The Journal

By Randy Howard

Published on Dec 30, 2007


The Journal Chapter 3 By

As before, this is a love story with sexual encounters between two grown men. If this is illegal to read in your area or you are under 18 then leave. If not then enjoy.

From the previous chapter.

"Josh babe, you are my man. Let me take care of you, please." He says.

"I can't do that love, it wouldn't be fare or right. I didn't fall in love with you so you could support me." I tell him.

"If I remember right you didn't even know I came from money now did you."

"But." I start to say.

"No buts but your but bud. I'm horny lets make love huh," and we go to bed.

"It's your turn to loose your virginity," I tell him.

"We will see," he says with a smile. God I love that smile.

September 1969

It was a very hot September day and it was our first day of classes. My heart pounded with excitement thinking of all that had happened to me the last few weeks..... thoughts of Kyle brought a smile to my face and he looks at me and says,

"What's so funny?"

"Just thinking about you and how much you mean to me and how much I love you."

"I love you two bud," he says with a smile.

"Did you ever call your girlfriend and tell her about us?" I asked him.

"No didn't have to," he said, "she called me to say that she had thought about our relationship and with me in college and her still in high school it would be better if we went our separate ways. She felt that we should be free to widen our horizons and see other people. Therefore, I told her sure and we could remain friends. With that she said goodbye and hung up."

"She must have found someone else," I said, "besides who could ever replace you."

We found our class buildings and went separate ways until lunch.

When we met for lunch Kyle had a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong babe, you look awful," I told him.

"I called my mom during my free period and she told me I had a letter from the draft board. It came yesterday and that when she opened it, it was telling me to report to the army base in Albany, New York for my physical and induction briefing." He told me.

My heart sank thinking of him being drafted and going over to Vietnam. This wasn't fair. Neither of us believed in this stupid war. I just found him, now I could loose him, and it tore at my heart.

"Babe, what are you going to do?" I ask him.

"I don't know yet, but I am not going to go to Vietnam or anywhere else." He says boldly and with determination in his voice. "Besides, I don't have to report until September twenty fifth so that gives me time to think."

I look at my watch and realize that my next class is in fifteen minutes and I have not even touched my lunch. I was not hungry anyways. I through it away and gave his shoulder a squeeze and told him I would see him at three. The rest of my day was spent with thoughts of Kyle in uniform and being shot at by an enemy we didn't know. I must say he did look hot in that uniform. Then he looks hot in anything. He met me at three and we headed to the bookstore for more books and things. When we got home, I asked him if he had given any thought to the letter he had gotten. He told me that he needed to talk to his dad before he made any decision.

"Do you have any thoughts about what you might do?" I asked him.

"Yep, but I don't know how my folks would feel or deal with it."

"Tell me babe what you're thinking." I ask him.

"Well.....well I thought of going to Canada to live." He says with a feeling of apprehension in his voice and looking towards the floor. "You must think me a coward for wanting to leave instead of serving in the army." Now he has tears in his eyes and they are running down his cheeks. I put my arms around him and tell him,

"I could never think you a coward my love. You are the bravest man I ever met. The way you defended me against those bigots made me so proud of you. If Canada is where you say we shall live then Canada is where we will live. We can go to school there as well as here. I promised you my love and I love you so much." We kissed for eternity it seemed and he carried me to our bed and laid me gently on it. We kissed and held each other until he said,

"Josh you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will love you until the day I die and into eternity my love." He lifted my shirt over my head and undid my belt. He unzipped my jeans and slid them off along with me briefs. He got up and looked at me and said,

"You are so fucking hot bud. Your body is like a Greek god." He stripped and got back in bed beside me. He looks in my eyes and says,

"Bud, fuck me please. I want to feel you in me and look in your eyes while you fuck me." He eyes were bright and alive with anticipation.

"Are you sure babe? You don't have to do this to prove anything to me you know."

"I have never been more sure in my life bud, and besides I want to loose my virginity to you."

I turned him on his back and climbed on top of him. We kissed as if we had just met. The fire and the lust for each other were compelling. I gently nuzzled his neck and ears, nibbling each lobe tenderly. I lifted his arms over his head and buried my nose in his underarms. His scent was intoxicating and I drank heavily his sweet aroma. It lifted me higher than any weed I'd smoke. I licked and sucked his hair drinking in his taste. This is my lover and I mentally marked his scent. He moaned at the attention and cried out his pleasure.

"God bud that drives me wild. You fucking know how to turn me on babe."

I go for his nipples sucking and biting each one until he is thrashing in sexual heaven. He screams out in delight. I get up, turn him unto his stomach, and place his hips on a pillow. His perfect ass is in front of me and lifted up just waiting my pleasing. I place my hands on both cheeks and separate them. I lick down the valley between them until I get to his asshole. I gently tongue around it and tease it as I gently nibble it driving him wild. I plunge my tongue into his hole and his ass flies up to give me greater access. Around and around I work and tease. He is yelling in pleasure and is fucking my tongue. I pull out my tongue and place a finger in my mouth to wet it and put it in his ass. He jumps at first and then moans and relaxes. I find his prostate and tease it. He yells,

"Dam what is that bud? Don't stop it is so fucking groovy babe."

I put in another finger and work his ass like scissors. He is going wild with pleasure and finally says,

"Fuck me bud, I need you in me. I can't wait anymore."

I take out my fingers and line up my cock. Before I start to push, I ask him,

"You sure you're ready babe?

"Oh yeah I'm ready." He says between moans.

I slowly applied pressure and he pushes back. My cock's head slowly entered and he yelled out in pain. I stop and let him adjust to the intrusion. I ask him,

"You alright babe?"

"Yeah," he says, "the pain was so sharp but seems alright now. Just go slow bud."

I gently push in more and then out slowly going in and out going deeper each time until I am all the way in and stop. I tell I am in and he says wow and he starts to moan. I don't know if it is from pain or pleasure. I say to him,

"You alright love."

"Oh fuck yeah. More than alright I'm in heaven."

I start to fuck him now in a slow steady rhythm. He is moaning in content and his ass is rising to meet my thrusts. I stop and pull out and turn him onto his back and re-enter his hot tight ass. The heat and the tightness of his ass alone is enough to push me over the edge. With his legs on my shoulders and my fucking, slow and gentle, I lean in for a kiss. He throws his arms around my neck and kisses me passionately. I break and rise holding each thigh with my hands. I slam in deep and all the way out and back in hard and deep.

"Fuck. ahhhhhhhhhhh fuck man.....don't stop, harder Josh....fuck me babe." He cries out in ecstasy.

I am slamming into his ass for all I am worth. I am fucking him for at least a half hour now when I feel his ass tighten. I know he is close and he yells,

"Fuck Bud I'm going to cum..oh fuck..IIIIIIIIIIII'mmmmm cuming babe." He says between breaths. He shoots and long thick ropes of white man cream explode from his cock. Rope after thick rope keeps coming until it just boils out of his dick. His ass contracts on my cock pushing me over the edge and I shoot my hot fucking cum deep into his ass.

"Fuck babe your ass is so fuckkkkkking hot man. I have never cum like this before." And I continue fucking his ass until I have nothing left to give him. I drop onto his chest and we embrace and kiss each gasping for air and letting our tongue dance in each other's mouth. We ride our sexual high for minutes until my cock softens and falls out of his ass with my cum flowing out of his open hole. We lay there in the after glow of our loves high.

"Wow babe that was so fuckin awesome bud." He says with his eyes still lost in the moment. "Does it feel like that all the time?" He asks me.

"It does for me because I'm with you babe." I tell him.

"Remind me to bottom more often babe it was surreal man." Saying as he rubs his forehead against mine. 'God I love this man,' I thought to myself.

Later that evening he calls his dad while I am making dinner. I can hear him talking but can't understand what he is saying. They talk for the better part of two hours when he says 'I love you dad and I will get back to you. And dad, thank you for being there and being you.' And he hangs up. He comes out to the kitchen and I am just putting the dinner on the table and he comes up behind me and puts his arms around me and kisses the back of my neck.

"God I love you Joshua Kerry." He says

I turn and look at him and put my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply and then say,

"I love you too babe. You hungry 'cause dinner is ready."

"Yeah hungry for you." He says and devours my neck and bites it hard leaving his mark.

"Laying claim to your territory?" I ask him.

"Yep, ain't no one jumping my claim." He says and we sit down to eat.

Later that evening we are lying in bed in each other's arm just enjoying each other's touch.

"What did your dad say about your situation babe?" I ask him.

"Basically he told me that he and mom would support any decision I made. He would rather I was alive in Canada branded a coward then dead in Vietnam touted as a hero. Then he says to me, besides, shouldn't you be talking this out with your wife err. husband or whatever gay couples call each other. I could sense his frustration and ignorance concerning our gay lifestyle. I have dad and just wanted the benefit of your wisdom I told him. I could feel him glow with pride over the phone and he says after a few moments 'I love you son and your mom and I want you to be happy.' I could swear he was about to cry bud."

"So what are we going to do?" I ask him

"Well I have a cousin in Montreal and he has been after me to come for a visit for a long time. We have no classes on Monday so why don't we take the long weekend and go for a visit and see what its like up there." He says to me.

"Sure that would be fun and we could look around at places to live and even check out a few schools to continue our education." I tell him with excitement in my voice.

"I will call Justin tomorrow and see if he can put us up." He says and draws me close for a passionate kiss. We made love, with him as a bottom again. 'I think I may have created a monster' I thought.

We packed the van and set out for Montreal. Kyle had called Justin and he was looking forward to seeing us. We left early Friday morning and arrived at Justin's place shortly before seven that evening. We decided to blow off our Friday classes because we were already ahead in our studies. Justin was one good-looking dude. He stood six foot four and built like a champion body builder. He had long reddish blond hair and blue eyes. After introducing me to Justin, Justin wraps his arms around me and gives me a hug that could crush boulders and says 'welcome to the family bro' and kisses me on the cheek. He had a great meal done up and we ate as if it was our last meal. Afterwards we talked about the draft notice and he explained to us that that was why he now lived in Canada. Saturday he took us out to some groovy gay hot spots. Man Montreal was light years ahead of the USA when it came to the openness of gays and acceptance. We got home about 2 am and went to our room. We got naked fast and had just started to make out when there was a knock on our door. Kyle got up, and went to the door and opened it. There stood Justin naked and asking if he could join us. Kyle said,

"I don't know man, we never did a threesome before and I don't know if Josh would be open to it." He said to Justin.

Justin looks around Kyle at me and says,

"Dude, you game for a three way?"

I just looked at Kyle and he says if you are so am I. So, I look at Justin and say,

"Come on stud and join the fun."

He was in bed before Kyle could even close the door. He had me in a lip lock that could melt butter. God does kissing run in this family or what I thought. His tongue was dancing in my mouth and his hands were all over my body. I came up for air and Kyle had gotten in behind me. He was loving on my neck and ear while Justin was molesting my nipples. I don't know how this night was going to play out but I did know that I was somehow the center of attention. When Justin had sucked my cock awhile, he asked me if he could fuck me.

"I have never fucked anyone but Kyle and don't know if I could give myself to anyone else." I told Justin.

"Justin, lets not push that envelope with him," Kyle said, "besides he is my man and if he wants to keep himself for me alone I respect that. Besides, I don't want to share my man that way. Now a blowjob is something different. His blowjobs are what made me fall in love with him. So, Justin said that's cool dude and sat up against the headboard. I got on my hands and knees in front of him and proceeded to give him the blowjob of the century. Kyle got behind me and I felt his hot tongue going down the valley between my cheeks. His hands had them spread wide apart and he was headed for my treasure spot. He got there and plunged his tongue deep into my ass. I kept shoving my ass up higher to get him in deeper. I had Justin moaning and he had my head in his hands just face fucking my brains out. I thought wow how lucky could I get a stud to suck and my lover about to fuck me. Kyle had lifted up and was gently pushing against my hole and my hole against him. His head broke through just as I was pushing my ass back and his cock went all the way in, in one push. I lifted off Justin and screamed in pain because the intrusion was so direct that I thought I would pass out from the pain. Kyle couldn't apologize more.

"I am so fucking sorry bud. You pushed back just as I was pushing forward and in it went before I could stop. I can pull it out babe. I so don't want to hurt you babe. Please forgive me."

"I will be alright just wait a minute to adjust to your rocket entry. God that was fucking fast love." I said between gasps of air and pain.

After awhile the pain subsided and the pleasure of him filling me returned and I told him to fuck me but slowly at first. He started out slow and after several minutes, he got into a good rhythm. I continued to suck Justin and after ten or so minutes, I decided that I wanted to lie on my back. We all maneuvered into position with me on my back, my legs on Kyle's shoulders and him fucking me and Justin's knees on each side of my shoulders and his cock in my mouth fucking my face. This continued for what seemed like hours when Justin starts to yell,

"Fuck man I'm going to shoot my fucking wad man you want it or on your face?" He asks me.

Before I could answer Kyle says, "On his face please no cum in his mouth but mine dude." Justin pulls out and with a couple of jerks, shoots the most awesome load of cum all over my face. I mean if his cum had been in my mouth I could have drowned it was so much. 'Remind me someday to do Kyle's dad to see if he cums like the rest of this brood,' I thought to myself. As Justin is shooting his cum on my face Kyle yells out his pleasure and shoots his load deep into my ass filling me to overflowing. My God, he can fuck. When he is done and soft he pulls out, goes down on my cock, and sucks me to the edge and over. I shoot my load deep into his throat while Justin is kissing me deeply. Fuck I think I must be in heaven because this is to fucking good for earth. We all fall out into our afterglow and soon are asleep with my ass up against Kyle and Justin up against me.

We had been back home almost a week when Kyle comes home from a late class and says to me,

"I talked to my dad today and I have decided that I.. Err.we are moving to Canada not Montreal though. My dad has a colleague in Toronto and he is willing to help us find a place to live." He tells me.

"What about school," I ask him.

"We can go to school there. They have some very good schools and with our grades we will be able to get in for the spring semester." He says.

"That's fine for you babe but I haven't the means to go to school there. Remember I have been disowned by my family and can't afford to pay for school." I say with disappointment in my voice. I can almost hear my world falling apart around me. My eyes start to well up and soon I am crying as if a damn had burst.

"I can see it now babe you will leave and I will be left behind. My world has been you and now it is coming down around me. My God, I cannot go on without you. I know you must go to save yourself and I would rather loose you than to deprive the world of you. I just ca...." and I completely loose it.

"Yep, might have seen that coming," he says with a bit of humor in his voice.

"Seen what," I ask between sobs.

"You loosing it and all the drama. God I love you when you are so defenseless. I told you that I will provide for us my love and I meant every word." He says staring into my tear soaked eyes.

"But an apartment is one thing but college for four years is another," I plead with him.

"Joshua Jacob Kerry just shut up, sit down, and listen for one minute." He says so abruptly.

"But." I start to say before he gives me that look and I shut my mouth.

"Bud. I have more money than the pope," he says to me and I chuckle. "My grandparents were killed in a plane crash when I was six years old and they left their entire estate to me. My parents were wealthy in their own right so my grandparents decided that all would go to me upon their deaths. Josh I am worth millions. I can afford to pay for both of us to go to school. I was about to tell you that was why I had called dad today. To tell him that I wanted to pay for school for you because you would be giving up a full four year scholarship to follow me to Canada. But before I could tell you everything you went off on a drama play and, well there you are sport."

"My God Kyle love I am so sorry babe." I say to him. "I should have listen entirely to you but all I could see was our going separate ways and I lost it. Please forgive me for doubting you."

"Yep, nothing to forgive." He says and pulls me to for a kiss.

October 1969

We have been in Toronto now for several weeks and Kyle's dad was right his colleague had been a tremendous help. He had found us a great apartment near the Ontario College of Art and Design and not far Ryerson University. The apartment was huge. It had three bedrooms and a formal dining room and large living room with a fireplace. The kitchen was well appointed and recently updated. The master suite had its own bath and another two full baths for each of the other bedrooms. It also came with a two-car garage. He had taken the liberty, after speaking with Kyle's dad and leased it for a year. All we had to do was shop for furnishing and then move in. This was great, and thanked Mr. Burns for all his help. His wife Lydia said that she would love to help decorate it if we wanted any help. We gladly accepted her offer and the three of us went shopping. It was something that I enjoyed but Kyle finally begged out of after a couple of hours. Therefore, with our new modern style furniture and apartment we were finally home and set in to christen our new home.

Lying in bed that night after the most intense love making session we were talking about what Canada meant to us now.

"You know Josh I can never go home again." He says with a hint of regret to his voice. "I am considered a deserter and a coward now. I will be arrested if I enter the country. I love the United States but I don't agree with the Vietnam War. There are many of us up here and they have a group club for displaced Americans. Even many Canadians look upon us as deserters and cowards because they also are dying over there. I came for us because I love you and would rather be branded a coward and deserter then loose you and your love babe." His voice is cracking and he turns from me to hide his tears. I pull him around and into my arms and say to him looking in his eyes.

"Sweetheart you will never be a coward to me. You are the bravest man I have ever known. As far as not being able to go home well maybe someday when this idiots war is over someone will make it possible for those of us who still love our country to return. I have lost nothing and gained everything with you. I know that I can go back because of my medical history I was 4F. However, to live in a country without you in it is not life but an existence. So dry your eyes and lets live like we have always said.'Live for today for tomorrow may never come.' Beside my favorite is 'Make Love Not War'," and I kiss his lips so softly and tenderly and he kisses me back with passion and fire.

December 1969

Even though Canada doesn't celebrate, Thanksgiving as Americans do it was our first one in our new country. We had invited Mr. and Mrs. Burns, a single neighbor Mrs. Whitehead who had lost her husband some years ago and had adopted us as her surrogate children. Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick had flown in to join us also. I had no one of my family and God I missed my mom. Nevertheless, dad had made it clear that I was not welcomed there anymore. He wouldn't even let mom talk to me since he heard that we fled the country to avoid the draft. I think that was a worst crime to him than being gay. I had to call her during the day when he was at work to speak to her. She felt bad about what happened but was afraid of him and what he would do if she disobeyed him. Someday women will not have to be tolerant of being beaten by their husbands for having an opinion. So we had a great time and Kyle knew could sense that I missed my mom and kept me by him all day. We talked about our coming spring semester and that we were headed to separate schools. Kyle had planned to go to Ryerson University for architecture and I to Ontario College of Art and Design for interior design. We were excited because my grade and SATs got me a scholarship to school. We had a great day and evening and enjoyed each other's company. Kyle's parents stayed until Saturday and it was just us again. It was our first holiday in our new home. His folks loved the place and thanked the Burns for their help.

"I can't wait for Christmas," I said with the glee of a child in my voice. "They do celebrate Christmas don't they," I asked Kyle.

"Yes love they celebrate Christmas here." He said and smiled at me.

"Lets find a tree soon because it is only four weeks away." I said. "This store downtown has these new trees in that are totally modern. They are made of aluminum and have a color wheel that changes the tree to four different colors. It is so much the rave this year. Can we get one or are you more the traditional type?" I ask him.

"If it makes you happy you can have it I don't really care one way or the other," he said.

"Well I want you happy also babe."

"If you are happy then I am happy." He says and kisses me. We are tired so we retired to bed. I like that we retired to bed. That is what Mrs. Whitehead is always saying. We cuddled up into our position with my head on his chest and my arm across it and his around me and fell asleep.

December 1969

The place is so gaily decorated. We are busy with shopping and getting them wrapped. Kyle's parents are flying up for the holidays and leaving after for a Caribbean cruise just after Christmas. It would be great to go on a cruise because winter just comes so quick up here. Even the daylight is shorter, must be because we are further north. We are enrolled for the spring semester, why do they call it spring when it's mostly in the winter. Although we will be going to different schools, we have about the same hours. I will need to take the bus to school and Kyle can drive his car. I wish at times I had one but I love to watch Kyle drive, he is so into this man thing and taking care of me like I am breakable or something. I guess its is his way of being the man and I just love him for it.

His parents got in on the 23rd and just loved the way the place looked. His mom and I have become very close and we often will talk for hours. To bad, my mom couldn't do that with me. Every time I call her, she rushes me because she is afraid that my dad will find out I called. She says that the party line she has she does not trust it. Every time she talks on the phone she can hear someone listening and it scares her. I told her to get a private line but she says dad will not hear of it. So instead, Mrs. Fitzpatrick and I will talk for hours each week.

We all go to midnight mass and get home just after one. Kyle leaves his car in the driveway instead of the garage and I ask him why. He stammers a bit and says he needs to clean it out before he can get the car in. "Strange I think it was fine just yesterday," I tell him and then he sidetracks me.

"Bud did you get my gifts for my mom and dad wrapped," he asks me.

"You know I did you were there when I did it," I tell him.

"Oh right, I forgot." He says and heads in the house.

'I wonder what he is up to,' I think to myself.

Christmas morning I am like a six year old. I awake at six and try to stir him.

"Babe you still sleeping?" I tease him.

"Babe are you awake?" I say a little louder.

"Damn it babe wake up its Christmas!" I yell.

He sits straight up in bed and gives me the meanest look.

"Are you in that much of a hurry just to get coal." He says with an irritated voice. He is not a morning person and doesn't like to be woken up.

"Come on babe, get up and let's see what Santa brought us." I tell him.

"Can we wait until the others stir before we get up?" He asks me. "I can think of something special to give you in the mean time." He says with a smile and raising his eyebrows.

"Well that would be a nice present." I say. "Say how are you going to gift wrap it?"

"Just shush and lift those legs bud." I do and with that, he dives to my ass and begins to suck and nibble my hole. Within minutes, we are deep in the throws of lovemaking and he is pounding my ass with all his strength. He bends to my lips and kisses me deeply and passionately.

"Oh fuck Kyle.ooooh fuck.I'm cumming." I shoot so hard, rope after rope of hot cum all over my chest and face. My orgasm brings him to his climax and he fills my ass with his sweet man cream. As he slows and gasps for air, he whispers in my ear,

"Merry Christmas love, now lets clean up and see what Santa left."

We got to the living room and his mom and dad were already up and drinking coffee. His dad looks at me and gives me a smile that says he knows what we did. I blush and quickly go to get us a coffee. His dad comes in to refill his and gently taps my ass and says,

"Nice way to wake up huh son."

I turn fifty shades of red and can't look at him.

"Don't worry son I was young once." He says, turns, and leaves. Kyle comes in and sees my redness and asks me,

"Why you blushing?"

"Your dad heard us fucking and tapped me on the ass and said 'nice way to wake up huh son,' and told me not to worry he was young once. How can I face him now and what if your mom heard us? You should have gotten up when I said and not bothered to fuck." I tell him.

He is laughing so hard I wanted to hit him. He just didn't understand how embarrassed I was. He looks me in the eyes and says,

"That's my dad always a joker." He takes his coffee and goes into the living room. I eventually follow and my God, his dad is still smiling and then gives me a wink. I know he loves to see me blush. Kyle then says,

"Dad please don't keep teasing Josh or we will never get to open our gifts."

"Bradley what are you doing to that poor boy?" She asks.

"Nothing dear just nothing." He says and winks at me.

We finish opening our gifts and just are astounded by all the beautiful gifts we got. Kyle then turns to me and says,

"Bud would you mind putting my car in the garage for me?"

"When, now?" I ask.

"Yeah it's suppose to snow and I don't want to have to clean it off later and I will start breakfast." He says.

I put on my coat and go out to move the car. I am thinking to myself, 'why didn't he just do that last night'. I get in, and start the car and open the garage door. I pull the car in and shut it off. I see another car in the next stall and wonder whom that beauty belongs to and leave closing the door behind me. I get upstairs and Kyle is still in the living room talking to his dad.

"So how is breakfast coming?" I ask.

"You put the car in," he asks me.

"Yes and besides why didn't you do that last night?" I ask him a little perturbed and wondering why he was still sitting there.

"You put it in our garage," he asks me.

"No in the one down the street, yes our garage why," I ask now very annoyed. Then the light bulb goes off in my head. "Oh my God is that other car mine, is it babe?" I ask with excitement.

"Well it took you long enough to figure that one out," he says with a grin.

I run back out to the garage and in my excitement I slipped on some ice and down I went. Every time I tried to stand, I fell. Finally, the others came out and helped me up and I ran to the garage. I looked at this beautiful, fire engine red, white convertible top Mustang. I jumped up and down like a kid I was so excited. He opened the door and let me get in. Man that new car smell. I took in every square inch of that car and then got out and hugged and kissed him right in front of his parents. When I finally calmed down I turned to his dad and said,

"Now this is the way to wake up," and winked at him.

Kyle looks at me while holding me and says,

"Can't have my bud taking no bus now can I."

"Thanks babe, I love you. And not just because of the car, though that is a perk, but because you care about me. I don't deserve you babe."

"I love you and will always be there to take care of you."

Christmas went fabulously and had many friends stop by. New Years we went to dinner and a movie and then went home. We made love all night and completely forgot about midnight. His parents had left on the day after Christmas for their cruise.

January 1970

It was the first day of classes for us and we were excited about going. My interior design class was my only class and I couldn't wait to begin. I had just kissed Kyle goodbye and then drove off. I had gotten a couple of miles from home when I realized that I had forgotten my books. I still had an hour before class so I went back home to get it. When I arrived, I parked in the driveway and ran inside. 'That is strange we didn't lock the door' I thought to myself noticing that it just opened for me. I went into our den, grabbed my books, and turned to leave. There standing in front of me is a guy holding a gun pointed at me.

"Don't move or it will be your last step," he says to me and I froze in my tracks.

To be continued

Drop me a line and let me know what you think at I am also on Yahoo 360.

Next: Chapter 4

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