he had no clue.

"Okay guys. He gets the works," a deep voice said.

The hood was pulled off and Nathan squinted in the bright lights. There were two new men, wearing some kind of wet-suit and face shields. He was standing in what appeared to be a large gang shower. One of them lifted Nathan's cuffed hands and hooked them onto a cable that went to the ceiling. The next thing he knew he was being scrubbed with stiff brushes and soap, from head to toe. Even his private areas and the guys were being none to gentle about it. When he thought his skin would start peeling off, they turned on the water jets and rinsed him off.

"Bend over," one of them commanded.

Nathan did and immediately regretted it as he felt something being shoved up his ass. Then they turned it on and he was speechless. They shoved a water hose up my ass! He had no choice but to release it as it overwhelmed his body, then just as brutally, they pulled it out. Next they put what appeared to be a dog 'collar of shame' on him and started spraying him with something. It tingled at first and then it started to burn. "Shit, get it off! Get it off! It's burning!" he yelled and jumped around but couldn't go anywhere. Why are they ignoring me?

Just about the time he didn't think he could take it anymore, they turned the water jets back on and rinsed him off. After a thorough dousing they removed the collar and turned off the water, leading him back to the waiting guards.

"All ready," one of the wet-suit guys said.

"Thanks. We'll bring the next one by in a bit."

The hood was back on his head and he was walking again. He heard a heavy door and other voices and commotion.

"Where you want this one?"

"Okay kid, kneel down. We'll help guide you. You won't fall I promise."

Nathan slowly lowered himself and felt the soft cushion of the pad under one knee, then the other. They pushed him forward and he felt more pads against his body and then his arms. He heard the sound of Velcro and felt straps tightening around his ankles, then his thighs, next it was his waist, then at his upper arms, elbows and wrists. He felt a slight pressure on his head and then felt the pad against his neck. They pulled off the hood and quickly replaced it with a mask over his eyes.

"Gently... that's the way."

He felt a strap around his head.

"All set."

Nathan tried to move and found himself firmly secured. He could wiggle his fingers and toes and flex his feet. He could also open and close his mouth, but couldn't move his head in any other way. Shit. This cannot be good. There is no way this is a good thing.

"Couple of adjustments."

Nathan felt his legs being spread wider, almost too wide. Then his whole body shook as whatever he was kneeling on moved and then tilted slightly.

"Check the angle would you?"

Nathan felt something at his lips and then at his ass.

"All good."


Nathan waited what seemed like forever, he tried asking questions, begged for information but no one even acknowledged him.

"So you going to do this right or do we need to help?" a deep voice asked.

Nathan had no idea how to respond nor was he sure the voice was talking to him. Then he felt it, soft warm flesh at his lips, rubbing across them, across his face and cheeks. Holy fuck. That's a guy's dick! No way in hell I'm going to open my mouth.

"Help it is."

Nathan startled as someone pinched his nose closed then strong hands started squeezing his jaw. The pressure got to be too strong and he had no choice but to open and then almost immediately something hard and metal was being shoved between his teeth. He bit down and found to his horror it was cranking his mouth open. He could hear the metal gears clicking as it opened wider and wider. He tried to push back, to prevent it from opening, but it made no difference.

"Ratchet gag. Works every time. Now if you're smart you won't try and fight it. Now I'm going to spray something in your throat so get ready to swallow."

Nathan felt the tingle and coolness of the spray and tried to swallow, just like he would in the dentist's office. Then the man's penis was back at his lips and he felt it sliding across his tongue.

"That's the way. Let it slide in."

Nathan desperately wanted to keep the dick out of his mouth but his tongue had no effect. Oh god, no. There's a guy's dick in my mouth. Shit, this can't be happening. Nathan's thoughts were interrupted as he gagged and choked. The cock was not only in his mouth but had slid into his throat - his body desperately wanted it out and wanted to breathe. Finally it pulled out and Nathan gasped for air. But as soon as he got his breath, it was back, sliding across his tongue and down his throat.

Holy fuck! Absolutely no way in hell! He thought as he felt hands on his ass cheeks. Fingers, or maybe thumbs were running up and down his ass crack. He could even feel the wet, slippery lube being applied. Then he felt something small and hard being shoved in and then a wet, warm feeling in his ass. He squeezed as hard as he could, concentrating to make sure nothing else got in his hole. No, no, no. You are not... he thought as he felt a guy's dick rubbing up and down his crack. I'm not a fag, I don't do guys and there's no way... There is no fucking way you are putting your dick in my shitter!

"He's really fighting it."

Nathan thought he might just prevail. Then he felt hands on his feet and they started tickling, not a little, but a lot. He would have screamed except there was a dick in his throat, and to his horror there was now a man's dick firmly planted in his ass - and it was moving. Damn, no. This can't be happening. He kept repeating it over and over to himself, and then to his horror his body started getting very warm and the penis in his ass started feeling really good. Too good. He wanted to scream, to cry, to hit something. But all he could do was take it. The next horror was as he realized he was not only hard, but leaking. He could feel the wetness of his own pre-cum running down his cock. Oh god, this isn't real, it isn't real. This is not happening to me.

"Get ready stud," the voice said tapping his cheek.

Fuck no! Nathan thought and then it was happening. The cock in his mouth was shooting down his throat, filling his mouth with cum. He tried to push it out with his tongue, but every bit he pushed out was pushed back in by fingers.

"No, you gotta take it all. Swallow it... that's the way. Eat it, that's a good boy." The man started stroking his throat as he coached and Nathan had no choice but to swallow or choke. Holy shit, I just swallowed a guy's spunk. This can't be happening...

"I'm going to squirt some juice in now, get ready to swallow."

Nathan felt and tasted the cool liquid and let it wash the taste out of his mouth. Finally, that's over. I never want to do that again... But as soon as thought it, he felt another penis sliding across his tongue - and it began all over.

The man in his ass was pounding him hard and then all of a sudden slowed and went still. Then Nathan felt him pull out and felt something dripping down his balls. Awe... fuck. No man, he shot in my ass. I can't believe this. No, it can't be happening. No, no. please not again. He thought as another cock started pushing into his hole.

The second cock erupted in his mouth and he didn't even bother trying to push it out - already knowing they'd just scoop it back in. He swallowed and waited and then enjoyed the cool sweetness of the juice. The third and fourth went about the same.

"So you want to try without the gag or keep it in?"

Nathan tried to think what would be better and less humiliating. He decided no gag had to be better so tried to communicate that with his mouth stretched wide. Unfortunately, it came out a little awkward as the pleasure in his ass caused him to groan in mid-reply. Fortunately they must have understood since he heard the metal ratchet and gradually felt his jaw relaxing.

They gave him a few minutes to open and close his mouth and stretch out his jaw, then the next penis was there, brushing against his lips. Nathan hesitantly opened his mouth and let it slide in. He could feel the smooth velvety texture, the glans and the ridge and the difference in skin and texture and he marveled at how much better it was without the gag. He let it slide across his tongue and down his throat and then closed his mouth and sucked as it pulled back. What? Damn... that doesn't taste so bad, good thing since they're not going to stop anyway. He thought as he felt the slick sweet liquid on his tongue and worked to suck a little more out of the cock in his mouth. Then a strange feeling started building in his gut, similar to when he was getting close to shooting but different, deeper and definitely tied to the dick sliding in and out of his ass.

The man started fucking him harder and Nathan felt his head spinning as his body began to tremble and then he felt it - that cusp when you reach the peak and you know it's coming and he felt his body release, shooting his jiz onto the floor as his ass was being plowed. Shit, no! It's not supposed to feel good! I'm not a fag! Please, please stop. I'm not a fag!

The man tapped his cheek and Nathan prepared himself for another load. But this time, he sucked harder hoping to get it down his throat without tasting it. He sucked and licked and felt the cock in his mouth swell, felt the pumping as it squirted into his mouth and throat. He sucked and swallowed and licked every drop off the intruding cock.

Nathan startled as he felt another cock sliding into his ass. He tried to relax as it pushed deep and then started thrusting. He could almost feel the difference in size and shape. He let that warm feeling build and then the pleasant feeling spread as the next guy coaxed Nathan's mouth open for his cock.

He was relieved when they let him take a break and walked him around. He hoped beyond all things that they wouldn't make him ever do it again. They gave him some kind of smoothie that was about the best thing he ever tasted and let him use the john. That was a little horrifying... seeing all the white cream that had been in his ass. That was also when he discovered they'd removed all of his body hair. He was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Not a single hair left on his crotch, his balls, his legs... anywhere. And then they were taking him back, he saw the room and wanted to scream, his freedom was ending all too quickly. No way they're getting me back in that thing. I am no one's fuck toy. He tried to pick a moment when they weren't holding on to him and made a break for it. His guards were immediately on him and he fought like a wild man, trying to use every trick he had learned in wrestling. Unfortunately he was no match for them and they manhandled him back into the kneeler and in no time he had a dick up his ass and more than a few sore muscles. Plus a new collar that chafed at his neck.

Nathan tried again after his next break, but this time it was even worse. As soon as he made a break for it, the collar around his neck came to life, causing so much pain he thought he was going to die. He could remember collapsing to the floor and screaming and when he came 'round, he was strapped in again with another dick in his hole.

By the end of the day, he barely had enough energy to eat the food that they brought him. He tried to rub under the metal collar. It was itchy and uncomfortable. His body ached from both the beatings and staying in the same position for so long. There was even a dull ache in his balls from how many times he'd cum. The worst part was realizing that no one had even touched his dick, each time he'd shot a load it was because of another guy, balls deep in his shitter. But his bed and the soft sheets felt good and he found himself drifting even knowing that he was headed for a troubled sleep full of nightmares.

The next several days were a disturbing repeat, with the exception of the burning spray after his shower. He didn't try to fight again, though they reminded him each day that he could be fucked conscious or not. He lost count of how many men had cum in his mouth or how many dicks had fucked his ass. He couldn't even remember how many times they'd fucked a load out of him. And what was worse was he never saw any of them. He tried not to think about what they were like, young, old, skinny, fat, sadly reality couldn't be worse than his imagination.

He finished his breakfast and waited for the familiar rap on the door and then the voice. "Stand back."

"Morning Nathan," the guard said tossing him a bundle. "Put these on."

Nathan pulled on the workout shorts, the t-shirt then socks and shoes. "What is this?"

"Change in your routine. Now you'll start your days with a workout, start getting you back in shape. Then we'll take you to the showers before lessons."

Lessons. Shit. Lessons isn't what I'd call it. Torture, abuse maybe. They can't keep doing this to me, they can't. Someone will rescue me. He stood and followed the guard.

Holy shit... this is like... a real gym. Nathan looked around as one of his guards went to talk to a trainer. The room was bustling and noisy, not only from the music but from the number of guys working out. Most of them looked to be around his own age and the only guards were the ones with him.

The guard returned with a pretty-boy fitness trainer. He was built alright and he was model pretty with bright blue eyes, dark silky hair and a chiseled face.

"Have you done weight training before Nathan?" the pretty man asked.

"Yeah. Used to do wrestling in high school."

"Great. I'm Jason and I'll be setting up a routine for you. Once you get in a rhythm we can make changes according to your progress. Why don't you warm up on the treadmill and do some stretching before we start."

"Sure." Well at least I'm not being fucked. He thought as he climbed on the treadmill and started. The guards left him alone and stayed at the door. Does no one notice I came with guards? No one's even given the collar a second look. What is this place?

Nathan finished on the treadmill and did all the stretches he could remember before Jason started taking him through a basic lifting circuit. When they were farthest away from the guards, he took a risk. "Jason, you gotta help me dude. I'm a prisoner and they're making me do some awful shit. Please, can you get word to someone?"

Jason laughed and his look said more than any words.

Nathan felt his hopes crumble and knew he wasn't going to like what was coming next.

"I'm real sorry Nathan. Look..." Then turned so only Nathan could see as he lowered his shorts to show his privates in a chastity lock. "We're all in the same boat dude. I've been here several months. Better make the best of it, 'cause there's no escaping and no one is going to rescue you."

Best of it? How the fuck do you make the best of being fucked. I'm not gay!! Damn... don't cry then they'll just think you are a pussy. The feeling of despair was almost overwhelming. No escape? How long can they do this to me... Why? Nathan took a deep breath and focused on his lifting.

Ryan | Scene 5

Ryan stool still as they attached all the pads to his body. He spread his legs as the sticky little circles were applied up the inside of his thighs, then to his groin and lower abdomen. They gently turned him and more pads were applied to his butt cheeks, the back of his thighs and then the one at the base of his balls. They turned him again and he watched as they slid the lubed metal stem into his penis - as they slid it in, the round metal swirl surrounded his glans, then they put the straps down his shaft one by one - four straps all the way to the base, then connected them. Almost done. They put the rubber washer over his nipples and pulled the nib through until almost all the areola was pulled through with it, then clamped them snuggly.

"Ready?" the voice asked.

He wasn't but it didn't really matter. He wasn't strong enough to fight them off or stop them. He'd tried. Ryan braced himself and felt the cool lube on his hole, then the building pressure and then it was in. His ass lips wrapped tightly around the plug. His body already starting to leak at the full feeling and pleasure it knew was coming.

He held his arms up and they secured him to the bar, then he felt the straps on his ankles. Ryan knew the routine. This was his third day on e- stim. It always began the same, they'd deliver breakfast, he'd eat, and they'd come and take him to the showers, remove the chastity lock, clean him inside and out then bring him here. They put the earbuds in next, the ball gag and then they slid the mask over his eyes. Maybe today, they'll let me cum. God, I hope they let me cum.

He felt them testing the current as it moved from one part of his body to another. He groaned in pleasure when they hit his nipples and he tried to prepare for the next - his cock. It felt incredible, a tingling warm vibration that went all the way deep inside him, then the butt plug went off, tingling and vibrating at the same time as his cock was being tortured. Once they ran the circuit it would begin.

Holy shit. He thought as the thrumming started in his ass. He'd never given much thought to his ass before. It certainly never felt needy. But when they turned on the vibration and the tingle it was all he could think about. The sensation was so overpowering and then the current started running up his cock in waves, and then to the cap around his glans and into his dick. When they added his nipples, all he could do was focus on breathing. The pads on his legs and ass took over and he started dry humping the air. Not intentionally, he had no control over his muscles - the electric current was doing it all. Ryan concentrated on the pleasure. Maybe if I focus hard enough I'll cum before they stop, oh god it feels so good. He was already close, his body was so aroused and he was almost at the peak and then it stopped. He cried out in frustration. They had been doing this to him for the last three days - every time he got close, it would stop. Then it would start up again.

Then something different happened. Someone slid the mask off.

What? The white gauze curtain was partially pulled back and he saw his friend Zachary just a few feet away and not in any better shape than he was. He hadn't seen him since he'd been taken. So far, they usually they kept the blindfold on until he was at the john or in his cell. Holy shit Zach, what are they doing to you? Oh my god, I am so sorry! If I'd have listened to you we wouldn't be here. He looked at his friend's slender body suspended from the ceiling in an intricate web of ropes. He was hanging face down and his cock was hard and a long stream of pre-cum was dripping to the floor. A muscled man in leather was shoving a dildo into Zachary's mouth and another guy, similarly dressed, was fucking Zachary's ass with another dildo on a pole. Oh god, that's gotta hurt. I am so, so sorry. Guess being zapped isn't as bad as being fucked with dildos. But damn dude I knew you were hung, but shit you're huge. Wonder if they let you cum? Bet not.

Ryan swallowed hard and felt a little warm as another muscled man in leather pulled the curtain back farther and he saw Nathan. He was wearing a strange metal collar and was strapped into some sort of kneeling frame, his meaty body was being fucked at both ends. There was a good looking, slender black guy fucking his ass and a really pretty white guy balls deep in his mouth. At least he gets to cum. Damn, look at that puddle. That's a lot of spunk. I'm thinking he got the best deal. Ryan watched in fascination. He'd never seen guys do it before and it sure looked like they were all having a real good time. Wonder what he feels like. If he felt half as good as Lauren I'd plow that ass. Damn, look at him suck. Wonder what they did to him. Nathan's the biggest homophobe I know. He'd soon as beat you as touch you and yet, he's sucking that dick like it's the best thing ever. Wonder what the dick in his butt feels like, my ass is so horny I'd almost consider it. Hell, who am I kidding, I'd gladly let anyone fuck me right now. I don't care how much it hurts going in.

Ryan started feeling guilty as he got more and more aroused watching the guys take Nathan so he turned to watch Zachary. I know how it feels dude. He thought as he watched them teasing his cock, stroking him and then stopping, teasing and biting at his nipples, even running their tongues over his body. Then a light caught his eye as it flashed red behind Zach. He watched as the men all pulled back. They removed the dildo from his mouth and ass and just let him hang. Ryan watched in curiosity wondering what was going on, then the light changed to green and they started again. Shit! Wonder if they have something like that for me? They always seem to know when to stop.

Motion caught his attention and he turned to see the black dude pulling out of Nathan's ass, followed by a stream of white jiz. He no sooner moved away than one of the leather guards took his place. Damn, wish I had a better view. And then the curtain was pulled back around him and he felt the blindfold slide back over his eyes.

Oh my god. The juice had started and Ryan was moaning around the ball gag as every part of him was tingling with overwhelming pleasure. I think I'd rather be Nathan. Oh, please let me cum, please, please. It's too much. Why couldn't that black dude fuck me? This thing is just teasing me. Ryan groaned as his ass was buzzed and vibrated. Before, he would never have considered letting a guy put his dick in his ass, but now it was all he could think about. Then, just as suddenly, it stopped and Ryan let himself hang limply. Guess today is the same as yesterday.

Eventually they gave him a break and something to eat before it started again. If this goes on much more, my body's gonna squirt as soon as they touch me. God I am so horny. Please, please let me cum. The most recent cycle had just ended and he hung, still painfully aware of how hard he was and how hungry his ass was. Ryan startled when he felt a hand on shoulder then one of the ear buds was removed and sound came rushing back painfully. He could hear the sounds of sex, moaning and groaning, flesh against flesh. Put it back. I don't want to hear!

"Squeeze the butt plug out for me. Gently, that's the way, slowly... perfect."

Then the ear bud was back and the white noise drowned out the sounds of sex. I feel so empty.

"Shit!" he cried out around the gag. He felt hands on his hips and warm, soft flesh against his ass. Rubbing up and down his crack. Oh god... shit, yes, my hole is so empty. Please just fuck me and get it over with. Ryan tried to relax his hole as he felt the dick pushing into him, filling him. So warm, so full. Oh god... so good... yes. The dick in his ass was huge, much bigger than the plug and it was sliding in and out filling him, making his body tremble. Then the current started again, and he cried out around the gag. His muscles started contracting again making him fuck himself on the huge dick. The current increased and his muscles contracted faster squeezing and stroking the cock buried in his ass.

This is so much better than the plug. I never knew it would feel so good. Yes... fuck me 'til I cum. So good, so much bigger than the plug. I'm so close, so close, damn... feels so awesome. Shit... I think he shot his load. No! No! Please don't stop! Don't stop! "Arggggghh" Ryan cried out around the gag in frustration as the big wonderful cock pulled out and left him hanging on the edge. Ryan wanted to cry. He couldn't remember ever being so horny or in need of release. He hung in agony as the guard pressed the plug back into his hole.

Ryan felt the mask being lifted and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light. One of the leather masked guards was looking at him and adjusting the cable above his head. He reached down and unfastened the ankle restraints. The next thing he did was remove the bands around Ryan's cock and the mushroom cap. Ryan looked around and saw the curtain was completely pulled back and that Zach's curtain was closed. Nathan was currently being plowed by a new guy, trim and with a dark tan, or maybe he was Latino. The guard tapped Ryan and drew his attention to the floor, he gently guided Ryan to the side until he was standing directly in front of Nathan. The guard pushed Ryan forward and took a finger and pressed down on his cock, putting to Nathan's lips.

Holy shit. No. Oh god Nathan I am so sorry. Please don't kill me, this isn't my choice. "Ahhhh!" Ryan cried out around the gag as his cousin greedily took in his cock and began sucking and licking. Oh that's intense, wow does that ever feel good. Then the current started again and he started fucking Nathan's mouth as his ass tingled and his muscles contracted. Oh god... so sorry... can't stop. Feels so good. Ryan stared down at Nathan taking his cock, at his own body as it thrust in and out of his cousin's sucking mouth, sliding deep into his throat. Please... please let me cum this time. The young man across Nathan's body from him gave him a smile and a wink. God, he's good looking. Ryan saw the guard reach down and tap Nathan's cheek and then it hit. Ryan cried out around the gag. It was one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had and he shot stream after stream of his boy juice into Nathan's sucking mouth. Too quick... I wanted to enjoy it. He thought as the current quieted. Ryan felt a light touch on his chest. He opened his eyes and was caught in the gaze of the young man again.

The guard stepped in and slid the ball gag from Ryan's mouth and then used a cloth to wipe the spittle from his face.

The young guy leaned forward and kissed Ryan gently as Nathan coaxed his cock into full arousal and then the current came on again. Holy shit... His lips are so full and soft. He kisses so much better than Lauren. Ryan thought as he let himself respond to the lips and probing tongue. And damn can Nathan suck, that feels so good. Oh wow, I think he just came. Shit, he's coming over to me. Ryan felt the young man wrap his arms around him, his hands running over his body and around the pads, teasing them as if acknowledging every sensitive spot. He continued kissing. Between Nathan sucking my cock, the buzz in my ass and this guy's kissing I think I'll go crazy. Sadly the young man pulled away. That was without question the best kiss I ever had.

The guy leaned in and removed an earbud, then whispered. "I'm Jose. I hope to see you again." He gently slid the earbud back in and squeezed Ryan's ass cheek.

Holy fuck. What has happened to me? I just Frenched a dude and got like... totally worked up. Oh wow, here it comes. This time Ryan remembered to tap Nathan just as the guard was about to do so and he filled Nathan's mouth again. As his orgasm finished his body started to tremble and he felt his knees beginning to shake.

"Okay pretty boy. Time for a break. We'll let you stretch out and then we can start again."

Ryan let them lead him because he wasn't sure he could walk on his own.

Zachary | Scene 6

Zachary turned the bright blue pill over in his hand, wondering what it was, and what it might do to him. The others look like vitamins, but this one is different - certainly nothing I've ever seen before. He popped it in his mouth and drank the last bit of juice. It didn't seem to hurt me yesterday or the day before. He stood and stretched. Wonder if today will be the same... I sure hope not.

He paced around his cell for a bit then sat back on the bed and looked at the cameras. They were tiny but not that hard to spot. He'd found them on his first day, partially out of boredom and partly because somehow he expected them to be there. He waved and then sat back to wait. On his first day they'd slid a toothbrush and toothpaste through the tray door right after he'd complained about needing to brush his teeth. So he knew they weren't trying to hide that they were watching him. The hardest part was he couldn't jack off knowing they were watching. He tried to keep the sheet wrapped around him so his constant erection wasn't so visible but he knew it wouldn't hide him doing that. But damn if I don't soon I think I'll explode. I wonder if it will get to the point I won't care if they see me. Yeah, most definitely today if they keep me jacked up again.

Why? What could they want from me? I have no information, no important friends, god knows I got no money... There's got to be something they want. And why play with me for days, what's the point? Do they get their jollies getting a guy so horny he wants to scream? They haven't raped me, they haven't even hurt me really... There's got to be something. Maybe if I can figure out what they want I can give it to them and they'll let me go.

Rap, rap. "Stand Back." The door opened and one of the muscled leather guards was there. "Time for your shower stud."

Zachary didn't bother responding. Just followed the man, let them scrub him, flush him out and take him back to the 'room'. He didn't bother fighting or trying to get away. He knew he never stood a chance against these guys. He walked dutifully to his corner, stood and waited. They pulled the curtain and started tying the ropes around him. They put the earbuds in, then the blindfold. When they finished, they flipped him forward and pulled him up toward the ceiling suspending him in the air.

Please guys. Please let me cum today. They started touching him, playing with his dick and his ass, greasing him up, teasing his nipples. Then he felt the pressure as they slid the dildo in and started fucking him while they held the vibrator to his dick. He shuddered at the pleasure and knew he was already leaking. He'd gone past pre-cum, now his body just moved on and leaked his seed. He groaned with the pleasure knowing a dildo would be in his mouth soon. Why does it have to feel so good? They get it to hit all the right places and having one in my mouth and ass at the same time is such a turn on. Oh, yes, that's it. Stroke me while you fuck my ass with that thing. So very close... Damn. They stopped. Just a bit more...

Why? He thought as they lowered him down to stand for a while. His balls ached and his seed was running down his cock and dripping. But still no orgasm, as close as they brought him and as much as he wanted to cum, they always managed to stop before he got there. One of the guys pulled back the curtain. Really guys? This part is torture. He watched as two very attractive young men fucked Nathan's beefy body at both ends. God I wish I were him right now. I'm thinking that would feel so awesome. Maybe not the number of guys he takes but at least a couple. And they're all so damn hot. Why does he get to get off and have the fun? I was already painfully horny but damn. Look at that big ass. I bet he feels really good. I always wanted to try that... But who wants to hook up with a skinny, bony guy like me. I'd probably hurt the guy.

Zachary closed his eyes for a minute until one of the guards poked him. He knew the drill, he was supposed to watch. Maybe they want me to watch in envy. Wishing it was me. Bet he doesn't like it so much. Seemed like a pretty straight guy to me - bet this is totally fucking with his head. Ha ha ha. Serves you right getting me caught up in this shit. I told Ryan you were trouble and we should stay clear, but no, you're 'family' we can trust you. What bullshit. Zachary looked at the slender young guy with his dick in Nathan's mouth. He wasn't just cute, he was downright pretty. Kinky, curly streaked blond hair, smooth body with a nice build. Yeah, I'd suck him. Shit I'd do anything he wanted. But sadly they don't go for guys like me.

The curtain was drawn and he felt them tipping him back up as the blindfold went back into place. It sure never felt this good when I used a dildo in my ass. It was good, but not like this. How do they.... Oooooohhhhh fuck. He swallowed around the dildo in his mouth, trying to keep his mouth and throat open. I wonder what a real dick would feel and taste like. This is a turn on - but a real one, attached to a real guy, knowing I get him off and suck down his load. Zach was getting really close and thought maybe, just maybe this time and then abruptly it stopped. The vibrator moved away from his cock and both dildos were gone.

Zachary was back on his feet and the curtain was pulled back. He watched as the curtain next to him pulled back and he saw Ryan. Damn, he is so fine. I know I shouldn't think about him this way but wow would I love to go down on him. Sure never had a view of him like this before... glimpses yeah, but not full on look at that cute, sexy body all aroused and horny. Guess they're doing the same thing to him, just using different toys.

The door opened and a man in a lab coat entered.

Okay, now he's fine. So If I made a list of who I wanted first, I might just put him first. Ryan's cute but he's... wow. Looks like he should be in a tiny little speedo, all wet, climbing onto his yacht telling me if I buy his fragrance I can be that fucking hot too. Dude, I jack off to pictures of guys that look like you. Zachary watched as the man spoke with the guards, the pretty guy with Nathan and then seemed to examine Nathan before he went to Ryan and pulled the curtain.

Then he stepped back into view. That face, those eyes turned to Zachary and he really wanted to hide. I have never felt so ugly in my life. Please don't look at me, please.

The man was right in front of him, gray eyes with dark lashes and a model's face. He reached up and removed the ear buds then smiled.

"Hello. I'm Dr. Connor."

Shit. He expects me to answer? "H... hi. I'm Zachary Webster," he stammered.

"The guys have been telling me that you might be special?"

"Shit sir. I can guarantee there's absolutely nothing special about me." Zachary stared at the ground not wanting to look at the man. He felt fingers grip his chin and lift, bringing his gaze back up.

"I disagree," he said as he seemed to examine Zach's face and body intently. "Yeah, very special indeed. So why do you think you aren't?"

"Sir I don't know why I'm here or what you think I have. I got nothing and I sure ain't pretty like Ryan or all muscled like Nathan. I'm just skin and bones and none too pretty. Just tell me what you want... please."

"Oh, I disagree. Will you answer my questions? Honestly?"

"Yes sir."

"Which of them is more attractive, Ryan or Nathan?"


"That was quick. You didn't need to think about it? Why?"

"You're gonna think I'm awful... but... when there are two or more guys, I always play this little game of who I'd like to be with first and if there are several I rank them."

"You're gay?"

"Yes sir," he said in a small voice. "No one knows and I swear I've never done anything."

"Oh. That 'is' sad."


"We need to work on your confidence. You have a beautiful face and great structure. Put some meat on your bones and get you in shape and you're lethal. Besides you have an impressive tool Mr. Webster. Let's start by using it. Don't feel bad about being too skinny, I was too."

"You?" Zach asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. But I had a father who forced me to work out and made me bulk up. We can do the same for you. So you would really like to fuck your friend Ryan?"

Zachary felt overwhelmed by guilt. "No sir, that wouldn't be right."

"You said you'd be honest."

"Yes, I think he's gorgeous and I'd love to know what it's like but I don't want to just rape him... you know?"

"Don't you think he's as horny as you and just as desperate to be fucked?"

"I wouldn't know sir."

"Tell you what. You practice on Nathan. I want you to fuck him a couple times then later today, we'll have you fuck Ryan. And just to encourage you, if you don't fuck a load out of Ryan we'll let Nathan suck him. You want to help him out right?"

"Yes sir." Holy fuck. They'll let me fuck Nathan and Ryan?! They're just messin' with me. They're not really going to let me get off. But damn if he's as frustrated as me... He doesn't ever have to know. They keep us blindfolded, he won't know I did him.

"Good boy."

"But sir, what do you want from me? Why am I here?"

"You're here to have sex," and with that the man turned and left.

The leather guys removed the ropes and then guided Zachary over to Nathan. Holy shit. They're serious? Zach looked down at the beefy body, the full round ass, the smooth crack and the wet pink hole still dripping from the last guy.

"Come on Zach. You know you want to," the guard coaxed.

Zachary lined up his cock, still painfully hard, and gently pushed against Nathan's gaping hole. He slid in and gasped. Oh fuck. So hot and wet. Damn it's even better than I thought it would be. He slowly started moving, sliding in and out as his hands felt along Nathan's back, the round globes of his ass. Wow. I can't believe it. I finally, finally get to have real sex. He feels so good. I want to enjoy every inch of his hole. Slowly, slowly. Make this last. Awe, shit. Yes, fuck hard, fast... can't stop it... "Fuck!" He drove himself as hard and deep as he could into Nathan and leaned against his back as his body pumped his seed deep.

"Good job stud," the guard said as he pulled him back.

Zachary looked down at the stream of his cum dripping out of Nathan's hole. I did it. I actually blew my load in another guy. If I weren't so horny maybe I could've lasted longer. He looked at the muscled guard smiling at him who then gestured and guided him back. "What?" Zachary asked seeing a strange swing contraption.

"Boss said to change things up for you. Turn around, sit here. Now lift your legs up so I can strap you in. That's the way... now your arms." He reached down and started stroking Zach's impressive boner. "Damn, that's a fine piece." The guard wrapped his hand around Zach's balls and gave a gentle tug, before his hand ran up the stiff shaft again, taking the drop of pre-cum and running it over Zachary's glans.

I can't believe it. I blew my load and I'm as hard as ever. And that guard... he's so sexy. I wish I could see more than his eyes. He's got nice muscles and looks great in that harness. Wonder what it would be like to suck on those nipples, to feel those pecs in my hands. I can't believe these guys keep touching me, getting me so jazzed. Wonder if he's going to jack me off? Hey, they don't usually let me see what's going on. "No blindfold?" Zach asked.

"Nah... you're gonna want to see this." He reached down and slid his finger into Zach's hole. Then started finger fucking him and massaging his insides. "That's the way... you stay nice and hard." He slid a second finger in and worked it around. "So ready," he said and then left.

A minute later the curtain parted and a young man looked in. "Hey. I'm Danny."

Wow, talk about awkward. "Zachary."

Danny stepped through the curtain and gave a big smile, showing a set of perfect white teeth. He was good looking, slender, built, and naked.

"Uhm, should you let me see your face and are you sure it's okay to talk to me."

"Huh. Good question." Danny stepped out and then a few moments later walked back through, making sure the curtain closed behind him.

"Yup. All good. Though we made them laugh," he said with a chuckle. "Sorry this is all new to me. Wow, never saw a set-up like this before." He ran his hands up the cable and looked at how it was attached and further, how Zach was bound.

"Uhm... this is a bit awkward. You know?"

"Sorry. How long have you been here?"

"I think this is my fourth day."

He gave a laugh. "Oh. Yeah, you get used to awkward. Sorry. I've been here a few months now. Guessing you didn't have a choice about being here? Either they nabbed you or you woke up here?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Zachary looked at the guy now squatting at his ass. Does he not notice that I'm totally naked and throwing a massive boner? Damn he is good looking, so smooth and ripped and that cock...

"Most of us came in that way." Danny paused and gave an odd expression as he clearly looked up and down Zach's boner. "You're not the only one. They call us a 'class' most of us came in around the same time. You three are the newbies. I think there are about twenty or so others. I am supposed to have sex with you. You've got a beautiful cock."

"Pardon?!" Zach squeaked.

"Sorry, yeah I'm supposed to fuck you. And if you haven't learned yet, you never say no, do what they tell you, when they tell you, or bad things happen. I promise I'll be real gentle and do my very best."

"You're serious?"

"Well, yeah. I'm not very experienced, but like I said, I'll do my best."

"Why me?"

"'Cause they told me to, but why not you?"

"You're really good looking and I'm not. Duh."

"Don't say that. You've got the most incredible eyes and besides, I think you're hot, not to mention you've got a huge dick," Danny said as he started stroking Zach's cock. Damn, that feels good, oh, holy shit. Zach tried to brace himself as Danny opened his mouth and went down on him with no warning. Then on to full on sucking and deep throating.

"Wow, I love your cock," Danny said as he sat back and stared at it before licking it again. "Maybe sometime they'll let you fuck me. I think I'd really like that."

Holy shit. What is this place? This cute guy just went down on me and tells me he wants me to fuck him? I've never even seen him before.

"Guess I'd better get started. You okay with that?" he asked standing up and rubbing his hands on Zach's inner thighs.

"Yeah." I can't believe it... this guy is actually gonna fuck my ass? This sexy, ripped guy is gonna put that beautiful cock inside me. Oh shit this is gonna be so much better than that dildo. I just know it.

"Do you mind if I kiss you? They don't usually let us kiss our partners but no one said you and I couldn't."

"No but I never kissed a guy before."

"You straight?"

"Uhm... no. Just never had the chance."

Zachary watched Danny lean in, using the ropes to steady himself and gently kissed and bit at his lips. Zach tried to respond and felt Danny's tongue probing. He captured it and teased it with his own tongue. I like kissing. He thought as Danny got more intent and the kisses became harder, mouths wide open tasting each other. Ohhhhh wow. Ohhhh god, he's inside me, shit, shit, shit. Another dude has his dick inside me... and he's kissing me at the same time. This is so much better than the dildo. Ohhhh that feels good. Damn I wish I could touch him, run my hands over that hard body while he fucks me.

"That's it. Relax, just let me slide in. It's much better when you don't fight it. You feel really good Zachary. You are so snug, caressing my cock with your hot ass."

He is pretty. Those beautiful blue eyes, the curly brown hair, that sexy cleft in his chin and that cock - he's got to be at least as big as me, maybe even bigger. "Please don't stop. I want you to kiss me while you take me."

"Only if you promise to do the same for me some day," Danny said with a big smile.

"You'd let me?"

"Let you? You're funny. My ass is all tingly just thinking about it," Danny said as he closed back in and started kissing again.

He didn't close his eyes, he's watching me - such beautiful eyes and his lips are so nice and his cock feels so good inside. I don't want this to end.

Danny pulled back. "You have the sexiest dark eyes."

Zach was able to lean up just enough to close the distance and capture Danny's mouth again. They continued to kiss and he basked in the feel of Danny deep inside. Then Danny's tempo changed and his eyes closed. He started going harder and faster and then gasped as his cock slid even deeper inside. I think he just came. A guy just blew his load in my ass... a fucking, hot, sexy guy with a gorgeous dick. One who even thinks I'm sexy. I could get used to this.

"You are a hot fuck."

"I just laid here. You did all the work and you are so much hotter than me, just sayin'."

"Imagine if we could do it without the restraints, just you and me," Danny said leaning in and kissing Zach as he slowly withdrew.

"Don't know. Not sure I can take hotter than this."

"We'll have to find out. Thank you again Zach. I'll be back after dinner and we can try again."


"Yeah. They have me scheduled with you twice today. They don't have the calendar posted yet for tomorrow, but we at least have one more time together," Danny said as he gave a gentle kiss then squeezed Zach's cock before leaving.

A moment later the guard stepped back in. "From that smile, I'm guessing you enjoyed the visit from Daniel."

"Yeah," Zach said. He was gorgeous.

"I'll let the boss know. Maybe you'd like him to spend more time with you?"

"Yes sir." If only...

"Well it's time for another round with your buddy." The guard said as he started unfastening the restraints. Once Zachary was free from the sling, the guard had him stretch out a bit before pulling the curtain and guiding him back to Nathan. "Just go to it. He's already had a break."

"Sir... why?"

The guard turned his head back to Zachary and even with the mask the smile was obvious. "He's being trained. Takes a bit more with a straight boy like him, but believe me, he'll break and by the time we're done he won't be satisfied by anything but a man."

Zachary looked down at Nathan's body, the full fleshy ass and the smooth pink hole. They'd cleaned up since he was here. The puddle of jiz was gone and Nathan wasn't obviously leaking from his ass. One of the guards had just moved to his head. Zach watched in fascination. The guard unsnapped the crotch of his leather pants and pulled out his cock. Within seconds he was hard and rubbing against Nathan's lips. Nathan opened his mouth and sucked in the offered dick and began making sucking and groaning sounds as the guard started thrusting. The guard caught Zach's attention and gave a nod toward Nathan's ass.

Okay. Let's see if I can make it a little longer this time. Zachary thought as he pushed his way in. Man... he feels tighter this time. Zachary started thrusting, letting himself feel the channel of Nathan's ass, pushing deep so he could feel Nathan's ass against his body. Gradually Zach picked up his pace as he watched the guard fucking Nathan's mouth. Wonder what it feels like to him. It sure felt good when Danny took me, I bet it would be a real turn on to have another guy in my mouth at the same time...

The guard reached across and lifted Zach's chin to meet his gaze. He winked then reached out, pinching and pulling on both of Zach's nipples as he continued driving his cock into Nathan's mouth. The added stimulation was too much and Zach almost immediately blew his load in Nathan. He ground it in deep trying to enjoy the last few moments and then reluctantly started to pull out. The guard gave an extra tug and released Zachary's nipples.

Zach's guard led him back to his corner and pulled the curtain. He guided him back into the sling fastening his feet and arms. He attached several round sticky pads, like those on Ryan but these didn't have wires, then he reached out of sight and then came back into view with the vibrator in hand. He turned it on, held it where Zachary could see and then started on the root of his cock while his fingers found Zach's hole. When the guard finally turned off the vibrator Zach was struggling with breathing and thinking. He was so incredibly horny.

"I think it's time." The guard said as he unfastened Zach and led him past Nathan, pulling back Ryan's curtain. The guard with Ryan gave him a high-five. Then reached up and removed one of the ear buds.

"Squeeze the butt plug out for me. Gently, that's the way, slowly... perfect." The guard said gripping the big metal plug and setting it aside. He then replaced the ear bud.

Zach stared at Ryan's smooth body. He wasn't ripped, but he had a nice build and a beautiful tan. He was obviously aroused and had a stream of clear fluid dripping out around the cock cap and plug. His nipples were swollen and his body had a light sheen of perspiration making Zach want to reach out and run his hands over that body.

Zach's guard guided him around behind Ryan, pointed to Ryan's pale ass and gave a wink.

Geez Ryan, you still have tan lines from last summer? I always wondered what was under those lifeguard shorts... a beautiful bubble butt and a sweet cock. Zach thought as he put his hands on Ryan's hips and rubbed his cock up and down the pale crack. Shit your ass is so fine. Those sweet smooth ass cheeks hugging my dick. Wow, I can even feel the heat from your hole.

"Go ahead Zachary - he's already lubed and won't be too tight given the plug's been in him all day."

Zachary pushed his cock against the hole and found himself sliding into Ryan. He was a little tighter than Nathan and the ass cheeks were much more pronounced, gripping his cock and pressing into his crotch as he slid in. Ryan, you feel fucking amazing. I can't believe I'm actually fucking your ass. I have watched you and fantasized about you and now... shit I'm actually doing it. Oh fuck... oh fuck.

Ryan had started moving, thrusting himself back on to Zachary and groaning loudly around the ball gag.

Shit man... they turned on the juice. I can feel it tingling through his body. But if he keeps driving himself back and fucking his ass on my dick, there's no way I can last... it feels too good. Shit I'm gonna blow already! Zach pushed hard and fast into Ryan's ass and felt the release as his rod pumped stream after stream of his jiz into him. He hated pulling out, he'd looked forward to it for so long.

"Don't look so sad Zachary." The guard said as he guided him back to his sling. "Boss says you fuck Ryan at least once a day from now on. Maybe more if you cooperate well."

YES! Zach thought. And not too long and Danny will be back and he'll fuck me again. Damn, I can't wait. I'll do anything they ask.

Kris | Scene 7

David led Kris to one of the stations and had him kneel down on the pads. "It's okay Kris. Lean forward and grab onto the bar. We'll explain everything as we go."

Kris looked down into the pit as he leaned forward over the edge. There were bars and pads supporting his body, somewhat suspended over the pit. About four or five feet below him there were several more men in lab coats helping strap him in. In his peripheral vision he saw Austin being placed beside him. He turned to look the other way as Jeremy knelt down at his own station.

"Don't fight it Kris. Trust me, it will go much better if you don't resist," Austin said as they strapped him in.

"Yeah. What he said and dude... might as well get it in your head now. You're gonna fuckin' love it. Doesn't matter that it's a dude or what he's doing to ya just go with it," Jeremy said from the other side.

Shit that can't be good, Kris thought.

"Kris, I'm going to attach something to your ball sack now. It won't hurt but it will feel snug - sort of like someone is squeezing you. Many of the things I'm going to attach are like what we have on the simulators with minor differences."

Okay, I can deal with that. Weird but doesn't hurt.

"You're going to feel something strange, see this, it's a hollow sound that goes into your urethra and once the sleeve is on, we'll attach it to the blue tube. I'm sliding it inside your penis now, please relax. Next, this sleeve is going to slide over your penis and constrict at the base - holding you tight. Now I attach the tube. It won't do anything right now but I promise, you'll like it when it does."

Oh. That feels really strange. I never had anything inside my dick before.

"Sam, hand me a number 4 please. Kris, this fits around the nib of your nipple and this one goes on the areola, the smooth pink skin around the nipple. Once they're in place and connected to the hub, they can make it feel like your nipple is being sucked and licked. Yes, perfect fit." He pulled down a green tube from the strange contraption in the center of the room and attached it to his nipple. Then he reached up and pulled down a second one.

That's intense. Now I'm hard and that thing in my dick is cold. "Is the thing in my dick supposed to be cold?"

"It will warm up in a minute and you won't even notice it."

He looked to the side and saw that Austin was already done, so was Jeremy. He noticed that Adam and Mal-Chin were being strapped in now, directly across from him. Adam gave a nervous look as he gripped the bar and they started strapping him down. He watched as they hooked them up. Damn but Adam is hung. Wonder what he tastes like - not sure I could get all that in my mouth. I'm getting better with big ones, but that might be too much. Looks like an alien fetish flick with tubes connected to his dick and nipples. Holy cow, what is that? Looks like they cut of a guy's dick and balls - all limp and flaccid. They wouldn't would they?

"Don't look so scared Kris. It's fake, honest. But once it fills with the warm saline, you'll have trouble believing it. I'm going to slide it into your mouth and if you give me a second I'll adjust it so it doesn't go too deep." He attached the limp cock and balls to a metal arm that he pulled down, connected a couple white tubes and slowly the cock grew firm. "It will also be used to keep you hydrated," David said sliding the penis into his mouth and adjusting the arm.

Holy shit, it's warm and feels and tastes like a real dick! The dick slid in until Kris gagged and then David pulled it back just a bit, made some adjustments and then let it slide in again. Deep into his mouth but stopping just before it slid down his throat. It was still deep enough that the balls swung and hit his chin with each thrust. Even the balls feel real.

Damn, that feels almost creepy... if I couldn't see it, I'd swear it was a dude. He watched as David pulled down another hose from the center unit and attached it to the dildo.

Wonder what that tube's for - guess so they can give me water. Whoa... He watched as David tracked the tube into the unit then followed it out the other side toward Adam, all the way to his dick. Shit... does that mean...

David was back and peeling off round white pads that he was sticking to Kris's body. "These are not e-stim. They measure your vital signs and wirelessly transmit it back to the monitoring system. You're almost ready to start."

Start? Start what? He would have asked but they'd already slid the dildo in his mouth. Then he felt hands. Holy shit, someone's there. He could feel hands running up and down the back of his thighs, around his ass cheeks and down his crack and then the gentle touch of kisses. Crap... I can't even move. Ohhhh, my. A wet tongue was sliding up and down his crack, tickling his ass lips, then kissing and biting at the globes of his ass. My first rimming... damn, no wonder the trainers like us doing this for them. That's so damn hot... oh god, his tongue is in my hole. Wonder if a girl would do this? Okay, I really like this... damn that feels so good. Shit! What? The sack around his balls started squeezing and massaging as he was rimmed. Shit! That's intense, he thought as the suction and stimulation began on both nipples and the life-like cock started gently sliding in and out of his mouth.

Awe, man, no... this can't be right. No I don't want a dick in my ass, I am not gay. Don't want it. Kris struggled as the tongue and now fingers worked and massaged his hole, his body wanted to push back and feel more and a little voice in his head kept telling him that what he really wanted was a cock, a nice thick, hard cock. He started sucking on the dildo to distract himself and that only made it worse - reminding him too much of the number of cocks he'd sucked and how good it would feel to have one of those inside him. Moans of pleasure escaped around the dildo as the fingers and tongue opened him up. It felt like his body was on fire with need.

Holy shit... yes. He could feel the soft head of a cock against his ass lips and felt the desperation in his gut to have it inside. Hurry, please, don't tease me. He wanted to scream at the guy, he was going too slow, being too careful and then finally it was sliding in. More, please all the way. Gently and slowly the hard cock slid inside him and he sucked harder on the dildo in his mouth. Yes! That feels so good. As the cock slid deep inside him the realization hit that he was being fucked and his eyes flew open. But his thoughts were interrupted when he saw the rapture on Adam's face, his lips wrapped tightly around the dildo and his eyes squeezed shut as Daniel fucked his ass. He felt embarrassed seeing such a private moment, but was also relieved that Adam was enjoying it as much as he was. Kris turned and saw a look in Mal's eyes he knew all too well. Billy was balls deep in Mal's tiny little ass, sliding in and out slowly. I wonder who's taking me? Malcolm? Not unless he recovered pretty quickly. Damn he feels good. Oh my god... shit, shit, shit. The sleeve on his cock had started sliding back and forth and the rod inside was tingling all the way down to his base.

Kris startled as he tasted something sweet and slick in his mouth. Shit. That's pre-cum. I've sucked enough dicks to know that taste. He looked around the room as he sucked. The pleasure was almost too intense and it appeared the same was true for the other guys he could see. Then the first squirt hit the back of his mouth and he swallowed instinctively. Shit, someone's cuming in my mouth. One look at Adam and he knew. Wow, you taste good buddy. He sucked and swallowed as Adam's jiz continued to pump into his mouth. So realistic, just like sucking a real dick.

Then he felt it building all the way from deep inside. Hope whoever is ready 'cause he's gonna get a mouthful. Holy fuck! Fuck! Oh my god! It needs to stop. Shit, shit... too intense why is it still sucking me, please stop fucking me... oh god so fucking intense. Can't think. Can't breathe. Kris continued sucking and let his head rest against the restraints as the machine finally slowed and stopped. Now the only sensation was the warm tongue licking his ass. Oh god, he shot his load in me, I didn't even know it. He's licking it out of me and damn that feel so good. Why does it have to feel so good? Why? I shouldn't like sex with guys, it's not supposed to be like this.

"We'll give you guys a break now that you've all finished round one. Rest for the next bit and then we'll start again," David said to the room.

Again? I don't think I can handle it again. Kris looked across to Adam and saw the same look in his dark eyes. Mal had his eyes closed and seemed to be resting. He could also see Carlos and James but they were to the side, so his view wasn't face on. Kris knew that Austin and Jeremy were directly beside him but he couldn't turn his head that far after they put the dildo in his mouth.

He watched as the guys came in and lined up behind the others. Kevin stood behind Adam and Nick was behind Mal. Holy shit, that's Jason lining up behind Carlos. Guess they said we'd all be taking it from each other... wow I wish I looked that good. Guess if I have to do it with guys, I got some of the best looking ones ever. Wish I knew who was behind me. Nick is even prettier than my girlfriend. He saw Jose walk around behind Adam and stand behind James. I wonder if one of them was with me the first round? Whoever it was... he was hot and knew how to rim.

Kris listened as David told them to begin and they all knelt in unison. Just as he saw them lean forward to the guys around him, he felt the warm wet tongue on his hole. This guy didn't play around, he went straight for it and drove his tongue inside. Kris started sucking on the life-like dildo as the warm tingling sensation began building in his ass. Then he felt the squeeze on his balls and the tug at this nipples. Oh shit... here we go.

By the time his partner slid inside, Kris was ready to beg. Then to his relief he felt the large hard cock sliding gently, deep inside. He could feel the smooth muscles against his ass as the guy took him. This guy is definitely a little bigger, he's hitting all the right spots and making me feel so full. Maybe if a girl used a strap-on she could do this for me... it feels so good. Oh my... it starting again. The tingle started pulsing down his urethra and the sleeve was stroking his cock as his nipples were tormented by the sucking machine and the dildo started fucking his mouth.

The guy taking his ass was going deep and hard, he could hear the flesh smacking as their bodies hit with each stroke. As the cock drove deep it sent a ripple of pleasure and almost pain deep into his gut. He could feel his orgasm building already, even faster than the first time. The sleeve on his cock slowed and the sucking at his nipples became gentler. Oh, no... please just let me cum.

Kris felt the buildup again but this time more from his ass and as it became more intense. The sleeve started stroking him again and the suction increased on his nipples. He had never been so aware of his ass before or how much pleasure it could bring. Then it started and as he felt the climax build, the tingling inside his dick increased, the sack started squeezing his balls and the suction became so intense on his nipples it was almost painful. But most of all, the guy was now pile- driving his ass. Deep and hard with each stroke until Kris's orgasm hit. He felt the man's tempo change enough to know he'd also blown his load. Kris continued to suck through the intensity and was rewarded with another load of hot boy juice filling his mouth - almost at the same time that he blew his own load. Damn, that's hot. Almost like blowing a load into my own mouth. He sucked it down greedily as he let the waves of pleasure ripple through his body.

The man taking his ass continued to grind into him causing little aftershocks of pleasure. Kris continued sucking, letting himself enjoy the sensation until the guy pulled out.

"Another break gentlemen. We're going to feed you some fluid through your mouth pieces now to keep you hydrated. Just suck gently so you don't choke. After you have some downtime, we'll begin round three."

Round three? How many times are they going to do this? The breather ended all too quickly and he watched as the guys lined up again. This time it was Brandon behind Carlos, Jason with Adam and Peter with Mal. He didn't try to fight it mentally or any other way. He just tried to relax and enjoy. Amazingly it was as intense and just as overwhelming as the first two times. Definitely have to find a girl who'll do this for me.

The next break came and went and he watched as yet again, men lined up. Holy fuck! Max is gonna fuck Adam! Wonder if he knows... doubt it. He can't see, but damn he'll know when that monster slides in his chute. Billy's got Carlos this time. He's nicely hung too and Brandon's taking Mal. Damn but he's hot. Can't wait to find out if one of them already fucked me. David called out and the men all knelt down to begin.

Wonder who it will be this time. I hope it is as good... No, it can't be. He felt the kisses, gentle, warm kisses start up his thighs, accompanied by hands touching and rubbing his body. The faintest tickle of a beard against his ass as those lips kissed up his crack - then continued all the way up his spine to the back of his neck. He could feel the heat of the man's breath, the tickle of his beard and those kisses. Oh... god... it is. I'll never forget that touch, those kisses. It has to be... Dr. Connor is gonna fuck me. Kris's pulse sped up and he started feeling really warm. The man was kissing at his neck, running his hands up and down Kris's back as he slowly kissed and ran his tongue down the spine. Then the kisses were on his ass cheeks and down his crack before that tongue found his hole. Holy shit, so hot. The man started licking and biting at his ass lips, gently opening him up while continuing to rub his hands up and down the back of Kris's thighs.

I shouldn't be this horny. Why do I want him so badly? I'm not gay but damn, I can't wait to feel him inside me. No wonder Jose and Kyle go on about him. If he can do this to me with just kisses and a light touch... damn. Oh damn... Kris moaned loudly around the dildo as the man worked his tongue deep into his hole. Ohhhhh... my... he's tongue fucking me. That's so hot and feels so wow... Damn but I want him to fuck me. So intense. Kris thought as the pressure built on his balls and the suction started on his nipples. He gripped the rail tightly as the man worshiped his ass and his body was teased. He sucked so hard on the fake dick in his mouth he wondered if Adam could feel it.

Why is my ass so hungry? This is terrible, how can I fight this. Oh... he's big. The man was sliding his penis up and down Kris's crack. He could feel how big the man was, how hard he was and he liked the slick feel that the spit and pre-cum created. If I could move, I'd drive myself back on that beast. Why is he just teasing me... he has to know I want it. Kris gasped. The cock head was now directly at his hole, pressing against it then moving away. Kris tried to squeeze and relax to see if he could coax it in. Then he felt the head stretching him wide. It wasn't painful but the guy was definitely bigger than any of the others. Then the cock was gone again.

Please, please put it in me. Kris thought and then felt it sliding in just a bit farther this time before it pulled away. The man started repeating the process, each time going just a little bit deeper before pulling out. Please don't pull out, want you all the way in. Kris thought he'd cry in frustration by the time the man finally pushed all the way in and didn't pull out. Then slowly, he started moving. Oh god. So fucking big. I can feel him in my gut, rubbing against my insides, ohhhhh... and hitting my spot so hard. Damn that's intense. No... too soon. The sleeve started moving and the sound started to tingle, sending pulses of electricity deep into his cock. The man leaned down, placing his body against Kris's back as he fucked him, and then started kissing and nuzzling against his neck. Kris could feel the heat and firmness of the body, the wet kisses and the tickle of his breath against the small hairs. Ohhhh god, I'm sorry Adam I can't fight this. Sex has never been this good before. Jeremy was so right.

The orgasm started building in his ass again and his balls ached from the building pressure. He didn't even think about it when his mouth filled with man seed, he was so focused on his own pleasure and how good his body felt. He loved the feeling of having his partner wrap around him while he fucked and the kisses were driving him wild. Kris moaned loudly as the orgasm took him, he could feel his body pumping as the cock hit that spot in his ass over and over again. His nipples felt swollen and sensitive as the machine sucked and tingled them with pleasure and his cock ached from the intensity of the sleeve stroking him long after he'd given every bit of cum his body had left. I don't think I can take any more... He felt the man push deep and hold him tightly. He could almost imagine the huge cock erupting deep inside, pumping his hole full of cum. The man held him for a while and gently slid in and out a few more times before withdrawing.

I should be horrified or at least disgusted. Kris thought as he felt the jiz leaking out of his ass and running down his leg. But... no, that was worth it. He felt fuckin' great. I would let him do that again to me anytime he wanted. I hope it was Dr. Connor. Wonder if there's a way to let him know without everyone else knowing...

"Alright guys. That's it for today. We'll be around to clean you up a little and get you unhooked. Once you've been released one of the team will take you to get dressed and then for lunch. Classes this afternoon - just like usual. Oh and guys, we'll see you back in here tomorrow first thing."

# # Kris sat down at the table beside Adam with his tray of food. He knew he had to eat something since he hadn't touched his lunch. Classes had been painful, he'd have to get notes from one of the other guys. He just couldn't stay focused - his mind kept replaying the morning's events. And then the hour on the simulator... I didn't think I could get any hornier. I don't know who that guy was but if he's half as good in real life as he is in the simulation... damn. Kris looked at food and his stomach growled. He looked up to see if anyone heard and noticed Adam staring oddly at his food.

"Don't ask. I don't even want to talk about it," Adam said, breaking the silence.

"Sorry. I didn't say anything."

"Do you know who?" Adam asked looking up from his tray.

"Who what?" Kris asked.

"Could you see who took me?"

The expression on Adam's face was painful and Kris wondered if it was because he hated the experience or because he didn't. "Yes. Daniel, Kevin, Jason, and Max - in that order."

"Fuck," Adam said sliding his tray to the side and putting his head down.

"Did you happen to see who took me?" Please, please you gotta have noticed. Mal kept his eyes closed so much of the time.

Adam looked up and pulled his tray back grabbing his fork. "Yeah. Jose, Daniel, Kyle and Dr. Connor."

Fuck! Fuck! I knew it. And both Jose and Daniel - damn they looked so hot fucking the other guys. And Kyle, that bronzed little flirt. He's been teasing me for weeks. But I was right, it was Dr. Connor.

"That's a pretty big smile for a straight guy who got his ass fucked," Adam said with a scowl.

"Sorry it was so hard on you. We knew it was gonna happen someday. I'm just relieved it didn't hurt like I expected. I always thought at least the first few times were supposed to be really painful."

"Nah. Didn't hurt at all did it?" Adam said with an edge of disgust. He looked up and caught Kris's eye. "It wasn't supposed to be like that."

"Adam you gotta give me more to go on. Like what?"

Adam looked around the room then turned back. "It wasn't supposed to be good. I wasn't supposed to enjoy it, must be the drugs."

"Adam, I don't think they gave us any drugs. At least not like they did for other training. At most they could have put something in the lube."

"You're not helping."

"Sorry, just thinking it through. I wondered if they would." Kris offered as he watched Adam pick at his food. "Tonight's a movie night. Maybe that will take your mind off of it."

"Yeah and what about tonight when I gotta snuggle up against Daniel to keep warm, knowing damn well that he put that big dick of his in my ass."

"Don't blame Daniel. He didn't have any more choice about it than you did and you know it!" Kris surprised himself with his rebuttal but he knew it was true. No one had a choice - you did what you were told.

"I know... I know..." Adam said quietly. "But then how do I stop thinking how good it felt, when he's wrapped around me.

"Change positions, wrap yourself around him. You'll still stay warm." Kris could see Adam struggling but couldn't think what else to offer. Adam had insisted that he be the stoic one and not intentionally touch Daniel - this definitely put a new spin on things. I wonder how I'd feel if it had been Malcolm. Hell, I'll know soon enough. It's only a matter of time 'til he's told to take me.

Movie night was unusually subdued and quiet. Everyone actually watched the movie and didn't talk. Malcolm came in just as the movie started, looking much better than he had in the morning, and gave Kris a questioning look as he picked up on the strange vibe. Unfortunately there wasn't a good way to tell him without disturbing the others.

When they were back in the room, Kris watched Malcolm gather up their clothing and throw it in the bin for laundry pick-up. He's got a nice v- shaped body. Dark ash-brown skin, ripped muscled and slender with a round ass and nicely shaped dick and those big nipples. God, what am I thinking?!

"I can't fucking believe it. Of all days to get sick. The first time they actually let us get off - fucking each other no less and I spend it being poked and examined. This sucks. So do you think they'd have put me in one of the stations or what?"

"I have no idea how they decided. But given that you like guys, I'm thinking you'd have been on the giving side today."

"Damn! That fucking sucks! I haven't gotten off since we did Aaron. And do you know how many hot asses I've rimmed, how many gorgeous cocks I've sucked since then? Do ya? Well way too damn many!"

"I'm sorry Malcolm but at least you're feeling better."

"Fucking unfair. They gave me the antibiotic shot first thing. They could have let me come back - but Noooooo! Had to do all those tests. Damn stupid tests just to tell them I have allergies!" Malcolm yelled as he paced the room.

"David said we're doing the same tomorrow so odds are you'll get assigned first thing."

Malcolm stopped and stared intently at Kris. "Really?"

"Yeah." Damn, but he's hard. Wonder how they'll get that boner back in his lock. Speaking of which - they usually stop by before this.

The lights flashed signaling they'd be going off soon.

"Oh well. Slide over and get the sheet ready," Malcolm said as he climbed on the bed. "Malcolm... let's not worry about folding it between us. Just move in behind me. We'll stay warmer that way."

"You sick?"

"No. Just tired of being cold. And the other thing they told us today... They said we'd be having sex with all the other class members, everyone in every way."

"You're shittin' me right?"


Kris slid back against Malcolm, feeling the heat of his body, the softness of his skin, and the warmth of his breath against his back... he got a chill and a little tremble ran through his body as he remembered the feel of Dr. Connor. He pressed his ass up against Malcolm and could feel the hardness of his cock and the length of him as it nestled between his ass cheeks. "Malcolm..."


"They're gonna make us fuck each other." Kris paused as he built up his nerve. "I'd rather the first time be on our terms, not theirs. So if you want to... I'd be okay if you wanted to you know... They may come in any minute to lock us back up again."

"Are you sure? You know damn well I want to but I promised I wouldn't try anything."

"I'm sure and I know it's weird but can we come up with a signal so if they do make you fuck me that you let me know it's you? They didn't let any of the guys talk today so the only reason I know who took me was from what Adam saw."

"Sure," Malcolm said as he started rubbing a little harder against Kris's ass.

Kris moved and adjusted and found Malcolm sliding in almost immediately. He wasn't nearly as big as Dr. Connor but he felt good. Kris pushed back and ground his ass down on Malcolm to get him in deeper. "Please touch me while you fuck me."

Malcolm obliged and gently rolled Kris onto his stomach while he kissed his neck and back and fucked him.

Kris liked the feel of the cock in his ass and the press of the body as it pushed him into the mattress. He missed the other sensations from the machines but at the same time, it let him enjoy the feel of Malcolm and the touch of his body. The warm tingly feeling was just building when he felt Malcolm shudder as he cried out.

"Oh... damn Kris. You have an incredible ass," Malcolm said as he collapsed onto Kris, hugging him tightly.

Kris turned over and pulled Malcolm into a kiss and started running his hands over the smooth dark body. It was his turn to gasp when Malcolm sat back and started running his ass up and down against Kris's cock, before sliding his ass down and taking him in.

"Now it's my turn." Malcolm said as he sat up and began to ride.

Holy shit... that feels good and watching him ride my dick, seeing it slide in and out of his hole.

"That's the way Kris. Fuck me - slide that cock of yours all the way in. I want to feel your load squirting in my ass."

Kris rose to meet Malcolm and tried to feel every bit of his ass as it wrapped him in pleasure and then it hit and he was shooting deep in that dark hole. Damn that felt good. Maybe not as intense as the others but it was nice to see him and be able to touch him...

"That was great. Thank you," Malcolm said with a kiss.

"Come on let's snuggle tight and get warm. Maybe if they don't come to lock us up we can do it again..." Kris said as he wrapped his body around Malcolm.

END Chapter 14

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Please check out my other stories on Nifty: Tyler's Adventures and Troy's Adventures under 'High School', and Dancing with the Dragon under 'Science Fiction / Fantasy'.

Next: Chapter 15

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