The Joke

Published on Dec 18, 2021


The Joke 2. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

Our little Academy for the Gay Sexual Arts was a joke, but just because it was a joke did not mean it was unpopular. We called the men who came to us customers. No one paid and were never asked for pay or make "donations." The only thing we ever traded was liquid man seed. Our balls make that for free, and even our express delivery was free.

Some of the men we helped were shy. They were shy about their genitals, nudity, and expressing affection. Many were uneasy about meeting people in general. Meeting people for sex was inconceivable. Over-protective mothers and fathers are problems as was being trapped in old time religion.

There is one problem for all these men. Sex is a basic animal drive. Without sex, all life would go extinct in one generation. The more sexually driven an animal is, the better the survival of the species. Avoiding sex is a poor approach to continuing life.

Somehow during the eons of evolution, sexual pleasure became the most intense form of pleasure. It is so pleasurable, that human beings tend to lose rational thought when finding sexual partners. Some men are willing to have sex with women, other men, some animals, and even alluring vegetables.

Uncle Joe was retired and always horny. He had an on-line life. While he had just returned from forty years away, he reconnected with old friends and found new friends quickly. He liked sex and he liked everyone, but he was preceptive. He was picky and discerning, without seeming so.

Joe told me that one of his old football buddies had an unhappy nephew. As a teenager, the nephew had accidentally walked into the bathroom as his buddy was drying off after a shower. The buddy told Joe that the nephew, "had the look."

Joe and his buddy renewed their friendship with some play, followed by an exchange of body fluids. In the afterglow, Joe told him about our services.

Joe told me about the possibility of the nephew's interest, but I assumed nothing would happen. Uncle Joe was energetic and convincing. Somehow Joe's friend's nephew Larry, and Larry's friend Lonnie were knocking on my door a week later. Lou and Mark joined Uncle Joe and me to greet them. Larry was a good looking, thirty-year old, pale man. He didn't get into the sun often. Lonnie was a solid. Muscular, with a deep tan. Larry was a pharmacist at a big box store. Lonnie was job captain for a construction company.

They were next door neighbors when they were kids. I suspected they played around a little, but their lives diverged as they got older. Larry's parents had moved to Arizona, so he was less worried about sexual preference.

I gave then my trial-and-error talk and then told them this was a learning by doing class. We went to my bedroom and stripped. Lonny was fine with that, but Larry took his time. I went to suck Lonny and he was rock hard seconds after my tongue caressed his knob. Uncle Joe went to Larry and gently licked his cock. I was tasting Lonny's precum by the time Joe finally wrapped his lips around Larry's cock head. I knew enough about Joe's sucking skills to guess that Larry would be fully involved shortly.

Uncle Joe was a stealth sex maniac. He was low-key and casual when you first connected with him. Fifteen or twenty minutes later you found yourself in a different place. Intense sexual pleasure can erase your tendency to be shy. It whittles away at your desire to avoid personal contact and be aloof.

When Uncle Joe sucked you, it was like Benny Goodman playing the clarinet. He was a wonder. As he worked with Larry, I wondered if Joe could hypnotize a man with his sucking technique. Larry was out of it. He was simply responding to his cock's response to Joe's mouth.

My own work with Lonnie's resulted in his cock pumping out more precum. "It's too much," he cried. I knew that wasn't true and I took his load. I enjoy fresh sperm. It marks the ultimate objective of sex. It also represents the total surrender of a man to his biological needs. The orgasm is out of his control, he can't stop it once it starts. You can't ejaculate two or three times, stop, and then save the later ejaculations for another day.

Lonnie told me later that he had a few pals who would give him a quick blow job. "They suck me too, but no one takes the cream," he said.

"Did I bother you when I too yours?" I asked.

"Shit no, it was great. I didn't know you could feel that much," he said. After a long pause he asked if he had to take my load.

"No, this is voluntary sex. It's not required. Now if you are in a "You take mine and I'll take yours" situation, you should be really careful about changing you mind," I said.

"Some of my pals who aren't pals anymore have that problem," he said. "I understand that. I feel better about cock ooze." Lonnie leaned over and sucked my cock. When he encountered my precum he got a little more excited. Lou came over and sucked Lonnie as Lonnie sucked me.

When I shot off, Lonnie not only took my load; he shot off into Lou's mouth. Lou has a warm spot for young men's cum.

Some men treat sucking as a utilitarian exercise. Lou was a loving, tender sucker, especially after his playmate shot off. Lou wasn't in love, but he was naturally affectionate. If a guy was nice enough to feed his cum to you, Lou appreciated it. Lou thought cum was a gift.

Lou had some ultra-butch leather men as friends. They weren't much into love, but sometimes they needed it. They came to see Lou.

Mark and Uncle Joe were taking turns sucking Larry's cock. Joe told me he liked edge his playmate to see how long that could stay hard and not shoot off. I don't know if they arranged it, but Joe and Mark had a smooth transition as they traded places.

Before Larry and Lonnie left. Lonnie asked what was next on the agenda. I told him it was usually fucking. He said he was interested but he wasn't sure. I told him I doubted he would have a problem.

The next day I had a secret call from the counseling center of my old college from Peter Donegan, an old friend. Pete said he had a student who needed help. I told him we didn't work with student aged men. "I understand that. The student dropped out od school when his girlfriend got pregnant. He's divorced now and is back to school to finish his degree. He is forty, and told me he's gay, but has never had sex with a man. I was hoping you would help him with that."

"Why ever would you think I could help," I asked, and then laughed.

"I know you were a straight arrow professionally, but I had a suspicion your personal life has a bend in it," he replied. I told him to have the man give me a call. His name was Brewster Malloy. Everyone calls him Bruce."

Bruce called me that night. His personal story was more complicated than Peter told me. His girlfriend was pregnant, but Bruce wasn't the father. His wife and son left him three years earlier when she married the real father. That had screwed up his life for years. He could never figure out why he could never satisfy his wife. He was just a sucker, and she ditched him as soon as her true love returned.

She had been a difficult woman and she drove all of his old friends away from him. He didn't know anyone anymore. Bruce had no idea where to find friends, not to mention gay friends. he said he was straight acting, and not into gay media types.

I told him he had been watching too many sit coms on the television. I told him about my little group of friends.

"I'm not sure I ready for gay sex yet," he replied.

"Bruce, I have to say to you something that may hurt your feelings," I said. "You're twenty-five years late to have your first gay experience!" There was dead silence on the telephone line.

"Are you sure it's twenty-five years late, maybe it could be just fifteen years?" he said. We both laughed. Several days later Lou and Uncle Joe said they would come by to meet Bruce.

Lou and Joe were personable and easy-going men. Bruce was a bundle of nerves when he arrived, but he was soon more comfortable.

"We want to help you to deal with your sexual orientation," Lou explained. "Let me explain where I am coming from. I have no interest in sexual orientation. I like sex with men. I enjoy men, but my real objective was to have sex with them. I discovered that liking the man you were sucking or fucking enhanced the sex. You can call me superficial and shallow, but if the sex is good, I am fine with it."

"From Lou's account, you might think he has a few friends. That is not true," I said. "That my be because his cock knows how to make friends, but there are many friends."

We went upstairs to my bedroom. Bruce asked if he could take a shower. That was fine and we all joined him. He had been a jock in high school and naked men showering was okay with him. He was a good-looking man with a good body. Bruce's cock was standard issue, but his balls were impressive and hung low.

He was shy, but Lou and Joe knew how to make a man relax. They weren't aggressive, but they were results oriented. In the battle between your shyness and another man's lips wrapped around your cock, the lips win ninety percent of the time. Bruce unconditionally surrendered.

When you describe man sex in detail it seems both improbable and unattractive. It is wonderful when you experience it. The level of pleasure can be overwhelming. Telling a man, he needs to get naked, suck a cock and keep on sucking until he shoots off would seem like a poor way to reach extasy. When you do it in real life it's is incredibly exciting and more pleasurable than almost any other human activity.

Lou and Uncle Joe weren't just experienced, they were connoisseurs of the sexual arts with a focus on the male cock. The two men took Bruce on a wild ride that he hadn't even dreamed existed.

Bruce rested after his first orgasm. When his balls recharged, he sucked Uncle Joe. Like most men, Bruce was a natural. When I noticed Bruce's cock was getting hard, I joined in and gently massaged his cock to a full erection. I was not surprised to notice Bruce was reacting to the new stimulation.

I briefly pondered the mysterious ways of nature when I began tasting his cock drool. Years earlier, I thought that was an unwanted leak from his bladder. I know now it was the prelude to the sperm trying to escape from his balls.

Bruce's sucking was getting more enthusiastic. I wondered how he would react to my orgasm. About five minutes later I had an answer. He took my sperm with great enthusiasm. I did my part too. I took his load as he shot volleys of cum into my mouth. A double orgasm was unexpected and rare. To swallow a man's load while you are taking his is rare.

"I don't know what I thought this would be like," he said, "This was double, or three times better than I dreamed."

"Did you know you were ready for this?" I asked.

"I didn't have a clue," Bruce replied.

He said he would like to come back.

We had arranged to see Larry and Lonnie on Wednesday evening. I called Bruce and asked him to join us. He said he would like that.

Our Wednesday evening meeting was at eight. Uncle Joe and all four of our original group were there. Larry and Lonnie came as did Bruce. Lonnie came with a friend Micky. He was one of Lonnie's quick blow job pals. Lonnie told me that Micky was nice, but he needed to go slower. He was still trying to get off as quickly as he could to avoid detection. My house was a safe place. There was no need to hide anything. Sex was accepted and expected.

This was to have been the introduction to anal sex, but it was a simplified version. Uncle Joe and I got into slings and let nature teach the lessons. If you are a normal man a man, an open ass in a sling is hard to ignore. They all took a trial poke, and the experience was a success. Micky was the first man to fuck me, and he gave the experience rave good reviews.

Micky was a beefy, hairy, muscular, construction worker. He had been a star on the High School football team. Somehow, I had a strong feeling my cock would be tickling his prostate before the night was over. It was only fair that I would eventually get to fuck him.

Micky went to shower and encountered Mark and Dennis there. Almost immediately they discovered common interests. Micky dropped the soap. Mark told me later dropping the soap was the starting gun for having a little naked fun in the showers. If you won a game; his coach would spend ten or fifteen minutes talking with the local press. "A lot of sperm can relocate in fifteen or twenty minutes. There wouldn't even be any slick spots on the shower floor.

Micky was soon sucking Mark's cock. Dennis made sure Micky's ass was clean. He added a personal touch by using his tongue to play now you see it and now you don't with Micky's rose bud. Micky told me later he wondered how deep Dennis' tongue could get in his ass. "I knew exactly what would happen next. The tongue was good, but I wanted something harder, thicker and longer in me," Micky told me.

Larry slid into Uncle Joe's ass. It was clear that Larry's cock found a home away from home in Joe's ass. Joe was not an amateur his sexual skills. Since it was Larry's first time, he was unaware of Joe's skills. Lou went over to them and made helpful suggestions. It was as if shoving your cock into a man's ass was the most normal thing in the world. For Larry, it was closer to the landing on the Moon.

Uncle Joe was happy to be in a young guy's ass. He went through his years of experience demonstrating everything he knew while he was deeply embedded in Larry's ass. Larry would have been a poor Poker player. Every movement of Joe's cock caused Larry to react.

Dennis was providing similar serviced to Lonnie. Lonnie had no idea what it would feel like as Dennis entered him. he had been uneasy at first, but he was fine once Dennis's cock popped through his sphincter. I suspected Dennis rubbed Lonnie's prostate. I suspected Lonnie didn't know he had a prostate.

After an hour and a half, the event wound down. Everyone when home with a smile on their face. It was a success. The next day Lonnie knocked on my door he was with a friend, Miller. They came by after work.

"I know this is rude, but my balls are going to bust open I'm so horny. Miller offered to help me, but I told him I knew a guy who realty knows how to get a guy off," Lonnie said

"You like to get Miller off?" I asked.

"I sure as hell do!" he replied.

"Do you like naked fun with guys?" I asked.

"I haven't done it yet, but I think about it a lot," Miller replied.

"He's a good cock sucker," Lonnie interjected.

"Why don't we go upstairs, take a shower and see what happens?" I suggested. They were covered in mud. They took off their construction boots and followed me to my bedroom. I stripped first, to reassure them. I was in the shower when they joined me.

"This is a pretty house," Miller said. "I think my trailer is smaller than your bedroom."

"It was my parents house. I inherited it," I said, "Did Lonnie tell you I have different rules here. It's okay to walk around naked and play with your cock when ever you feel like it." "Did your parents do that too?" Miller asked.

"Hell no. my father would have worn a tie when showering if he could," I said.

"Mom wore clothes unless she had a boyfriend come over. Sometimes I would find a naked guy sleeping on the floor of my bedroom," Miller explained.

"Did they molest you?" I asked.

"They were way too drunk to do much of anything. There cocks were mostly shriveled up," he said. "You have a nice one."

"You like nice ones?" I asked.

"I sure do." he replied. Miller was a strange combination of characteristics. I had the feeling that if wolves had raised him, he would have been more cultured. He was smart and a hard worker. If it hadn't been for football, he would have had almost no education. Lou needed to meet him.

He was horny as dog in heat, but he was much better hung. He like man sex and learned quickly. We had a good night. If I mentioned that Miller is living in the garage apartment to the rear of my house, you might guess how good the sex was.

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