The Island

By rr2253

Published on Dec 11, 2010


The Island - Chapter 5

We drove off from the hotel. I was still admiring the strong bodies of the two pony boys who pulled us. I decided that if I was to have my own, I wanted one with big balls. No gelding for me! We talked about what we had seen. The Commander explained that the hired boys and girls at the hotel were never given a true picture of the island. He said they were not allowed to mingle with the slaves and had little information about them. They generally stayed for a year or so and then went back to their lives. They came from all over the world, many from poor countries or Eastern Europe where they would not have the chance to make the kind of money they earned and to get so much sexual pleasure. I guess they assumed the slaves did the same. He told me the slaves were sometimes taken, picked up as runaways or simply kidnapped. There was less of that now since they had developed their own breeding. Now that breeding was done with some genetic engineering, they were assured of a good crop of generally healthy young people to use. At a young age, they were separated into various categories. The best looking were physically groomed to be sex objects. The less attractive were made to do labor type work. Those destined to work with the public, were given better food and lives although none were allowed to know parents or relatives. They lived communally and as they never had worn clothes, accepted their lives as normal. I guess knowing what was going to happen to them down the road, it was better they had no one other than their peers to relate to.

I decided to ask more about Aiden. I wanted to know what his destiny was going to be. The Commander said they he had taken on Aiden when his mother cast him out of her life. He had felt sorry for him in some ways but that he couldn't promise anything as the mother, as the leader of the country , could decide the fate of anyone in slavery. The Commander had told the woman that he would make Aiden his toilet boy. She accepted that realizing that short of death, it was the worst role in slavery. He was more handsome than most toilet boys but The commander said that this role gave him a better assurance of living . His mother had wanted him castrated and killed publicly but he Commander decided that it was better to keep him and had convinced his mother that this was better punishment as it only prolonged Aiden's agony in life. The Commander also said that he found Aiden to be good looking and had a gorgeous cock that developed into it's full size only within the last year. He told me Aiden was now just 18. He had been enslaved at 15. Before that, he had lived a normal life as a privileged young man. It was very tortuous for him to learn his slavery role but the Commander made it happen. Now he was a compliant slave and would do anything he was told. I asked why he had to wear the ball crushers. The Commander said that it was originally his mother's idea as she wanted his ability to produce seed to be ruined and that was a better idea than castration. I think she had wanted his gorgeous cock and balls both removed. I asked if we could do something else now and the Commander listening while I stated my weak case to humble him but yet no keep him in such pain. I suggested a collar around his ball sack with perhaps weights . The Commander actually liked the idea and said that as he was now my property, I could do as I wished. I asked him about why I had not been collared as well as I was technically his slave. The Commander said he chose to leave me looking lie a free man as that is what I was. As I consented to stay and help him, he felt it was only right to let my cock and balls hang free. He pointed out that all other slaves and guards had a weight and collar put on their genitals to identify them as slaves. Only the weights were less heavy on the guards and trainers. I told him that I was going to do the same for Aiden and decided that I should look no different than other guards. He told me it was my choice and we drove on to the farms. As I watched the pony boys pull us, the one with the large balls of course, had on weights. I wondered how I would feel with them on me. The boy with no balls had a weight on the end of his cock in addition to the ring which made it hang and pull his cock down.

We entered the farm, It reminded me of something you might see in the Midwest with several grain fields and other crop fields all being tended by naked boys and men. All races were visibile. The commander explained that all slaves spent some time here when in training as they got to do heavy lifting, toiling in the sun and lots of physical labor. We went down the road and headed for a barn. When we arrived, a naked boy helped us out of the cart. He immediately dropped to his knees in front of us realizing the Commander's positon. "Do you need to piss," the Commander said as he unzipped his pants. I realized all the coffee had created the need. The boy immediately took the Commander's cock in his mouth and accepted every drop. Another youth came running and dropped in front of me and took my cock and drank it all. The both stood and bowed to us when we finished, thanking us for our gift t o them as another man approached. He appeared to be about my age. He bowed and greeted the Commander warmly. The Commander introduced me to him and the trainer knew I was coming to select a pony boy. He offered to take us and show us around the stables. In the distance, I could see another trainer yelling for a young man who was attached to a long rope at his cock, running around in a small enclosed area. We walked over to watch. The sturdy young man was running, then trotting, then running. Sweat was streaming off his body. He was quite good looking with dark hair and not any fat on his body at all. He looked to be about 20. I was told he was actually only 16. He had another few months to go before he was put into service. We also saw a slightly older black youth running pulling a cart. He was almost ready for service. I admired how sleek they both looked. Not sure they felt the same way but apparently knew nothing else. We watched a little longer before we were led to the barn to examine what was available.

Inside the stable we went down several aisles. I was amazed to see young men and boys tied up in each. Each already had the large ring through their penis head and a rope of strap tied through it and tied to the wall. As we entered and past each one, they stood at attention looking straight ahead until we were well past them. The trainer asked if I saw anything I liked. I said I was hoping for a closely matched pair that showed good muscle tone and stamina. He told me he had just what I might like as we turned a corner. There standing together in one stall were two young blond men with striking muscular tone. There hair was longer than I would have preferred but he explained that they had been used since they were about 14, in some park to carry children around on their backs. They were now older and the man explained that as they matured further, their cocks got so big that they intimidated the mothers! I looked at their cocks and they must have each had at least a ten inch, very thick cock. That's not full sized he said laughing. When I give them a stimulant they each grow about another inch in length and seem to get fatter. These boys are twins and were kept together as a pair. I had thought the Leader might want them but she felt their cocks were too big. I didn't want to cut them off so I gave her another pair with smaller penises. Their cocks were amazing. I don't think I ever had seen men with such huge organs. He went on to explain that usually the black boys were the bigger in penis size but these two matched them and maybe were actually bigger. The two pony boys stood at attention and didn't make any eye contact with us. He suggested I go in for a closer look and added that if he couldn't find takers for them, that he might have to castrate them completely or make them strictly work animals.

I walked closer and neither budged as I touched their bodies and admired their strong pectorals, tight washboard abs and sturdy legs. I decided to inspect them. I wasn't sure what I was looking for but the opportunity to touch them was too good to pass up. I felt their bodies, touched their nipples and eventually got to their cocks. As I touched the one, I could see it get bigger. They both had a nice bush of hair around their cocks. The pony boys sometimes kept their body hair as the Commander explained that it sometimes made them more animal looking. They had virtually no hair on their chests but a soft sprinkling of hair on their ass cheeks. I went around behind. As I touched their asses, the trainer had them bend over so I could see their holes. Both looked to have bright pink anuses . The trainer said that I should feel free to probe them. He handed my a glove and I touched each one. He told me to stick my hand inside. I said I didn't want to injure them but he assured me that they had both been fitted with dildo tails which he had removed from all the boys for my inspection. I pushed my finger in deeper and heard a slight moan from the boy as he moved his legs apart slightly to give me better access. I felt the other boys as well with the same response. I could see they both had huge balls as well and stroked them. The trainer asked if I wanted him to milk them as neither had any release in over a week. I was stunned but said I could do it and proceeded to stroke each cock and watch as it got bigger and thicker. Both boys moaned. The trainer slapped them both saying they were not to get any pleasure. He came over and grabbed the one's cock and jerked it quickly. Not nearly as pleasant as my stroking had been. In only about three minutes both boys shot a huge load. Spurt after spurt of cum came out. The Trainer had caught most of it in two small pails. I was amazed how much cum they produced. The trainer let me look at it to see the pure whiteness of it as it lay in the pail. He scooped some out and rubbed it across their mouths with his finger. They ate it. I reached in and took some and licked my finger. It was warm and almost sweet tasting.

The trainer said that if I wanted to fist them, they could take it and then I could feel their prostrates. I declined but decided right then, that they were excellent choices. The trainer said he thought I might like them. He also admitted he hated to see them go as he and his fellow trainers liked to fuck them often. Unlike some, they didn't protest as much as some did.

I inquired if they were ever allowed to speak. I hadn't actually heard any pony boy say anything. He said they were trained at an early age not to speak unless directly spoken to and then to respond with only brief answers. I went around the front of them and looked at them in the eye. They looked at me but quickly turned away. I told them I wanted to ask them questions. They both quietly replied "Yes, Master."

I asked if they would like to leave the stable to become my pony boys. They replied in unison that they would. I asked their names and they looked at the trainer and at me questioningly. He said they really were not given human names. They were called Jake and Jay.

Another younger stable boy was brought in. The trainer explained that we was giving him to me along with the pony boys. He had been their caretaker for the last year. He was about about 14 and had a ring around and a weight and ring on his balls. He had no ring in his cock but it was explained that he would fuck each pony boy as needed and keep them fed and watered. He also was made to drink their piss and clean out their assholes as needed. Beyond that and his care for the pony boys, you can do as you wish with him. His name was Randy and he bowed and knelt for each of us.

The trainer asked if I wanted anything done to them before I accepted them. I decided to leave their public and butt hair but may save it later. The youth had only a bit of pubic hair and some hair under his arms and on his legs. I said he should also remain as he was.

We led the two twin pony boys by the leash attached to their cocks and found a suitable carriage that I assumed wasn't too heavy and yet had room for me and a passenger with room in the back to carry something or someone. The boys were hooked up and the stall boy attached to the back. I inspected his feet to see if he could run and discovered that although not as tough as the pony boys, the bottoms also were tough. I guess most slaves had developed strong feet. The pony boy's feet were probably size 10 or 11. The youth had smaller feet but large for his age at around size 9. Having no shoes on myself, I guess I too was getting tougher feet.

The Commander got in his carriage and I got into mine. We expressed thanks to the trainer and departed. The commander suggested a race but I declined feeling I didn't want to overwhelm my new pony toys. We agreed to see one another later in the day. I knew it meant having to submit to the Commander again but I found I wasn't as fearful this time and might actually look forward to his big cock in my ass. The pony boys didn't acknowledge the Commander's pony boys as that was not allowed. We drove back to the compound for a late lunch. I was looking forward to seeing my slave Aiden and tell him the good news about the crushers on his balls.

When we arrived, the stall boy was shown where my pony boys and cart were to be kept. He led them off and I admired their huge balls hanging down and seeing the leash lead them by their balls. I instructed the boy to make sure they were well watered and fed.

I went into my quarters to find Aiden on his knees waitinf for me. He immediately kissed my cock and asked if I had anything for him. I knew it meant my piss and decided to decline the offer. I pulled him up and kissed his lips feeling his nice thick long cock rubbing on me. Damn, I thought, my slaves have bigger stuff than I do! My 7 inch cock started to get hard. I led Aiden to my bed and pushed him down. He was again immediately ready to suck me off but I turned him around and kissed his butt hole. It was clean and fresh and tasted good to me. I ate his ass for a few minutes much as he had done for me earlier and then pushed my hard cock in. I fucked him gentle at first but picked up speed and released a load in his ass. He turned on his side and thanked me for breeding him. I noticed the crushers on his balls and knew they looked sore and red. He hadn't protested at all but I told him that he was going to be fit with a sterling band and a small weight. He looked surprised but I assured him that the Commander had given approval. After a quick shower, I ordered lunch for us both as I had done with breakfast. With some fear, Aiden did eat some lunch with me. He finished earlier than me fearing , I guess , that he might be caught and punished. I assured him it was ok. The boy who brought it said nothing about the large portions I ordered. After lunch, I summoned the stall boy to get my ponies ready. He brought them around and Aiden was amazed at how beautiful and hung they were. I declined putting the dildo tails in them wanting to see their asses as I rode along. Aiden dutifully went to the rear to be attached. I looked at him and motioned for him to come and get in with me and he declined. I got out of the carriage and ordered him to get in. I had to slap him on the ass to get him to agree. He said he would only come if he rode in the back. I told him as my slave, he would do as ordered. Finally he got in but I'm sure he was full of fear.

We went to the store that handled emasculating, banding and ringing of slaves. A youth was in there waiting with his owner who told me he was having the boy castrated this afternoon. The boy looked fearful but of course, was not allowed to speak. I suggested that he may not want to do that as I had found (I lied) that emasculated boys didn't provide the same degree of pleasure as those equipped. He thought a minute and I added that as he had some pubic hair, he would make a better statement if the boys was shaved and if necessary, a ring was placed around the head of his cock. The man said he was afraid that the boy might want sex with his daughter. I assured him, the ring on his cock would eliminate that fear. He thought a moment and decided he would do that instead. He saw my loin cloth of a special color unlike other trainers, and realized that I was in a position of authority. He must have figured I knew what I was saying. The boy with just a collar and leash briefly glanced at me a look of thanks, but said nothing.

Aiden and I waited until the job was done. The man's slave actually looked good with the firm ring around the head of his cock and his pubic hair shaved. When Aiden and I had our turn, I told the attendant, a woman, that I wanted his ball crushers removed and a ring of silver placed around the base of his balls with a small silver weight attached. She suggested a five pound weight but I said I only wanted a one pound weight. I also told her that I too wanted the same thing but in a golden color. She looked at me a little startled but agreed to do both. I watched as Aiden lay on the table with his legs spread wide and the woman did her thing. Once done, I was next and Aiden knelt at my feet while mine was done. I wasn't sure I wanted this after all not knowing how the weight would feel constantly tugging at my balls. I had never had anything like that done. Once in place, I had to admit that it looked hot and got me aroused. The woman wrote it all down to bill the Commander but she ordered Aiden to lick her pussy while she did her work. She said she knew he was a piss boy and wanted to have him serve her which he did. Later he told me that although once a straight boy, he now hated pussy and would have preferred my cock in his mouth.

We left the shop and found our two pony boys waiting patiently outside tied to a post. I had given them water to drink as the sun and heat were tremendous. Sweat glistened on both pony boys and a little sweat was dripping off their balls. Several people had stopped and admired their huge cocks and balls. Both stood and didn't move as several free people stroked them hoping for an ejaculation. We untied the ponies and I again ordered Aiden to get in with me this time with a little less protesting and went to see Sergio in the hospital for a report on the injured boys I had sent him. I knew I would have to check on them today as tomorrow I had to oversee more training and anything else the commander asked for.

We got to the infirmary where I had spent almost a month it turns out. I led Aiden in and we asked where my two slaves were kept. In the back of the hospital we found an area that was not at all like what I had stayed in. it was more of one large ward where as many as 20 people were in the same room. We went in and found my nurse aid, Sergio. He was naked as before but had been brought here to oversee the two slaves. When Sergio saw me he came right up and dropped to his knees and kissed my cock. He said he had missed me so much. I pulled him up to me and kissed his face. I could tell he had recently drunk some urine but his taste was good, or was it that I now had a taste for piss!. He apologized for not having a clean mouth and I waved the concern away . I asked about the slaves and he took m e to them. Both were on cots not at all like the bed I had slept in. One was asleep and the other was stirring. Neither had any covers on them. I could see their bruises and scratches. The one who had been raped by dogs had many scratches from the dogs claws on his sides. I inquired about his ass and Sergio had him roll over. The once pretty pink anus was torn and stretched. It looked sore and miserable. Sergio said they had him on all liquids to avoid having him shit. I touched his ass and he looked to me. He immediately tried to get up to bow for me but I held him down. I told him that was not necessary. The sleeping boy was the one with the multiple rapeings. His anus also was damaged and Sergio said that he too was on a liquid diet. He was bruised and sore from being in he bent over position for so long, but was actually doing better. Sergio said both would be released within days as they couldn't stay there much longer. Slaves were seldom placed in an infirmary unless someone important had admitted them. They usually were expected to recover quickly in quarters or put out of their misery. I told him I wanted to be notified when they were released and they were to be returned to me. Sergio promised he would do he could. Realizing the dog raped boy needed to piss, he knelt down and took it in as he had done for me. When he was done, he massaged the boys cock and balls and noticed some response as they became more erect. I was happy to see that and promised Sergio something special for his trouble. He said it was his honor to serve me as he had.

Aiden had stood behind us and observed. Sergio kissed my cock again and also kissed Aiden's cock. He said any slave who was worthy of serving me had deserved to be so honored.

We left the hospital and had the pony boys take us to our quarters. Aiden sat in the back of the cart as to not call attention to himself. When we got back, I had the pony boys watered and said I would be back later to inspect them. We went to our quarters but he Commander called me as we approached. I left Aiden for me as we went in and the Commander held me tight, kissing me and stroking my ass. Here I was only a month or so from being a respected Captain in the military to now being fondled and soon fucked by a military leader in a foreign power and I was looking forward to it. He pulled me down and ate my ass before he thrust his cock into me and fucked me very hard. It was getting easier to take him I found. While we were there, his new slave replacing Aiden came in as I was getting fucked. I saw him and was startled at first. He was about the same age but lighter skin and blond haired. His hair was short. He had a nice more muscular body than Aiden and a good sized cock. He now wore the ball crushers Aiden had on before. His balls looked like they might be big but it was hard to tell with them pressed between the metal crushers. He didn't speak but bowed. After the commander came in my hole, he was motioned to come over and eat out my ass. His mouth was warm and wonderful on me, keeping my now softening cock hard. He sucked the commander's cum from my ass and didn't get up until he was done. Seeing my raging hardon, he then sucked my cock until I shot a load on him and in his mouth. Damn, I was saving that as a treat for Aiden, I thought. He cleaned me up as the Commander talked business about the training I would oversee the next day. What a fucking crazy world this had become! The Commander ordered dinner and the two of us ate large steaks with trimmings. I didn't want to be there as Aiden was still outside waiting for me. After eating most of the dinner, I went out and found Aiden kneeling with his arms behind his head. He had been there over two hours. I told the commander I had to feed him. He assumed it was a load of shit and told me to bring him in to do it while his slave watched to learn better how to do it. I didn't want to but he insisted so Aiden was brought in to lie on the floor with my ass over his face. Fortunately, I only made a small shit that Aiden ate without protest. The other young slave was shown how to lick an ass clean by Aiden's skillful talent. Fuck it felt great as the two boys took turns on me and the Commander watched and got hard again. When I was done, the Commander said he would see me in the morning as he had business to attend to. I knew his new slave was in for some major fucking. Aiden and I were dismissed. We both bowed and left.

After dinner, I took Aiden to the small barn where my pony boys were kept. When we entered, I found our young stable boy with his face buried into Jake's ass. I stopped for a moment and watched as he licked and probed the hole. Jake was standing but bent over slightly. When he realized we were there, he stopped and looked to us. He told me that he would eat both of their holes each night to make sure no shit was remaining but also to give them some pleasure. I noticed both pony boys had hardons . the magnificent cocks were now bigger than I recalled from earlier. It was sad to think that neither had ever been able to touch themselves or fuck anything. Not many females would desire to have such a magnificent piece up their pussies but I could imagine some and some guys who might want to try to see how much they could take. Both Jay and Jake looked clean and shiny as the stable boy had rubbed their skin with a cream or oil for their skin. Their legs were as wide apart as possible. Aiden immediately got a huge boner as we watched the stable boy do his work. I led Aiden around so he could admire them more closely. We both agreed to stroke their cocks. It took little time and both shot huge loads of cum. Aiden licked Jay's cock clean and was about to do Jake's when I moved in to do so. The stable boy said afterward that he normally did that and enjoyed it as it was some of the only protein he got each week. The stable boy was thin but had good legs and feet. His chest was not developed like the two pony boys. I apologized for not letting him enjoy the cum but invited him to suck Aiden and me. He was a good cocksucker we found and savored each of out loads. I asked him when and what he ate. He replied politely that he was fed the same food as the pony boys but sometimes ate their shit or piss as he wasn't allowed much water. The water was saved for the pony boys. I told him as long as he worked for me that he could have all the water he wanted or needed and I would look into more and better food for all three of them. He was thin but had a decent body from his hard work. He still had some residue to shit on his face from eating my two pony boys. He apologized for how he smelled. I noticed he was sweaty and dirty as he had a cot in the shed as well and no sink or toilet to use. He had a cute face and dirty longer hair. I told Aiden to draw a bath. He got a large tub and warm water was put in. Aiden decided to wash the boy himself which he seemed to like. Aiden also seemed to enjoy washing his cock which wasn't huge but adequate for a 15 year old boy.

I let my pony boys lie down together. I was getting cooler and I feared they might get chilled in the overnight air as the stable had no heat or air conditioning. Once his bath of the of stable boy was done, I had Aiden get blankets for all three.

Aiden and I left the stable and went back to my quarters. I had a drink or two as Aiden cleaned up the place and made the bed ready for me. I was already naked (didn't take long to get ready as I only wore the loin cloth) and climbed into bed. Aiden came and covered me and was prepared to lie on the floor next to me. I took his hand and told him I wanted him in bed with me. He looked a little surprised. I told him with the cooler nights, I wanted to feel his warm body. He smiled and got into bed with me as slid down under the covers to eat my ass and lick my cock. I pulled him back up and kissed him and held him tightly. He stayed with me without argument and I held him for some time. He began to cry a little and I asked what was wrong. He apologized for crying and said he was so happy that I treated him so well. The Commander had made him sleep on the cold floor on a mat and he often got very cold. I held him tighter and he wiped his tears with his hand before he got his face up to my chest and licked my nipples and armpits. Of course, he made me horny and when he felt m y cock get hard, offered his pussy for me to fuck. I fucked him and had a small load that he wanted to keep in his ass all night.

About 1:30 am, I awoke. Aiden was snuggled up to me. I felt his not hard but certainly not soft cock against my leg. My arm was still around him and he looked so content sleeping. I moved him slightly and climbed out of bed. I felt chilled by the night air but decided to stay naked and go down and see how the pony boys and stable boy were doing. I went down to the stable and entered. I saw the two pony boys huddled together with the blankets over them. They were sleeping soundly. I looked over to the mat the stable boy was on and saw him totally uncovered shaking in the chill of night. I went over to him as he wasn't really asleep and asked him where his blanket was. He said he had put it over the pony boys as they were small blankets and hardly covered them. He knew they would be expected to work in the morning and didn't want them chilled or he might be blamed if they were sick. Such a caring kid I thought. Not many at that age would have thought of that. I touched Randy's body and could feel the cold. I pulled him up to me and told him to come with me. I found more blankets and had him cover the pony boys. He didn't ask for one. I knew he was afraid to ask so I took him, put my arm around him and brought him to my quarters. For tonight, I told him, he was to sleep with Aiden and I. I think he thought he was to be punished but I assured him it was ok. He smelt a little of the straw mat he had been sleeping on but Aiden's bathing of him made him still very fresh. I motioned for him to get into the bed and he did so. He laid still and said he had not ever slept in a bed before. I asked him about that and he told me hed had always slept on a mat in a barn with the pony boys or other farm hands. I asked if he had any family and he couldn't remember any. As long he recalled he was on his own after he left the center that raised him in his early years. I asked how he learned to care for the boys and he explained that he began his pony training when he was much younger. He didn't know his exact age as the calendar and years were not something slaves were taught. His body and slight pubic hair suggested about 13-15. He had been raped often by other stable boys as he was the smallest. He said as his cock had a collar, he always assumed that that was what was supposed to happen. He asked if I chose to rape him that night. I said no and encouraged him to sleep. He cuddled up behind me and switched between Aiden and me to cuddle. Aiden awoke after awhile and discovered Randy in out bed and awakened me to point him there. I said I had brought him in and Aiden was comfortable with that and put his arm over the younger boy.

In the morning, I awoke to my usual pleasant situation of a hot mouth licking my ass but this time I also felt a mouth on my cock. I stirred a bit and looked down to see both Aiden's feet and Randy's sticking out of the covers with their heads completely under the covers. I pushed to covers back and they both popped up and smiled at me. My hard cock wasn't long before I shot a little load into Aiden's mouth. He smiled again and swallowed it. He then moved Aiden off my hole and put my slick cock into his mouth. Randy sucked me clean like a pro. Aiden said something to him and then to me and asked that I give him my morning piss. After the drinks and all from last night, I had a full bladder and let the boys warm lips suck it out of me. He drank it willingly as Aiden watched. As soon as he was done, Aiden was off to get me coffee as Randy licked me clean and returned to my hole. Aiden told him that it was time for him to get the pony's ready for me. Randy kissed my rosebud hole once more and got off the bed and thanked me for my kindness. I saw a little precum forming on his cock head and realized he must have had a good time. Aiden didn't let him shower but did give him a toothbrush and told him to clean his mouth. Aiden had to show him how to do it as he only got tooth brushings some times. Aiden told him to use it on both pony boys as well. I piped up a suggestion that we give each boy his own. Aiden ordered my breakfast which I shared with him and we showered. He insisted on eating a turd that I was able to make. He told me again how important it was as my slave, that he take in anything that came from my body as it only made him more a part of me. It was his honor to take my waste to make him more of the kind of man I was. I wondered how he had been brain washed to this since he was originally a free person. I guess I might never know. I had Aiden take some cereal out to Randy in the stables. I had him put some milk on it as I figured he needed as many vitamins as he could get from his skinny body.

When I came out, he knelt down and placed his hands behind his head and bowed to me. I saw his skinny body and but decent sized cock with the small tufts of hair in his pits and surrounding his cock. It was light colored like his hair. He had brought the pony boys out and attached them to the cart. Their huge cocks stuck out nicely. I asked if they had been fed and he assured me they had their food, their sexual stimulant pill and plenty of water. I asked that each, including him, now also take a vitamin. I decided to have Aiden shave the pubic hair of each including my stable boy. I'm not sure Randy liked the idea as he had just gotten the public hair in recent months but I assured them all it would look good. Aiden got a clipper and then a razor and masterfully, shaved each. I told them, including the pony boys who didn't object at all, that it would make their cocks stand out. I asked that he trim their armpit hair but leave some to keep them looking like hot men. Randy laughed a little not thinking of himself as a man at all. I think Aiden really liked shaving the pony boys as he got to stroke and touch their magnificent cocks. I tried to make some conversation with the pony boys as they were shaved. They had little to say as they were hardly ever spoken to and had not ever been to school. From an early age, they we treated as animals with little tenderness, no one to hug them and never being allowed to go to school. They were, when old enough trained to run, exercise and totally work toward developing their bodies for serving. I felt sad to think that other than Aiden, none had ever enjoyed a birthday, a holiday, been given a gift or allowed to learn about sex. The pony boys had never even kissed a girl or a boy for that matter. They had never been educated about sex or knew about how their bodies were developing. They had not realized what great sexual desire was. They must have just figured that when they got older, their cocks produced something they had no idea what, and that it felt good to have release.

When Aiden was done with the first, I was impressed at the fine job he had done. Randy seemed to get the picture also as he realized that Aiden was shaved and I guess recalled that I only had a small shaved bush. I went and got some skin cream and applied it to Jay who was the first shaved. I explained to Randy that it might help reduced any itching and that he should use some as well. He watched while I applied it making the pony boy' s cock expand at the gentle touch. He put some on himself and said he liked how it felt. I think he was coming around to being shaved. He asked for permission to speak and when granted, asked about Aiden's ball weight. He thought it looked beautiful. I assured him he could have one like it as well. He again knelt and kissed my bare feet. I examined his feet and noticed that while they were not as tough as the pony boys, they were big as most teenaged boy feet were but needed nail trimming. He apologized and I think again expected to be whipped. He said the only way he could trim any of their nails was to bite them off when they got long. Slaves were not taught to use or allowed to have scissors. I assured him that I would care for their feet as I seemed to being developing quite a foot fetish.

After the grooming was done, I gave Randy some chores to do in the barn. He told me he had let the pony boys shit in the field. I reminded him that I wanted him to stop giving them so much prune juice as it made their shit loose and runny. I suggested other fruit juices so it would be easier to clean up.

I then went with Aiden in tow, to the Training Center where I was to oversee slave training. I was to meet the Commander there.

End of Chapter 5

Next: Chapter 6

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