The Jerk From Work

By Sex Ed Can

Published on Nov 13, 2004




Please note that this story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men who are the age of majority and are consenting adults. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. If you wish to do anything to or with this story for anything other than personal reasons, i.e.: re-post this story at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright Nov 2004, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail the author at "sexedcan at" (I hate spammers). if you have comments, good or bad, want to chat or want to exchange story ideas. This story is purely the fantasy of the author.

"Ah Nuts!!!" I hissed under my breath. Of all the people to move in next door, it had to be Jack Walker.

I knew Jack from work and although I didn't know him personally, I knew him by reputation only. To say that he was a company man was putting it mildly. Form what I had heard, he was always ready to stab you in the back and take credit for your work.

"What's wrong....and why are you snooping on our new neighbour as he moves in?" my wife asked.

"Have you met him yet?" I asked, "He's a real jerk."

"Is he now?" she asked skeptically. "He seems nice enough, especially when he found out you guys worked together."

"You met him already?" I replied.

"Uh huh." He came over for the stuff the Landers had left behind with us for safekeeping. We did the small talk thing." she said.

The Landers were the ones who had lived in the house next door before, and whom I now had to thank for my misery. Now, due to simple geography, I was going to have to hang out with the most hated man at my work. Even worse, my wife thought he was a nice guy. I could just see it now, bar-bq's chatting over the fence, even carpooling into work together. Great, just great, I thought.

"That," I said pointing out the window, "is the Jack Walker from work you keep hearing about from me and everyone else at work."

"Well, I think you should take the time to get to know him, because I actually took the time to meet him and he doesn't seem to be anything like the bastard you all make him out to be."

I knew better than to argue. My wife was a good judge of character and if she liked you, she liked you and if she didn't, well she just didn't and there was no changing her mind.

"Fine, whatever" I said resignedly. "I guess I'll just have to get used to him being around."

That, was easier said than done, it turned out. Everyone, it seemed, had found out who my new neighbour was by the following Monday and had plenty of questions or condolences for me.

"So what's it like living next to Jack Walker?" asked Shirley, the office gossip. "He must have a different woman over every night."

"What?!?" I asked incredulously. "I don't know. I never really noticed....and I don't want to notice" I replied.

"You have to admit, he is good looking, and must be good in bed." she replied.

"Please don't go there," I begged, "Let's talk about something else." I said changing the topic.

Admittedly, Jack "The Jerk" as was known, may not have been given anything in the personality department, but looks wise, he was nothing to sneeze at. Women around the office swooned over him with his smooth swimmers physique, wanting to drape themselves all over his 5'10, 180 pounds muscular body. Add to that, closely cropped blond hair and piercing blue eyes, Jack "The Jerk" was the office's most eligible bachelor.

I, on the other hand, at 5'8, 230 pounds of marriage spread, did not look like anything like Jack Walker. My wife was constantly telling me she loved my black hair and brown eyes and that while I was not build for speed, I was perfect for cuddling. Great, I thought to myself when I first heard that, just great. I was a teddy bear without the hair.

Eventually, I was able to go about my day without having anyone bring up Jack Walker and I was able to focus on work of which there was plenty. So much so, that I ended up staying late, as usual.

As I was leaving work, I drove by the bus stop and lo and behold, who should be there but Jack "The Jerk" Walker himself waiting for his bus after he too had been working late. That in itself was not unusual, as both of us worked late on a consistent basis, but this time was different. Now he was my next-door neighbour and I had to do the neighbourly thing and offer him a ride home.

"Hey, you want a drive home?" I asked

"That would be great, thanks Carter" he replied as he got in.

We made the usual small talk while driving home. He had typical new to the area questions about the house and the neighbourhood and I tried to answer them the best I could during the ride home.

"Brrrgggg Brrrggg!!!!" his cell phone chirped. He looked at the Call Display and put the phone back in his pocket.

"Someone I don't want to talk to" he said in response to my silent questions.

"Brrrgggg Brrrggg!!!!" the phone kept ringing. Whoever it was, want to speak badly to "Jack "The Jerk".

With a large sigh, as if he were steeling himself, he picked up the phone and said immediately into it, "I thought I told you never to call this number again.".

I tried not to listen, to focus on the road, but when you start hearing things like "It's over between us...." and "We just grew apart..." being said to what is easily a male voice on the other end of a cell phone, my curiosity is going to get very piqued!

Eventually, he shut off his cell phone and threw it into my backseat with a loud curse of "Dammit!" followed by "Why is it I you have to go through a few losers to find the right man!"

I didn't know how to answer that without being flippant so I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh shit......." was all I heard next from beside me.

"Don't worry," I said, "I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks...." he said with what sounded like a fair bit of gratitude. "You don't know what's like trying to keep both my public and private lives separate."

I looked over to the passenger side and saw a man utterly resigned and very tired. His head was resting in his right hand with his right elbow resting on the passenger side door. Next thing I knew, he was spilling his guts out to me. During that drive home I found out all sorts of things about Jack "The Jerk" Walker.

The main things I found out were that he was actually a pretty decent guy who shared the same interests as me. Of course now that I knew that he was gay, I found out something he had gotten his reputation in the first place.

It turns out, a senior male manager had somehow found out his secret and had told Jack that the price for keeping quiet was for Jack to start sleeping with him. Jack said no and threatened to expose the manager, who just happened to be the son-in-law of the president of the company and who played the family man card to the corporate hilt.

"I thought we were had a mutual arrangement. Eventually, rumours started flying around how I was difficult to work with, a backstabber. etc, etc and that I was a cutthroat who had sold his mother to the devil to get my position within the company. Looks like, the boss had friends who were willing to play along and the next thing I knew my name was mud." he was saying with a defeated air of resignation.

"Why don't you just quit?" I asked.

"And go where? Bare minimum, I need the reference and how to I tell people that I left because I was being blackmailed by another man? Hell, I just don't want to give the bastard the satisfaction!" he answered.

Nothing much was said after that. Eventually, I pulled into my driveway and we both got out of the car.

"Hmmmmm, you want to come in for bit. I owe you for the drive home. I have beer in the fridge if you want. he offered.

"Why not." I said. After all, the wife was at a meeting and would not be home herself until late and I was starting to find Jack Walker rather interesting.

He opened the door and stepped aside to let me in. Apparently he was still unpacking as there were boxes everywhere, some still unopened.

"Sorry about the mess, still unpacking. The guy on the phone was my boyfriend of 5 years. I moved down to be here with him so we could live together. I gave up everything to come here. That's the main reason I didn't sleep with the boss, I was in a committed relationship."

"What happened?" I asked

"Long story short, he was cheating on me the whole time. At first, I thought it was because our relationship was better as a long distance one but it turned out he had been cheating on me the entire time. So I moved out. I can't go back home because they have already filled my old job. That's why I need the job I have now. I'm just lucky I found this place and hopefully I'll be able to make a fresh start of things. he replied.

I followed him to the kitchen and seeing him open the empty fridge reminded me that I was getting hungry and I told him as much.

"You want to get some takeout. Now that you mention it. I'm pretty famished to." he said

"Sure, what do you like?" I answered.

Eventually we settled on Chinese and settled in to wait for the delivery. In order to pass the time, we kept on talking about ourselves, past, present and future kind of thing.

We kept on talking through the dinner and afterwards. By this point, it was getting late and I figured it was time to go home and said as much. Eventually, we were at the front door saying our good byes, with him helping me on with my coat. I turned out to thank him and he had this funny look in his eye.

"You okay?" I asked innocently.

"Uh huh" he answered nervously.

Next thing I knew he leaned in and kissed me. Lightly, just a little tongue dancing probatively in my mouth, but still there. When I didn't push back, he tongue went a little further and still more until we were in a full lip lock, kissing deeply.

"Phew!" he said after pulling away and breaking the kiss. I was pretty sure you weren't going to kill me, but I was still nervous!

I could only stand there dumbstruck. Here I was having just kissed another man! I'm not sure what was worse, the fact that I hadn't fought off the kiss or that I now sported a prominent boner in between my legs.

"Listen, I know this is kind of sudden," he said, " but I'm going to kiss you again and if you want to stay for.....more ...and whatever else, you can kiss me back. If you don't want me to kiss you , say something, anything and I won't go any further."

I figured the best way to answer was show him how I felt so I leaned over and kissed him. This time there was no hesitation on either of our parts. We embraced each other and kissed, slowly, deeply and passionately.

"Let's get that jacket off you and go back into the Living Room." he said.

Soon my jacket was off and we were in the Living Room on the sofa kissing passionately. Making out really. Our hands had a mind of their own as they explored each other's bodies. He opened my shirt and pinched my already hard nipples. This sent shock waves down m spine and caused by cock and prostate to twitch as usually happens when someone does anything to my nipples.

He started to suck expertly on my nipples, his hand sliding further and further over my stomach, down south to my belt buckle. I felt his hand leave and then felt rather than heard my belt buckle being undone. Soon my belt buckle and then my fly was open. Eventually, my zipped was being pulled down and I felt the cool air on my cock as it strained against the opening to my boxers.

We were both breathing deeply by this point. He kissed his way down to my crotch and when he was on his knees in front of me, he removed my pants and my boxers. I raised my hips and helped out pull off the restrictive clothing. There I was, with my rather small, about 5 inches but thick cock, sticking out from under my shit. I was very hard, so my cock was sticking straight up.

He took my maleness in his hands and started to caress it, gently at first as if he were savouring something exquisite. He ran his hands over the head, the shaft, the base and eventually my balls and thighs. I heard him spit and then felt his slick hands start to jerk me off. As he manipulated my cock, his tongue started to work on my balls, painting them in broad strokes like a painter would.

Soon, his mouth moved to the tip of my cock. He started by licking it with just the tip of his tongue in a gentle probative effort at first. Eventually, he was licking the head of my penis like a lollipop while one of his hands worked my shaft, stroking me up and down. Eventually, his hand gave way and I felt him take me whole into this mouth. He was sucking me furiously and it was all I could do not to cum then and there.

My head was tossed back in ecstasy and I heard slurping sounds coming from my groin. I couldn't help myself and found my hands moving all over the place, from beside me on the sofa to the back of his head and then back again.

His hands for the most part were either caressing my balls or reaching up to continually pinch and knead my nipples. I continued to moan and groan and discover new sounds to indicate my sexual pleasure as Jack worked on my cock feverishly like a starving man.

The next thing I knew, he was pulling my hips forward and soon they were off the edge of the sofa. He spread my legs apart and moved to sit up beside me.

"Suck on this" he said while extending his index finger. I took it my mouth and started to suck. Anything to get him back in between my legs.

"Ahhhhhh yes" he said in between deep breaths as I furiously licked at his digit. Soon it was moving in and out of my mouth as he finger fucked my mouth. Eventually he removed his finger and started to kiss me deeply.

We broke the kiss and he was back down in between my legs. This time though, while I felt his mouth working on my cock, I felt his thoroughly soaked index finger trace my ass crack. Rather than be appalled, I licked lips in anticipation.

He had to stop sucking me to find the spot he was looking for, but eventually he did and after spitting on his finger, started to probe for my asshole, working his finger in gently, but persistently and firmly.

Soon his mouth was back on my cock and the discomfort that had started to happen after his finger dried up went away, but only slightly. He must have figured because he removed his finger and said that he would be back.

While he ran upstairs, I removed the rest of my clothes in anticipation for the rest of the night's events. Soon Jack came down with a tube of lube and a lusty look in his eye. Seeing me naked on the sofa, he quickly took his own clothes off.

"Damn!" I said when his 7 inch cock sprung forth. Cut like mine, but not as thick, I wanted to take it into my mouth to see what it tasted like. He must have seen the look on my face because the next words out of his mouth were, "Wanna try?".

I swallowed my nervousness and nodded a yes. He came closer and I hesitantly put on hand on tit, feeling the heat, the hardness yet the softness of something I had only seen it pornographic pictures and movies.

"Go on", he gently prodded. "It won't bite." he added smiling an evil grin.

I grabbed the bull by the horns literally and took him into the tip into my mouth. Upon contact as I swirled my tongue around the purple head, I heard him emit a groan that I took to mean I was doing something right. Based on his groans and sighs of pleasure, I continued to work my mouth down his maleness, inch by inch until my gag reflex kicked in.

At point I wanted to stop and spit him out, but he must have known what was going to happen and placed both hands on my head and guided my firmly and insistently down his shaft. Soon I was able to deep throat him, but he still needed to hold my head down.

I was now able to taste his finely trimmed pubes, shaved but starting to re-appear at the base of his cock. My hands were caressing his balls but eventually I had to grab on to his hips while he stood for both support and to aid in keeping the entire length of his manhood down my throat.

Soon he started to face fuck me. As with anything, it started gently at first, but then grew to increased pressure on both the back of my head as his hands guided my head and in my mouth as I felt him invade my mouth repeatedly.

"Urrrgggg, shit! I'm going to cum!!!!" I heard him shout.

Crap, I though, I have no where to go! Soon I could feel everything tense up. His hips in my hands, his cock in my mouth and then the next thing I knew, before I could even register what was happening, I felt everything tense up just a little bit more and soon I was tasting his hot, sticky, salty cum as his hips buckled and he shot his load inside my mouth.

As soon as it had started, it was over. Everything that had been tensed up, now was relaxed. That wasn't to say I had gotten away unscathed. Jack had cum in my mouth like a porn star, shooting load upon spunky load in me. I could hear him breathing deeply like he had run a marathon as he pulled his now softening dick out of my thoroughly fucked mouth.

I didn't know what else to do with the cum, so I swallowed it. It was already, pretty far down my throat to begin with.

Upon seeing me do that, I heard Jack say "What a trooper! I'm sorry, I came so soon like that. It's been a while since I've been with anyone, and I've been so busy and we've been flirting all night,......"

"No worries." was all I could say.

He sat down next to me on the sofa exhausted. "Looks like I owe you." he said after he managed to catch his breath. "You're still hard as a rock!" he said as he reached for my now throbbing dick.

"I know what will help you out" he said as he grabbed the lube and got down in between my legs again.

As I started to spread my legs, he said, "Not that, maybe next time.", and with that squirted some lube on his hands, which then soon found it's way on to my dick.

I felt the coolness envelop my cock as he liberally spread the lube all over my swollen member. A sigh escaped my lips as he started to jerk me off.

"Ready for the main course?" he asked.

I saw him get him from in between my legs and I started to wonder what was going on. Next thing I knew, he was leaning up against the wall facing forward, with his palms forward on the wall to support him.

He looked over his shoulder and with a lusty voice said, "Well what are you waiting for? Fuck me!".

I didn't need anymore encouragement, but first I had to do something. Jack had left the tube of lube on the sofa beside be, so I grabbed it and squirted some it's wet sticky contents all over my hands and fingers.

His pink puckered hole stared at me from the slight bend in his hips as he jutted them backwards to meet me. I took my finger and started to massage the opening. Eventually, after playing around with the outside of his ass, I stuck my well lubed finger up in his ass.

"Ohhhhhh yessssss!" he said in between deep breaths. I could feel his body raise as if stung by jolts of electricity while I continued to play with his asshole, especially his prostate.

I took my time exploring and playing with his ass for two reasons. First, was because I needed to get used to the idea of playing with another man's shit shute. The second reason was that I wanted Jack to be fully ready as I fucked him. I wanted him to be nice and ready and somewhat open to the intrusion my cock was going to give him in repayment for the face fucking earlier.

Soon, he was lubed up to my standards. That, plus I couldn't take it any longer and was about to cum myself. I lubed myself up one final time, closed and threw the lube in the direction of the sofa.

Next, I positioned myself behind Jack who was now moaning something about "Been so long, it hurts, need it now, fuck me" over and over again.

With one hand spreading his ass cheeks open, and the other hand at the base of my cock guiding the probing intruder in, I made contact and connected with my cockhead pressing up against his thoroughly lubed hole. I pushed forward and he pushed backwards to meet me.

It was difficult at first, with me never having done a guy before, him not being fucked in a while and a two inch height difference tossed in to made matters interesting. But as they say, where there is a will, there is a way and with a firm hard push, my cockhead entered his anal cavity and pushed past his sphincter ring that had tried to deny me access all this time.

A long deep breath escaped both our throats as the first phase was complete. We both sat there as we adjusted to the feeling, to the position, neither one wanting to move to break anything and have to start over. Eventually, I realized I needed to take the initiative and started to push forward inch by inch.

He started to push his hips backwards as well and soon it was my cock pubes pressed up against his hips as his pubes had been up against my lips. We both stayed still for several seconds as I got used to the tight warm hole that had now enveloped my cock and he got used to the feeling of fullness emanating from his ass.

Slowly, ever so slowly, my hips started to move and I could see my cock be swallowed by his ass as I started to fuck him with shallow deep stokes. Eventually after some seriously fucking, I was able to fuck him with long slow strokes as he constantly took the entire length of my dick in his ass.

With my hands on his hips, we got into a rhythm and I found myself about to cum. The sweat was pouring off both of us and both the sounds and smells of sex were everywhere in the room as something guttural came from one of our throats amidst the slapping of my testicles on his thighs.

The next thing I knew, my dick had come right out of his ass. "Shit!" was all I could say.

"Stick it back in!" Jack begged.

"I have a better idea" I said. "Get on the sofa."

He did and instinctively raised and spread his legs wide giving me access to his ass again. This time, I was able to sick my now thoroughly throbbing cock in is well lubed and fucked hole on the first shot and get it all the way in.

I continued to fuck him, long and hard. As I looked down and saw my cock entering him, he squealed in orgasmic delight as I continued to drill his prostate. I looked back up at him and saw his head thrown back, his eyes closed and started to feel his sphincter tighten up against my cock. In response to this, I grabbed his dick and started to milk him as his ass started to milk me.

The next thing I knew, I lost all sensation as his ass grabbed my cock and I came, hard. I could feel myself shooting in his ass over and over again, as I stopped jerking him off because my orgasm was so intense.

As I bent over in my orgasm, I could see cum shoot from his dick all over his stomach as he came again in less than 20 minutes. He must have been very horny!

Soon it was over for both of us and his ass released its hold on my thoroughly spent dick. I pulled out with a satisfying plop and collapsed on the sofa beside Jack. I looked over at him and realized he wasn't such as bad guy after all.

We kissed and caressed each other for a little while after we had regained our collective breaths. Both of us were still sore but satiated when I eventually had to leave and make my way back home.

"Anytime, you want to do this again....." he started saying while naked in his entranceway.

"I know, just ring the bell as you're right next door", I finished and left after one final deep long kiss.

Obviously. after that night, it was impossible to be cold to Jack Walker and people at work started to ask me why I was being so nice to him. I simply told them the truth; that I had gotten to know him up close and personal and he was a pretty okay guy.

Eventually word got around that he wasn't such a jerk and people started to give him a chance. Some people of course couldn't let rumours or first impressions go, but luckily for Jack, they were in the minority. Of course, luckily for me, Jack is always ready and willing to show me how grateful he is that I was his first, true friend at work.


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