The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on Sep 21, 1999


The Knife That Twists Within

Part 5

Marcus kicked off his shoes and stretched out on the hospital bed next to Nicholas. He crossed his arms behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

"How was your party?" he heard Nicholas' low voice. Surprised, he peered over to the lad laying in a similar position.

"Not as half as exciting as yours I assume. I've heard you had a little ecstasy flight?"

"Yes. But I don't care much about it. Only thing was I could stand the music better."

Marcus grinned thinly. "You met Kay again? I didn't know he worked there, too."

"Yes, it was a surprise. By the way, the pants were his gift."

"I guessed as much. Will you be seeing him again?"

Nicholas propped himself on his elbows and looked over to the next bed.

"Why do you think that? Only if you drag me into the shop again."

"I had a feeling you enjoyed it."

"Yes, but not only because of Kay!"

"Ah!" Marcus grinned.

"I hate hospitals", Nicholas said after a while.

"Who doesn't?"

"Couldn't you come over to me?"

"In your bed? Do you think that would be a good idea? Try to sleep. You must be tired."

"I'm not tired at all. I can't sleep here, it smells like disinfectant, everything smells bad here."

"Except me, I guess", grinned Marcus.

"Except you."

Marcus sighed. "You still have no idea what the reason could be for this man to attack you?"

"No, I haven't. I don't want to think about it anymore. My head hurts."

"That's another reason you should try to sleep."

Nicholas didn't answer. Marcus rose and slipped out of his bed. He bent over Nicholas and kissed his lips. "Better?" He asked. Nicholas shook his head. His hand slipped into the waistband of Marcus' suede trousers and pulled out his white shirt. His fingers glided over his bare skin and pulled him nearer until Marcus lay half over his bed. With a sigh he gave in and streched out beside Nicholas' body. The bed was too small, but Nicholas cuddled close into his arms and laid his head on his chest. Barely audible he began to purr like a kitten and was soon asleep.

The noises of the hospital woke Marcus seemingly in the middle of the night. He tried to see the time on his watch but it was too dark to see, but it must be a little while before the usual breakfast time which was, as Marcus knew, about 6:30 am. He freed his arm from Nicholas' head and rubbed it to shake off the numbness, sneaked out of the bed and crept into his own. No need to confuse the nurse.

It was no minute too soon. The door swung open and dazzling light flodded into the room. "Good Morning" said the nurse cheerfully. Nicholas' eyelashes fluttered open. He looked around and finally into the brown eyes of the white-dressed woman.

"How have we slept?" she asked.

Marcus replied, "I don't know how you have slept, but I slept terrible. This bed is really uncomfortable."

The nurse gave Marcus a look but didn't respond. She stuffed a thermometer into Nicholas' mouth. "And how have you slept? Does you head still ache?"

Nicholas shook his head.

"We have to do a few tests after the breakfast, then you'll be able to go home, I expect."

She removed the thermometer, looked at it and was apparently satisfied. After a short glance at Marcus she left the room. He bent over to the next bed.

"How did you really sleep, darling?"




"I'm not keen on this breakfast, either."

Marcus leaned back and sighed heavy. "What a beginning of the new year!"

Nicholas chuckled. "Yeah, what a beginning! Surely it can only get better."

As both men entered Marcus' house they found Sebastian sleeping on the couch in the living room. A little surprised, Marcus shook his shoulder.

"Hey baby, what you doing here? Waiting for us?"

Sebastian opened his eyes wide and jumped up. He looked at both of them.

"Calm down, everythink is ok now," said Marcus.


Nicholas was more than amazed to find him here. His sandy hair was dishevelled and the white shirt completely creased. Nicholas found it lovely and he lost some of the shyness he always felt when Sebastian was around. Sebastian rubbed his eyes and gazed at Nicholas. "You are really ok?"


"It's really sweet of you that you waited for us", Marcus said. "You must be really hungry, aren't you? Coffee? Toast?"

Sebastian jawned. "Let me have a quick shower, then I will make you something to eat."

Marcus whispered into the young man's ear, "What about you joining me under the shower?"

Nicholas grinned.

Sebastian had plundered the pantry and covered the table in the dining room with freshly baked rolls, eggs and bacon, rollmop and gherkins, with steaming black pudding, tomatoes, cheese, juice, milk and hot coffee.

"If I would live with you, I would become fat like a pig", Marcus said, chewing with full mouth.

Sebastian grinned and winked at Nicholas. He was wearing one of Marcus' old pullovers and jeans, was unshaven and looked suddenly very young. He had lost all those intimidating attitudes, Nicholas had always been a little bit scared of.

"I too can cook the whole day until you are fat as a pig", Nicholas grinned back at Sebastian. "Tell me the recipe of the black pudding, please."

"Ah! A pair of housewives chatting over the garden wall!"

Sebastian threw his napkin at Marcus grinning face. "Let him tease, Nicki. If he's starving he'll come creeping on his hands and knees and will beg for some food. Believe me."

"I wouldn't bet my ass on that. There's always his housekeeper."

"Housekeeper? Ah yes, the redoubtable Anna! She's an old lady, perhaps she'll like you more than she likes me."

"She doesn't like you? Why?"

"It's a long story." Sebastian's face was reserved.

"You'll see, honey," Marcus said. "She comes on Sundays at 10 am."

"That early? We won't be able to sleep in anymore!"

"Alas! That'll seem likely to develop into a real problem, my dear." Sebastian looked into his friends' eyes. "You'll have to have a talk with her." Then he bent over to Nicholas again. "Are you get over it?"

Nicholas nodded. "Yes, somewhat."

"Do you want to report it to the police?"

Marcus shrugged his shoulders. "Would you?"

"Don't know if it'll be any use, but what if there are any further injuries to Nick."

"But everything's ok with my head."

"Yes, honey, all is ok.' Marcus threw a warning gaze to Sebstian to shut his mouth.

"As you like it." Sebastian rolled out the gherkin off his rollmop and picked it up. He changed the subject. "Sunday at Paul's exhibition - will you join us?"

"But of course, I've never been to an exhibition. Who's Paul actually?"

"An inventor of curious things. He has his workshop in an old stable out in the suburbs. He had extended it to one big living room and workshop at the same time. He welds odd things together, painted them and also carves very interesting masks out of tree stumps."

"I like masks," Nicholas said, "and he can make a living doing this?"

"Actually not very easily. Therefore he's having this exhibition."

Sebastian took a last gulp from his coffee and said, "Well, I don't know about you folks, but I'm still dog tired. I'll disappear off home."

He grinned impish, "Or would you like to come back to my place, Nicki?"

"Would you mind if I went with him?" Nicholas asked his lover.

"Do you really want an answer to that question? I hope this is a joke!"

Sebastian stood up. "Can I ring for a taxi?"

As he finally left he turned around and said, "Sunday, 7 am. There's still a lot to do." He looked at Nicholas for a moment and whispered, "It wasn't a joke."

Sebastian closed the door.

Nicholas didn't know what to answer so he remained silent. Then he searched for Marcus' eyes but he avoided his gaze. Finally he asked, "So early? 7 am?"

"We have to build it up, put all the exhibits in the right places. You don't have to come with us if you don't want to. You can stay here or come later. It's in the hall next to the workshop. Come, let us put all this stuff in the dishwasher."

"I want to go with you." He stepped to Marcus side and touched his upperarm. "Something wrong?"

"No, my heart. Everything is ok."

"You are not cross with Sebstian?"

"Sure I am. He has a damn big mouth."

"Maybe he's in love with me", Nicholas grinned.

"Yeah, everybody's in love with you!", Marcus snorted, "you are irresistible!" He grabbed for Nicholas' buttocks, but he escaped and chuckled. "You really think so? And you, are you in love with me?"

Marcus stared at the rised eyebrowes, waited for an answer and tried to catch him, but Nicholas was quicker. He ran around the table and out of the room into the kitchen. Marcus followed him and cornered him between door and pantry. He searched for his lips and whispered, "But of course I am, honey. Don't you feel it?"

"Show me," Nicholas' whispered huskily. He pressed his body to Marcus' and felt the other man began undress him. "Do you want to take the butter with us again?" he murmured.

Nicholas was worn out and his ass hurt a bit, but it was a more pleasant little pain. He lay on his stomach and leafed through a book about the architecture of the Victorian age. He felt Marcus heavy body across his back and heard him snoring softly. Actually he wasn't too much interested in the book, but he needed something to disract his mind. Too much had happened in the last few days. Too many new faces, too many impressions. And the last one, the attack at the "Moonbreaker" still stuck in his memory. But he had decided, to take it as it was: a simple attempt at robbery, perhaps of a very nervous, and not practised beginner who wanted to be sure that Nicholas wouldn't be able to offer any resistance.

But more important were Sebastian's last words and the gaze in his eyes. He didn't know what to think about it. Was it one of his usual jokes or was there something serious behind? He hadn't got an answer from Marcus when he had asked him, so he had to figure it out by himself.

He closed the book, laid his head on his forearms and enjoyed the warmth of Marcus' body. The last thought he remembered before he fell asleep was that he must take a photo of Simon's painting to give it to Kay.

Paul's Exhibition had been a completely success. The workshop was full of people and Nicholas had met some of Marcus' and Sebastian's acqaintances. Marcus had sensed Nicholas didn't really like these people, but he felt comfortable with Paul. Afterwards they sat together in the exhibition room, drank wine and ate pizza, Johannes, the old restorer, had ordered.

Paul, a man of 55 years with round, thin glasses and a bald head, was happy because he had sold nearly all of his exhibits to rich clients where they would now decorate the front gardens or houses. Nicholas was fascinated by a woodden mask which had similarity to those Venetian masks with feathers and glass stones and silver perls. It was shaped to represent the face of a young man, with a narrow nose and arrogant, thin lips. The eye slits were framed with a coal pen and tiny silver glitter. From a distance it was almost impossible for anyone to see that this was a mask carved from of a piece of wood. The chisel and the knife had fashioned it so delicately and Nicholas had fallen in love into this piece of work right from the first time he had seen it. As they came home, very tired, they found the fridge freshly filled with delicious things and Anna had cooked a goulash soup which both men pounced upon.

"You see, such a housekeeper is a wonderful thing, don't you think?"

"Yeah, sometimes. Will she be coming tomorrow at 10?"

"No. Day after tomorrow. I don't need her every day. Come, eat faster, I want to feel your body next to mine."

As Marcus let fall a squeaking Nicholas onto the blankets of the bed he felt something hard under them. As Nicholas pulled the blankets up he found Paul's mask and emitted a little cry. "The mask! You bought it?"

"Sure, I saw your eyes. And I had to do something to compete with Kay's gift!"

"Pah, Kay! This here is hundred times more wonderful!"

He marvelled over the soft surface by gliding his fingertips over the wooden cheeks and cleft chin. Marcus lay beside him and watched. "Where will you hang it up?"

"Right there, under your painting. So I can... Shit!"

"What shit?"

"We forgot to take down the painting of you and your housekeeper will have seen all of you!"

Marcus was taken aback for a moment, but then he laughed. "Ah, baby, don't worry about it. She knows me since I was a baby, so it's no problem, I guess. Let it hang."

He took the mask from Nicholas' hands and passed his palm over his bare skin.

"Are you happy now?" he whispered. There was no need for Nicholas to answer, his eyes told all. "I have made inquiries. You can start the Academy in two weeks, if you want."

"I can? There are free places? Or have you used your influence?'

"No, honey. Truly. Although," he paused, "this Frank is still there. I'm not sure but I believe I saw him in the office. Almot white hair, right?"

Nicholas nodded. Well this wasn't exactly good news but then, he didn't care a fuck about Frank now. If he ever met him, he would laugh into his shitty face.

"Alright then?"


He leaned over Marcus and began to kiss his lips, probing his tongue into Marcus' mouth until both panted for air. Marcus felt Nicholas' hardness on his own belly and began to stroke it.

"Marcus?" Nicholas head was buried into Marcus' hair, and very close to his ear. "Have you ever... I mean were you, did you..."

Marcus laughed and pulled his head to him. "What have I ever?"

Nicholas swallowed. "Were you ever the bottom?"

Marcus eyes lit up. "Ah! You want to be the top! What a surprise! I thought you would never ask." He planted a soft kiss on his nose.

"It's long time ago, only with Sebastian. Simon never wanted to be a top."

He gazed into the blue eyes. "And now? Do you want..."

Nicholas shook quickly his head. "Not yet. Not today. Later, ok?"

"Anytime you want."

His wet finger found and penetrated gently Nicholas' hot hole; the young man moaned and wiggled his ass. Again and again he thought about how different now his life was and wondered what this would eventually lead to? To a steady relationship or was he only a part-time lover till the next young pretty man?

He felt himself laid on his back and Marcus' soft lips between his legs, under his balls, wetting the sensitive trail that leads to his hole until his tongue entered and made his skilful dance in- and outside. Nicholas shivered and made funny noises which caused Marcus to giggle. He removed his tongue and replaced it with a finger while he nibbled on Nicholas' very hard shaft.

"But did you enjoy it?" Marcus heard Nicholas' soft voice. He let slip his penis from his mouth and it flapped loudly on his belly. "What did I enjoy? Being a bottom?"

He licked again over the slit and with it the oozing fluid.

"But of course I've enjoyed it. Sebastian is a wonderful lover. I told you already."

Shit, he thought to himself, you shouldn't have said that! Maybe Nick want to find out himself some day. He removed his fingers, sat in positition and pushed a little. His cock glided without any obstacle into and Marcus stretched out on Nicholas' relaxed body. His eyes were half closed and there was a smile on his lips. He remained motionless for a while, until Nicholas opend his eyes again.

"I never had thought..." his voice was hardly audible. Marcus remained silent. He began to move, cautiously, gently. "that it could be so wonderful...."

Marcus smiled and continued his movements. "But you don't know how exciting it is to lay on top of you, sweetheart."

Nicholas purred again like a cat. "You must show me..."

This were the last intelligible word Marcus could understand because the blood was rushing through his ears and delated all other noises except the hissing and panting of his lover's voice. He couldn't remember if loving a man had ever been so pleasant than with Nicholas, but he couldn't find the reason for it. Nicholas' face changed briefly into Sebastians flushed face laying under him or the look of Simon's back arching against him, sweating, swelling and climaxing...

Nicholas lowered his legs until they lay around Marcus' waist and stopped his subsiding cock slipping out of his hole. Marcus fell on top of him and he knew that they would glue together soon but he didn't mind.

Nicholas' eyes were firmly closed as he felt asleep. "I love you", was all Marcus heard before he entered dreamland himself.

The black and white marble tiles shone as if they had been freshly polished as Nicholas was on his way to see Kay. He pulled off his gloves with his teeth, stuffed them into the pockets of his heavy brown leather jacket and went upstairs. As he peered through the shop window he saw Kay serving a smartly dressed man, showing him some interesting coloured ties which perhaps stood some chance of matching his chosen aquamarine shirt. Kay smiled at him as he entered the shop and motioned him to look around by himself. Nicholas strolled through the displayed stands of shoes, had a look at the wallets made of soft pig leather. He could certainly use a new one himself when he thought about his own old, shabby one. But one look at the price tag and he let the wallet drop. Marcus had given him one of his credit cards but he hesitated to use this on such an expensive item. In the corner was a stand with key pendants for cars which he found pretty when he heard Kay said goodbye to the customer. He crossed the shop and stopped beside him. "Hey sweetie, I'm very pleased to see you again. I guess you're OK now. Got over the shock?" "Yes, thank you. The doc said there weren't any injuries, just had to stay overnight in the hospital but in the morning I went home." He pulled out a folder from the inside of his jacket and lent it to Kay. "Here's the photo of Simon. I took this from a painting, but I think it's a good likeness of the real Simon." Kay opened the cover and stared at the picture. "Nice lad, indeed", Nicholas thought that there was almost a look of affection on Kay's face as he looked at the photo. "The real Simon," he muttered under his breath. "Huh?" Kay looked up. "I guess this will do. I'll stick it up over the bar in the "Moonbreaker", so everybody will see it. Is that ok?" Nicholas nodded. "I only hope we will have success. I must find him." Kay gave him an intensive stare. "Why are you so anxious to know where he is? Does he owe you money? Or what?" "Nonsense. It isn't money. He might be in difficulties though, and we want to see if he needs help, that's all." He looked around. "Doesn't look as if you're very busy. The shop doing ok?" "Well," Kay uncover the gap in his teeth while he was grinning. "You know, people come and go, have a brief look and run away again when they see the prices. We're about to start the winter clearence sale to made some reductions, so that maybe the tills will fill." "Hm, what's with these wallets? Will they be on offer too?" Kay shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know yet. Come next week and you'll see, or perhaps you'll visit the "Moonbreaker" again. With your friends, probably? Or with Marcus?" "Ha, Marcus!" Nicholas laughed. "You think I could get Marcus into this club? His ears would fall off! That's definitively not his sort of place!" Kay laughed with him and then asked, "Are you wearing my little present today? Or only for special lovers?" He tilted his head and gave him a very inviting look. "Only for very special lovers," Nicholas whispered grinning. "Oh well, that's too bad, sweetie," Kay sighed playfully. "Maybe another time, or isn't there any chance?" Nicholas gave him a mysterious glance. "You never know .... sweetie." He turned and left the shop. Back home he heard the buzzing sound of a vacuum cleaner from upstairs and sighed. Anna was there and very busy cleaning the house. He hadn't met her so far, so he pulled himself together and walked upstairs. He stopped at the doorway of the bedroom and watched the elderly woman bending over her hoover, in her effort to leave no spot behind. Only when she turned around did she notice the young man standing a little irresolutely at the door. She switched off the machine and looked somewhat confused. Then her face lit up. "You must be Nicholas, am I right?" Nicholas nodded and watched her grey-blonde hair which she had knotted into a bun at the back of her neck. She wore an apron which covered most of her stout figure, but her face was smooth and almost without any wrinkles. Big glasses hid her face but behind them lurked very vigilant eyes of an undefined colour. Her small lips were a tiny slit in her face but she seemed to smile. She came to him with outstretched hand and said, "I'm Mrs. Weyler, Anna Weyler. Marcus has already told me about you and that you are living here now." Her eyes switched briefly Nicholas' painting of Marcus on the wall. "I see you are an artist too, my boy." She grinned at him and this made her suddenly look much younger. Nicholas had to grin with her and he felt cheerful all of a sudden. He liked the woman. "Come, I have finished here, lets go to the kitchen and see if we have something for you to eat." Nicholas felt himself grabbed by the upperarm and dragged downstairs. "What a nasty weather we're having?" Anna Weyler aid conversationally as she rummaged in the pantry, searching for some special thing. Then she opened another cupboard. "Oh yes, here it is." She held a tin under Nicholas' nose. "Have you ever tried tinned tomatoes? I haven't. Such new fashioned stuff. Comes from Italy. Who bought this? You?" Nicholas didn't know what was happening to him. His head was spinning because of the speed Anna Weyler shot up her questions and answers. "Yes, I bought it. I like them and Marcus too ... I guess." "Well, I always thought he liked my plain cooking. You know, heavy sauces and lots of meat. He needs feeding, he always was a thin boy." Nicholas tried to restrain a snort of amusement "A thin boy?" he said. "Was he?" Anna nodded vehemently. "But of course. I always had to pamper him with desserts und jelly and puddings. He has a sweet tooth, I'm sure you know this?" "Actually, I didn't." "Doesn't matter. Now you know." She stared into his face and then looked him up and down. "Take off your jacket, boy, it's warm in here. And from what I can see, you're also on the thin side. I'll have to pamper you too." She smiled her thin-lipped smile and opened the fridge. "Look here. Meat-rolls in sweet cream. I planned to have some potatoes and green beans, what do you think of that?" "Well," "It's ok." She nodded. "Now take off your coat as I said. I'll look after everything." She waved Nicholas away and out of the kitchen. In the hall he stood for a moment and tried to sort his thoughts. Meat-rolls! He wasn't especially fond of meat and he certainly wasn't on the thin side! Nor Marcus! "When will Marcus be home? Do you know? Where is he actually?" he heard Anna shouting from the kitchen. "No," he shouted back. "I mean I don't know when he will come back. He's at the exhibition room. But I can phone him." "Yes, please. Then I will know when to put the potatoes on." Nicholas sighed and went up into the bedroom. It smelled clean and a fresh wind blew the curtains from the opened windows. It was too clean for Nicholas' taste. He stepped into the wardrobe and hung his jacket to the others. Then he grabbed the telephone and dialled Marcus. "You can help me later, darling." Nicholas looked at Marcus obediently chewing his green beans. Anna had left them alone finally and Nicholas was thankful. He liked the woman but she was a little bit of a pain. "Friday's my exhibition. Till then Paul's things have to be removed and taken back to his house. He'll come tomorrow with a trailer. Well, there aren't many things left, thankfully." "So he made a lot of money?" "Yes," Marcus nodded. "And me too." "You too? How?" "Ten percent goes to me, you know." "Indeed?" "Well, ten percent is a friendship rate! I have to pay the rent for the exhibition rooms after all." "Poor boy!" Nicholas grinned. "Sure I'll help you later. Will you show me the paintings you have selected?" "Of course I will." He looked at Nicholas. "So you've made friends with Anna? Do you like her?" "Well, yes. But I have to get used to her cooking. She said you and me are on the thin side!" Marcus laughed. "She said that? Oh my dear! What shall I do? Dismiss her so that you can be the cook? How does her apron and duster suit you?" Nicholas frowned. "No, it's ok. For now, that is." Marcus reached out to grab Nicholas chin. "It will be all right, darling. Soon you'll be attending school again and be out of the house. Do you want a sweet? She makes a fantastic vanilla pudding." "Ah! Pudding! I'm fond of sweets too!" "Are you? That's new to me." Nicholas grinned mischievous. "Ever had pudding on your cock?" "Huh?" "Pudding there." He laid his palm on Marcus groin. Marcus dropped his cutlery onto the plate. "No. But you can show me later." As Nicholas had supposed, all the paintings were either of the so-called naive art style or very modern, the sort that made him ask himself if the painting was hung upside down in his view. He wasn't able to recognize the wind blowing over a harvest field of grain or two lovers in an abstract embrace. To him it was rubbish and only the bright and garish colours were interesting. He looked at another little painting standing on an easel which looked as if it had been painted by a child, as he supposed, although he was sure it wasn't. But the old country house with the apple tree lurking behind it and the huge flowers blooming on the meadow were in the complete wrong perspective and he asked himself why the Italian painters of the Renaissance had made so much effort to find out how to portray true perspective while the modern painters cared nothing about it at all. He didn't like looking at it and left a void in his head. It wasn't that he dismissed the talent of this painter, he could certainly paint wonderfully, but Nicholas didn't understand the reason why he painted as he did. Even less did he understand why somebody should spend so much money for such a painting. The third one covered a quarter of the white wall and showed a scribble- scrawl of scarlet lines and sap-green spots, mixed with Delft-blue splashes which gave the impression that the painter had shaken his paintbrush onto the canvas. It seemed an expensive wast of the colours. Nicholas asked himself how his own more traditional paintings would fit into this collections. He went to the other side of the hall and removed the wrapping paper from his framed glazed paintings. But some of them were uncovered and would be set upon easels too. The landscapes for instance. Over the last few days he had drawn some portraits and one of them was of Kay with his gap-toothed grin. He had made it in several implementations like drawing, in oil paint and in water colour and every one conveyed a different impression. Nicholas had feared in the first place that Marcus would be suspicious and maybe a little bit jelous if he finds out whom he was painting, but surprisingly Marcus said nothing. Had had given him only an odd look and said, 'good job'. Nicholas didn't quite like this, but then, would he had liked it more to have a jelousy little quarrel with his lover? He was a painter after all and every artist must be allowed to paint things that interest him. Kay had promised to come to the opening tomorrow evening and Nicholas was anxious to find out what he would think. Johannes entered the hall with some heavy bronze figures of naked old men and women. They were unpolished and looked as if they would come straight out of the casting oven. Katja, a young woman with straight dark hair which she wore bound to a ponytail, followed him with the repaired bust of Trajan. "Anybody in need for some coffee?" a deep voice sounded from the door. Nicholas spun around to found Sebastian entering the room, loaded with bags and a coffee percolator. Everybody seemed to approve of the idea and Sebastian was soon busy filling the machine with water and pulled out the coffee bags. "Hi angel, how are you?" he winked to Nicholas. "Big day tomorrow, eh? Your first exhibition." "It isn't MY exhibition. Look around." "Yes, you are one amongst others. But yours are the best, I can see this. Do you want some coffee too?" Nicholas nodded. "But not made like that." "So? I haven't put in any poison." Nicholas laughed. "No, of course not. Have you ever tried Turkish coffee?" "No, what's that?" "Look." He filled his mug with two spoonfuls of coffee and poured on the already boiling water from the heating plate. "That's Turkish." "Ah, you are keen on coffee grouts between your teeth, right?" "Right." "Let me have a taste." "Don't burn your tongue, and first blow on the coffee." Sebastian did what he was told and the grouts settled. "Hm, not bad, Nicki. Only thing missing is some milk. Have you any other good ideas?" "For instance?" Sebastian shook his head and changed the subject. "Are you going with Marcus to New York?" "New York?" Nicholas looked confused. "Didn't he tell you? Carlisle has a very interesting offer. A screen made by Henry Holiday, the design by Edward Burne-Jones, about 1870." Nicholas whistled through his teeth. "Burne-Jones! How did he get to hear about this?" "Professional secret." Nicholas nodded. "I remember of course; he mentioned New York. But I don't fancy flying, you know." "Why? Get air sick?" "Terrible. For several years I flew with my uncle to visit the family in Bavaria. I was puking all the time." "Poor thing. Hm, Marcus will be not amused to hear this." Suddenly a spark seemed to light up his eyes. "So you will stay here alone? Well, it will be only for a few days I guess. And I'm off to Rome next week anyway. Only wanted to stay for the exhibition." Nicholas had an odd feeling. He tried to size the older man from out of the corner of his eye and ask abruptly, "Where do you live?" "Where am I living?" Sebastian seemed to be a bit taken aback. "I've got a flat in the suburbs. Why do you ask?" "Alone?" Sebastian gazed into the young lad's innocent eyes. "Alone", he said. "I only want to say that now I have two invitations from you. One for Rome and one to visit your flat." "Ah!" Sebastian was certainly amused. "And for which order are you going to decide?" "Neither of course. I only wanted to see if you would cheat on your best friend." "Nicki, don't be a fool. Do you believe every word I say?" "Actually, yes!" "Well, that's your problem." He put down his empty mug and in the same smooth move he grabbed hold of Nicholas' chin and said, "I can assure you there are lots of pretty boys waiting for me in Rome. What do I need with another one?" "Braggart." Sebastian burst out in laughter. "Right. Incorrigible, like my best friend always says." Abruptly he stopped laughing and lowered his voice. "I like you, honey. But that doesn't mean I want to share my bed with you." In a complete different voice he continued, "Has Marcus heard from Alex again?" Nicholas remained silent. Only as Sebastian poked him in the rips he answered, "Yes, he called last week, but Marcus was cross." Nicholas tried to hide his flushed face. He was not able to made head or tail of this man. He had bet his ass that Sebastian wanted to try to drag him into his bed. And now? Was he only playing a game? And why did the rejection hurt? "You know the story?" Sebastian's voice broke through his thoughts. "Bad thing. He was one of our best buyer, good nose for antiques. It's a mystery to me how this mistake could happen to him. Come", he said cheerfully, "show me your paintings, Nicki. No, let me guess which ones they are." They crossed the room and Sebastian's eyes glanced over the display. "You know the landscapes already but I've painted some others," said Nicholas. "Look." He stopped in front of one of Kay's portraits. "Who's this? Bleached hair? Don't like this." He threw a swift glance at the young man. "I mean the hair of course. If he lookes anything like your painting... hm." He tilted his head. "It's well done, Nicki. Who is it?" "Kay, a sales clerk from Cerruti's shop." "A sales clerk?' Sebastian raised one of his dark eyebrows, which gave him a more sinister look. "Cerruti? Newly opened? Where?" "Lafayette." "Ah, I'm not kept informed anymore, I'm afraid." He stepped closer to the painting as if he were myopic. "Good shop?" Nicholas shrugged his shoulders. Sebastian turned round in search for an answer. "What's the matter with you? Why are you so monosyllabic all at once? Have I said something wrong?" Nicholas didn't answer and tried to avoid his gaze. "Where's Marcus actually?" Sebastian asked. "Don't know. Somewhere." Sebastian cautiously touched the surface of the painting and inspected his fingertips. "Not really dry yet. Painted yesterday?" "Mm." Sebastian shook his head and grabbed Nicholas by the shoulders. "You need a glass of wine or something. Relax, honey. Nobody's going to do you any harm." He smiled at him encouragingly. "I do like you. You are very sexy when you're blushing," he whispered. "Nobody seemes to do it anymore in these wild days, but I definitively like it. Come, be happy again, will you? Tomorrow you will be the star of the exhibition, and all the other," he stretched out his arm to embrace the whole room, "will be green with envy." Nicholas smiled a half smile and sighed. "Have you met Anna already?", Sebastian asked. "The housekeeper, yes. She stuffs us with meat and tarts and puddings." "Ah! Good old Anna's plain cooking! Still the same." He laughed. "And apart from that?" "Well, it's all right I guess. Doesn't she mind that Marcus is gay?" Sebastian looked suddenly serious. "She used to mind, Nicki. Very much." He searched the room for a more private place. Katja and Johannes were busy putting up the bronze sculptures and searching for the right angle. But in the corner near the door were a couple of empty stools. He dragged Nicholas over with him. "As long as I can remember Anna was at the Weidenbruch house. A very conservative household, you understand, Nicki. I learnt this when I visited it the first time while on summer holidays and Marcus and I came home from Switzerland. We were fifteen and very much in love with each other. One morning she found us together in Marcus' bed although I was suppose to be sleeping in another room. In an embrace, you know what I mean." Sebastian spoke fast as if he feared he might be interrupted by Nicholas. "All hell broke loose. His parents threw me out of the house and forbade me to ever enter it again." "She told his parents?" "Of course. Headline news. They wanted to split us; Marcus whould never return to the boarding-school which I attended - the causer of all his failures and aberrations." His laugh was harsh and unhappy. "But Marcus is an obstinate person, everything his parents told him bounced off, and we met again in Geneva." He paused for a moment. "I don't know what Anna caused to change her mind, maybe she considered Marcus as the son she never had. Anyway, she was determined to live in his house when his parents decided to spend their life at the Canary Islands." He looked at Nicholas. "I only want to warn you, she can be a jelous woman. Everybody who seems to threaten the well-being of her beloved Marcus will feel her disapproval, me encluded. She hated me right from the beginning but she hid it well. But then there was Simon. You have no idea who Simon was ... a spoiled young lad, playful, full of life and somtimes a little irritating. Actually," he grinned, "he suited me better than Marcus, but I wasn't his type of man I guess. Simon and Anna fought every day their war of nerves, maybe it was this that drove Marcus away, to spend so much time abroad. Simon could really be a pain in the ass, but he was ..." he searched for the right word.... "hot. You know what I mean? Nobody could resist him. He was a candle that burned at both ends. And now he has burnt his fingers." His head droped. "More than that." Nicholas cautiously touched Sebastian's shoulder. "You loved him?" Sebastian flinched and looked from aside. "Loved?" He snorted. "What's that?" Nicholas pulled back his fingers quickly. "Be careful, Nicki. Don't let Anna come between you and Marcus. You will attent school again I have heard?" He nodded. "That's good. Marcus isn't that strong, staunch and unshakeable as he seems to be. It's only a facade." Nicholas looked bewildered. "No, I think you're wrong. He is strong and, and .... he loves me." Sebastian gave him a sad, little smile. "Of course he does, honey", he said with a low almost harsh voice. Nicholas cleared his throat. "But what came between you and Marcus? You said you were so in love..." "Time, honey. People change... We couldn't live together and couldn't live without the other. It was ... terrible sometimes. I guess I wasn't born to be faithful to only one man." Suddenly he looked up and his face had lost all its seriousness. His eyes began to sparkle again. "Why are we talking about anyway? Look, there's Marcus at last." He sounded as if he was almost relieved. "He wasn't upset about your spending so much time thinking of your young bleached-blond friend?" He pushed some sandy strands of hair out of his eyes. "Funny, if I'd done it he would have really flipped!" He lifted his hands in a pitiful manner. "But I can't draw for toffee!"

Razor sharp, pink lips opened to a soundless cry of indignation and the stocky figure lifted her cooking-spoon from which dripped a creamy white liquid onto the tiled kitchen floor.

Nicholas tried to escape but his feet seemed to be glued so all he could do was to keep his hands protectingly in front of his face and to submit to the sweet torture.

He lifted his head and the white cream dropped into is open mouth. Now the small lips were contorted to a wicked grin and a satisfied grunt came from deep of her throat. "You like this, do you, my little boy?" The voice dripped scorn. "Say you like this or I will tell your parents what you are doing in Marcus' bed when you are alone with him...."

Her face changed into a menacing visage.... blurred and merged with white hair and piercing eyes. From his throat came an amused chuckling "You like this, don't you?" as he rammed his tool deep and without mercy into his anus...

Nicholas began to yell. His arms reached out for something he could cling to .... A pair of strong arms embraced him and pulled him to a chest which was warm and smooth and pulsating with life ... like a heartbeat...

"Stop it baby", he heard a soothing, deep voice close to his ear, "Stop it, it's all right...."

Nicholas tried to open his eyes, but wasn't able to lift his eyelids.

"It's all right, darling. It was only a dream..." Nicholas opened his eyes wide and the voice was still there. A pair of hands stroked his damp hair and he felt being rocked in loving arms.

"What were you dreaming abut? You were shouting and crying."

Nicholas gently broke free and stared confused into Marcus concerned eyes. He remembered a fat woman with a red apron, swinging a wooden spoon... and suddenly he had to laugh. He rubbed his eyes and cuddled himself into Marcus' arms. "I dreamt of Anna with a big spoon. She threatened me if I wouldn't eat from her delicious cream..." He giggled.

"What?" Marcus had to laugh too. "I didn't knew that she had made such a deep impression to you! Come on, sleep now. Tomorrow will be a long, hard day."

Nicholas' chuckling stopped abruptly; there was something else ... almost white hair ... Frank! Nicholas twitched uncomfortably. Pah! Who was this Frank? Get out of my mind, he muttered.

It wasn't long time before he was asleep again.

Marcus sighed. He would have to speak some serious words with Anna, he thought, these dreams are not normal.

"Mum!" Nicholas beamed as he saw his mother enter the exhibition hall. She looked uncertainly around as if she feared the ceiling would fall on her head the next moment. He went to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Where's dad?" "At home. He doesn't wanted to miss the football game on TV." "Oh." Nicholas was dissapointed. But then, had he really expected that his father would come to an Art Exibition? He doubted that he had ever really looked at a good painting nor in fact at any other thing which was not football or ice hockey. Well, after all, his mother was here and he was anxious to hear what she would say. "Come, take off your coat. Matthias is already here, and in an hour we open." He took the coat and hung it with the others. His mother looked around and briefly touched the marble hair of emperor Trajan. But instantly she pulled back her fingers as if she remembered that it was forbidden to touch exhibits. Nicholas laughed. "You can touch it, mum! It's ok to touch the things you like, unless your fingers are sticky with marmalade, or something." His mother laughed quietly. "Were are your paintings, darling? Show me please." He led his mother to the little watercolours he had painted and looked for Matthias to find him in a talk with Katja, the young graduate from the Art academy. "Where's Tina?" Nicholas asked. "At home, not feeling too well, caught a cold apparently." "Oh, sorry about that. My mother's arrived. I didn't think that she would come." Matthias smiled. "Great. And your father?" Nicholas shook his head. "Doesn't matter." He stepped away a bit and dragged his friend with him. "Did Marcus know that she wanted to come?" Matthias asked. "Yes. And he also knows that she is unaware that he and me..." "I understand. Will Marcus play the game?" "I certainly hope so." He looked suddenly very concerned and grimaced. "When I think it over, it was a stupid idea to invite her. She's bound to find out, there are too many people who know that we both are a pair." Matthias sighed. "Man! It's your life. How old are you? Do you think your mother will hate you if she finds out?" Nicholas didn't answer. "Come on, she will be pleased to see me again", Matthias said grinning and went over to met Nick's mother. The hall was slowly filling with people some of whom Nicholas knew and some he had never met nor seen before. He was busy explaining to an over-dressed woman in grass green, tight pants and high heels, the content of oil paints when a flash light went off over the other side of the room. A collectiv "Aahh!" escaped the throats and the Senator for Art and Culture entered, accompany with several journalists who took photos. Marcus went over to the almost spherical, little man with a half bald head, and greeted him. He gave him a glass of sparkling wine and welcomed him. Nicholas was thunderstruck. He hadn't any clue that the exhibition would be covered by the press. His eyes searched for Marcus' and he showed his teeth in a broad grin. "Mum," Nicholas said, "I guess I have to go to the loo. Be back in a minute." His mother, also overawed by the events, smiled weakly and tried to vanished into the darkest corner of the room. She felt most uncomfortably in these surroundings and wished she had stayed at home in front of the TV, sew some bottoms on her husbands' working trousers. Nicholas bumped straight into Sebastian as he went around the corner. "Stay here!" Sebastian said. "I know what you are planning! The Senator will be gone in a few minutes. There's no need to be afraid." He put his arm around him. "Come with me. I want to meet your mother." Nicholas protested but he cut off his words. "Could you shake off this terrible green lady? She keeps asking me for the price of one of your paintings." "Really?" Nicholas was amazed. "And what did you say?" "That the price is under the painting. But she had forgotten her glasses, so I said the price would be 1500 Marks, and she took out her cheque book and wrote one immediately." Nicholas stood petrified. "1500 Marks? Are you crazy?" Sebastian laughed loudly. "Hey, calm down. If one is able to pay so much money for a painting she must have enough and to spare! It makes no difference to her if she spends it on a new mink coat or on of your paintings, Nicki. Maybe she's mad about bleached young men!" He took the sleeve of Nicholas' jacket and pulled him along. "Now where's your mother?" Senator Fischer stood patiently with the glass in his hand beside the bronze sculpture of an old woman and listened to Marcus' explanations. "Ah!" Marcus exclaimed. "Here's the star of our exhibition!" He pointed to Nicholas and beckoned him to join them. Nicholas resisted, but Sebastian had his grip firmly on his upper arm. Senator Fischer showed a polite smile and asked for his name. Nicholas didn't know what was happening to him as he felt passed around, posing blushing in front of his paintings with the journalist taking photos of him alone and together with Marcus. In a rush all was over and the Senator with the photographer were gone. "God!" escaped from Nicholas' throat as he turned to look for his mother, who stood, well hidden behind an easel and watched the scene. "Now, where's your mother?" he heard Sebastian's voice. "We were interrupted." He went straight to the woman and stretched out his hand. "I'm Sebastian von Scheffel. It is a real pleasure for me to finally meet the mother of our Nicholas. How are you enjoying the evening?" He waited for an answer but his mother stood in silence and looked very confused. Sebastian saw her blond hair, just the same colour as her son had and asked himself if she had the same smile that would change her harassed, but still attractive face to the beauty she once certainly was. He smiled. "You are not used to such a commotion, aren't you?" His touch was featherlight on her shoulder. "Shall I find you a quiet place to sit down and bring you something to eat? It must be very exhausting for you." Nicholas' mother nodded her thanks. He led her to a comfortable upholstered bench in a niche. "From here you have a fine view of the hall. I'll be back soon." He crossed the room to find Marcus and whispered in his ear. "You should care for Nicki's mother. She doesn't feel well. I'll bring her something to eat." "Heavens! Yes. I completely forgot. Let me bring her something to eat. Go and look after the customers." Nicholas looked at his watch. It was a quarter to ten and he felt tired. Tired and impatient for the evening to end soon. "Great ball, sweetie, I'm impressed", he heard a voice beside his shoulder and looked into Kay's dark eyes. He was dressed in a thigh-length, white jacket with black patches upon it which gave the impression that he was wearing the skin of a cow. "What do you look like, man! Is this all the fashion?" Nicholas laughed. "But of course it is! You should come more often to Cerruti's." He looked Nicholas up and down. "Wow! You're not looking bad yourself. I watched your performance with Senator Fischer from outside. I guess your picture will be in all the newspapers tomorrow, eh?" "Don't remind me! What a drag." "Rubbish! Soon you'll be a local hero. Anything sold already?" "Mm. One of my paintings of you." "Huh?" Nicholas didn't answer but dragged him to the easels. A perplexed Kay stared into his own face. "But that's impossible! How could you do this without a model!" "It isn't bad, is it?" "You can say that again, sweetie. But there's another one!" he exclaimed. "And yet another one!" Matthias had arrived and winked at his friend. "Hi, I'm Matthias." Kay turned and began to smile. His eyes were sparkling. "Kay." "I know", Matthias grinned broadly, "your name is under the painting. What do you think of it?" "Well, I'm flabbergasted." "I bet you are!" Marcus sat beside Vera Zellner, Nicholas' mother, and gave her a plate with some slices of toast, poultry salad and cold roast beef. "Would you like to have a drink? Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Marcus Weidenbruch and the host of the exhibition. I suppose your son has mentioned me." Vera nodded, took the plate with a word of thanks, and put it down on her knees. She wore a dark skirt of a inferior quality and an old fashion pattern, Marcus noticed. Quietly he spoke, "I know you are not feeling all that comfortable but I'm most pleased that you were able to come. Your son has a wonderful talent, I hope you are aware of this." "Well," she cleared her throat. "I don't know very much about these things, you know... but I guess.' She stopped and said "I believe you when you say so. You are the expert." She tried a smile which gave Marcus an almost physical blow in the stomach. It was Nicholas' smile. Who was responsible that this woman's life had been wasted in one of poverty, he thought. If she would had only found the right man she would today be the queen of the night... Marcus remembered the talk he had with her son the evening before. He had promised not to reveal the relationship he and Nick had but Marcus couldn't really quite understand the reason. The father, of course. Nicholas was afraid of his father, but the relationship was certainly something which had to be discussed and if Mr Zellner was such a stupid idiot not to accept that other people had their own lives to lead then Nick had certainly lost nothing at his father's house. But here was his mother and she would grieve if father and son should ever break up... "Nicholas told you that he's going back to College again?" "No! He hasn't. You mean the Art academy course he broke off?" Marcus nodded. "But why?" she continued, "I mean, we don't even know the reason why he broke off so suddenly." She looked into Marcus eyes and relaxed slowly. "Do you think I could have something to drink?" she ask timidly. "Of course. Wait a moment." A stout woman approaches Vera. "You must be surely be the mother of our Nicholas, am I right?" Vera looked up from her slice of toast which she was just about to bite into. Anna Weyler lifted her wide swinging skirt and sat beside her. "May I" she ask unnecessarily. "I'm Marcus' housekeeper and his oldest female friend if I dare to say so." She smiled her thin-lipped smile again and eyed the other woman curiously. "Now I know where Nicholas gets his good looks from." Vera tried to swallow the bite but began to cough. Anna clapped her on her back. "You are certainly proud of your son, aren't you? He's such a friendly lad and so very talented - as Marcus always says. You know, I don't know anything about Art, although I always worked in an artistic house. I saw the nude painting Nicholas made of Marcus, and I can tell it is done very nicely." She smiled. "But you know this all of course." Vera looked confused. "Are you enjoying the evening?", Anna continued, "I find it so exciting, you know all these people.... did you see the senator? Of course you did. Nick will be headline news in tomorrow's paper!" She clapped her hands together like a little girl in front of the Christmas tree, bent over and whispered familiar, "You don't have to worry that I won't look after him enough, Mrs ... what's your name?" "Vera Zellner", said Nicholas' mother in a toneless voice. "Yes, I'm sorry. But I have a feeling he's not very fond of my cooking, although I'm always try my best. You certainly know that he and Marcus are living together?" She lifted her head and looked critically at Vera, taking in her unfashionable dress. "Well, actually I didn't." Vera didn't like this woman and had enough of her babbling. What a mixture of awfully people! she thought, except this Marcus and the other tall man with the sandy hair. She couldn't remember his name, something noble... She gave a quick glance in Anna's direction and drew herself up. So her son was now living with Marcus Weidenbruch... but why he hadn't mentioned it? There was surely nothing wrong in living at his teacher's house... "You know, Mrs Zellner, the lad who lived before in Marcus' house was a bit ... difficult to handle, rebellious and arrogant, and I'm glad Nick is so loveable, and Marcus seems to be very much in love with him." Vera swallowed the salad the wrong way. She choked but at last managed to say, "What do you mean?" She got an odd look from the sharp eyes behind the big glasses. "Didn't you know?" The expression on her face changed. "Oh, Mrs ... how very embarrassing... I didn't know... well, I have to go now, I guess, it's getting late, and I... good bye now, it was a pleasure meeting you." Anna Weyler rose and rushed away. A wicked grin appeared on her face. "Certainly you knew..." Vera muttered barely audible. "Leaving us so soon, Anna?" Marcus asked as she passed his way. "Till tomorrow, my dear. The exibition is a big success, I guess." Marcus nodded good bye and took the glass of wine to Nicholas' mother. He found her looking distinctly upset. "Are you all right? I know it's getting hot in here, maybe I should have brought you some cool water instead?" Vera shook her head and gave him a puzzled look. "I must go now. I'm sorry, Mr. Weidenbruch, but I'm not feeling too well. Where is my son?" Marcus sat the glass down. "Of course, I'm sorry. I will call you a taxi." "Do you want me to sit for you as a nude model, eh?" Kay gazed deep into Nicholas' eyes. "You'd would really do this, wouldn't you?" Nicholas laughed and sized the young man up and down. "Why not? I'll think it over." His voice became more serious. "Had anybody reacted to Simon's picture?" Kay shake his head. "No. I would had called you instantly if they had. Nobody knows him. Yet", he added. "Have a little patience." He tilted his head. "Do you know which one had bought my painting?" "Yes, the woman with the green, tight trousers over there." Kay watched the older woman with the red cheeks and heard her laugh, distastefully shrill. "Hm. I guess I'll be hanging in her bedroom, eh? If she was be a man I'd say she would jerk off in front of me, but..." Nicholas laughed. "Why do you think, women doesn't 'jerk off'?" "Nicholas," he heard a soft voice and turned. "I'm going now", his mother said. "Mr Weidenbruch had ordered me a taxi." She kissed him on the cheek. "I'm sorry, mum. We couldn't speak together much. But you see..." He looked around. "It is all right, son. Will you come and visit to us sometime?" "But of course I will, next week, ok?" Marcus appeared on her side. "The taxi is waiting." Nicholas' mother gave her son a long glance. "I want to talk to you, Nick. I guess, it would be better if we met somewhere else rather than at home, do you mind?" "No. But..." His mother was already gone. "The similarity is amazing!" Sebastian said, staring alternately at the painting and into Kay's face. "Well," Kay awkwardly ran his fingers through his short, blond hair. "Nicholas said you are a sales clerk at Cerruti's? I'd be interested in comparing both shops, here and in Rome." He stretched out his hand. "I'm Sebastian." Matthias took a deep breath. This was Sebastian; Nick had described him as an outstanding man, in every aspect. He watched how Kay shook his hand firmly and he could feel there was a tension between both men. Kay was obviously a bit embarrassed, pinching his nose between thump and middle finger. There was something going on, Matthias could sense it, and not just because he suddenly felt himself superfluous. Sebastian was struck by Kay's appearance... With his long black and white jacket and the leather jeans he sensed a somewhat flamboyant personality which matched his own. He wondered how old this lad was actually? Sebastian knew Kay was making small talk but he didn't hear a single word. Kay pinched his nose again and grinned, a somewhat familiar gesture... "How old are you?" Sebastian asked bluntly, "Have you ever sat as nude model?" Kay shook his head. "I've offered to sit for Nick and he said he'd think it over." With his head he nodded to Nicholas who was occupied in conversation wrapped with Matthias. "Are you a painter too?" he asked. "No. Unfortunately I haven't a clue how to paint." Kay tilted his head. "Would you like to come and visit the shop? Tomorrow?" Sebastian felt attracted by him. Very much. "I'll see, perhaps tomorrow or the day after."

It was ten minutes after midnight when Marcus and Sebastian locked the door and sighed deeply in unison.

Sebastian stepped to the little bar and poured himself a glass of Whisky. "Nicki, honey, want something to drink, too?"

Nicholas was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His head was spinning.

"Huh? Yes, please."


"No. Don't you have a beer?"


"Ok," said Marcus, "let's bring all the sold paintings into the workshop first before we go home. Ok?"

Sebastian sighed. "Do we have to? I'm worn out."

"You are worn out? From what? Making small talk?"

Sebastian gave him a playful slap in the stomach. "How many we have sold?"

"Mostly all of Nicks's. Except one."

"Which one?" asked Nicholas.

"The landscape of the lake shore. I like it too much and I want to keep it", Marcus said.

"It means YOU have bought it, right? You owe me 1500 Marks!"


Sebastian grinned but said nothing. Marcus waved him off. "We can discuss this later. Let's go."

They took the sold paintings to Marcus' workshop next door and left everything as is was. The catering firm would come tomorrow and clear up.

"Shit! We forgot your landscape", Marcus said as they drove home in his car.

"Doesn't matter. We'll get it tomorrow." Nicholas snuggled close to Marcus' shoulder and closed is eyes. Marcus put his arm around him and watched the deserted streets. As they arrived home, Nicholas was sound asleep, so Marcus lifted him cautiously, carried him inside and closed the door with his foot.

Marcus had the feeling he has slept only a few minutes, when he was woken by the shrill sound of the phone. Sleepily he groped for it.


Suddenly he sat upright in the bed. "What did you say?"

Nicholas stirred and murmured, "What is it?"

Marcus slammed down the receiver and shouted, "The Exhibition Hall's" burning!"

He jumped out of the bed, forgot his underpants, pulled on his trousers and searched for a pullover. Nicholas rubbed his eyes. "What did you say? It's burning? Where?"

"Stay here, baby. I have to go."

"No! Where is it burning?"

Marcus sighed. "The Exhibition! If you want to come with me, then hurry up!" He slipped into his shoes and ran downstairs.

Marcus smelled the smoke as he and Nicholas jumped out of the car. The front door of the room was undamaged and open. Marcus entered and saw a shadowy figure sitting on the floor. He stepped nearer.

"Sebastian! What are you doing here?"

He turned as he heard noises from the little room behind the big hall. A police officer appeared in the door. "Good evening, I suppose you are Mr Weidenbruch? I called you."

Marcus nodded. "What happened?" The officer motioned around. The white walls were grey and burnt and on the floor were gathered light grey flakes of wet ashes. The paintings on the easels were smoky and destroyed; the marble bust of Trajan lay shattered on the floor, and somebody had tried to smash the bronze sculptures. Marcus' gaze turned to a painting in the corner. It was Nicholas' landscape, crumbed now to nothing. Marcus turned to Nicholas standing behind him and searched for his hand.

"I forget the jacket with my keys in it, so I had to return", Sebastian said quietly. His face was dirty with black strands and his torn, scorched jacket was laid across his knees.

"As I entered I saw the flames coming apparently from the little room. I tried, but what could I do with only one bucket and I couldn't find the fire extinguisher!"

"I suppose the fire started in that room." The officer pointed behind him. "Our specialists will be here in a few minutes."

"Ok." Marcus said depressed and watched Nicholas standing at the easel and gently touching his destroyed painting. There was hardly anything he was able to recognize and a sad little moan escaped his throat. It was destroyed now like the chalk paintings he used to paint on the pavement...

To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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