The Joke's On Him

By Sean Monteiro

Published on Dec 30, 2005



Warning: This story contains sex between two males. If you are under 18 or it is illegal for you to read this because of your location (county, state, country, etc), please stop now.

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Jesse's a kid I went to high school with. He was always kind of a jerk, but I suppose I did have a thing for him even then. He had plenty of cockiness, and was always overly homophobic. Which is ironic since his best friend admitted he was gay a few years back, and another close friend of his is bi. And I always hear through Maya (my best friend) how, when those two guys spent the night at his house, he'd sleep with them in the same bed, and how after he found out they had "done things" with guys, he was disgusted by it. Supposedly.

One day in high school, we were going outside to play football in gym class, and he came up behind me. He reached out with his finger and poked me in the hip as he walked past, then smirked and said, "Bet you wish it was my dick instead!"

He spread some rumors about me in our small town, again, the whole gay thing he had a problem with. I think I heard once that he said, "At least I don't go around taking it in the ass like Sean does...I can't believe the things he's done!" In fact, at a party he had while we were all home from college for the summer, I learned just how obsesses with my ass he really was.

The first time Jesse fucked me was in late June, when we'd all only been home from school for about a week. His mother has an awesome house which overlooks the lake. She wasn't there that night (isn't that the way it always happens in these stories?)

Some of the parties were just "the guys", while others were mixed. This was one of the latter, with plenty of drinking. I actually don't drink, but sometimes it's fun to watch everyone else do it and make complete fools of themselves. And sometimes it's useful for other things, too. I like the way the entire house was dimly lit, with lots of inviting shadows. I stepped over a chair that was laying across the dining room floor, reached out a hand to steady myself against the doorway, nearly collided with a (straight) couple making out in the corridor, and continued on into the living room.

A bunch of people were watching a porn flick. One of the standard, straight, boring ones, guy fucks girl with no innovation whatsoever, just wham, bam, thank you ma'am. The guys were all interested, and half of them were touching themselves to some extent. The room was filled with almost as many girls, too, who were pretending to act interested in hopes of scoring some action themselves. As I stood there watching, a girl, one of the blonde cheerleader stereotypes, stood up, grabbed the hand of a particularly tasty-looking dark-haired jock, and pulled him to his feet. Then she started dragging him towards the stairs, amid a chorus of cheers.

I stepped back to give them room, and Jesse looked up at me from where he was sitting in the middle of the couch, idly fingering his balls through the fabric of his athletic shorts. Stephanie was to his right, inching closer to him and trying nonchalantly to expose more of her breasts to him. Jeff was sitting on Jesse's left, and I don't think that either guy realized that their legs, and thighs, were touching each other. Then again, maybe they did.

Jesse's dark eyes glinted in the light of the widescreen TV. He smirked at me. Then he leaned back on the couch and placed a big hand on Stephanie's thigh, causing her to squeal. She leaned into him, then fell in Jeff's lap as Jesse abruptly got to his feet. Jeff didn't seem to mind her there, so she didn't move.

Jesse stretched and yawned. "Be back in a minute, guys." He stepped over a couple of people lying on the floor and went upstairs. From the bottom of the staircase I watched him. When he reached the top, he turned and looked back down. Maybe I was just flattering myself, but it seemed like he was looking right at me.

I glanced back into the living room. Splashes of light from the TV danced on the walls, painting the faces of the partygoers blue, green, pink. They weren't paying attention; they were still mesmerized by the "movie." I felt a tingle in the pit of my stomach as I climbed the stairs.

Several doors opened off the upstairs hallway. The bathroom was at the end of the hall. A light was on inside, the door ajar. Jesse probably just went upstairs to piss. Even just sneaking a peek at that through the bathroom door would have worth it. Maybe if I was lucky, I'd get to see more than that.

The first door I pass is closed. I hear the blonde cheerleader in there, barking like a dog. I guess that meant she was enjoying the dark-haired jock's dick. Coming from the deep guttural groans he made, I KNEW he was enjoying it. The voyeur in me wanted to stand there and listen for a second. My cock, which had already been semi-hard, was now straining at my cargo pants. I turned back toward the bathroom door.


I jumped, because the voice came from the open door on the other side of the hall. The room beyond was completely dark, but I knew it's Jesse's room. I stood in the doorway, uncertain.

"Get in here and shut the door," Jesse said in a hoarse whisper.

Hey. Do you think I'm going to argue with that?

As I stepped across the threshold, I heard footsteps on the stairs. I quickly closed the door behind me, and leaned back against it. I didn't hear anything in the hallway. Maybe blonde bimbo and her hunk were finished with their escapades and were going back downstairs to join the others.

I suddenly remembered where I was, and my mouth went dry. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. Jesse was sitting on his bed. Curtains were pulled over the windows, but the faintest orange-yellow wash of light from the garage spotlights filtered in, so I could make out a few details. Jesse's hooded sweatshirt was still pulled up, so I couldn't see his face. His hand was back between his legs, playing with his balls again. My cock strained against the fabric of my cargo pants. Without thinking I reached down and kneaded it through the fabric.

For a good five minutes we stood like that, me with my back against his bedroom door, squeezing my hard cock through my pants, him sitting on his bed playing with himself. Finally I started to speak, but nothing came out. I cleared my throat and tried again.


Not the most articulate of statements, but something tells me I wasn't there for my intellect, anyway. Jesse snickered. "Come here," he said softly, more like a growl. "Get over here." My heart did somersaults, and I was not about to refuse. I crossed the room, suddenly dizzy, and he patted the mattress next to where was sitting. "Sit down."

I did. His big hand was immediately on my thigh, and I felt like my cock was going to rip right through my pants. I was sitting so close to him that I could hear his breath. It was a definite turn-on.

Without preamble he leaned over and kissed me. The rough kiss of a jock who has had too much to drink. There was nothing gentle or loving about it. In a tangle of arms and legs he pushed me so I was lying down on my back in the middle of his bed, and he was lying on top of me. He took the hood off his head, tossed his baseball cap across the room, and ripped off the sweatshirt. Now he was just wearing a white T-shirt and the soft athletic shorts. I could feel the heat of his body through his thin clothes, and my cock pressed upward against him. Feeling it, he laughed and shifted position. Then I felt his, poking into my thigh. I couldn't help myself; I reached between us and my fingers tightened around him. He moaned in my ear, and I shivered.

"You want my cock?" he asked me. Not an original line, by any means, but that didn't make it sound any less sweet.

"Yeah," I told him.

With a soft laugh he ruffled my hair with one of his hands. "So it's true, what they say. You take it up the ass."

"Yep," I told him. "But it works better if we take our clothes off first."

He smirked, then his eyes got angry for a minute. "Let's get one thing straight first."

After saying that, he stopped, aware of the pun but not sure how to acknowledge it, so he apparently decided to pretend he'd never said it. He took a deep breath and sat up. "Nobody finds out about this, OK? Nobody."

"Sure," I told him.

"I mean it," he said, his eyes dangerous now. "If I hear that even one person finds out, even Maya, that sweet Acura of yours is gonna get trashed."

"Nobody'll ever hear it from me," I reassured him. Besides, if he touched my car, I'd "touch" his, and he wouldn't like that. I think he knew it, too, from the look in my eyes. So he shrugged, and it seemed like he was admitting defeat. And, in a way, he was.

He pawed at my cargo pants then, at my Hollister polo shirt, started to try to rip the wood bead necklace from around my neck and then decided to leave it. He was panting now, like a hunter whose quarry is in sight. I squeezed his cock again, and was rewarded with a low growl. He was definitely ready for this.

We wrestled on the bed for a few minutes, and the rest of our clothes came off in the process. Jesse took the lead, albeit hesitantly, and I let him have it. He pinned me down on the bed, so that I was lying on my stomach. His body pressed me down into the bed, and I arched my back, lifting my butt up so it touched his crotch. He let out this whine (how cute is that) and reached for something in his drawer. A minute later I heard him lubing his cock, and then he was back on top of me, his mouth right next to my ear. "I want this," he said, "I want this so bad."

"I know you do," I told him. If only he could have seen the smug look on my face right then. He actually thought I was doing him some sort of favor, like this was a chore to me or something!

His cock slid against my butt cheeks. I arched my back again, and this time he was the one shivering. He fumbled in the dark for a minute, trying to make sure that everything was lined up. From the way he kept trying to stick his dick between my legs and against my balls, I figured he'd never done this before, which made the smug look on my face intensify. I reached back and showed him where to put it. He got the idea pretty quick.

I felt the mushroom head of his cock slowly slide into me. But then, surprisingly, instead of slamming it home, he stopped. Now that I'd had the first taste, I wanted more, I wanted it all, I wanted him to ram it home and feel his weight on my back again. But he stopped.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing," he whispered. "It's just...I'm going up your ass."

I giggled. "That's the idea, right? You said you wanted it."

"I do," he said fervently, and for a moment it sounded like he was going to cry. I didn't want to contemplate that, I didn't want a show of emotion, I just wanted him to fuck me blind. So I gave him a little push. I squeezed at the head of his cock, already inside me. And it worked.

Slowly he feed me more of it. Inch by inch he slid into me, until his body was pressing mine down into the bed again. The whole time he kept saying, "I'm going up your ass, I'm going up your ass," over and over, like a manta. Like he couldn't believe he was actually doing it. Hell, if I'd known he'd been waiting so long for this, he could have had it a long time ago!

Finally he was all the way in. I felt his pubes against my ass. They were long and wiry, never been trimmed. Very hot. For a minute he just lay there on top of me, his cock buried all the way in my hole. He still seemed to need a little coaxing, so I whisper, "Fuck me, Jesse."

Oh yeah. THAT got him going. I felt his cock throb inside me. With a growl he pulled back and slammed it home again. I moaned. He seemed to like that. He did it again. And again. "Holy fucking shit," he said as the pace increased. "I never...I' freakin' tight..."

"Uh huh," I gasped as he seemed to grow even bigger inside of me. The bed was squeaking now, and Jesse was getting pretty loud on top of me.

"Uhh," Jesse said, and stopped slamming me.

"What?" I asked him hurriedly, knowing what was going to happen.

He tried to catch his breath. "I...I'm close."

"I figured. Keep fucking me. You know you want to."

Still he hesitated. "But..."

"Come on," I said, allowing a little growl to creep into my voice. "Fuck me. Bang me. Breed me. Nobody will know about this, right? You know you want to cum. You know you want to."

"Stop," he said, but he didn't really sound like he meant it. He started slamming me again. Harder this time. I could feel his breath on my cheek, could hear his panting. His breath caught, he ground his entire body into mine, started saying "Fuck, aw fuck, aw yeah, aw yeah, aw YEAH" and then he was cumming. I could feel each hot jet of his semen as it hit deep inside of me. He kept jabbing at me with that cock, even after he started to get soft, even after his skin broke out in gooseflesh because his cockhead was so sensitive now that he'd come, but he still fucked me, until he was sure there wasn't a drop of cum left in those balls he liked to play with so much.

We lay there in the dark, listening to each other's breathing. "Fuck," he said, "Sean, I...don't know what to say."

Pulling myself out from under him, I rolled over, and noticed that his bedroom door was standing wide open. Not only that, but Jeff was standing silhouetted in the doorway, holding a video camera in his hand. Someone behind him turned on the hall light, and Jesse flew to his feet in a rage. "What the FUCK!"

Jeff burst out laughing and keept the camera out of Jesse's reach. After a minute Jesse realized he was naked, and that just about everyone from downstairs was now out in the hallway, looking in. He grabbed the sweat-soaked sheet from his bed and wrapped it around his waist. Jeff was still laughing hysterically as he handed the video camera to Stephanie.

"Man, Jesse," Jeff said, with a big grin on his face, "I never knew you were such a talker during sex!" Putting the back of his hand across his forehead, Jeff swooned, mockingly. "Oh Sean, I'm gonna go up your ass, I'm gonna go up your ass, aw fuck!"

Jesse launched himself at Jeff, growling again, this time with rage. Picking up my boxers, I put them back on, then looked for my pants, doing my best to stay well out of their way.

"Fuck you!" Jesse shouted at Jeff as he tried to wrestle him to the floor. "Shit!"

"Jesse," Jeff said. Jeff was much taller and could easily evade Jesse's attacks. "Jesse. Man. Listen."

"Fuck you!" Jesse said again, swinging a punch at Jeff's stomach. Jeff grabbed both of Jesse's wrists and shoved him back, pinning him against the wall. Then he put one of his hands against Jesse's forehead to hold it to the wall, leaned in, and kissed him full on the mouth.

Jesse struggled for a minute, his eyes wide. Stephanie laughed, and held up the camera again. Jeff broke the kiss, and looked Jesse right in the eye. "What, man, did you think I was gonna give you a hard time about screwing a dude?"

Still staring at him, Jesse cleared his throat. He looked at Stephanie, at the others standing in the hallway. They were all grinning like idiots. Finally he muttered, "I don't know what to think. I don't know what you'd all think."

Jeff laughed. "Please. Watching you fuck Sean was fucking hot, man. Fucking HOT."

Slowly Jesse began to grin. "Really?"

"Uh, YEAH," said the blonde bimbo from the doorway. "Glad we got it on tape. I mean videodisc, whatever."

Laughing uneasily, Jesse shook his head. "I guess this takes our parties to a new level, eh?"

"Totally," said Jeff. With a big smile on his face, he unbuckled his belt. "Speaking of which, I think just about everyone here has gotten off at least once, except for me."

Jesse's grin faded. "Yeah...and?"

"And," said Jeff as he whipped his big belt off and threw it on the floor, "it looks like you drained yourself dry into Sean there."

"He did," I assured Jeff. I could still feel Jesse's hot cum inside me.

Jeff laughed and steered Jesse back toward the bed. "Sean's taught you how good it can feel to fuck another guy's ass tonight, didn't he?"

"Yeah," Jesse said cautiously. I could see by the look in his eyes that he knew where this was going, but Jeff's grip on his arm was like a vise. Laughing with the others, I leaned back against the far wall next to cheerleader Barbie and her boy toy.

"Well, Jesse," Jeff said, "you're one of my best friends, right?"

"Yes," Jesse replied tersely.

"Then you'd help me out if I needed it, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah, but..."

"Exactly," said Jeff. "Butt. Your butt. My cock. You'll like it. I promise."

Jesse didn't have much choice as he's dragged back to his bed. Jeff looked back over his shoulder at Stephanie. "You getting all this?"

"Hell yeah," she assures him as she zooms in on them. "Never stopped filming."

Barbie giggles.

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