The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Mar 20, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:







CH 8

"Daddy?" I searched around the dark room, "Daddy, where are you?" I skimmed the room before a small light caught my eye. I walked toward it and found a small hand mirror. I picked it up and saw my reflection had changed dramatically since last time I looked. In the mirror was my seven year old self. That was when I realized that my hands were small and then I noticed that the rest of me was smaller too. I had suddenly morphed back into my seven year old self.

"Daddy, help!" I yelled in a voice that was no longer mine. Then the floor collapsed and I was falling. Falling. Just as I was about to hit the concrete ground I jolted up in bed with a massive headache. I looked around for any sign that I had slept with anyone from the party last night and instead I found a little note on my bedside table.

It read: "You fell asleep after I got you back to your apartment. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. Thank you for coming to the party, I hope this makes up for my outrageous faux pas. Sincerely, Ezra

P.S. I left you a couple aspirin on the counter ;)"

I smiled and ran my hand thorough my thick curls. I slowly shuffled my way to the kitchen and popped the two little sugar coated pills into my mouth and gulped down a glass of water. I grabbed a banana and a Gator-Aid and sat down on the couch.

After stuffing my face and chugging the electrolyte filled drink, I went on a hunt for my cell phone. I searched under pillows and cushions and under the bed. Just when I was about to give up I noticed it on the charger in the kitchen.

I picked it up and put in the password. There was a text from Lina asking where I'd gone and a text from Cameron. Cameron asked me if we could talk. No. Obviously my answer was no. There was absolutely nothing left I had to say to him. I just wanted to move on. Cameron and I were clearly just not compatible. We couldn't go a whole day without at least one argument about how I'm a whore and he's a saint. I just can't anymore.

I thumbed out a quick "No" as reply to his question and tossed my phone onto the couch. I snarfed down a banana and a pile of scrambled eggs and made my way to the shower.

Once I was all clean I dried and brushed my curls into smooth waves.

"I think I need to change up my style. I'm going to go get a haircut." I put on a sweater and pants and pulled on a coat. I grabbed up my keys and phone and went out to my car.

****** Elsewhere ******

The boy sat down on the shabby, dusty old bed in the little abandoned shack he'd found in the woods. He was warming himself by the wood burning stove.

"I can't wait for school to go back in session. But how will I get close to Gunnar. It will be hard." He thumbed through an old magazine as he pondered how exactly he was going to lure Gunnar to his immanent death.

"I could invite him to a party. Or ask him on a date."

"No. That's far to ludicrous," A man's voice said behind him.

"Shut up, you have no clue."

"I know that you are an absolute idiot."

"Don't be cruel to him, Hank, he was just making a suggestion," a softer, gentler voice said from the other side.

"Quiet, Calvin, you are just as ignorant as this boy. He couldn't lure a squirrel to it's death, let alone a boy. Why would Gunnar trust him? Why would Gunnar go anywhere with him? He's awkward and annoying. He's not hot or anything. I wouldn't fuck this kid if I were wasted beyond recognition."

"Shut up both of you!" The young man pounced up and punch a hole in the wall, angrily.

"I will get close. I will play the lost new kid act and he will show me around. When the time is right, I will strangle him. I will poison him, I will shoot him. I will gut him and hang him by his entrails. When I'm finished taking everything he loves away, Gunnar Collins will beg me to kill him."

****** Gunnar's POV ******

"What do you think?"

"I love it!" My hair looked amazing, short on the sides and slightly longer on the top. I smiled from ear to ear as I looked at the new me in the mirror.

After paying the hairstylist I made my way back to the apartment. When I got to my door I stopped dead in my track and turned around to leave.

"Gunnar please!" Cameron jogged to the end of the hall and grabbed my hand, "please can we talk?"

"Why? What could we possibly have to talk about, Cameron? I'm a fuck up and I will always be a fuck up! You just don't get it. You will NEVER understand! So save yourself because I will only keep hurting you."

"Gunnar, I love you. I don't understand how you don't see that. I love you so much and I know that you mess up, you're only human. You can't help whats happened in the past. I'm sorry I got out of control. I- I'm sorry that I hit you. I didn't mean for that to happen. I shouldn't have said what I said."

"You were right," my voice became cold. It didn't sound like mine, "you were right about everything. I'm a slut. I can't trust anyone. I can't commit to anything except my commitment issues. I will continue to break your heart and you deserve so much better than me. You deserve to be with someone who will unconditionally love and trust you. Someone who can give you all of them because I sure can't. And I honestly don't think I ever will."

"You aren't as messed up as you think, you just won't let anyone in. You built your walls so high that no one could possibly climb them. I will get you back, Gunnar. I'm not giving up just yet. I won't leave you. I won't. I brought you something."


"I know that Christmas isn't for a couple more days but I wanted to give this to you now." He pulled out a little box and handed it to me. I opened it slowly and saw a beautiful little locket. It was silver and it was engraved on the back. It read: "Vous êtes ma chanson. Vous êtes mon amour."

"What does it say?"

"You are my song. You are my love." He leaned in and kissed my cheek, "I won't stop fighting for you, Gunnar. For as long as I live, I will never stop trying to be with you."

"Cameron, I think its best that we only be friends. I can't keep hurting you because it hurts me."

"So stop hurting me. Just be with me. Me and only me."

"Cameron please, lets just be friends."

"I won't stop fighting for you, Gunnar," with that, he turned and left. I sat down on the couch and put the locket on.

****** Three weeks later ******

"So when are you and Cameron gonna finally get back together?" Caroline asked looking at me expectantly.

"I mean, he said he wants to have me back but like... He hasn't done much to get me back. All he did was give me a necklace and that's about it. He spends so much time with Juliette. I guess he got tired of trying."

"Hmm." She looked across the lunch room to see Cameron talking to Juliette.

"It's not like it would have really worked out. Honestly, I'm glad its over, I was only hurting him."


"Excuse me?"

"That's just a huge crock of bullshit. You love him too. You are just trying to fool yourself so that he can't get close because you don't let anyone in. Let him in. He and you are perfect for each other. Besides, it's a new year. Spring is coming so quickly, like, all the snow is melted."

"Like the snow will stay that way."

"It might."

Caroline stood up and kissed my cheek, "Have a good day, Gunnar." She walked off.

"You know she sound's like a pretty smart girl, like she knows what she's talking about," an unfamiliar voice said behind me. I turned to see a very tall guy. He had to have been at least 6'7". I couldn't decide if his eyes were grey or really light blue. He had short brown hair and a jawbone that was perfect.

"I couldn't help but over hear," he said.

"Caroline is smart." He sat down next to me.

"I'm Nate, I just transferred here."

"I'm Gunnar."

"I've heard a lot about you," he smiled, showing off a dimple.

"All good things I hope."

"Of course, I'm just happy to have finally met you."

"It's nice to meet you too."

"So, since I'm new here and all, and I don't know where anything is, I was thinking maybe you could give me a tour, we could go to dinner after."

"Listen, Nate, I don't want you to get the wrong impression."

"No impressions here. Just as new friends, I'll even make you pay for your own dinner if you want," he smiled again, a smile that made me shiver with delight. He was mysterious and new, his eyes told me there was something deeper.

"I guess I could show you the best places around."

"Great, its a date." I could feel my eyes widen as he said this, "Not like a date date- like just a friend date- but we aren't friends- unless we are friends? Oh my gosh, I just meant- I'm nervous- Not that you make me nervous- I mean you do because you're pretty- Wait what?" His face was so red and by now I was laughing uncontrollably.

"I have to go!" He started to flee but I grabbed his hand and smiled.

"It's okay, Nate, I get really awkward sometimes, too."

"Ugh I'm so embarrassed. I don't even know what I was saying its just that I didn't want to freak you out and I babble when I'm nervous a lot like I'm doing right now... You can stop me anytime."

I grabbed out a piece of paper and wrote my address on it, "Here's my address. Pick me up at six." I stood up and walked to the library to get in some last minute studying for a test. I opened my text book and started to read when someone sat down across from me, "who was that guy you were just talking to?"

"His name is Nate."

"He's the new guy. He wants to join the baseball team this summer and he's gonna try out for the basketball team."

"You seem to know far more about him than I do, Cameron." I turned the page, still not looking up at him.

"Well what did he want."

"Do I really need to tell you or are you just hoping I will lie?"

"A little bit of both," I could hear the cocky smirk in his voice.

"Well, if you must know, he wants me to take him on a tour of the best places in our po-dunk town."

"There are plenty of people that are capable of helping him."

"And he chose me."

"Why? Something is off about that kid."

"Why? Because he's interested in me? Oh you're right, he must have some ulterior motive, who could possibly be interested in me," for the first time since he sat down I looked up at him. He had started growing out some facial hair and let me tell you, it was a very sexy look for him. The scent of his cologne danced through my nostrils. Sweet and musky. He had recently gotten his hair trimmed. He was wearing his letterman's jacket and a tight white t-shirt. It was taking all I had not to jump across the table and kiss him.

"That's not what I meant. I mean that he's really off. I'm just saying, if he gets crazy call me and I will destroy him."

"As if."

"How have you been?"


"How have you been? Since I gave you some space?"

"Three weeks of space. Its almost February, last time we spoke was just before Christmas."

"You wanted me to go away for a while. You wanted me to leave you. So I did what you wanted."

"You've been spending a lot of time with Juliette, what's up with that?"

"I've started to really like her. I think-" The school bell rang and I stood up.

"I have to get to class." I grabbed my things and scurried away as fast as possible. I know that I told him I can't be with him but it still hurt that he was finding someone else. I wasn't watching where I was going and I crashed into a guy I hadn't seen before. He was kind of creepy. He had eyes so dark, they looked black that were almost hidden beneath his dark black hair. He was very skinny. I could see a sleeve of tattoos peeking out from his dirty sweatshirt.

"Christ," he looked angry that I had bumped into him.

"I'm sorry."

"Whatever." He grabbed his things.

"Hey, I didn't mean to bump into you, Guy. Don't be a dick."

"My name isn't `Guy'."

"Exca-uuuse me."

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Me too." He grabbed a few of my books and handed them to me.

"Not that it matters to anyone but my name is Kyle."

"I'm Gunnar."

"I know exactly who you are." His voice was ominous. Deep and almost threatening. I stood there watching him walk away. He looked like he was arguing with himself.

I walked to class just before the bell rang. I could barely pay attention to the lesson. I kept thinking about Nate and Cameron and now Kyle. A shiver went down my spine as I thought about the strange encounter I had with Kyle. How did he know who I was? It's not like I'm the most popular guy in school. And what was up with that arguing with himself thing? So weird.

The rest of the day went on as normal as usual. As I was walking through the parking lot I saw Juliette grab Cameron's hand and they ran off to his car and got in. A little twinge of jealousy coursed through my veins. I got into my vehicle and drove home. I went into the building and walked up the stairs.

"Hey I was just looking for you," Ezra smiled, giving me a glimpse of his beautiful white teeth.

"What for?"

"I need some help."


"So I got this canvas and I- just come with me." I followed him to his apartment. He put the key in and opened the door. There was a large canvas on an easel in front of the couch. I couldn't see the front of the canvas.

"I need a model."


"My painting."

"What are you painting?"

"Well... Its kind of a secret. It's not finished and I never reveal my work until its done."

"Okay well what do you need me to do?"

"This is gonna sound weird but I need you to sit on my couch... Naked."


"Or at least, mostly naked. You can just strip down to your underwear. Please, this is going to be put in a gallery and I need a guy with your body type as a model. The only guys I know are like football player build and I need your build for the painting. I understand if you wont though."



"Sure I'll do it."

"Really? Thank you so much!" He grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. Then he pulled away quickly, "Sorry. I just got excited because I thought I was going to have to make up a guy in my mind and that would be really difficult."

"The artist with no imagination."

"Its much easier to paint something you see than to paint something you haven't ever seen before."

"So where should I get undressed?"

"You can undress in the bathroom if you want."

"I can just do it here..." I unbuttoned my jacket and tossed it onto a nearby chair. I pulled off my shirt in one swift movement and kicked off my shoes. I could feel Ezra looking at my exposed torso.

"Like what you see?" I winked and he blushed.

"I'm examining you to see how I will paint you, Sass." I unbuttoned my pants and tucked my thumbs into the waistband of both my pants and my underwear and I pulled them both off. I stood there completely naked in front of him. Thankfully I had man-scaped recently so I didn't have a jungle in my pants.

"Oh," his face got a little more red, "I didn't expect you to be so..."


"I was going to say bold."

"Well you needed me to be naked, I didn't want you to have to omit my underwear in your mind. It's much easier to paint me naked if I'm actually naked." I crossed the room and was about to sit on the couch.

"Wait- Let me cover the couch. I don't want you to have to sit on that in the nude." He went into another room and returned with a big white sheet. He laid it over the couch and motioned for me to sit.

I sat down carefully and watched as he backed up and examined my body. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable with him fully dressed and studying me in my birthday suit. I looked at the floor and I could feel the blood rushing to my face with embarrassment.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"A little."

Ezra stood there thinking for a minute, "Do you want me to take my clothes off too? That way you aren't the only one who is nude? You won't feel so naked if I'm naked too... If that would be too weird I get it."

"If you want to get naked you can. I guess that would make me feel a lot less... Exposed."

"As you wish." First, Ezra took off his sexy leather jacket, then he unbuttoned his plaid shirt and pulled it off. Next he crossed his wrists at the hem of his under shirt and in the most panty-dropping way he tugged the shirt off to reveal his chiseled abs. He had that perfect v that led down to the goods. His collar bones were so prominent. (I'm a sucker for collar bones and hands... It's weird, I know.)

He shucked his pants and shoes and was left only in a pair of white briefs.

"Tighty-whities? I pegged you as more of a boxer kinda guy."

"Don't judge, they are comfy and they hold everything in place." I started to laugh and then he took them off and his penis flopped out. It was pretty big. Not huge by any means, and of course we are talking about a flaccid penis, I mean, who knows, maybe he's a grower not a shower.

"Like what you see?" he teased before going into the kitchen area. He had a cute butt. It wasn't round and juicy like Cameron's but it looked like it would be fun to grab. He was smooth all over practically hairless aside from his legs.

"You thirsty?"

"Excuse me, Sir, I am not a tramp."

"I mean't do you wan't something to drink?"

"Oh... Uhh... Some water would be fine." Ezra laughed as he returned with a bottle of water.

"It's really warm in this apartment."

"I turned the heat up so you wouldn't get cold."

"But it was hot when I walked in..."

"I was banking on you saying yes," he winked and sat down at the easel and picked up his pallette.

"Now, put your knees together and lean forward with your right elbow on your right knee," I did as he said, "Good, now put your head in you right hand and look at the ground. Let your left had be free. Just do what you want with it." I sat there as he concentrated and took in every part of my body.

He dipped a brush into some color and began painting.

"How long have you done art?"

"My whole life."

"Did you take classes? Did you teach yourself?"

"I took classes, hell, I'm still taking classes. I kinda taught myself. I was always able to draw and paint, of course, I've learned a few new techniques along the way."

"What do you like about it? Like, what keeps you doing art?"

"I love beauty. I love to see something absolutely picturesque and translate it onto a sketch pad or a canvas. Art is a lot like singing, you take a piece of music and you make it your own with your voice. You know?"

"And why did you chose me as a model?"

"Because you are picturesque."

"Thank you."

"So what do you do with yourself besides strip down to your skin sweater and model for your extremely attractive neighbors?"

"Oh please."

"What? This isn't normal for you?"

"Is this how you win over everyone else?"

"By talking myself up and insulting everyone else? Pretty much," he winked at me and grinned that heart melting grin. He ran a hand through his hair before returning his concentration to the painting.

"Such a bad boy."

"Indeed, most parents cry when they find out I'm dating their kids."

"Who are you dating now?"

"I'm not dating anyone."


"But I have a thing with this girl named Chelsea."


"Anyway, you haven't told me anything about you."

"There's not much about me that's interesting."

"I highly doubt that. I see the way you move."


"You move with poise and dignity but with a slight, confident air of mystery. You also seem almost reserved and defensive."

"I never noticed that I did so much when I move."

"I notice little things."

"I see."

Ezra looked at me and stood up, he sat down his pallette and moved toward me. My heart began to race as his naked body got closer. He smelled like clove cigarettes and some kind of aftershave. He grabbed my left hand. I looked into his eyes as he leaned in.

"Put this hand on your arm." I let him mold me with his hands like I was clay. His touch was almost electrifying. Shivers ran through my spine.

"You okay?"

"Y-yes... Why do you ask?"

"You seem nervous all of a sudden."

"No, not at all." Suddenly I could feel a twitch between my legs. Blood began to flow into my penis as he smiled and backed up.

"Okay," he returned to his seat and picked up the pallette. We sat in silence for a while until he looked up from the painting,

"Do you want me to play some music?"

"If you want to." He stood up and walked to his CD collection,

"I have The 1975, Birdy, Haim, and Echosmith... And a lot of others, any preferences?"

"Do you have any Gold Motel?"

"Yes, yes I do." He pulled out a disc and put it into the player before starting it up. He stood there and swayed his hips a little, his butt moving to the rhythm. Then Ezra walked back over and continued on his painting. By this time I was painfully erect. He was turning me on like no other.

"What is your favorite color?"

"Pink. Think pink, it's a better way of life."

"Eloise at the Plaza."

"I'm surprised you knew that quote. Most people don't."

"My mother loved that movie."

"That's adorable." Ezra stood up and came towards me again. This time he knelt down and repositioned my feet.

"Now you just look really excited," he said as he gestured to my hard shaft.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I get it. I'm really hot."

"And so modest." He went back and painted for a little while longer.

"There, I'm done. Come look."

"I'm kinda..."

"Oh who cares, come over, let that erection lead the way." I rolled my eyes and stood up and walked toward him, my dick beginning to soften. When I saw the canvas, my jaw dropped. It was a beautiful spring scene. I was sitting on a little wooden swing with gorgeous flowers and trees surrounding me. From my back, two gorgeous pale pink butterfly wings looked to almost flutter.

"Its... Amazing."

"Thank you."

"I look so... Deep and magical."

"You have stoic, sad eyes and I used that to personify what you looked like in this painting."

"It's almost like a photo."

"Thank you, Gunnar, I'm glad you like it." Suddenly I felt his warm hand on my penis.

"Ezra, what are you doing?"

"Nothin'," He removed his hand and started putting his clothes back on. I stood there motionless.

"That's it?"

"It seems like you weren't into it."

"You like girls though."

"Obviously I also like guys. I won't make you do anything you don't want."

"I do." As I said that, Ezra shucked his underwear and he pushed me roughly against the wall. He leaned foreward and put his lips dangerously close to mine. His breath was hot on my face. He kissed the corner of my mouth. He pulled back slightly and then rushed foreward and pushed his soft, warm lips on mine. It was so passionate and lusty. It was deep and rough but gentle at the same time.

Before I knew it we were man handling each other's bodies and roughly making out. He stuck his tongue into my mouth. He pulled back and started kissing my neck. I opened my eyes slightly and saw the clock across the room. Time had flown by.

"Shit!" I pushed back and he looked shocked.


"I have to go."

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. God, no! It's killing me not to stay. I have a prior commitment, I'm so sorry, Ezra."

"It's cool, Gunnar. Thanks for posing for me."

"You're welcome," I said hastily putting on my clothes, "I will see you around." I hustled toward the door and stopped. I turned back and quickly pulled Ezra in for one last hot-as-fuck kiss.

I hustled out the door and ran down to my apartment and quickly fixed my hair. Not even two minutes later there was a knock on my door and I went and answered it.

"Hey, Nate, you ready to go?"

"Of course, Gunnar. I've been looking forward to it all day."

"Well let's go while the day is still young." We went out to his truck and got in.

"So where to first?"

"Tell me your hobbies so I can show you all of the places that will be perfect for you."

"I play guitar. I like sports, I like to read sometimes."

"Okay I will take you to the music store first." I directed him to the town square. When we got there we parked and I took him into the building with a huge neon sign that read "Find Your Song And Sing It".

"This place has tab, chords, instruments, records, tapes, CD's, and posters. I love to come here for vinyl. They have only the greatest artists and albums."

"This place sounds interesting!"

We entered the small building and our noses where assaulted with the smell of old sheet music. I walked over and started flipping through old records while Nate stared at the guitar wall in awe.

"This place is beautiful."

"Isn't it? I really love-" as I spoke I glanced out the window and noticed someone standing across the street staring at me through the big front window. I squinted and looked closer and saw the sleeve of tattoos peeking out. Why was Kyle standing across the street creeping on me? A bus cut off my view to him and when it passed he was gone. A chill went down my spine.

"What do you love?"

"Oh I love the vintage feel of this place... Did you see Kyle?"


"No one I guess."

"Okay," Nate returned his gaze to the wall and I stood there confused. Never having the slightest clue that so much was about to happen in one week.

=^-^= Author's Note =^-^=

Sorry it took me a bit to upload but I am trying to keep up with college and friends and other basic bullshit, haha. I hope you all enjoy where the story is going. I will try to keep it interesting. I always love feedback so send me your thoughts, tell me what you want to see happen, give me some ideas, help me create a new character. Love you all and thank you so very much for investing time in my story. Special thanks to my amazing editor and new friend, Shane Amirault

Next: Chapter 9

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