The Julian Technique

By moc.liamg@1594whs

Published on Apr 22, 2021



Note: This is a work of fiction about consenting adults for readers 18+. Feedback welcome:

I'd never had a massage before. As a reward for a busy month, my company booked a massage therapist to give free chair massages on a Friday afternoon. I signed up for a 15-minute slot at the end of the day. I finished my work, packed up, and walked into the spare room where the massages took place. I was surprised to see an athletic guy with longish dark hair, dressed in a t-shirt and track pants. He looked like he was in his early 30s, a few years older than me.

"Welcome," he said. "Take off your jacket and have a seat."

He set a timer for 15 minutes as I straddled the massage chair and settled my face in the headrest. He told me to take a deep breath and efficiently got to work kneading my neck, shoulders, and upper back. I let out a sigh and sunk into the chair. As his hands moved lower down my back, I noticed myself getting semi-hard. I shifted my legs to hide it.

"You have tons of knots," he said nonchalantly. "You could really use a serious session."

"Yeah, I've never had one before," I replied, my voice muffled by the padding.

A few minutes later the timer buzzed. He stopped the massage and gripped my shoulder.

"Take your time."

I sat up slowly, distracted by my boner and willing it to subside. As if noticing my nervousness, he turned around to search through his bag.

"Here's my card. I still have some openings this weekend."

The following afternoon I drove to the address on Julian's card. He had instructed me to come showered and asked if I had any injuries or concerns. Other than that, I had no idea what to expect.

The studio was located in a quiet room at the back of his house. Daylight filtered through a window facing a small, private yard.

"No one can see in here, but I can draw the curtains if you like it darker."

"I like the light," I said, waiting awkwardly in the doorway as he fiddled with a speaker to put on music. He was barefoot, in shorts and a t-shirt.

"So, I have a new technique I want to try. I thought you might be interested," Julian said casually.

"What does that entail?" I asked.

"More intense than my usual massage, with some guided movements and closer contact. You'd have to trust me and really let go."

I felt a crazy stirring of nerves in the pit of my stomach. He was hard to read. I wasn't sure how to answer, I hadn't even taken off my jacket. I must have looked unsure because his demeanor suddenly changed.

"Right, I forgot this is your first time. Let's get you set up on the table and start on those knots."

"Sounds good," I said cheerily. I was relieved by his professionalism but also disappointed that the offer might have passed.

"Put your things here," he said, motioning to a chair.

I hung my jacket over the chair and sat down to remove my shoes. I expected him to offer me some privacy, but instead he just stood at the foot of the table, staring.

The nerves returned. I pulled off my sweatshirt.

"You can take everything off," he said, still watching.

I stepped out of my jeans and took off my t-shirt, throwing them on the chair. I walked towards the table.

"Wait," he said. "Let's check your alignment. Bend down and touch your toes for me."

I stretched down to my toes as he approached. His shorts brushed against my head as his hands felt their way down my spine and along my hips.

"Hmm," he said, like he found something he didn't like. "Let's get these off."

His fingers slipped under the waistband of my boxers and slipped them down around my ankles. I was speechless.

"Your hips are really tight, I want to focus on opening them up."

Standing there naked in the middle of the room as he examined me was like nothing I had ever experienced. After the initial shock wore off, I realized I kind of liked it.

"Okay, we'll start facedown," he said.

I climbed onto the table and lay on my stomach. Section by section, Julian worked my shoulders, neck, and back. Adding oil, he continued with longer, deeper strokes until all the tension was gone. It was everything I had expected from the session.

As I lay there blissfully I was surprised to feel an oily hand reach between my legs and briskly lift my cock and balls out from under me. More oil was drizzled onto my hamstrings. Julian's hands slid along my inner thighs, squeezing out the tightness and spreading oil up and down my legs. He worked on my feet for a bit and stretched my legs so he could get at the muscles from every side. Occasionally his hands grazed my cock, but they never lingered.

At this point my entire back side was thoroughly oiled and massaged, with the exception of my glutes. Then I felt the tickle of more oil dripping onto the skin between my ass crack and balls. Julian resumed his work, now squeezing my ass cheeks and digging his thumbs between them. I shuddered as they pressed against my hole.

"Can you get on all fours?"

He guided me onto my hands and knees. Julian climbed onto the table and continued to massage me from this position, releasing the tension in my hips and applying pressure to my taint. Something about his methods made even this feel like a therapeutic technique.

I let out an accidental moan. Julian jumped off the table and told me to roll onto my back. The sudden shift made me worry that I'd crossed a boundary. He modestly held up a towel to cover my dick as I turned over, and draped it on me without acknowledging how hard I was. I tried to relax as he progressed to my biceps and chest. I clenched my eyes shut, feeling self-conscious.

"You don't have to close your eyes," Julian said. I laughed and opened them. He was standing next to my head, the print of his hard dick bulging through his shorts. He didn't seem to be wearing underwear.

He turned my head to the right so I faced his crotch directly, leaning in slowly until the bulge touched my face. After a few minutes of massaging, he casually freed his big, uncut dick and let it smack my cheek. It felt like a dream. He began to work my neck and jaw, pressing quite firmly, not acknowledging the cock poking all over my face. As he rubbed my jaw, he used his thumbs to gently open my mouth.

"Is this okay?"

I said yes. Julian pressed his dick against my lips and pushed into my slack mouth, his hands still at work on my jaw. I lay still as he thrust in and out a few times. I was so fucking hard. I reached under the towel to jerk off.

"No," Julian said, swatting my hand away. "Stay completely relaxed. Don't move unless I tell you."

He pulled the towel off me and threw it over my face so I couldn't see. I heard him walk away and open a drawer.

When he returned, he climbed on to the table and began to stretch out my legs and hips--rolling and twisting me into different positions, each of which released tightness in a new and satisfying way. I could feel that he was fully naked now, his cock and hairy chest sliding against my body as he did each stretch. I felt so euphoric I could barely think.

With my legs up in the air, Julian's hands slid back down to my ass. I moaned with pleasure as I felt a finger slip into me.

"Shh," Julian said, adding another finger.

He pulled his fingers out and replaced them with a round, smooth object, the thing from the drawer. He gently pushed it in, finding my prostate as expertly as he had the knots in my back. I kicked unexpectedly as a powerful tingling sensation radiated from my core. It was vibrating. Pre-cum dribbling from my cock as orgasmic pressure built. All this time, he hadn't laid a single finger on my dick. It had the effect of making this whole experience feel like a unique, healing process and not a sexual encounter. Every touch and command was designed to produce a precise result.

He removed the towel and rolled me forward so my legs and cock were hanging right over my face. I was panting, my eyes were practically rolling back in my head. The stretching had made me so limber and flexible that my engorged dick could almost touch my lips.

"Try and lick it," he said, in the same professional tone.

I stuck out my tongue and just managed to lick the sensitive head. I knew I was about to cum.

Julian jammed the vibrator deeper into me, forcing huge spurts of cum to explode on my tongue and face and drip back into my throat. It was the best orgasm I'd ever had. My whole body pulsated and my arms and legs tingled.

He slowly removed the vibrator and rolled me back down, cum still dripping from my cock.

"Swallow," he said.

I obediently swallowed my load as he wiped up the remaining drops from my chest and face and stuck his fingers in my mouth.

"Are you going to...?" I couldn't help but ask. He had been so mechanical throughout the session, I just wanted to see him in the same state of pleasure. The sun was setting. I began to sit up.

"Hey, the massage isn't over yet," he said, softer now, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Oh." I laid back down. I scanned my body to think if he had missed anywhere, but I was slippery from head to toe.

I heard water running. I sat up and downed a glass of water he had left for me. A few minutes later, he called out to come to the bathroom when I was ready.

It was darker than I expected, lit only by a flickering candle and filling up with steam. Through the foggy glass of the walk-in shower, I could see Julian sitting on a black tiled bench. He waved me in.

"This will help wash off the oil," he explained, holding a ceramic bowl in his lap. "Body scrub."

I stood in the shower as Julian dipped his hands in the scrub and got to work exfoliating my skin. The dim light and steam made it feel like a ritual. He squatted before me to scrub down my legs and feet. After feeling so passive, it was thrilling to stand over him like this.

"I'm gonna get out, I really have to pee," I told him.

"Go ahead," he said, leaning back against the bench and stretching out on the shower floor. "Right where you are."

He began to stroke his cock, looking up at me expectantly.

I released a stream of piss, first onto the tiled floor and then onto Julian: his cock, his wet belly, his mouth. He let it fill up his mouth and then spat it out at me. He was jerking off faster now, dripping in water and piss. Ropes of cum shot out onto his abs and chest.

We used the rest of the scrub and soap until we were both smooth, refreshed, and sparkling clean.

On my way out the door, Julian reminded me to drink plenty of water and get a good night's sleep. I couldn't wait to book my next massage.

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