The Journal

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 8, 2008


Adam's Rib By

Chapter 2 'The Deception'

"911 what is your emergency," the operator asks.

"My partner he's blue and isn't breathing," I yell into the phone. They take my information and tell me an ambulance is on the way. I call Steve and Michael and tell them what's happening. I am giving CPR to Adam when the paramedics come in. They take over and tell me to go get dressed. I my panic I forgot to dress after jumping out of the tub. Steve and Michael come rushing in as the paramedics are loading Adam into the ambulance.

"Is he alive Dylan," Steve asks.

"I don't know he was so blue," and I start to cry, hard heaving sobs. "We were taking a bath and I asked him something and turned when he didn't answer me and thought he was sleeping. When I repeated my question I completely turned around and saw that he was blue," I say with broken words. "I can't loose him now that we found each other Uncle Steve. Why does everyone I love have to die," and I start crying hysterically.

"Well lets get to the hospital and see what's the matter," Michael says and he is on the verge of loosing it.

We get to the hospital and find out that Adam is in the operating room. The nurse tells us that is all she knows and that when the doctor is through he will be out to talk to us. We wait for several hours until the doctor comes out. His face is glum and his head is lowered towards the floor.

Chapter 2. 'The Deception'

"Mr. Fitzpatrick," he asks.

"Yes I Dylan Kerry-Fitzpatrick," I tell him.

"I'm Dr. Kaplan, head of neurology. Adam is in a deep coma at the moment and has suffered a brain aneurism. We operated to repair the damage to his aorta and now all we can do is wait. His age and good general health is all in his favor, but he is still in critical condition. The next twenty-four hours are critical. That's about all we know at the moment," he says and gets up to leave. "The nurses station in ICU has your number and will call if there is any change," he says shaking my hand and starts to leave.

"Can we see him doctor," Michael asks.

"And you are." the doctors asks a bit perturbed.

"His dad," I interrupt. "And we would all like to see him if possible," I add in a matter of fact tone.

"Very well, but only for a minute. He is unconscious and will not be aware of you being there," he says and walks away. We follow him to the Intensive Care Unit and he leaves us at the nurse's station.

"This is Mr. Stanley-Mathews family and they want to see him for a minute," he says and is gone.

"Good evening I'm nurse David Thomson," he says and leads us to Adam's room. He is hook up to all kinds of machines with tubes and wires running from his body to different machines.

"Oh God I can't take this again," I cry as I take Adam's hand. "This is to much like dad's last day," and I run from the room. I stop just outside of the door and start to cry. The nurse comes out and leads me to a room with a sofa and some chairs.

"Here have a seat and cry it out," he says to me.

"Thank you Nurse Thomson," I say between sobs.

"Please call me David or Davey, its less formal," he says putting his hand on my shoulder. "He will be alright Mr. Fitzpatrick."

"Please call me Dylan, David," I tell him looking up at him. "Would it be a bother if I asked for a glass of water David."

"Not at all, I'll be right back," he says with a smile and leaves. He returns with a glass of water and I drink it down.

"Thank you David, that was so kind of you," I tell him. "Now I must go back in." I rise to leave and David puts his hands on my shoulders and says,

"I know your situation here and quite understand. I had a life partner until last year so I can sympathize with what you are going through," he says with compassion in his voice. "You take all the time you need and don't worry. I run this ward and what I say goes," he says with the air of authority.

"What happened," I asked him.

"We had been together for eleven wonderful years.he was killed in a plane crash," he says as his eyes gloss over.

"I am so sorry David, I shouldn't have asked such a personal question," I told him with sincere sympathy to me voice.

"It's alright now," he says. "I through myself into my work to take my mind off of it." he pauses, "but it didn't help. The house was so empty without him and his presence was everywhere." He says. "I sold the house and have moved on with my life." He added.

"Maybe someday you will find another man to love," I told him taking his hand in sympathy.

"I don't think so." he pauses again, "I believe you are given just one chance at love and I had it with Darien. What we had was special; he needed me as much as I needed him. He was like a boy who needed to be loved and cared for. There are many of us who get a love like that."

"I know what you mean, Adam and I have that kind of love and now, well." my voice trails off as I start to cry again. David puts his arms around me to comfort me and lets me cry into his shoulder telling me it will be all right. I finally stop and thank him for being so understanding and helpful.

"I need to get back to him and his parents; but thank you for your help David," and I leave to go back into Adam's room.

"You all right Dylan," Michael asks putting his arms around me. I can tell he had been crying also by his red eyes.

"I'm fine, thanks. It's just that dad was like this before he died and the memory of it just frightened me so looking at Adam in the same state. I just couldn't imagine having to go through it again so soon." I just stood there letting Michael hold me and comfort me. "We had just finished making love, we had talked about our new life together, and how wonderful it was going to be. He had run into an old friend, they had talked awhile, and the friend called him my boy toy. It bothered him so much that we sat there and I told him that he would never be just a boy toy to me. I told him that I loved him more than my own life and that what we had was so much more than a sexual attraction. What we have is true love I told him. He even hit the guy for calling him that."

"Well Adam knows how much you love him. He told me that he felt that he didn't deserve you because you were so loving a person and cared so much for his happiness that you would sacrifice your own needs to put his first," he told me with a slight smile on his face. "He had told me about that friend, you know and asked me if he was just a boy toy to you."

"He did, I didn't know he had spoken to you," I told him caught off guard by the conversation.

"He stopped by my house to talk to me, or shall I say to reassure him that what you two had was love and not just sex," he says taking my hands in his. "I told him to go home and talk with you about it and that if you didn't reassure him it wasn't so then you didn't deserve him."

"Thank you," I said as I hugged him in appreciation. "I love that man so much that I can't imagine living without him."

"You aren't going to have to live without him." he paused, "you see he will recover and your love will be all the more stronger for it." He says and kisses my cheek.

The nurse came back in and said that we should really be going because we need our rest and Adam will be fine in his care. Therefore, we all said our goodbyes to Adam and I bent down, kissed him softly on the lips, and said,

"Good night my love. I will be back in the morning babe. Therefore, you rest tonight and wake up for me in the morning. I need you so much my love and you are not allowed to leave me behind, you hear me cowboy." I said and bent down again to kiss him.

When Steven and Michael dropped me off, they asked me if I wanted to go home with them. I told them that I needed time to think and to cry without being a scene. I thanked them both, kissed them goodbye, and went in the house. Steven called after me saying,

"You call us if you need anything, even if it's to listen to you vent." I nodded yes and they drove off.

The next morning my head was numb from lack of sleep and crying. I was up, showered, and headed to the hospital. Michael was already there and greeted me with a hug and kiss. I looked at Adam lying there motionless and eyes closed and had hoped he would wake up. The look of helplessness on his face made me want to cry. I held his hand and said to him,

"Babe it's me please wake up love," but no reaction. "Adam please I need you to wake up, Now," I said almost yelling the now. He lied there with tubes and wires going from machines to his body to keep him alive.

"Why won't he wake up," I asked Michael. "He has to wake up, Uncle Mike." I said.

"Well I don't know why but the doctor should be in anytime now and we can ask him." He said so reassured.

The doctor came in about an hour later and examined Adam. He looked so glum as he turned to us and said,

"I had hoped he would have wakened by now." He said almost puzzled. "The operation went well but." he paused turning to me and continued, "how long was he unconscious," he asked me.

"I don't really know. We were in the bath, I was leaning against him talking and when I asked him something and I didn't get a response I turned towards him, and that was when I noticed he was unconscious and blue." I told him with tears in my eyes.

"Well we will have to hope that he awakens in the next few days. The longer he is in a coma the harder it is for them to wake up out of it," he says in his insensitive medical voice. He left after a few minutes and Michael asked me if I had eaten this morning. I told him no that I wasn't hungry. He said you have to eat or I would be no good to Adam when he wakes. He took my hands in his and said,

"The cafeteria is one floor down why don't you go get a bite and then come back dear." He said in his motherly tone. "Bring me back a tea with lemon when you are done, now go son." I decided he was right and left for the cafeteria and got a muffin and orange juice. I was looking at all the doctors and nurses sitting around and wondered where to sit when I heard a familiar voice.

"Dylan over here," David said and motioned his hand to come join him. I walked over and sat at the table with him.

"Good morning Dylan. How are you holding up this morning," he asked with true concern in his voice.

"Not so good," I said. "I couldn't sleep last night and all I did was cry," I added.

"Not good kid," he said. "You need your rest and." he paused, "that isn't a very good breakfast either."

"I know but Adam's dad made me come a get something to eat. He told me that I needed to keep my strength up for Adam."

"He is right you know. You shouldn't let your resistance get low or you will end up in here also," he said showing that same concern. "His dad is only looking out for your own well being." He said and got up. "I will be right back." He said walking away. He came back a few moments later with a plate of fresh fruit and a couple of hard-boiled eggs. "Now add this to your muffin and it will balance out that meal." He said sitting back down.

"Thanks mom," I said with a slight smile and picked up an egg and put some salt and pepper on it.

"And watch the salt there you don't need to clog your arteries you know," he said. We both laughed and I looked at my watch and asked,

"Aren't you here rather late?"

"I pulled a double shift and just got off duty," he said. "I thought that I would get a bite to eat before heading home."

"You work some long hours don't you," I said eating the egg.

"Yes I do I guess.its better than sitting alone at home," he said with sadness in his voice. "Besides I got to see you this morning and enjoy your company for breakfast," he added. He just stared a minute or two at me then asked,

"Adam is no different this morning is he? Did the doctor come in yet," he asked.

"Yes and the prognoses wasn't what we wanted to here." I told him. "He said that the longer he is in the coma the less likely he will awaken normal." I told him.

"Well we will just have to pray that he is wrong, won't we," he says putting his hand over mine. His touch was warm and reassuring. I looked at his hand on mine and he quickly pulled it away saying, "I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by that," as he lowered his eyes to the table.

"That's fine David. I just didn't realize a touch could be so comforting," as I put my hand on his to thank him. We finished our breakfast and chatted some more about things and he got up saying,

"Well I must be going, I need my sleep. I have another double tonight. Thanks for joining me and I will see you later," he says giving me a hug goodbye.

"Have a nice sleep and thanks for your comforting words David. I really appreciate you going that extra step for me," I said still in his arms. Our eyes met for a brief second and I pulled away fearful of what I was thinking.

"I'm sorry I must get back up there," I said. "I'll see you later." I went and got Michael's tea and left.

Three weeks later.

I had just gotten to Adam's floor when Steven meets me in the hall. His face was so pale and sad looking I panicked.

"What is wrong Uncle Steve, is Adam alright," I said trying to get past him. He grabbed me softly by the arm and said,

"Lets go over here and talk son."

"Why, I need to see Adam first," I cried.

"Adam has not changed he is still in a coma, son. The doctor was just in and had a talk with us. We tried calling you but all we got was your voice mail.

"I turn my cell off when I enter the hospital because they tell us to." I told him. "What did the doctor say anyways," I asked.

"He wants to move Adam to a convalescent home. He says that the hospital has done all they can for him here and it is up to Adam now." He tells me. "They are better prepared for his long term care and the hospital can't provide that kind of care here. He feels that Adam might not come out of his coma and if he does there could be brain damage," he says with tears in his eyes.

"No Uncle Steve I won't give up on him don't you give up either," I plead and start to cry. He comes around the table and lifts me up into his arms saying, "We are not giving up son but the hospital needs the room for more critical patients. They have given him all the medical treatment they can and now it is up to Adam to respond. They need your consent to move him to Brownsville Nursing Home. The move would be tomorrow more than likely." He tells me.

"Brownsville, why Brownsville," I ask. "That's at least two hours from hear. Why can't they get a nursing home closer," I ask.

"One it is the only one that has an opening and secondly the only equipped to handle his type of care. The others are for the elderly as a place to live while having no other place or care giver for them," he explains. "You aren't expected to go everyday to see him son." He tells me. "It would be to exhausting on you and your spirit would suffer from seeing him so helpless."

"No Uncle Steve I must see him everyday," I say. "He is my mate and my life. Without him I am nothing and have no reason to go on." I tell him.

"I know how you." he starts to say.

"Don't say you know how I feel because you don't know." I tell him with anger in my voice. "No one knows but me and I have to be with him or I will die like my dad did upon loosing my other dad." I tell him turning to leave. "So don't say you know my feeling Uncle Steve," and I walk out of the room. I get to Adam's room and Michael is sitting beside Adam's bed holding his hand. I walk up to the other side of Adam's bed, take his hand in mine, and say,

"Damn you Adam wake up. I need you to wake up before they take you from me babe," and I start to cry. The tears will not stop as I plead with Adam to wake up. I am lying on his chest pleading for him to wake up when David comes in and pulls me away. He takes me out giving Michael an understanding look and leads me to an empty room. He holds me close as I cry uncontrollably until I can cry no more.

"Feel better Dylan," he says as he wipes the tears away with a Kleenex.

"Some, but David they want to move Adam to Brownsville," I tell him.

"I know," he says. "I read it on his chart; it is the only facility equipped to handle the care he needs. Besides it is the best one around." He adds.

"Maybe but Brownsville is so far away," I tell him. "It is a two hour drive from here. I need to see him everyday David. How can I being so far away," I ask.

"Dylan don't get me wrong here, but your seeing him everyday will not help his condition. If he is going to wake up he has to do it and your being there won't make it happen," he says not coldly but with understanding. "He knows you love him and he has that love with him. It will be your love that pulls him back; not your daily presence," he says and holds me reassuredly.

"I know what you say is right but it doesn't make it any easier," I tell him. "I need to see him because if I don't it's like I lost him and I can't handle that." I say as I continue to cry.

"I know how hard it is to let go." He tells me. "But you do let go but you don't forget. The slightest thing triggers your memories of them. You cry and cry but you do go on," he says a bit melancholy. "They say that times heals all wounds, well not always. You keep them in your heart but at the same time you make room for others."

"I could never fall in love again, not ever," I say with determination to my voice.

"I felt the same way once too," he says almost hesitant. "I have discovered recently that you can love again and that there is room in your heart for another." He says as he pulls up my head up to look into his eyes. "I know its hard Dylan and you will survive this. We are survivors my friend and we do go on. Our kind has learned to survive and go on," he says and he pulls me to him and kisses me gently on the lips. I pull back from him and look at him like seeing him for the first time.

"What was that for," I ask him still shocked at his show of affection.

"I just thought you needed that to let you know someone cares," he says a bit red. "I apologize for my forwardness." He says and turns to leave. I grab his arm, pull him back to me, and kiss him back then I say,

"Thanks David, you have made this a lot easier to bare my friend. If it wasn't for your caring I may not have made it through this."

"Just my being a nurse I guess." He says.

"No friend it goes beyond your job." I tell him as we both leave. I go back into Adam's room and tell Michael that it is fine to move Adam. I apologize for being so dramatic and he says,

"No son you just love my boy and I would not have expected anything less darling," and he gives me a kiss on my forehead. They came for Adam the next morning and we were all there to be with him when he left us for Brownsville. We all cried and held each other and made plans to go to Brownsville the next day. I was leaving the hospital and David called out for me to wait. I turned and saw him running towards me.

"What is wrong," I asked him when he got to me.

"Nothing," he said out of breath from running. "I was just wondering if you would have lunch with me. Today is the anniversary of Darien's death and I really don't want to be alone right now."

"Sure that would be nice and let it be my treat, ok," I tell him and we start to walk off. "Where did you park," I asked him.

"I don't have a car," he says. "I usually take a bus to work and I live walking distance from a grocery store."

"Well I am parked over there," pointing to a grey BMW convertible. "We can take my car and I will drop you off after. Have you ever been to the Global Bistro on Danforth Street before," I ask him.

"No I haven't is it nice," he asks.

"Oh very trendy and rated among the best top ten last year and will again this year. It has a fantastic wine bar and there's the chef's table in the newly redone dining room. We had better see if we could get in though. Here dial my cell for me please." I ask him.

"What's the number," he asks.

"Let me think, oh yes it's 466-2000," I tell him and he dials and hands it to me.

"Good Afternoon Global Bistro, Pierre speaking, how may I help you," I hear.

"Pierre my friend, Dylan Fitzpatrick here how are you today my friend." I say with a puzzled look from David.

"Well long time no see my friend and how is that handsome man of yours," he asks. I tell him about Adam and he is so apologetic.

"Not to worry Pierre, you had no way of knowing," I tell him.

"What I was wondering is, do you have a table for two for lunch my friend."

"For you always," he says. "What time can we expect you," he asks.

"Well that's it we are on our way as we speak."

"No problem Dylan, it's early and the crowd hasn't started to arrive yet," he says and we say goodbye and hang up. I pull up in front and a valet parking attendant comes over and opens my door.

"Good afternoon Mr. Fitzpatrick," he greets. "And how are you today sir?"

"Good Brian and how are you and your mom doing," I ask him.

"I'm fine sir, but mom just lost her job is having a hard time finding another one," he tells me with a sad look to his face. "She is quite depressed about it and doesn't know what to do once her savings runs out."

"Here Brian give this to your mom and tell her to call me this evening, ok," I tell him handing him my card with my phone number on it. "And Brian, please call me Dylan." I tell him.

"Thank Mr... err Dylan, my mom and I really appreciate your concern." He says getting in the car and drives off.

"My, I am impressed," says David looking at me with awe in his eyes. "Does everyone know you here," he asks.

"Most everyone. It was Adam's favorite place to dine," I tell him. "Shall we," as I motion towards the door.

"Good day Dylan, long time no see." He says.

"Franco my good man and how are you and the misses doing these days," I ask stopping for an answer.

"Still fighting and of course making up Italian style," he says raising his eyebrows. "Thank you for asking."

"Glad to here it and you might want to cut back on the fighting and do more making up friend before you regret it." I tell as we go in. Pierre greets us and shows us to our table. He gives a slight look at David and gives me a shrug.

"Pierre this is Adam's nurse at Toronto General. He has been so caring and helpful I thought a thank you lunch would be nice."

"Oh yes sir, and please forgive me my forwardness," he says a bit embarrassed. David and I have a long leisurely lunch and we talk about Adam and his Darien. It is getting along about two and David yawns.

"I am so sorry David for keeping you up." I say. "I forgot you had just gotten off work."

"No problem Dylan, I didn't really want to go home anyways," he says. "And besides I invited you remember." I ask for our check and give Jonathon my visa card. He shortly returns with my card and receipt and I sign it and leave. We get outside, our car is waiting, and David looks at me puzzled.

"How did they know to bring the car," he asks.

"When we call for the check our waiter alerts the valet and they bring the car around so it is there when you are," I say. I give Brian a fifty-dollar tip and remind him to have his mom call me. His face lights up and says thanks Dylan and says he will tell her. He opens the door for David and David says 'thanks Brian', and we drive off. I drop David off at his apartment and he invites me in for a coffee.

"David thank you for the nice day but I think we both know that my coming in would not be a good idea," I tell him.

"Yes you probably right, I was just so lonely and didn't want to be alone," he says somewhat disappointed.

"Well I guess a coffee couldn't hurt now could it," I say knowing that my better judgment told me not to.

"Thanks Dylan," he says as his face lights up. "I really don't want to be alone, today especially," he says. We go in and his place is very nice. We head into the kitchen and he puts the coffee on.

"Come on I'll give you the ten cent tour," he says grabbing my hand and leading me around. His hand is very warm and just the touch sends a spark of electricity through me. He shows me his dining room and living room and the half bath. He takes me upstairs and shows me his guest room with its own bath. Then he shows me his bedroom and bath. I am standing admiring his taste in d^Âcor when he turns me to him and kisses me hard and passionately. I pull away from him and say,

"David I can't do this. Adam is still alive and I feel as if I'm cheating on him. It's not that I don't like you but I can't get Adam out of my heart." I tell him.

"You will never get him out of your heart David," he says looking at me intently. "I still have Darien in mine and always will. You learn to move on," he tells me.

"But I can't move on with him still clinging to life David. He isn't dead David just in a coma," I tell him.

"Dylan he could very well be like that for years," he says. "Can you wait years without love," he asks.

"I don't know but right now I really have to wait," I tell him and give him a kiss on the cheek. "I find you very attractive and I think your personality is great," I tell him.

"But." he says.

"But I really can't get into another man right now, sorry guy."

"I guess I understand, so lets have that coffee ok," he asks.

"That would be great," I tell him as he leads me downstairs. 'God this guy is gorgeous,' I think to myself, 'what six two or three, blonde hair and the most awesome green eyes. And look at that ass so round and hard; and pecks to die for. I bet he works out.'

"Tell me David do you work out at all," I ask.

"Yes usually four or five times a week why," he asks knowing I was checking him out.

"No reason, just that it shows," I say wondering why I said that.

"Thanks didn't think you would notice," he says, "not being ready and all."

"Touch^Â," I say knowing I shouldn't have said anything regarding his body. He pours me a coffee and asks,

"How do you take it."

"Excuse me," I say not thinking of the coffee.

"Dylan your coffee," he says. "Where is your mind going," he asks with a sly look.

"Ahhh.I don' yes coffee, thanks" I stammer. He picks up on my indecision and lays his hand on mine and says,

"It's alright dear, really you are only human you know. Besides you have needs just like any other man." He says with his hand still on mine.

"I. I. I know. but . really need.oh fuck" I say and I bring him in for a kiss hard and heated. We are kissing and our tongues are searching each other's mouth. Our hands are roaming and my hands find his tight ass. We can feel each other's hard cock pressing against each other. He drops to his knees and starts to unbuckle my belt.

"Can we go upstairs," I ask thinking this shouldn't be happening.

"You sure Dylan," he asks. "Do you really want to do this?"

"I don't but I need to David," I say. "Lets go before I come to my senses." He takes my hand and leads me back upstairs again. We enter the bedroom and he turns to me and starts to undress me. I unbutton his shirt and move it off his shoulders it drops to the floor as mine does the same thing. He undoes my pants button and unzips them dropping them to my feet and I step out of them. I undo his jeans and push them down and he steps out. He has no underwear and his cock is pointing northward. It has to be ten inches if it's an inch, fat around and cut. He drops to his knees as he pulls down my black boxer briefs. He has me step out of them and he takes my cock into his hand. With the other, he cups my balls gently caressing them. He puts his mouth around the head and his tongue massages the rim.

"Oh fuck David it's been so long," I say. "I hope you aren't looking for staying power because I am ready to cum," I tell him. He goes all the way down on my nine-inch cock stopping only when he hits my pubes.

"Fuck I'm cumming David," I say and I shoot my load deep into his throat.

"Oh fuck. don't stop. please faster." I plead as shot after shot shoots down his throat. My legs wobble and I feel I might fall so I grab on to him for balance. "Oh fuck Davey I can't stop cumming," I moan. He stops sucking when he can't get any more; he rises, and kisses me. The taste of my own cum is still hot on his tongue. He leads me to the bed and pulls me down beside him. We kiss passionately and long, taking our time to taste each other. I pull him on top of me and spread my legs for him. He lifts up and looks me in the eyes and says,

"You don't have to do this you know. I was just happy to help you out," and he bends to kiss me.

"I know I don't, but I might regret it if I do, but I want to," I tell him. He slides down to my cock that he just sucked and places it again in his mouth. He sucks it until it gets hard again and he drops it. He lifts my legs and goes for my ass. His tongue caresses my treasure spot and my hips rise to give him access. He pushes his tongue deep into my ass driving me insane with pleasure. My head is tossing side to side in ecstasy and I cry out,

"Fuck me Adam I need you in me babe. Fuck me long and hard my love," never realizing I just called him Adam. He continues to torture my ass with his tongue probing and fucking with that tongue.

"Fuck me now please Adam I want to feel you in me," I yell out still not knowing I called him Adam. He lifts off me, grabs the lube, and works a big amount into my hole and then on his cock. He places his cock at the edge of my hole and gently pushes in as I push out. The head pops in and I yell out in pain,

"Oh fuck that hurts."

"Sorry shall I pull out," he asks.

"No David just give me a minute to adjust," I tell him. He leans down and kisses me hard and passionately, and when I relax, he starts to fuck me slowly, in and out pushing in deeper with each push in. When he is finally all the way in the pain is gone and we find a rhythm. His cock feels so good in me and I can feel its heat. As he fucks me, he starts to jack me to the same rhythm he is fucking me. Each time he pushed in, he hit my prostate and I would just about cum. After about twenty minutes of this I yelled out,

"Oh fuck. I . my God .I'm cumming and I shot all over my chest and face. I kept cumming in long fat ropes of man cream, my orgasm brought David over the edge, and I could feel his cock swell and then it erupted and he shot his load deep inside my ass.

"Oh fuck David that's so fucking hot. I can still feel your cock pumping out your seed deep inside me. Oh fuck don't stop fuck me more babe," I said and then I froze. He could see the look change on my face and he said,

"What's wrong dear?"

"I just called you babe David. That is my name for Adam," I said and started to cry hard. He pulled out and dropped down beside me taking me in his arms. I pushed him away and quickly got up and grabbing my clothes ran into the bathroom. I locked the door, sat down on the edge of the tub, and cried. I cried for at least twenty minutes until I cried myself out. I got up and got dressed and when I came out of the bathroom, he was sitting in a robe on the edge of the bed. He got up and came towards and I held both of my hands up as in surrender and said,

"No please David don't come near me. I have to go. I knew better than to come in with you and I should have listened to myself. I am so sorry David for doing this with you. I am too vulnerable right now and we both knew it. I don't blame you because I wanted it also at first. However, when I called you babe it triggered my brain back to reality. Again I am so sorry David for all this, good bye."

"If its any conciliation you called me Adam twice while we did the deed," he said.

I raced down the stairs and out the door. I got to my car, started it, and raced out of the driveway and down the street. I flew down the highway neglectful of my speed until I saw the flashing lights and heard the siren of the cruiser. I pulled over to the side and got out my drivers license and registration. I rolled down my window and looked up at the officer. He removed his sunglasses and I saw it was Uncle Steven.

"Where's the fire Dylan," he asked.

"Oh Uncle Steve I did something awful," and I started to cry uncontrollably. I just cried and cried and nothing he said could stop me from crying. When I finally stop crying he told me to exit the next exit and pull over to the right at a little dirt pullover. I did as he said and he came over to my car and I got out. I put my arms around his neck and started to cry all over again. He just held me and let me cry until I stopped.

"Now son tell me what has got you so worked up," he said still holding me.

"I really fucked up with the nurse from the hospital," I said. "We went to lunch as a thank you for his kindness and after he invited me in for a coffee. While the coffee was brewing, he showed me his place and when we went into his bedroom, he pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away and told him I couldn't do this. We went back down stairs and he started telling me that I couldn't wait forever to satisfy my needs. I told him that I couldn't do anything because Adam was still alive and I would feel like I was cheating on him. He kept on talking to me about my needs and that Adam could hang on for years in this state. He wore me down and we had sex." I couldn't look into his eyes I felt so guilty for cheating on his son. He pulled my head up by the chin to look into his eyes and said,

"Is that all that bothering you," and he looked at me and smiled. "Son you are to vulnerable right now and he knew it and took advantage of that vulnerability," he said. "Don't beat yourself up for being human Dylan, I probably would have done the same thing in your circumstances."

"But Uncle I was unfaithful to Adam," I said with tears in my eyes. "I knew better but I did it anyways," I cried.

"Listen to me Dylan," he said looking me straight in the eyes. "What you did was not a crime against Adam. You reacted to his prompting and fell prey to his conniving scheme. Did you invite him to lunch," he asked.

"Well no he called to me as I was walking across the parking lot, why," I asked.

"Did you invite him to ride with you to lunch?"

"No sir, I asked him to follow me and he told me he doesn't drive to work but takes a bus."

"Well let me tell you something about David," he says in his official voice. "When Michael and I got to the hospital this morning he was just getting out of his car. A blue Honda civic," he said. "I beep my horn and waved and he held his finger to his lips to shush me. I forgot it was a hospital zone."

"He told me he doesn't drive to work but takes a bus. So why would he lie to me," I ask feeling the anger rise in me.

"Because he was setting you up for sex son."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I was getting angrier each moment. I wanted to strangle him for taking advantage of my vulnerable state of mind. I felt so cheap and used the more I thought about it.

"You ok son," my uncle asked. "You look like a woman with revenge in her heart," he said.

"Yeah I'm good but I will get even with that fucker if it's the last thing I do." I told him and had revenge in my heart.

"Son don't let this eat at you," he said. "Just chock it up to experience," he told me.

"Experience hell I have a good mind to go over and tell him what I think of him." I said.

"Now don't go doing something foolish son, you will only regret it later," he said.

I told him I wouldn't do anything and he told me to slow my driving down. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then we left. I decided to drive over to the hospital and see if his car was there. As I approached the parking lot, I saw him with his arm around some guy. They were standing next to a blue Honda civic. He had the passenger door open and was talking to this guy. The guy had been crying because his eyes were puffy and red. I stopped my car, got out, and walked over to David and the young man. David was shocked to see me. He told the man to sit and wait for him and that he would be right back.

"Hey Dylan I was so worried about you man," he said as he came up to me and tried to put his arms around me. "I was afraid you would get in an accident or something."

"Funny thing is when I left your place I was speeding on the highway and got pulled over," I told him. "I was crying so hard that the cop couldn't get me to stop crying. When I did I explained everything that had happened between us from the time I left the hospital up to when I left."

"Did he give you a ticket," he asked.

"Know because it was my Uncle Steve, Adam's dad," I told him with a glare in my eyes. He was getting nervous because I could see the sweat on his brow. I told him how you invited me to lunch and that I drove because YOU HAD NO CAR," I said emphasizing 'you had no car'. Then he tells me that he and Michael saw you this morning getting out of your car and that they beeped and waved at you and you shushed them." I walk past him and over to the man sitting in his car and spoke.

"Is David taking you out to dinner," I asked him looking at David.

"Well at first but I told him that I wanted to treat him for his kindness to me," he says looking suspicious.

"Did he invite you back to his house for coffee," I asked.

"No but he said he had to change before they went out, why." Now he was puzzled and looked from me to David.

"Well let me tell mister. He did the same thing to me earlier and when we got to his house, he made his move on me and finally won and had sex with me. Isn't that right David," I asked turning to look at him and his face was red and down turned. "So before you go with him I would think twice about whether or not you want to have sex with him because that's what he's after." I turned and slugged David and knocked him on his ass. I looked down at him lying there and said,

"Which way to the hospital administrators office?" He went white as a ghost and said,

"Dylan please man don't do this please," he pleaded from the ground. "I will loose my job and I really can't afford that."

"You should have thought of that before you fucked me mister." I said and turned to the guy and said, "You need a ride young man?"

"No I guess I can catch a bus," he said.

"I wouldn't hear of it," I said and stuck my hand out to him and said, "the names Dylan Kerry-Fitzpatrick."

"Oh wow I won your scholarship two years ago that you give out each year sir," he said shaking my hand getting out of the car. "My name is Bradley John Douglas sir, but my friends call me BJ or Brad."

"What do you prefer Bradley," I asked knowing I couldn't call him BJ.

"Brad is good sir," he said.

"Well Brad it is and you can call me Dylan," I said as we walked away. As I passed David I said, "Let me think about what you did today and I will let you know if and when I am going to the hospital administrator." I led Brad to my car and we both drove away. As we drove, I asked him where he needed to go. He told me that he was home from school because his dad had died and that his mother needed his help. He told me that his mom was in a nursing home with Alzheimer disease and that he was going to stay at the Ramada Inn until the funeral was over. I told him about Adam and about what had transpired with David today, and he couldn't believe it.

"I don't blame you for wanting him fired," he said.

"Oh I am not going to have him fired but I'm not going to tell him that," I said with a grin. "Now Brad I have a proposition for you and it doesn't involve sex," I told him. "Let me offer you a room at my house and you can stay as long as you need to." I told him.

"Oh I couldn't impose like that on a complete stranger sir.err. Dylan," he said.

"You are not imposing I am offering," I said in my matter of fact voice.

"Well when you say it like that Dylan, I accept." He says with a grin that looks all too familiar. We drive to his hotel room and pick up his luggage. He goes and gets his luggage and I check him out. He comes down to the lobby with several plastic bags full of clothes and says he's ready.

"Matched set of luggage huh," I mused.

"All I can afford," he says. We load it in my trunk and drive to my house. I ask if he's hungry and he says some. So, I fix a nice chef's salad with a glass of wine and we eat and talk. I tell him about Adam and he tells me about his mom and dad.

"Dad's been taking care of mom until he had a stroke," he tells me. "Then I had to put her in Brownsville Nursing Home because that was what was available. Dad lasted four days after his stroke and died." David was so helpful and caring during this time. I really appreciated the little extras he did for dad and me.

"That's all part of his game," I said. "Get 'em while they are vulnerable."

"Well now with dad gone and mom in Brownsville, I have to get a job so I can finish school," he says. "The scholarship was for two years and I still have the rest of this year and next to cover," he says.

"How old are you Brad," I ask.

"Twenty-three," he says, "why."

"You started late didn't you," I asked.

"Yes because we couldn't afford for school and mom's medicine," he says.

"Well tell you what young man," I said getting his attention. "I am going to see that your college is taken care of and that you have an allowance while you go," I tell him as his mouth falls open.

"I can't let you do that sir, you don't even know me," he says.

"Listen I know enough about you to know that you are a hard working young man." I tell him. "During vacations and summer you can come here and work for me doing whatever I need.

"That's so kind sir, but I should tell you I am not gay sir." He says with a touch of fear in his voice.

"Did I ask you to suck my cock or let me fuck you kid," I say in my best anger voice.

"Aw. no sir. you didn't, but. I thought you." he stammers.

"You thought that I wanted sex for paying for your college didn't you," I interrupt.

"Well I guess so, yeah."

"My lover is in Brownsville also in a coma from an aneurism. I am not one to offer something like this and demand sex in return. I have legitimate work that I have no time for and was about to hire a secretary and gardener to do."

"I am taking Landscape design at school and would be more than happy to do your gardening for you sir." He tells me with excitement in his voice.

"Good its settled then, now lets get you settled in your room and relax some before bed," I tell him.

"Ah Dylan, I want to apologize for what I was thinking earlier." He says and holds out his hand.

"No problem, kid," and I grab his hand and pull him in for a hug.

"Now lets get going."

To be continued.

Let me know what you think, good or bad please at or randyhoward2 at yahoo 360.

Next: Chapter 8: Adams Rib 3

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