The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on Apr 26, 2001



Part 13 / Chapter 11

Author's note: My deeply thanks goes out to all people written me their kind and encouraging letters. It's great to hear from my readers and I enjoyed each one of them. And still my thanks goes to Andrew Alexander for editing this story and the great job he's doing here.

Please visit my website under


"I don't know what I felt those times. I saw Jo and was in love. It had been like with Marcus in the old times. Just that Jo was elder, well, not much elder but he had possessed the same quality. He was strong, unapproachable and a damn bastard. He was always thinking of himself. Though it made me feel helpless to face him, this feeling brought a sense of security with it. He told me what to do - while I never knew what to do with myself. I belonged to him, had been thankful for every chunk he threw at me. I snapped it up like a hungry stray dog. But what had been the price?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simon stopped writing and stared into space. What had been the price? The sense of security he had felt had changed into a prison. A golden prison. He heard the door close. Ben came home. What a nice thought: came home. He left the diary open, went to meet him and pulled him close into an embrace. It hurt that he never told Ben everything. A few things can't be told; another reason why he had decided to write it down. Ben would read it and maybe understand. While he pressed his body close to Ben's the memory of Oliver dying in his arms appeared before his inner eyes again. He felt his body stiffen and not even Ben's embrace could soothe him. Finally Ben pushed him softly away and looked into his face. "Trouble?" he asked. Simon shook his head. Ben took the filled bags from the ground and asked cheerfully: "Up for a fabulous spinach bake?" He knew that Simon had written because his face carried those indefinable signs of sadness, but he didn't want to press him. He had started reading his diary and it made him happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because Simon allowed him to have a look into his very soul; sad about the things he had to read. Simon had been more lonely than he was able to imagine. But he couldn't speak about it. Not yet. Silently he took Simon's hand and dragged him into the kitchen. "Have you heard from Frank?" Simon asked. "Yes, I heard teachers speaking about him. Yesterday was the hearing." "Yes, and you were not there to stand up for him." Simon cut the Feta cheese into little cubes. "I didn't promise anything," Ben answered. "I heard they will give him a warning. This is punishment enough." Simon grunted. "Ouch." Ben saw blood on the knife and upon the working area. "Shit." Simon said and lifted his hand. "Give me a plaster please." While Simon taped himself, Ben looked dumbfounded at the tiny blood splatter. It was so easy to get hurt. Simon saw his stare and said "Don't worry about that. No real risk." "Well," Ben said, "then ..." "Of course it doesn't mean we don't have to be careful," Simon added and smiled. "So Frank will be around some time with you, yes? When he has recovered everything will be like before." Ben nodded and stirred the pot where he warmed the frozen spinach. "And Walt?" Simon continued to cut the cheese. "Walt had been urged to leave the Academy. About time. Many others, much better than he, would be happy about the new free place." Simon turned. "Hey, what about your own paintings. I remember Marcus had promised you to collect them for the next exhibition, right?" "Yes." Ben's hazel eyes sparkled. "When they'll celebrate the opening of his new hall in Friedrichstrasse." He hesitated. "I asked myself if he could need help." "What help?" "In the hall. He'll have to engage some sales clerks, you know." Simon stepped behind Ben. "Sales clerks? When will you have time for this?" "After school." "And what about me?" Simon asked. Ben turned surprised and studied the face before him. The unreadable eyes, the soft lips and the small chin. He looked healthy again, thanks to Ben's constant care. He didn't know what to think nor how to answer this remark. Simon seemed to be so independent to him. So damn anxious to have his freedom and now ... this. Ben brushed the brown curl out of Simon's eyes. "Could you repeat it please?" But Simon remained silent. A shadow had fallen over his face and he looked away. "Don't," Ben whispered. "Be open to me. Please." But Simon turned his back to him and began to roll out the flaky pastry. Ben's arms hung down useless, "It was just an idea, Simon. I thought we may need the money." "But why? Marcus will pay for us." "I'd feel better when I could contribute a little, you don't?" Simon shrugged and Ben sighed inwardly. "My brother called," Simon said after a while. "Still in Italy?" "Yes, with Sebastian's cousin. Sebastian called and wants to pick him up." "Kay could forgive him finally." Simon rolled his eyes. "Forgive. What a word. Kay often did the same while in other relationships." "But was he ever in love?" Ben responded a bit too sharply. Simon turned once more and watched Ben putting the spinach into a sieve for cooling down. "I don't know." He searched for Ben's eyes. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "If you like to work for Marcus, please do it. Perhaps I should look for a job myself." Ben smiled haltingly. "It's just ... you can be damn cool sometimes." "I know." Simon smiled. "I vow improvement. Yes, Kay forgave Bastian. I think he IS in love." Like me, he added to himself. Again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What had been the price? The price for my golden prison had been to be at Jo's mercy. Vulnerability. I didn't know what it could mean to be passed around like fresh meat. But there has to be more than to have a tight arse and a cock that never got tired. Little did I know. I killed the pain in the pit of my stomach with foreign men, smelled their fears, longings and desires. I intoxicated myself with my power to give them what their wife at home couldn't give them: The fulfillment of their secret wishes; their unacknowledged wishes. And the reward had been affection I bought with this from Jo. So it had been, Simon, hadn't it? You do everything for money." The pen between his fingers trembled slightly. He stared at the words he had just written. Somehow it was a lie now. He wouldn't do anything for money. Not anymore. The past was over. He had written down anything he knew; anything that happened. "No Ben, I won't change for anything in the world what I have now: You. It is a joke fate plays on me; to find you now when everything is almost too late. Yes, Jo and I did blackmail the men and got a lot of money for it. But I couldn't go on. Jo had sold me and my love for money and I started to hate him for doing this to me. What is a cock compared to a secure life with you? Let us use the time that is left." After thinking a short time he added a sentence, then he put away the pen. He looked over to Ben who was laying on his side in bed next to him, eyes closed, sleeping. He closed the diary and turned off the light. But Simon couldn't sleep. There was the old guilt nagging inside. And fear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kay disgustedly wiped cobweb from his face. In the thin light beams coming from a small fly soiled window danced dust like golden glitter. Since he had recovered from the cold he felt restless. He admitted to himself that it was the presence of Roberto pissing him off. He couldn't even tell what it was in detail. Roberto was a nice guy, but to see how Daniel was fire and flame again annoyed Kay. After the wild night both had shared he saw Daniel in a different light and he believed to possess a piece of Daniel. A piece he watched jealously. Some nights he thought he could hear moans coming from the bedroom but he couldn't make out the matching voice. He had forgotten if Danny had made any noise. But he met Roberto with mistrust because he couldn't make out his intentions. Why was he here? Just because yearning drove him back here? After several months? And why Danny was so stupid to make a mistake again while he must remember that Roberto left him before. Kay looked around in the round gloomy room of the castle's big old tower. It seemed that Daniel wasn't here upstairs for a long time. Half blind, he bumped into something iron. It clattered loudly and echoed through the room. Kay groped and recognized an almost complete rusty suit of armour. He examined it for a while but didn't dare to touch it. Next to it he recognized more pieces of similar equipment. The more his eyes adjusted to the dim light the more he saw. Old chests, corroded by mold with iron fittings, old wardrobes with wormholes, their rustic farmer's paintings pale and greasy. On a stand clothes hung, moth-eaten, a Florentine hat with flowers, draped with dusty spider webs, a feather boa and a top hat. Kay fought his way through the uneven floor to the window and tried to open it, but it didn't give way. Apparently completely rusted. Instead he took one of the old clothes and wiped over the dull window glass. It was a great view over the mountain valley, grassy hills, the vineyards and apple plantations. One of them had belonged to Daniel's family. Daniel had told him that his mother lived in a posh house near the river running through the town and refused to live in the old chaotic castle. Kay couldn't imagine to be buried alive here with nobody for company nor to speak with. He didn't even have a dog or cat, only the vegetable and herbs he grew in the little garden. Well, now Roberto was here and Kay felt very superfluous. He blew upon a box shaped chest and coughed when dust swirled around. He sat down and buried his head between his palms. He longed for Sebastian. Kay had promised himself to let Sebastian stew in his own juice but the longer Sebastian and he were apart the more his yearning grew. He did forgive him long time ago. Him and all the others. Daniel had made it clear, that it had been solely a thing between him and his lover although apparently everybody knew about it, even his brother. The thought of Simon jerked through him guiltily. He had left him alone once more. But didn't Kay also have a right to lead his own life? Well, you had enough of "own life" and didn't care seriously for Simon. He was glad that he had Ben now. Ben seemed to be an angel ... but Kay was afraid that his brother could destroy what had begun. He stood up again and lifted curiously the cover of the chest. It groaned on its hinges. Kay pushed away dusty clothes and saw heaps of old books, old framed pictures, a bunch of letters and loose pieces of paper sheets. He took one frame and saw an elder man with white thin hair, a sort of a goatee, granny glasses and a clean old fashioned suit. With effort he pulled out the photo and read the name on the backside. "Joseph Victor von Scheffel - 1851." Sebastian's and Daniel's uncle! Kay grinned. The von Scheffel's all seemed to have that strong nose and the sensual lips. He laid it aside and took the paper sheets. "Alt Heidelberg du feine" he read. "Alt Heidelberg du feine Du Stadt an Ehren reich Am Neckar und an Rheine Kein andre kommt dir gleich Stadt froehlicher Gesellen An Weisheit schwer und Wein Klar ziehn des Stromes Wellen Blauaeuglein blitzen drein ... " Oh gosh, these were manuscripts! He wondered if Danny had any idea they were here? And if they may be precious? He noticed a sound coming from outside like a car driving up. He tucked the manuscript and photo under his arm and rushed to the little window. One second later he ran downstairs. Sebastian jumped out of the car and caught Kay in his arms. This was more than he had expected while he held Kay close and ruffled his hair. "Have a feeling you missed me, eh?" he managed to say into Kay's ear. "You twit, of course I did." Their lips met and gave Sebastian an instant erection. "Wow," Kay whispered, "guess this missed me too," he said laughing. "Sure." Sebastian freed himself from Kay's embrace. "How are you?" "Fine." Sebastian looked to the ground where the paper sheets had fallen, laying scattered all over. "What's this? Did you join the book writers?" Kay laughed and bent down to pick them up. "Look what I've found." He held the photo under Sebastian's nose. "Uncle Victor!" Kay beamed. "Where did you find it?" "There." Kay pointed to the big old tower, towering above the castle. Daniel went around the corner and came closer, grinning. "Great you're back, dear. And congratulations on your discovery. Now the history books of Rome will have to be written anew." Sebastian embraced Kay's waist. "Do you think I'll find my place in history, eh?" His laughter subsided. Roberto had joined them and Daniel likewise put his arms around his waist. Sebastian eyed him suspiciously. "Nice to see you again, Roberto," he said very coolly. Kay pricked up his ears. He didn't understand what Sebastian had said because he spoke Italian but the tone of his voice was enough. He watched Sebastian's face. He didn't look too happy. Perhaps he had the same inhibitions. Roberto grinned impishly. "Si, yearned for Daniele." Both smiled at each other and Kay and Sebastian exchanged glances. "Let us go in." Silently he asked Kay "How long has he been here?" "Two weeks. Man, this is a drag, you know. I don't understand when they are talking, Roberto speaks very little German. Do you know him?" "Indeed. He's the best friend of Andrea." "Andrea?" Kay imagined the slender young man with the dark hair and the mustache. He had met him in Rome and he couldn't get rid of the feeling that Andrea wanted his former lover back. Unhappily he said, "I don't understand all these coincidences. Daniel told me that Roberto helped him with the apple harvest last September and stayed until December. Since then he had heard nothing from him and suddenly he shows up again. Isn't it strange?" "Yeah, more strangely is that shortly after his vanishing the old altar vanished too." "Yes?" "Yes. He and his great friend Andrea stole it." Kay stopped in his tracks. "How do you know?" "Long story, tell you when we're alone." He looked piercingly at his lover. "And until then, no peep from you, understand?" He kissed him and pushed him through the entrance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "To the discovery!" was coming from four different mouths. They held high their wine glasses and drank. "So it's absolutely certain that Rome is older than Romulus and Remus, right?" "Right." Sebastian answered. "Not the tribe of the Sabiner's are the oldest but the tribe of the Summiter, also known as the Villanova people. The historians assumed until today that they would have been the first people residing upon the Palatine hill. Now we can prove it's wrong." "What - 'we '." Kay exclaimed. "You! Sebastian von Scheffel will make it into all history books and annals of the world," he said grinning and not without pride in his voice. "When will you give your first TV Interview?" Sebastian laughed. "Soon, I hope." He winked and emptied his glass. "My co-workers are overexcited you can imagine. They examined once more everything and came to the same conclusion. Well, everybody would have found out sooner or later," he added modestly. "It wasn't my merit. We work as a group." Daniel nodded and translated for Roberto now and again. "So Andrea and I live in a town actually 200 years older than we're all supposing," Roberto said aloud. Sebastian gave him a speculative look. "Do you know where Andrea is right now?" he asked shiftily. "Well ... no." Roberto's ears were getting a soft pink colour. "Why do you want to know?" "Thought he had made a new conquest in London." "London?" Roberto said startled and Daniel looked confused. "Well, let's drop the theme," Sebastian said and pulled out the old paper sheets. "Kay found this in the old tower, have you seen it before?" He handed them over and Daniel skimmed through them. " 'Old Heidelberg you nice one' " he read. "No, never seen nor heard," he said surprised. Roberto beside him peered curiously over his shoulder but it was in German. " 'You town, of honours rich and full On Neckar and on Rhine No one ever matches you.' " Daniel continued to translate for Roberto. Sebastian and Kay grinned at each other until Sebastian pulled Kay very close to him. "Have you thought about my mistake?" he asked low and Kay nodded. But he looked guilty. "I'm sorry for acting so stupid. Should have went with you to be there when you made the great discovery." Sebastian nodded. " 'Town of merry lads Rich for wisdom and for wine Clear drive the river's waves Blue eyes sparkling within.' " Roberto laughed. "What's this old fashioned crap for?" he said. "Hey, it's from our poet uncle. Perhaps very precious when they are undetected yet. Do you have more of them?" Daniel had turned to Kay who nodded. Roberto's blue eyes lit up. "Precious? You mean they would bring a lot of money?" Sebastian gave him a sharp look but said nothing. Instead he pretended to be tired, said good night and went with Kay upstairs to their old room. Kay's heart pounded fast in anticipation. But he wasn't quite sure about when to tell Sebastian what he did with his cousin. They had hardly shut the door when Sebastian turned and pulled Kay into a tight embrace. Kay felt his arousal through the fabric of his jeans and pressed his body even closer. "You won't believe it," Sebastian said, "but I missed you terribly." Kay grinned. "How terrible?" "That terrible." He released Kay and began to undress very quickly. Kay literally jumped at him until both were caught into fiery, steamy and noisy sex which left both out of breath, sweating madly and satisfied to no end. "Phew," Kay moaned. "That was the quickest one ever." He turned on his stomach and looked over to Sebastian laying shattered with open eyes. He was about to find the guts for telling him about Daniel when Sebastian asked "Have you heard from Simon?" "Yeah, he's doing fine with Ben. He said he never has felt so happy in a long time." Sebastian smiled "Great news." He stuffed the rumpled cushion behind his head. "And what about Danny's altar?" Kay asked, happy to delay his confession. "You know that Marcus and Nick had been in London for the Versace auction. They met George Rosenstock." "That old bugger? And Nicki?" "He's ok I think. But imagine! Andrea was with George!" "What? How's that?" Sebastian shrugged. "New lover boy, apparently met in Rome." He quickly filled Kay in. "That's an odd story. How did Marcus find out?" "Andrea told him." Kay's face was a question mark. "George didn't pay Andrea and Andrea is fed up with good old Georgie-boy." Sebastian interrupted himself. "A kingdom for a photo of George. Would like to see the asshole myself," he muttered. Kay wiped over his disheveled hair. "And now? You know where the altar is? We must warn Danny about Roberto. Shit, I know why I had this bad feeling. What a nerve! He just walked in as if nothing has happened." "Indeed, The altar is in Prague." He leaned over, "Fancy to come with me to bring it home?" "In Prague?" Kay asked incredulous. Sebastian nodded. "But how?" Sebastian heaved his body out of the bed. "Tell you under the shower." Kay hesitated. Timidly he began, "I also have to tell you something you won't like." "What is it? Can't be that bad." "It is." Sebastian stopped in his tracks and squatted down in front of Kay. "Spent a hot night with my cousin, eh?" His grin vanished when he saw Kay nodding. "No! Say it's a joke." Kay shook his head. Sebastian rose and vanished into the little bathroom without a word. Kay sat there dumbfounded and heard the water splashing in the shower. He waited anxiously and couldn't bring himself to follow Sebastian. Five minutes later a dripping wet Sebastian appeared in the door frame. "Aren't you coming? I need you to wash my back." Kay had never been that fast getting under a shower before. "Sweetie?" Kay jumped, scared. He was about to fall asleep in Sebastian's arms. "Are we quits now like Marcus and Nicki?" Kay turned to face his lover. "Yes. I guess. But I didn't do it for this reason, you must believe me." "I believe you. But, please, don't do it ever again. It hurts like hell, you know." His voice was casual but Kay sensed that Sebastian was serious. He kissed him quickly, "I'm so sorry." "Was he good?" "Huh?" "Danny." "Oh you old bugger." Kay punched Sebastian in the upper arm. "What do you expect, he's your cousin after all." "Ok, I'll take this for a compliment." He pulled Kay to his chest. "Ever been to Prague?" "No." "Nicki was." "Great, he could come with us." He bit his tongue instantly. Bad idea. He shouldn't tempt Sebastian. "No, he has school. I thought about your brother. Wouldn't it be good for him to have a little holiday? I'll go to the church and discuss with the chaplain or whomever. Don't mind when it is the police. And you both can relax, you had so little time together. I've heard Prague is a beautiful town." "Yeah, Golden Prague! The town of hundreds of towers and belfries." "So you like the idea?" "Of course I do, even more when Simon comes with us." Kay paused a second. "But why isn't Danny going to Prague to pick up his altar? Perhaps you have better things to do now, for instance giving your report to the academic journals, or something. Or having your TV appearance." Sebastian nodded. "I know, sweetie. I should definitely work on my paper. I wonder if Danny is up for coming with us. I don't want him to go there alone, you know. And neither he, me nor Marcus would like to have Andrea delivered to the police. We have no evidence if Andrea is denying everything. We have to join Europol but they won't bother about a stolen altar, would they." He sighed. "For Danny there are so many memories. The altar was cared for and beloved by the family. It isn't because it is so precious and worth its weight in gold. And then some idiot came along and took it away. I could slap Roberto and Andrea." He lifted his head and looked into Kay's face. "But besides this all - you and Danny together again is not exactly a nice imagination for me." Kay made a guilty face and Sebastian smiled. "No worry, Kay." He kissed his nose. I'll write my report in Prague. I would be glad if we can leave it behind as quickly as we can." In the morning they found Daniel sitting at his breakfast table in the kitchen. His forehead was full of sharp lines and he was staring at a sheet of paper in his hand. "Something wrong?" Sebastian asked good humoured. Without a word Daniel passed him the paper. "Thanks for all, but I have to go. You're right, the town is still full of old and sick people. Have to breath city air again. Sorry, Danny, I had a great time with you. Roberto." Sebastian said nothing just looked at his cousin and stroked his auburn, disheveled hair. "Left me like he came - unexpected." Daniel said dryly. Sebastian pulled a chair close to him and said, "I know why he left you so head over heels. It was my remark last evening about Andrea and London." Daniel looked up, not comprehending. "It was Andrea who stole your altar. He got the tip from your lovely Roberto. But more important, I know where it is now." Daniel let out a moaning sound. "This is ... I can't understand." "Do you know where you left Victor's manuscripts?" In Daniel grew a suspicion, he rose quickly and came back a moment later without them. "Gone also." Sebastian nodded. "Perhaps he's trying to sell them somewhere. He won't have success. Victor is a bit outdated." Daniel plopped on his chair again and stared at Roberto's hand writing. "Don't be sad, Danny. He wasn't worth it. Um, there's something else. Kay confessed everything to me last night ...." Daniel lifted his head abruptly and probed his green eyes into his cousin's eyes. "I urged him to tell you." He wiped his face. "I'm sorry, man. I don't know what ..." "It's ok. I mean, it's not ok." Sebastian tried a short laugh and sighed then. "Let's not talk about it, ok?" Daniel sighed also. "You said you know where the altar is?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It had become Simon's usual habit to pick up Ben from school, just like Marcus once had done every day with Nicholas and occasionally still did. Ben enjoyed the feeling to be needed and wanted; that there was someone waiting for him. Especially since Nick was still in London he felt a bit lonely. He passed pupils and teachers and approached Simon sitting alone on a bench. Bright sunlight made his dark hair gleam with an almost reddish colour. It was a healthy gleam Ben recognized happily. Simon smiled, rose and took one of Ben's bags. "Have exciting news for you," he whispered into Ben's ear. "So? What is it?" But Simon's attention was drawn to a man on the other side of the street, entering a car. Confused tried to remember the man but couldn't. "What's wrong?" Ben asked, following Simon's stare. "It's Frank's car." "He's not alone." Simon said slowly. "Perhaps he found another lover boy. Come." Ben took Simon by his shoulder and dragged him to his own car. "We'll make a visit." "Huh?" Ben grinned slyly. "Marcus' new working hall. Johannes is there to prepare the exhibition." He beamed. "With my works." Simon beamed too, leaned over and gave him a resounding kiss. "Well, I'm proud of you." "Better you are. Now what about your exciting news?" "Got an invitation from Kay to Prague." "Prague?" "Yes! He'll be there with Sebastian to pick up the altar." Simon told him about the events he learned from Kay on the phone. "Exciting!" Ben exclaimed. But then his smile vanished. He watched the traffic and his fingers drummed the steering wheel. "You won't be here for my first exhibition?" "Well, I don't know, Ben, if you would like to have me here, I'm not going. Actually I thought we could go together. Look, the semester is over soon, perhaps you won't miss that much." Ben, of course, liked the idea. "When will you go?" "Very soon. We are meeting in Prague. I'll go by train, it isn't that far. I've never been to this town," he added. "Me neither." Ben sighed. "I always wanted to but never made it." He looked at Simon. "So Sebastian thinks it's an easy thing to get back the altar? I mean, he can't simply show up in the church, grab the altar and go as if it would be a pushover. Has Daniel any proof it is his possession?" "Yes, he has. A certificate from a museum, confirming the authenticity." Ben nodded, turned into Friedrichstrasse and stopped the car in front of a huge shop window. "Come, the entrance is around the corner." Simon saw the big square of the Gendarmenmarkt in the far distance with the two, slender churches and the theatre in between. The place was full of tourists, admiring the most beautiful place in Europe - at least so the guides were telling them. Good choice of a place for the exhibition hall, Simon thought. Marcus would make more money here than in the other hall. The room was still a chaos of furniture of all kinds and sorts, paintings, drawings and goblins leaning on the walls, partly covered with cloths. "Hello?" Ben shouted and Johannes, the old restorer appeared from another room, Matthias in tow. Ben beamed instantly. "Hello, Johannes, we are here." "I see." Johannes small eyes behind the glasses smiled. "Look who's here." "Another competitor for the job," Ben said but grinned. "I know, Johannes, it was all Nick's plan." Matthias, Nicholas straight friend of mutual shopping center times, nodded. "Do you remember me?" he asked Simon. Simon recognized him quickly. Of course he could remember the night when Nick, Ben and Matthias had found and "kidnapped" him in a gay bar. It was the day he and Ben had met for the first time. "How could I forget you, eh? Straight man in a gay bar. Nice to meet you again." Matthias' blue-grey eyes sparkled. "Johannes is so kind to show me around. Gosh, it was a strange proposal I know very little about furniture, you know." Simon was still nonplused. "You remember the vacant job here Simon?" Ben said. "Nick thought that Matthias could do something better than to sell lamps and batteries. Of course we'll have to learn a lot." "You're doing fine." Johannes said. "good to see you again, Simon. It's been ages." Simon nodded and smiled. He always had liked the restorer of Marcus' working hall, although he hadn't seen him often. So good old Nick didn't forget about his old friends, he thought pleased. "You see, it's still in a mess, but I promise you, Ben: when the exhibition begins it will look beautiful." Johannes led them into the room from which he had appeared. It was surprising large and Simon wondered briefly now much rent Marcus had to pay for these rooms. The prices in "boomtown" Friedrichstrasse were astronomically high. Secretively smiling Johannes lifted a cover. A large wardrobe appeared and all three young men gasped. "Voila" Johannes exclaimed. "Andre-Charles Boulle. Late 17th century. It's a pair, you know. the other one is in Louvre, Paris." Ben didn't know where to look first: it was made of black wood, probably ebony with gilt bronze fittings at the doors, showing floral ornaments. The door panels were made of marquetry - precious wood, tortoiseshell and pewter, depicting rich flower vases after antique models. "It's outstanding." Ben managed to say finally. "Who will be able to pay so much money for it. How much is it?" "Haven't set the price yet but I'm sure one of these famous guests sleeping in the very expensive hotels around this place could afford one of two of them." He winked. Simon touched very carefully one of the polished fittings. "Do you have more of this?" he asked. "Sure, well, not that exclusive like this, but anyway." He pointed at American Butterfly tables, Florentine Cassapanca's, French Consulats and Indiscreet's corner consoles, writing desks and cabinets, chairs and stools. "Gosh!" Ben exclaimed. "I feel like I am in Sanssouci Castle of King Frederick! Do you think we can cope with it?" He looked quizically at Matthias. "I'm sure we can," Matthias answered, "sooner or later." "Your paintings are outside, Ben." Johannes said. "Do you want to quit your job?" Ben asked while they went into the hall again. "I'm not sure yet," Matthias replied. "Must think it over. How's Nick, still in London?" "Yes, but coming back tomorrow, so we'll have to discuss this here with Marcus." Ben looked for Simon who had lifted a cloth, looking at one of Ben's colourful abstract paintings. "Do you know Arshile Gorki?" Johannes asked. "Maxim Gorki I know, but no Arshile. Who is he?" "Russian painter with a sad biography. It reminds me so much of him, you know." "Hm. Do you think I'm copying him?" "No. It just has similarity. We like it very much." "Will your mother come and your brother?" Simon asked suddenly. "Of course. She changed her shift for this. And perhaps Nick's mother's coming too. It's the only opportunity for Marcus to meet her. She's now living in Sebastian's flat." "So? You didn't tell me. What about the father? Do you know him? "Why are you so interested?" Matthias threw in. Ben had an idea why Simon was interested but he left the answer to Simon. "My father hates me for being gay," Simon said after a while. "Oh - I see. It's the same with Nick's father." "Fathers! Why do they have such big difficulties to accept? Mother's are much more understanding." Johannes shrugged. "You know, women and gays are always on the same wavelength. Both love men." Simon, Ben and Matthias stared at the old man, suddenly nodding like a group of courting capercaillies. "This could easily be true." Ben finally said. "And fathers want their sons to be like themselves." "Yeah! Hard and tough and with a huge consumption of gals ... I assume," Simon said. Ben wrapped his hands around Simon't neck and shook him playfully. "I won't mention your huge consumption of boys," he laughed and Simon joined in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Andrea threw everything of his clothes into his brand new suitcase. He looked around and rushed into the bathroom again, then he was ready to leave. Just as he was closing the suitcase the door flung open and George stood in the door frame, a Martini glass in hand. He looked thunderstruck for a moment before he said low, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Andrea rose. "Packing." George came closer. "Why? Haven't you got everything here?" "You still didn't pay me." Andrea said coolly. "Ah, that's the reason. And why are you leaving now without the money?" Andrea shrugged. The locks were clicking. "I've seen you with Marcus and his boy toy." George's voice was acid. "What do you want from him?" "Don't know what's the interest for you. It's none of your business." George stepped even closer and grabbed Andrea's shirt over his chest. "I ask you again. What's the reason? You got money from him? Told him the place of the altar? A nice come back?" He released Andrea's shirt. "No, you wouldn't. I don't think Marcus would be interested. He knows nothing about it." Andrea remained silent. He took his suitcase and rushed downstairs. George followed him. "Do you fancy a threesome?" George asked suddenly, standing in the large hall. "I can tell you, Marcus is a beauty. But he won't stay with me. Not even for this." He opened a door to a small room and Andrea saw a wooden screen with painted glass panes. He hadn't seen it before and looked at it with interest. "No, he won't stay with me." George giggled and emptied his Martini glass. "You know I promised him to give him this," he pointed into the room, "if he would stay with me for a week." His eyes were rolling a bit uncontrolled now. Andrea couldn't help but grin. Surely Marcus was fed up with him like he was himself; it was easy to understand. George had silently approached Andrea. "Everybody is leaving me", he said weepy. "What can I do?" "Stop drinking." Andrea said short. "And stop smoking during sex. For instance." He turned and wrapped his hand around the door handle. "No! Don't go. Here, I'll give you the money, but please stay here." "George! I'm not staying!" Andrea shouted. "Ciao." The door slammed shut and George hammered his fist upon the wood in a sudden fit of anger. Then he dropped the glass and went over into the room with the screen. He stood there for several minutes, first desperately, then his anger grew. He ran into the kitchen and came back with a hammer. He let it crash onto the glass panes. Coloured pieces of broken glass whizzed through the room, hit him, but he didn't notice. Again and again he smashed on the shattered screen, at last the dark wood until it lay completely destroyed in small pieces at his feet. George was bleeding. He noticed it when his mind began to clear. Warm blood was dripping from a cut on his forehead into his eyes and his trousers were torn. With effort he took them off, staring first at the splinter in his calf, then at the raging erection between his legs. It hadn't been so for ages. He clasped it with one hand, the other one was wiping the blood from his face. It felt so good. So hard, so hot. George couldn't stop his stroking hand. He moaned and groaned, both for pleasure and for pain, his hand was getting frantic until he shed his semen over his abdomen and the last drops were dripping onto the remains of the screen. He giggled once more. Without a look back he went into the bathroom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Chapter 11 - there will be more soon.

Next: Chapter 34: A Promise and a Curse 14

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