The Judge's Disposition

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 17, 2000



(w/s scat rimming felching)


The judge glared at me, flipping the sheets of my record. It was my third bust for prostitution. I knew he was going to throw the book at me. I was tired, I'd had to sit there all day; my luck I'd be the last case. Abruptly, he grabbed the paper up and stood.

"In my chambers, young man. Mr. Leland," he said to my public defender, "you're dismissed for the day. If this case goes any further my office will leave you a message for the morning session. Otherwise, you'll be duly notified of its disposition."

My lawyer nodded, a little smirk of understanding on his face.

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I followed the bailiff and was ushered into the private chambers. The judge pointed to a chair and locked the door behind us. He walked behind his desk, removing his robe and hanging it up before sitting down. In civilian clothes, the old fart didn't look too shabby. Maybe 45, trim, sorta butch in a quiet, calm manner.

"Young man, this is your third offence for the same violation. Now, either you want to be remanded to Juvenile Hall until you're 21, or you simply enjoy your work too much to refrain from hustling the streets. Is it a money concern? Surely your foster parents are supplying your necessary means."

"Actually, Your Honor," I decided to just fess up, "they died in a car crash about six months ago. I've been on my own since. I really didn't want to be placed in another home so I never told anyone. I do like making it on my own and I get along just fine...when the cops leave me alone. The ones that aren't clients, that is," I couldn't help adding with a tinge of sarcasm.

"Oh? Are you telling me we have officers on the force that actually pay to use the services of a boy whore?"

"Huh! They use me, alright, but they sure as fuck don't pay me!"

"Hmm, the old story. Blowjobs in the back of the patrol car, hunh?"

"Yeah, but they leave me alone for a while. No big deal."

"I take it then that your not a one-way boy. Rough trade's the expression, isn't it?"

"Yeah. No, I do most things within reason."

"I see. You're a cocksucking, butt-kissing, take-it-up- the-ass slutboy."

"I guess," I sighed, figuring he regarded me as a moral degenerate that should be reformed or removed from society. Now I was in for it.

He regarded me for a moment. "Stand up, Cary. Stand up and drop your drawers, underwear and all. Let's see your prick."

I blinked in shock a few times, then slowly rose. Did one of the city's upstanding defenders of morality have a few little quirks of his own, perhaps? Is that why my lawyer was sent packing? I started to undo my belt. I also hear a zipper being slowly pulled down. Shit, I probably wouldn't get paid for this one, either!

I dropped 'em and lifted up my shirt to give him a good gander. He was settled back in his big leather chair with his hands in his lap, blatantly staring at my cock and balls.

"How big does it get?"

"Eight and a half," I replied, flopping it around teas- ingly. At 17 I knew quite well when I was being appraised with interest.

"Take it all off." I did so. "Now turn around and let's see the back."

I gave him a good butt shot.

"Come around here. and show me your asshole."

"Sure. Wanna shag me?" I got up next to him, spun around and gave him my best beaver shot...pulling my cheeks wide open.

"No, I wanna smell it," he said dryly without emotion.

I felt like I was getting a doctor's exam until I felt his nose rubbing up my crack and heard him giving my craphole deep whiffs.

"You're really smelly back here, boy."

"Uh, sorry, your honor. Didn't figure on cleaning up til I got out...or deloused."

"Just an observation, son, not a criticism. Okay, you can pull your pants back on and be seated. I have a proposition for you."

That's it? He wasn't going to molest me? Just sniff my dirty butt to jerk off over?

"Cary, how would like to avoid incarceration and have your record expunged?"

"Sure. Who do I have to blow for that? Not you, it seems."

He chuckled. "Snotty like the rest of them, aren't you? That's alright, but get it out of your system. After today, if you agree to my terms, your demeanor will have to be totally respectful and absolutely compliant. You'll be doing what you're best at, but without being a smart alec."

"Hey, I'll go to Juvie rather than be a suck-n-fuck punching bag for some S&M freak...if that's what you're suggesting."

"Not at all. I detest violence. As long as you can take hard prick up the ass like a pro, there'll be no pain to contend with."

"Hmm. Okay, spill it."

"You'll spend the summer on a private island with me and a few of my acquaintances. Your cock, balls, ass and mouth will be at our disposal. You obey all commands, perform whatever is asked of you, while living in luxury on a sandy beach. You'll be given sufficient free time to recuperate and enjoy your surroundings and also be well compensated at the end of the time. Perhaps a position might be arranged for you, allowing you to give up your life of sordid back- alley blowjobs and live like a normal young man with the freedom to pick and choose whose cock to suck. On the other hand, perhaps you'd enjoy a few years of angry buggering and giving head to every fat pig punk in the hall. You don't look like you can take care of more than a couple before they have you down for a gang-fuck."

"Yeah, I'm small. I've been worried about that. All summer, hunh? No record? Alright, deal."

Two days later I was released into the Judge's custody. From there we went directly to the local airport and got on a private plane to...Paradise?

Once airborne, he smiled and fixed us drinks. Then it was no surprise when he stood up and dropped his pants, sat back down and gave me a come hither crook of his finger.

"Get naked. Then kneel between my legs and suck on my prick."

"Jezzus, you don't waste any fuckin' time, do you?" I snarled.

"This is your one and only warning, Cary. The crap stops here. Respect and obedience."

"Uh, yes, sir!" I replied, startled, as though he'd screamed it instead of whispered it. I stripped down and immediately knelt between his spread thighs. The weird thing was I was getting a fucking boner over it! I sucked his prick. It was good-sized, about like mine but a lot thicker. Hey, this was gonna be alright. I'd sure blown a lot of pricks that were sorry flops of meat compared to this one. Mmm, and a nice juicy head on it. I gave him my best treatment...for as long as he allowed it, that is. Big and stiff, he eased me off it.

"Get up and put your ass in my face, boy."

"Uh, Judge, your honor, I, um...well, it's probably in worse shape than it was the other day. The head guard, for some reason he wouldn't let me shower. Couldn't even wipe my ass after shitting because he took my toilet paper away. Maybe he though I was going to hang myself with it or, sir."

"Thomson takes orders from me, Cary," he said before prying my buttcheeks apart and stuffing his face in there. He started with the sniffing again, and I started to get the idea.

"You like it that way, sir? That's okay. I've met a few guys that..."

"I'm sure you have. But not like my friends and I, I assure you. From now on you don't wash without permission. You'll also be doing all your pissing and shitting in a public atmosphere, also with permission. Now bend way over so I can lick this shit off your lovely asshole."

He did. After mooching his nose in there for a few more big sniffs, he began to lick my hole clean, tonguing me out, digging deep inside and sucking my anus. Hey, I'd had guys go wild over my ass before, and guys that wanted me to piss in their mouth, but SHITTING IN PUBLIC?! What had I gotten myself into?

After eating my ass out, he stripped completely and got me on the floor. He started to blow me, licked my grungy balls, then sat on my prick and rode it while filling me in. It was an unbelievable scenario he related, one that would have had me frantically searching for a parachute if my prick hadn't been getting a great workout up his talented chute. He had terrific muscle control-teasing me in slow, sensuous rotations with his ass that allowed me to enjoy it while obeying his order to refrain from coming.

"My associates and I purchased the island for our mutual pleasure. All professional men, all wealthy, all absolutely shameless and delightfully depraved. Men are going to suck your turds, Cary. Men are going to eat your turds. I'm going to eat your turds. You'll watch and help us eat each other's turds. Ever shit in a man's mouth, Cary? You'll see men doing'll see me doing that. We all keep ourselves ripe, as you will. We love to lick stinking balls, filthy shit-caked cocks, and eat out shitty ass- holes. When I lift off your beautiful cock I'm going to turn around and suck it. I'm going to clean my own butt scum from your prick while you blow me. When you feel my hot sperm flooding your mouth you have permission to shoot your load in mine. I love the thrill of sucking a shitty cock that's coming down my throat. Now fuck me, hard. See how deep you can drive that spear up my ass and how filthy you can get it!"

The whole thing was preposterous, but more intriguing than I ever could have imagined. I was to be in the clutches of a ring of absolute perverts and all I could think of was how deep I could shove my prick up his ass and how dirty I could make it. I wanted to see the Judge blow it...I wanted to see the Judge suck his shit off it!

Only the knob was dirty when he climbed off, but man, it was brown! Moving to the side so I got a good view, he slathered up and down the sides of my shaft, licking the goop from my reeking cockshaft, then opened his mouth and went down on the shitty knob. He sucked it gently, making it last and giving me a good show, then scooched around and got over me. I took his fat cock between my lips and began sucking him off. His body was shaking and his moans betrayed his absolute delight over eating my filthy prick. An incredible wash of cum came shooting up from his balls into my mouth. Luckily, I'd learned to take heavy duty loads and gulped it down like the professional cocksucker I was. I also blasted a big wad into his shit-lined mouth. He didn't miss a drop, even managed to take my prick to the balls and time the strokes so he was on my knob for each squirt.

There was a question I was afraid to ask, and therefore avoided it in hopes that his failure to include me among those who would be eating shit would stand. Also, I didn't want to give him any ideas...heh, as if he'd never thought of it. Fat chance.

We had lunch aboard the plane. He made it plain I would be expected to eat heartily in order to produce an abun- dance of turds. I would be getting plenty of exercise to work off the extra calories. Standing after the meal, I relieved myself down his throat after pissing a sample into his wine glass. Like the huge load I'd spewed earlier, he took my piss right down his gullet without a single pinching off.

"You'll learn to piss up assholes, Cary. There are a couple of the fellows who enjoy having piss shoot down their throat while they suck an asshole. I've tried a piss enema, of course, but personally I prefer my shit and urine separately. Having a cock piss up your butt is a lusty thrill, however, and I often squirt down a man's throat, as will you."

We were the last to arrive. Entering the large living room, I was introduced to the men. There were more than a dozen of them sitting around in total nudity-some fondling, some sucking, one man on his knees taking a big load of piss in his mouth. The jovial group seemed quite pleased at my presence and encouraged us to both strip at once.

"Another one of your juvenile delinquents, Judge?" the doctor asked.

"Yep. Even better. A paid slut. Takes dirty pricks in his mouth in back alleys for a few nickles. Now he gets to takes dirty pricks in his mouth for free."

"Only one ripe enough, so far, is Clemmons. He got here last week. Got a ring of shit around his asshole make your mouth water. Glad we can get started now. I've been drool- ing ever since I sniffed his dirty crack!"

"Hold on. Boy's gotta give a public display first. Get him used to instant obedi-ence." The Judge pushed a hassock to the side of the room and leaned over, putting his palms on it spreading his legs to expose his asshole. "Cary, kneel down with your face at my ass. Pull me open and sniff my crack till I tell you otherwise."

I blinked and gulped. I approached him and slowly went to my knees. "Uh, Judge, sir, I...I fuck ass, but I don't know...I don't..."

"You don't suck assholes, is that right, Cary?"

"Yes, sir, that's it." I said, glad to have cleared up his misapprehension.

"Well, it's refreshing to know you're not the sex pig I took you for. You will be before you leave here, my boy. Now smell it! Rule One: you always smell a man's asshole before you lick it. Smell my asshole, boy!"

I wanted to balk but I didn't dare. I was halfway across nowhere with no chance of escape...esconsced with a bunch of lecherous filthmongers and I had no idea what they might be capable of. I could easily be dispatched from the face of the earth and who would know? My protectors--society's overseers--were my captors. I sniffed the Judge's hairy bunghole. He hadn't wiped it since dragging my shitty cock out, and it would smell. I pried his cheeks apart and stuck my nose is there. It was pungent, alright, but not quite as bad I figured it'd be. I guess the Judge knew how to snap a cock from his bunghole as slick as he snapped it into his mouth. Still, I felt extremely humiliated on my knees, buck naked with a room full of naked men watching me sniff another man's smelly shithole.

"Whiff it up, pretty boy. The Judge's hairy can holds the stink better than anyone's. Hey, Judge, you tasted the kid's shit yet?" It was one of the lawyers speaking. I wondered if the guy had sucked ass in chambers. He sure seemed to be familiar with this one.

"Just the top layer, Sam. Thomson took care of that, luckily."

"Good old Thomson. He still back there in the holding cells watching guys take a dump? Heard he almost got caught cleaning assholes. Some Latino punk let him suck his ass after taking a shit then passed the word around."

"I heard about that, too," another man stated. "It was a big joke, nobody believed the punk. Thomson dragged him into the back and made him shit. Sucked his juicy turd while the kid blew him!"

"Enough chatter. Keep rubbing your nose around in there, Cary. Get used to the smell. You'll be sniffing every ass- hole in this room on a regular basis, so you'd might as well learn to get off on it. Kiss my asshole, boy. Pry me open and put your lips on my wrinkled snatch and give it a big smooch."

Holding my breath, I spread him til the hairs opened up and the pink round opening was visible. Puckering up, I pressed my lips to his moist anus and gave it an audible smack. It was the first time I'd ever put my mouth to a guy's asshole, though lots of guys had rimmed me out like famished pooplickers. Come to think of it, it was never the pansies, never the queens, it was always the butcher guys that sucked ass like demons! Guys like these. Men. Men who weren't sissies. I pictured a real nancy boy in my position and how he'd scream bloody murder just sniffing a butthole that wasn't pure and powdered. Fuck that. I wasn't going to be the house fruit! The resident queer that insisted on having a towelette handy for any little messypoo that might come up. Somebody spoke up and it startled me. Probably because it was my voice that unexpectedly echoed in the room.

"May I lick it now, sir? May I lick your asshole?"

"Can't take it, hunh?" the Judge snarled. "Wanna lick it real quick so it won't stink any more, doncha?"

"No, sir. I...I don't mind the stink. No much anyway. I didn't mean to say just came out."

"Really? Not the first time we've experienced sponta- neous outbursts from novices. Put a fellow in the company of shameless perverts and it's amazing how eagerly they take to the freedom of it all. Lick my shitty asshole, Cary. Spread my cheeks and show the group what a fine buttsucker you're going to be. On your knees in public cleaning a man's shitty ass with your tongue. Lick it slow. Drag your tongue all around and taste every bit of grunge you collect. If it's bitter, so what? You're licking shit. Taste my shit, boy. Taste my shit and clean my asshole!"

Out in the open, in public, in front of a roomful of naked men, I licked the Judge's dirty ass. I pried it open and when he bore down and pushed his anus out I sucked on it. I followed his command and shoved my tongue up inside and proceeded to lick out as much of his rectum as I could reach.

That done, I was directed to go around the room and lick each man's asshole. They'd bend over in my face or simply raise their legs and have me crawl over and stick my face into their cracks and lick. I had a tremendous boner, which I ignored. They made appreciative remarks about it, and about my other body parts and how they intended to put them to use during the summer.

The last one was Clemmons. And it nearly broke my resolve. Like the fellow had said, Clemmons had a ring of shit around his asshole that was nobody's business. Except the guy who'd mentioned it. Luckily, he wasn't about to be denied. He put his hand on my head.

"Hold on there, Sparky. As much fun as this is, this is our party. Sniff that big shithole and give it nice wet kiss if you want, but I'm eatin' the crap off of there!"

I could have kissed him! Instead, I whiffed the other man's disgusting crack and gave it a quick, dry smooch. And that was only after using my thumbs to spread his opening as wide as I could to move that ring of shit out of the way! It was awful. I could actually see little dingle- berries sticking to the hairs around his hole. Munchies for the other dude! And the moment I backed away, the man took my place and began eating out Mr Clemmons' smelly butthole. A chunky red-headed businessman with a thick cock got down and began to tongue out that fellow's butt before ramming his big piece of meat up there.

"Eat that shithole out, Davidson!" he barked, plunging his big cock in and out. "Just like you to take the only dirty hole around. Even that ugly thing. But what can you expect from a guy who eats gutter turds! I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you, then I'll have a nasty butthole to lick out while you clean the shit off my prick!"

My initiation over, I was passed around the room to have my cock, balls and butt licked and felt up. The Judge was sitting in a chair, smiling and idly masturbating, watching the proceedings quickly turn into a free-for-all. The noise of cocksucking and balls slapping against butts filled the room as they indiscriminately grabbed whatever flesh they could and did something with it.

I was on the floor with my legs up, a big cock up my ass, another in my mouth. I hadn't been there more than an hour and already it started. The guy I was blowing suddenly pulled his cock from my lips and twisted my head the other way. Two men next to me had been mutually ass-sucking each other, but now one was firmly squatting over the other's face and he was taking a shit in the man's mouth!

"Watch, baby doll," the guy said to me.

I did. I couldn't help but stare in disgusted astonish- ment.

"First turd of the summer!" the shitter cried as his anus expanded widely and a brown roll came poking out. "You lucky fucker, suck my turd!"

The guy on the bottom was short man about 30, an accountant executive, and he had his lips over the other man's smelly turd and he was tasting it like crazy. When more came out, another man got down and began to run his tongue along the turd, licking the juice off. It was the Judge, up from his reverie, lapping the length while his pal nursed the head. They seemed quite happy. Nothing was rushed, nothing frantic. A nice, calm turd-lick.

"Goddam, it's nice to take a decent shit again," the shitter moaned, slowly emptying his foul entrails. "The way a man should shit...defecating while his pals lick and eat it."

Another man climbed over the shitter and stuck his head down there. He couldn't do any more than run his tongue along the top ridge of the guy's asshole, but he was able to collect some butt scum oozing out along the turd. Mostly, it seemed, he just wanted to be close so he could smell it. He kept making little gutteral moans of rapture as he breathed in and out, taking in the guy's horrendous stink. I learned later his name was Harry and he spent much of his time in the employees men's room going from stall to stall to smell the air after a man took a shit in there. He was constantly making remarks about how the comman man shits the best turds because they're smellier and more repulsive...the kind of turds a shit-eater like him truly deserves.

"One day we got so tired of his complaining," a fellow told me, "we drove inland a ways and brought him this huge horseturd. Pushed his face into the pile and gang-banged his ass. Damned if he didn't eat the whole mess and shoot a load clear across the room!"

When the last of his turd eased out, the shitter lifted his ass. The sniffer quickly shot his tongue up the man's rearend and started licking it out while the Judge put his mouth over the fresh end. He and the short guy started gobbling up that turd until their mouths met. Then they did the most disgusting thing of all...they began to kiss. French kiss. French kiss with mouthfuls of shit that they traded back and forth until they'd swallowed it all down!

Well, these guys knew what today was, and they were fully prepared. The afternoon was passed taking shits, eating turds, cleaning out assholes by fucking and dirty- dick licking. The room stank horribly. It was like an outhouse. I was fucked four times, screwed three of the fellows, pissed down one guy's throat, gave a number of blowjobs...including one to a cock that was hurriedly pulled from some guy's ass and shoved in my mouth. It was marginally clean. That is, there wasn't any visible shit on it but the slime on the shaft was definitely butthole in origin. It smelled that way, and it tasted that way. I blew it. I sucked it clean. I had a ten-inch prick up my ass at the time and I was ready to pop in the mouth of the guy blowing me. That filthy cock was just the thing to put me over. I sucked that fuckin' thing off, popped my cork, and licked the shaft clean afterwards.

I layed there, exhausted, trying to decide if it was going to be a great summer or a quick descent into hell. Could I get through the first week without a turd in my mouth? Did I even give a fuck? Some guy squatted over my face and I shot my tongue up his ass. I didn't even have a hardon, yet I sucked the man's big asshole and tongued the cheese out of it!

First time I licked a turd was three days later. I did it Judge style and it was a show. The redhead was laying flat, his mouth open, the short account exec was going to shit in his mouth. I was going to do the licking up and down the sides while they all watched. Nothing forced. I probably didn't even have to do it. But I'd become such an assuck by then, they encouraged me to go all out and give it a try. With respect, I said I'd sucked so many shit holes in the last three days, how much different could it be. Curled up on the couch the day before with my thighs pulled back to my chest, I took a big shit in the Judge's mouth. The man crouched with his face in my crack and ate me out, pulling me open, everybody urging me on.

Finally, I relaxed and just willed my anus to open. My turd came slithering out to excited gasps and envious remarks while my benefactor, the pillar of society, the standard bearer of justice gobbled up my shit like I was his Emperor! I stayed like that while the other men all took slurps at my delicious asshole, cleaning it and gushing about how eager they were for their turn. In the meantime, that asshole over there's ready to take a shit and see ya later, kid!

I licked the turd up and down while the redhead sucked and chewed it. I was still having a rough time with the smell, though his was mild compared to some, but the taste was not all that revolting. I wiped my tongue off rather than swallow the taste, but I went back and licked it several more times that way.

"Look at that turd-licking boy!"

"Yeah, what a disgusting little queer he is!"

"Smelling men's assholes, tonguing their shit while they take a big stinky crap!"

"His mother would sure enjoy this!"

"His father would probably shit in his mouth!"

"I don't have any parents, sirs!" I blurted.

"I'll be your daddy, sugar. Come over here and suck my smelly ass when you're done."

Obviously, sentiment had no place around there, so I got over it. Screw it, I couldn't remember them anyway. I got a thrill when I sucked his ass and he kept playing daddy, asking how he managed to have a butt-sucking fart-sniffing kid like me!

"Runs in the family, Torson," one guy laughed. "What do you expect from a guy who licks out his own son's dirty undershorts?"

"Yeah, well while you guys are licking up your own skid marks, I'm sucking sweet smears of divinity. Damn I'd like to suck that pretty boy's hole out while he shits!"

"Naughty, naughty. That's what you got us for."

"I know. Somebody come drop a turd in my mouth and take my mind off it, willya."

The Judge complied, climbing up and straddling him, resting his hands on my shoulders while he poops a big turdball into the man's mouth.

The telephone rang at the end of the week.

"Hey, guys. Williamson's coming after all. And he's bringing Ricky with him."

"That scumball little cocksucker? Hot damn!"

"You'll like Ricky, Cary. He's Williamson's nephew, your age, and the nastiest little turd licker you've ever seen for a kid. First time here he takes a big shit on the floor, pulling turds outta his ass, and gets down and tongues the fuck off of them! Loves pissing down his uncle's throat and shitting in his mouth. He'll lick the juice off and suck a big one, but he's never eaten a turd. Says he might but it sure won't be from our scroungy asses. Bet he puckers up when he sniffs between your cheeks! Best way to turn him on? Fart in his mouth while he's rimming you. He likes to go around blowing air up our rumps and smelling the hot gas!"

"Naw, quickest way to make his rod salute is stick a dirty cock in his mouth."

"Hey, that's right. Especially out of his uncle's big hole. Only time I ever saw him eat the shit off a knob. You haven't seen anything till you watch those two buttsuck each other. Like two wildcats the way they claw at each other's shitholes."


Ricky had arrived. He bounded into the room with his uncle in tow, stripping as fast as he could. Obviously, he had no rules of respect to follow like I did. He treated the men like scum because he was scum himself. He was also a living doll! Long, straight dark hair. A long body, a long hang, and a butt I wanted to suck the moment I got a peek up his crack as he pulled his shoes off. He was white, untanned, and his pale butt had a dark valley and a ring of hair circling what looked like a well-used asshole that made me drool!

He stood there acknowledging the greetings from the other men while he played with his nuts and rubbed a finger between his cheeks. Bringing it to his nose, he gushed, "Mmm, stinky! If I could suck my own ass I wouldn't need you guys!" He was blatantly sniffing his greasy finger when his gaze landed on me. He took a double take and nearly blushed.

"Say, who's the new kid?"

The Judge explained in a few words. Apparently I wasn't the first delinquent he'd brought around. Ricky grasped the situation and came toward me. Bending over he pulled my mouth to his and gave me a big wet sucking kiss!

"Whew! I hope you like sucking out assholes, baby, cause I want to suck yours inside out!"

Breathless, I gushed, "Sure!"

"You a poop gobbling craphole cleaner like the rest of these pervs, or you just slumming? Oh, that's right. One of the Judge's boys. You supply the goodies. Bet these creeps take you soup to nuts, hunh? Play with your nuts while they drink your soup. Yeah, you're a cutie. Turn these fuckers into enema freaks...chunks and brown water. Get up here and turn around, lemme smell your ass."

Glancing at the grinning men for a second, I stood up and did as he said. I wasn't sure if I had to obey him also, but I gladly bent over and showed him my now-crusty anus. He knelt right down and pulled my cheeks open.

"No wipy around here, hunh, pal? Can't believe you actually got a nasty little ring of filth around it without one of these homos lapping it off." He stuck his nose in there. "Well, it's my luck now. I ain't much on shitty holes, but I sure like smellin' them. And this sweet pooch of yours is young and yummy. Yessir, finally found a butt worth chewing the crust off, baby!" He glued his mouth to my asshole and began licking like mad. The sudden jolt caused me to inadvertendly--as if it were predestined--blow a big fart in his mouth! As I was told, he munched in even deeper, moaning in delirium.

"I see my reputation has preceded me, cupcake. Do that again and I'll be your sofa for the duration."

I tried, but it was a one-shot accident. But he was content licking and slurping my ass-hole out while the others enjoyed the brazen display. When he'd cleaned it thoroughly, he spun me around and took my cock in his mouth. I was already half hard, and he soon had me fully on the rail. Then he hopped up, turned around, and doubled over.

"Drive it right up here, baby!" he cried, pulling his ass open. "Fuck the crap outta me and I'll clean your cock!" His anus twitched in lewd anticipation. "Screw me, babe. Grab my fuckin' hips and ram it up the back of my throat!"

"But..." I hesitated. "Dry? I really should..."

"I ain't no pussy boy, man. Fuck it up my ass. Oh, say, that is unless you want to wet me down. I shoulda known. You wanna suck my asshole first, doncha? Wanna smell it?"

That was it. I didn't give a rat's ass if he wanted it rammed in him. I didn't care if it hurt him if he wasn't concerned. I wanted to eat him!

"Yes. Yes, sir. I want to smell and suck your ass!" I blurted.

"Oooh, yes," he cooed, looking back over his shoulder. "Call me sir and eat my hole. You just nuzzle your button nose right up my hairy crack and sniff my smelly shithole. I came the way the fellows like it, so I hope you do too. I'm nice and ripe back there."

Real nice. I buried my face into his greasy buttcrack and smelled him. He came prepared to make some shiteaters happy. It was wet with sweat and sticky with butt scum. It was pungent enough to make my head spin. I'd sniffed too much, too quickly. I pulled back just a bit for a breather. I could see brown smears around his anus and little white chunks of cheese in the wrinkles of his asshole. I was kneeling behind a 17-year-old teenage boy, sniffing his dirty smelly buttcrack, and preparing to lick his filthy anus before fucking him. I spread him wider and pressed in. No, I dove in! I shoved my face so hard between his buns I nearly knocked him off balance. But he just spread his legs further apart and whispered lovingly to me.


In a week's time I'd gotten to really appreciate rimming out assholes. I was learning to tolerate the cruddy ones. But I sucked Ricky's wonderful butthole with no thought of how dirty it was. No, that's not quite true. Actually, I was happy that I was getting off on eating out such a filthy butt. Had there been ten times the amount of shit around his hole I would not have stopped. In fact, when I'd licked it all away, I wished there was more. It just seemed that rimming Ricky wouldn't be nearly as thrilling if his hole was clean. He was meant to walk around with a dirty ass, and I was meant to clean it for him.

When my neck was getting cramped and my lips were sore, I jumped up and drove my prick up his sweaty rump. He squealed in pleasure and backed onto me. We gave the men a good show...two teenagers rutting in wild boy with his hard cock up the other's butthole, slamming against each other in ecstasy.

"Oooh, not as long as some and not as thick as others, but I like the way you screw, baby! Yeah! Gonna fuck you good, too, and watch you eat out my uncle's shitter. I wanna watch you eat out everybody's ass. Pork me, honey! Gonna watch you take a dump, too. I wanna see you squeeze out a whole bunch of big turds so I can get down and lick 'em!"

Ricky's nasty words were driving me up the wall. I fucked him royally and blasted a huge load up his rear while his asshole clamped down on me, milking out every drop. As soon as I pulled out of him, he got me on the floor. I was so exhausted, I nearly fell down anyway. He knelt right down and lifted my prick. It was still half- hard, and stayed that way as he went down on it and gently sucked it. He licked my balls and cleaned my shaft, then swung his knee over my head, dropping his ass onto my face.

"Eat me out, baby! Suck my hole clean. Your beautiful prick's got all that nasty shit licked away, now suck my ass and I'll shit you a nice warm cum load to swallow. And if any shit comes out, you just eat that too."

He meant it. He wasn't just letting me tongue him out. He squeezed that cum onto my tongue in hot spurts... shitting it into my mouth without any regard as to whether anything else came out with it. I didn't care. I sucked it up like a madman. It was a hot, creamy syrup that had a tang like no balljuice I'd ever tasted. It was delicious! I could even detect a few stray turdballs rolling around on my tongue, but I sucked them down with a devious delight. I'd licked the shit off his asshole and tongued it out of his butt, what were a few pieces of turd gonna matter? I figured it wouldn't be long before Ricky had his turd in my mouth, anyway.

Ricky had his turd in my mouth. All the men were crowded around watching Ricky take a shit in my mouth. I'd taken a shit in his mouth the day before, and now it was my turn to suck the big nasty! It was Ricky's turd...I sucked it. Ricky takes a shit and I lick it. I clean Ricky's asshole out with my tongue after he takes a shit. I love doing it...I like the way it tastes. After all, it was Ricky... and Ricky licks my turds, too.

What I didn't count on was how easily I began to lick each man's shit, tonguing out their dirty holes. I was licking turds left and right. Ricky only licked mine, but he loved watching the men shit in my mouth. He loved being next to me, seeing me run my tongue up and down a big fat stinky turd one of the men was shitting into somebody's mouth. When I pulled away with shit smeared on my lips, Ricky would get down and kiss me while he rammed his cock up my ass. As long as Ricky was fucking or getting fucked, it was amazing how easily he'd lick something shitty. Lips, holes, cocks.

Cleaned his uncle's hole out after he'd shit in the Judge's mouth and my prick was deep in his guts. And no matter how filthy it was, every time I fucked Ricky he would immediately get down and suck my dirty dick clean. He fucked me once and stuck his cock in my mouth...not thinking in his excitement. Disgusted at the thought, I found sucking my own shit from his prick was rather neat. Something especially naughty for some strange reason. After that, I did it all the time. And not just Ricky's cock. When one of the other men screwed me, which was daily, I sucked their pricks clean, too.

On our last day I cooped something up with Ricky as a surprise. Without warning, he stepped into the middle of the room and squatted down. He took a big shit on the floor. Then he calmly walked away and stood there mastur- bating. I rushed over and got down and started smelling and licking them. I turned them over, cleaned them with my tongue, then I picked one up and stuffed it into my mouth and sat there jacking off while I ate Ricky's sweet turd! I was an official shit-eater! They all cheered me...except for the guy who had his face up Ricky's butt, licking his asshole out!

Ricky's Uncle Jim crawled over and ate the rest of Ricky's shit from the floor. That started the third final orgy. Every tiny piece of shit up anybody's ass was sucked out or shitted. By the time those men got through, there wasn't even a little piece of turd in the place, except in their bloated bellies. But with the long plane ride back, the Judge managed to pop a little turdlette into my mouth just before we landed. Normally, I only would have sucked it...and the Judge watched me suck it...but I just shrugged my shoulders and went ahead and swallowed the dirty little sourball. That made him happy.

A year later, I now live with Ricky and his uncle. Can you just picture that little scene of domesticity?!

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