The Island of Sex

By Ed.P.

Published on Jan 10, 2004



All of the usual warnings apply. This work is not written for people under the age of 18, or other ages of majority. If it is illegal for you to access material of a sexual nature, then do not read this.

Copyright Ed. Piera 2004.

Please let me know what you think; please remember to give the title of the story.

The Island of Sex.

I had always liked going to the gym and keeping myself fit generally, it started at school, then I did some swimming at college, and now I found that nothing calmed me down from the frustrations of my deathly-boring office job as doing a circuit. Being a fairly recent graduate, even with my comparatively well-paying job, I was working out at a pretty bad gym, I knew several people there which helped matters, but the equipment was getting a little passed its best. One of the guys at the gym Colin was in a similar situation, we bumped into each other in the locker room one night, and decided to go for a quick drink afterwards, he seemed to be quite excited about something. After about five minutes of small-talk, I decided to ask what was going on.

"Hey Colin, you've had this grin on your face ever since I mentioned the old machinery at the gym."

"Yeah. Well I've found a new gym, I toured it yesterday, and I'll be going to try and join tomorrow. Their equipment is all brand-new, the locker-room is very large, all like a top-flight place, but the fees are actually less than this ramshackle old-place."

"Sounds great, what's the catch?"

"I really can't see any, it all just seemed too good, so I passed the details to a lawyer friend at work, he said it all checks out. The only point, is there's no women, men only, but that shouldn't bother you or me as we've got steady girls. The thing is that joining is by interview, apparently they're into the whole ethos of the perfect body, but it looks like that isn't the bulging overly crap, just health living, working out to keep in shape. I'll give you the details, you're just what they want."

"Thanks man."

Colin was bang on, the equipment was the best I had seen, the other facilities were totally stunning, they had free consultations with fitness advisors, a large socialising area. I requested an interview straight after the tour. I was waiting in the foyer. A door by the reception desk opened, and a guy aged about 35, but in near perfect shape walked out.

"Mr. Henry Mayhew?"

"Yes, that's me." I stood up, we shook hands.

"I'm Frank Hampson, the membership secretary, I'll be taking most of your interview, there will be a short test with one of our physicians, and fitness instructors as well. As you were told, it will take about an hour, and we let you know within a week. Is that all okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

"If you could follow me into the office then."

We went passed the reception desk into an office, which was stylishly decorated, just like the rest of the building.

"Do please take a seat Mr. Mayhew. Can I offer you a drink?" I sat on the couch.

"Just some water please."

He got my drink and sat on a chair facing me.

"I should warn you that some people find our interview questions intrusive; they do get quite personal, but our object is to do more than just give you a room full of training equipment, and we need to know both whether you are the right person for us, and whether we are the right people for you. The answers are merely for our reference here, and nearly all of it will be destroyed after a decision has been reached. Is that okay for you?"

"Yeah, sure." At that point I would have given just about anything to join.

At first the questions were the usual ones, he checked the details I had already written on their form, name, age, occupation, that sort of thing. Then the questions took a decidedly more personal twist.

"So Henry," I did not notice when Mr. Mayhew became Henry, but it had changed at some point, "you studied English literature along way from your parents' home, and then moved here, another five hundred miles straight afterwards; did you have any reason to leave these places?"

"No, I just liked the school, and my family has never really been close, hell I haven't spoken to my parents or sisters for a couple of months. Then I split with my girl-friend just after I graduated, so there was nothing to keep me there either."

"Would you say that you tend to put down shallow roots?" I paused for a moment trying to figure out what was going on.

"I think so, but I'm not trying to run away from anything." He noticed the puzzled look on my face.

"Perhaps I should explain the question, too many people allow themselves to be held back by people around them, when we say a person has shallow roots, it merely means that they are their own person. If you have shallow roots then you can go where you need to to chase your dreams."

"I see."

"These questions have been well tested at other gyms, so don't worry about giving a wrong answer. The simple fact is that if you give an answer we don't like, then that means that you won't like us very much."

"I see."

"How many sexual partners have you had?"


"Again, we are merely trying to find out what sort of person you are, a virgin or a playboy could well be perfectly here, it just helps along with the other factors. Just relax and tell the truth."


"When did you lose your virginity?"


"How long have you been with your present partner?"

"Three months."

"When did you first have sex?"

"Fourth date, it was about three weeks after meeting."

"Do you live together?"


"How frequently do you have sex?"

"Two, three times a week."

"That is comparatively little given the sex drive of a 22 year-old. Do you masturbate?"

"Most days, especially if we don't have sex."

"Have you ever given oral-sex to your partner."

"Yeah, a couple of my girl-friends liked it. Not for a few years though."

"Have you ever had anal sex?"

"No." These seemed to be getting progressively odder, but I remembered what a fool I looked when I reacted to the question.

"Have any of your partners penetrated your anus for sexual pleasure?"


"Have you ever had sex with a male?"

"Not really, when I was ten I touched my neighbour's cock, he was fifteen, and he touched mine, he got an erection, but I was still too young."

"Do you mind if we talk about that?"

"No, there's nothing really to tell. My mother sent me round to borrow some coffee, he was the only one in, and was getting changed in his room. The front door was open, so I walked in and looked around for somebody, he hadn't heard the door-bell you see. He was just pulling his boxers down as I opened his door. His cock was so much longer than mine I just looked at it; then he asked what I was looking at and I went red. He laughed, and said mine would get bigger soon. I asked really, he said yes, and told me he had taken pictures of his cock every month since he was nine; he showed them to me, and I saw how his cock suddenly grew. He was still not wearing any boxers, and asked me what I though of it, I said it was great and so much bigger than mine. He asked to look at mine, so I dropped my pants and shorts, he looked at it and compared with his picture from the same age. Then he started to stroke it, and asked me to stroke his, it got erect; then he heard his parents' car, and we had to stop."

"No other experiences then?"

"In my first year at college I had a room-mate, and to save embarrassment we had an agreement that we could jack-off with the other guy there, so I saw him do it a few times and he saw me. Nothing between us though."

He continued asking me about my sexual experiences, but nothing arose his interest as much as the incident with my neighbour. This lead me to ask whether it was a gay gym. He laughed, and said it wasn't, and that trying to pick-up other clients would get you banned.

"Finally, I would like to ask you a few questions about your attitude to your body. Have you always worked out?

"Since I was fourteen, seriously, though I lapsed a couple of times at college."

"If you could spend your entire life making your body look great, would you want to?"

"That would be near heaven for me."

Then there was a medical, my height and weight were checked, the male-nurse ran through the medical questionnaire I had filled in; and asked me to strip, he gave me a quick check all over, a couple of prods. He measures my flaccid cock, which I found odd. Then I had a check of my fitness levels, running on the machine, pulling a couple of weights; the instructor told me to change back into my street clothes in a private room; there was a very large mirror, and something felt odd, like I was being watched.

As I came out, the membership secretary was there waiting for me.

"Well Henry, I hope that was not too taxing for you?"

"No, not at all."

"I'm glad, because, and I should tell you that this does not happen very frequently, we're ready to offer you a place immediately. You can think about it and let us know."

"I don't need to think at all, I accept."

We shook hands, and both smiled at each other. He gave me a letter detailing the terms and conditions, and formally stating their offer, and told me that I should bring the joining fee, and first months subscription when I next go, along with a passport photo for the membership card.

I left walking on air. A couple of days later I went for the first time as a member. The facilities were as good as they had seemed, soon I was there most days, I used to meet up with Colin quite a bit, he loved it as much as I did. My girl-friend moaned about it being all male, but then she would never even think about joining a gym, so that seemed like a silly objection to me.

One day I arrived, and checked in at reception.

"Good afternoon, sir. There's a slight change today, the usual locker rooms are out of action; can you follow the corridor along to the door marked with a paper notice."

It seemed slightly odd, but when I found the door, it lead into a perfectly normal locker room, I wondered why they never used this one. I pushed the thought away as being irrelevant, changed and went to work-out as usual, the place was very empty, I only saw three other clients there. I came back, and went into the shower, but when I walked out the locker room, only a plain-white room, totally unfurnished. I turned around to go back into the showers to see if I had taken the wrong turn, but they too had vanished.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mayhew. All is well, in fact you may soon reach your idea of perfection." A voice coming from nowhere said.

"What's going on? Where's the locker room?"

"It's about twenty feet above you, the showers in this room double as a lift, and you are now in a basement room. Soon a door will open, you will go through it, then follow the corridor until you reach an open door on your right, you will go into that room. You will leave your towel in here. Do you understand?"

"What the fuck.."

"Do you understand my instructions?"

"Yes, but there's no way I'm going to follow them."

"What do you propose to do? Stay here for ever?" A pause. "Place your towel on the ground."

For some reason I did so, leaving myself totally naked, a door opened as promised, and I walked along the corridor, there were several doors, all closed on either side, then one open. I paused and looked inside.

"Please enter, Mr. Mayhew."

I did so. The room was white, in one corner there was a bed, in another a desk with a computer on it, then a space with a toilet, shower and wash-basin with a small cupboard. I turned around, the door had closed, I tried it, it was locked.

"Please go to the bed."


"Why not?"

"Where am I?"

"As I said earlier, you are about 20 feet under the gym. This will be your room until we can figure out where you are going. Now please go to the bed."

I did so, and as soon as I had sat down, the lights went out. "Now please get some rest."

Gentle music started to play, and although I tried to figure out what was going on, I felt tired, and soon fell asleep. The next thing I knew, there was a buzzing sound, like an alarm-clock, and the room was light again.

"Hello, Mr. Mayhew, did you sleep well?"


"Good, we put a little sedative into the atmosphere to help you. As you like to shower every day, please feel free, there are the appropriate toiletries, and on the desk are some clothes for you to wear."

I showered, then put on the clothes. Such as they were, a simple white tunic was all. As soon as I had finished styling my hair, a hatch opened next to the desk, and a tray of food slid out pushed my some mechanical device.

"Do have some food. It is all nutritionally balanced"

I ate, it was all good wholesome food. When I had finished, the hatched opened again, and the mechanism pulled the tray back in again. Then the computer monitor switched on. A face appeared on the screen.

"Welcome. In fact congratulations. You have been selected because you are physically elite, very few people posses the physical shape, and mental attitudes which mark you out as the right person for us. We hope that you will enjoy your new life fulfilling your potential with us.

"First, I will explain who we are. A small group a super-rich men decided that holidays as presently available are just too boring, and so we founded a unique holiday system, you will not have heard of us; our methods are sometimes unorthodox, and so we do not advertise, besides as our prices run into tens of thousands of dollars per day our potential clientele is too small for advertising to be effective. We have two hotels, one is on a private island in the Pacific Ocean, the other is a skiing resort at a secret location in the foothills of the Himalayas. Both are utterly self-contained, with only food, fuel and guests coming in, and only guests leaving. You have been chosen to join these elite holiday experiences. Our guests do not merely want the best food, they can get that elsewhere; they do not merely want the best service, again they can get that elsewhere; what they seek is perfect manhood. Every whim is catered for, and is catered for by men, like yourself, who have a beautiful appearance. In case you are wondering, their every whim does extend to sexual pleasures. They are treated to the perfect access to the perfect men.

"And now to your role. If you are lucky, you will get a job as what we call a guest-friend. Your days will be spent in the gym perfecting your body, in the sun perfecting your complexion, and in bed with our clients; a typical guest-friend will work for about one hour per day, and will have the rest for leisure, with only two rules, he must seek physical and aesthetic perfection, and he may wear no clothing. If you are less lucky, you will get a role a as a waiter, porter, barman, or any of the other ancillary roles; again you will serve the desires of our clients, but will have to work on other points as well. Finally, if you do not fulfill our high desires, you will take the part of back-room staff, you will not have any access to our clients, and will essentially rot in the kitchens or laundries. The choice is ultimately you own, and will be made after a period of assessment during the next few days.

"If you are wondering about your former life. Our experts have written a suicide note, copying your handwriting from your application form; your car will be found burned out with a charred mess in the front, which the authorities will presume to be you. Your former life does not exist. You have the potential to make a great future for yourself, and I wish you luck."

The screen went black.

"When the door opens, follow the corridor until you reach the next open door, then enter the room."

Totally bemused, I did as I was told. The new room was totally unfurnished except for a chair in the middle of the room.

"Please take a seat." I did so. "In our experience the greatest difficulty which is faced by new recruits is that as straight people they find homosexual attraction has no effect on them, so we are weeding out people with a quick test, you will be shown a homosexual porn film during which you must masturbate, if you find that you cannot be aroused by the film, then your assessment period will be over, and you will have failed. Good luck."

The lights dimmed, and a film was projected onto the wall facing me. Two men started to kiss, and then fondle each other.

I started to stroke my cock, not wanting to fail. The film was doing very little for me, I closed my eyes, and imagined my girl-friend, this brought my cock up to full mast. Suddenly the lights came on again, and the film paused.

"The object of this exercise is to see whether you are capable of being aroused by men. You must keep your eyes open, and concentrate on the film. If you close your eyes again, the test will be over."

The lights dimmed again, and the film started.

I started to wank myself, and eventually came, though more inspite of the film than because of it.

The lights came back on.

"You have passed the first test. Congratulations. Please return to your room, and shower to remove the traces of ejaculate on your body."

After the shower lunch was served. After lunch a book slid out of the hatch.

"You may read this book, we understand that you were reading it before you came here, the place marker should be in the correct position, we checked at your apartment."

As the voice said, it was the book on the Napoleonic wars which I had been reading, and there was a marker. So I sat on the bed and continued to read. As I read my mind kept wandering, was what they said really true, was it some bizarre practical joke, most of all, were they really saying that I should have sex with other men. I have never done anything since the time when I was ten. The film they showed earlier was hard-core porn, you could clearly see guys sticking their cocks up other guys' asses, and sucking each other's cocks. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against gays, I've known several and they were all great guys; it's just I'm straight. At first the film was just odd, but something did interest me, the guys' bodies were all well worked-out; like mine would be if I had more time to spend in the gym.

"Dinner is served, you may keep the book by your bedside if you wish."

Dinner was already on the desk, like all of the food here, it was very good nutritionally, and indeed tasted very good. After dinner I read again, until a voice told me that the lights would be dimmed for the night soon after.

In the morning I was woken again. I showered and ate breakfast, there was a fresh tunic for me to wear.

"Your next test will soon commence. You gained the full ten points on the test yesterday; the pass mark to avoid kitchen work is 60, and to gain the top prize of a life of near leisure is 90; there will be a further nine tests, each carrying ten points. Please proceed along the corridor as before."

I walked out of my room, I suppose it was more of a cell, and then into another room; this was about half the size of the other one's, and there was no furniture.

"To pass this test you have to kiss our subject; he is in the other half of the room behind a partition. He is one of our good specimens. At the moment you have scored ten points for yesterday, if you perform as well today you will be a third of the way to avoiding kitchen work. The subject is well trained in kissing, but will only react to your work; if you kiss him well then he will react well, kiss badly then he will react badly."

The partition slid back, and there was a guy there; I suppose that he was very handsome. He merely stood waiting for me. I took a couple of steps forward, it all seemed so wrong. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Perhaps you misunderstood, you are to kiss him on the lips, like you used to kiss your ex-girl-friend. You have two minutes to complete this test or you will forfeit all marks."

Forfeiting all marks would put me out of contention for the top job, and would also mean I was on track for the kitchen work.

I paused a moment to collect my thoughts. Then thinking hard how I kissed girls, I put my hand onto the bottom of his neck, and gently pulled him towards me. I closed my eyes, then our lips met; at first it was just like a women, then I smelt his manliness. I froze briefly, then forced myself to kiss him more and more.

"Your time is completed. Please return to your room, you will be notified of your score shortly."

I walked back, I knew that I had done badly. I lay on my bed thinking for what seemed like ages.

"Your score has been computed. You did not perform very well, and gained 5 marks. This takes your total to fifteen, you need to gain seventy five out of eighty marks to secure a leisure position, and forty five to avoid kitchen work. Based on previous tests, we consider that your most likely score is sixty nine. Lunch will be served in an hour's time. You may read until then."

That was not good. I had frozen when asked to kiss a guy, if they want me to do the other stuff on the film I would be even worse. After lunch the voice started again.

"You have not had access to a gym since you came down here, and we will need your body to be in good shape so this afternoon you will be permitted to work out. We would like you to work with one of our fitness experts, but we must insist that you do as he tells you, if you do not you will have points deducted. Do you understand this?"


"Are you willing to comply with our demand?"


"Do you wish to work out with one of our instructors?"


"Good, please remove your tunic and wear only the jockstrap on the desk." A jockstrap had come through the hatch as he was speaking.

"But I'll be practically naked..."

"Over the coming years you will be utterly naked in front of other men; it will be normality to you, the sooner you adapt to it the better. The jockstrap is so that your genitalia are not damaged."

I put on the jockstrap, but kept my tunic on.

"Please remove your tunic."


"Because if you do not, then you will not be permitted to workout, and you will have five points deducted from your score."

Reluctantly I pulled it over my head, loosing five points would put me on the edge of kitchen work.

As always the door opened, I walked down the corridor. When I entered the open room, there were the usual pieces of equipment there. The door closed behind me, another door opened, and a guy also just wearing a jockstrap walked out.

"What the hell is going on." I shouted at him.

"Haven't you been told?"

"I've been told a load of crap."

"It's all true. The sooner you accept it the better."

"How would you know."

"I was in your place two years ago. I screwed up, fought the orders, I got fifty eight points, after twenty were deducted. I could have been carrying drinks around on a tray, but I shouted back. I spent eighteen months working in a menial kitchen position. Eventually I got some sense, and worked my butt off, fortunately they were short of recruitment trainers, and my resume was perfect. They gave me a second chance, but only after I begged, and allowed myself to be fucked by every guy on the island in a new year's party. Now my life's not too bad. Your score has potential, if you do it properly you could get to spend your life resting by a pool, working out, and jerking of a few guys now and again. Mess it up, and it's unlikely you'll end up like me, you'll just be peeling potatoes forever; and if you think you'll avoid the gay stuff, think again; the chefs are all gay and treat the kitchen staff like their sex toys."


"Listen man, this is your chance; I've seen your performance on these machines, I've seen how you got top marks on the jerk-off; I've seen what you look like. Look at your cock, that is a good sized one; with your figure it looks damned enormous. You could get the top job, but mess it up, you'll get the bottom one. Trust me."

"Please continue with the workout, further delay will result in penalty points." The voice interrupted us.

"We'd better do as he says. Start here, you've done this before?"


We started to work out, and chatted a bit as we did so. He would not tell me his name, or any other details. But he had been a personal trainer for a while, his talents were still evident. He was sent to the island, those whose skin tans well are always sent there; but since getting this job he has also been to the ski-resort. Both can be good places, both can be crap.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask, I may not answer though?"

"Are you gay?"

"A difficult one." Why the hell is that difficult. "When they first brought me for evaluation, I had never had any sex with a guy, hell I hadn't seen one naked properly; but the kitchen work was so bad in the heat that sex after was better. I also realised that some guys are better than others, and that gay sex can be fun; besides I haven't seen a woman for two years. I guess I've been converted."

"How do you do it, at first?"

"When you jerked off, were you getting excited by the guys on the screen?"

"No, not really."

"But let me guess, you found it interesting?"

"Sort of."

"Right, so you were jerking off, using a mixture of pure physical stimulation, and perhaps some thoughts about a woman, right?"


"But there were also guys there."


"At first just treat it all like a game, imagine that you are doing it all to a woman, then over time let the manliness creep in. Soon enough you'll enjoy it. For this week, just keep your mind focused on the most erotic thing for you; and use all of your self control to keep going."

"I see."

Eventually we finished. He shook my hand and walked to the other side of the room, a hidden door opened, he walked out. Then the door leading into the corridor opened, and I walked down it back to my cell.

"You may wish to shower before dinner."

After I had eaten, the voice came through again.

"Please sit on the bed. We have chosen a film for you."

The film was projected onto the wall opposite, the screen was several feet across, the same hidden speakers were used for the sound; it was just like a cinema. I hadn't seen the film before, but I had heard about it, and wanted to see it, but my girl-friend preferred to romantic ones; they had chosen well.

So was established the timetable, in the morning a test, the afternoon work out, then reading or a film (of their choice, but always in line with my tastes). The tests got progressively more intimate. They were cumulative, so we always started with kissing, then we added touching each other up, that was not too bad (8 points), then heavy petting actually getting my hand inside his shorts, and rubbing his cock and ass, as my fitness guy said, just focus on erotic thoughts forget it's a guy (9 points), then I had to strip for the other guy, my ex-girl-friend liked me to strip for her, and once for a few of her friends (including a gay guy) so I was well practiced (10 points). Then I had to undress him, very odd not so good (8 points). Now I had pretty much blown the top job, I need to be perfect, and it was bound to get more intimate.

Before the test I psyched myself up. We kissed (I was getting good, it was always the same guy, he was getting used to me), then I ground my groin into his as I ran my hands over his back and ass; then I slipped a hand inside his top, and ran it over him rubbing his nipples before moving down to his cock. Then he stepped back as I stripped for him, he clearly enjoyed the show; then I gradually pulled his clothes off we stood naked, and the voice came over.

"To complete the test today, which will be the completion of the testing period. You need to give him a blow-job, then you need to suck at his ass, then allow him to fuck you, then you fuck him. Each of those four components will carry a potential of ten points. You presently have fifty points."

Wow, I wasn't expecting that. All in one go. Right, focus, that's what the guy from the gym had said. First, give him a blow-job; I had received a couple of these, and so I had some idea of what happens. My 'partner' was sitting in a chair with his legs open, leaving a clear view towards his cock, it was flaccid, and drooping over his balls. He was shaved, except for a small trimmed patch just over the cock itself; he was uncut, and his foreskin jutted out a little over the cockhead. His body was, I suppose, the perfect male body, a well-defined six-pack, muscled thighs, though not overly so, hairless below his neck, fair hair, and clean shaven; he must have been about 23-24.

I paused for what seemed like hours, but was surely only less than a second. I knelt in between his legs, being unused to kneeling down, I lost my balance, I reached out to steady myself, and my naked skin ran over his knee, it felt strange.

I pushed thoughts of what I was to do to one side, and in my mind I envisioned a women giving me a blow-job. I moved my mouth, and gently kissed the foreskin covered cockhead. Then with my tongue, I lifted to cock up, and mover my open mouth over it. I closed my lips round the bottom of the cock; it felt warm, and I could feel it start to grow almost immediately. I ran my tongue over the outside of the foreskin, and then pushed it into the hole in the end; as I ran my tongue over the cockhead inside the foreskin he moaned loudly, clearly he was enjoying this.

I pulled off for a moment, and using my hands to pull the foreskin back, exposing his rapidly growing cockhead. I licked all around it, then down the sides of the cock, then I swallowed as much as I could fit in my mouth, running my tongue around the cock all of the time. I remembered how much I liked girls sucking on my balls, so I left the cock alone for a moment, kissing then licking his balls. I chewed on the ballsac, then in turn sucked each of his balls into my mouth. Then moving back up the shaft of the cock, sucking and licking all the way; I swallowed again, the moans from my subject (I didn't even know his name) were getting louder. The test observer decided that enough was enough.

"The cock-sucking test is now complete. Please start to rim."

I pulled off, the model paused for a while, he was getting very close to orgasm when he was stopped, then turned around, and knelt on the bed, his ass was totally exposed. I forced myself to focus again, I had no experience of giving or receiving of ass-licking, but surely its all obvious.

I moved my head towards the target, starting with the relatively easy stuff, I kissed both of his cheeks, then moved inwards, gradually getting closer to his crack. He had clearly cleaned it before we started, but the excitement of the test so far meant that he had a layer of sweat there now; the smell was like nothing I had smelt before, partially it repulsed me, but partially I found it attractive. Very tentatively, I pushed my tongue into the crack itself, once there I forced myself onwards, I ran my tongue up and down the crack, the moans were louder than ever. Then I realised that the hole itself is where I should concentrate my efforts. I could feel the small bunching of skin around the hole itself, and so ran my tongue around it, then as though pulled in my some elemental force, I pushed my tongue against the hole. The model relaxed his sphincter, and I could get inside of him; I was not really forcing myself anymore, it was turning me on too, though I would only realise this later. I pushed my tongue around in all directions, and with great force. I came up for air a couple of times, then leapt back in, pushing my tongue further than I could have imagined possible.

"The ass rimming test in now over. Please prepare for the two fucking tests. First, you will get fucked. Please lie on your back on the bed, and follow the indications given to you."

I lay there, the model was taking some time, he clearly enjoyed the two tests we had just had. Then he grabbed some lube from a table, and covering his finger, he started to work on my ass. He raised my legs, and pulled my cheeks apart, indicating that I should hold them there (he still did not speak at all, presumably part of the rules). Then he smeared the lube all around my ass; then with yet more on his finger, he pushed it inside me, and pulled my ass around, I wondered what was going on, and felt slightly uncomfortable, until his finger rubbed gently on my prostate when I gave a loud moan of pleasure. After a few minutes of this, I could tell that my ass was more relaxed. He stopped playing with me, grabbed a condom from the table, lubed it up, and moved into position.

A few short days ago, I had had no real sexual contact with another man, and here I was about to get fucked.

He lifted my legs, and rested them on his shoulders; then showed me where he wanted my ass. I felt the tip of his cock move into place, and then some gentle pressure, the pressure grew, he was trying to get inside me. My ass was not used to this, and started to clamp down, I knew that this would fail the test for me, so I concentrated on making my ass relax. Suddenly he was in, he paused with his cockhead just inside me. Then he pushed onwards, driving further inside me. After every half inch or so, he paused, until finally I felt his tidy pubic hair-patch against my ass. He rested for a moment, and then pulled back, slowly as before, but in one movement. He moved until only the smallest amount of his cock was inside me, and then pushed forwards again. Each time he moved, his cock rubbed my prostate, making me feel great, but even with the lube, my ass was slightly sore.

He started to pick up the pace, fucking faster and faster, harder and harder. Ramming deep inside me; soon my ass felt as though it was on fire, but I knew that I could not make any bad sound, besides part of it felt great, he kept jabbing at my prostate. I started to moan loudly, channelling the pain. Suddenly he paused, and then pushed his cock even further than before inside my ass, and his whole body collapsed onto of me. He had climaxed. He cried out loud, and I could feel his cock, really hot now, pulsing deep inside me.

"The first part of the fucking test is now complete. Now please fuck the model. Unlike you he is used to being fucked, and so will not need to be relaxed or opened up, merely put a condom on and lube it up."

He climbed off me, and stood, still in post-coital bliss. Whilst I picked a condom off the table, the lube was right beside it, and I poured a generous amount over my cock, then I realised that I was rock-hard despite receiving no stimulation.

I turned my attention back to the model. He was now lying where I had been, he had stripped off his condom, and cleaned his cock. His ass was ready for me, it still glistened with some of my saliva from rimming him.

I copied what he had done to me, I placed my cockhead where he had, and pushed harder and harder until I too got past the first ring on muscle. Once in, I felt like never before, it was tight and hot, better than any woman I had been with. I pushed myself deep inside, slowly but surely, and then pulled back; taking care to stay inside him. The action was just like fucking a woman and so I was used to it. I alternated hard with soft, slow with fast, I pushed at a few different angles. The model was moaning wildly again, and his cock was getting hard.

I could feel that my climax was approaching, and so working into a faster and faster rhythm, pushing harder and harder, until I reached the point of no return. I tried to push my entire groin deep inside his ass, then pretty much collapsed as my spasming cock, shot again and again.

"The test is now complete, please return to your room, and shower yourself, you will be informed of the results shortly."

My legs could barely support my weight, and I staggered back to my room. As I showered, I felt my ass, it was sore as hell from the damn good fucking I had been given. When I had finished, I put on the clothes on my chair, the same white clothes as always. As soon as I was dressed the voice came through.

"The results of your tests are as follows. In the jack-off test you scored 10 points; in the kissing test you scored 5 points, making a total of 15; in the sensual touching test you scored 8 points, making a total of 23; in the heavy petting test you scored 9 points, making a total of 32; in the stripping test you scored 10 points for yourself, making a total of 42, and eight points for stripping the subject making a total of 50;" now the new part, I was so nervous, "in the cock-sucking test you scored 10 points, making a total of 60; in the rimming test you scored 10 points, making a total of 70; in the getting fucked test you scored 10 points, making a total of 80; and in the fucking test you scored 9 points, making a total of 89;" I had just missed out I felt so gutted that I shouted out.

"You bastards."

"May I continue?"

"Yes, sorry."

"I will have to deduct three points for bad behaviour, making a total of 86; however your rate of improvement in the earlier tests resulted in a discretionary 5 points being added. Therefore your final total is 91 points. You have qualified as a guest-friend, congratulations."

"Thank you."

"It was all your own work. Please follow the corridor along."

I walked out of the room and down the corridor, it was a new door which was open, but another white room, with no features. The door did not close after me though, and not long after I had entered another person entered, the subject with whom I had been tested, he was dressed just like me in a white tunic; I had noticed that they were slightly longer than earlier in the test.

"Hey there, the name's Grant." He held his hand out.

"Henry." We shook hands. I looked slightly puzzled.

"It always seems odd; you've kissed a guy, then touched him, petted him, stripped for him, stripped him, sucked him, rimmed him, been fucked by him, fucked him, and only after do you get introduced."


"We're not allowed to speak during testing. They think that it might influence my actions if I get to like you. The odd thing is that ever since you gave me that strip show, I have been rooting for you like nobody's business. I hope you don't mind me telling you, your kissing was very bad at first, but later on it was great, that was why you got the bonus points."

A door opened, and Grant walked out, I followed.

"I've been assigned to train you fully. We'll do that at the ski-resort, so you know both our properties, then you will be transferred to the island. Thanks to you I get to stay at the ski-resort."

"How come."

"I didn't make guest-friend but was only narrow. They had me as a bar-tender, it wasn't to bad, mixing martinis all day, but I wanted the life of a guest-friend. I asked my supervisor, and he said that I could earn retroactive points. I got ten percent of your points, that's nine points, instead of ten percent of mine. I started with 83, so I loose 8 points, and gain 9 from you; but I've also earned bonus points from sexual favours to staff here, and so once I've trained you, I'll be on 91, and living a life of luxury."

We were walking along another corridor, I was totally disorientated, then we turned a corner, and I realised that we were in the gym. There was nobody around though.

"It's late at night so this place is closed down. You'll be totally out of synch with the clocks, they've been drugging you, and so you're awake when they want, and asleep when they want. You haven't had a 24 day since you got here. We have to join the transport, it'll be leaving soon."

We were right at the back of the gym, near the back door, with the emergency exit. There was a loading bay, with a truck in it. The back of the truck was open, with ten seats in it; there were eight people there already, one was in a red tunic, and the others in blue. As soon as Grant and I entered the door to the truck closed, and the familiar voice came over the tannoy.

"There will be no talking during the journey. Just so that you know what the colours mean, red is the colour of kitchen staff, blue of waiters, and white of guest-friends. As you can see that means that one of you newbies will spend the rest of his life slaving in the kitchens, whilst three will be assigned to various light duties, and one will live a life of luxury, pleasuring our guests, but spending most of his time pleasing himself." The lights dimmed and we moved off.

To be continued...Next chapter training.

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