The Journal

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 9, 2008


'Adam's Rib' By Chapter 3 'The Letter'

To my readers, this is the most emotional chapter that I have ever written. It brought back many memories I thought forgotten until I started to write this chapter. I had to stop writing several times, because the tears were so great. I hope you find it moving because it was so hard to write this chapter.


From chapter 2.

"Listen I know enough about you to know that you are a hard working young man." I tell him. "During vacations and summer you can come here and work for me doing whatever I need.

"That's so kind sir, but I should tell you I am not gay sir." He says with a touch of fear in his voice.

"Did I ask you to suck my cock or let me fuck you kid," I say in my best anger voice.

"Aw. no sir. you didn't, but. I thought you." he stammers.

"You thought that I wanted sex for paying for your college didn't you," I interrupt.

"Well I guess so, yeah."

"My lover is in Brownsville also in a coma from an aneurism. I am not one to offer something like this and demand sex in return. I have legitimate work that I have no time for and was about to hire a secretary and gardener to do."

"I am taking Landscape design at school and would be more than happy to do your gardening for you sir." He tells me with excitement in his voice.

"Good its settled then, now lets get you settled in your room and relax some before bed," I tell him.

"Ah Dylan, I want to apologize for what I was thinking earlier." He says and holds out his hand.

"No problem, kid," and I grab his hand and pull him in for a hug.

"Now lets get going." I tell him breaking our hug.

Chapter 3 'The Letter'

I took Brad upstairs and showed him the guest room. I was a sunny room facing south and had a beautiful view of the city. I told him that this would be his room until he moved on.

"Make yourself at home," I tell him.

"This so kind of you Dylan," he says, "I really appreciate your kindness."

"Don't mention it Brad, we all have to accept a helping hand once in a while."

"Well this goes beyond helping hand." We finish getting him settle in and go downstairs to watch some television. The phone rings twenty minutes later and its Brian's mom.

"Hello." I say.

"Mr. Fitzpatrick this is Brian's mom Jeanne," she says. "He gave me your message and insisted I call you."

"That's right, and please call me Dylan," I tell her. "I understand that you are between jobs at the moment."

"Yes Dylan I just got laid off from my last job and haven't had to much luck finding another," she says quite sadly.

"Well here is my offer, would you be interested in a position as my personal secretary," I ask her. "It's a nine to five job and pays fifty thousand a year plus benefits."

"EEEEEEEEh," I here her scream and hold the phone away from my ear. "I am so sorry for yelling but you don't know how happy you have made me, and yes I would be very interested and I have letters of recommendation from my previous employer and business associates," she tells me.

"Well why don't we meet tomorrow at Global for lunch and interview," I say. "That way we can become more comfortable with each other and answer any questions you may have. How does that sound?"

"Fabulous Dylan, I'll be there at noon good with you?"

"Noon is fine Jeanne. Now you have a great evening and make sure you thank Brian and tell him hello for me, ok."

"I will and thank you so much Dylan for everything, good night"

"Good night Jeanne and tomorrow then."

"I think I'll turn in Dylan I've had a very exciting day and again thanks for your hospitality, good night."

"Good night Brad and your welcome, sweet dreams kid." I stayed up a while longer getting some paper work organized and answering some business emails. 'God I really do need a secretary' I thought to myself. I finally went to bed about one and lay there thinking about Adam. 'I need you so much babe' I thought. 'Please wake up soon and be alright love'. I finally drifted off to sleep and had a fitful sleep. I awoke at seven feeling as if I never slept. I here Brad roaming around in the hall and call out to him. He appears in my doorway in just a tight fitting towel around him. 'Oh fuck I don't need this right now,' I thought looking at him. His cock showed its glorious outline in the towel and it appeared to be all of eight inches. His chest and abs where rock hard and hairless. Even his nipples were the size of a pencil eraser and they were firm and sticking out. He noticed my staring and started to blush.

"Sorry about the towel Dylan. You caught me just finished showering." He said, as he blushed deeper.

"Don't worry about it, nice way to start my day," I said as he lit up the room with his face. "What I wanted was; I'm going up to Brownsville today after lunch and wondered if you would like to go with me." I told him.

"Yeah that'd be great," he says. "I can see my mom before I return to school. Although she won't know who I am I still love her."

"Well of course you do Brad. After all, she is the one who gave you life and raised you. So how about three, sound good?" I ask him.

"Fours great Dyl," he said. "I'm sorry for calling you Dyl. It just seems so old to call you Dylan. You don't look and older than I am." He tells me.

"Well thank you Brad and Dyl is fine," I tell him. "I am twenty eight years old kid and don't feel a day over fifty this morning."

"Fuck twenty eight is young Dyl." He says and turns to leave and I see that tight hard ass just moving beneath that towel.

"Your staring at my ass Dyl," he says walking away.

"Ah sorry guy but I am gay you know and I like the view from here," I yell after him. We both laughed and I got up and took a shower, a cold one and I went downstairs and made breakfast. We had a nice chat and he left to finish funeral arrangements for his dad. I got together some forms my lawyer drew up for employment for a secretary and left to meet Jeanne. As I drove up, I could see Brian's smile. He greeted me and said,

"Mom's inside waiting and man is she happy. You don't know what this means to me and her Dylan." He said with glossy eyes.

"I know Brian and I am so happy to be able to help." I told him clapping his shoulder.

"You know Dylan I'm gay and I would like to show you how much I really appreciate your kindness," he said with a smile.

"I know you are Brian, but that is not why I gave your mom this position. I didn't do it to get you in bed," I told him. "I really need a secretary and well right now I rather not get involved with another man when mine is alive and needing my love." I tell him and give him a hug.

"Well I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me and wanted to really show you." He said a bit put off.

"Maybe someday young man we might be able to but not right now, but thank you Brian and I love you for it. This will be our little secret ok," I asked.

"You bet Dylan, no one else will know." He said and drove my car off.

I went inside and saw his mom waiting for me. She got up, came over to me, and extended her hand in greeting. She was a strikingly pretty woman. She had long reddish brown hair and brown eyes. Her figure was slim and a bit endowed in the breast department. Even though she was in her forties she looked to be thirty-three the most. Her dress was completely business; a dark blue suit, though quite outdated, with a white blouse and navy heals. Her hair was put up in a French twist and she carried herself with confidence. We both said hello and I offered my arm as we were led into the dining room. Pierre gave me a smile and whispered to me upon seating us,

"Hitting for the other side I see."

"Now Pierre, you know way better than that," I said with a smile. "This strictly a business lunch."

"I understand and my apology Dylan," He said bowing away.

"What was that about," Jeanne said with a curiosity to her voice.

"You know I'm gay don't you," I said and she nodded yes. "Well Pierre thought I may have rethought my orientation," I said and we both laughed. "Do you have any objections to my being gay," I asked.

"No sir I don't, my Brian is gay also," she said.

"Yes I know Brian is, and he is a fine young man," I told her. "He is planning on going to college isn't he?" I asked.

"As soon as he can get some money put away he plans to go," she tells me.

"Well your first order of business as my secretary, if you accept the position, will be giving him the Joshua and Kyle Kerry- Fitzpatrick Scholarship. I award each year one scholarship to a deserving student to attend any two or four year school of their choice complete with tuition, books and a two hundred dollar a month spending allowance," I told her as her mouth dropped open. "And that includes room and board," I add.

"He will be so excited because he thought that he would not be able to attend school for at least another year." She says with tears in her eyes. She gets up, comes around the table, and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Well thank you Jeanne but that was not necessary," I tell her.

"Yes it was Dylan, you don't know what a burden you have lifted off my shoulders," she says and almost starts to cry. We spent most of the lunch talking about my needs and what her job would entail. We finished up with lunch and I gave her the forms to fill out and asked her if she could start on Monday.

"Yes Monday would be fine," she said. "I was ready to start today if necessary," she said.

"Well Monday would be fine for starting and if you need anything for preparation to start please let me know. You also have a two thousand dollar clothing allowance for purchasing clothing suitable for the job."

"Wow, I am completely overwhelmed," she said. "Do all your employees get this royal treatment," she asked.

"Only my personal secretary does," I say with a smile. "Now I have to make a visit to Brownsville and if you have no other questions I will see you at nine on Monday morning Jeanne."

We shook hands and left and Brian was outside waiting with my car. I gave him a fifty-dollar tip and got into my car. He looked at me with his gorgeous smile and said,

"You know my offer still stands Dylan. I would really like to show my appreciation to you." He said and touches my shoulder lightly squeezing it.

"I am most tempted young man and will give much consideration," I said with a smile and a pat on his hand that was still on my shoulder. I drove off to pick up Brad at the house and go to Brownsville. He was at my house waiting when I got home. I went inside and did not find him so I went upstairs to his room. His door was slightly ajar and I could see him naked on the bed masturbating. He had his cock in his hand and was fisting it a mile a minute. His eyes were closed, and I could tell he was close. He all of a sudden yelled out a sound and his cum exploded out of his cock. It shot all over his face and chest until he had nothing left in his nut. He opened his eyes, looked right at me, jumped up from the bed, and went to his bathroom. I went back down stairs and waited for him. He came down a half hour later, hair wet from a shower and face very red with embarrassment.

"Sorry you had to see that Dyl," he said looking at the floor. "I was so fucking horny I had to jack off. Why were you at my door anyways?"

"Well we said we would leave at three and it is now four. I came home and called you but you didn't answer. I went upstairs to see if you were there and when I got to your room your door was slightly opened and I saw you jacking off. You know that I am gay so I stayed for the show." I said and added to his embarrassment as we started to leave. I stopped and turned to him and said, "nice cock and body." I said and turned and out the door I went.

We had a very quiet drive up to Brownsville, as he was still quite embarrassed. When we arrived, I told him what room my Adam was in and that I would be there until we left. I also told him that we would stop for dinner on the way home. He said that's fine and told me his mom's room number and we separated. I found my Adam lying in bed still quite in a coma. The tubes and wires were gone except for one to monitor the heart. His skin was so pale and dry looking. I took his hand in mine and it felt so cold. I looked at his handsome face lying there and cried softly. He was so frail looking and defenseless lying there. I spent almost two hours just holding his hand and talking to him about what was happening in my life and around him when Brad came in. He stood in the doorway and watched me for ten minutes until he said,

"You really love and miss him don't you."

"More than you know Brad, more than you know."

"Will he ever wake up Dyl," he asks.

"We hope so that someday he will. The doctor says that the longer a person is in a coma the less likely they will come out of it. If they do come out of it there is usually brain damage," I told him.

"Man I couldn't imagine having someone I love like this," he says.

"Well actually you do have someone similar to this, your mom. She may be awake and somewhat able to get around but she can't respond to your love anymore than Adam can." I say as I look at him. "He was my life and heart, now he is just the shell of the man I love," and I start to cry. Brad comes over and puts his hands on my shoulder and asks,

"Why do you put yourself through this torture for."

"Because I love him and hope that by talking to him he might wake up." I say. "Besides I read an article once about coma patients that said how they remembered everything people had said to them while in a coma. So I hope that he will also when he wakes." I turn and ask how his mom is doing and he says.

"Health wise she is fine, but she doesn't know me from Adam," he says and looks at me. "I didn't mean to say that Dyl, it just came out, I am so sorry." He says and get a bit red.

"That's fine Brad it's just a saying," I tell him. "You ready to go now."

"Yeah whenever you are," he says "You take as much time as you want I'll be outside having a cigarette." He says and leaves. I get up, bend over to Adam, give him a kiss on the lips, and tell him good-bye, I love you Cowboy. I walk outside and Brad is just finishing his cigarette.

"That's a bad habit," I tell him as he throws it down to the ground crushing it out.

"I know and someday I will quit," he tells me. We walk to the car and get in. As I go to start the car, he grabs my hand to stop me and says.

"You know I greatly misread you Dyl. I thought that you might be like these flamers at school that act more like a woman than the man they are," he says looking at me. "But you are really a good man and act like it. You touched my heart watching you with Adam. The way you held his hand and talked to him almost got me crying. I have never given much thought to a gay relationship until I watched you. The love you showed just poured out of you like a stream out of a mountain. I was jealous watching you and wished I could find someone to love like that." He said and his eyes were glossy. "What I don't understand is how can you torture yourself every time you come here and he is still in a coma."

"Easy Brad, love does it." I tell him. "My love for Adam keeps me coming and hoping that one day he will wake up and remember me. My dad went through this before I was born. My other dad had been beaten up, raped by robbers in his home, and left for dead. When he came out of his coma, he had amnesia and didn't know my dad. But my dad kept coming and one day brought pictures of the two of them together and told him that the robbers may have taken my dad's memories but they couldn't steal his love for him and he gave dad a kiss and left. While going through the pictures, their love brought his memory back. So Brad I learned to love from watching them share their love with each other and me."

"Wow that is so fucking intense man. I definitely want a love like that." He says with still glossy eyes. I started the car and we drove off. We found a nice Italian restaurant about an hour from home and stopped. We were both hungry and Italian suited us fine. We ate as if it was our last meal and had a great wine with our dinner. We finished the ride home in silence but I was quite aware of Brad's eyes watching me. They felt like knives cutting through to my soul. He didn't say anything but just kept watching me until I pulled into our driveway. He told me thanks for the pleasant day and went off to his room. I went to my office and checked my e- mails, answering the more urgent ones. I finished some things that needed my attention and went up to bed. As I walked down the hall, I noticed that Brad's door was completely shut. I tapped on it and said good night and he yelled the same back. I undressed and took a quick shower and got into bed. As I went to turn out the light, I saw the picture of my dads at Woodstock and beside it was one of Adam and I. I picked up my dad's picture, starred at it, and said to myself, 'thanks dads for the love you gave me and for showing me how to love,' and I kissed them both. 'God I still miss them,' I thought. I replaced it on the stand and took our picture and looked hard and long at it thinking, 'I miss you so much my Cowboy. I wish I could show you just how much babe, and kissed him good night. I sat it back on the stand and started to cry. I guess I was a bit loud because Brad was soon at my door. He lightly knocked and said,

"Dyl you alright bud." I could not answer him I was crying so hard. He opened my door, came over to the bed sitting on the edge, and took me into his arms. He held me strong and lightly stroked my neck and back. He would tell me 'it was all right and that I would soon have my Adam back'. He held me until I stopped crying and then lightly kissed my forehead. I thank him for comforting me and apologized for being a nuisance.

"You are not a nuisance Dyl, you just hurt and missed you love." He said as if he knew how I truly felt. "To many people go through life trying to find the kind of love you have for Adam and never find it. My mom and dad had that kind of love until her sickness robbed her of it. But my dad until the day he died never lost that love." He said starting to choke up.

"Thanks Brad now you go back to bed and get your rest. I appreciate your understanding and care. Now go to bed before we both start crying," I told him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed a bit, got up, and said goodnight and left. I fell asleep around twelve and was woken by the phone.

"Hello," I said in a sleepy voice.

"Mr. Fitzpatrick this is the nursing home calling. Adam has suffered a stroke this evening and his doctor wanted us to call you." The nurse said. "He is alive but in critical condition. He is being air lifted to Toronto General and should be there shortly."

"Thank you I am on my way there," I told her and jumped out of bed. I ran into the bathroom and splashed some cool water on my face. I came out of the bathroom naked and there sitting on the bed was Brad. He asked what was wrong and I told him. He kept looking down at me and then quickly averted his eyes. He said he would drive me and I told him no. I then called Adam's dads and told them what happened. They told me that they would pick me up on the way to the hospital. Still naked I told Brad to go back to bed because my uncles were picking me up. As he stood, I noticed that he was naked also and had probably run in when the phone woke him. There was a moment of silence as we both realized the naked condition we both were in. He blushed and left my room and I dressed. Shortly after I got downstairs Uncle Steven pulled in the driveway, helps being a cop I thought. I went out and got in the car and we left. We talked about what had happened to Adam and how things couldn't get any worst.

"Oh don't say that," Uncle Mike said. "Life has a way of showing you just how much worst it can get." He adds.

"I don't know how much more I can take," I tell them. "Who did we piss off to get this kind of trouble," I ask.

"It's life son not anything you two have done, its just life." He says.

"Well life sucks big time," I tell him. "I need my Adam back and I need him now." I say defiantly. We made the hospital in record time thanks to Uncle Steve. We went in to the front desk and asked where Adam was. We were directed to the Intensive Care Unit and the first person we saw was David. Our eyes met and fear crossed his face. He just pointed to the room that Adam was in and left. We found Adam hooked to damn machines again and looking worst than when I last saw him. The right side of his face seemed droopy and we could tell that he was suffering paralysis on his right side. A doctor came in and said that his name was Dr. O'Neill, that Adam's stroke was severe, and that he probably would not make it through the night. I totally lost it and started to cry hysterically.

"I won't loose another person I love, I won't, and I refuse to." I said shouting and crying hysterically. "Adam has done nothing to deserve this," I cried. "Oh God take me instead of my Adam please Lord take me." I yelled looking towards heaven.

"Uncle Mike came over and held me close and told me that whatever happens, happens and its is no ones fault. That life throws us punches sometimes and we must roll with them," he says trying to comfort me. However, I refused to be comforted. Then the doctor said the unforgivable; he asked that we consider terminating the machines keeping Adam alive. His brain activity was dropping and he needed a machine to keep him breathing.

"You won't terminate nothing," I shouted. "He will survive this and come back to me someday," I said having stopped my crying and gotten very angry.

"I am not telling you to do it young man," he said a bit perturbed. "I am only asking that you consider it for the future," he added.

"I can't doctor it is like I was killing the one I adore most. He is my life and heart." I said and let the tears flow. I went out of the room, went into the solarium, and found it empty. I sat down and cried my heart out. They were long hard cries that dug deep into my heart. I was crying and then hands are on my shoulders. I could feel their warmth and knew it was one of my uncles. I got up and turned and there stood Brad. He took me into his arms and held me close and tight. I felt the security of his arms and let out my hurt. I cried in the comfort of a man I could never have. He held me to him and told me to let it out babe let go of the pain. He called me babe and my heart was pierced even more. I loved my Adam and now I was asked to end his life. He gently stroked my neck and back speaking words of comfort to me. I needed his strength and courage but all I could have was his comfort in words. I was crying when Uncle Michael came looking for me. He saw me in Brad's arm and gave him a discouraging look. He let go of me and said,

"So one needs to talk to you Dylan," and he walked out.

"He doesn't waste any time does he," Michael says.

"He doesn't waste any time," I ask looking around.

"That David character holding you just now," he says with anger in his voice.

"Oh Uncle Michael that's not David that's Brad," I said. "He is staying with me until his fathers funeral is over. He is the one that I rescued from David. He is as straight as a ruler," I told him.

"Oh I am so sorry Dylan," he says. "I thought that was that David guy Steven told me about and I wanted to tell him a thing or two. Would you give my apology to Brad and ask him to please forgive me."

"I will uncle and can we talk a bit," I ask.

"That is why I came looking for you son." He says taking me in his arms. "We really do need to talk this through. I know that this is a very painful decision for you and it is for us also with him being our son," he says and I can see tears in his eyes. "Adam is our son and we know that the two of you had a living will naming each of you administrator of what happens in situations like this. Nevertheless, Dylan lets be rational here. Adam is not going to ever recover from this illness and if he does he will be in a vegetative state." He says as a tear runs down his cheek. We have to think of the three of us and what he would want in this situation. Would you want to be kept alive artificially like this is you were in his place," he asks.

"But." I start to say.

"No buts Dylan, just answer my question son," he says.

"No Uncle I would not want to be kept alive artificially," I said and tears are falling down my cheeks.

"Did Adam ever tell you what he wanted in this situation." He asks. I am silent for quite a while before he says.

"Well son did he ever say what he wanted done?"

"Yes he did .he didn't . want this," I say very quietly.

"So why do you fight against what he wanted?"

"Because I can't kill him," I yell out and start to cry. "I love him to much to do this, Uncle Mike." And I run into his arms and cry.

"You know son he would be doing the same thing you are if the situation were reversed," he says holding me tight. "He could no more decide than you can, you know that don't you." He says and I just nod yes. "So why don't we think on it for a few days before we make any decision, ok son." Again, I just nod yes and cry. He is still holding me when Uncle Steven comes in.

"Well have will been talking," he asks. "I for one would like to go home now. There is nothing else we can do for him tonight."

"Yes babe, we are through talking for the moment," he says as he lets me go and kisses my forehead. "Lets go home Dylan and get some rest." We go in to Adam's room and we all kiss him good night. I look at his frail body lying there and I know what I must do.

"Good Night babe," I say and kiss him again and we leave. We get down to the lobby and Brad is sitting in a chair waiting for me. He sees Uncle Mike coming towards him and he gets up to leave.

"Wait a minute young man, please," my uncle says and Brad turns back to him. "I want to apologize for the way I spoke to you upstairs earlier. I thought you were someone else and I wanted to ring your neck," he says extending his hand to Brad. Brad takes it and shakes it and says,

"You thought I was that nurse David didn't you." He asks.

"Yes I did and I apologize for assuming and ask that you please forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive sir. I would have jumped to the same conclusion also." He says most graciously. "If you don't mind can I take Dylan home since we are both going in the same direction," he asks.

"That would be fine with us if it is ok with Dylan."

"Its fine with me Uncle Mike." I say and give him and Uncle Steven a hug and kiss goodbye. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me. He comes around, gets in, and starts the car. He is ready to put it in gear as I put my hand on his to stop him.

"Wait one minute please, Brad. I want to thank you for what you did tonight for me. That was the most considerate thing that anybody has ever done for me." I say and lean over and kiss his cheek. He blushes and says nothing as we drive away. The silence riding home was deafening. He just looked ahead and drove. 'Oh God' I thought. 'That kiss must have freaked him out'.

"I am so sorry for kissing you just then back there," I say.

"No problem Dyl," he says and drives looking straight ahead. "I leave for school on Tuesday. You going to be all right," he asks.

"Yeah I'll survive," I tell him. "I forgot you had to go back." I added.

"I have a lot to catch up on, being away so long," he says. "I have done a lot of homework on-line and that has helped in keeping me even with the class," he says.

"Well knowing you, you will be ahead of the class shortly," I tell him. We drove on towards home silently without another word spoken. I knew something was bothering him and I dared not ask. We got home and he said good night and went straight to his room. He was still quiet the next morning and I asked him,

"Is something bothering you that I can help you with."

"No, I'm fine just need to work some things out with myself," he says and gives a slight smile. It wasn't a convincing smile so I let it go. Monday came and Jeanne showed up at 8:45 in a sharp new suit. She looked very attractive for a woman of forty something. I showed her to my office and instructed her on her duties. I gave her the forms for Brian's scholarship and she went right to town filling them out.

"Thank you again for doing this for Brian." She said. "It will be a tremendous burden off his shoulders."

"Does he know about the scholarship," I ask.

"No I didn't tell him yet." She said.

"Well don't tell him please. I want it to be anonymous," I told her.

"But he will want to thank you Dylan," she says. "He is a good boy and I am so happy that he can go to school and get his degree now without worrying about money."

"He deserves this and you did a fine job raising him Jeanne," I tell her and notice her eyes are glossy. "Please don't cry Jeanne or you will get me going also." I tell her. "Oh before I forget Brad and I will be at his dad's funeral this morning. I am just waiting for him to come down and we will be off," I tell her.

"That poor boy," she says. "First his mom gets ill and now his dad dies; how does he keep up his strong demeanor," she asks.

"He is better than I am," I say. "I can't handle Adam's situation without loosing it." I tell her.

Brad comes down and he looks so handsome in the suit I bought him. His old one was so outdated and didn't fit his well- toned body. Jeanne offered her condolences and we were off. I figured his silence was due to his dad's funeral. He held up very well until the eulogy. He got up to speak and broke a few times and had to stop to regain his composure. He stood strong has he greeted the people after the graveside service and then looked to me and said that he needed to go home. When we got near the car, he turned to me and just burst out crying. He leaned into my shoulder and I held him tight as he cried. I gently rubbed his back and told him it would be all right. After a while, he regained himself and we got in the car and drove home. He spent most of the day in his room packing and catching up on homework. Monday morning came and he was up early for his flight leaves at ten. He had packed the suitcases I bought him, I hated those plastic bags, and we loaded my car. He said goodbye to Jeanne and she wished him well. We drove in silence with only me breaking it. I asked,

"When are you out for the summer?"

"May tenth starts finals and I will be done for the year that week." He says. "I haven't forgotten our agreement," he says rather brashly. "I will be home to start work that week." He says again with a touch of brashness.

"I wasn't asking for that Brad. I was just wondering when school was over for you," I said. "You don't have to work for me because of the scholarship," I tell him.

"An agreement is an agreement," he says. "Besides I want to do this for you. I will be able to put to work what I have learned so far," he says and gives me a slight smile. We arrive at the airport and I pull up in front of his airline's departure doors. I get out, we unload the trunk, and he says,

"I want to thank you Dyl for all the kindness you have shown me." As he extends his hand to me, I shake it, and pull him in for a hug. He is very stiff as I hug him and he doesn't' hug back. As he picks up his luggage, I say to him,

"I hope whatever is bothering you, you can work out Brad. I hate to see you hurting so much."

"Yeah I guess, well so long," he says and leaves. "I'll call you sometime," he says as he enters the terminal doors. My drive home was filled with thoughts of how he became so distant after that night at the hospital. I still felt that the kiss on the cheek I gave him had something to do with it. I got home and I spent the rest of the day working with Jeanne. When we had finished for the day, I said to her,

"Are you free for some dinner tonight?"

"Not really but thanks for asking Dylan. I have a date with an old high school boyfriend," she said. "We met a couple of weeks ago at our reunion and we really talked a lot. He lost his wife about a month before I lost Brian's dad. He called me last night and asked if I would like to have dinner with him." She said like a schoolgirl about to go on her first date. "So I told him yes and we decided on tonight. I could call and cancel if it's necessary," she says.

"No it's not anything important I just felt like company for dinner that's all," I say. "I guess I will just make me a salad here and go to bed early. You go and have a good time on your date." I tell her. She leaves with a kiss on my cheek and I go upstairs to shower. About an hour after she leaves, I decide that a salad is not what I want and head out to the Global. As I drive up I can see Brian's smiling face and he gives me a wave. Another kid comes up and opens my door.

"Good evening sir, my name is Jeremy." He says. I hand him my keys and he gets in and drives off. Brian comes up to me and says.

"I just finished for the day and was heading home for dinner."

"Well how about joining me for dinner," I ask. "Seeing how we will both be dining alone we might as well join each other.

"My mom is home and I don't want her to have to eat alone," he says.

"Your mom has a date for dinner with an old classmate," I tell him explaining him mom's conversation earlier. "So would you please join me for dinner."

"Wow a date, she never told me." he says. "That is so cool and yes I think I will join you." We go in and I tell Pierre a table for two. He looks at Brian with a look that says this is not permitted.

"Brian is a close friend of the family," I tell Pierre. "His mom is my personal secretary."

"Oh pardon me," he says, "there is no need to explain sir." We are seated, and we have a delightful dinner. Brian gets a look from our waiter and is treated rather coolly. I look at our waiter and ask,

"Do you have a problem with my dinner guest young man?"

"Oh no sir," he stammers.

"Then I expect you to treat him just the same way as any other guest, am I clear here," I say.

"Yes sir, and I apologize sir." He says.

"Don't apologize to me but to Brian here." I say looking rather stern at him.

"I am sorry Brian, I was out of line." He says rather indifferent and looking back at me he says, "shall I get another waiter for you sir."

"No need Tad," I say looking at his nametag. "You will be fine, just show the proper respect and we will forget all about this," I say. He took our order and I knew it bothered him having to treat Brian like a guest.

"I don't think that my dining with you was a good idea," he says. "We have a rule about fraternizing with the guests."

"Well you are a dear friend and if I want to invite you to dine with me then I can very well do it. Besides I asked you and not the other way around." I tell him. We have a great dinner and I leave a so-so tip to remind Tad that he needs to work on his manors. When we get outside my car is waiting and I shake Brian's hand goodbye. He says goodbye and starts to walk off.

"Brian where's your car," I ask.

"It's at home," he says rather hesitant.

"And why is it at home," I ask.

"Ah no reason, just left it there," he says.

"Well come on I will give you a ride home," I tell him. He is all smiles as we get in my car. The kid that brought me my car gives him a wink. I give him a twenty-dollar tip and he looks at me and says thanks sir. We drive off and I ask him,

"So why the wink?" His face starts to blush.

"He thinks we are on a date," he offers.

"I see, and tell me the truth why is your car at home, Brian."

"It died yesterday and it's to expensive to fix. Besides mom says it isn't worth fixing." He says.

"What kind is it," I ask.

"A ninety three Toyota Celica," he says. "It has over three hundred thousand miles and the header is cracked.

"Your mom's right, it's not worth fixing." I ask him for directions to his house and he says.

"Just drop me off downtown Dylan." He says.

"Why downtown?" I ask.

"I thought I would look for some company tonight." He says a bit shyly. "I don't want to be alone tonight." He adds.

"Well how about coming over to my place," I offer. "I feel the same way."

"That would be great Dylan, I would like to see where mom works." He says. Therefore, we drive off to my place and I offer him a drink. I tell him that I know he's not twenty-one yet but seeing how he isn't driving a drink won't hurt. He takes a rum and coke and I have a gin and tonic. We sit down in the living room and talk. Not being a drinker the rum goes straight to his head and he looks at me and says.

"You getting me drunk to take advantage of me guy."

"Brian I would never do that to you or anyone else," I tell him shocked that he could even think that of me. "What would ever make you think that of me," I ask.

"I am so sorry Dylan, my head is swimming and I just am so fucking horny," he says and leans in and kisses me hard on the lips. I pull back, look at him, and tell him that this is not what we should be doing.

"I know we shouldn't Dylan but aren't you just a wee bit horny," he asks. "I know it has been awhile since you have had any with Adam still in a coma." He says and instantly regrets what he said. "I am so sorry for saying that and I should leave," he says getting up. He was right I was feeling amorous and it had been awhile for me. I still had doubts about cheating on Adam but my needs seem to over power me and I stood and pulled him to me and kissed him back. It was a powerful kiss, long and full of lust. I needed this as much as he did. We both let our tongue search each other's mouth. Our hands were discovering each other's body as we kissed. I took him upstairs to my bedroom and asked him if he could spend the night. He said yes and we undressed each other. He gently led me to the bed, laid me down, and got on top of me. The heat of our bodies and the feel of our cocks rubbing together just added fuel to our fire for each other. He lifted up from me and said,

"I have wanted this for such a long time love."

"I know, but I must admit that I haven't because of Adam," I tell him. "I have such a guilt trip about doing anything like this." He kisses me again, separates my legs with his knees, and goes down on my cock. He takes it all into his mouth and slowly starts to milk it tasting the pre-cum I had been leaking. Mmmmm is all he says as he slowly sucks my cock with his throat muscles. I tell him to stop because I am so close and he drops my cock and goes to my balls. He takes one at a time into his mouth and sucks it gently rolling it around in his mouth before dropping it and taking the other. He drops my balls and lifts my legs up and he starts to lick my ass. He puts his tongue and my pucker and gently pushes it into my hole. My hips lift up to give him better access to my hole.

"Oh fuck Bri it's been so long since anyone has done that." I tell him just barely able to breathe. "Fuck me Brian I need to feel a cock in me." I beg him.

"You sure Dylan," he asks. "I am not a small guy you know and I don't want to hurt you." He adds.

"Just go slow and it will be fine," I tell him knowing he is at least nine fat cut inches of man cock. I reach over to the nightstand, grab the lube from the drawer, and hand it to him. He applies some lube to his fingers and massages my hole. The feelings come flooding back to me of when Adam would prepare me for his ten inches. He is slow but direct in preparing me for entry. His fingers are long and slender, he hits my prostate, and my ass jumps up in pleasure.

"Oh fuck Brian fuck me now or I will cum before you can even get in me," I beg him. He pulls his fingers out and applies more lube to my hole and to his cock. He crawls closer to my ass, aligns his cock head to my hole, and says.

"You ready stud for this monster," he says a bit humorously.

"As ready as I'll ever be now just fuck me stud," and he gently pushes his head in.

"Oh fuck that stings," I shout. "I guess it has been awhile."

"You want me to pull out," he asks.

"No just give me a minute to adjust to Frankenstein please." I tell him. He waits until I relax and then I tell him. "Ok more please but go real slow." He gently pushes a couple of more inches in, stops, and waits. He does this until his cock is buried to his pubes and his balls are resting against my balls. He gently starts a slow fuck just in and out a bit until he feels me getting into it and we find our rhythm. He fucks like a champion long and deep always hitting my prostate with each push.

"Oh fuck Brian I am not going to last long like this," I tell him in between moans. "Fuck me harder and deeper stud I want you in as far as you can go." He picks up speed, puts his hands on my thighs, and pushes them tight against my chest. He is driving into my ass now hard, deep and fast. I can feel my nuts starting to boil as my cum starts to rise in my cock.

"Fuck me faster I'm cumming .oh harder stud .deeper make me cum." I yell unable to stop my orgasm. I explode like a canon shooting cum between us as he leans in to kiss me. His kiss is lustful and hard and our tongues are dancing in each other's mouth. 'Oh fuck I needed this', I think to myself. My cumming tightens my ass around his cock and I can feel him filling me with his sweet nectar. Oh, fuck he is cumming. He has so much it leaks out my ass and runs down my balls. Oh, fuck he can cum. He fucks away hard and deep until his nuts are empty. He pulls out and drops unto me and we kiss in the afterglow of our sex. We just lye there and hold each other as we slowly come back to our senses.

"You were so good Brian," I tell him. "And you were right I really needed this." I say with a satisfied smile on my face.

"You were so fucking fantastic Dylan. Your ass is so tight and I usually can't find anyone who can take me for that long in their ass. Thanks dude for the ride." He said. As we lay there, I think to myself, this was just plain old fashion sex, no love just lust. I did feel a bit guilty about having sex with my Adam still alive. However, my needs seamed to out way any guilt I felt. It had been months since Adam and I had sex and I missed him so much. Strangely, my mind wandered to Brad, I wondered how he was doing, and if he had worked out his problem, he was concerned about. He was a great guy and I found myself missing him. Brian came out of the bathroom and cuddled up beside me and asked,

"You all right with what we just did Dylan."

"Yes because it was just plain old sex and nothing more," I said.

"I was worried that it might mean more to you." He said. "I thought you might read more into it than that. I know I am young but I am not ready for settling down with one man," he said. We fell asleep and woke the next morning around nine. I heard the front door open and knew instantly that Jeanne was here. I woke Brian and told him that his mother was downstairs. He freaked out that he didn't want her to find him here with me this way. I told him that I would send her on an errand and we could slip out once she was gone. I got dressed, went downstairs, and asked Jeanne if she could run an errand for me. She left within ten minutes and we quickly left. I dropped Brian off at his house, he thanked me for a great night, and I made it back home before Jeanne got there. I was home ten minutes when the phone rang. It was Uncle Michael and he needed to talk to me. I asked if he wanted me to come over and he said that they would come to my house. They got there about twenty minutes later and I asked them if they wanted coffee.

"No thanks Dylan," Michael said looking very sad.

"What's wrong Uncle Mike it's Adam isn't it." I said.

"Yes dear he had another stroke this morning and he has gotten worst. We must decide if we are going to continue to keep him alive on life support or discontinue it all together." Uncle Steve says. My mind was racing in a million different directions. I suddenly felt guilty for having sex with Brian. I felt like this was a punishment for enjoying myself.

"Has his brain activity stopped?" I asked.

"We are headed up there right now and knew you would want to come with us." Uncle Steve says. "You can use the time driving up to determine what to do. We have already made up our minds and need to know what you have decided." Michael said.

"I will let you know once I have spoken to the doctor." I told them. The drive was eerie not a word was spoken between us. I sat in the back seat and starred out the window deep in thought. 'Was I ready to say goodbye to my man. Could I give the ok to pull the plug that would end his life? I knew in my heart that he did not want to be kept alive like this but I still hoped for a miracle,' I thought to myself. 'How could I say goodbye to the only man that made my life feel complete. His life made mine whole. His life complemented mine and made me feel loved. Why must life be so cruel to someone so kind and good? I just did not know what to do. Lord give me a sign that this is the right thing to do.' We got there, we went to Adam's room, and the doctor was checking him. He came up to me and asked if he could talk to me in private.

"Doctor whatever needs to be said can be spoken here. These are his parents and I would like anything said concerning Adam to be spoken with them present." I said.

"Well I thought you should read this before any decision is made concerning Adam." He said handing me an envelope.

"What is this," I asked. I looked and it was addressed to me in Adam's handwriting. "This is his handwriting doctor, where did you get this," I asked.

"It was with the living will paperwork and it must have come detached from the forms." He said. I sat down on the chair, opened the sealed envelope, and pulled out the letter. I opened the letter to read it feeling tearful that this was in his handwriting. It read:

My dearest Dylan.

This letter is so hard to write. Knowing you my love, the way I do I know that I must write it. I know the way you think when faced with a decision that affects us as a couple. This letter concerns what to do if in the event I am on life support to stay alive. I know you and I know you will fight tooth and nail against all logic concerning me and terminating life support machines. I do not want to linger on life support if all hope medically and spiritually is gone. I know that the love we have will live on in you my love should I die. I hope that with time you can find a way to love someone again. I do not want you to feel that you must be true to me in death because you are with the living. I want you to move on with your life and not worry that you are being unfaithful to my memory. Dylan the time I had with you has been the most blessed time of my life. I do not know how old I am now as you are reading this. Nevertheless, I want you to know that while I am writing this my love, I feel so loved and complete as your man. That love is what I shall take with me through out eternity babe. The love we share was full and pure babe. I want you to know that you have been the only man my heart has ever loved, besides my two dads. I also know that they will support you in whatever decision you choose concerning me. Now before you pull the plug I ask you to do me one favor babe. Ask the doctor to undo whatever might be in my mouth and remove it. I want a final kiss from you babe to carry me through until we meet again love in eternity. Always remember our love, babe. Now kiss me my love and then move on with your life. I know your heart and that there is room for another in it. If you love, whoever he may be, as you as you have loved me, he will be a blessed man.

My undying love now and forever, Your darling Adam.

My heart broke and the tears burst forth as I dropped the letter to the floor. Uncle Michael picked up the letter and asked if they could read it. All I could do was nod yes. I cried as I never cried before, hard and deep. The pain in my heart felt as if I would die from shear force of it. After they had read the letter, they both came over to me and we cried with such force. Uncle Steve handed me back the letter and after a long while I stopped and went and found the doctor. I asked him to join us in Adam's room. He came in, I told him of Adam's request, and he said. I showed him the letter and after he affirmed that all brain activity had ceased he undid the tube from Adam's mouth and left to wait outside the door. I took Adam's hand in mine and leaned down and gave him a long soft kiss on his lips and said with tears flowing like a river,

"I release you my love. I will always hold our love in my heart. I want you to take that love with you and wait for me. I don't know how long I have on this earth without you my love but know that one day I will come to you and we shall have eternity together babe." I said and fell upon his chest and cried. Uncle Steve helped up and walked me to the chair and I sat down and cried. Then he and Uncle Mike went over to their Adam and each kissed him goodbye.

"Goodbye my son. Remember my love for you my son, and know that you have always made me so happy and proud to be your dad. I shall miss you so much my dearest Adam and shall always cherish the memories you have given me love. I love you son," my Uncle Michael said and leaned down and kissed him goodbye on his forehead. He came over to me and took me in his arms and said,

"My Adam may be gone but he has given you to me for a son," he says and holds me to him and weeps. My Uncle Steve, is standing at Adam's side lightly brushing his hair to the side, leans down, and kisses his son on the lips ever so softly, and says,

"So long my son and my joy. Having you in my life made me complete son. I thought that my love for your dad was all I ever needed to fill my life and heart until you entered my heart. Watching you grow was such a joy and experience I shall always treasure my love. I know that someday we shall see each other again and then my joy shall be complete once again. As you leave us today, remember you take a greater part of my heart with you son. I have never once regretted being your dad, son. I love you and will never let your memory die in my heart. Goodbye, my son and say hello to my two best friends I ever had in life, Josh and Kyle. God bless you my boy, my Adam," and he leans and kisses him again and tears are falling from his eyes. It takes about another five minutes and the heart monitor starts to beep and flat line.

'Goodbye my love, my babe, my man.' I say to myself. 'Wait for me, my Cowboy.' And, I cry. The doctor comes in, checks his pulse, pronounces him dead, and places the sheet over his head. We talk to the doctor and tell him which funeral home we want for the funeral. I sign some forms and then we are ready to leave. As I go to leave Adam's room, I froze as I see a familiar face looking straight at me in the doorway.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 9: Adams Rib 4

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