The Journal of Angus Fergusson

Published on Jan 6, 2015


The Journal of Mr. Angus Fergusson 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Douglas' transformation was quite complete. Not only did he enjoy Alfred, he had a good time with our servants. He was no longer uneasy about connecting with men of a different social status. Our servants were all good men and never took advantage of him. Douglas was constitutionally unable to use people. The concept of taking advantage of other people was foreign to him.

Our vacation came to an end, but Douglas liked the villa and decided to buy it. The townspeople thought he paid a huge price but it was nothing to Douglas. I knew he was wealthy, but I had not understood the extent of his wealth. His yearly allowance was 10,000 pounds. He had saved most of that.

We returned to Scotland, but we kept the men on as caretakers. While we were gone, the income from the garden was entirely for Pierre and Emile. Julio cooked for other families and Jean just watched over the place. Douglas wanted to make some alterations and additions to the house. This was primarily to make the house more comfortable in the winter. It was very much a summer get away and had no heat.

Shortly after our return to Scotland, Douglas' father was taken ill and Douglass returned to the family seat to help his mother. I returned to Edinburg. I met with Professor who was eager to return to his studies of sexual life. I also found that my old friends, Roddy, Bert, Robert and Sir Alfred were pleased I was back in the city.

The professor told me that his studies had slowed without me. "You seem to have the ability to inspire men," he said. "Inspire may be the wrong word. You are both enthusiastic and willing. They can relax with you and they are comfortable in a sexual situation. Some men are uneasy and it is easier to become fully engaged in sexual activity when you are at ease. Robert told me his cock always felt comfortable in your ass. It felt welcome."

"That is a rather peculiar thing to say," I said. "I'm not sure it is flattering."

"Let me ask you a question. When Robert's cock is in you, is it a foreign object invading your ass, or is it a friendly visitor?" Alistair asked. "Is he using you or are you sharing the experience?"

"Robert is so excited and pleased it is hard to think of his tool as a foreign object. Sir Alfred and several of the others entered me as a foreign object, but by the time they climaxed, I felt as if they were presenting me with a gift, not draining their balls to reduce sexual urges," I said. "The nature of the relationship changes as they become involved."

"Is this a permanent change, or does it occur only in sexual congress?" he asked.

"Both situations occur. I think that many men are taught to hide their feelings completely and reject their sexual urges," I said. "Sexual pleasure may not require intimacy, but it is greatly enhanced with affection and intimacy. With some men, that occurs only in association with the orgasm."

"That must be disappointing for you," the professor observed.

"Once a man has experienced it, he comes to crave it," I explained. "I met a man who seemed entirely uninterested, but he was soon back at my door. We had a second meeting and again he seemed uninterested. When he came back a third time, I told him that I needed more response want to continue meeting. He said that was not possible. I sent him home."

"Did he return?"

"It is very hard to reject sex; he did," I said. "He never became overly emotional but we worked things out."

Robert came to visit me without the Professor. "I have a friend I would like for you to help," he said. "Archibald is a brilliant scientist and a good man. He is one of those men who has a hard time talking about anything other than medicine. He has few friends. I discovered he shares our sexual inclinations. He tried to meet a man and was attacked. Since that event he has become increasingly withdrawn and irritable," Robert continued. "I think it is a combination of fear and frustration. He is a young man, twenty-four years old. I think meeting you would be good for him."

"Have you tried to help him?" I asked.

"We work together. I think he is too unsure of himself and afraid. I am his superior at the laboratory. I think he is afraid for his position," Robert said. "I told him you were doing research on sexual activities and you needed inexperienced men."

"He is willing?"

"I asked him if he was willing. A week later he said he was interested," Robert said. "He is shy and withdrawn. It was a major step for him." I agreed to meet him.

Two days later Archibald knocked on my door just after dark. Archibald was not a handsome man. He was stocky and solid, with a big beard and a somewhat disheveled appearance. He had a pronounced Highlands' accent. I had a fire going and my rooms were warm. He liked that. I had a feeling a warm room was rare in his experience.

We talked and I gave him the outline of my study of sexual response. "I know this is a forbidden subject, but I am convinced it is an important one. We all know that sex is essential for an animals' survival as a species. We tend to pretend it doesn't happen with our own species," I explained. "I am also interested in the pleasurable aspect of sex. This too is ignored."

"What do I need to do?" he asked.

"You don't need to do much," I said. "You are a man and as such you have everything you need for this study. I am interested in sex and you have sex organs. I understand you are comparatively inexperienced sexually. Let me be frank, I am neither inexperienced nor shy. We will engage in sexual activities and see where they lead. Do you understand?"

Archibald nodded. "What if these activities lead to something I don't like?"

"You need to help me with that," I said. "You must tell me of you are uneasy or offended. We will stop whatever activity is a problem. I am only interested in what is natural and enjoyable for you."

We went to my bedroom and stripped. I complimented him on his body. Under all the heavy woolen clothes, he was in good physical condition. He had a hairy chest and gut.

"I see you are every inch a man," I said. "At twenty-four some men are still boys. May I examine your genitals?" Archibald nodded. He looked excited.

"We all have the same basic equipment, but there are some variations," I said. "Feel free to examine mine too."

Archibald looked at my crotch. "You are getting hard," he said.

"That is because of you," I said. "All men get hard when they are excited. We have been talking about sex and now I am touching your genitals. My cock responds to the stimulus. You are manly and well endowed. It is not clear if the erection is solely do to that, of if it is a signal to you that I am impressed by what I see and that I want to know you better."

"Perhaps you are just a randy gentleman," Archibald said.

I laughed. "That may be true. Indeed, that is almost certainly true," I said. "Does that bother you? Do you want to stop and go home?"

"It does bother me, but I surely do not want to go home," he said. By now, his cock was responding.

"We don't know each other yet. We are both uneasy," I said. "Your organ is becoming more impressive."

"Yours is too," Archibald said as he smiled a little.

"We don't have much control over our cocks. I can tell it to get hard and hope it will do so. It had a mind of its own," I said. "It can get hard at inappropriate times and I know that telling it to relax does no good at all!"

"That has happened to me," he admitted. "A preacher told me it was the devil's work."

"If it is the devil's work we are all far better acquainted with him that seems reasonable," I replied. I stroked his cock and Archibald moaned.

"I sorry," he said.

"Sorry for what?" I asked. "I stroked your cock and you felt pleasure. I think a "thank you and do it again please" is more in order."

Archibald looked shocked and then he smiled. "Thank you and do it again please." I smiled too as I stroked his member again.

"I will bet your preacher even acknowledged that sex is necessary to have children. I doubt he conceded that sex is pleasurable, intensely pleasurable," I said. "I am interested in the pleasurable aspect of sex. I have a strong suspicion that almost everyone is interested in that."

"I am going to do something that is going to greatly increase your pleasure, are you ready?" I asked. He nodded. I dropped to my knees and took his cock head into my mouth. I then licked the organ with my tongue. I concentrated on the underside of the knob where it connected to his foreskin. He loved that, and his slit began to drool.

"Do you like doing that?" he asked.

"I do," I replied. "Do you like what am doing?"

"I've never felt anything like it before," he replied. "If you keep on doing it I'm going to shoot."

"That, Archibald, is my plan." I said as I returned to sucking. He was very excited and he shot off a minute or two later. I continued to suck him until his cock stopped drooling. I looked up at his face as I sucked. He had shut his eyes and he looked almost angelic. All the tenseness and unease was gone. I would have thought he was asleep, but he ejaculated a few more times. I do not think you can have an orgasm in your sleep.

"What do I do now?" he asked a few minutes later.

"If you wish you could get dressed and go home. I understand that many men lose all interest after they have an orgasm. You could also stay here. We could talk a little and when you feel the urge we could do it again," I said. "It is up to you."

"Do I have to suck you?"

"If you want to do that it would be good, but only if you wish to do it. I greatly enjoyed what we just did."

"What does it taste like?" he asked.

"You have never tasted your own?" I asked. He shook his head.

"You do know that your sex fluids and seed have no connection to urine at all?" I asked. "They share the same spigot but are completely separate. Your sex juices are sweet and slippery. I assume their function is to lubricate the hole when you screw. Man seed is thicker and creamy. It has a slightly bitter taste. If you taste it as you ejaculate, it is still warm. If you wait, it becomes sticky. You need to wash it off quickly or it will dry in your body hair and be hard to get out."

"Do you have to take it in your mouth?" Archibald asked.

"Not at all. Most men just get out of the way. Some take it and then spit it out," I said. "Am I the first man to eat your seed?"

He nodded. "It was really good when I was shooting," he said. "There was no mess, nothing to clean up afterwards. Did you like eating it?"

"Yes I did. It was good to share your climax. I could feel you relax as you ejaculated," I said. "I often feel the same way when I shoot."

"I don't know if I have ever felt that sense of sharing," Archibald said.

"I didn't think that sort of feeling existed when I was younger. Sexual interludes were rare and I almost never encountered the same man twice," I said. "The sexual feelings are good, but they are better when you share them with another person. They seem to intensify. It is as if you pool your resources and the resulting sensations are greater than when you are alone."

"Are you talking about love?" he asked.

"It could be that, but it is more often friendship. It is a sexual friendship. It is good when you meet a man and you enjoy him and he enjoys you. You both have a good experience. I seemed to get better when you work to make it better for him. Eventually you realize that you aren't two men pleasing themselves, you are men pleasing each other," I explained. "When that happens the pleasure doesn't just double, it expands exponentially."

"I have not felt that yet," Archibald said.

"It will happen, sometimes it takes time," I said. "We Scots are a reserved people. We wrap ourselves in heavy woolen clothes most of the time, with only our faces and hands showing. To be naked with another person seems bizarre and strange to us. To be naked and sexually excited is even more so."

"You were naked, erect and you had an orgasm. Not only that, I was with you, stimulating your genitals and then sucking up every drop of your orgasm. I noted every ejaculation, very spurt and dribble of your cock. I felt you shiver and shake in pleasure," I said. "I enjoyed it. When you began to climax, I felt good because I had been able to induce it. Sucking a cock excites me, tasting your man seed excites me."

"You are never as naked as you are when you are climaxing. I know you were uneasy, but once you let loose and your seed sought escape, all was well. With each spurt of cream, you relaxed. The first major ejaculations are often most intense, but I think the later ones may be the most pleasurable. Sometimes the intensity and excitement mask the pleasure." By that time, Archibald was erect again. I leaned over and took his cock into my mouth."

"I think everything is used up," he whispered.

"We will know soon enough," I said. Archibald stayed for another hour and a half and had two more orgasms. I think he may have had years of sperm stored up in his balls. His third orgasm was a mouthful. He went home knowing more about himself than he did when he arrived. I assumed he would be back, but you can never be sure about that. My days of feeling guilty and being afraid of sex were well behind me. I was worried that Archibald's sense of guilt was over developed.

During our conversations, Archibald told me about his family. He thought they were straight laced. I suspected they were more than conventionally proper. His father was a domestic tyrant. What Archibald thought was just punishment, seemed to be sadism to me. I knew Archibald had enjoyed himself, but I did not know if his ingrown habits of guilt and fear of sex would reassert themselves.

A week later, I was returning home after a walk and he met me at the door of my lodgings. He had been waiting for me. "It's good to see you," I said as we shook hands.

"I wanted to thank you again for being so kind to me on my last visit here," Archibald said. "Perhaps I should have sent a note, but I didn't know what to say." It was a dark, cold day and I asked him in. We talked briefly and then someone knocked on the door. It was Roddy and Bert. It had begun to rain cats and dogs and they were soaked. I asked them in and introduced them to Archibald. It took no time at all for me to realize that Archibald was attracted to the two burley masons. "I hope you aren't offended, Archibald, but I think these men need to take off their wet clothes before they get chilled. The fire is warm. It will dry them quickly," I said. A loud clap of thunder shook the house. The storm was turning into a gale.

"It would be foolish to catch pneumonia for the sake of propriety," Archibald said. "We are all men. I will not be shocked." As Roddy and Bert stripped, they became less bear like and more human. The when they were wearing only their undergarments I could see that Bert was more muscular than he had been before my trip to France. While you could not see any details of their genitals, you could see they were large and impressive. I glanced at Archibald. He had been looking too. He looked up at me. I smiled and then he smiles. When I looked at Roddy, he smiled too.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking like a typical Briton. The class system is deeply ingrained, and one tends to see persons of other classes as members of a different species. I could see that Archibald was interested in the two working men, but I was surprised when Roddy and Bert noticed it too. Roddy was more aggressive and forward in his approach to sex. I was always afraid I would offend a potential playmate. They could take care of themselves and did not care.

Roddy unbuttoned his under shirt exposing his hairy chest. The undergarments did not allow you to see any details of his genitals, but you could tell he was erect. Archibald was staring at Roddy's crotch. Roddy rearranged the equipment for better viewing. This was clearly not accidental.

"Why don't we go to my bedroom? It is much warmer there," I suggested. When I entered the bedroom, I turned up the gas and in a few minutes the room was warm. Archibald was talking with Roddy and Bert.

"Archibald, I am afraid my body is more exposed than is proper in polite society," Bert said. "I hope you are not shocked."

"You are a handsome man," Archibald said. "I like the view. You can call me Archie. Since we are naked Archibald seems too formal."

"Bert and I like to so some sightseeing too," Roddy said. "You might say we visit Mr. Fergusson because we like the scenery. Mr. Fergusson is a good man and he knows how to entertain guests. It is always a treat to visit here."

"I met Angus only recently and I discovered that," Archibald said.

"Did you enjoy it?" Robby asked.

"I certainly did," he responded. Archibald removed his coat and vest. Robby and Bert unbuttoned their undergarments. I began to strip.

Archibald was much less timid than he had been two weeks earlier. He had either come to grips with his urges, or Robby and Bert excited him so much, he was willing to be more adventurous. Robby was always ready and willing. Bert did whatever Robby wanted.

Thinking about it later, I think Archibald assumed man sex was characteristic of academic types. He thought it was characteristic of artists, teachers and intellectuals. Real men did not have sexual feelings for other men. Robby and Bert were stonemasons. They were big, hardy, strong men who endured harsh working conditions without complaint. Every fiber of their bodies and personalities was masculine. They were clearly interested in him, and this surprised and pleased him. Archibald thought his taste would require him to associate with pale, thin men wearing velvet suits and reciting poetry.

Robby liked sex and was not shy. He was excited about the prospect of having sex with a new partner. Robby was energetic and enthusiastic. He was like a rushing river. It was more natural to go with the current than to swim against it. Archibald flowed his lead. Robby sucked him first. They got on the bed and Archibald sucked Robby as Bert sucked Archie. I noticed a light hesitation as Archibald's mouth came closer to Roddy's cock head, but once he made contact, all was well. Ten minutes later, everything was more than going well. Archie and Roddy bonded and Roddy became Archie's guide to man sex.

It seemed that if Roddy did it, it was acceptable to Archie. If I had cracked the door open at our previous meeting, the door was wide open now. Since Roddy was occupied with Archie, Bert and I joined our forces. I had forgotten how much fun he had been. He must had learned new skills while I was away in France. He had put on some weight, but it was all in muscle. He was more relaxed and while the experiences were intense, they were gentle.

As was often the case, he eased his member into my ass. Was a slow, gentle penetration. Bert had a generous flow of precum so he lubricated the way himself. He did not need to re-lubricate, so the penetration was without a break. Bert did shift my position a few times until he found the perfect fit in my ass. At one point, he found a way to get the thickest part of his cock next to my prostate so that there was continuous contact. I began to moan.

I heard Roddy talking. "Have you ever fucked a man?" he asked.

"No, I'm not sure I knew you could do such a thing," Archie replied.

"You certainly can. Angus is a most accommodating man. Would you like to try him after Bert is finished?"

"I could not do that," Archie replied.

"Let me assure you that you can!" Roddy said with a laugh. Bert finished as Roddy laughed. Archie came over and placed his cock at sperm coated hole.

"Don't be shy, Angus will love it," Roddy said. A second later Archie's enter cock was in me. I loved it, but Archie loved it a lot more.

Next: Chapter 9

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