The Island of Misfit Boys

By B.E. Kelley

Published on May 16, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

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The Island of Misfit Boys Chapter 2

That night the boys slept under the stars. It was warm on the beach but they slept close for safety's sake. Though they had lost many friends when the plane crashed, they all had family back home and they were comforted by the hope that they would see them again. All of them but Nicky that is, his father had been the first victim of the crash and his mother hadn't survived. In the quiet of the night, with nothing but the sound of the waves lapping at the shore, Nicky cried.

Reese wasn't a sound sleeper and the quiet sobbing coming from the boy next to him was all it took to wake him. Reese tried to ignore it at first, in order to give Nicky his privacy, but he was a sweet kid and he missed Coach Carter too.

"It's alright," Reese comforted as he put his hand on Nicky's shoulder and caressed it gently.

Nicky rolled over and put his arms around Reese, sobbing on his naked chest. Reese held the smaller boy against him and rocked him in his arms, they were pressed tightly together, chest to chest, legs brushing against each other, the thin cotton of their underpants the only thing keeping their cocks from touching. As Nicky's sobbing reduced to a whimper, Reese became aware of the signals his nerve endings were sending him. The younger boy felt good against him, his skin was soft and smooth and Reese, being a typical 14 year old boy, started to tent his briefs.

Here, Nicky had just lost his parents and Reese was trying to comfort him, yet he couldn't control the fierce little stiffy in his undies. Reese was torn between feeling incredibly guilty and incredibly horny. Fortunately he didn't have to think of what to do next, at least not immediately, as Nicky pulled back. All cried out for the moment, Nicky rolled on his back, still nestled close to Reese but no longer tempting his boner with ever breath he took. "Thanks," said Nicky.

"It's ok, I'm sad to, I'm just trying not to think about it," said Reese.

"How do you not think about it?" Nicky asked innocently.

"I don't know, I just think about other stuff," said Reese, as he reached down to adjust his boner.

"Like what?" Nicky asked curiously.

"Uhhh," Reese sputtered.

"I tried thinking about what happened after we went swimming today," said Nicky, "that worked for a little bit."

"Oh, you liked watching me get fucked huh?" smiled Reese.

"Yeah," Nicky giggled.

"How did you like what Ethan and Trent did to you?" asked Reese.

"So cool," Nicky squealed.

"Do you think it would help you sleep if I, you know..." Reese began, his hand rubbed Nicky's belly, his pinky finger skirting along the waistband of the younger boys briefs.

"You wanna play with it?" asked Nicky.

"Only if you want me to," blushed Reese.

Nicky was quiet for a moment as he seemed to be thinking about what to do.

"Ok, that'd be good," said Nicky.

Reese moved his hand lower; rubbing his palm over Nicky's little erection. He massaged the growing lump then moved down between his legs. Reese ran his tongue over the small head, nibbled on it and rubbed his face against the tight cotton. Tommy loved it when Reese did this and it seemed to be having an effect on Nicky, who was starting to breathe slow and deep. Reese knew how to read the signs, he hooked his thumbs in the small boy's underpants and started to pull them down, Nicky lifted his butt obligingly. Once he was naked, Reese kissed his thighs, causing Nicky to giggle.

"Shh, we don't want to wake everyone up," Reese admonished.

"Sorry, it tickles," said Nicky.

Reese decided to give up on his ticklish thighs and concentrate on the 3.5 inch shaft. Reese's tongue fluttered across the little pink head and then he swallowed it in his mouth. He started to bob up and down on the little dick while he rubbed on the soft tender flesh above it, savoring its silky hairless texture.

"Mmm, that makes my wiener feel so good," Nicky moaned.

"Dick," said Reese, pulling his lips off of it for a moment.

"Huh?" said Nicky.

"Big boys, er, older guys, call it a dick or a cock, not a wiener," Reese explained, "if you're going to do the stuff the big guys do, you don't want to sound like a baby.

"Right, it makes my dick feel so good," Nicky corrected.

"That's better," said Reese, patting Nicky on the belly and taking his dick back in his mouth.

Reese continued to enjoy Nicky's cute little prick but he was such a bottom when it came to sex that he couldn't resist venturing a question.

"Hey Nicky, you know that stuff you saw me and Tommy doing?" he asked.

"Uh huh," said Nicky.

"Would you want to maybe try it?" asked Reese.

"You mean put my wien..., um, I mean my dick in your butt?" Nicky asked innocently.

"Only if you wa..." Reese started.

"Ok," Nicky agreed happily.

After thinking about it for a moment and remembering the sounds that had come from Reese, Nicky decided that he'd love to do that to an older boy. Reese moved them into position; he lay on his back and lifted his legs, then told Nicky to get between them. He guided the boy in close and told him to press his dick against his hole.

"Like this?" Nicky asked, as he tried to push his cock into Reese's taint.

"No, that's not the hole," said Reese.

"What about now?" asked Nicky.

"That's not it either," said Reese, slightly frustrated.

"I'm sorry," said Nicky, sensing the tone in Reese's voice, "I've never done this before."

"I know, it's not your fault," Reese agreed, "Let's try it a different way."

Reese rolled Nicky back onto his back then straddled over him. He moved into position and felt Nicky's cock poking at the right spot. Reese lowered himself onto the smaller boy's boner and though his dick was less than 4 inches, it was big enough to please Reese's hole.

"Mmm, yeah, that feels good Nicky," Reese moaned, as he used his legs to slowly ride on the little dick.

Nicky just giggled.

"Do you like it?" asked Reese.

"Yeah, it just makes me feel all tingly down there," said Nicky.

Reese started to ride a little harder and a little faster. His hole was so tight that even Nicky's boner was making him moan. Reese thought it would be a little embarrassing to have the others wake up and find him ridding Nicky like Seabiscuit, so he picked up the younger boys briefs and stuffed them in his mouth. This was something he was used to, Reese was kind of loud when he got fucked and Tommy often shoved a pair of underwear in his mouth so that none of their dorm mates back at school would figure out what they were up to. Tommy's briefs usually tasted like his precum but Nicky's tasted fresh and clean, Reese wasn't surprised, after all, Nicky couldn't shoot yet, why would he have precum?

Reese took his dick in his hand and started jerking off while he rode Nicky. Nicky was enjoying the sensation now and his slow, rhythmic breathing returned.

"Hey Reese, I think I'm getting that good feeling again," Nicky whined.

As soon as the words left his mouth Nicky's body shuddered with the strength of his second dry cum of the day. The sensation caused Nicky's dick to twitch in Reese's ass and that combined with his furious jerking caused Reese to shoot his spunk all over Nicky's tummy.

"Hey, you peed on me," Nicky groaned.

"It's not pee," said Reese lustily, as he aggressively licked his mess off of Nicky.

"You're eating it?" asked Nicky, his face indicating that he thought this was gross.

"It's not pee," Reese repeated when he finished, "you're a big boy, you know what cum is."

"Oh, that's what that is?" said Nicky.

"Yup, and it's not gross, it tastes good," said Reese, "you wanna try it?"

"Hmmm," thought Nicky, "ok."

Reese scooped up a little of his juice and rubbed it on Nicky's lips. Nicky licked his lips and smiled at the sweet yet salty taste.

"What do you think?" asked Reese.

"Pretty good," Nicky admitted.

"Want some more?" asked Reese.

Nicky nodded his head and Reese coated his fingers with the remaining cum from his dick and Nicky's tummy. He held the fingers out to the boy and was pleased when Nicky took his hand and sucked the fingers clean.

"That's it, good boy," praised Reese.

Nicky just smiled.

"There, all full?" Reese laughed.

"Yeap," Nicky giggled.

"Thank you can sleep now?" asked Reese.

"Yeah, I think so, thanks Reese," said Nicky.

"No problem little buddy," said Reese, as he maneuvered Nicky between himself and Tommy.

"Nighty night, Reese," said Nicky.

"Night Nicky," said Reese.

God, I am such a perv, Reese thought to himself.

In the morning the boys woke to strong winds blowing in from the sea, making their nearly naked bodies shiver with cold. They put what clothes they had back on, but since it was summer, the shorts and t-shirts they wore didn't offer much protection. They sat quietly eating a breakfast of fresh bananas, staying close together for the warmth their bodies provided.

"Don't worry, it'll warm up this afternoon," Trent offered.

The younger boys looked skeptical but it was a nice idea so they nodded their heads.

"I've been thinking," said Ethan, "there is probably a rescue party out there looking for us right now. We should do whatever we can to help them find us."

"But what can we do?" asked Sean.

"Well for starters, I think we need to build a signal fire, it'll keep us warm and the smoke will let anyone searching, know that there are people on this island and to look here," Ethan explained.

"Yeah but like you said, this isn't Lord of the Flies and we don't have Piggy's glasses to light a fire, so what do we do?" asked Reese.

"Jamie's a Boy Scout, didn't they teach you to start a fire with sticks or something?" said Ethan.

"Well, yeah," Jamie admitted, feeling a little foolish for not thinking of it while he and his friends shivered.

"Ok, so Jamie will be in charge of the fire, and Tanner, you can help him gather the wood, that's if you're feeling ok," said Ethan.

"Yeah, I'm ok, just a little bump on the head," Tanner smiled his shy smile.

"What about the rest of us?" asked Tommy.

"Right, Trent why don't you take the twins and pick up the trail were we left off, I think we're alone on this island but we should know what's here," said Ethan.

"Sounds good to me," said Trent, standing between the red heads, resting a hand one each of their backs, "What are the rest of you going to do?"

"I'll keep Reese, Tommy and Nicky here with me, we'll see if we can't build some kind of shelter from this wind, not to mention the rain," said Ethan.

The boys felt pretty good about things as they set about their assigned tasks. Ethan had given them goals and they felt like they were doing what they could to help the rescue party find them. They also felt comfortable with Ethan as the de facto leader, there hadn't been any vote or any discussion, he'd just assumed the role and it seemed to fit him.

Ethan had picked his teams well. Jamie and Tanner quickly gathered up enough dry wood for a signal fire on a cliff overlooking the beach. Once they had everything in place, Jamie used his scout training to get the fire started. Trent was the right choice to lead the exploration party, for whatever reason, the twins seemed to listen to him and their adventurous nature would be useful in the jungle. Ethan let Reese take charge of their construction project, bright boy that he was; he was smart enough to know that Reese would be the better engineer.

Jamie and Tanner had the easiest job, once the fire was started, all they had to do was tend it and keep it from going out. The afternoon sun did eventually heat up and combined with the heat of the fire, the boys started to sweat, then to shed clothes. First they took off their t-shirts, but still too warm, they took off their shorts, a few minutes later they decided that they were alone, why not take off their underwear to? Naked, they lie in the grass smiling their shy smiles and tickling each other's tender sports.

Jamie reached over and stroked Tanner's cheek; the shy boy smiled his impish grin and Jamie's heart melted as usual. He leaned forward and kissed Tanner then, they broke apart, blushing and giggling like a pair of school girls. Tanner surprised Jamie when he reached between his legs and ran his fingers over Jamie's boner.

"I like it when you do that," Jamie purred.

Tanner just smiled and kept rubbing his fingers along the silky skin of Jamie's cock. Jamie reached out and applied the same technique to Tanner. They rubbed each other slowly and gently, savoring the intimacy and the quiet. Even back at the academy, there were always people around; they'd never been together without the fear of someone knocking on the door. After a few more kisses, Tanner wrapped his arms around Jamie and stroked the blond boy's hair while his head rested on Tanner's chest.

"Tanner, I think I'm ready to have you in me," said Jamie.

"What now?" Tanner replied, almost in a panic.

"No, this is nice right now," said Jamie, turning his head slightly to kiss Tanner's chest, "I just mean I'm ready."

"It's not that I don't want to, I just don't want to hurt you Jamie," Tanner blushed.

"You won't hurt me, you love me," Jamie assured him.

"I love you huh?" smiled Tanner.

"Yeap, have since the first time you saw me," Jamie smiled back.

"Yeah, probably," Tanner laughed.

"But what about this?" asked Tanner, gesturing to his 8 inch, thick cock.

"Sure it's big," said Jamie, "but it loves me too."

"What makes you so sure?" Tanner smiled coyly.

"Because, I do this to it," said Jamie, moving down and planting a kiss right on the head.

"And this," a lick from the base to the tip.

"And this," he swallowed the head, wrapped his lips around it and let his tongue flutter against it.

Tanner tried to sit up, to grab Jamie and pull him into a 69, to do something to return the favor but Jamie rebuffed him.

"Nope," said Jamie, sitting up for a moment.

"Until I'm sure you're feeling better I'm ordering total rest and relaxation," Jamie smiled, brushing his fingers over the bump on Tanner's forehead, then pushing him back down on the grass.

Tanner sighed, put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky while Jamie gave him a slow, leisurely blow job. Jamie had first explored the wonders of boy sex with his older brother, Ethan. They were both horny teenage boys with a proclivity for the cock, they weren't blood brothers, so neither of them worried about any stigma that might be attached to the pleasures they inflicted on each other. The one thing they knew for sure was that the things they did weren't love, it was just getting off, there was no romance. Ethan found romance with Trent and though it took him a while, Jamie finally found it with Tanner, they still took care of each other's needs from time to time and the skills they'd acquired from starting so young made them both excellent lovers.

Jamie sucked Tanner for nearly two hours. He began slowly; taking every inch he could down his throat, burring his nose in the fuzzy little patch of well trimmed hair above Tanner's cock. He picked up the pace for a while but when he felt the vein on the underside of the big penis throb, he slowed back down to his gradual pace. He repeated this process several times until his jaw started to hurt, at which point he swallowed about a gallon of Tanners juice. When he was finished, he sat up and wiped his mouth with a satisfied sigh, threw some more wood on the fire then snuggled next to Tanner for a well deserved nap.

On the other side of the island, the expedition led by Trent and the twins had confirmed that they were truly alone on the island. By the time they reached the beach on the other side of the island they were sweating and quickly decided that a swim was in order. Trent was a little slower at stripping off his clothes then the twins and was just taking off his shorts when they dropped their underpants and ran naked into the waves. Trent hadn't been planning to go that far but what the hell, he told himself; he dropped his boxerbriefs in his pile of clothes and dove in. They splashed around and played in the cool water for an hour then laid out on the beach to dry in the sun.

Trent was about to fall asleep when he heard an unmistakable grunting. When he propped himself up on his elbows, he discovered Patrick roughly sport fucking Sean. His cock quickly rose to full mast as the gorgeous little redheads flaunted their sex in front of him. When Trent started to stroke his boner, the twins giggled then whispered conspiratorially.

"What's so funny," asked Trent, using his thumb to massage precum into his head.

The twins giggled, then crawled over and pushed him on his back. They got on either side of the older boy then applied their tongues to his cock, licking it up and down and fighting over the head. Trent lay back, panting his approval, not realizing he'd fallen right into their trap. After a few minutes, one of the twins pulled away and allowed the other to take Trent in his mouth, sucking up and down on the big stiffy. While Trent spread his legs and enjoyed what was going on below his waist, the restless twin without a cock to suck, straddled over Trent's chest.

Trent had his eyes closed, laying back and luxuriating in Patrick's expert suck job, it was clear that the twins did this a lot. His eyes popped open when he felt something warm and wet on his lips, he discovered Sean pressing his boner against his lips, a wicked grin on his face. Trent didn't see anyone reason not to suck the boy, after all he'd let him lick his cock, so he opened his mouth. Trent had planned to stick his tongue out and lick the head, but Sean had other plans and stuck his head in Trent's mouth. He gave Trent a moment to get used to it, then he started rocking his hips, effectively fucking the older boys mouth.

Now that Trent was fully distracted, Patrick let the big cock slip from his mouth; he lifted Trent's legs and shoved his 6 inches in deep. Trent let out a loud moan but continued to suck Sean, whose balls slapped his chin. Patrick pulled back and started humping wildly, eliciting more and deeper moans from Trent.

"You like that, don't ya bitch?" said Patrick.

"Mmhmm," Trent moaned.

"How's my cock taste, bitch?" asked Sean.

"Mmmm," moaned Trent.

"Play with your dick while I fuck your cunt," said Patrick.

Trent's hand immediately went to his shaft and started stroking. He couldn't believe he'd fallen into this trap but he was so glad he had, he wasn't even offended by the twins rough talk. Sean slammed his hips against Trent's face, forcing his cock deep down his throat, he pumped load after load of creamy spunk down the older boys throat. Seeing his brother get off like that sent Patrick over the edge and as he filled Trent's hole, Trent blasted his own stream against his tummy.

"Holy fuck," Trent exclaimed when they were finished, "where did you guys learn all that?"

"Our cousin Rory," said Sean.

"Yeah, he lived with us for a while and we had all sorts of fun," Patrick explained, "sorry I called you a bitch by the way, I was just playing."

"That's ok, it was kind of hot," said Trent, still in awe of how the wily redheads had seduced him, then flat out owned him, "I'll have to keep my eye on you two."

The twins smirked mischievously then set about getting dressed. Patrick put on his underwear then bent over to grab his shorts. Trent grabbed the boys' hips and pulled him back against his cock.

"Next time I'm taking your ass though," Trent stated.

"Fuck, it feels a hell of a lot bigger than it did in my mouth," said Patrick.

"Wait until I get it up here," said Trent, giving him a friendly pat on the bum.

"Do it," said Sean, "fuck him now."

Trent thought about it, he definitely wanted to, but it would take a while to get back to camp and he wanted to be there before dark.

"Next time," he promised.

"That's gonna be hot to see," Sean smirked at his brother.

"See nothing," said Trent, "as soon as I'm done with him, I'm coming for you."

Patrick laughed at his brother and then the twins took off into the jungle. Trent shook his head, he was sure Ethan wasn't going to believe this one. At least he wouldn't be mad, Trent and Ethan understood that they were only young once and as long as it was just sex with other people, not love, what was the harm in it as long as they told each other about it later. No secrets. Trent was looking forward to telling Ethan this story tonight when the younger boys fell asleep. Little did he know, Ethan would have his own story to share.

"So, what do you think?" asked Reese.

He and Ethan had just put the finishing touches on the shelter, while Tommy and Nicky gathered another round of bananas for lunch.

"Well, it's not the Plaza but it'll do," said Ethan.

The pair sat down, resting their backs against a log. Reese with his golden tan skin radiated in the afternoon sunlight, Ethan, with his Nordic paler, sat in the shade least he burn to a crisp. Before long, Tommy and Nicky returned with the afternoon's bananas.

"You know, it's only been two days but I think I'm already sick of bananas," said Reese.

"That's something I thought I'd never hear you say," Tommy winked, while grabbing his crotch suggestively.

"Oh, ha ha," said Reese, rolling his eyes.

"Did anyone hear all that noise last night?" asked Ethan, after he and Nicky had stopped chuckling at Reese.

"What noise?" asked Reese, he and Nicky both blushed.

"It sounded like someone was getting fucked," said Ethan.

"Oh, that was Reese," said Nicky.

Reese turned beet red while Tommy and Ethan rolled with laughter, Nicky simply looked confused.

"What's so funny?" asked Nicky.

"I just knew Reese would try to fuck Nicky as soon as he got a chance," said Tommy, punching Nicky in the shoulder good naturedly.

"But Reese didn't do it to me," said Nicky, "I did it to him."

This drew another round of laughs from Tommy and Ethan, after all, Nicky was only 12.

"I knew you were a cock hound Reese, but you could have come and seen me," smiled Ethan.

Reese had found his way to Ethan's bed a long time ago. Reese came to Wellington Academy at 13, having skipped 8th grade and as a result he was a bit of an outcast. The adopted boy knew what it was like to be lonely and thus befriended the freshmen, then one thing lead to another.

"I didn't think I'd make that much," Reese blushed, "He's not that big."

"Hey, it's plenty big," Nicky protested.

"I'll be the judge of that," said Tommy, who reached out and pulled Nicky's shorts and briefs off with one good tug.

"Hey, quit it," Nicky giggled, excited at yet another older boy taking his clothes off.

Tommy wrestled Nicky to the ground and tickled him, much to the younger boys delight. His little stiffy bounced around happily, then Tommy took his clothes off too.

"It feels big," said Nicky, in reference to the 6 inch hardon rubbing on his thigh.

"You wanna touch it?" asked Tommy.

"Ok," said Nicky, eagerly.

Nicky grabbed Tommy's cock and started to jerk him off, having just learned the technique from the older boys. Tommy sat on his knees and closed his eyes, letting the little hand go to work on him. Ethan pulled Reese onto his lap and wrapped his arms around him, Reese loved it when Ethan loved on him and he was only too happy to oblige. Ethan nipped at Reese's earlobe then kissed his neck, his hands found their way into the boys briefs where he stroked the soft skin above his dick.

Reese stood up and turned to face Ethan, he dropped his briefs and Ethan started kissing his shaved pubic area. This was Ethan's favorite spot on Reese's body, he kissed it, licked it, sucked it, generally made love to it with his mouth. He fingered the boy and felt his dick leaking precum onto his chin. Reese pushed Ethan back and kissed him on the lips, then licked his precum off of his chin and continued kissing down his body; he pulled off his underpants and took his cock in his mouth, bobbing up and down. Ethan moved Reese into a 69 position and jammed his tongue up his hole; he licked it wildly and was rewarded with deep, satisfied moans.

While Ethan and Reese 69ed, Tommy had talked Nicky into letting him fuck him. He had the little boy on his back, his legs lifted into the air and he began to push his dick against the tight hole. It took a few minutes but finally the head popped in causing a loud moan to erupt from Nicky. Tommy kept pushing as hard as he dared, Nicky bit his lip and moaned, his face a mask of discomfort. Tommy didn't stop, he knew that he had to get in as far as he could in order to loosen the younger boy, yet he was careful not to hurt him.

Reese pulled away from Ethan and got on all fours facing the other pair; he wanted to watch his boyfriend take the 12 year old while he gave his hole to the Senior. Ethan grabbed Reese by his hips and pulled him on to his dick. Reese had taken Ethan plenty of times and though he was still tight, the older by slid in with little effort. Ethan fucked him hard; he and Reese both turned on by watching Tommy rock his hips slowly back and forth into Nicky.

Reese crawled over to Nicky, dragging Ethan behind him. Reese licked Nicky's cock and started to suck it while Tommy and Ethan continued to fuck. Tommy lasted as long as he could but Nicky's ass was like a vice on his cock and as he began to spray cum into the younger boy, he set off a chain reaction. Nicky's body shook with another dry orgasm, Ethan's cock stroked Reese's prostate, he filled him with all the juice he could muster. Reese was so turned on that he came without even touching his dick.

"Fuck Nicky, you're so tight," panted Tommy.

"That kinda hurt but it felt kinda good too," said Nicky.

The boys rested for a few minutes then started to clean up; the others would be back soon. That night they slept more comfortably, the shelter providing a barrier against the wind. In the middle of the night, Jamie woke up and found himself in Tanner's arms. He looked at Tanner's sleeping angelic face, kissed him on the forehead then extricated himself from the tangle, he had to pee. Jamie walked toward the designated bathroom area and pulled out his dick, he was humming happily while he pissed when a hand clapped his shoulder causing him to nearly jump out of his skin.

Jamie turned and someone collapsed against him, moaning "help me." Jamie looked down into the face trying to ascertain who it might be.

There, laid out in the moonlight, was Kyle Harper.

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