The Island of Misfit Boys

By B.E. Kelley

Published on May 12, 2012


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

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The Island of Misfit Boys

The flight from Beijing to New York is a long one. In the first class cabin of United Flight454, most of the Wellington Academy Swim Team whiled away the hours either sleeping, or tossing a beach ball around the cabin, to the annoyance of the flight attendant. The team was returning from a trip to the Olympic Games; where one of their compatriots had competed in diving, bringing home the bronze medal. After the 15 hour flight arrived in San Francisco, they would board an 8 hour connecting flight to JFK, then drive an hour to their boarding school in the Connecticut countryside. The younger boys twitched with that unbridled teenage energy, the older boys felt it to, but as older boys do, they tried to sit still as a demonstration of their maturity.

At 17, Ethan and Trent were the oldest, and the only gay or rather, only openly gay couple, on the team. Ethan was tall and slender, with the lithe body common to divers. His hair was black as night, his eyes were a cold steel blue and his pale skin made his Nordic ancestry fairly obvious. Trent was slightly shorter but his body was no less elegant. Unlike his boy friend, Trent was a racer, his brown hair had a reddish tint, his big doe eyes were flecked with gold and his bronzed body looked like it had been given a healthy kiss from the sun. Ethan held a book in one hand and Trent's hand in the other, he read quietly while his boyfriend slept, resting his head on Ethan's Shoulder. Both were Connecticut natives so more than a trip back to school, this was a trip home.

A few seats back, sat 16 year olds, Jaime and Tanner. Jamie was Ethan's brother, both boys having been adopted a few years prior, from different families. Jamie was animatedly speaking to Tanner, as was his fashion. He was 16 and like all of the boys on the team, his body was well defined by his dedication to the sport. He had golden blond hair, bright blue eyes that bore a friendly twinkle and a grin that rarely left his angelic face. Tanner came to Wellington Academy from Virginia, he was quiet, thoughtful and regarded as a genuinely sweet boy. His dimensions were roughly the same as Jamie's; his hair was a mousey brown, but his blue eyes also had that friendly twinkle. As usual, Jamie talked excitedly, Tanner smiled and listened.

Across from Jamie and Tanner sat 15 year old Tommy and 14 year old Reese. Both boys were from Central Texas and had bonded since they first sat next to each other in biology class. In addition to being a swimmer, Tommy was also a soccer player and had the long sculpted legs common to footballers. His hair was a dishwater blond that he kept cut short, almost buzzed, his eyes were blue and there was a light dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks. Reese was the more cerebral of the two and was constantly fiddling with one gadget or another. His hair was strawberry blond, his eyes were emerald green and when he was in trouble he made a face so cute that it usually got him out of any punishment. Mature for their age, this pair spent a lot of time with the older boys, Ethan and Trent.

Then there were the troublemakers, a pair of mischievous 14 year old twins named Patrick and Sean, from New Hampshire. Their hair was red, not the orange common to gingers, red. Their eyes were a fierce green and their skin was the color of fresh milk. When the two of them had their heads together, look out, they were up to no good. Over the course of the trip to China, Patrick had used a collection of safety pins to pin Ethan and Trent to their mattresses, leaving their pajamas full of tiny holes. Sean had convinced one of the younger boys that it was Chinese tradition to wear a dog collar at dinner and the pair of them had been caught using sunscreen to draw a penis on the teams coach while he slept by the hotel pool. In case you were wondering, Patrick was responsible for the beach ball that was making its way around the cabin.

It was ironic that the twins had selected the coach as their target considering that his son, Nicky, was one of their best friends. Nicky was 12 and though not a student at the academy, he was such a part of the team that the boys thought of him as a little mascot and often stopped to ruffle his hair for luck before their race or dive. Nicky had black hair, blue eyes and a button nose. Nicky also had a mischievous streak and it's no wonder he'd gotten so close to the twins. At the moment he was sleeping quietly, seated between his parents. The rest of the boys on the team were a mixed bag or ages and personalities, and none of them had any idea how quickly their young lives would be forever changed.

As the 747 glided westward at over 40,000 feet, the sky grew dark. After dinner there was a movie but then most of the lights went out. Coach Carter was about to turn off his overhead light but wanted to make one last check of his boys before turning in. They had been a handful on this trip but that was just boys having fun, enjoying their adventure, after all, it's not every day that you travel to a foreign country to root for your former team mate in the Olympic Games. Coach Carter beamed with pride as he looked at Kyle Harper, his bronze medal still around his neck as though the moment would be gone if he took it off. The only other light on, in the first class cabin, was over Ethan Kerry's seat.

"What are you reading," asked Coach Carter.

"War and Peace," said Ethan, as he looked up.

"Glad it's nothing heavy," winked the coach.

"It's for honors English; I wanted to get a heads up on the summer reading list Mr. Brewster gave us," Ethan yawned.

"Ok, but you'll try to get some sleep, right?" asked Coach Carter.

"Uh, I'll try coach," Ethan frowned.

"Ethan, if you ever need to talk, you know you can come see me, right?" said Coach Carter in a friendly, fatherly manner.

"Thanks coach, but I'm ok," said Ethan.

Coach Carter patted the boy on the shoulder but he knew he wouldn't sleep, and frankly, the coach couldn't blame him. Ethan Kerry had been 12 years old when his father had been killed in a plane crash. The boy's mother had died giving birth to him and without any aunts, uncles or grandparents to take him in, he found himself to be an orphan. Fortunately he was adopted by a wonderful, loving family who had already adopted another son, Jaime. Ethan hadn't slept on the flight to China and the coach was sure he wouldn't sleep on the flight back. Coach Carter turned to head back to his seat and though it was only a few feet away, he would never make it.

At 11:16pm local time, the rear pressure bulkhead of United Flight 454 tore open over the mid-Pacific. The explosive decompression tore the tailfin from the aircraft and ruptured all of its hydraulic lines; Coach Carter was sucked through the gap into the darkness. Alarm bells sounded as oxygen masks began falling from the overhead compartments. Ethan pulled his mask over his head and tried not to hyperventilate as he held on to Trent with a death grip. He wanted to turn and make sure his brother was ok but the plane was descending so rapidly that he was pinned against his seat. All around him there was screaming, terrified, horrible screaming.

The pilots scrambled to get the plane under 15,000 feet where there would be air for the passengers to breath. The plane leveled out and passengers started to take off their oxygen masks, as soon he tore the mask from his face Ethan shouted to be heard over the screams.

"Jamie, where are you!"

"I'm here Ethan, I'm here," he shouted back.

"Are you ok?" asked Ethan.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm ok, I'm scared Ethan," yelled Jamie.

"It's ok, it's going to be ok, just hold on tight," Ethan instructed.

Ethan and Trent held on to each other for dear life.

"We're going to be ok, we're going to be ok," Ethan repeated over and over.

"Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen," Trent chanted, he wasn't even Catholic.

At 11:31pm, the last of the planes hydraulic fluid drained into the night sky. With the total loss of hydraulic control the plane nosedived into the sea. When Ethan's head broke the surface he found himself being pelted by rain as the remains of the plane burned around him.

"Jamie, Trent, where are you?" he shouted.

"I'm here, I'm right here," yelled Trent, taking Ethan's hand; he'd surfaced right next to him.

Trent and Ethan continued shouting for Jamie, the twins; Patrick and Sean, surfaced close by and swam to the older boys. A life raft floated nearby and Trent grabbed it but unwilling to let go of Ethan's hand, it was hard for him to open it. The twins took the raft, popped the release valve and it inflated in front of them. Trent helped the twins scramble aboard, then they pulled him up, he reached for Ethan but just as he was going to hoist his boyfriend aboard, they heard a voice over the crashing of the waves.

"Ethan," shouted Jamie, "Ethan!"

Ethan let go of Trent's hand and dropped back into the water. The waves were pounding and he swam hard in his brother's direction. He was out of breath but when he reached Jamie, he grabbed him and held on tight. Jamie; had Tanner floating on his back, his eyes were closed and there was blood on his forehead.

"Tanner's hurt," sniffled Jamie.

Ethan looked at the boy, he was pale and with the motion of the waves it was hard to tell if he was breathing. Ethan felt around Tanner's neck until he felt a pulse.

"He's alive Jamie, he's gonna be ok, help me get him over to the raft," Ethan instructed.

Trent and the twins were paddling the raft towards Ethan, helping other boys aboard as they encountered them. Trent pulled Jamie into the raft then the pair helped Ethan get Tanner aboard. They laid the unconscious boy in the middle of the raft and Trent, a doctor's son with ambitions of medical school, checked his vitals as best he knew how. Trent leaned down to listen to Tanner's heart and was startled when the boy coughed up water and opened his eyes.

"Oh my head," moaned Tanner.

"Well, I think he'll be ok," panted Trent.

Jamie grabbed his friend and held him tight; it would be hours before he let him go.

While Trent had been trying to give medical aide to Tanner, Ethan checked on the rest of the boys. The twins were obviously shaken but okay, Nicky sat next to them, hugging his knees and crying, but he wasn't hurt. Tommy and Reese had their arms around each other and the shock was plain on their faces. Another raft floated along side with 6 more boys on board. Ethan and a boy on that raft; used their shoe laces to tie the two rafts together, they tried to look for other survivors but the storm picked up, and no one responded to their shouts.

Finding himself with nothing to do for the first time since they hit the water, Ethan grabbed Jamie and kissed him on the forehead.

"Thank God you're ok," said Ethan.

"Hey what about me," Tanner grinned.

"I'm glad you're ok too, dork," said Ethan.

Just then Trent started feeling all over Ethan's body.

"Uh, babe, not in front of the children," Ethan kidded.

"I'm checking for injuries, making sure you're not hurt," said Trent, his hands still moving around his boyfriend's body.

"Hey," said Ethan, taking Trent's hands in his, "I'm ok."

Trent sniffled and put his arms around Ethan, squeezing him tight.

"What the hell happened?" whined Trent.

Ethan didn't know, but he looked around at the boys in the raft and saw that they were all shivering, from cold or fear he didn't know, and there were tears in their eyes. The one thing that Ethan did know was that if they were going to get out of this alive, they had to work together and the first thing he did was try to calm the boys down.

"Ok guys," Ethan began, "That was fucking horrible."

A couple of the boys chuckled at the swear word.

"I know you're all scared, I'm scared to, but this is 2008 ok?" said Ethan, "The age of cell phones and GPS and all that crap, it's impossible to stay lost, we're going to be ok, we just have to stick together."

"Ethan's right guys," said Trent, "We just have to wait to be rescued and until then we'll take care of each other."

The brave front put on by the older boys seemed to comfort the others. They huddled for warmth in the tiny raft as the stormy sea raged around them. The ordeal had been exhausting and though they were terrified, the sea rocked the frightened boys to sleep.

When Ethan woke up, he hoped it had all been a frightful dream, but he knew that was just wishful thinking when he opened his eyes. Sometime in the night, they had washed ashore on a small island. Ethan extricated himself from the tangle of arms and legs and climbed onto the beach. The shore was strewn with debris from the wreckage, bits of plane and stray pieces of luggage.

"What do you think?" said Trent, startling Ethan as he came up behind him.

There wasn't a plane in the sky or ship on the horizon. Ethan looked down at his feet, there in the sand sat Kyle Harpers Olympic medal, sunlight glinting off the polished bronze surface.

"I think we might be here a while," sighed Ethan, as he bent down to pick up the medal.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Trent.

"It's Kyle's medal, he's gonna want it back when we get home," said Ethan.

"Ethan, you really think anyone else surv..." Trent started.

"Don't finish that sentence," said Ethan, "I don't even want to think we're the only ones who made it out. My God Trent, all our friends..."

"You're right, I understand," Trent agreed, "so what do we do now?"

Before Ethan could answer, the heard a noise that sounded like a horn. When they looked over, the other boys were exploring the beach and Reese had a seashell pressed to his lips.

"Check it out guys, I've got the conch," Reese smiled, at his Lord of the Flies reference.

Unfortunately for him, Ethan was the only one who got it and he wasn't exactly pleased about it.

"Hell no, fuck that noise," Ethan exclaimed, as he grabbed the conch shell and smashed it against a rock.

"Don't even think about that book, that is not going to happen to us," Ethan exclaimed.

Reese stood there shocked and his bottom lip started to quiver. Ethan instantly felt bad for the overreaction and grabbed the boy, pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Reese, I didn't mean to snap at you," said Ethan.

"I, I was just kidding," Reese sniffled.

"Forgive me?" Ethan asked.

Reese looked up at his friend and smiled. Ethan patted him on the back and let him go. By this point the other boys had gathered around them in a semi-circle. Ethan and Trent traded a look, they knew that if they were going to keep things calm, the best thing they could do was take everyone's mind off of the friends they'd lost and the possibility that they'd never see home again.

"What do we do know?" asked Patrick.

"Well, for starters lets collect all of the luggage and plane garbage on the beach, see what we can use," said Ethan.

"Use, use for what?" asked Tommy.

"I'm sure we're going to get rescued, but it's a big ocean, we might have to take care of ourselves for a while and we'll need supplies. We'll see what we can salvage from the wreckage and then we'll explore the island, see if we can find any people and most importantly, water," Ethan explained.

The boys set to work and it had the desired effect, they were too busy to think about how afraid they were. There wasn't much luggage and what there was didn't provide much of anything, there were however some large pieced of the plane that the boys were able to move that might be good for building a shelter. After an hour, the boys set out together to explore the island. It didn't take long to find a freshwater pool and after they'd quenched their thirst, the boys started stripping down to their underpants and diving in.

"Hey come on guys, we gotta keep scouting the island," said Ethan.

"Ah, come on, let them have a little fun," said Trent.

"Yeah but, if we don't..."Ethan began.

"Come on E, pretty please," pouted Trent, as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants seductively.

"I hate you," grinned Ethan, as he quickly stripped down and chased Trent into the crystal clear water.

As the boys swam and enjoyed the cool water, Ethan and Trent took note of their surroundings. The large, fresh water pool would more than meet their needs and it was surrounded by groves of coconuts and banana's. If worse came to worse, there would be plenty of water to drink and food to eat. These discoveries made the older boys feel much more relaxed. The younger boys looked to them as the leaders of the group and they felt responsible for their younger team mate's safety. Ethan and Trent were determined to make sure each of them came home.

After an hour in the water, Trent grabbed Ethan's hand and suggested the two of them leave the younger boys at the pool and continue their exploration of the island.

"I don't know, it'll be dark soon," said Ethan, "maybe we should wait until tomorrow."

"Come on Ethan, please," Trent pleaded.

"What's the big deal, we'll have all day tomorrow?" asked Ethan.

"I just think we should check out as much as we can right now," said Trent.

"Ok, if you insist," Ethan relented.

He wasn't sure why Trent was suddenly so eager to explore but he figured it was easier to just go rather than argue. They climbed out of the water and headed deeper into the jungle. They hadn't seen another living soul and the air was thick with humidity, so they didn't bother dressing. They walked for about 20 minutes and when Trent judged that they were far enough away from the other boys, he threw his arms around Ethan and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"Oh, so that's why you wanted to go exploring," Ethan giggled.

"Mmhmm," muttered Trent, who was kissing Ethan's neck and pulling his underpants down, "Fuck me Ethan."

"In a minute," said Ethan, who was enjoying the feeling of Trent's lips on his body.

"Now, Ethan, I want you in me now," Trent practically begged.

Normally Ethan and Trent took their time making love. The cared for each other deeply and enjoyed the foreplay involved with their sex, especially the kissing. But when Ethan looked into Trent's eyes he saw something that he only saw on rare occasions, raw unadulterated lust.

Ethan pushed Trent down on his hands and knees. Normally he'd take his lover on his back so that he could look into his beautiful face while they made love, but Trent wanted, yearned, to be fucked and when that's the mood he was in, Ethan knew what he liked best. Trent had already freed Ethan's cock so once he was bent over, Ethan pulled Trent's undies down off his bottom and placed the head of his cock against his lover's hole.

"You're sure this is what you want?" Ethan asked teasingly.

"Ethan, don't tease," Trent whined.

Ethan smiled, he loved playing with Trent like this. He took his cock in his hand and slowly rubbed it against Trent's hole. Trent was too horny to screw around and when he had enough of Ethan's torment, he pushed himself back and popped Ethan's head into his hole.

"MMM," moaned Trent.

"Damn, you really are horny," Ethan exclaimed.

"Fuck me Ethan, mmm, fuck me," Trent moaned.

Now Ethan had caught up to Trent and was just as horny, he took Trent by the hips and thrust his cock into him, eliciting a loud, satisfied moan. Ethan pumped his cock into Trent until he could feel his balls resting on his bottom, then he pulled back and rammed it home. Ethan kept up the pace, fucking his lover hard and fast, he started to grow light headed from the heat and the workout.

Trent was in ecstasy, he loved Ethan more than life itself, loved his graceful body, beautiful eyes and at the moment, his 7 inch cock. Trent tightened his ass around Ethan's cock every time he pulled it back, milking his lover with his anus. Ethan knew he wouldn't last much longer so he lay across Trent's back, reached under him and jerked him off while he continued to pound his ass. He stroked him harder and faster, fucked his ass harder and faster and when he couldn't take it anymore Ethan blasted his seed into Trent. Trent's cock went off the moment he felt the warm boy juice spray his insides, coating Ethan's fingers.

The heat and the power of his ejaculation made Ethan dizzy and he collapsed on the grass, panting to catch his breath. Trent crawled over to Ethan and when his breathing returned to normal, he kissed him gently on his pouty lips.

"Thanks," Trent grinned manically.

"Shouldn't I be thanking you?" asked Ethan.

"Maybe, but I wanted it so bad," Trent explained.

"Yeah, what got into you?" asked Ethan.

"Life!" Trent exclaimed, "Ethan do you realize what a miracle it is for us to be here right now, I've never felt so alive in my life!"

Ethan hadn't thought about it until Trent had said it, but he was right. They had cheated death, fallen from the sky into an angry sea and they'd walked away from it. The sense of euphoria that Trent felt started to wash over Ethan and he felt as if his body had been rejuvenated. He kissed Trent, smiled and stroked his face then surprised him by springing to his feet.

"Come on, let's head back," said Ethan, as he pulled up his underwear.

"What's the hurry?" asked Trent, while he stretched his lean body.

"I wanna talk to the guys, see if they're feeling this too," said Ethan.

Ethan grabbed Trent's hand and pulled him to his feet. The boys walked briskly back to the spring, stopping occasionally for a passionate kiss or to touch each other's naughty parts. When they reached the younger boys, they were shocked by what they saw.

Reese was lying on his back, his legs up in the air, Tommy was between them and fucking Reece almost as hard as Ethan had fucked Trent. Both boys were grunting and moaning, without a care in the world for the 5 boys surrounding them.

Tanner was standing next to Jamie with his arm around his shoulder; he was still a little light headed. Both boys had their underpants around their knees and were using their free hands to jerk off while they watched the action in the middle. Patrick and Sean, the beautiful red heads, had their hands in each other's undies, each stroking his brother's cock. Nicky's eyes were wide and his mouth hung open, he wasn't doing anything or saying anything but his cock was hard in his tight little briefs, Sean was rubbing it gently.

"Hey guys, having fun?" Ethan grinned wickedly, when 7 startled faces snapped in his direction.

For a moment everyone was quiet, then Tommy flashed a wicked smile and resumed his fucking. Reese moaned and everyone's attention returned to him. Trent took off his underpants and threw them in Ethan's face. The older boys laughed then they joined their compatriots in jerking off.

Jamie kissed Tanner on the cheek, then Tanner turned to face him and they began to make out while they stroked their cocks. Jamie was bisexual and Tanner was gay, it was a secret that only Ethan and Trent, and Tommy and Reese had known until this point. The twins took off their underwear and started to 69, sucking greedily on each other's cocks. They didn't know if they were gay, bi or what, all they knew was that as horny little boys they'd done some things with their cousin, and figured if it felt good, do it. Trent and Ethan joined the boys on the ground, kissing and stroking themselves as they listened to the grunts and moans around them.

Nicky was the last man standing. The little boy couldn't believe what was happening and didn't know what to do. He was 12 and had been playing with his boner for over a year. He hung out with his dads swim team so much because he thought the boys in Speedo's were cute, even if he didn't understand why. Trent looked up at the lonely boy, then shared a wicked grin with Ethan. The older boys grabbed Nicky and pulled him down between them.

Ethan put his hand on Nicky's belly and started to kiss his neck, Trent rubbed his thigh and kissed his chest. Nicky giggled at first, it tickled and he'd never felt anything like that before. The giggling stopped when Ethan's tongue found its way into his mouth, and Trent's lips found his nipples. The older boys kissed and sucked on little Nicky, then they started to fondle him through his briefs. Nicky took to kissing like a duck to water and began to suck on Ethan's tongue like a greedy little piglet.

Reese had rolled over and was now ridding Tommy, bouncing happily on his 6 inch cock. Jamie had braced Tanner against a tree, then dropped to his knees and began sucking his cock. Patrick had flipped Sean onto his tummy and was now fucking him doggie style, or maybe it was Sean fucking Patrick? They were so identical there was no way to tell them apart. Ethan and Trent were still jerking off but they had returned to kissing, with one slight difference. The older boys had taken Nicky's briefs off and they were making out around his hard little boner. They kissed and licked his hard shaft and their tongues met around his head.

When Tommy started to cum in Reese's ass, he set off a chain reaction. Reese moaned loudly and sprayed his spunk on Tommy's tummy. Tanner let out a muffled little grunt, but the quiet boy had a powerful orgasm. Jamie tried to swallow it all but lost concentration when he came, so a little dribbled onto his chin. Sean, Patrick or whoever was on the bottom, started to cum first and when his body tensed around the dick inside of him, it started to go off to. Nicky was writhing and squealing on his back, he'd never felt so good before. The older boys wanted to get him off so Trent swallowed the little boner while Ethan worked on his balls. Nicky's body shuddered from his dry cum and the older boys covered each other's legs in spunk. When it was over there was nothing but the sound of heavy breathing and the call of the random tropical bird.

The boys pulled up their underwear, some faces were beat red from exhaustion, others from embarrassment.

"So how did that get started?" asked Trent.

"I guess I started it," said Tommy, sheepishly.

"You just whip it out and point it at Reese?" Ethan giggled.

"Tommy's my boyfriend," said Reese, "we just hadn't told anyone yet."

"Yeah," said Tommy, taking Reese's hand in his, "and well, we were horsing around in the water and he just looked so cute, I got so horny..."

"Yeah, I get the picture," said Ethan, "What about the rest of you?"

"It was just hot," said Patrick.

"Yeah, hot," Sean agreed.

Jamie and Tanner didn't field an answer; they just kissed each other sweetly on the lips, then smiled at the others.

"Ok," said Trent, dismissing the topic, "Lets head back to the beach, it's going to be dark in a little bit, we'll take some of these banana's and eat."

"Can we do that again?" asked Nicky, cheerfully, speaking for the first time since Tommy took Reese down on the grass.

The boys burst into hysterical laughter and started to walk back to the beach and again, no one bothered to put his clothes back on. It was clear to Ethan and Trent that the others felt as elated to be alive as they did. As they looked at the collection of cute boys in nothing but their underwear, Ethan and Trent knew they had the perfect distraction while they waited for rescue.

Next: Chapter 2

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