The Judas Effect

By Rampage

Published on Apr 21, 2017


Chapter 9

Shane had seemingly passed his first test with flying colours. Jonas called him on Monday at work and told him, amongst other things, that the pictures and sound recording had provided all the evidence necessary to convince Gabe that he would not be able to fight any disciplinary action, which he would inevitably have to face. He would soon be on his way back home to be processed out of the Air Force. Shane did not ask for any further information and Jonas did not volunteer any.

Shane thought he should have felt good about what he had done, but he was numbed by the knowledge he had been solely responsible for changing someone's life forever by his duplicity and helping Jonas and Axelsson. Every time he felt despondent or doubted the morality of what he had done, he recalled those terrible photographs he had been shown in Building 93 and the whole episode fell into some kind of distorted perspective. This clearly was not what Jonas really wanted to talk about. He had picked up on the mention of two airmen known to Gabe, the guy who had been Shane's mark. Neither did Jonas overlook the reference to the Intercontinental Baumgarten Hotel. He also informed Shane that he had been given authorisation to run another operation and that he wanted Shane to be available for it.

When he was picked up for questioning, Gabe had given them further information on the two men, enough for Jonas to identify them from amongst the hundred or so Servicemen stationed at The Point. From his network of informers, Jonas had concluded that the duo did indeed visit the big Intercontinental Baumgarten Hotel at spaced intervals. At first, Jonas had wondered if they had been passing on classified information but had dismissed that theory on the grounds that the two men never went anywhere else on their days off. They were only ever observed to frequent the bars and the swimming pool, which were popular amongst the men. The hotel was somewhere off-duty men could take girls they had picked up in the town at the weekend and slip them into a room overnight. Shane admitted to Jonas that he himself had done it once or twice before all this shit had hit him. However, Shane did not mention to Jonas that he had been accompanied by a respectable, clean rent boy whom he would be able to pass off as his best pal from the UK who was just visiting. Clearly, the two suspects were clever. They only went there during a week when they were off duty for up to 72 hours or when there was a lot of flying going on, thus ensuring the place would be almost empty. By going when they did, the odds of being recognised by some officer from The Point were reduced even more. They sounded like they knew how to cover their tracks.

Jonas and Shane met up again on the Tuesday night at the Glinka Bar in Zitronenbaum Platz, where he told Shane as much of the plan as he wanted him to know. In truth, Jonas later admitted he had broken the rules and had told Shane most of it. When he finished Shane thought, "It has to be, I'm being put up as the fall guy and lynchpin of Jonas's tactics to catch the two stupid bastards." Before going to take a leak, Jonas had slid copies of two official ID colour photographs across the table in front of Shane. When he returned, Jonas brought a couple of beers with him. "You know 'em?"

"No, can't say I do. I've seen the tall one around the barracks. I think he lives on the floor above me."

He was tall, at least six feet, with a full head of reddish blond hair. He was thin and his face was if not handsome at least attractive. Shane wondered just how experienced the guy was at whatever it was he was up to. The other guy was shorter, with black hair cropped in the fashionable US military style of the day. He was stockily built and looked as if he could be a good, hard rugby player. To Shane, neither man fitted the stereotype of your average homo, but then he himself did not fit the clichéd image of a queer. Shane was still learning that not all homosexuals were limp wristed effeminate bitches!

"They've got rooms, two of them, reserved at the Intercontinental Baumgarten beginning on Thursday morning. They've drawn a Wednesday mid-shift, so my guess is that they'll be up there as soon after 07:00 as possible. I've also reserved two rooms, right beside each other and adjoining the other two. You will occupy the furthest room and my equipment will be in the one directly next to their second room. That's why it will be crucial you get them into your room somehow."

"A cooler of beer might help," Shane suggested.

"Sure, or you could wave your cock at 'em, that should entice 'em in to the spider's web!" When Jonas was enjoying himself and making feeble dirty jokes, that meant trouble, real trouble. "Your cover is that you've just got your transfer to Admin but you don't report in until Monday so you're having a few nights of fun in town. Admin works Monday to Friday and they don't start a new guy in the middle of the week. We'll get you up there Wednesday night so we can set you up and check out the camera and sound equipment. You've got Thursday and Friday to - er - to make things happen."

"Jonas, I must tell you something. Busting my first mark was simple but. . .I mean. . .I've never deliberately tried to seduce a guy. I'm just not experienced at that. I don't know what to do, convincingly that is." Shane was obviously having serious doubts and was not sure of himself or of his abilities at seducing men.

"Look, you'll be fine. These guys will probably hit on you, you're a pretty smart kid and you don't look too bad. I reckon you'd be fighting the women off if you weren't . . ." He paused, embarrassed as usual about any references to sexual activities. He gave a little cough and continued. "I reckon you've got nothing to worry about. You'll be fine. Besides, you don't have any fucking choice now, do you? Remember, there's a nice cold cell waiting for you, not to mention a dishonourable discharge - a dreaded DD." He chuckled to himself and smiled at Shane with an artful grin on his face. It was true. No matter what doubts Shane might have or how worried he was, he had no choice. Jonas was going to run this operation despite Shane's scepticism about his own ability to perform his assigned role in it.

"How will I get the time off?" Shane asked. It was a stupid question to put to someone like Jonas as OAFI pulled all the strings.

"I'll take care of that. The right people will be told that you're helping us for a while and to keep it secret. If pressed, they must simply deny any knowledge of it. Don't worry, we've got the pull." So there was no doubt now what it was to be. . .Shane's second betrayal of men like himself. He was denouncing his own kind. He was beginning to learn that being a poof might give him automatic membership to a very exclusive club but it was a club where the members protected each other, did not grass on each other. Anyone who did was immediately ostracised. . .or disappeared overnight.

On the Wednesday, Shane knocked off at his usual 16:30 and reminded the sergeant in charge of his section that he was off duty until Monday. The sergeant acknowledged that without comment and simply handed Shane the pass authorising his absence; OAFI did have the pull, just as Jonas had said. Shane was to learn later that they had more pull than anyone else he knew. . .including the big brass on the base. On Jonas's instructions, Shane took a cab to the Intercontinental Baumgarten, where he checked in and made an immediate visit to the bar. He only noticed one couple in the bar, the man was obviously an officer and his date one of the more expensive local bar girls. She had taken some trouble over her appearance and did not look out of place; she was obviously several cuts above the usual standard.

The barman was an attractive young chap who spoke good English and Shane and he were soon chatting as if they had known each other for some time. Gradually, Shane's gaze kept straying down to check the crotch of the barman's trousers, which curiously appeared to be slowly growing more protuberant. Shane sat there, drinking until well past midnight, and when he stood up and told the barman he was off to bed, he was a little taken aback when the barman said, "Ach, mein Liebling, I bring to your room sumzink to give you a restful night. You are in room AZ37, nein?" Once Shane had reached his room, he resisted a drunken urge to jerk off as he knew Jonas was on the other side of the wall between the rooms and Shane was in no mood to give him a free show. Luckily for him, he was pissed enough to pass out before the barman arrived.

Thursday morning began with a thunderous knocking on his door. Shane groaned, "Herein!" and in strode Jonas. He went straight over to Shane's bed, pulled the covers right off him in a single movement and stared down at his raging boner. "You fucking randy, filthy bastard," was all Jonas growled, "I just wanted to make sure you were up in time for what is going to be a full day."

Shane knew at that moment he was about to have his work cut out. He was still doubtful about his ability to pull the scam off, but after the previous night's drinking bout and the attempted seduction from the good looking barman, he was in the mood to give it a fucking good try. He was out of bed as quickly as he could make it. Jonas ordered Shane to leave all the doors open and he remained in the room the whole time as Shane went to the toilet, shaved, and showered. He just stood there, watching every move Shane made, even watching him have a crap. At first, Shane felt resentful and embarrassed by the intrusion into his privacy, but gradually those feelings were replaced by a prickle of excitement. He thought, "Let's see if I can get this son of a bitch to drop his guard." Or did he really mean "drop his pants"?

As he shaved Shane let his cock stiffen. Not too much as he did not want Jonas to get the idea he was trying it on with him, just let him see a morning hard-on. Shane could see him in the mirror over the hand basin and he was looking straight between Shane's legs. Shane did not pause in what he was doing, but another couple of quick glances in the mirror showed him that Jonas was clutching the crotch of his uniform trousers. Jonas glanced up and caught Shane smiling to himself as he swilled out his razor and pulled the plug. Shane later swore that Jonas had blushed scarlet, muttered something Shane could not hear and turned away back into the room. "Oops, Jonas," Shane thought, "it seems your slip is showing!"

Knowing he would be spending most of the morning, if not the afternoon as well, at the hotel swimming pool, Shane pulled on a pair of very brief and revealing swim trunks. Standing in front of the long mirror in his room, he deliberately, slowly and carefully, pulled and tugged at the enticingly visible bulge created by his cock, re-arranging it into the most erotic position he could. He had also placed his legs well apart, knowing that Jonas could see the gentle swelling of the mound created by his balls, cradled by the thin material of his briefs. Jonas did not quite know where to look as Shane bent over to pull on a pair of flimsy shorts and as he did so the thin fabric pulled tight across his arse. Making out he did not notice Jonas's confusion, Shane slipped a tight, white T-shirt over his head, slid his feet into a pair of trainers and gave Jonas another cock twitching eyeful of his taut bum cheeks as he bent to tie the laces. He decided he had gone far enough with his tease and turned to face Jonas when he was dressed. "OK, Jonas, let's go get this show on the road. Will I do?"

Jonas did not reply but pulled the bedroom door open and bundled Shane through it as if he was made of red-hot metal and Jonas's fingers might be scalded if he touched the young man. Shane grabbed a towel on the way out and they descended to the hotel lobby and the integral hotel bistro. They breakfasted together in total silence. Jonas sat as far away from Shane as the table would allow, not even glancing in his direction. He gulped down a couple of cups of hot coffee, stood up and leant over the table towards Shane. He spoke very quietly, in a voice full of hatred. "OK, you fucking, filthy minded little shit, I know just what you were aiming to do up there. I'm warning you, you sick pervert, watch your step. Get yourself down to that pool and do the job you're hired to do on the guys you're supposed to do it on - and not on me!" His eyes glittered dangerously as they bored into Shane's. For one moment, he feared Jonas was going to pull the plug on him and get him sent down to await the inevitable Court Martial, prison sentence and ultimate dishonourable discharge - the dreaded DD. He left Shane sitting at the table, half numb with fear. Somewhere in Shane's head a crazy voice muttered, "Sorry, dearie, but weren't you just a teensy weensy bit interested?"

When Jonas had gone, Shane breathed with relief, finished his still warm coffee in one gulp, left the bistro and sauntered down to the huge pool. It was part of an impressive Leisure Centre complex attached to the hotel. The pool itself was sheltered from the elements by a retractable roof: on fine days, this could be rolled back so that guests could swim in the open air and, because it was well hidden from the outside world, a number of younger guests would swim or sun bathe naked. The three poolside bars, however, remained covered. Today, though, Shane had no intention of stripping but would carry out his task wearing his tiny pair of briefs, which should be excitement enough for one day!

It was promising to be another hot day and the sun on Shane's body brought him back to life, stifling his worries about what Jonas might be planning to do. He had bought an English language magazine at the hotel shop so after taking a dip, he spread out the towel on one of the many loungers and settled into trying to read the magazine. There seemed to be no one else around and, in fact, Shane thought there was only one other couple in the place besides himself, the pair he had noticed the evening before. By 09:30 he caught sight of two guys coming out of the hotel, beach towels in hand as they took up position at the opposite end of the row of loungers. He recognised them from a distance as the two in the photographs Jonas had shown him. "Well, well, well, it seems it is time for me to go to work," he said to himself. Throwing down the magazine as if he was bored with it - which was not far from the truth - he stood up and half turned towards the two men, making sure they could get a good eyeful of his lower profile. He stretched lazily and gave his crotch a quick tug, the action stretching the thin fabric taut thus emphasising his semi stiff cock. He slowly sauntered towards them.

He tried not to look at them as he made his way past them and entered the nearest beach toilet on the far side of the pool. He waited inside for a few minutes before giving up and returning to his lounger. He walked behind the two men this time and thought he caught the tall one stealing a glance at him. Settling back on his lounger, he watched them out of the corner of his eye as he assumed an interest in an article in the magazine, striving to absorb himself in something. Nothing much happened for another hour, except the one who had glanced at him got up and went over to the nearest poolside bar, gave his order and came back with two beakers of coffee. The three of them were still the only people there. Shane made another fruitless visit to the toilets but this time both of them watched him as he strode back and forth in front of them. "Oh, for fuck's sake, why don't you two make a move?" Shane asked himself and began leafing through the magazine for the fourth time.

By noon he was ready to admit defeat. He decided he would make one more trip to the toilet and if there was no reaction from them he would return to his room and wait for another opportunity to present itself. Inexperienced as he was at picking up men for sex, he had run out of ideas. He had very soon discovered that German toilets, outside the large cities, were very unlike the ones he was used to in the UK. First, they were unisex. If that was not disconcerting enough, there were no partitions, no separate urinals for men, just "slit trenches" as they had been christened by the British and American servicemen in the last War and which had continued in use long after. These consisted of a slot in the floor with a ceramic surround on to which you placed your feet and if you needed a dump you squatted down, facing outwards. Pissing into them posed no problem for guys but trying to take a shit required the balance of a gymnast.

Shane was attempting to take a leak before making his departure when in walked the tall man. He took up a position two slots down from where Shane was standing, obviously to do the same thing. Apologies if this is becoming tedious but, as has been pointed out before, Shane had had no experience in picking up guys. All his actions along those lines had been while he was drunk and he was well aware any advances he had made must have been clumsy and farcical. Now he was faced with the risk of actually having to make sexual overtures to complete strangers in a foreign country. He thought the first thing he should do was to acknowledge the man's presence, which he did with a sideways glance at him. Now that Shane could see him clearly, he turned out to be the taller one of the two under surveillance, the blond. He was standing over the toilet, cock in hand, and stunned Shane by returning his stare. Although Shane had never done anything as bold as this before, the rest became somewhat easier as his unblinking gaze at the man's cock semaphored his intent. The man's hand moved slowly down the length of his root, dragging his foreskin back to expose the shining sticky tip of the hard member. Shane now had a clearer view of what he guessed would be seven or eight hard inches - there could be no doubt the man was there for the same thing as Shane. As the man's gaze zoomed in on Shane's dick, he continued to slowly stroke his cock. Before Shane fully realised what was happening, he found himself moving towards the man with his eyes glued to the gently pulsating cock. The man continued to fondle himself until Shane found himself standing right beside him. The man took his hand away, exposing the full hardness of his entire cock to Shane's gaze. Instinctively, he moved his own hand and wrapped his fingers tightly around the circumference of the man's erect cock. The man gave a little quiver as Shane lightly stroked the full length of it. As inexperienced as he was, Shane's instinct told him what his next logical step should be. Bending forward at the waist Shane brought his open mouth down on the warm silkiness of the man's cock, curling his tongue around its head and corona as he drew it in to the warm moistness of his mouth. The man murmured as Shane bobbed up and down on the end of his cock, his tongue winding itself round the achingly hard shaft, squeezing and licking as if it was some kind of man-eating anaconda, taking a little more of the rigid, tight cock each time until he had the guy's tasty dick halfway inside his maw. At the angle he was performing, Shane knew he would not be able to deep-throat the guy where they were so he sank to his knees on the cold concrete floor and the man turned to let Shane take his full length. After letting Shane continue with his ministrations for a few minutes, the man spoke quietly.

"No, not here. Too dangerous," he murmured as he gently pulled his swollen dick out of Shane's mouth, "come on outside." He pulled up his shorts, stuffed his engorged manhood back under cover and made for the door. Quickly forcing himself into his swimming trunks Shane followed him outside on to the poolside, as the man returned to his lounger and his companion. Pulling another lounger alongside his, the man continued.

"Join us." It sounded almost like a command, not an invitation.

"Thanks," Shane replied and dropped down on to the lounger.

"That was a crazy move you made back there," said the man.

"Well, I didn't think you'd be offended. I just let Nature take her course."

"I'll say." Introducing himself as Ethan and his friend as Max, they all exchanged the usual pleasantries and told Shane they were both serving in the US Air Force. Shane, of course, freely told them he was in the British Royal Air Force and that bit of information had the effect of relaxing the atmosphere. Ethan turned and whispered something to Max and they both smiled at Shane in a knowing way.

"Thought you looked familiar," said Ethan, "where are you stationed?" When Shane told him both he and Max said they had seen Shane around the barracks. Shane told a lie and said he recalled having seen them as well. They chatted for a while, catching up on what shifts they were on, Shane's move to Admin and stuff like that before Ethan got to the meat of the matter.

"Where did you learn to give head like that?"

"Oh, you know, around. I mean, college and recruit training and out here."

"You picked up that technique in a German town?" said a puzzled Max.

"Yeah, but not so much here. I mean, I can't seem to find the right - you know - the right kind of guys. Big cocks, tight asses, a little bit of kinky stuff."

"Yeah," Ethan came in quickly, before Max could say anything, "it is hard at first to find the right crowd for that here. You have to watch your back, you know?"

"No," Shane lied, trying to sound puzzled, "I don't quite follow you. I know you have to watch out, but what... ." Shane stuttered in seeming bewilderment. He was playing the part now as if he was up for an Oscar - and it seemed to be working. He was becoming a better actor than he had ever thought he could be.

"Well, kid, let me put it this way," said Ethan in a low tone, looking around to make sure no one could overhear, "this burg's not a very friendly place, if you know what I mean." Shane knew exactly what he meant.

"Uh, yeah," he said, "I think I know what you mean - Stasi and all that shit."

"Look, how's about we go to our room, pard'ner, fer some - ah - lunch?" He spoke with a foxy smile and Shane's dick twitched expectantly - with foresight, perhaps?

"OK," Shane replied, grinning like the proverbial Cheshire Cat, "or we could go to mine. I have some beer stashed in my fridge."

"Ah, well, maybe later, eh? We'll go to ours, now." Ethan had spoken again as if he was giving an order to a dumb recruit.

Ethan and Max both stood up and Shane noticed that both their dicks were still at full mast, pushing out the front of their shorts. He had noted that Max had said very little during this exchange but had spread out on his lounger, one leg bent at the knee so that Shane could get the maximum view of his large bulge. Ethan's eyes had not left Shane's face during the entire exchange. Shane stood up and as he did so displayed a bulge impressive enough to make Max utter a little sound of approval. The three horny young men went up to Ethan and Max's room on the second floor. On the way, Max took the opportunity of putting his hand against Shane's throbbing bulge, pressing it hard against the covered rigid cock, which was now leaking pre-cum and creating a small but expanding damp patch. It turned out that Ethan's room was at the extreme right hand end of the corridor, some five or six rooms away from Shane's. Jonas had been right, as usual, as he and Axelsson would not be able to film anything unless Shane could entice them into his room. He knew he would have to work on that but for now he was looking forward to whatever they wanted, wherever they did it. The slight taste Shane had taken of Ethan's cock had set his imagination working overtime and he was growing even harder at the thought of tasting all of it. Ethan's room turned out to be exactly the same as Shane's: the floor was of bare wooden parquet and the room was sparsely furnished, something he would later come to realise was typically German.

Lunch turned out to be rampant penis with an accompanying thick white sauce. They had barely closed the door of the room when Ethan stripped and discarded his shorts, his wanton cock steely hard and almost out of control. It must have been at least ten inches in length and several inches in thickness. Seizing Shane by his shoulders, Ethan pushed him down until he was kneeling on the floor facing him. Snatching a handful of Shane's hair, Ethan tugged his head until Shane's mouth was moving towards his inflamed member. Shane was being compelled to carry on with the blow-job he had begun in the poolside toilet and was also made to take the rock hard male member into his mouth. Max quickly discarded his swim trunks, pulled them down to his ankles and kicked them free. Shane felt Max pulling his trunks down but he was concentrating too much on the dick in his mouth to think about anything else. In that instant, he forgot about the cameras that would be waiting for them later in the room next to his. He simply switched to autopilot, swept away by the pure lust of sucking and tonguing a throbbing, pre-cum leaking cock. In his lechery he literally blocked everything else out of his mind, which was now engrossed in nothing else but the pleasure he was giving. Ethan's organ glistened as Shane's mouth strove to yield all the saliva it could manufacture.

Max was hand jobbing his own impressive hard-on as he watched Shane swaying up and down on Ethan's solid cock, taking it deep down his throat before drawing back and holding only the sticky oozing head between his lips. His right hand almost unconsciously reached out and began massaging Ethan's tight ball sac. Shane's left hand came up to steady the shaft as he withdrew again to the cock's head corona. As he opened his eyes to take in the beauty of Ethan's golden pubic hair, Shane caught sight of Max's face coming closer, his tongue outstretched, until it began lapping at the base of Ethan's cock. Shane moved away to allow Max to take Ethan's magisterial cock head into his mouth, dipping down to lick the succulent balls hanging below the massive rigid shaft. Shane now took first one, then the other fleshy testicle into his mouth as he and Max worked together on Ethan. Turning slightly, Shane ran his eager tongue along the underside of Ethan's balls, taking it close to his arsehole. Ethan shuddered with rapture as their tongues worked him over. Sucking cock had become so natural to Shane that he could not think of anything he wanted more.

Shane took Ethan's hard, wet cock into his mouth once more and the warmth of Max's mouth made Shane catch his breath as he took Shane's rigid, leaking cock inside, his tongue working its magic on the frenum, that sensitive area of skin holding his foreskin attached to the head. They were all working in harmony now, the three of them locked in a lascivious dance of untamed lust. Ethan pulled away and lay down on the floor. He pulled Shane down to him and their mouths met in a hot, wet kiss. Shane had never kissed a man before in this way, nor had he taken a man's tongue into his mouth, and the rush of it all enveloped him as Max continued to deep-throat Shane's madly throbbing cock. Ethan pushed Shane's head lower, guiding him down to his hard, hot pole, which Shane took all the way down. Shane repositioned himself to put his head to Max's crotch and in one fluid movement they were in a hot three-way blowjob: Ethan's cock was in Shane's mouth, Shane's cock was in Max's mouth, and Max's cock was buried all the way down Ethan's throat.

They lay in what has to be the most natural of all positions for cock-suckers, a daisy chain, slurping and sucking hard on each other, moaning and groaning in lustful pleasure. Shane was certain that there was nothing to compare with this in the whole wide world. Ethan had spread his legs wide and Shane now took the hint to lavish his oral attention once more on Ethan's scrotum. It was even firmer now as jism was filling it up. Shane ran his tongue down his cock's length and into the area between his ball bag and his arsehole, taking in its powerfully masculine aroma. Dipping further, his outstretched tongue played across the warm brown lips of Ethan's anus. It was tightly puckered but Shane's tongue soaked it with every lap until he felt it slacken slightly, submitting to the persistent probing to the tip of his tongue, a fraction of an inch inside. His taste buds came alive as they savoured the slightly acrid taste of a man's hole.

For the first time in his life, Shane was eating arse; his lips formed an 'O' over the outer ridges of the delicately creased rose-brown skin as his tongue sank deeper into Ethan's essence. He squirmed as Shane's tongue probed his ever-relaxing rectal opening. It seemed so natural to him to be doing this, any thoughts he had about it being 'disgusting' or 'dirty' were forgotten, never to be resurrected. It was another step in his education, another experience he would come to remember as a first time. Another cherry popped, as it were.

Next: Chapter 10

Laurie, 17/04/17, Easter Monday

Next: Chapter 10

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