The Knife That Twists Within

By moc.loa@059191hcSS

Published on Mar 31, 2001



Part 10 / Chapter 9

As we left Chapter 8 -

Just for some days I'll stay here, he calmed his conscience. Put him on the rack, yeah! Kay almost smiled.

Chapter 9 (Part 1)

Ben wondered about the amazing amount of books in Simon's flat. Have I brought them all? Apparently yes. When he had met Simon there wasn't a book here except gay magazines and porn stuff.

Ben was on cloud nine because Simon had allowed him to carry all his clothes to Kay's old flat. He never thought it would be that easy to convince Simon that it would be better if they could live together, now that he was in need of care and help. Perhaps it was because of Simon's weak condition that he had changed his mind. Well in the last weeks he had recovered very fast and Ben got the instructions to keep him off of alcohol and drugs. He was determined to do so. Next week Simon would be released but only because there was somebody at home to look after him.

As he rummaged between the shirts and underwear, his fingers touched a thick envelope. He pulled it out and opened it. Amazed, he fell on his backside. He saw black and white photos of naked men in indubitable positions. To be more explicit - in fucking positions. And one of them was Simon.

There were several sots, all from the same direction, apparently made my by a mounted, steady, camera. The men were different, all ages but mostly elder ones. It was disgusting for Ben.

As quickly as he was able, he stuffed them back into the envelope and sat there pondering. What was the meaning of all this? Why had Simon taken photos of those men and himself? Apparently it was a different flat than those here. And why had he hid them between his shirts and underwear?

A bit lame, he put the rest of the clothes into suitcases and backpacks and carried them to the car. He would have to ask Simon about that.

Once he arrive at Kay's flat he left the stuff in the hall and drove to the hospital. Frank was walking, bored, along the corridor when Ben entered the station. He looked much better, his face was getting back to the usual tone and had lost the yellowish colour. Ben tapped on his shoulder and Frank turned. "What're you doing here?"

"Doc sent me outside, he wanted a private talk with Simon. He'll be released next week."

"I know." Ben beamed. "What are you reading? He referred to a letter Frank crumpled between his fingers.

"Letter from school. Got an invitation for a hearing with the teaching staff. Apparently they want to dismiss me."

"For the hitting, yes?" Ben couldn't exactly find any pity for him. "Well, it was your fault.

Frank said nothing, just stared sinisterly. "Didn't you actually want me to help?"

"Help you? You mean go to the teachers and tell them about the reasons for the fight, yes? Well actually I should do it. But then, what good would it do for me?"

Frank turned completely to him. "Ben, I know I behaved like shit to you. It's ... you turned me on that much."

"Ahh! I turned you on that much." A brief red flush scurried over Ben's face.

"And now? You know I can't forgive you what you did to Nick. You also were so hot for him that you had to injure him that badly, right?"

"I'm sorry for that."

"So? You're sorry for this! I think Nick never heard you say you're sorry."

"What shall I do?"

Ben sniffed air through his nose but remained silent.

"I mean, Walt is really a piece of shit." Frank continued. "The past is the past but now we have a possibility to throw him out of the academy. He never belonged there, he's a dumb head in painting. And I know who's backing him."

"So? You know? Who is it?"

Frank shook his head. "Won't tell you. Not yet."

"Maybe you both will get the sack."

The door opened and Doctor Hardenberg came out. He smiled at Ben and took him by the elbow. He nodded excusingly to Frank, who disappeared in the direction of the toilets. "Next week we will release him, Ben. I rely on you. You said you would share a flat, is it still ok?"

Ben nodded. "I just gathered his stuff and brought it to the new flat."

"Good. Whenever you need help, call me. Here's my number." He fished out a card and handed it to Ben. Ben wondered why he did it as if he wouldn't have other important things to do. Hardenberg smiled, "I have a gay son too." He took Ben's upper arms and squeezed them lightly. Then he was gone.

Ben stared at the card and put it into his shirt pocket and took a deep breath. He didn't know exactly what to do now. Should he tell Simon about the discovery? Or later? Or never? He decided to put it off until later and opened the door to Simon's room. Simon sat in a chair beside the window and stared out of it. He didn't turn his head when he heard the door opening, just when he felt Ben's hand taking his own he looked up and smiled. "Hi, Ben. You're looking good." He pulled him nearer to a second chair where the doctor had apparently been sitting and kissed him quickly.

"All ready for our move?"

Ben nodded. "Already in Kay's flat. It's great there, don't you think?"

"Yeah, great there, above all the view from the windows." He seemed to be depressed and Ben was alarmed. "What is it? Hardenberg said next week I can pick you up."

"True, it isn't that."

"I met Frank, he got the day for his hearing."

"You still want to speak for him? For that moron?"

"Don't know, Simon. What shall I do, tell me."

"Actually I don't care. Do what you think is right."

Ben sighed. He didn't like it when Simon was so indifferent. He would prefer to see when Simon would be angry or fuming but this apathy frightened him. Well, perhaps he was just bored.

"Tell you what, as soon as you're out of here we will take a few days off, yes? I mean, I will take a few days off. We can drive somewhere, no matter where. We had so little time together."

Simon's eyes lit up. "Really? But what about my medication?"

"You can take the pills wherever you are and after that you can go back to hospital for your usual tests. Say yes."

"Sure I say yes." The prospect of being freed from Frank's presence was nice enough but if would be even nicer to have a few days with Ben alone. Despite everything his hormones were in a turmoil and the jacking off sessions under the hospital shower didn't lessen the urge. He grinned impishly and brought his lips nearer to Ben's. Ben saw the two deep dimples on his cheeks and his heart melted. He pressed his lips to Simon's, pulling him closer and exploring his back. He was about to pull Simon's shirt out of his trousers when they heard the door open and parted quickly, breathing heavily. Frank grinned shamelessly.

"I hope I interrupted something."

"Shut up, you sure did."

"Heard you will leave me next week," Frank continued. "What are you up for then?"

"Why does it bother you? Envious?"

"Yeah sure! As soon as I'm out of here I'll have the longest fuck of my entire life."

"Hope you don't forget something."

First Frank looked blankly then he burst out into an unhappy laughter. "No, for God's sake. That was a lesson I'll never forget."

"Well, so it had something useful in the end." Simon said dryly.

"Yeah, you were lucky, Frank. Your second AIDS test came out negative too, right?"

"Right," Frank sighed. Yes he was negative but he had nobody to go to after his release. He looked to Simon who was captured by Ben's face and was playing with this long black ponytail. Perhaps a short life filled with love was better than a long life without? He shook off that all too romantic thought instantly. Shit it was. Better a life full of fucks, the more the better. Love vanished, but passion stayed.

It was now five days since Sebastian's leaving and Kay felt more and more lonely. But the more time passed the more he couldn't get rid of his sulking feelings and Daniel didn't do much to help him. He seemed to be pleased with his company but whenever he wanted to speak about Sebastian, Daniel blocked the talk. His sole answer was 'go to him if you like him that much,' and Kay's response was 'I don't know if I like him that much.' Daniel sighed once more and turned to the fresco painting he was about to restore. He couldn't bear it anymore. Had the world ever seen such a pair of idiots? He knew from his cousin the story of Marcus and Nick, how long they were sulking with each other, unable to make the first step. Men and their hurt pride! Jesus Christ. He sure belonged to that part of humankind but if he had a lover like Kay he would throw all his so-called pride overboard. What's the use of it? In the end they would reconcile again and all the time was wasted. He couldn't believe that Kay and Sebastian were making the same mistake. He was more surprised when Kay came up to the room where he worked and said quietly, "I've tried to call Bastian." Daniel's head flung around. "And?" "He isn't there." Daniel looked at his watch, it was half past 8 in the evening. He wouldn't be at work until this time. He sighed. "Perhaps he's out for dinner. Try once more later." He smiled at him. "But good you decided to call him finally. Have you made up our mind?" "Don't know yet. I wanted to hear his voice." He looked down. "Probably he's mad at me because I never called." Daniel stepped from the ladder. "I'm sure he isn't mad ad you, Kay." "Then why didn't he ever call?" "Well, he called ME." "That's it. But never asked if he could speak to me." "True. It's up to you." "But he was the one who fucked around!" Daniel sighed. "Kay, how childish of you. Madonna, why can't you guys ever be reasonable. You behave like children in kindergarten!" "Oh thanks a lot!" He turned and rumbled down the staircase. Daniel heard a door squeaking on its hinges and knew Kay entered the little chapel. In the passing days he had developed quite an affection for the chapel and its interior. Daniel followed him. Kay was nothing more than a silhouette in the dark room. He stood in front of the pictures of saints set into the wainscots. Daniel sat on a hard stool and watched him. "You know that I'm right" he said softly. "Yeah." Kay was wiping his face. "When I'm not able to get him on the phone, would you call for me at his work place tomorrow?" "Of course I'll do so. It must have an end. I mean, I'm really glad that you're with me. It's a long time ago I had such pleasant company, you know." Kay turned his head curiously. "Long time ago, yes? How long?" "Well, about five months." "Isn't that long." He came closer. "You gave up the altar?" He pointed to the empty space where the altar once belonged. "What shall I do? I'm not Perry Mason." Kay grinned and Daniel looked at his watch. "Do you want to come up with me? I'll have to do some more and then we call it a day." Kay nodded. The citizens of Meran went to sleep early, as he had learned, and were up at the crack of dawn. "You know, I really loved the altar. It was in family possession for so many, many years. Well that's not the only reason. It was a master piece. I adore Pacher so much. It was my biggest treasure, you understand?" Kay nodded again, furtively took Daniel's hand and squeezed it. "I really would like to help you but I don't know how. If I knew who it was I would sentence him to pluck the apples from the plantation trees one by one. Would take him ages!" Daniel started to laugh. Back in the large room which covered the whole upper floor, Daniel climbed up the ladder. Kay watched the coloured freschi along the walls. Daniel had explained to him that they would portray the three most pious emperors, the three biggest heroes, the three most glorious pairs of lovers and the three most mighty dwarfs and giants. Nobody knew exactly who they are but some of them Daniel had sorted out for himself. "Can you give me the paper please?" Daniel asked. "Paper?" He found some very thin sheets of paper laying on the table and reached them up. "What is it?" "Japanese paper." Daniel held the paper against the wall and wiped a sponge over it. The more he wiped the clearer the colours were getting and Kay discovered behind all the dirt and soot the reddish blond curls of a young, strong man swinging a sword. Amazed he called "How did you do it?" "The sponge is soaked in ammonium fluid. It would be too sharp to put it on the freschi so we use the Japanese paper, it's thin enough to let the fluid through." He examined his work. He had the idea that one of the biggest heroes could only be Siegfried from the old Nordic legend. Surely that greenish mess at his feet had to be the dragon he had killed. He held another paper against the wall and wiped over it to clean Siegfried's face. The paintings were a bit disproportionate and daft in the facial expression but that was the usual style almost 700 years ago. The thought struck him once more. 700 years! It was unbelievable. "Do you like a glass of wine?" he heard Kay asking and he nodded. "Yeah, it's dry and dusty in here." Kay returned soon with a bottle and two glasses, opened it and filled him a glass. He reached up and Daniel took it. "Now, how do you like young Siegfried, the dragon killer?" "Well, does he have his trousers on? Hey, what about you clear away the trousers and guide the people here. That would be a nice surprise." Daniel laughed. "Do you think the painter painted first his dick and then his trousers? Or do you want me to paint him a new one?" "Sure. Can you paint?" Daniel nodded. He wiped his soiled fingers on a cloth and took a sip of his wine. He focused his gaze at the wall painting and the small part he had just cleaned. It stood out against the other dusty parts. "It's really amazing." he heard Kay's voice again. "Isn't it?" Daniel looked down. Kay had a taste of his wine and clicked his tongue. "Yummy," he said and stepped closer to the wall. "It's a hard job." He said. "Do you want to do this all alone? It'll take you ages. "Apparently. Well, perhaps I can find someone from the museum's staff. After all this is very precious here." Kay nodded. "Perhaps I can help you? It doesn't look that difficult." "You? I thought you'll go back to Rome as soon as you can." "You want to get rid of me?" Kay grinned. "That soon?" Daniel reciprocated his smile. Indeed he would be sad if Kay left so soon. Besides his foolishness in a certain direction he was a funny lad and easy to talk to. "Actually not, Kay. You haven't found a good gay bar for me yet." He winked and smiled once more and this time Kay felt a punch in his stomach. Again it was Sebastian's kind of smile. He watched Daniel climbing down the ladder. Suddenly Kay sensed Daniel's body close behind him and began to sweat. He turned and gazed into Daniel's serious bright green eyes. Yeah, Sebastian's ravishing smile. "Why do you need a gay bar?" he croaked. Following an instinct he put down his glass and ran all ten fingers through Daniel's thick, short, auburn hair. He wiped the strands from his forehead until his fingers met each other in the nape of his neck. Daniel began to smile once more, haltingly though but it was enough for Kay. He couldn't resist those pale, full lips who tasted of that fruity, fresh wine so that he let out a purring when they met. He felt Daniel's strong hands around his waist pulling him close until their bodies connected, felt him stroking his buttocks and he opened his mouth wide to welcome Daniel's hot tongue until both gasped for a breath of air. There was a little stifled voice in the back of Kay's mind, trying to keep him from going further. It had scaring similarity with Sebastian's voice, saying "think I love you" and Kay struggled to get free from Daniel's closeness. But the older man's lips were following him, eyes closed, a bit out of control, hands groping for him, pulling him to his chest until Kay gave up the fight. Sebastian was gone and his love declaration turned to be a lie. He fucked Nick - how could he love him then? Kay couldn't say what happened to him but suddenly both found themselves amidst a pile of blankets and clothes on the floor where he frantically tried to peel off Daniel's clothes. He pushed his old pullover over his head, revealing the strong chest and broad shoulders and ran his fingers over the soft down. He almost sobbed, Sebastian felt the same. So warm and soft ... he never stopped until Daniel lay naked beside him, his skin a soft glow, strong legs spread apart, his penis hard and glistening with droplets. Kay's lips went closer, touched the thick shaft, memorized Sebastian's smell, taste and size and found it different and similar at the same time. A deep moan came from Daniel's throat. "Not here," he managed to croak. He pushed away Kay's demanding hands, his licking tongue, lifted his upper body and stared into Kay's face. Kay's dark eyes were shaded with lust. Daniel rose and took Kay with him. "Not here," he repeated. He went with him downstairs into his bedroom where he silently pushed Kay softly upon the bed. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold on for long, it was too long since he had shared the bed with another man and Kay didn't do much to cease his arousal. On the contrary - before Daniel could stop it, Kay had him over the edge, spraying his liquid all over his belly. A muffled cry caused Kay to giggle and Daniel joined his cheerful laughter. One second later he had his mouth again around his softening cock, bringing it in no time to its second erection. "Won't let you out of bed before I have this inside me," Kay mumbled indistinctly, his tongue working Daniel's penis up and down and Daniel couldn't help but laugh. He squirmed upon the bed and heard Kay whispering, "Do you have a condom?" Daniel blinked and shook his head. All of a sudden he was sober. "Do we need one?" Kay closed his eyes briefly. He knew Sebastian had several AIDS tests, likewise he himself, so there was no danger. But what did he know about Daniel? He crawled upon Daniel's body and straddled his waist. Daniel's penis filled his crack and Kay shivered. "Are you clean?" he asked. "I never had a test." Daniel replied quietly. Kay was disappointed. "I want you so badly," he whispered. "You have me." Daniel whispered back. "There are other ways to make love." He stroked Kay's thighs until he finally wrapped his fist around Kay's hard, stiff penis. Kay closed his eyes again and tried not to think about Sebastian. He slid from Daniel's lap, stretched out between the covers and visualized Daniel's body, his caressing hands, the chest rubbing against his own, the tongue between his legs, searching on, finding his orifice until Kay was one shivering bundle of lust and happiness. Daniel enjoyed the sweet strong taste of Kay, the lithe, smooth body beside him, upon and under him, driving them to several mutual climaxes. They fell asleep in the middle of their love play, awoke again, began another play until Daniel saw the light from a little lamp mirrored in a wet trace on Kay's cheek. Kay had his eyes closed and smiled. Daniel watched the face beside his own upon the pillow and asked himself what on earth prompted Sebastian to forget his lover, to cheat on him with Nick. "Kay?" he asked low. Kay opened his eyes, again shaded but this time for sleepiness. "Do you love Bastian?" Kay's smile died. After a long time he said "Of course I do." Daniel nodded. "So there's no need for me to buy condoms tomorrow, is there?" Kay arched an eyebrow and sighed. "Will you forgive him?" Daniel pulled him to his chest. "You're quits now." Kay stirred. "So you think I did it for revenge?" He peered into Daniel's face. "To feel desirable?" Daniel shook his head. "I know you think about Bastian." His voice was a bit rough. "You didn't mean ME but him." He looked into Kay's eyes. It's ok with me. We both need it." He smiled and Kay gave in. He cuddled close to him and wrapped his leg around Daniel's waist. "You're a great man." he mumbled after a while. And now I know how things can happen, he added to himself before he fell asleep. Daniel was up a long time when Kay opened his eyes. He smelled Daniel's scent upon the pillow they had shared. His first thought was that he felt good, the second that he felt bad for Daniel. He jumped out of bed, searched for his clothes but couldn't find them, then he remembered both left them in the big room upstairs. A few minutes later he appeared in the kitchen and smelled fresh brewed coffee. Daniel was standing at the tiny window and was drinking his coffee. He put his arms around his naked waist and whispered "Good morning." Daniel put the mug aside and turned. "Slept well?" He grinned. "You forgot to call Sebastian last night." "Oh damn. Yes." Kay grinned too. He was relieved that Daniel took it so easy. He got a kiss on his nose and a slap on his jeans covered butt. "Now go for a shower, I'll call Bastian's work meanwhile. Hurry up." Daniel watched Kay vanishing and took the receiver. But the answer he got wasn't exactly encouraging. Kay saw it when he returned. "Bad news?" he asked. "Bastian is gone to Volterra. There's a big museum for Etruscan art, he hopes to find there a solution to the things they found up the Palatine Hill in Rome." "Volterra? A town?" "Yes. Ever been there?" Kay shook his head. He hadn't heard that name before. "So I can't reach him, right? Shit!" "Yeah. You should buy him a mobile phone for Christmas." Kay snorted. "Brilliant idea. Now, what are we doing?" "Well you can help me if you still want to."

"Oh for heaven's sake." Nicholas mumbled to himself. He had almost finished with the painting of Elli Schneider. It was the last session and tomorrow Marcus and he were up to fly to London for the auction.

Again Elli wanted to see the progress of her picture and had stepped behind him. He held his breath because her perfume was stabbing his nose again.

"Very good, Nicki," he heard her coo. You know, I thought about a different thing. A feather light touch on his hair. "You know it's my husband's birthday soon. This painting is, of course, made for him but ... " again a touch , this time on his neck. All his hairs stood on end as she bent down to his ear and blew into it. "I have a special kind of painting in my mind."

When she stepped from behind him she was naked. She had left her green neglige and stood there in all her proud glory. Nicholas slipped the paint brush in the box and breathed in sharply. "What ... what do you mean exactly?" He couldn't look at her so he focused his gaze upon the finished painting and blushed furiously.

"This I mean. Look at me," she demanded. Nicholas closed the box with his paints very slowly before he looked at her again. Into her face, not below.

"Do you think it's worth being painted?" She asked and smiled her best smile.

"Well ... "He cleared his throat. "Perhaps, perhaps it would be better to find another painter then?" he said low.

"Why? You're good enough."

Jesus Christ! Nick's thoughts were racing. "I ... I haven't got time anymore, you know tomorrow Marcus and I are going to London, so ..."

"It doesn't matter, I have time." She sat back into her armchair and exposed her teeth. I'll give you double payment. What do you think?"

Nicks face was blank. And so was his mind. He was sure that old Elli had something different in mind for payment.

"I'm sure you already guesses that this painting is not for my husband. After all he sees me every day but there's somebody who would appreciate it."

"Aha. And who is it?"

"Ah, Nicki, you're a nosey little rascal. Guess who it is?"

Nicholas was annoyed and was getting angry. What's this quiz about? "You know, Mrs. Schneider ... "

"Call me Elli, please. A model and its painter should be very familiar with each other, especially when it comes to nudes, don't you think? Or don't you like what you see."

"Well, actually no." He pulled himself together. Idiotic, he chided himself. "You know, it's none of my interest who the lucky boy is whom you will delight with this painting. I'm not the right man for it." He rose from his chair. Elli looked very dismayed and a bit astonished.

"But Nicki, think about all that money. I'm sure you're in need of it. You can't always be kept by Marcus."

"It's none of your business... Elli. I have to go now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He hesitated one moment. "When can I expect the cheque?"

"In three days." Her voice was very cool. "Hopefully you won't regret it. Darling."

Nicholas stormed up the staircase to find Marcus in a muddle of clothes. They lay sprawled upon the bed and he stumbled over shoes. "Are we going on a world tour?" he asked amazed.

Marcus appeared from under the bed, he looked a bit disheveled and grinned. "You never know, angel." He saw Nicholas' flushed face, rose and put the pair of socks that had rolled under the bed with the others. "Something wrong with you?"

"Yeah." Nicholas plopped upon the bed between shirts and underwear. "This Elli is getting on my nerves. Really."

"Oh, I thought this was your last session. What's happened with her?"

"She wants me to paint her nude."

Marcus snorted. "What does she want?" He stopped himself and grabbed Nicholas from behind. "Told you she has the hots for you" he whispered into his ear and Nicholas giggled. "She tried to seduce you?" Marcus asked.

"Not sure. Guess so." He fell onto his back and stretched out his arms. "Tomorrow this time we're in London. Exciting."

Marcus kissed his forehead. "I bought something for your ears." He gave him a pair of ear plugs. "From the pharmacy. They say it's new and should help the ear pains." Nicholas too it and examined them. "Thanks. How nice ou thought about it."

"You're welcome. Um, I have a bit of bad news though. Bastian called."

"And?" Nicholas rose again and looked over his shoulder. "Is he ill?"

"No. Kay heard something he shouldn't have heard."

Something dawned within Nicholas. "He found out about ... " Marcus nodded.

"Holy shit! How?"

"Listened to a talk between Bastian and Daniel about you and him."

Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Great. He must hate me now."

Marcus went around the bed and squatted in front of Nick. He took his hands, "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, angel. He will survive. Although he refused to go with Bastian back home. He's still with Daniel."

Nicholas moaned. "Even greater. Shit." He put his arms around Marcus' neck and held him tight. "And Sebastian? He went home without Kay?"

Marcus shrugged his shoulders. "He had to go to work, they found important things during their excavations. He couldn't stay."

Nicholas looked into his eyes again. "So they are going to make the same mistake we did, yes? Sulking until it's too late."

"It wasn't too late for us. I have hopes." He smiled encouragingly. "Now, look at the mess here. Say what you'll take with you and I will throw it into the suitcases."

"Throw, yes." Nicholas laughed. "You're so impractical! Who packed your bags, Anna?" Marcus grinned and watched Nicholas quickly sorting out his clothes and folding them neatly into the suitcase.

"Elli offered me a lot of money if I would painted her." A long glance over his shoulder. "Nude."

Marcus whistled. "And?"

"Afraid I can't paint with my eyes closed."

Marcus laughed. "Is it so bad?"

"She said I can't be kept by you until eternity."

"So she said? And what do you think about it?"

"Well, somehow she's right."

"Nicki," Marcus stopped his searching hands by taking them again. "What's mine is yours. You have your own account and a card. Do with it whatever you like."

"Can I throw it out the window, too?"

"If you want to ... So if you want to earn your own money you'll have to paint her. Think about it while we're in London."

"I refused somehow and she said hopefully I wouldn't regret it. What could she mean?"

Marcus shrugged again. "She's harmless. Perhaps she want's to cure you from your gayness." He smiled and gave him a kiss. "Hope she won't succeed."

Sebastian went briskly through the Museo Guarnacci. It was one of the largest museums for Etruscan arts in Italy. He passed the characteristic funeral urns, bronze tools and mosaics. Since the clays and votive gifts of necropolis they had found belonged to a period two hundred years before Rome was founded, he pondered about the era they could belong to and came to the conclusion it could only be the Villanova-time. The people of the Villanova era were assimilated by the Etruscan tribe. He stopped in front of a big glass showcase which hid the figure of the so-called "Ombra della sera: the Evening Shadow. A bronze stele of a young male with overly long limbs, with clearly worked hair, face and genitals. Perhaps a soul figure put into a grave as a gift. "Ombra della sera" he whispered low. Long and small as the light in the evening. After a while he loosened his gaze and went on. He needed fresh air so he went up to the second floor, crossed the rooms again and opened the door to a terrace. He went over to its railing and looked out over the land. Tuscany land. Soft hills of all colours of green, little silver patches of olive groves and up near the site, pretty houses with red roofing tiles. Suddenly he felt free and breathed deeply in to the spicy air. He always felt free when he overlooked the wide Italian landscape. Gray white clouds billowed in the distance and a wind was tugging at his hair. "Volaterrae - the earth is flying ... " again he whispered to himself. This was a good and very fitting name for this town high above the ground. "I haven't seen you in a long time, Sebastiano." Sebastian jumped as he heard the deep, a bit tired, voice. He looked into the strained face of Emilio, the director of the museum, instantly smiled at him and took his had to squeeze it. Oh man, I'm so happy to see you." Emilio's laughing eyes lay in deep wrinkles, his black hair had distinct strands of white. He must be in his late 50's now Sebastian thought. "How's our wife?" he asked. "Fine, thank you." The deep brown eyes examined his opposite. "What brings you to us? Business?" "Yes." Emilio nodded. Feel invited for dinner. Carmela will be pleased to see you again. We can talk about your business then, d'accordo?" "Si." Sebastian smiled and Emilio took his arm. "It's closing time soon. You came alone?" Sebastian nodded and Emilio gave him a surprised look. "Are you ill?" He winked and Sebastian grinned. "No, no. Just a bit alone at the moment." Emilio raised his brows but said nothing. "Bucchero-pottery, eh? Well, we have some of this as you know, but do you really think the Sammiter was housed upon the Palatine in Rome? I thought they were more in the south." Emilio blew blue-grey smoke of his cigar into the bar room. It was loud in it but Sebastian didn't mind. After the dinner both had preferred to talk in private and Emilio had taken him to his favorite haunt. "Yeah, but what if we made the sensational discovery that they did settle in the area of later Rome? And remember the scientists still don't know exactly how the black ceramic was produced. Did they use coal, ash or plant fibers or manganese ore?" Sebastian had settled down for beer and grappa. He wiped a wet strand of hair off his forehead. "The burning procedure, Sebastian. Throttled supply of oxygen. This would explain the red spots upon the ceramic." Sebastian sighed and poured another grappa from the bottle he had ordered for precaution. For heaven's sake he didn't want to discuss fibers of plants and oxygen supply. Wherever he went, Kay's face followed him. He had no clue why Kay never called, likewise he had no idea why he himself never asked Daniel about Kay and how he's doing You're such a shit head he cursed himself. He noticed that he missed what Emilio said and pulled himself together. "Are you in trouble amico?" Damn, Emilio's sharp eyes missed nothing. Sebastian waved off and drank another grappa. Emilio stopped him and shook his head. "If I see it right you're lovesick, caro." He placed his face hear Sebastian's ear. "Could it be? The irresistible Sebastian von Scheffel and lovesick?" "How do you know I'm irresistible, eh?" "Well ... " Emililo's look was evasive. "Last time you were here Leandro was speaking of nothing but you. Sebastiano here and Sebastiano there." He flung his arms into the air and Sebastian had to grin. "Yeah, Leandro." He remembered Emilio's nephew who was a bit younger than he himself. A very bright and calm man but he lacked the cheekiness and carefree behavior Sebastian loved about Kay. Leandro was much too serious for his taste but he liked him quite well when he had met him last year. "How is he?" he asked. "Alone." Emilio's eyes were lurking. Sebastian took another grappa and wiped over his mouth. He would end up plastered somewhere on the streets when he wouldn't stop drinking this damned shit. "Alone," he repeated. Too bad for him." "And the ... young boy you were with last year? What's with him?" "Andrea? Crossed him off the agenda." His head hung. "I messed up a relationship with another man. That's all. But that's not the reason I'm here." His tongue was a bit heavy now. "Cameriere," he called to the waiter, "un sigaretta per favore." He got and lit it. Instantly his head began to spin but he didn't care. He clung to his beer glass. "What did you do to him?" he heard Emilio's voice from a distance. "Went to bed with another lad and he found out now." "Oh." Emilio raised his brows. "A good reason to drink. What's his name?" "Kay." Sebastian's eyes were burning from the smoke. He inhaled and began to cough. "He's cross with me." "Naturalmente. You think it's bad?" Sebastian nodded. "Should call him, but perhaps he won't speak to me." Emilio grinned a half grin. "Ma, when you never call him you'll never find out. Non 'e vero?" "Vero." Sebastian emptied the grappa bottle. His movements were a bit insecure and his eyes glazed. Emilio decided it would be better to put him into bed. He put some Lire upon the table and heaved Sebastian's limp body from the chair. "I'll take you with me before you get lost and fall over the railings." Sebastian followed him meekly. *************** End of Chapter 9 - Part 1. Part 2 will follow shortly.

Next: Chapter 31: A Promise and a Curse 11

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