The Judas Effect

By Rampage

Published on May 10, 2017


Chapter 10

The action in the hotel bedroom now began to warm up as the three men worked to set themselves free of their curbed lust, which had been restrained since - hell, a week at least. Shane did not know how long it had been for Ethan and Max. Now all three were busy sucking cock, sucking hard as they worked on each other. Shane could feel Max's mouth suctioning like a vacuum cleaner as he hollowed out his cheeks, making slurping sounds as he worked. Shane was so fired up he was the first of them to reach his climax and the tightening of his scrotum slowly gave way to the slight numbness along his cock shaft, heralding a total loss of control. He could feel the thick and creamy seminal fluid that had been stored in his hard, tensed balls was eagerly making its way along his shaft. It was burning inside him. It was determined not to be held back by anything and erupted strongly out of his cock slit into Max's impatiently waiting mouth. He devoured Shane's hot load without missing a beat or a single drop of the precious fluid as Shane filled his eager mouth repeatedly. Shane had never spouted so intensely in his life before; but then, he had never had a guy sucking his cock while he was sucking a second guy who in turn was sucking a third party. Shane felt this was turning into a day of firsts for him.

Shane was still shooting his load into Max's insatiable mouth when Ethan fired his weapon into Shane's gulping mouth, flooding it with strong thick seminal fluid. It felt awesome as it surged across Shane's energetically licking and lapping tongue as Ethan's essence splashed against the back of his greedily guzzling throat. He trapped it there, allowing it to flood his mouth before swallowing it down, then took more. Ethan fired salvo after salvo and Shane began to wonder if he would ever stop. He also caught the pungent aroma of Ethan's jism as he was swallowing it, an odour that drove Shane to deep-throat him, the final heavy spurts of Ethan's orgasm firing directly down his throat until they came to rest somewhere in the depths of his bowels. Shane held Ethan's cock head in position and used his throat muscles to massage and drain Ethan's balls of all that remained of their load. Shane did not know precisely when Max climaxed in Ethan's mouth but from the sounds Ethan made it must have been soon after he had emptied his sperm producing scrotum and filled Shane with his jism. The three of them lay mouth to cock, to mouth, to cock, for what seemed to be an eternity, orally caressing and gently licking each other's cocks, still engorged and leaking, not to arouse them further but to relax and rest. Shane was wondering if Ethan and he had similar thoughts at that point. Shane simply did not want to take his mouth off Ethan's hard, pulsating cock. It felt so natural to have it lodged in his mouth, tasting of recently ejaculated semen. Ethan sighed as Max's cock dribbled its last drops into his mouth.

"Wow!" Ethan breathed, "Hey, guys, that was something, huh?"

"No shit!" Max agreed.

"Yeah!" sighed Shane, hugging Ethan closer to his face.

"Whew! I've gotta get some rest after that," Max said.

"Yeah, me too," said Ethan, turning to Shane with a smile on his face. "We've just come off a mid shift you know."

"That's the kind of mid shift I like!" joked Max.

"OK, I'll leave you guys and go back to my room," said Shane, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Time for a shower anyway, I must stink like a whore's bedroom. Why don't you guys stop by later? I've got a couple of six-packs cooling. I'll get some more sent up this afternoon."

"Excellent!" cried Ethan, "Let's party in your room tonight! Go all the way with the sex, eh? I'm feeling horny enough to put my prick deep inside your arse right now, Shane."

"That would be great!" Shane exclaimed, "I'd love it!" His mind flew back to Jonas, waiting in the other room. Shane was certain he was going to be mad as hell. To tell the truth - Shane didn't give a monkey's fuck what Jonas would say or think. He would give the bastard what he wanted - but in Shane's time, not his.

Returning to his room, Shane stripped off and took his shower. When he dried off and went back into the room, he caught a faint sound from the other side of the wall similar to the whirr of a movie camera working. He thought, "Fuck Jonas, he's filming me in the nude, is he? Let's give him something to wank over in his quiet moments." He threw himself down on to the bed and drowsily lay on his back. It was then he recalled the look on Jonas's face when he had caught that glimpse of Shane's semi-hard that morning. Shane had a cheeky grin on his face as his cock gently pulsed, tumescent from the warmth of the shower. Allowing his cock to slowly rise to a full hard-on, he played around a bit with his cock head, tickling his slit until it began leaking pre-cum. He picked up some of the sticky juice on his index finger and licked it off with his tongue. He played with and gently stroked his balls, causing his cock to leak even more. With his other hand he tweaked and twisted his hard nipples, making soft whimpering noises as he did so. He was doing all this to tease Jonas, having made up his mind to one thing: later that night he would give Jonas a show for the camera he would never forget. With that pleasing thought, Shane nodded off into a light sleep.

About an hour and a half later when Shane woke from his catnap, it was afternoon. He took a piss, a short shower then spent some time making sure his arsehole was thoroughly clean and generally making his body presentable. After all, there were going to be some interesting developments later! Slipping into a pair of casual loose slacks (no briefs, tight around the crotch) and a T-shirt, he decided to go down to the bistro in the hotel lobby to find a coffee and a snack. As he walked along the corridor towards the lifts, he saw Jonas standing in the doorway to his room making frantic signals to catch his attention. Jonas was just far enough inside the doorway that no one looking casually down the corridor would have seen him. As Shane came abreast of him he snapped "Dawson!" Shane stopped, turned and walked into Jonas's room. Jonas closed the door and faced Shane, who could see he was madder than all hell.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Jonas growled, softly.

"Oh, getting acquainted," Shane murmured.

"Oh, yeah?" replied Jonas, his bad temper making his voice sound heavy, "and where are the two queer boys?"

"Resting, I suppose. I think they trust me now. I invited them to my room but at first they said no, but I made sure they'll be along later."

"They'd better, or we don't have jack shit."

"They will," Shane said in an authoritative voice, an impudent grin flashing across his face. He paused, waiting to see if Jonas had more instructions. As none were forthcoming, he took the chance to ask a question, "By the way, Jonas. Can you tell me anything about Klub Namenlos? I was also warned that it's in the off limits part of town."

"Where did you get that from? Your two fuck buddies?"

"No. It was just something Lothar, the evening barman downstairs, mentioned to me. He reckoned I could go an evening there and he has invited me to go with him and a couple of his mates tomorrow night, which is his night off. Apparently every two months or so the place has a special evening to welcome new clients. That was the word he used, "clients". I thought that was a bit on the strange side, so I accepted his invite. He'd make sure I didn't get into any kind of fracas with the locals. I also thought Namenlos was a crazy name for a popular drinking hole as the word means "Nameless", or so my phrase book tells me."

Jonas stared hard at Shane. What was this kid getting involved in? What had the evening barman told him about the Klub Namenlos? Had Axelsson been trying to get inside Dawson's briefs like he'd done with one of the others? Namenlos was currently under surveillance 24/7 from all quarters, but mainly OAFI. It was an unsavoury place full of druggies, whores, rent boys who worked their balls off for outrageously high fees, as well as all kinds of weird deviants and dangerous undesirables. It was even being rumoured in circles that should know about these things that extreme political groups also used the place to plan their revolutionary activities. It also had the distinction - if it could be called a distinction - of being the place to which two young men had been lured and where they had met with terrible ends. OAFI desperately wanted to find a way of getting someone in there under cover to find out how the place worked and who was running it. They had also discovered the place was where Commy spies and such congregated from time to time. That fucking smarmy barman, Lothar Schmidt, was already on the list to be thoroughly investigated. If Shane Dawson could talk his way in there, wave his arse at Schmidt and two or three other shady characters, he had a good chance of getting firm evidence of snooping or bugging activities and other counterintelligence operations, then manage to get it out to hand over to Jonas, there could be kudos all round. Jonas would almost certainly be put in charge of planning a raid on the place to seize whatever could be unearthed. He would then be in line for certain promotion; he might even be able to work a stay of execution for Dawson and get him cleared of the stain on his character - even in military circles miracles do sometimes happen! Jonas remained sitting on the bed absorbed in working out his plans and strategies; he even imagined a grateful Dawson might let him fuck his arse. He was so busy planning he did not even think about warning Shane of the dangers he might encounter nor did he notice Shane leaving the bedroom while he was still sitting on the bed in deep thought.

When Shane reached the lobby he went to the bistro, ordered some coffee and sandwiches and felt liberated from his anxieties for the first time since he'd been in the hands of OAFI. He shamelessly gave the glad eye to the dishy waiter who brought over his sandwiches and coffee; to Shane's delight he got a definitely erotic response. Just as he was about to try chatting the waiter up a noisy crowd of local youngsters from a nearby college burst in, demanding food and drink. The waiter was now fully occupied in bustling about taking orders, passing them through to the kitchen and taking them over to the table where the crowd were impatiently waiting. Shane ordered another coffee and decided to stay cool until the waiter was free. Once the noisy youngsters got their food and beers, things quietened down a bit. Shane caught the waiter's eye, smiled titillatingly at him and passed his hand over his own crotch, pausing only to bring the bulge in the front of his slacks to the waiter's notice. The waiter picked up his pad too make it look as if he was about to take an order, came over and spoke to the client in German. Shane apologised and explained he could not speak German. The waiter instantly broke into English and told Shane his name was Sergei. Shane looked quizzically at him and said, "That isn't a German name, is it?" The waiter laughed and said, "Nyet. My family are from Odessa in Ukraine." Shane made sure that Sergei had his room number and finished his snack. He got up, gave Sergei a sexy grin, tugged at his bulging crotch and slipped the waiter a small denomination note as a gratuity and said, "I'm going up to my room. You still have the number?" and tugged once more at his enticingly swollen crotch. When he got to his room, he stripped off and settled down to wait and see what, if anything, would happen.

He was well aware that his feelings of arousal over what he, Ethan and Max had done earlier had not withered away. As he lay on his bed obsessive uncensored thoughts filled his head. He was certain that Jonas would not be next door with his fucking camera so he lovingly caressed his rigid quivering cock. Slowly and tenderly playing with himself, he did not want to achieve a climax this time - he wanted nothing less than to find another full on sexual adventure. He could visualise a scenario in his mind: he would go down to the pool, make for the toilet and pick up another acquiescent partner, another cock to suck, may be even a cock he could spread his legs for. No sooner had his mind's eye provided the sequence of events than it was time for action - he stopped pulling on himself, slipped his slacks, T-shirt and sandals back on and made his way down to the pool, intent on finding someone - anyone, teenager or old wrinkly - to have hot, hard sex with. He was almost becoming obsessed by now, driven by a blend of the recalled hot passionate sex he had enjoyed in Ethan's room. Shane was now rock solid and horny enough for the mix to blend into a combustible cocktail. Fuck! What he'd give for the waiter from the bistro to appear but he dismissed any thoughts of Sergei visiting him in his room at this time of day. He would keep him in mind though - for the future.

To his surprise, the poolside was totally devoid of anyone, not even a barman behind the bar so he decided to cruise the toilet where Ethan had picked him up. That also was deserted. He thought for a moment, then made up his mind to try the hotel gardens and encircle the maze of small chalets on either side of the main building. Again, his search was fruitless. Nothing. "Fuck this for a game of soldiers," he thought, "if no-one comes over for a piss in the next half-hour, I'll go to town and see if I can find this fucking Namenlos place." Wandering back to the poolside loungers, he selected one where he could keep his eye on the toilet and settled down to keep watch. For the next half-hour he waited in vain. He was beginning to wonder if the staff had gone on strike when his eye caught a shadowy movement amongst small bushes close to the nearest chalets. He sat up and watched as a tall, well built man in working dungarees slowly approached in his direction. He appeared to be in his mid-to-late forties and was obviously employed as some kind of gardener or odd-job man. Without being too obvious, Shane watched the man as he approached the toilet. He got to his feet, scooted over as quick as a jackass rabbit on heat and waited behind a bush until the man entered the toilet block. Shane took a deep breath to calm down and casually walked in.

Standing over one of the porcelain urinal slots the man was voiding his bladder. From the torrent of golden liquid surging down the slot Shane reckoned he must have been holding his piss in all morning; most of it disappeared but some of it sprinkled the ceramic surrounds. He did not look up when Shane walked in, brazenly stood at the slot next to him and pulled out his semi-hard circumcised cock. He began by slowly and gently pulling on his shaft but as he did not want to scare the man off, he tried not to make it too obvious what his hand was doing. The guy finished pissing, shook some drops off his dick head prior to putting it back into his dungarees. He glanced over at the young guy standing next to him. When he saw what der Junge was doing, he made no attempt to leave but simply watched as the young man stroked his dick. The man had his cock still wrapped in his hand and gave a kind of timorous half smile at Shane, who returned the smile and very quietly muttered one of the few German phrases he had mastered, "Guten Tag, mein Herr."

The man replied in a low guttural voice. He continued speaking in rapid German but when he noticed the confused look on Shane's face he said, "Verstehen Sie nicht? You not understand?" Having decided to play the part of an English student on an educational trip, Shane smiled and admitted he could not speak much German. The man said, "I have ze English. You visit here?" Shane nodded but did not say anything - he was enjoying the comprehensive view of two large and rapidly tightening balls which, in turn, were supporting a conspicuous rock hard pillar of solid flesh and its succulent glistening head. Shane almost drooled at the sight and said softly, "Fuck, you've got a big cock there, Sir." The man nodded and told Shane his name was Ludwig. His hand movements increased on his tumid cock and reaching out with his free hand he used his fingers to gently stroke the steel-hard youthful dick standing to attention like a recruit at reveille, firm and strong, ready for action and already leaking pre-cum. Ludwig pulled harder on his own dick and Shane watched with amazement as it rapidly hardened and thickened even more. Ludwig unbuttoned the bib of his dungarees to reveal the solid firm flesh of a well maintained body, in particular his pecs and rigid nipples. Reaching out, Shane stroked his hands across the exposed hairless chest, pinching and twisting the proudly erect nipples en route, pressing and squeezing the hard biceps. The smell of sweat from the man's armpits and the dank hairs filling them ignited a tingling, fiery sensation all over Shane's skin. He nestled his face against Ludwig's neck sucking Dracula fashion on the heavy jugular vein, slobbering over the solid chest and nibbling on the hard nipples. Making a soft groaning noise Ludwig lifted up an arm, allowing Shane to lick his armpit on a sudden impulse, provoked and reinforced by the powerful grasp Ludwig had on his oozing dick, still shrouded behind the thin cotton of his shorts. Shane greedily slurped up the raw perspiration. Ludwig dropped his fist from Shane's throbbing cock and used both hands to grasp his ears, scraping Shane's face over his chest until the other arm was raised. Shane guzzled, gulped, feasted on and wallowed in the clammy furry reek of a working man's hard day. In a surprisingly militaristic tone of voice, Ludwig barked in a heavy undertone, as if he was a senior NCO giving orders to a Private, "Get to it, meine Kumpan" and removed his hands from Shane's ears.

There was no doubt in Shane's mind what Ludwig wanted him to do next. He sank down on to his knees, his chin brushing against Ludwig's hard pulsing cock. He reached out, looked up and saw a resolute military man glaring down at him. Shane's hands were supporting his weight by pressing against the wall, his arms raised, their pits shining, plastered to the youthful skin by sweat and saliva. He dropped his gaze. The thick rod inside his shorts was testing the strength of the thin material, a dark smear of pre-seminal juice almost covering the concealed cock head. Pressing his nose against the slimy cotton Ludwig inhaled the youthful odour of tangy sweat around the young cock head and pungent balls. Ludwig felt an almost irresistible compulsion to open his mouth and envelope that cock head with his lips but Shane was quicker; he had already opened his mouth wide to receive Ludwig's cock slamming into his mouth, at the same time shooting a rasping groan from his lips like a pellet discharged from a firearm. Ludwig uttered one word, "Mehr!"

Shane also wanted more. It was still quiet outside and in one rapid movement, he surprised both himself and Ludwig by spinning round, almost losing his footing in the process. Ludwig was faced with Shane's taut arse cheeks as he leant forward, both arms upraised, hands spread on the wall facing him for support, his legs spread apart. Ludwig shoved a hand between Shane's legs and grabbed his ball pouch from behind, wrenching the contents with force, making Shane emit a moan that seemed to be a mixture of pain and pleasure. Jerking his head round to look over his shoulder it was apparent that Ludwig was aiming for full measure. Holding fast to his fistful of youthful sweaty balls, he slowly slurped his tongue down the length of Shane's arse crack, whose moans indicated rather more pleasure than pain. Ludwig sucked up the acrid salty moisture from the lad's crack and his tongue felt as if it was being scorched by a blowtorch. This, however, was just an aperitif as Ludwig had decided he wanted the full meal. Digging his fingers into the flesh of Shane's sport and gym hardened cheeks, he savagely pulled them apart and gazed at the male beauty of the outer rim of a youthful arsehole. He could not resist licking the delicate convoluted flesh of the tender anus, snuffling up the sharp odours with his nose. Pinching the boy's buttocks he snarled, "I'm gonna eat that military ass hole, buddy." At some point Ludwig must have picked up bits and pieces of American GI slang but he gave a low growl of raunchy delight, turned his tongue into a hard tapered barb and jabbed it deep into Shane's hole. He buried his nose in Shane's crack as his tongue scoured the squidgy interior of his arsehole. The invading tongue-barb seemed to be almost alive twisting and looping sinuously in every corner it could reach until he tugged Shane's cheeks further apart and rammed his face deeper up his arse.

With a sudden movement Ludwig was not expecting, Shane swung round and they found themselves facing each other once more. Shane reached out and pulled the dungarees down past Ludwig's knees, releasing a powerfully strong steel-hard cock which sprang upwards, the slit oozing viscous pre-cum, the solid head as mouth-wateringly luscious as an over-ripe fruit. It was the all-embracing effect of odours of sticky leaking cock slits and arsehole interiors that made Shane yearn for a third tongue to savour the interior of his anus. Shane was almost breathless at this point but they were both taken by surprise when the door crashed open and another man came in, his magnificent manhood already on display with his fingers wrapped around the shaft vigorously pulling on it. He peered down at the youngster looking up at him and grinned wickedly, "This, my son, is where you get fully stuffed." To Shane's amazement he was staring at Lothar, the barman from the hotel. What the fuck was he doing here, suddenly speaking fluent English? Laughing, Lothar flaunted his dripping cock in front of Shane and barked an order, "OK, you Englische Schwule, open wide and show us how much you like sucking cocks." He grasped a handful of Shane's hair, slipped his impressive cock between the young lips and stuffed Shane's throat with dense, solid flesh. Shane was close to choking but he was determined that nothing was going to let these two fucking bastards know it. He was aware of Lothar's damp sweaty cock hairs tickling his nose and a strong draught of an acrid aroma. Shane would have done anything right then to have received a bellyful of creamy semen to match that spicy odour. Gripping the newcomer's hips Shane began fucking his face with the barman's powerful cock. Not to be left out of the fun, Ludwig shuffled round behind Shane, took hold of his rigid cock, the head of which was festooned with strings of viscous oozing fluid, and rammed it straight up the succulent young arse. Shane could neither scream nor shout with his mouth full of hot mercilessly thrusting cock on the verge of going berserk. Without warning, Lothar blasted off, his thick juice gushing strongly down Shane's eagerly guzzling throat. At almost the same moment, Ludwig's throbbing cock was knocking on the door demanding admittance. Its hard dribbling cock head widened Shane's arsehole as it was powerfully plunged home, Ludwig's tight balls slapped tackily against Shane's sweaty buttocks. With a low savage grunt, Ludwig thrust his hammering cock even harder and deeper as it flooded Shane's arse. As he felt the jism splashing inside his body, Shane let fly with a massive, explosive ejaculation. He covered his own chest and even tried giving his hair a jism shampoo. Then, suddenly, all was calm again. Ludwig pulled up his dungarees, offered a hand to Shane to help him get to his feet, and left without a word. Lothar and Shane looked at each other, grinning broadly.

"Jeez, I only came in here on the off chance of getting a quick blow job." Shane was shakily attempting to make himself decent again. "That was beyond words. I won't want to cum again today, after that!"

"Oh, you will. You youngsters are all the same. Bet you're pulling on that fine dick of yours before too long." Lothar put a hand on Shane's shoulder. "You still on for a visit to Namenlos tomorrow night?"

"Sure thing, Lothar. I've asked a couple of mates if they want to - er - 'cum'. Guess what - they can't wait. They've heard some outrageous stories about that place and we're all looking forward to a horny night with the boys!"

"You did warn them about the place being technically out of bounds to you lot?"

"Of course I did. I told them what you told me and they're up for it. I can tell you that any mention of a little three letter word beginning with 's' and ending with 'x', and they're out of their clothes in seconds. I'll give you their names later on tonight, after dinner. Right now, I just want to get up to my room, soak for an hour and then take a rest for an hour or so. That OK with you?"

So it was agreed between them. Shane had no way of knowing that he had got himself into a very dangerous position. We shall just have to wait and see what the outcome will be.

Next: Chapter 11

Laurie, 10/05/17

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