The Journal

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 11, 2008


Adam' Rib By Chapter 5 'Love Blooms'

From the previous chapter.

"Well Brian's mom knows he is and I am sure she has told your dad. I know he loves you so I would guess he would accept it. He seems like a decent man from what I met." I tell him and give him a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. Brian looks at me and says,

"Hey I saw him first Dylan. Get your own man 'cause he's mine." He says defensively. We finish breakfast and the boys leave for whatever young gay boys do. I went to my study and tackled some long overdue paperwork. I was deep in my work when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to see whom it was. I thought that maybe the boys had forgotten the key I gave them yesterday. I was shocked when I opened the door. There stood .

Chapter 5 'Love Blooms'

I was deep in my work when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to see whom it was. I thought that maybe the boys had forgotten the key I gave them yesterday. I was shocked when I opened the door. There stood . Brad. He had luggage in hand and a sheepish look on his face.

"Brad why. what. you should have called," I stuttered.

"I know but I needed all the time I could get to think this through," he said. "I have been wrestling with this since I left in March after dad's funeral Dyl." He said.

"Wrestled with what Brad. I told you that you could ask me anything and I would help. I thought I was the problem or I might have done something to offend you." I told him.

"Well . you see . Dylan you are the problem." He says looking at the floor. Oh, God I thought what the fuck did I do. I racked my brain trying to think what I could have possibly done that had him so worked up for three months. "This so hard for me to say. Not so much to you but to myself." He says and his eyes are filled with tears.

"Oh Brad, forgive me for what ever I have done to you. I would not want to heart to in a million years." I said. "I have been racking my brain for months trying to think what I could have done that made you so upset."

"Dylan you didn't do anything but be yourself. I watched you give yourself to Adam unconditionally and held on to hope that he would somehow return to you, it broke my heart. I wanted to find a love like that. A love that made one give to the one they loved unconditionally as you did to Adam." He said and put his arms around my waste and pulled me in for a kiss. It was a long, hard and passionate kiss. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes asking.

"Brad what does this mean; what are you saying here."

"Dylan I guess no I know that I love you and want to find the love that you and Adam had together for us." He said and kissed me again. He broke it this time and said. "Dyl, you made me take a long hard look at myself. You had me examining myself. I knew many years ago I might be gay or at the least bi. I had never wanted to admit it to anyone little least myself. When I came home last time I took a taxi here instead of calling you. I wanted to surprise you but I found another person's car in the driveway and had the taxi driver take me to a motel. I later found out that the car belonged to Jeanne and that I had assumed the worst. I was too proud to admit I was mistaken and left to go back after just a few days. I needed to reassess my priorities so I left and I again treated you badly. I discovered that if I treated you badly you would toss me out and my dilemma would be solved. I went back to school and again after a few weeks had another chat with Adam. I didn't see him but could feel his presence. I asked him if I was meant for you Dyl. I asked him if that was what he meant when he told me to take care of you and that you needed me. I got the most overwhelming feeling of peace come over me. I knew right then that Adam had hand picked me for you and you for me. I had a dream that night and I don't know if this may mean anything to you. I my dream Adam stood there and told me that he wanted you to love again and be loved." My heart just burst and the tears did also. I fell into his arms and cried. I cried uncontrollably for a good twenty minutes with him holding me tight. I finally got myself under control and told him that those exact words Adam had written to me in his farewell letter. We just looked into each other's eyes and saw a love being born, a love born forth by Adam. He had released my heart to love again and be loved. He had even chosen the man to do just that. I took him into my arms and we kissed, oh did we kiss. Our tongues made love to each other. Our hands exploring each other's body, as he pulled away from me and said.

"Dylan I promise to love you and protect you for as long as we shall live. I come to you inexperienced and unknowing as what to do. I know you will be gentle with me and teach me. I love you Dylan and ask that you would love me also and be mine." He says down on one knee. I just held my hands to my mouth and cried. He got up and asked.

"Is that a yes my love?"

"Yes Brad, that's a yes babe." I said and we kissed. He lead me up to my room, now ours, holding my hand in his. Oh, God this cannot be happening I thought. To find a love like this twice in my life with a man like this. We got to our room and he slowly undressed me. When he had removed my clothes, he gently lifted me and placed me on the bed. I watched as he undressed letting my eyes drink in his form. He finished and climbed in beside me and said with a grin on his face.

"Ok love this is where you take over. I have no experience beyond undressing my love interest. I am a blank page for you to write on." He says grinning. Here I go again with this grin shit I think to myself. Why do all my guys have to grin like that?

"Well babe I have to ask you something and it might be a bit uncomfortable for you. Are you a top or a bottom man," I ask.

"I don't know what you mean," he says. "With women I always fucked them. I never gave sex with a guy any thought." He adds. "I don't know if I ready for a man to fuck me. However, Dyl, I will try if that is what you are, a top. I just want you to be satisfied with me.

"Why don't we just discover and learn together. Lets let nature lead us and see where she takes us, ok babe." I tell him. He rolls over on top of me, I spread my legs for him, and we kiss. He slowly moves to my neck and whispers in my ear.

"I will just do as I would to a woman love, ok," and I just nod my head yes. He slowly kisses my neck and then bites and sucks on my ear lobe. Oh, the feeling he gives me. He runs his tongue into my ear and makes love to my canal. He kisses down to my pecks and starts to nibble on my nipple. He gently bites and sucks on my right one until it is hard. He moves to my left and assaults that one. He spends so much time on my nipples that they are over sensitive. I gently push him down so my nipples can relax. He kisses my naval, fucks it with his tongue, and then moves on. As he reaches my cock, he stops, lifts his head and says.

"I think this is were the similarity stops." And there is that grin again. He lifts my cock with his hand and puts the head into his mouth. Slowly he sucks the head stopping and going like deciding if he likes it. He runs his tongue under the head and slowly glides down my cock until it hits the back of his throat. He starts to gag as he tries to go further down.

"Take it easy babe, it's your first time. When you feel it hit the back of your throat start swallowing. That should help you go further down. But just take what you can love because I am long and fat and Adam had a hard time at first and only took half." He started again and when it hit the back of his throat, I could feel him swallowing. My cock slid down his throat and I could feel his mouth on my pubes. 'Oh, fuck he is good' I think to myself. Not even Adam or Brian could do that on their first try. Brad is a novice and he just goes like a pro on down. I hope that my comment about Adam did not hurt him or make him think I am comparing him. He moves up and down on my cock and I can feel the need to cum and say out to him.

"Brad stop please. I'm going to cum if you don't babe and I don't want to yet." He drops my cock, takes one of my balls into his mouth, gently rolls it around, and then does the same to the other. Then he sits up and lifts my legs, pushing them up and apart. I grab them with my hands and he starts to kiss my hole. Slowly he moves his tongue around my hole teasing it as he tries to push in. He pushes his tongue deep into me and starts to suck and tickle my rosebud. 'If he was this good with a woman man what a loss to the hetero world,' I think to myself. I lift my hips to give him deeper access to my hole and he dives deeper. He takes out his tongue and inserts a finger into my wet hole. Instantly he finds my prostate and I jump in pleasure and excitement.

"Oh fuck Brad stop and fuck me," I say.

"Do you want a condom," he asks.

"You planning on leaving me" I ask. No, he says as he nods his head. "Then just put the fucker in and fuck me before I turn you over and rape you babe." He takes the lube I hand him and he lubes up my hole. Rubbing it in deep and then he lubes his cock. His cock is large, at least ten fat cut inches, and he lines it up and pushes. He must be treating me like a woman because he pushes it all the way in. I scream out in pain and he pulls it out.

"Oh fuck Dyl, I forgot," he says. "I thought I should push in like I do with a woman. I am so sorry for hurting you love."

"Did all your women take it that fast," I ask.

"Yeah a woman is made to take it. I just forgot in the heat of passion the you aren't no woman. I don't have to do this you know. There are other things we can do besides fucking," he says.

"No babe I want this," I tell him. "You just have to go slow because it has been a long time and you are big," I say. "Here lay down here on your back babe. Let me break myself in first." He gets on his back and I move my legs to either side of his hips. I reach behind me and take his cock in my hand. I line it up to my bruised hole and slowly start to sit. Going and stopping until I have it all in. I stop and wait for my ass to adjust to the fullness. I slowly start to ride his cock up and down. In his face, I can see the pleasure he feels. His eyes roll back into his head. I keep riding his cock until I have a rhythm. His hips move to meet my downward thrust. 'Oh fuck I am in heaven,' I think to myself. He opens his eyes as my pace picks up. He reaches out to me and holds my hands in his. My pace has become feverish and I can feel his cock swell. I pull off it, and drop down on the bed. I pull him on top of me and I put his cock to my hole and tell to push in hard. He slams it in and my ass jumps with pleasure. He is fucking me now, hard and fast.

"Harder babe and faster. Fuck me hard and deep." He holds my legs by my thighs and pushes them back further. 'Oh fuck this is so fucking good,' I say to myself. "Deeper and harder babe," I yell. His cock is swelling and his thrusts are deep and fast.

"Oh fuck Dyl, oh fuck I'm cumming," he yells. He shoots his hot cum deep into my ass. Rope after rope he shoots his man seed into my ass. 'Oh fuck a comer,' I think to myself. He keeps fucking me until he is spent. He pulls out of my ass and drops down to my cock. He takes it deep into his mouth and then down his throat. Up and down he goes, and I can feel my sperm moving.

"Oh fuck babe here it comes," I moan. "If you don't want it in your mouth pull off now babe." I say and he keeps on sucking me. My cock explodes in his throat as he struggles to swallow. He pulls off some and I fill his mouth. He swallows and I fill it again. 'My God I haven't cum like this in years,' I think to myself. Pump after pump I shoot into his mouth and now it is running down his chin. I finally have nothing more to give and he drops my cock and falls down on top of me. We kiss and I taste my cum on his tongue. He kisses me hard and sensual and then we stop and gasp for air. He rolls over beside me and we spoon together. We lie like that and fall asleep. When I wake its dark and I can feel his warmth against my back. His cock is hard again and pressing against my ass. I reach behind me and put his cock back into my ass. I slowly start to fuck myself with his cock. He awakes and rolls me over onto my stomach while staying deep inside me. He lifts himself up with his arms and starts to fuck me again. This time he is savage fucking me like a man who has been deprived of sex for years. He slams his steel hard cock deep into my ass fast and hard. Repeatedly he fucks me like this and then I feel his cum pumping deep into my bowels, mixing with his cum from before. He just slams my ass so hard that I fear he might push right through me. I know can feel my own cum working up as he hits my prostate. I erupt on the bed, spilling my cum all over it. He cums again when my ass tightens around his cock, during my orgasm, shooting his sperm deep into my ass. He finishes and drops on top of me and says.

"Fuck love, this is so fucking better than a woman," and kisses the back of my neck. "I have never cum so fucking much in all my life and your ass is so tight." He says and again kisses my neck.

"So are you saying you made the right decision to love me," I ask.

"Love, I fell in love with you months ago. I just couldn't admit it to myself." He says. I turn and face him and cuddle in his arms. He kisses me and says, "I love you Dylan and I meant it when I said I pledge my love to you for the rest of our lives."

"Are you ready to come out publicly," I ask him. "Because everyone that knows me knows that I am gay. I do not act it or advertise it. But on the other hand I don't deny it when asked," I tell him.

"That way works for me I guess. It might take some getting use to at first," he says. "But I can handle it, I'm a big boy." We get up and decide to shower. We take a long hot shower and we blow each other in the process. We dry off and I take him naked downstairs to get something to eat. We are standing there naked when Brian and Jeremy walk in and catch us naked.

"Looks like the tables are turned," Brian says. Brad's face goes red as he shoots up the stairs. I call after him but he is gone. He comes down in a bit with just shorts and a tee shirt on. He hands me the same and I put them on. I introduce him to the boys and explain us to the boys. He just stands there behind me with his arms around me as if saying this is mine, hands off. I love his demonstration of power and domination. I am his man and he is telling these boys so. We relax and I tell him that they are a couple also and are staying with me for another week. Jeremy offers to move to a hotel and I tell him that it's ok to stay. After awhile Brad becomes more comfortable with the guys and is talking and joking with them. We talk for a while and decide that it is time for bed. We say good night to the boys and Brad and I go up to bed. Once in my bedroom, I tell Brad,

"We have to go over to my uncle's place soon. I need to tell them about us and introduce you to them."

"Aren't they Adam's dads," He asks me and I nod yes. "Won't they dislike me for taking over his place with you," he asks.

"No babe, they won't. They want me happy and they know that Adam wanted me to move on." I tell him. "If I love you they will also. You will love my uncles. I have called them dad ever since Adam died and they were my dad's best friends. Trust me babe, you will love them and they will love you."

The next day I called my Uncle Mike and invited him and Steve over for dinner. I explained to them about Brad and they were very happy for me. I was hoping they would understand and they did. I loved them so much and wanted their blessing on my new relationship. They said that they would be happy to come to dinner and meet Brad. That evening they came over and Brad was a bit nervous at first. He knew of Adam and had briefly met my uncles before he died. They came in and I made the introductions. Brad was so handsome as he stood beside me as I introduced him.

"Dad this is Brad. He is the one that Adam picked out to love me." I had Brad explain how he had an encounter the same evening I did with Adam. They sat in silence as he told his story of how Adam appeared and then disappeared. When he said how he ran from the room and ran smack into him outside his door, Uncle Steve laughed and said.

"That's my boy. He would never do anything conventional," he says. Michael just sat there with tears in his eyes as Brad told of how Adam had said to tell me that he 'wanted me to love again and be loved'. He knew about the letter and had read those words. He got up, came over to Brad, pulled him up, and gave him a hug. As he hugged him, he whispered in his ear,

"You had better not hurt my son or I will personally make you wish you were never born." Then he kissed him on the cheek and said. "Welcome to the family Brad." He hugged and kissed him again. We sat and had a fabulous dinner. Brad had made a roast duck with orange glaze and stuffed with wild rice dressing. He had glazed baby carrots and potatoes au gratin. Everyone, including me, was overwhelmed with his culinary talents. We served a nice wine and had coffee and tea in the living room after. He had made a cake with caramel dripping on it.

"Where did you learn to cook like that," my dad asked.

"My mom was a great cook in her day." He said. "She taught me as I was growing up. She went to the Culinary Institute of America when she was young. Now she is at Brownsville with Alzheimer disease."

"I am so sorry Brad," Michael said. "Is that where you two met," he asked.

"No we met at Toronto General, Dylan rescued me from the clutches of David." He said.

"Ah yes, that dip shit," Steven says. We finished the evening around eleven and said our goodnights.

"We are so happy for you two and wish you many happy years together," my uncles said.

"Thanks dads, it means a lot to me that you approve our union," I said. They left with a hug and kiss and we went up to bed. As I was brushing my teeth, Brad leaned against the counter and watched. He looks at me and says.

"I really like your uncles. Michael whispered in my ear that if I ever heart you I would regret the day I was born." He said.

"Yep that's my dad, and he meant it stud. So you had best be on your best behavior," I warn him and smile. We climb into bed and he looks at me lying there and just smiles.

"You have the deepest eyes. I can see how much you love me in them. Did Adam ever see that love Dyl." He asks.

"Yeah the night he had his aneurism," I say. "Brad I hope that you don't think I compare you two. You are both as different as night and day. There is one similarity that just melts me and that is your goofy grin." I tell him.

"I don't have a goofy grin," he says showing it to me. "That's my sexy smile," he says and gives me a kiss. "Can I ask you something Dyl." He asks.

"Sure babe what is it."

"Can we just snuggle tonight? I am tired from everything today and I thought just cuddling would be great. But if you want to make love I will love," he says.

"That would be great babe. Is all this a bit overwhelming for you," I ask him.

"A bit," he says. "I am not use to the gay lifestyle yet. Up until three days ago, I was a straight boy. I had sex with women and enjoyed talking about them. I have had a lot thrown at me the last few days," he says.

"Are you regretting telling me you love me, Brad. Please be honest babe, I hate a liar," I say.

"When I said I love you Dylan I meant it. The sex was better than any that I ever had with girls. I think it is the openness that being gay has that floored me. The way everyone is so casual about hugging and kissing one another. I hadn't been that open and free when I was straight."

"Being gay is different. Not everyone accepts gay people like Canadians. They have fewer inhibitions. Go to the states and you almost have to climb back into the closet they are so up tight. I have no qualms about giving a hug or kiss in public here. I mean we do not do the deep throat kissing and groping as heteros do, but we will greet with a hug and kiss." I tell him. "Time will help you become more acclimated to this lifestyle babe. Now why don't we just call it a day and go to sleep babe. I turn out the light and he pulls me into him. My back is tight against his chest and his left arm is cradling my head. He wraps his arm over my chest and takes my hand in his. I turn my head back, he leans forward, and we kiss good night. I turn back and he whispers in my ear.

"I love you Dyl. My love is true and pure babe," he says and kisses the back of my head. "God even your hair turns me on." As I feel his cock start to grow. He starts to rub it up and down my ass.

"I thought you were tired," I ask.

"I am but my cock is wide awake," he says rubbing me harder.

"Well if we don't do something soon we won't get any sleep tonight," I tell him and turn over to him. "Here lean back and let me put the bad boy to bed," and I go down on his cock. I take his cock into my mouth and slowly descend towards the base. He is moaning with delight as I swallow his manhood. My nose is buried in his pubes and I drink in his scent. My brain makes a memory of his scent as I drink it in. The musk and his light sweat are intoxicating to me and I drink it in more. Forever will I remember his scent. I milk his cock with my throat muscles and I hear him moan loudly. I am sending him places no one has ever taken him. He lightly places his hands on my head and holds it. He does not push me or pull me but just holds me. I think, even his hands can make me feel loved the way his fingers play with my hair. I pull off his manhood and take his balls into my mouth one at a time. Slowly and sensually, I make love to them rolling them gently in my mouth. He is moaning loudly now and I can feel his sweet seed churning in his balls. I return to his cock and deep throat again slowly swallowing it and milking it with my muscles. His cock is ready to cum, he is shaking, and his head is rolling back and forth. His cock head starts to swell and eruption is emanate. I pull off a bit and slowly move up and down his love tool as it throbs in my mouth.

"Oh fuck my man. Oh fuck I'm going to cum," he says shaking and moaning. "Suck me love, here it comes," and he shoots a blast that goes straight down my throat. I yearn for more and he gives me it. Volley after volley he shoots in my mouth. I suck and suck as a baby wanting his mother's milk. He gives it to me over and over he fills my mouth until it starts to dribble out because I cannot swallow fast enough. He starts to slow until the last drop just oozes from his cock. I let it drop from my mouth and I climb up to kiss him. Our lips meet and they part letting our tongues enter. His tongue makes love to mine as he taste for the first time his own cum. He kisses me and electricity flows down my spine. How can a man love like this I think to myself? Every part of his body makes love to mine. 'Thank you Adam for this precious man,' I think to myself. You picked me a keeper, my cowboy, I say to myself. We break our kiss and tears are flowing like a river down my face. He kisses my eyes and asks,

"What's wrong love, have I done something wrong?"

"No babe you did everything right. I am so I love with you. I did not think I could ever love like this again after Adam died. You taught me to love again babe. You broke the chains that held my heart shut to love. You are the perfect gift Brad love. Adam hand picked you and sent you to me. My heart is alive again and free. You saw my love for you in my eyes you said. What you saw was your love reflecting back at you babe. I feel so loved and whole again." I tell him and the damn opens and I cry with happiness as he holds me.

"Dylan I know that I am new to this kind of love. I have never felt more loved, more needed and more cherished than I do with you, love. It is as if half of me was missing until I found you sweetheart. I only hope that I can live up to and be deserving of the love that pours forth from you to me. I shall never be ashamed of you or our love. I will defend you and our love to the ends of the earth. Just be gentle and teach me the way love. I will follow where you lead me. I will be your man and you shall be mine." He kisses me and he to is crying. I turn and spoon into him into our favorite position and we fall to sleep. It is a sleep that is peaceful and resting. We awake in the same position we fell asleep in. I turn to him and he is just smiling at me.

"Good morning my love," he says to me and kisses my nose. "Did my man sleep good last night?" he asks.

"Good morning babe. I slept like a baby wrapped in his mother's arms." I tell him and kiss his lips. We get up, shower, and decide to have breakfast out. We dress and are ready to leave when the phone rings. It is Brownville calling. Brads mom passed early this morning. I take him to the funeral home that handled Adam's funeral. We make the arrangements for cremation and ask for a private viewing before the cremation. We drive back home and we have a small breakfast at home. He is quiet and I ask him what is wrong.

"I am just remembering my mom, love. The times she taught me to cook and to sew. She would tell me that a boy must know these things just like a girl. He may not marry right away and should be able to take care of himself she would say. The most important thing that her and dad taught me was how to love. They showed me in their actions and not just words. I remember when one Christmas I was unwrapping gifts and I noticed that her and dad had no gifts to open. I think I was ten or so. I asked her why her and dad had nothing to open. She just took my face into her hands and said because watching you be happy is gift enough for us. It was things like that, that taught me to love unconditionally." He said and the tears just fell. I held him in my arms as he cried. His sobs broke my heart to feel him so hurting. If I could take away his pain away, I would. He just lay in my arms for hours that day until he had cried his pain away. He got up and he kissed me and said thank you for being you. For being sensitive enough, to not speak but just listen. For being able with just a hug, to heal my broken heart. You must have had great teachers love because you reflect their love and caring. Mostly dear, thank you for sharing you heart and love with me." He kissed me softly as his tears fell anew. We spent most of that night just holding each other and crying. Buy morning we had no more tears to cry. Our hearts had wrung every drop of sadness and regret out of it. We started our day anew with a freshness for life. We did not know what direction our love and life would take us. However, we did know that wherever it led us, together we would face it and conquer all it threw at us. He had his viewing and realized that she was not the woman he had known and loved. That woman had died a few years ago. He took his love for her and his dad and locked them in his heart to keep safe for future reference. As we left the crematorium, he took my hand in his. He lifted my left hand and slipped his fathers wedding band onto my ring finger. We stopped there in the parking lot, took me in his arms, and said.

"This ring has always been a symbol of love to my parents. My dad never had it off until the day he died. He told me to take it and give it someday to the one I love. He told me that it might be to small but it had a large amount of love in it. Therefore, I give it to you my love with my heart. With this ring, I pledge my love and heart to you Dylan. As long as it beats it will beat just for you love. No matter what life may bring our way as long as you are beside me love, I will survive. So with this ring that my mom gave to my dad I give you all the love they taught me and I give it unconditionally to you love." He said and he kissed me hard and long.

It has been a little over a year since his mom passed away. I am sitting here at my computer putting the finishing thoughts to my story. I have brought you up to the moment in my life. Some things I left out on purpose. There are things in life that need not be shared. Our love has grown and he has lived up to every word he spoke to me that day. I never had to have the ring resized. It was a perfect fit just like our love. Every time I look at my ring, I see the love that made it whole and a love that was given completely and without strings. As a ring is a circle without end so is our love. I cannot see into the future but what I can see I like. I see a man devoted to me in all he is and does. I love this man and some say I am wrong to do so. They call us perverted in our lifestyle. However, what I do know is that many heterosexuals have sought out our love for each other and have never found it. Yes, we may be the exception to the rule and I am thankful for that. Therefore, my readers I leave you with this. 'A heart is not judged by how you love, but how you are loved by others'. This man is loved, and he gives love to me unconditionally. I thank God everyday for Brad and that I have him in my life. My Uncle Steve is retired now and he and Uncle Michael live in Florida during the winter. Brian and Jeremy lasted about four months. Brian is a wild horse and still refuses to be tamed. Jeremy is living with a man named Chad. They seem happy and his dad accepted his being gay. Brad and I live in Boston for the time being while Brad attends Harvard law school. He changed to business law and is graduating in the spring of next year. Me, I write, and spend my time with the little girl we adopted. She is a blonde haired, blue-eyed beauty. She has made Brad and I complete. We are hoping to adopt a boy when Marguerite Elizabeth is two. I recently found my birth mother, well who she was. I was a year to late in finding her. She passed away to cancer. I have two brothers and a sister and we have started to become close. My birth dad wanted nothing to do with me, his loss. I am happy and wish you my readers, happiness and mostly love. In addition, a quote was made to love. It came from the 'Wizard of Oz'. I have always loved that quote because my dad Josh, his mom used it all the time he said. This ends my story of The Journal. I hope you have enjoyed it and I am currently working on another story. I will keep you posted. I thank you for your words of encouragement and some of you have become friends.

The End

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