The Island

By rr2253

Published on Dec 19, 2010


The Island - Chapter 7

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I awoke to the usual warm mouth probing my hole. It was warm and felt so damn good that of course it caused my cock to stir. It didn't go unnoticed. Soon the warm mouth was on my cock swallowing it deeply. It wasn't long before I moaned and let out a load into the hot mouth. He looked up and smiled as I finished before he started to clean me off.. I sat up and pulled him up to me and started to kiss him. He protested a little. I tasted my ass and my cum still in his mouth.

"Master, I am not clean yet." Aiden said.

"I like how you taste." I told him.

Tears formed in his eyes and he looked a little sad. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he felt he wasn't a good slave to me. I looked at him questioningly. He told me that when he was sentenced to be a slave boy, he was to be a toilet. I had not used him for that all that much. He also said I didn't beat him as he was supposed to be beaten every day.

"I just want to be the slave I am supposed to be. You take such good care of me that I fear you will tire of me and have me killed or sent away." He said.

I held him tight and told him he was the ideal slave and that I would never hurt him. I just wanted him to have pleasure too.

He said he knew that but as he was a slave, he was supposed to be punished. With the Commander, he was usually whipped every day and forced to wear the ball crushers to suffer pain. I rubbed his balls and said I saw no need for that. I told him he suffered enough and wanted him to enjoy some things in life. He said he was willingly to be beaten everyday if it made me happier. I told him it wouldn't. I couldn't figure how a previous straight kid could have changed into one who craved pain. I guess it doesn't take long to change if you are made to do it. I kissed him again and told him I liked it when he tasted like my ass. I knew then he was mine and if he would eat my shit, drink my piss and take my cum in his ass or mouth, how much more loyal could he be? He smiled .

I stroked his cock and balls and reminded him that as my property, I enjoyed the right to touch him anytime or anyway I wanted. He told me that he knew his body was mine and offered it willingly to me for anything I wanted to do including making him suffer for me. I pinched his balls a little and said that was about all the pain I wanted him to suffer.

I stroked him until he got rock hard. He was a little embarrassed that I was giving him pleasure but I reminded him that it gave me pleasure too. He moaned as I played with him and it wasn't long before he said he was cumming. I stroked him more until he was ready to shoot his load when I placed my mouth on it and took it in my mouth. I didn't swallow it but kissed him and our tongues exchanged his warm boy cum. I got up and he took my hand and put his face at my crotch and asked for my piss. I reluctantly let him have it and told him I didn't want him to miss a drop as I blasted my morning piss into his mouth. He took it so willingly and kissed my cock again when I finished.

We showered together he washing every part of me so gently. He dried me off and we had breakfast before I went out to do my duties for the day.

We went out and found Randy had my pony boys hitched and waiting. I hugged Randy and smiled at the pony boys who smiled back. I stroked each of their cocks to which they moaned in appreciation. They were fully erect and I loved the way it looked. I decided to wait until later to milk them as I wanted their sexual desires directed to their pulling the wagon. I had Aiden attached to my cart as he preferred. He always feared that if anyone saw him in it, he would be punished. I didn't argue.

We headed off to the infirmary so I could take one last check on the boy who had been fucked repeatedly by dogs and the one who had been gang raped for 24 hours. We arrived and Aiden followed me into the location where Sergio had cared for them. They both looked a lot better. The boy who had been raped by dogs dropped to his knees as soon as he saw me. He bent over and kissed my feet even though now that I had a uniform, he had to kiss my shoes. (I actually had grown to prefer barefoot better but the shoes were part of the uniform) He asked if he could speak. I nodded and he thanked me for the caring for him and allowing him to get better. I had him rise so I could inspect his ass. His once pink anus was now stretched and less pretty than I'm sure it was before. He couldn't have been more than 16 and I felt bad that it had been used so terribly. He held his ass cheeks apart and showed me his hole willingly. He asked if he could speak. I again nodded and he said he would be honored to have my cock in his hole if I was willing to use him. The other boy had said nothing. He had stood when I came in but offered no more. I asked if they had both learned their lessons about slaves needing to subject to anything and not stealing and to the other boy I asked if he knew not to try to fuck any girl. The dog boy said he knew his place and now would consent to anything his master asked and to never touch anything again.

The other boy said he was still straight and wanted to only fuck girls. He was much less sorry sounding than the other who glanced at him almost in amazement at his attitude. Aiden's jaw dropped as he heard the reply. He knew better as he had also fucked girls and taken drugs before he had been put in slavery.

I asked the boy if he would allow either Aiden or the other boy to use him as they pleased. He was reluctant and said he would not want to be raped by a man. He said that was for girls to get raped and for guys to rape them. I was astounded that this boy who been raped repeatedly, could speak in such a manner. I told him to bend over so I could inspect his ass. I called Aiden over and told him to shove at least two fingers into his hole. The boy did comply and bent over. His hole was stretched a bit and not as tight looking as it should be for a youth of 16 or 17. Aiden knelt down and was about to tongue the hole but I told him to merely push his fingers in. the boy yelped and protested. I decided he hadn't learned his lesson as a slave and was not ready to get off too easy. I told Sergio who had been standing aside, to now rape the boy who protested. He came up behind him and was about to be gentle entering him as he had not been lubed. I told Sergio that I wanted him to enter full force and to not be gentle. Sergio nodded and came up behind the boy and thrust his firm cock straight in. The boy screamed in pain as Sergio began to thrust his good sized cock in and out. The boy flailed about and didn't get very hard himself as Sergio banged his hole. The boy screamed and swore as Sergio pounded him. I told Sergio to dump inside of him which he did. As soon as he came, I had him withdraw and told the other boy to do the same to him. His cock had gotten hard. He also complied and pushed his cock into the other young man who again yelped and screamed. His hole was now stretched again and lubed by Sergio's load of cum which dripped out around the boy's cock. Moments later, he to shot his load. I now had Aiden fuck him. He had seen Aiden's big cock and wasn't totally prepared for another assault on his no longer virginal hole. Aiden seemed to stretch him to the limits as he thrust himself in banging his balls against the boy's ass. He too shot a load into him. He backed off and pulled out. Cum dripped from the boy's hole. He continued to yell and protest. I looked at him and he cursed and asked if I was going to rape him too. I looked at him and smirked and said he had a worse punishment coming. He looked at me in fear. I made him lick each of the boy's cocks realizing he had no choice. I then had Aiden piss in his mouth. He tried to avoid it but Aiden pushed in deeper making sure he either swallowed it or choked. I told the other two boys to piss in his face. Once they were done, the kid was a mess of urine and cum all over him. I asked if he had enough. He mumbled something about not wanting fags to use him. I slapped his face leaving a bright red mark across it and told him he was never to address any man like that again. I could see anger still in him. He hadn't learned his lesson. Not allowing him to be cleaned up, I had Aiden collar him along with the other boy and lead him out. I thanked Sergio for his good service. Aiden and the boy who learned their lesson went out to my carriage. I told Aiden he was to ride with me after he attached the other boys to the back. The boy who had complied with me and had been raped by the dogs didn't protest. The other boy yelled and protested. I told the pony boys to run quickly making the two others run fast. The protesting one was a mess with piss and cum drying on him. The other boy simply said "yes, Master" to me and didn't complain. As my pony boys ran pulling the cart. Both youth's tied behind had to struggle. The boy covered in cum and piss struggled and almost fell several times.

We went to the pony training center where I told the boy who didn't protest, he would be kept and trained to pull carriages. He didn't look happy but bowed and knelt down to kiss my crotch. I had the trainers lead him inside where he would be fitted with a ring in his cock. He no longer would be able to fuck anything. He would be tried out to be a pony. I wanted him to learn his lesson about stealing.

The other boy looked fearful but seemed to have a look that said to the other, "you really got fucked." Seeing it on his face, I suddenly changed my mind. I told the trainers to wait.. They let him stand there and I decided to have the cum/ piss covered boy take his place. He was the one who wanted to fuck only women. Now, if made to be a pony boy, he would never get to fuck again. The trainers exchanged the boys and the one who hadn't learned his lesson was now to be taken. I told the trainers if he didn't comply with their training, he was to be placed in the kennel. The first boy knew what that meant. He would be made to be the dogs' bitch. He would be kept on his hands and knees, like a dog. His ass would be coated daily with a scent that made him seem in heat. He would be kept outside in the kennel made to clean up the dogs messes and be fucked by them anytime a dog had the urge. He would also be sent to the arena where spectators could watch him be raped by dogs. As he was going to get the ring in his cock as all pony boys did, it would be left on even if he was later sent to the kennels. He cried and begged now asking to be given another chance. I looked away and told the trainers to take him. The other boy stood and watched as he was led to the training barns.

I took the other boy and had him reattached to the carriage. I told him if he ever stole again, he would suffer the same punishment. He thanked me for keeping him from there and said he would do anything I decided to take him with me and make him another slave for my pony boys at least for now. We went back to my quarters with him in tow.

When we got back, I introduced him to Randy. He was a bigger kid than Randy and probably a year or so older as Randy was just about 14. I asked his name and he said he had been called Martin. I was impressed that he even knelt down and kissed Randy's cock. I told Randy I wanted Martin to help in the barn. He was to learn how to take care of my pony boys. I took Martin aside for a few moments to talk to him. He seemd very agreeable to anything I asked. I asked him about his stealing for which he was made to be put in the pens with the dogs and raped. He said that he only took food as several of the other boys had taken his and he was starving. He knew stealing was wrong but feared he wouldn't survive. He had been a house boy slave in training and several older boys also in training had picked on him. He apparently, was not as well endowed as they were and they teased him and abused him often. I knew that slaves, when given the chance, often abused one another making the strongest the alpa dog of the group and subjecting the weaker and smaller boys to abuse. I examined his cock and realized that it wasn't huge, maybe 4.5 - r inches, other boys over 16 probably had bigger equipment. From his fucking the other youth at the infirmary, I decided it obviously worked ok though.

I had Randy get him some food and told Martin that he was to treat Randy with respect. Randy was younger than he was and had a bigger cock and balls than Randy but I wanted him to learn that a huge cock and balls were not the most important thing.

I came back later as Randy was teaching Martin how to lick out the pony boy's ass after they had shit. I'm sure he wasn't crazy about it but did it without any protest. The pony boys seemed to like the new tongue and mouth in their rectums. I told Randy that he could fuck the new boy when he was done with his chores. I wanted to stress Randy's dominance over Martin. He smiled and said he would.

I went out to the stable later to see how the other boy was doing. He had been cleaned up and looked very fearful as they about to take him to be ringed. He had been circumcised so there was no need to skin him. He knew from seeing the other pony boys that he would no longer be able to fuck anyone ever again. A medical assistant had him strapped on the a table with his legs spread very far apart. He had already had his number tattooed to his left upper arm and it looked sore. I could see tears in his eyes and fear on his face as the large ring was laid on the table between his legs. His cock was swabbed with alcohol. The medical assistant asked if he was to have his cock deadened for the procedure. I told him no to make him feel the full pain of having the piercing done to him. Unlike most pierced men, the hole the ring was not placed through the piss slit but rather a hole done on each side so the ring went straight through. A mouth gag was placed in his mouth and the medical assistant began to work. He had a large needle that was pushed straight through. I felt bad for the kid who was maybe only 17 as his manhood was taken in hand by another guy while the doctor pushed the huge needle through him. I heard the muffled scream as his dick was pierced. Some blood was visible but he worked quickly and inserted the large silver ring. Tears poured down the boys face and he moved about. I wondered whether it was just the pain or the realization that his cock was no longer something he could use except to piss. Any other use would be strictly controlled by whoever an whenever his master might choose. I also wondered if would make it as he wasn't the strongest looking boy ever to enter pony school. He had a nice body and was perhaps better looking than some others but he strength may not have been so great.

Once the procedure was done, the boy was unshackled from the table. He looked down to see the large ring. The medical assistant said he would be equipped with a catheter for several days as he might get an infection from the procedure if allowed to piss normally. He was led off to his stall where he could sleep and start to recover once his catheter was inserted. I noticed he had involuntarily shit a little from the procedure. Out of spite, I made him clean it up with his hands and a paper towel. I wanted him to suffer just a bit more degradation to humble him even more for his future. I even had him lick his fingers tasting his own shit. It was mean but he had to know that as a slave, he would learn to do whatever a Master told him to do.

I went out to the training center to see how some of my changes were working. I feared that some of the leaders might be having difficulty following my orders. I was surprised to see the boys doing better. My goal was to have fewer boys lost and dieing due to bad care. Their diets had been improved and they seemed to work harder knowing they would get breaks. I decided to add one more new wrinkle. I wanted the boys to play some games so they might get a bit more competitive and also to improve their physical abilities. I noticed a large field that I decided could be made into a soccer field. Of course they had never played so some educating would have to take place. For the younger boys, once they were taught to read, write and do simple math, while in the school, they were sent to be trained to do whatever they were destined to do. From about age 10 to 14, they went to school along with the girls. The boys were sent naked and began to learn things like how to satisfy those they served. In the school, I saw one class where boys were taught how to lick pussy, serve as a toilet for women and how to generally make their bodies available for whatever a woman wanted. The boys were assigned to a girl who made him do anything she wanted. They also carried their books and lunches for them. It was degrading to see how some of the girls dealt with the boys but it was part of their training. I decided that the boys needed something to give them a break from their routines so soccer or other games might be good.

Some of the trainers knew how to play but had little experience so I decided to check and see if Aiden knew how to play. When I got to my quarters, he was waiting for me. The apartment looked sparkling clean as always. Aiden knelt down and took his usual position bowing and placing his hands behind his head. Fuck, he was gorgeous! He had trimmed his armpit hair so it was just a nice little bush in each. He hadn't shaved his legs so the hair was nice there too. His cock was clean shaven. I pulled him up and kissed him. As I did, I reached around to probe his ass. I wanted to make sure he hadn't rimmed all the hair out of it as I loved seeing the short little hairs around his hole. He knew what I liked and had left it for me. I kissed him and pulled him close so I could feel his cock against my uniform. He smiled and said he had ordered lunch for me. I shared my lunch with him and we talked about the day. He asked about the boy who was sent to pony training. He was pleased that I had made him get ringed as he felt he had been too disrespectful of my authority. I had to agree he was right.

I told him about my soccer plans and asked him what he knew. Although he hadn't played for a few years, He knew the rules and had played when he was a free boy. I told him I wanted him to now be the teacher. I think he was a little shocked that I would ask him but he said he would. I got the necessary approval from the Commander later that day and told him that Aiden was the teacher. I also told him I wanted Aiden to be much more than my slave. He looked a little surprised. I explained that Aiden was actually more my lover now. I was surprised to hear myself say that as only a few months ago I was a totally straight military guy who would never have considered having sex with a guy. Now I wanted him all the time! He agreed that I could make Aiden more than a slave but needed to be careful as his mother was not to know. As I saw little of her (the less the better) I knew we would have to be a little cautious but we could proceed. I decided that I wanted Aiden to not look just like all the slaves. I knew he couldn't wear clothes or a loin cloth but wanted him to appear a higher level slave so I decided to get him a neck chain that while prominent and showing his status, didn't make him look too different. I purchased a chain at a free market store in the tourist village. It was gold and fit closely but not too tightly around his neck. I decided to give it to him that night in bed.

That evening, when I returned, Aiden was in my quarters already tiding up the place as usual. Seeing his youthful body that was getting even more defined by his rigorous excercises each day, he looked magnificent. Tall, yet lean and young looking in the face, his dark hair and eyes were wonderful. He dropped to his knees as always when I came in. after kissing my shoes, I asked him to help me undress which he did hanging up the clothes and putting some things in the laundry. I hugged him firmly and kissed him passionately. Now naked, our cocks rubbed against one another. I asked him to make us both drinks. He usually declined the alcohol and drank water but I insisted he have at least some wine to celebrate his new role as my assistant and helper. He agreed and sipped a little wine. I chose a sweet wine as I knew he didn't like the taste of dry wines. I took his hand and led him to our bed. He climbed in and cuddled closely to me. Damn, he was a tender young man much more so than I recalled ever being at his age. Of course, I had not been made a slave as he was. I let him kiss my nipples and stoke my cock. He always let me make any sexual move even though I felt his cock get harder as he was so close to me. I took my hand and stroked it which only caused him to kiss and lick more of my body including my sweaty armpits. I tried to stop him but he begged to lick the sweat from me so I allowed it as his soft lips and tongue felt so good. After a few minutes, I felt precum on his cock and decided to fuck him. He laid on his back and lifted his gorgeous legs and feet and I almost plowed into his sweet hole. He was a little startled I think at the force but accepted it without any complaint. I fucked him hard and shot a load inside his warm ass. He moaned with pleasure as I came in him. He quickly tried to get down to lick me clean but I just held him tightly and kissed his mouth. He opened it to accept my tongue. He completely gave himself to me. It was wonderful to feel his warm body against mine.

When I was finished, he handed me my drink. While he had his back turned slightly to me, I grabbed the box and opened it. I took the neck chain out and put it around his neck. He cried when he saw it. It looked wonderful around his youthful neck against his tanned skin. He kissed me again thanking me for the gift. I knew no one had given him such a gift for a long time. I explained that he needed to look a little different than the others he was to train. He accepted that explanation even though I wanted him to have it as a token of my love and appreciation for all he did to honor and comfort me.

We had dinner and chatted about his new role. He seemed excited yet apprehensive at the same time

End of chapter 7

Next: Chapter 8

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