The Judas Effect

By Rampage

Published on Apr 3, 2017


Chapter 8

"Oh, excuse me. Er . . . entschuldigung."

A male head had materialised round the door and now it was pulled back out again. Shane had not even caught a glimpse of the body to which the head was attached. He heard footsteps retreating mysteriously and urgently to the front of the small house, calling out for the woman. He heard stifled voices and then the characteristic female whine of a much imposed upon landlady.

"Ach, nein, nein. Go you back in das Zimmer. Him nummer ein. Nummer ein, verstehen Sie?"

Her guttural German was unmistakably Central European in origin, most likely from somewhere like Poland or Hungary. The head reappeared slowly in the slightly open doorway, giving Shane a good view of the man. He was young and rather attractive, close to Shane's own age with a slightly bewildered and confused expression on his face. He peered into the dimly lit bedroom, stepping back when he caught sight of Shane sitting there. Shane thought he might disappear again but this time he ventured to speak.

"Uh . . . irgend 'ne Chance auf ein Blowjob?"

"It's OK, I'm British," Shane said, in an endeavour to put the lad at ease, "and yes, yes I do."

"Oh . . . Jeez, I was expecting . . . er . . . a German guy." He looked a little fearful and perplexed, but not perplexed enough to continue standing in the passage. He skidded through the open door, carefully closed it behind him and stepped into the room.

"Yeah, me too," Shane lied, "but I guess he's not going to show."

"I think the Frau's taken the liberty to . . ." the young man's voice trailed off, as if he was looking for further confirmation of what Shane was there for.

"Exactly. She's put two and two together and here we are. She must have some idea of how to make the best of a bad job, I guess, and this way she'll get double her fee. She may be a refugee, but this one's got some savvy, I'd say."

"And you? I mean, you were looking for the same . . . ." He edged closer to Shane as he spoke.

"Sex? With a young guy?"

"You've got it in one, buddy," he uttered in a low tone.

"Yeah. I'm right horny for a tight young arse to take my cock. Haven't had a good fuck for days. By the way, what do I call you? My name's Shane." There was no point in giving him something false.

"I'm Gabe, short for Gabriel. They all laughed when they got to know that up at The Point. Philistines."

Shane's eyes had been taking the guy in as the lad stood nervously in front of him. He was about Shane's size, maybe slightly taller. His red hair was cropped in a flat-top military short-back-and-sides style. He could not make out the colour of the lad's eyes in the dim light of the room, but his pale, slightly pimpled face was thin, almost feminine. Shane noticed that the boy's hands were slender and soft. Of course. He remembered his briefing. All this lad's working days were spent at a typewriter or filing cabinet, nothing physically demanding. Shane was not slow in noting the hard-on pushing against the front of the young man's thin slacks and this made him bolder, but he really did not know where that courage was coming from. He was beginning to put thoughts of Jonas and Axelsson - who were probably listening in on the other side of the paper-thin wall - out of his mind. He really did not care if they were watching and listening. A devil inside him was encouraging him to give them 'a show'. Besides, he had to get into this or it would not work. He had to forget they were there. Gabe was still standing immediately in front of him and his own face was at eye level with the belt buckle of Gabe's slacks. Shane knew the time had come for him to make some kind of a move.

Reaching out with his right hand, he slid it along the front of Gabe's slacks and felt the warmth and hardness of a solidly hard dick. Shane's fingers met with no opposition as he pulled at the zipper, dragging it all the way down before sneaking his hand inside the fly, massaging Gabe's pulsating sizeable rod through the fabric of his slacks. Gabe sighed as Shane's right hand continued to stroke him. To Shane's surprise, there did not feel to be any underpants and he continued to stroke the rock hard, pulsating cock. The young man sighed as Shane's left hand found the buckle and undid the belt. Not missing a beat, Shane undid the waist button of the slacks and slowly pulled them down, inch by pre-cum damp inch, to free Gabe's hard cock. Shane was entranced by the sight of it: seven inches or so of firm white meat topped by shaven pubes where a patch of golden red pubic hair should have been, everything crowned by the round firmness of a sticky cock head. Shane's right hand encircled the firm, warm staff and he pulled the cock completely free as his left hand pushed Gabe's slacks over his buttocks and they slid down to his ankles. Shane had lost all presence of mind now. Gone was Jonas. Gone was Sergeant Axelsson. Gone was the shame of what he was doing. He was being driven now by unadulterated lust, knowing what he had to do next. Without thinking, he brought his eager tongue up to the sensitive underside of Gabe's cock head and doused it with warm saliva. Shane opened his mouth and sucked the leaking cock head inside, his tongue to wrapping itself around the staff. Oh, the unalloyed rapture of that moment!

Gabe reached out, the fingers of one hand caressing the contours of the large, heavy cock in Shane's briefs. His dick immediately sprang up, like a recruit at reveille, brisk and lusty, ready for action. Shane brushed his hands over Gabe's chest, squeezing his muscles, tweaking his nipples and grabbing him under his arms. The sweaty pits and their damp hairs sent electric sparks over the lad's skin. In return, Gabe seemed to be spurred on by strengthening the powerful grip he had on Shane's cock. Gabe groaned as Shane's mouth drew half of him inside and his tongue continued to lubricate the underside of Gabe's shaft as Shane hollowed his cheeks to create a vacuum. Gabe slid further inside Shane's mouth until the cock head probed persistently against the back of his throat. Shane was not loose enough to take all of his partner so he bobbed his head back and forth, taking about three-quarters of Gabe's length. He pulled out slowly, with Shane's head following as he tried in vain to keep the virile young cock inside his mouth.

"Let's strip," said Gabe, in a strained voice.

"OK". Shane's mouth was still alive with the taste of his own manhood.

They both undressed quickly, feverishly, strewing their clothes about the floor and lay down on the quilted blanket covering the bed. Shane moved between Gabe's legs and buried his face in the damp warmth there, his tongue lapping at the tightening scrotum. Bringing his hands down to assist Shane, Gabe pushed down on his head. Inflamed with lust, Shane sucked one of Gabe's balls into his eager mouth, caressing it with his tongue while his lips banqueted on the hairy sac, moaning as Gabe's fingers ran through his cropped pubic hair. He continued to make rough love to Gabe's tender balls, pressing his nose against the soft skin and inhaling the potent aroma of a young man's balls, compelling him to open his mouth and envelop the leaking cock head with his lips. Shane slammed everything into Gabe's mouth and a gratifying groan shot from his lips. Shane wanted more and in one rapid movement that surprised and almost spun Gabe off his feet, Shane turned him around until he was confronted with the cheeks of Gabe's tightly muscled arse. He grabbed a couple of handfuls of Gabe's muscular buttocks and tugged them apart, revealing the twitching youthful self-lubing arsehole. This action drove Shane over the edge and, for the first time in this encounter, he used his rank and ordered Gabe turn on to his back, raise his legs and spread them wide. Shane was now transformed into the you-do-what-I-say non-commissioned officer and took the rigid, rock hard youthful manhood into his mouth and sucked vigorously, causing Gabe to moan as he twisted and squirmed on the blanket.

Shane was relaxed now and before he knew it, Gabe's greasy glans had slipped down his throat, his scrotum resting on Shane's chin, his nose pressing into the area where Gabe's pubic hair should have been. Shane's lips set up a rhythmic pattern of tightening and loosening around the circumference of Gabe's cock. Shane held him inside his gullet as he felt Gabe's face nestling into his pubic hair and his own cock slipping further down Gabe's throat. He was obviously well used to this kind of treatment, his throat tightening around Gabe's helmet in a crushing motion that came perilously close to finishing Shane off with a massive ejaculation, which he struggled to hold back, focussing on giving Gabe the utmost pleasure as he slid his mouth up and down on the invasive cock, his tongue flicking around the glans and probing the piss slit. By now, Gabe was slick and slimy with Shane's saliva and his own pre-cum, some of which leaked out and ran down Shane's chin.

Shane's cock was feeling as if it was on fire as Gabe increased his siphoning with each stroke. No words were needed now between the two young guys as their mouths were busy intuitively delighting each other. Their rhythm was perfect. Gabe slipped his mouth off Shane's cock as he pulled his heavily throbbing rod from Shane's mouth. He came up on to his knees, pulled Shane's balls and cock out of the way and positioned his cock against Shane's arsehole. He responded by spreading his legs further to give Gabe access to his man-cunt, feeling the pressure as Gabe thrust against the constricted muscles of Shane's anal sphincter. Without uttering a sound, Gabe reached down, pulled Shane's hips up slightly as he bent his knees and spread his legs as far apart as he could. Shane gave a kind of half moan as he felt his arsehole opening up to Gabe, who increased the strength of his thrusts; Shane felt the first twinge of pain prophesying he was about to be forcefully entered. Gabe held himself in that position, not moving. He had obviously done something like this before and with practised control, he began gently straining against Shane's aroused hole. Suddenly, Shane felt himself give, just a bit at first, then more. Gabe's cockhead forced the lips of his arsehole open a fraction of an inch and lodge itself in. The pain was stronger now and Shane's sharp intake of breath warned Gabe to go slow and easy.

"Are you OK?" said Gabe, "do you want to go on with this?"

"Yes, YES!" Shane responded, pushing his arse up to meet Gabe who drove a little more of his rigid cock into him. The pain was deeper now, but Shane could not stop. He wanted Gabe inside him. He wanted Gabe to fuck him - hard. And that is just what Gabe did. The pain turned to a dull ache, to a feeling Shane had never experienced before. Gabe fucked tirelessly, slowly at first, until Shane finally opened up to receive him, his sphincter loosened by a blend of the fucking he was getting and the carnality he felt. Gabe buried his entire length inside Shane, held it there for an eternity, before withdrawing to the edge of Shane's arsehole. Gabe rammed his cock savagely back into Shane's rectum and fucked like a wild animal until he gave a shout and shot his load first, firing streams of white hot cum into Shane's visibly pulsating arsehole. Shane fired his weapon soon afterwards, ejaculating wad after wad of thick, sticky semen deep into Gabe's body. When they eventually came to rest, they both lay across the bed, panting, with Gabe's still rigid cock firmly up Shane's anal passage. They gradually calmed down, basking in the afterglow of sexual release.

"Ummm . . . that was wonderful," Gabe said.

"Yeah, it was," Shane agreed as he lay beside him, his fingers gently caressing Gabe's proudly erect nipples.

"Most definitely. I've gotta go, though," Gabe said, standing up and reaching for his clothes. "I'd like to stay with you but I've got a mid." He was referring to the 23:59 hours to 07:00 hours all night shift at a communications station.

"Oh? Where at you stationed?" Shane asked, although he already knew.

"The Point," Gabe replied, rather matter-of-factly, "Air Force. And you?"

"We're in the same business. Air Force," Shane replied.

"I met two guys last Saturday from here, down at the Intercontinental Baumgarten. They said they had a room in town somewhere. You know them?"

"I don't think so. What are their names?"

"They were probably not using their real names, if you know what I mean. The three of us partied in their room all night." Shane's interest was peaked now and he was hoping Jonas still had his ear glued to his listening device.

"What did they look like?"

"One was kind of tall, maybe six feet. Blond hair, slender. The other one was short, light complexion, black hair. Said they had just come off an evening-day-mid-Saturday morning. Weird shift, that one. Anyway, they were lots of fun. Like you."

"Thanks. I'll keep my eyes open for them. I don't know any other . . . uh . . ."

"Guys like us?" he finished the sentence for him. "Me neither, just those two. We have a houseboy in my barracks that lets me fool around some. He says he can introduce me to his friends who might be interested. I think I just might take him up on it." Shane's mind instantly recalled the pictures he had been shown and the thought of the Stasi flashed through his brain. He desperately wanted to scream, "Don't fall for it, lad. You don't know what those bastards will do to you!" Somehow, something kept him quiet.

"Well, thanks, thanks a lot," Gabe said as he finished dressing. Shane was still sitting naked on the bed, in a pool of cold congealing cum.

"Yeah. Thank you," he replied.

"See you around, mebbe?"

"Definitely. Let's keep coming back here. I'm sure the woman will fix us up again."

"Sure." With that Gabe gave Shane a little kiss on his shoulder and made his way out through the door.

Shane lay back on the bed, trying to collect his thoughts and emotions. He would never see Gabe again. Shane knew what would happen to him, and with a pang of guilt he wanted to call out after him but what difference would that make? Jonas and Axelsson no doubt had all the evidence they needed and Shane suspected Gabe would be picked up by Air Force Security tonight or tomorrow and challenged with it. Surprisingly enough, Shane felt to shame. He had deceived Gabe, true enough, but it had not been malicious. Gabe had enjoyed what he had done with Shane and they had given each other pleasure. Shane had relished the taste of Gabe's semen and still had the tang on his breath. He suspected Gabe was doing just the same. Getting up off the bed, Shane dressed slowly and made his way out of the place into the madness of Gobbler's Alley. There was no sign of Jonas or Axelsson so he hailed a cab, settled into the back seat and played the night's events over in his mind. For a second or two he was beset with feelings of guilt. He was a Judas. He had set the young man up. He had made sure the boy would get a term inside, followed by a dishonourable discharge . . . the dreaded DD. Shane had managed to fuck up the rest of Gabe's life for him. Shane's only comfort was the recurring thought that he had most probably saved Gabe's life.

NB: Please be aware there will be a prolonged gap following this Chapter. This is because I have to sort out some research matters which will take some time. Chapter 9 will follow in due course.

Laurie (Rampage938) 03/04/17

Next: Chapter 9

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