The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Jan 22, 2015


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Once Archie relaxed, all was well. Perhaps I should have been annoyed that two workmen excited him more than I did. I know that one does not have the key to unlocking every man's sexual potential. Roddy and Bert excited Archie.

They weres just what Archie needed. He was frightened and afraid of sex. His attraction to the two masons was powerful enough to overcome that fear. Roddy and Bert were good men. They enjoyed Archie, but more importantly, they were willing to let Archie enjoy them. They always took and were willing to give. When Archie fucked Roddy, Archie realized it was acceptable to take a cock in his ass too.

I do not know what was going on in Archie's brain, but that Roddy would take him in the ass and enjoy it, was a revelation. "I'll try almost anything once," Roddy had told me when we first met. "If I like it I'll do it again. Sex is odd. Some improbable things feel good. To be strictly truthful, some improbable things are mighty good!" Our little party broke up an hour later. When Archie left, he was both smiling and sexually drained.

Archie ran into me on the street the next Saturday. I was on my way to the Alhambra Baths. I told him that and asked if he wanted to join me. I told him that the atmosphere there was friendly and open, but it was mostly nude men, and if he was uncomfortable with that he might not enjoy it.

"It is all nude?" he asked in a whisper.

I leaned closer to him. "I would guess a third of the men wear towels, a third are naked and a third are naked and excited. As I said, it is a friendly group," I whispered.

"You are right, I don't think I would be comfortable there," Archie said. "I also think I might enjoy it greatly." I smiled as we walked to the baths.

Ali was at the door greeting patrons. He was wearing a turban and he wore his robe open to display his hairy chest pelt. Archie liked that. In the locker room, we met Sergeant-Major Jack Ross and George, the Armenian. They too were the sort of manly men that Archie found appealing. The feelings were mutual. We went to the steam room.

The four of us sat in a corner and talked quietly. Jack and George doffed their towels and Archie followed their lead. Several other men in the room had covered up when we entered but soon the towels slipped exposing genitals. Two men were erect and Archie noticed that. A month earlier, he might have left the room. He seemed to have no objection to doing some sightseeing. I did not know who the men were, but they were not shy.

"You are new to the baths?" Jack asked Archie.

"I am," he replied. "It seems odd to be warm. That is almost unnatural for this time of the year."

"You are a highlander?" George asked.

"Very much so," Archie replied. "Being warm is a new experience, but it is one I could get accustomed to easily. I'm not sure that my father ever heated more than a corner of a room in his life. If I was lucky, the water in a bath was tepid. I normally wear three or four layers of woolens!"

"Let me assure you, that you look good wearing nothing. Sometimes clothes cover a multitude of sins, you have the body of an athlete," Jack said. "No one here at the Alhambra overdresses." One of the men on the other side of the steam room dropped to his knees and began sucking his neighbor's cock. Archie watched but did not react except for becoming erect.

"I hope Angus told you that we are a friendly group here?" George asked as he bent over and began to lick Archie's tool. Archie jumped a little and then relaxed. Jack fondled my cock as George sucked. The three men on the other side of the room became more intensely engaged and then left.

A very tall man I did not know entered the steam room. He looked at us and came over. "May I join you?" he asked in a Highland accent. If an artist were to paint a picture of a Highland chieftain, he would have picked this man as a model. He was tall, muscular and well formed. With a bushy reddish-blond beard and body hair, he would have looked fierce, except for his twinkling blue eyes. He saw George sucking Archie. The man smiled and had an amused look on his face.

"Are introductions needed, or can a needy man join in?" he asked. His tool was at my eye level so I leaned over and licked it. He stepped closer so I could take the entire organ.

"A mate of mine told me this was a friendly place," he said. "I'm Sandy Brown. It's been a long time since I drained my balls."

"Were you saving up for a reason?" Archie asked.

"It was pure bad luck," he said. "I was hoping to share it with a mate."

"I think we can help you out," Jack said.

The door opened two more men entered the room. The steam was thick, but I recognized Omar and Ali, the bath's owner and attendant respectively. They were wearing Turkish style robes, but they were open, displaying their genitals. I knew them well enough to suspect that they were here to inspect Sandy.

I noticed that Sandy looked at their genitals first before he looked at their faces. Omar smiled. He knew what that meant.

"We have just opened a new room. It is a parlor," Omar said. "It is for intimate encounters. Would you men like to see it?"

"How intimate is intimate?" Sandy asked.

"Let us just say that you are dressed for the part!" Omar replied. We followed Omar to the new parlor. It was above the main level and had been a part of Omar's apartment. I expected it to be an upholstered and drapery filled room. It was tile and marble with some divans and ottomans. Oriental style hanging lanterns illuminated the space giving it an Arabian Night's like feeling. Bottles of lubricants were evident. There was a small fountain in a corner and exotic plants partially concealed a shower.

"Some of our patrons are shy about engaging in overtly intimate activities in front of men they don't know. They are afraid the might offend," Ali said. "This room is purely for those activities. Anyone in this room is here for that purpose."

"The room is beautiful," I said. I was going to say the room was not necessary form my point of view, but by then Archie was sucking on Sandy. This was the first time I had seen Archie take the initiative and that was a step forward. Omar removed his robe and joined them. Archie had two cocks to suck and he took advantage of the situation.

Ten minutes later, I saw Sandy sucking Archie's cock. Archie looked transported. I think it was more than he expected or had hoped. Sandy was no shrinking violet and was enthusiastic about Archie's cock.

Omar was just as interested in Archie, but he held back. I had noticed that before. Omar always deferred to a customer. Omar came over to me and asked if he could massage my anus for a while. I asked it was with his fingers or penis. He stroked his cock in answer. I was sitting on a leather ottoman. I lay back and pulled my legs up exposing my hole.

Omar rarely screwed patrons, and I took this as an honor. I suspected this was an appetizer for a later connection with Archie or Sandy, but that was fine with me.

"I will have Ali lubricate you," Omar said. "I want you to be open." Jack and George watched as Ali oiled my hole. Unexpectedly Ali used his cock to work the lubricant deeper into my rectum. He shot off and Jack took his place. Jack oiled his cock and then shoved it deep. Only after he ejaculated did Omar take his place.

I shivered when his well-lubricated cock touched my hole. He gently applied pressure. "You must let me in," he whispered. "I never force it into a man. He must want it. He must open himself to me." Omar pulled away briefly and I was afraid he would fuck me. His knob touched my hole a second time.

I relaxed a little, and a second later, his entire tool was deep in me. He was big, muscular man. Once he sensed an opening, he was in deep. The penetration winded and disoriented me. I was dazed and could not think straight. I knew it was huge. If it hurt, I could not tell.

Omar was still and then made small movements, little jiggles. I gasped for air. It seemed that he was pulling out. That was only for an inch or two. He pushed in again. A few minutes later, he was making deep, gentle strokes. I could feel his cock head as he thrust.

He pulled out and let Archie take a turn. Archie was excited and had a spectacular orgasm shortly after he entered me. When he pulled out, Omar reentered. It was easy this time. All of my unease had vanished and it was beautiful.

"Outside of these walls, it is all but impossible to use sperm as a lubricant," Omar said. "Only here can you find men willing to contribute sperm for other men's pleasure. It is beautiful and pleasurable in the extreme. Do you feel the same thing, Angus?"

"I do," I managed to say. The sexual sensations were so strong it was hard to form words.

"I was hoping you felt that way. If it ceases to be enjoyable, let me know," Omar said. "I love teetering on the edge of an orgasm. Every time I get close, I pull out and let another man enjoy you. If you stop enjoying it, I need to know. Your enjoyment enhances my pleasure."

He pulled out one more time and Sandy took his place. Sandy alternated quick, hard thrusts with long, gentle strokes. He moaned as he approached his climax. He shot off deep in me and then pulled away slowly, ejaculating the entire time. When he finally pulled out, I knew my entire rectum was coated in his seed.

Omar entered for a last time and the feelings were too intense for me to know how I was reacting. Omar was most excited and I suspected Sandy's seed was responsible. I felt Omar shudder as he released his semen in me.

Jack and George came over to me. I thought it was over, but I felt George's tongue licking my hole. He was not just licking; he was trying to get his tongue in my ass. I relaxed my sphincter. I assumed sperm was drooling out, but that did not bother George at all. I became excited as his tongue licked up the remains of the four orgasms that been deposited.

Suddenly I was beyond the point of no return. Jack was watching and he sucked my knob and ate my sperm as I ejaculated. My ass relaxed completely and George finally got his tongue into my cum filled chute.

The two men helped to the shower to clean up. I briefly was afraid I had made a spectacle of myself, but I saw Archie on his back taking Sandy's organ. Sandy was a big boy, but I could tell he was gently working his member into Archie's hole. Archie was fully erect and I knew he wanted Sandy in him. Omar and Ali were watching with obvious interest and pleasure. George, Jack and I went over to watch.

I was there when Sandy's cockhead made contact with Archie's prostate. Archie had been taking it like a man, when I suddenly saw a wave of pleasure overcome him. His eyes rolled back in his head; he gasped for breath and any suggestion of tenseness left his body. Sandy immediately went deep, but he pulled out enough to caress the little gland in Archie's ass a few more times. Omar leaned over and tenderly enveloped Archie's cock in his mouth. This surprised me; he rarely took a cock. He had so many admirers he usually fed the multitudes.

Sandy tapped Omar on the back and signaled that he would surrendered his place in Archie's ass to the older man. Omar took the position and slid into Archie's rectum.

I then realized the reason for the parlor. It was not just for the shy or discrete who we uneasy about man sex. It was for the men who wanted a more intimate relations, displaying affection and the depths of their sexual urges and feelings.

Sex in the baths was intense and casual. It was men getting off with the help of other men. It was pleasurable and fun. It was with who ever visited the baths that day. The parlor was a place for men to go another step. It was entirely sexual, but included and emotional and even a romantic aspect.

The romantic aspect was expressed with erect genitals and a receptive ass, not in words. When Ali and Jack fucked me, they were just having fun. Omar made love to me. He let Archie and Sandy join in. he wanted them to join our little club. They were the members of the club; my ass was the clubhouse.

An hour later, I returned to my lodging, tired but still feeling the warmth of the session in the parlor. I was home for no more than an hour when Alistair came knocking at my door. He was with a friend he introduced as Maximillian Schaefer. He was a German professor visiting Edinburg for several months. I offered them tea and we talked. Schaefer spoke English well, but not idiomatically. He was a professor of Medicine at Heidelberg, specializing in mental disorders.

I was puzzled by Alistair's unexpected visit. He took me aside and told me that Schaefer was to have lodged with a friend, but the friend had left town without instructions or a key. He needed a place to stay for a few day until the problem could be resolved. Alistair was hoping I could provide a temporary place for him to stay. I agreed to help.

Alistair also wanted me to help Maximilian adjust to Edinburg. He was having a problem with Scot's accents and he had never been outside of Germany before. I said I would do what I could. Alistair told him that I would give him lodging and he would send his trunk over immediately. Alistair left and I was alone with Maximilian.

He was a little younger than I am, but taller and very well groomed. He had blond hair cut very short and a carefully trimmed beard. He was exceeding courteous and polite. We had dinner and then his trunk arrived.

It was late and I took him to his room. He was most ill at ease and was relieved to be alone. He was impressed by my bathroom. I had hot and cold water, a water closet and a tub with a shower next to it. He seemed to think that was most luxurious and asked if he could take a bath. I smiled and told him that was the purpose of the bath.

The next morning he took a shower bath when he woke. He was impressed by my breakfast. We talked. He was prone to apologize. He told me that he did not know what was proper in Scotland. He was a precise and orderly man who wanted to do everything right, but he did not know what was expected. I took him on a tour of the city.

He had read many of Sir Water Scott's and enjoyed the tour. He thought Edinburgh was a romantic city. Heidelberg was a city in the mountains. Edinburgh is on a plain, with Castle Hill, Arthur's seat and Carlton Hill all on volcanic outcroppings. I never thought of the city as romantic, but I think Scott influenced his thinking. I ran into Alistair who was with a friend and houseguest, Donald MacDonald.

I immediately recognized that MacDonald was more than a houseguest, he was a lover. That explained why Max was with me. Alistair wanted to be alone with his friend. MacDonald's mother had just died after a long illness. He had been taking care of this was his first trip away for his Highland home in years.

Max had relaxed some after the tour. After dinner that night, I asked him about his work. He, like Alistair, interested in sexual behavior. While he was a medical doctor, he had been classically educated with a heavy emphasis on Ancient Greek culture. I told him my studies of classics was more perfunctory, and there was a heavy emphasis on the "dirty bits" among my schoolmates.

Max laughed. "Teen age boys all think alike!" he said. "I thought that was unique to German boys."

"I am afraid it has to do with the interests of all adolescent boys. Nationality has nothing to do with it," I said. "I knew a man who had visited Pompeii. He was deeply pleased to have been able to translate the obscene graffiti scribbled on the walls. That seemed to have impressed him most. He said the Romans wrote modern obscenities. My Latin tutor told what I should not read because it was obscene. Of course I looked it up immediately."

Max laughed. "I did the same with Greek writers. I did not know what they were doing, but I knew it was dirty. One of my professors was most worried about Greek Love. He never told us what it was. I knew it was secret, enjoyable and forbidden. I have never experienced it so I don't know whether it was as enjoyable as he suggested." I did not say anything. "Do you have any knowledge on the subject?"

"I am afraid my knowledge is not academic or literary. I have never translated the Greeks," I said. The conversation had taken an uncomfortable turn. He was nervous too. It struck me that Alistair had sent Max to me because I knew a lot about Greek Love by personal experience. I decided to be direct.

"I hope I do not shock you, but my knowledge of Greek love is from personal experience," I said. "I can attest to finding it deeply enjoyable."

I could feel Max relaxing as tension left his body. "It is truly pleasurable? That always struck me as being implausible."

"In some ways all sex seems improbable to me. It is hard to believe my parents did it, but I come from a large family and they had to do something," I said. There was a little delay and then he laughed. Understanding a joke in a foreign language is difficult.

"My family is Lutheran, sex was never mentioned other than to tell me to avoid women until I married," he said. "They never told me what to avoid in any detail!" We laughed.

"Was Greek Love good?" Max asked.

"I was good for me and for my partners," I said. "Every person is different. I may run into someone who doesn't like it, but that has not happened yet."

"Can you tell me what it is like?" he asked.

"Have you been with a woman sexually?" I asked.

He shook his head and then added, "I have followed my family's instructions!"

"I think the actual experience of sex is hard to put in words. It is pleasurable, exciting and enjoyable, but it is several levels more intense than non-sexual pleasure," I said. "I think some people feel it more than others, but that may be due to social pressures. I think many women are taught that sex is an ordeal to be tolerated rather than enjoyed. Some men may feel the same way."

"I do not feel that way, but I haven't had sex either," Max said. We talked a little longer and went to bed. I met him in the hall as I was coming from the bath and he was going to the bath.

"I was going to take a shower. Is that an extravagance?" he asked. I told him that the bath was to be used not just admired. He smiled.

"It seems like a luxury to me. We only had cold water at home," he said. "Would you care to share the shower with me? That would be less extravagant." I went with him into the bath.

I knew what he wanted, but I did not know if he was ready for sex. He turned on the shower and got under the warm water. I joined him. Max was not erect, but he was not soft either. We washed and Max dropped the soap. I went to pick it up. I was looking directly at his cock and I sucked it. Max was definitely ready for sex.

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