The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on May 30, 2001


Author's note: This is the final chapter. I'd like to thank everybody for their encouraging and thoughful letters. I will cherish each one of them. Once more I send out a big thanks to my editor and friend Andrew Alexander. Now the adventure is over, I'll start to think about another one. As always, comments are highly welcomed. Please have a look at my website and follow the link to my friend's stories Michael Gouda.


Chapter 13 ended with Sebastian, Kay, Ben and Simon discussing what what may be written on the parchment scroll found in the Pacher altar.

"What do you think will be written on it?" Kay asked. Sebastian shrugged. "Perhaps a report about the knife."

"Nothing more exciting?"

"Like what? Jesus having a boyfriend?" Sebastian smirked.



Ben had never seen a landscape so soft and calming. They had passed the ice covered Alps, followed the highway, which stretched along the slopes of the mountains, leaving Austria behind, entering Italy. The valley of the Isarco was gloomy, a tight passage, protected by fortresses and old Bishop towns. But then the valley opened and Ben gasped.

Sun flooded apple plantations as far as he could see. In early spring it must look like a field of snowy fluffs.

Simon beside him, next to the driver's seat, leaned in and touched his ear with his lips. "I had the same feeling when I saw it the first time. It's beautiful, isn't it."

Ben just nodded. He struggled to keep his car under control, to follow Sebastian's indigo blue Audi and not miss a single part of this scenery.

Street signs told him "Alto Adige/Hochetsch," leading the way to Bozen, exit Meran and on further to Milano, Bergamo and the lake of Garda.

Ben felt free. Like a dream of Italy... of sun, Grappa, Ramazzotti and Amore. Simon was watching him and the bliss on his face. Gently he touched Ben's hair, which was threatening to slip out of the hair clip. He said nothing, he just watched, alternating between Ben's facial expression and the landscape from the cars window beside Ben's head. He hadn't known that he would ever be able to feel again what he just felt. He wished he had his journal handy to give his feelings an adequate expression, for they should never be forgotten. Although he still had to think frequently about the attack in Prague, he had been able to push his fears aside. He wasn't alone, neither Eduard nor his nephew seemed to follow him. And if they did, he felt safe with Ben at his side. If he had needed an evidence of love he had gotten it down in Prague.

Ben followed Sebastian's car as it turned on to exit Meran, leaving Bozen, the Capital of South Tyrol behind, following a deserted street leading directly into the plantations, passing little villages. To the right towered grass covered mountains and he could hear the whistling of a train's locomotive driving parallel to the autobahn to its destination - Meran.

"We will soon arrive," Simon said. He could remember the one and only time when he and Marcus had visited Sebastian in Rome, making a stop at Sebastian's cousin's to relax a few days. Although the castle had been in a state of ruin at the time and Daniel had just begun the restorations. He was now thrilled to see the developments.

Ben said nothing. He couldn't. He was overwhelmed by the things he saw and wished instantly to stay here forever. He sent a thanks to Sebastian who had made this possible.

"No wonder Danny sold his plantation," Simon muttered. "With the yields of this they can supply the whole of Europe." He looked at Ben who clutched the steering wheel tightly. "You say nothing?" he asked.

"Can't," Ben squeezed out but then started to laugh a laughter which came from deep down in his soul and ended in a cough because his ribs were still hurting. "I can't believe I'm here!" he yelled. Simon laughed with him.

Soon they crossed a wild river near the town and then both could see the castle, now white washed, upon the peak of a hill.

"That's it. Castle Falkenstein," Simon said excited. Ben saw a stout tower over several buildings, stretching as one, forming a square, ivy covered castle.

"Too bad we have to wait for Marcus and Nick before we can tell Daniel the truth," Ben finally said.

Simon nodded. "Kay said they will arrive tomorrow. You missed the last days of school."

Ben smiled. "I'm not sad about it, you know." The cars climbed the steep mountain and stopped in the yard in front of the big wooden door which was open, as always. Sebastian put a finger across his lips. "He's here but didn't hear us. Geez, someday they will rob him of his entire castle right out from under his arse." He grinned at Ben. "Like it?"

Ben's eyes glistened like hazelnut coloured stars. "Amazing."

"All right, boys. I don't know about you, but I'm terribly hungry. Let's go." He swung his jacked over his shoulder because it was warm. Ben sniffed the silky, spicy air, clean like a fresh tissue and followed the others.

Trampling upon the staircase alarmed Daniel. He jumped from the ladder and rushed to the door where he bumped into his cousin.

"Sebastian!" he shouted; one moment later he was being hugged. Kay eyed him curiously. Except for a pair of dirty jeans he was naked. Sweat glistened upon his broad shoulders and his face was bronzed so that his freckles were hardly to be seen. He smelled the familiar odor of ammoniac and Japanese paper and the memory of their night together crashed into his brain with painful strength. But this lasted just a second because Daniel hugged him too before he looked deep into his eyes. Kay blinked and Daniel let loose of him.

Daniel didn't expect to see Ben again; the memory of their meeting in the hospital in Berlin was still fresh. But he suppressed the attraction in favor of Simon, whom he was very glad to find looking healthy and good as ever. He smiled at both. "Heavens, what a surprise! Feel as well as you look, Simon?" Simon nodded, smiling broadly.

"But what's this about? The altar?"

Over Sebastian's face fell a shadow. "Well .... I wish I could bring you better news," he said seriously. "But it's still in Prague. The Grand Master won't give it away." Once again Kay thought Sebastian should have become an actor.

Daniel frowned. "Grand Master? Of what? Well, never mind. You tried your best." He took his cousin by the shoulder. "As I know you, you're hungry like a wolf, eh? Let's talk about it later." He looked over his shoulder. "Are you coming?"

Kay was searching for young Siegfried with his dragon and found the fresco completely cleaned and of fresh colours. Ben was staring amazed at the walls and didn't know where to look first. "He did a lot meanwhile," he heard Kay mumbling, then he heard Sebastian calling for them.

Ben woke up relatively early. The bed wasn't that broad and comfortable and he felt Simon's limbs entangled with his own. Ben yawned and tried to turn over with the result that he almost fell out of bed. Simon opened his eyes, watching Ben sneaking out of the room. Today Marcus and Nicholas would arrive. He grinned in anticipation when he imagined Daniel's surprised face. It has cost them all a lot to hide the secret in Sebastian's car. He jumped out of bed, feeling more energetic than he had in a year. Like in the old days, he thought while stretching his hurting back. The room was small and the bed old, but Daniel wasn't prepared to have a lot of guests. How he was able to live here alone was a miracle to Simon, but he was sure that Sebastian's cousin was happy in his own way.

Realizing he needed a toilet urgently, he followed Ben.




The headlines outbid each other. Sebastian stared at the newspapers Daniel had saved. He skimmed through the articles, reading his name several times. His Monograph was finished; yesterday he had sent it off to the AIAC, the Archaeological Institute of Rome. The institute was pressing him to come home for interviews and he considered it seriously. He was torn between this and the urge to translate the parchment they had found n the plinth of the altar. He had given it to the museum in Bozen for examination and they just rang with the exciting news that it was actually two scrolls of parchment - one with an old waxen seal of Pope Clement V. Geez, Clement V! Sebastian counted. He died in 1314 because of a prophecy - or a curse.

Sebastian could hardly keep his excitement under control. He only hoped Marcus and he could translate it. IF the scroll really was from Clement, it was surely written in Latin - or in Old French? Clement resided in Avignon in those times. He was the one who started the so-called Babylonian Imprisonment.

Sebastian wondered what detection would be more important: the different age of Rome or this? Would he himself be the star of the year in circles of history? He grinned and sipped his coffee when he heard Kay's footsteps. He could make them out without looking.

"Hi sweetie," he said low.

"How do you know it's me?" Kay asked surprised.

Sebastian pulled him to his side and patted his back. Kay grabbed for a letter laying on the table. "May I?"

"It's a letter from Roberto. In Italian," Sebastian said. "Danny showed me last evening."

"Roberto?" Kay saw old paper sheets and recognized them. "Isn't that Victor's letters?"

Sebastian nodded. "He sent them back with an apology. Said he couldn't sell them and has no use for them." Kay raised his brows. "That's all?"

"No. He tells that good old George is back in Rome and is stalking Andrea."

"What? George? The George from London? Why?"

"Roberto says he showed up at the shop of Andrea's parents, waiting for him and told him he destroyed the screen Marcus was after. I don't know if I shall tell this to Marcus. George must be insane."

"True. Are Andrea and Roberto now a pair?"

"Apparently. Andrea bought an apartment with the money Marcus had given him. George always shows up there at most unexpected times."

Kay shook his head in disbelief. "Somehow scary." He searched for a cup and filled it with coffee. "Nothing to eat?"

"Hey! You can go and buy something for breakfast." He looked at his watch. "Plane is arriving every minute in Bozen, so both will be here in around an hour. Can't wait to see Danny's face."

Sebastian rose and pulled bread, butter, marmalade and eggs from the pantry.

Kay fell silent. He didn't feel comfortable seeing Nicholas again. It's been some months since they met last time in Berlin and the things he had learned about Sebastian and Nicholas were still hurting.

Sebastian looked at him over his shoulder as if he could feel Kay's uneasiness. He lifted his chin. "You aren't up to make a scene?" he asked quietly. "It's over. And what happened happened, we can't turn back time." He smiled at his lover. "Or am I in a huff with my cousin, hmm? Perhaps you should act as if nothing happened."

Kay wasn't sure if this would be ok. "Better to let him know that I'm fine with him," he said after a while.

Sebastian beamed. "Yes." He pulled Kay into his arms and stroked his hair. "We must end all this," he whispered.

"Do you still fancy Nicki?" Kay murmured in his ear.

"Don't know. Damn, Kay. I don't know how to say. He's a sweetie, it's hard not to like him. But to go to bed with him is another thing, you see. Sure it's the same with you and Danny. Both are worth a sin."

Kay giggled. "Don't say you fancy your cousin."

Sebastian laughed out loud. "Why not?!"

Daniel couldn't help but grin when he entered his kitchen. Their laughing was too infectious. "What's so funny at this early morning hour?" he asked.

"Early?" Sebastian replied. "For you the day is almost over, right?" he referred to the fact that Daniel was up with the early birds and in bed with the hens. Daniel gave him a push and filled the machine with fresh coffee. "At least our young lovebirds are still sleeping," he said, looking over to Sebastian. "They're doing fine together?"

Sebastian nodded. "From what I've heard and seen, yes. All the time we've spent in Prague they were inseparable." He though briefly about the encounter with Walter and Eduard. Another thing to sort out when both were back in Berlin. But he relied on Marcus and his help.

"Simon seems healthier than ever before." Sebastian continued, "think it's Ben's good treatment. I can't believe how adult he is, you know. He's just 22."

"Perhaps he's an old soul," Daniel said mysteriously.

"Old soul?" Kay asked curiously.

"Yes. Somebody who's inner experiences resulting from ancient times."

Kay looked blankly at Sebastian. "Explain it to you another time," his lover said. "Now, who is to cook the eggs, eh?" He put a saucepan into Kay's hand. "About time you learned how to cook, lovely."

Still Daniel couldn't grasp the reason why every one of his old friends was overwhelming him. He had stood speechless when Sebastian's old friend was arriving together with his boyfriend. Though he was genuinely delighted to see them all again, the fuss and laughter, chattering and yelling was a bit much for him. He simply wasn't used to it. Now he was standing alone on the balcony, overlooking the valley of the Etsch and the lights of town Meran because they sent him away saying they had a surprise for him. How odd. Sadly he thought about Roberto and his letter. He was perfectly aware that Roberto was a good-for- nothing, but he was a sweet guy nevertheless and he missed him sometimes. That he and Andrea had found each other was a surprise to him but perhaps they had been a pair before, occasionally. What he couldn't understand was the fact that this George was there, annoying both with his presence. He should write him back to be careful.

Perhaps it was foolish of him to live here alone. He would become a weirdo if he didn't watch out for himself though he was only thirty-three. But it was his own decision he had made for the castle and now he had to stick with it.

An owl was hooting in the trees. From the next room he could make out funny noises and suppressed laughing. He wondered what the guys had in store for him.

Startled, he jumped when he heard his name yelled. He closed the balcony door and opened the door to the other room. It was pitch dark. Daniel blinked. Then a light blinded his eyes and his look fell upon the table amidst them was built up an object, covered with a linen cloth. It had a familiar shape, but it couldn't be. It was bigger, wasn't it?

"What are you waiting for?" Sebastian said. "Lift the cover."

Daniel cautiously lifted a corner of it before he tore it off completely with a rush. He couldn't believe his eyes. Amazed his eyes were getting larger and everybody laughed about his face.

"Ta Ta!" Kay shouted. "Did you think we would come back without the altar?"

"And why do you think we are here, eh?" Marcus added.

"Madonna!" Daniel muttered breathless. "But how? Why? When?"

"Calm down, Danny and sit down. Here you have a glass of wine and then enjoy the view of your brand new altar." Sebastian put a glass into his hand and pushed him into an armchair. Daniel's eyes were still glued to the altar, he had never seen it complete in his life. But he had memorized it from the tales of his father and grandfather, although even they had never seen it completely. If they could be here to see it ...

He emptied his glass in one rush and wiped his lips. Then he shook his head. "I don't know what to say."

Everybody was laughing. And then they told him all about the efforts they made to get it back.

"But there's still a surprise, Danny," Sebastian said. "We've found two old scrolls of parchment in the plinth of it. Not just the box and the knife Victor was talking about."

"Scrolls? Where are they?"

"I'll pick them up in Bozen tomorrow. I've sent them there for preserving so we can decipher them. They seem to be pretty old."

"Yes, and since Sebastian can't figure them out alone we are here," Marcus added.

"Scrolls! They are that old, yes?" Daniel asked more than excited. "I wonder what's written on them."

"We all do." Kay said. "The museum said there's a waxen seal from Pope ... what was his name?"

"Clement V."

"Clement V." Daniel pondered. "That's ancient!"

Ben couldn't remember the last time he had been so happy. Just to sit here and listen to the conversation of his friends was so overwhelming that he just sat and wrapped his arm around Simon's shoulder. Even if he didn't know much about what the men were talking about he enjoyed every second and he knew Simon did the same.

It was much after midnight they called it a day.

"Destructor Templi Me - Wolfhard von Falkenstein, member of the Knights of the Teutonic Order and Secretary of Pope Clement V - will now give evidence to a most secretive event during the reign of His Holiness. Written in March Anno Domini 1314, Avignon, France." "Phew, this wasn't as heavy as I thought." Sebastian said, wiping his sweaty forehead. They were sitting at the large table in Daniel's living room, heads stuck close together, bent over the parchment, now smoothed and protected with a translucent plastic cover. The scientists in Bozen had done a great job. As Sebastian had feared it was written in a mixture of Latin and Old French but he was sure that together they would figure it out. Marcus had brought a huge dictionary with him, along with some grammar books and now they were sitting here together since the early morning light. Daniel had supplied them with lots of coffee and food, then had returned to his fresci where he was getting help from Ben who had been most curious about the work he did. "Look, there's another date: Friday the 13th, 1307. What happened there?" Do you remember?" Marcus asked. "Remember? Do I look that old?" Sebastian teased him. "Let's see. 1307. Hmm. Clement V was infamous for destroying the Knights Order of the Templars. Could it be that date?" Marcus shrugged. "'Torture encouraged confessions', I can decipher here. Yes! That's it, I think. Look here: 'Philipp IV, called 'the fair'. That is the king who was after the Templar's money because he was in deep debt to them. So he wasn't willing to give back the money but instead, he and Pope Clement decided to wipe out the order from earth's face." Sebastian nodded. "But what does this mean? I can't decipher it. The parchment is torn and the letters vanished." He sighed and leafed through the dictionary. Marcus was brooding over a certain word he never had heard of. Exhausted he stretched his body. "Let's have a break, my head is hurting." Sebastian stood up and filled another cup of coffee for him. "Do you really think the so-called circumcision knife of Jesus is genuine? I mean from all that Victor is telling in the other scroll..." "He just heard this story from your great grandfather, Bastian, and he heard it from his great grandfather and so on. But who knows?" He sighed and drank his coffee. "Did you know that one of your ancestors was witness to the Fall of Akkon, the castle of the Teutonic Order in the Holy Land, and were the guardians of this knife?" Sebastian shook his head. "It's not important after all. The Grand Master in Prague thinks it's holy and so we shouldn't judge. If it makes him happy..." "Well, to steal to get this doesn't make him likeable, actually." "Yeah. That's the results of fanatism I guess." Sebastian pondered a while. "Have you seen Frank lately?" he asked. "Frank? Why?" "I didn't tell you yet. But we had a nasty encounter with an old 'friend' of Simon in Prague. With him was a certain Walter, a student colleague of Ben. He beat Simon and demanded some photos. "He paused a second. "I know I shouldn't tell you but Simon won't probably and I want to make sure that he doesn't have more problems." Marcus was listening speechless when Sebastian told him everything he knew about Simon's life in Hamburg, the nightclub owner Joachim and the service Simon provided for his customers. He listened until his friend had finished and remained silent for awhile. Then he said low, "Heavens, I'm sure he would never tell me this, but thanks that you did. It's important. Surely enough I will have an eye on Frank, I already promised Ben when Frank and Eduard showed up at the exhibition." He slapped his forehead. "Of course! Eduard was sneaking around to get knowledge about Simon's whereabouts. Ben was right!" Unhappy, he sat at the long bench built into a corner of a wall and played with the empty mug. "What deep shit Simon was into. Or still is." He lifted his head. "You think it's dangerous?" "Well, Simon decided to give back the photos and he stressed that Joachim is harmless." He shook his head. "I'm not that sure about it. Jo had enough criminal energy to spy out Eduard while in reality he was searching for Simon. Why do you think it's so important for him to have these photos? Just to blackmail the poor little sausage of Eduard?" Sebastian shook his head. "It makes no sense." "Perhaps he's that fond of Simon to have him back?" Marcus suggested and dismissed this idea instantly. "And what is Walter's role in this play? I thought he would hate every homosexual man and now he's defending his gay uncle." "Think it's family business. He sure hates his uncle as well as he hates us, but what would happen to himself when his uncle would be outed openly as a fanatic of pervert Sado-Maso practices? Kids are cruel, you know. And Eduard would have to take his hat. Not because he is gay but because he is able to be blackmailed and has connection to the so-called underworld." Marcus nodded. "Thank heavens school's out for summer and Nicki doesn't have to face him. But this makes the situation much worse, of course. How shall I have an eye on him now?" "Perhaps it's enough to have an eye on Simon and Ben. It would be good when he does send the photos back to Eduard as soon as possible." "And then? Waiting for this Jo to show up? Maybe I'll make a visit to Hamburg?" "He isn't in Hamburg, Marcus. He must be in Berlin or we feared he could be in Prague, following Walter and Eduard. But so far we haven't seen him." He sat beside Marcus and pressed his thigh against Marcus' thigh. "Be careful, promise me?" Marcus nodded and smiled into his friend's grey-green eyes. "I'm so happy you reconciled with Kay. Good job. I have the feeling you're up to settle down, hmm?" Sebastian's eyes lit up. "And you? Still big love?" Marcus burst into laughter. "Big isn't enough of a word, my dear. I had given up hope I could love somebody after you." He patted Sebastian's thigh. Sebastian knew how it was meant and grinned. "I'll hit you if you ever make him unhappy again." "The same goes for you and Kay. But what's with lovely Leandro back in Volterra, you owe me the story,? Marcus teased him. "Leandro?" Sebastian asked startled. "There was nothing. Nothing absolutely. But if you ever mention this name to Kay, I'll kill you!" Marcus laughed. "Now, let's get on. Why can't you find this damn word in the dictionary?" Ben's fingertips touched the painted wall. It was almost impossible for him to imagine the age of this fresci and that Daniel was able to bring them to life again after all those hundreds of hears. To him it was a miracle. Nicholas stood behind him together with Kay looking up to Daniel upon his ladder, watching him put Japanese paper on the wall. "The three most glorious heroes in the world," Kay said. "One of them is Siegfried. And who do you think the others are?" "Don't know yet," Daniel answered. "Don't know if they mean real men or legendary ones. Can you give me the brush please?" Ben was reaching up the wanted material. Nicholas turned to Kay and cleared his throat. "I wanted to tell you something, Kay." He was very embarrassed, Kay could see. "I know what you want to tell me," he said quickly. "You don't have to. It happens, you know. So don't make a great deal out of it. I just want to be sure that it doesn't happen again." Nicholas shook his head and touched Kay's upper arm. "Thanks. It had been a hard time." Kay nodded and whispered, "You still have the little slip I gave you once? You know, when I was working for Cerruti?" He winked. Nicholas grinned. "Sure I have! Anna was always marveling over it." Both snorted and Ben turned his head curiously. "He, why don't you boys go down town, heh?" Daniel asked. "It's boring to watch me all the time. Marcus and Sebastian won't be finished soon." He looked at Kay. "You still owe me something," he said. "Huh?" "The location of a good gay bar!" "Ha!" Kay laughed. "Then let's go." "Charges of satanism and sodomy." Marcus' fingertip glided along the letters. "They had been charged with satanism and sodomy. All of my beloved friends were thrown into dungeons at the kingdomly castle in Paris. They were tortured. I can still hear their screaming and begging ringing in my ears." Marcus looked up. " 'My beloved friends' he is writing? Do you think Wolfhard von Falkenstein belonged to the Order of the Templars? But he was saying at the beginning he was a Teutonic Knight." "Perhaps he was in disguise," Sebastian answered. He looked tired. The whole day they had spent now, trying to figure out the most difficult language. But step by step they could get more into it, following the writing. " 'It had been Friday the 13th when they were first imprisoned and this day ... has been an unlucky day since that even,' he writes. Ah! That's the reason for the superstition! Look here, I've figured out more of the words: "After they had sentenced my friends for having orgies with the devil and with themselves, they were burnt on stakes. Paris was stinking from the burnt flesh of my brothers. Their cries filled the night air and the stakes burnt like the fires of hell to the sky. What God is there to allow such crime. His Holiness rubbed his hands in anticipation of all the treasures to come. I couldn't look him in his old, haggard face. Would I had joined them if he would know that I did belong to them?" "That's it," Marcus said. "The burning of the Templars at the Ile de la Cite amongst the Seine. The Jew-Island they called it because Jews were burnt there before the church enriched itself on their fortunes. Very holy, don't you think." He looked down on the parchment again. "What does this mean?" He furrowed his brow. "Fake. A fake!" He looked blankly for a moment. "What can he mean? 18th of March Anno Domini 1314 ..." "The order was officially disbanded since 1312 by Clement. The property was assigned to the Maltese Knights, who gave much of it to King Philipp and King Edward II of England." "To the Maltese Knights???" It rang in Sebastian's head. "Tomasz Kotomy must have knowledge of it. There's a secret he wanted to know. Jesus, are we up to learn where the Templars hid their big gold treasure?" Marcus was as excited as his friend. "But King Edward II of England??" He said surprised. "How's this?" Sebastian ran out of the room to Daniel's library and came back with an encyclopedia. "Edward II, fourth son of Edward I, Prince of Wales. Banned by his father for the bad influence his close friend, Piers Gaveston, had on him." Sebastian stopped. "Close friend? Close lover they want to say, eh? Any way, after the death of his father he brought back his favorite and left the government to him. This stirred the opposition of the English Lords. In 1308 he traveled to France to marry the daughter of King Philipp IV!" "That's the connection!," Marcus said. "But why he wanted to marry when he had a loverboy?" "Political correctness." Sebastian skimmed through the rest and said finally, "The barons killed Piers finally. After some years they also killed Edward, he's buried in Gloucester Cathedral." He was silent for a moment. "So Philipp IV gave the share of the Templar's treasure to his son-in-law. Simple." "And in London is still the Inner Temple where lots of Templar Knights are buried. In the crypt where they had held their secret rituals," Marcus added. They looked excited at each other. "But this must be known to the historians, Marcus. Surely they have already searched under the Inner Temple." "Yeah, probably right. Anyway, what says Wolfhard furthermore?" "I had connections to our last Grand Master, Jacques de Molay, and warned him. His execution was resolved. Thanks to me he was able to carry a big part of the treasure left from the Temple of Paris and it wound up in secret passages and holes. Nobody was ever able to find the way out of this labyrinth. Nobody who hasn't a plan of it. I had it. Together we brought it back to a waiting ship at the harbour. Jacques didn't want to tell me its destination. He didn't want to place me in trouble. Even if I would be tortured - I would have nothing to say. But his secret was safe with me forever. If you - reader of this - should ever wish to get knowledge of it, be warned. It is a secretive and dangerous matter. Nobody shall know. Nobody." Heads pressed tightly together, Marcus and Sebastian read out loud. Their voices lured Daniel to the room. They jumped, startled, and looking as if emerging from a medieval time. Daniel smiled at them. "Found out exciting things? You both look as if touched by a ghost." "Phew! That's harder than we thought. Come, sit here and listen. It's going better now." Marcus offered the place in front of both he and Sebastian and Daniel sat down. He had brought a bottle of wine and three glasses with him. He poured each one a glass full and held out a toast. "To the dearest friends I ever had," he said warmly. The glasses clicked together. "Where are the boys?" Sebastian asked. "Just came back from Meran, stuffed with parcels. Lord knows what's in them. They all grinned and Marcus continued his reading. "It had been the 18th of March Anno Domini 1314. The burning of my Grand Master. Night fell over Paris. The crowd of Paris' inhabitants were gathered at the Ile de Jew. The unfinished towers of Notre Dame were guarding it. But I knew my Master was safe. I had bribed the guards of Philipp and made a deal with them. 10 percent of the treasure was theirs if they would help me. And they did. Disguised as three leprosy infected beggars Jacques and his two best friends, also sentenced to death, were watching the event from the farthest corner of the place." Daniel was sitting at the edge of his armchair. He held his glass to his mouth but had forgotten to drink. Just then they heard chortling and giggling from the staircase. "Want to come up?" He shouted. "It's a thrill here." In no time Nicholas, Simon, Ben and Kay had filled the room around the table, Daniel supplied some glasses and filled them. "Crackling and rustling the stakes caught fire. The higher the flames were licking the air the more sparks it sent into the night. A bonfire to honour Pope Clement V and King Philipp. I smiled to myself, inwardly, face calm as ever. I knew there would be a higher instance. Just when the feet of the straw filled puppets caught fire a roaring voice sounded over the heads of the audience. "Clement, unjust judge, I invite you within forty days in front of the judgment seat of the Highest." There was a rush movement in the crowd. The voice had been loud, my Master was holding his hands in front of his mouth, forming a cone which sounded widely over the Island. The people were ducking and pulled their heads between their shoulders. But Clement held his composure, not touched by anything. He WAS the representative of God, and what God was knowing, he himself was knowing also. He was so sure of this. The fire was crackling. Another shout. "Philipp, you I call within the period of a year." And then everything was silent. Nobody was talking. No whispering. They watched how the very last Grand Master of the Order of the Templars, founded to guard the Holy Grave in Jerusalem, died a painful death. There were no screams. Nothing. Just absolute silence. Philipp the Fair was wriggling in his chair. I could see it. And I was satisfied." "Holy Shit! Daniel exclaimed. "All history says Jacques de Molay was died on a stake together with his two brothers of Knights." He stared at the parchment. Then he lifted his eyes. "Are you aware of what we have here? Sebastian and Marcus nodded slowly. "First there must be an examination of it of course. If it's genuine and the time is right. But it shouldn't be difficult to find out." "Wait, the story isn't over yet," Marcus said. He read on. "His Holiness, Clement V, died the very same year, in April 1314 of dysentery. So it is said to be. A curse. A promise. But I knew better. Fairy King Philipp died during a hunt in November. Fell from his horse. What a tragedy. A curse. A promise." "They were killed," Simon threw in. "Yes. Perhaps it was Jacques himself. Or even Wolfhard von Falkenstein." Marcus looked at Daniel. "Your ancestor. Christ, what a family!" He twinkled. "You should think twice if you should marry into a family of Templars and murderers!" Sebastian said, grinning at Kay. "Marry into?" Kay croaked. "The trace is hidden in the mists of time. This notation is for all the people to come. Beware of Kings, Emperors and Popes. Nobody is infallible. Gold and jewels blinding the heart, not the eyes. Be aware." Silence filled the room. "That was it?" Daniel asked quietly. "Be aware" he repeated. "He's not telling where the treasure is," Kay said. "True. With good reason. Gold and jewels blinding the heart, not the eyes." Marcus' and Sebastian's eyes locked briefly. Then Sebastian said, "Shall I take this with me to Rome for examination, Danny? Or do you want to keep it here? At least it's yours and concerns your family." "Yours as well," Daniel replied. "Take it with you, I want to find out if it could be genuine or not, like all of us I suppose. At least it carried the seal of the Pope." Sebastian nodded. Everybody seemed to be sobered up. Thinking of burning people just because of their money wasn't a pleasant thought. There wasn't much to talk about, so Daniel decided to stop at his altar while all others went to their rooms. Nicholas found him next morning, sleeping in a chair in front of it. He smiled and shook his shoulder. Daniel groaned and rubbed his hurting neck before he realized he wasn't in his bed. Nicholas squatted on his heels. "Didn't know you're so fond of it." He looked at Michael Pacher's altar. It was beautiful. Complete and beautiful. "You don't care about what was in it?" he asked and Daniel shook his head. "It doesn't mean anything to me. But the scroll was a real surprise. I think I had nightmares." Nicholas grinned at him and helped him to stand up. "Breakfast is ready. Sebastian and Kay want to leave today." "So soon?" Daniel felt a stab. He didn't want to be alone again. Odd thought. He had lived alone his whole life so far. "TV and press are urging Sebastian to have interviews." "I see." Sighing, Daniel followed Nicholas downstairs into the kitchen. "Well, we thought the four of us could stay here a bit longer with you, if you don't mind?" Marcus asked. Daniel's mood improved instantly. "Yeah, and there will be a surprise for you," Kay added, grinning broadly. "Yet another surprise?" Daniel was wary.. They all nodded. "Promise me to take care of yourself," Kay whispered into his brother's ear. "I wish dearly we can meet in Rome." He took Simon's head between his palms. "Don't you think?" Simon nodded. "And do what Marcus suggests concerning Eduard." "Yes, daddy," Simon suppressed a grin. "I think I'm the better daddy, eh?" Kay joked but this wasn't actually an issue to be joked about. The behaviour of his parents was still pissing him off. He had heard nothing from them so far although he had left his address in Rome. Sebastian was watching both from a distance. He was stuffing their bags into the boot of his Audi. Somehow he thought that Kay had grown up during all the events. And he liked it a lot. The scroll of parchment was safely tucked away in a protecting leather cover. Still he didn't know exactly what would happen should the script be genuine, but this had time. The rest of the group watched the cloud of dust Sebastian's car produced. Ben wrapped his arm around Simon's back. He was a bit concerned that Simon would wear himself out staying here, but his boyfriend seemed to be healthier than ever. As if no sword of Damocles would hang over his head. Both heads, he corrected himself. Well, at least he would make sure that Simon took his cocktail of pills regularly and this was actually all that he could do before the next examination at the hospital. Daniel was taciturn as ever although Ben could sense a certain sadness. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Watch out, don't stumble into it," Ben said, taking hold of Simon's hand. They were walking along a so-called Waalweg which led right through the vineyards and fig trees. A small water canal meandered beside them to water the mountains. Behind them he could hear the whispering of Nicholas and Marcus. Nobody had crossed their way on their walk so far. Down below to their left was the valley of the Passer, the river running through Meran. Simon splashed his hand in the cold water and cooled his forehead. It had been pretty warm all day long. In fact, it began since Sebastian's and Kay's departure. Ben was afraid that it could be too much for him but Simon insisted that he felt great. The bridge of his nose was pink from a light sunburn and the curls of his brown hair had an auburn golden shimmer. "Wish we could stay here forever," Ben sighed. "Yeah." >From a distance they could hear the bells of cows and a rustic music was sounding from a village. "Oh man, I feel like I forgot my Lederhosen," Nicholas snorted. "What is it? A farmer's marriage?" He listened to a tuba, accordion and trumpet and his feet itched to dance around. How funny, he thought. He hated this music but it seemed to him that this music belonged exactly to the landscape and the people. "Could be," Marcus replied a bit exhausted. He wasn't used to these long marches they had over the past days, but he loved it. He was too much of a city plant bustling from town to town in airplanes and spending his days in sticky rooms. "I wish I had a paper sheet and colours," he heard Nicholas saying. "Tomorrow, angel." Marcus giggled suddenly. "Do you think Daniel is still sleeping?" Nicholas beamed. "Of course. Nothing he is used to. Gosh, I will always remember his face when we entered the bar and he saw men dancing together. And he said he couldn't find a gay bar." "Kay is really a clever guy." Marcus nodded forcefully. "That's why Daniel could not find a gay bar - he has only seen a computer from a distance and doesn't know how to use the internet!" He remembered how Daniel was besieged by a crowd of young and elder men who saw the chance of fresh meat; a guy they never had seen in the bar before was a sensation for them and Daniel had been embarrassed to no end. He had even danced with three or four of them after consuming several beers but had been too afraid to go with them until he met a long time family friend. A guy of his age he had know his whole life. >From this minute on, Daniel was occupied with him and the surprise, life had in store for him. When the four of them decided to go hiking in the mountains, Daniel was still sound asleep. Nicholas was still chortling. "Today is Sebastian's TV presentation. I'm so thrilled to see him on television." "Me too," Marcus said. "You can translate it for us, can't you? I mean, he will speak Italian, right?" "Right. And Daniel is perfect in it, you know." The way they were walking reached the end and led down to the next village in the valley where they were able to take the next bus back to Meran. Arriving at the bus station, Marcus rushed to the newspaper stand. He found only the pretty crappy yellow press of Germany but it was better than nothing. He skimmed through the headlines, found something about a big art theft in the former GDR, made a mental note to read it later and tucked in away. Daniel was looking a bit dark ringed about the eyes but he had prepared a meal for them and avoided their teasing. He looked happy though. While Simon nibbled at his potatoes with carrots, his gaze fell upon the headline of the newspaper laying on the table. He pulled it to him and looked at the photos. One of them seemed pretty familiar to him. It was a clear photo of a coffee service made of Meissner porcelain, a famous German factory, and a painting of Lucas Cranach which showed Martin Luther. He forgot to chew and read the article. "Since the second half of the last seventy years, East-Germany worked its way along the chasm of a national bankruptcy. Alone the streams of currency from West Germany preserved it from disclosure: the transit lump sum and the forced money exchange when entering the country, generous ransoms of political prisoners or the interest free overdraft facility supplied by West Germany. "But this wasn't enough by far. Like an addict searching for the next drug, the GDR was on permanent hunt for currencies. There had never been enough of it. It's likely most important dealer, the GDR Government had found in Franz Josef Strauss, the Minister President of Bavaria who arranged billions of credits. "And the GDR sank lower into a bog of "drug related crime": systematical art theft in museums and libraries and - most of all - in private collections. Here are some of the still missing objects the people in the Ex-GDR are still searching for." The pictures were showing grand pianos, books, coins, original handwritings from authors and musicians, historical pieces of jewelry. "Something wrong?" Ben asked. Simon swallowed the last piece of potato he was chewing on and pointed to the porcelain coffee service and the painting of Lucas Cranach. "I know where it is," he said. Everybody was lifting their heads. "They have made a web site for all the stolen antiques." "Huh?" Marcus asked. "What stolen antiques?" Nicholas had skimmed through the article and nodded his head. "You don't know about it?" Nicholas asked. "It's well known that the State Security forced the people to give them their antiques like those. In every house were spies who reported this property to the Secret Police." Marcus looked at him astonished. He had never heard about it. "Crap, you don't have a computer Danny." "We can go to the internet cafe again," Simon suggested. He looked pretty confused. Could it be that Joachim had connections to the GDR Government which supplied him with antiques because the government needed every pfennig to survive? Simon remembered him saying that he was often in Leipzig, one of the biggest exhibitions for the Easter Bloc states. Everything was possible for foreigners of the western countries. Drugs, prostitutes, furs and antiques. Could this be the key to everything? "You mean you saw those objects in Joachim's flat?" Ben asked. "Yes." "Then let's go this afternoon to the cafe," Ben suggested. He had the same premonitions. Growing up in the former GDR he certainly knew how things had been going on there. Marcus assailed him with questions. Where he had seen it exactly and when. And... if his premonitions would be right, what had made Joachim so roused? And where was the connection to Simon? "So East Germany financed itself out of this? You mean, Jo belonged to the customer and decorated his house with legally bought antiques which were actually confiscated. Did I get this right?" Nicholas nodded. "I'm not sure if Jo did a crime then but surely he would have to give the objects back." Marcus looked at Simon. "Cranach you said? Precious I would say." "Probably," Simon said. "But Jo is mad about his antiques, as much as you are. Perhaps he will want to prevent me from saying a word about it. I mean, he legally bought the things from the government, but since it was a crime, he is guilty as well." He shook his head. "He knows that I don't read newspapers," he said. "But you watch TV and I'm sure it has been shown there." "Jo was very fond of his porcelain and the painting of the Luther chap." Simon said. "I found it always funny to be watched by the man in his black cloak but it was a huge turn on to Eduard." He faltered. Eduard. The photos. One of them he made himself: Eduard sprawled upon the bed, feet and hands tied up to the brass bed posts, eyes covered, his cock pointing high up to the ceiling, Joachim bent over him, sucking. Martin Luther was watching from above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sebastian wore one of his emerald green shirt collection and looked ravishing. He sat completely relaxed in the TV studio and gave answers to the many questions. First he had held a treatise about the discovery they had made at Rome's Palatin hill and his connection to the Villanova people who lived two centuries before the first traces of housing had been found there. Daniel was translating now and again but all of them didn't care too much about what Sebastian was saying. To see him was enough and their minds were walking around Joachim and his art objects. Marcus saw his best friend's lips moving but didn't hear what he was saying. Too much happened. They had been to the internet cafe later this afternoon, found the web site and Simon had confirmed that this was exactly the objects in question. As much as he wanted to stay here longer, Marcus couldn't. He had a lot of connections to pin down Joachim. Sebastian held, smiling, his monograhy into the camera. More that ever he felt the distance growing between them. His friend was up to settle down with Kay in Rome and Marcus knew that he would never return voluntarily; he loved Rome too much. He pulled Nicholas close to his side. His lover was listening intently to Daniel's translations. No matter what would happen in the future, Marcus was more in love than he ever was before. Nobody would be able to take this feeling away, it would stay with him forever. Everything that he could do now was to concentrate on Simon and his welfare. First he had to sort out this Joachim and he could only hope that the relationship between Ben and Simon would keep. Actually he knew Simon better, he never had held on to a partner that long. But guiltily he realized that it was he himself who had thrown Simon out of his house those times. Well, perhaps it was good luck for both of them. Marcus had learned his lesson and Simon was safe in Ben's hands. Would he be able to do the same for him? What would he do if it should be Nicholas who was that ill? He buried his nose into Nicholas' light brown hair and blew into it. Yes, he would do what Ben was doing for Simon. Perhaps in reality it wasn't Nicholas who seemed to have grown up but Marcus himself. Nicholas was earning his own money now, having finished the sessions with Elli Schneider and he did well. Not just the portrait but he was strong enough to defy all Elli Schneiders in the world. A bright yellow little VW Beetle was waiting for him when they returned and Marcus was looking forward to seeing his face. Sebastian still smiled into the camera, now commenting on a film they were sending about the funds of the Palatine. Over his lover's shoulder, Marcus watched the young couple curled together on a love seat and he had a good feeling about them. This Joachim shit should be sorted out soon and a family in Germany would be happy to have their stuff back again. Joachim would not be allowed to keep it. It was just a matter of finding him. The photo Simon was telling about was made in a special room with handcuffs, whips, leather gear, an extra large bed, and religious paintings on the walls. Jesus, Marcus couldn't quite imagine Simon in this surrounding. What did Joachim do to force Simon into this shit? He never had noticed any S & M liking in him. His gaze wandered to Daniel. He felt very sad about leaving him alone once more. But on the other hand, Daniel had lived alone for years and it shouldn't be a big problem for him. Now that he knew a special place to go where he could find a lover, perhaps his old friend would become more than just a friend. Daniel must have sensed his gazing and smiled at him. Marcus was smiling back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wednesday, 3rd of June It's been a long journey, Ben. A long journey to find my very being. I remember the diary notes I made before and everything was dealing with the way leading to myself. You have shown me a path. It's putting everything behind me: Marcus, Oliver and all the men I had in between. I won't say it wasn't worth it to meet them and all the others I met on our journey. I'm not afraid of what will come. No matter if it will be Jo or an imminent breakdown. I found trust in others again. Things never happen without a reason and no door is closed without a window opening." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "No, you don't want to see this photo!" Simon was arguing when he turned the key in the lock. "And by the way, you did see some of them." He paused a second. "You didn't lock the door." "Huh? Sure I locked the door. Let me see." Ben opened the door cautiously and peered in. "How odd, I would bet my arse that I locked it" "Well, anyway." He carried their bags into the hall. "If you want to give the photo to Marcus, I'll see it anyway!" "If I could only remember where I put it!" Simon was yelling from the bedroom. "You're a little slut, did I tell you?" "Too often." Simon rummaged in the wardrobes, shoveling stuff from the bottom of it. He had the odd feeling that it didn't look like the way it should be. He rose and looked around. There were drawers not closed and clothes thrown carelessly over the bed. He froze. The door had been unlocked. Nervously he rummaged again in the wardrobe until he found a box where he hid the photos he had taken with him. It was empty. He fell onto his backside and gazed into the empty box in disbelief. "Ben?" he croaked. "Yeah? he heard him from the living room. Then he appeared with the glass of pills Simon had to take. "Tomorrow we make an appointment at the hospital." He trailed off, seeing Simon sitting on the carpet. "What's wrong?" "The photos... they are gone." "Huh? Gone?" Simon looked up to him. "You did lock the door." "But ... do you mean ... but how? It isn't easy to break into this door," Ben said doubtfully. As answer Simon was holding up the empty box. Ben reached out and helped Simon to get up. Then both let out a heartfelt sigh. "That's unbelievable. I'll call Marcus," Ben said finally. Simon ran from one room to the other, looking into the bathroom and kitchen to find it ok. He sank upon the couch and didn't know what to think. If Joachim now had the photos, what would be the consequence? "Simon? Come here." Ben was showing him a letter. "Found it on the table. Read." "Simon, I'm sure ou know already that the photos and negatives are with me. Don't search for them, I have better use for them. It wasn't as hard to find you as I thought, although you never told me about your big connections you have in Berlin. This Marcus Weidenbruch is a clever man. Perhaps you did find out by now why I must have the photos. Eduard will be pleased to know they are safe with me. Too bad we can't continue our "waste of time," you were my best little stud in the stable." Simon stared at the letters. 'Best little stud in the stable' ... so Joachim had more than one call boy on the game. Simon snorted. That was too ridiculous. How could he have ever thought that Joachim had a personal interest in him? That he would love him probably? Men like Jo loved nobody but themselves. Love is a different thing. He stepped to Ben who dialed Marcus' number, wrested the receiver gently from his hand and put it back in the cradle. "Leave it," he said low. "It's not our problem anymore." "But the people who are the owners of the stuff ... " Ben protested but Simon shook his head. "We can call Marcus later and if he wants to help, it's okay with me." He pulled Ben into his arms and played with his ponytail. "It's been a long journey," he said mysteriously. "For both of us." He grinned his dimpled grin. "I don't mean the kilometers." He let loose of him and tore the card box into little pieces. Ben watched him silently. He couldn't follow Simon's mood swing. And he felt uneasy because a stranger had been in their flat. "Tea?" he asked. Simon followed him into the kitchen where he took his pills. Then he embraced Ben from behind and pressed his face into Ben's hair. "So we are back again. Was a pretty hype. Imagine, we were witnesses to history! First Sebastian and his discovery and now this." "I hope the document is genuine. And if so, what will happen to it? Will the Vatican try to hinder the publication?" "Don't think so," Simon answered. "It's just of historical value. Just a mystery is now solved: How was it possible that the Grand Master's curse was fulfilled." Ben nodded and filled the tea jug with hot water. Then he turned. "Do you regret the trip to Prague?" "Why?" "Well, because of Walter." "Nonsense. It could have happened anywhere, even here." He sighed. "And now everything is the same old rut." "Same old rut?" Ben grinned. "Hey, we can have the most exciting time of our lives!" Simon looked strangely at him, but Ben didn't want to see. He pulled him close to his body. "I will keep my promise. Always." Simon stiffened. Always didn't matter. It could be for always - as long as he was alive. Or Ben would find a healthy man he could hang his heart on. Ben looked at him expectantly until Simon returned his grin. "You have to tell me so much. About Oliver for instance." "I thought you didn't want to hear." "Who forgets ones past is destined to repeat it," Ben said mysteriously. "I want to hear everything. It belongs to you. There's so much I don't know about and what I don't understand yet." Simon took the jug and vanished with it into the living room. He placed it on the table in front of the big window, overlooking the soft illuminated Isle of Museums. Ben followed him with cups and placed himself next to Simon on the couch. "Have you ever met a call boy?" Simon asked and Ben shook his head. "Well, not knowingly." "Wait." Simon jumped up and ran into the bedroom. He returned with a sheet of a magazine. Ben saw a young man with blonde hair which fell to his shoulders, upper body naked, his thumbs tucked away provocatively behind the waist band of his tight fitting jeans. He looked straight into the camera, not smiling but aware of his beauty. "That's the only photo I have of Oliver." Ben's grip on the paper sheet was firm and he couldn't restrain his gaze from those blue eyes. Thousands of thoughts chased through his mind. Simon's voice came from a distance, "That was taken before he got involved with the circle of drugs. He earned more money in a month than you can dream of. You should have seen his flat." Ben put the photo upon the table and avoided looking at it. "What would be if he wouldn't have died?" he asked. "Would you still be with him?" "Don't know. He was exhausting. His moods were unbearable sometimes." He took Ben's chin and turned his head to him. "I saw you together with Nicholas, dancing, remember?" "Yes. It was at the 'Nightfactory'. You thought we would be a pair, right?" "Right. I never told you, but I was horny as hell for you. If ou had not called, I would have. In Simon's eyes was a spark Ben had seen only seldom. "I know I treated you like shit sometimes, but it was my attempt to save you from me. I am sick to death. You're healthy, you shouldn't waste your life for a hustler and dealer. But you were stronger." He placed his face near to Ben's. "You won." Ben's red lips were twisted into a grin suddenly. He loosened the clip from his hair and shoved his hand under Simon's pullover. His skin was hot, dry as velvet and his heartbeat too fast. "I want to write down everything I experienced in my short life so far," Simon whispered. "You know, it got me. Writing I mean." Ben blinked. His mind tumbled from Simon's closeness, the scent of his skin. "Writing?" he asked indistinctly. "Yes. Write down everything, not those little episodes." He closed his eyes. "Before it's too late." "It's never too late to start something." Ben closed Simon's lips with his own to part them a moment later with his tongue. His kiss was passionate, urgent and wet; Simon moaned surprised and gave in. Just like the night they had shared in Prague - the first time where he had forgotten who he was and what life had in stock for him. Heat inflamed his body - he wanted to feel Ben very close to him, as close as it was possible without killing and consuming each other. To let himself feel loved by another man who did it out of love, not because he was horny or a good fuck; like ships passing each other in a sea of night. It was a promise and a curse. Simon chortled silently. His legs opened and embraced Ben again, but Ben pulled him from the couch to the bedroom. The tea was getting cold. THE END

Next: Chapter 38: Angels Trumpets 1

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