The Island

By rr2253

Published on Dec 6, 2010


This a copyrighted fictional work. No real people exist. If you are not allowed to read it by law or choose not to read gay ficiton of this nature, please do not read. Readers are invited to to send replies to my email address which is Thanks!

We left the training area and headed down a hall. Although we were overhead, and saw everything so far from above, we could witness what was happening. We got to an area with a sign on the door marked "Discipline". This time there were no windows to observe the activities. The military man entered a code on the locked door. The slave boy who had rejoined us, and I stood back. Once the door was opened we walked in. Several other military men were inside, all brandishing rifles. Several other men wearing the same type of loin cloth as I had on were near by. I heard some moaning but wasn't sure where it was coming from. We walked forward. The other military men and those in loin cloths all bowed to the man who escorted us.

The military man explained that I might see some disturbing things. Disturbing as they were not what I might be used to. I said nothing but followed. The slave boy was behind me. What I saw was similar to what I had seen in various bondage magazines that I had seen around the barracks and in my past. There were tables, X shaped frames, whips, and many other devices hung on the wall. At several of the "stations" as our guide referred to them, were men of various ages, either strapped to the equipment or suspended above the floor. All the people were young men. They seemed to range in age from maybe 13 to 20. the younger ones seemed to have hardly gone through puberty. The older ones, mostly nice looking young men, had a variety of physiques. Most were slender, some had well developed bodies and muscles. There weren't any who looked obese or terribly ugly. All were naked and almost all had been shaved of crotch hair. That made their cock and balls look bigger. A few had been pierced. Some with rings in their nipples. Others had ball weights and some had their cocks pierced. Actually it made me a little horny seeing all this sexual stimuli. There must have been about 25 guys in there.

I noticed one kid, maybe 17 years old. He was stretched out over a workout bench. He ass tied firmly in place. Hanging from his balls must have been a least five pounds of weights stretching them down.His legs were spread widely exposing his hole. I asked the commander about him. "Why is he like that?" I questioned. "He is a new recruit we got from somewhere. He seems to not want to submit to others. He was caught refusing a guest a blow job at one of the hotels. He seems to think he can choose who uses him. As a result, he will be held there for the next two days. Any male who wants to can rape him and abuse him anyway they see fit. If he comes around after that, we may return him to service. If not, he will be castrated and made to do hard labor." The military man said matter of factly.

I looked at the hapless young man. I saw his legs shaking as his feet barely touched the floor due to the way he was suspended. His balls hung very low and were stretched. It must have been very painful to be held this way. He wasn't moving much except in spasms as every time he moved, the weights pulled and stretched his balls.

As I observed, another trainer came up behind him. He moved his loin cloth and shoved his hard cock directly into the boy's ass. There was nothing gentle about it and the boy shook with pain. I noticed he had a mouth gag so little sound was heard from him. The trainer pounded his ass for several minutes before he let out a grunt and shot his load into the boy. He then pulled out, repositioned his loin cloth and went on chuckling at how he had treated the youth so brutally. I went over to see closer. Cum was drippin out of the youth ass and what looked like possibly, blood. I looked at his face. He was showing signs of terror with wide glazed eyes and tears dripping down. Saliva dripped from his mouth.

The Commander came up behind me and commented that those who didn't obey, suffered harshly. "This boy thinks he is above getting used. He will see." He looked back to me not offering the youth any compassion. "It is your turn, now captain, to rape his ass. Drop your loin cloth and fuck him with one thrust all the way in. His hole should be getting used to it by now." He said.

I didn't want to fuck this kid. I actually didn't want to fuck any kid but saw little choice when the commander added, "Or I can have him replaced with you. Others won't be too gentle raping your hole either."

I looked at him but decided not to say anything. I removed my loin cloth and went up behind him. I thought if I did it, the commander wouldn't object to how I did it. The slave who accompanied us immediately dropped to the floor and began to lick and suck my cock. It didn't take much for me to get a hardon. As soon as I was visibly aroused, he stopped, stood aside and waited. The commander looked at me and said, "Well, get started."

I placed my cock up to the dripping boy cunt. I didn't want to rape him so brutally but had no choice and pushed my hard 7.5 inches into him with a single thrust. I had to show I was capable of brutality or it might be me tied there. The youth grunted painfully and I continued to fuck him. It only took about three or four minutes before I felt myself ready to blast inside of him. When it came, it felt so good to release it. I moaned and continued thrusting until I was spent. I slowly pulled out. His anus made a popping sound as I retreated. The other slave boy immediately dropped to his knees and took my dripping cock in his mouth and sucked it clean. His mouth felt so good even though my sensitive cock really didn't need any more attention right then.

"Good job", the commander said. That was all I noticed more dripping from the poor youth's ass as another trainer came up and raped him again. I wondered if he would survive this torture.

We moved onto see another youth suspended by his own arms over a sharp post sticking straight up toward his ass. He was sweating profusely. The Commander said if he didn't hold himself up for an hour, he would slide down the post and the sharp end would penetrate him destroying all his internal organs and killing him. The poor guy was holding on for literal dear life. I had a difficult time watching. The guy had nothing but his arms and legs held tightly around the post to keep him from being impaled. His wide eyed, terror filled look gazed at me pleading for help. I thought what a nasty way to get fucked. I asked the Commander about his offense. It appears he had taken something. I asked what and it turns out what he stole was food. He had been caught twice. "We wish to make an example of him for the others. He was at once one of my better slaves but after two offenses, he is merely shit in my eyes." The Commander said. The young man was handsome and well endowed although his cock was now flaccid. "He used to be my bed servant. But all slaves know that at my whim or as a result of any rule breaking, they may suffer. If he survives, he will likely be taken and made a pony boy. I will personally castrate him and order him to pull wagons or carts until he dies . It is his only hope though.

My stomach turned thinking about the poor kid. I wondered what he had taken to deserve such punishment.

We moved on to witness other slaves who were bound to poles who were being whipped. The offenses ranged from petty to more severe. We approached two guards who were dragging a young man who was struggling with them, toward a door. The door lead to a courtyard. In the courtyard a group of slaves stood in the hot sun. On the other side, a shaded group of bleachers stood. Although not full of people, I did notice a group of 30 or more people seated. Some were men, mostly dressed in casual attire but more women also dressed in casual attire were seated. The women had young men and some boys standing or on their knees next to them. Those standing, held umbrellas to shade the women even more. Those on their knees appeared to be like dogs. A few had tails sticking out of their asses, apparently attached to butt plugs. All wore collars. One boy was seen with is face under a woman's skirt. He appeared to be pleasuring her pussy as she sat wide her legs spread apart wide enough for him to get his head between them. She sat nonchalantly looking in to the court and talking to a friend.

I felt a slight tingling in my groin as I realized all this had made me a little horny. Even though I had just fucked a slave, my cock was getting harder. The Commander noticed and commented that he was pleased that I was reacting as he had hoped. I was a bit surprised with myself as I had never really gotten into male sex before but now found it exilerating.

We went toward where a pole was placed. The struggling slave was dragged out and chained to the post. His legs were spread wide. Another slave was brought out and secured on his knees in front of the tied up slave. He too seemed to struggle. I asked the Commander what was going to happen to each. "They are to be killed." Was all he said. "The boy on his knees is going to be raped by dogs". I noticed something being slathered on his ass. Then, a guard leading a pack of large male alpha type dogs came in to the small arena. " He will be made to suck off some of the dogs as the others raped him." The Commander said. The guard released the dogs from their chains and they encircled the kneeling youth. The dogs went up to sniff him all over. One laid down in front of him on his back. The boy immediately began to take the dogs cock in his mouth and lick. In the meantime, the other dogs started to lick and smell his hole. Two of the dogs seemed to fight over who might take him first. The bigger dog won and came up behind him. I saw the dogs cock start to enlarge and it began to fuck the boy. In relatively short order, the dog knotted . The boy was screaming although muffled with the other dogs cock in his mouth. After awhile, the dog pulled out and another quickly approached and repeated the action. This went on for over an hour as the dogs showed little mercy in raping the boys ass. Most seemed to want the boys mouth after fucking him. It was amazing how brutal the dogs were in raping his ass yet docile as they lay in front of him having him clean their cocks. His face was covered in cum and he cried and screamed with each brutal fuck. The guards stood over him preventing him from escape.

The other boy hung on the pole. The dogs sometimes came up and licked his cock and balls. He was helpless from the dogs. Some seemed to bite his cock as well. Cum dripped out of the kneeling boy as each dog raped his hole. Some of the dogs licked the excess cum while others merely repeated the raping a few fucking him more than once.

After about an hour of the crowd yelling and cheering as the boy was raped, the Commander motioned the guards for it to stop. The kneeling boy was pulled up and secured to the post behind the first boy. He was barely able to stand. A table like device was pulled out and the first boy detached from the post. He was tied on the table with his cock facing upward. A guard brought out candles and one was stuck in his piss hole and lit. The small candle burned down quickly with hot wax dripping on him. The crowd cheered when the candle got small and began to burn around his cock head. He was screaming as best he could through the gag in his mouth. More hot was poured on him especially in sensitive areas. Another candle was stuck in his piss slit and lit to the cheers of the audience. He squirmed and cried in pain. After about fifteen minutes, the wax stopped . The still burning birthday candle was left burning as they pulled him up, bent him over and shoved another candle in his ass hole. It wasn't long before it too was sending wax down his bare legs. As it got shorter, the flame seemed to be burning around his ass hole. Another ten minutes or so passed and the waxing was ended. He was dragged off the table and retied to the post behind the dog raped boy. They could not see one another. The Commander came forward. The slave who was with us and I stood back. When the commander approached the two tied boys, he yelled to the audience that the two had been disobedient slaves. They had suffered much punishment. Now he was asking the audience by show of hands, if the punishment was enough or if they should be killed. The audience broke in talking and yelling. Several cheers were heard to kill them. A few others said to spare them. The Commander silenced the group by waving his hand and decided to kill them. I was agast. I had no idea what their offense was but thought this was most barbaric. I was sick to my stomach and wanted to wretch right there. He drew out a sharp looking blade and asked if anyone wanted their balls for a souvenir. Their was lots of laughter from the crowd. He went up to the first young man, grabbed his cock and with one swift motion, sliced the cock and balls off the youth. He screamed in agony. Blood flew everywhere. Suddenly, the youth slumped forward and appeared to have died. The commander held up the bloody cock and balls for all to see. More cheering. Another guard brought out a bowl and the cock and balls were dropped in.. I gagged from the spectacle.

Then, to make matters worse, he summoned me to come forward. I hesitated not wanting to be any part of this but another guard took my arm and began to "escort" me forward. When I got there, the Commander handed me the bloody knife. He looked to the crowd and asked their opinion about killing the other youth too. This time, mixed reactions. It seemed that the women after seeing one such castration, didn't like the blood. The men in the group called for another castration. The hapless youth hung on the post with fear and terror on his face. He looked at me. I couldn't keep eye contact and looked away. The decision was made and the Commander told me it was my turn now as his assistant, to do the honors. I said I had never done anything like this before. He merely looked at me and said if I didn't follow orders, I could be next. He told me what to do, He said to take the youth cock in my hand and rub it to encourage the boy to get hard. Then in one swift action, to slice of the cock and around the base of the balls as he had done. He told me the boy would bleed out quickly and die of shock.

I reluctantly took he boys cock in my hands and stroked it. I wasn't getting him aroused much but then how could he get aroused knowing he would soon be dead. The boys cock actually felt nice. It was warm even if there were still remnants of dog cum on it. I liked the touch but wanted this over. After a few minutes of stroking, I grasped the knife and lifted my arm to do the slicing. Just as the knife was about to make contact with the cock, The Commander grabbed my arm stopping me. The blade made a slight brush scratching the youth and causing a little blood. The Commander held me back and took the knife from me. "This was test of your manhood to follow orders." he said. You did well and were ready to castrate this boy even though you didn't know his offense." You have met the challenge."

Many in the crowd jeered at not seeing the boy killed. I was relieved. The Commander looked at them and told them that this was a test for his new assistant. He held up my arm and with the other, pointed to me. The audience cheered and applauded. I felt just a little bit good hearing their response. The hapless boy looked down at me almost with thanks as he realized his life had been spared. He was taken off the post where he almost dropped to the ground. Dog cum still leaked from him and he pissed on himself. The guard began to drag him away. I asked the Commander where they were going with him.

"Now that he has been raped by the dogs, he won't be much use for the public to use. He will heal up and then be subjected to a place where people pay to see dogs and other animals rape young men. Eventually, his body and hole will get so much use that he will likely die. Why do you ask?"

" If I am now your assistant, don't I get to make decisions about how he is used?" I asked.

"I suppose you do. What do you want done with him?"

"First, what was his offense? Then I can decide." I said confidently.

"He had fucked a girl without permission. Fuck toy boys are only allowed to fuck one another when allowed. They do not get to breed unless I give permission" he said.

"I want him checked out at the hospital. Sergio can oversee him and then I want him brought to me.' I said.

"If that is your wish, that is what we will do." He ordered the guards to take him to the infirmary.

"Now , you will come with me to my quarters and I will show you your apartment," he said with a positive tone.

He lead me and the slave boy out of the courtyard, past the Training Center to a pleasant looking house nearby. We went in the building and he showed me to his quarters. When we arrived, he motioned for the slave to get us drinks. We sat down on the patio overlooking beautiful landscaping and a pool.

"Your apartment is in the next building. I will have this slave bring your things there. You will not need much as all is provided. You will be allowed to go there after you do one more thing." He said.

I asked what that was and he told me to remove my loin cloth. The slave came and bowed down and took it from me. There I was totally naked sitting on the patio looking like the other slave. The Commander put down his drink and came over and ordered me to bend over. I did so with some reluctance not sure of what might happen next. The Commander reached behind me and rubbed my ass with his strong hands. It actually felt good. Wit his other hand, he took my cock and stroked it. He touch was soft and gentle. I felt my cock get hard as he stroked. He pulled me up to his face and kissed me with his tongue going into my mouth. He tasted actually quite good. I had not had any male ever kiss me so passionately. He moved me over to his bed. I felt a little self conscious as the slave was still in the room. The slave immediately dropped to the floor and took the Commander's cock in his mouth. After a short blast of piss which he swallowed, the Commander started to get a big erection. After only a few moments of sucking, he pushed the slave away and pushed me onto the bed. He first sucked my cock for a moment then spun me over revealing my twitching ass. He inserted a finger, then two massaging me. Then, without warning he plunged his 8 in cock into my hole. I first was ready to fight him off as he dove in deeper. Soon the pain subsided and I felt a great rush as he fucked me hard. It wasn't too long before I felt him tense up, his cock widening and he shot several blast of cum in my hole. The warm sensations of his juices made me feel so good. Fuck, I thought. I just was raped by another man and enjoyed it! I sure had changed!

After he came, he rolled me over and stroked my cock and balls so gently that I shot a huge load. The slave was right there to suck it all up and then to take the Commander's cock and clean it off. While the Commander held me, the slave quickly moved around and stuck his tongue into my hole licking out the dripping cum. The sensations were so great that I felt ecstasy. How could I feel so great after watching such tortures and abuse and yet I was loving every minute.

"You will now always be my slave but you are also my assistant. Over time, you will learn to submit to my every wish and you will be rewarded with constant pleasures. You will have slaves of your own but you will also get to enjoy the respect and everything the Island has to offer. For now, you will only wear this golden colored loin cloth. I want your cock and balls always ready for me." He said taking me up. He clicked his hands and the slave came to him and dropped to the floor in front of us. As he knelt, I asked the Commander why the slave had to wear the ball crushers and dildo.

"He is a slave. His life is to experience pain and suffering. He has learned that his cock and balls are merely there for my enjoyment and whatever I want to do with them. I am preparing him for the day when I will probably cut them off and make him a eunuch. You will notice that he drinks all of our piss and eats shit. Somedays, my shit is all he eats except for vitamins. He has learned to savor whatever comes from my body. At one time, he was the son of one of our leaders who you shall meet. He was a free boy. He got in with the wrong crowd and took drugs. Once his mother found out, he was made to leave the house and was brought here and ordered by his own mother, to be my toilet. It took many beatings and some time but he has been broken into submission. He will never be a free man again and will be used anyway I see fit at whim." He said all this with the boy hearing it but never reacting. The Commander pointed at his cock and the boy took it without question and began to suck it. The Commander let off a huge stream of piss and the youth swallowed it all. Now, not so surprising, it made me get hard. Once the Commander was done, he pointed at my cock and the boy immediately went to work sucking it and taking my piss as well.

I looked down at his face and body. He was a handsome kid of maybe 17. He never questioned me or the Commander. I decided that as a reward, he should be released from the ball crushers. I told him to stand never asking the Commander for permission and knelt down and unscrewed the weighted torture. I then reached around and massaged his ass feeling the big dildo. I pushed it in a bit more and then pulled it out. He immediately bent over further and kissed my feet. The Commander looked at me and then at the youth. "If you want his torture to end, then for now I am giving him to you to do with as you please. I may take him at any time but he should be considered your property." He said. I looked at the Commander and smiled. I took the boy's leash and led him to a couch where I had him bend over and I fucked him. He took all of me easily as he had been stretched open by the dildo. As I fucked him, I reached down and stoked his balls which must have hurt terribly.

As soon as I was done, he took my cock in his mouth and cleaned it. From having the dildo in so long, some shit had accumulated on the dildo and now was on my cock. I said nothing but he cleaned it off both.

I told the Commander that I wanted to freshen up so he had the slave boy lead me to my quarters.. The Commander said I should be back at six in my new loin cloth to join him for dinner.

The slave boy and I went to my quarters. As he set up things in the room, he began to cry. I asked him what was wrong and he was only able to say thank you for allowing him to be my slave. He promised that he would do anything for me and if I ever tired of him, he would gladly die for me. I took him in my arms and held him for a minute of two. I wasn't sure how close I should get to a slave boy but he seemed to be honored to serve me. We spent the next few hours in my room. I looked around and became familiar with my new surroundings. The room was spacious and had a couch, lounge chair, a bar and a huge bed. The bathroom was equally plush done in marble with a toilet, a bidet, a huge shower with multiple heads and a giant soaking tub with jets. My slave brought my few possessions and put them in the room. I looked at him and admired his lean body with nicely defined chest, flats abs sturdy legs and a nice cock that was almost as big as mine. I thought how these younger boys were all so well endowed but for most, just decorations. How sad I thought that they would never be able to fuck a gorgeous woman or have children or any real life of their own. He didn't seem to notice. I decided to take a brief nap and headed for the large bed. He immediately removed the covers and assisted me in getting in. He asked if there was anything he could do to please me. I told him I wanted to hold him in my arms. He was reluctant at first as he explained that he was not supposed to get into a bed to sleep but did so when I insisted. He crawled between my legs in order to suck my cock as I slept but I turned him around and pulled him close. He laid against my chest trying to lick my nipples for me. As he laid there, I reached down and pulled him farther up so I could touch his cock. When I touched it, it immediately became aroused. He quickly apologized and I said I wanted him to get hard as I knew my touch was making him feel good. I stroked it until I could tell by his soft moans, that he was about to cum. He tried to get up to avoid the blast of his cumming but I ehld him tighter. He shot a huge load which went over both of us. He wanted to get down to clean me up and anything that may have hit the bed but I prevented him from moving. I turned my head so I could see his face and kissed him.

"Oh, Master, you don't need to love me. I am a worthless toilet slave who deserves no love," he said.

"You don't get to cum very often do you, boy?" I asked

"No, Master. I am allowed to go out to a dog field every few weeks where there are a few dogs who like to lick and suck on me. Their tongues are rough but they make me cum and enjoy eating it." He said. " I am not allowed to touch my cock or balls at all." If the Commander saw me cum in here, he would likely cut them off and make me a eunuch. I am grateful that he has allowed me to keep everything even if it only for his punishment and torture pleasure."

"I thought a moment and told him that I wanted him to cum only in my presence. I would tell the Commander that was my rule for my slave. I added that I didn't want him to play with himself nor touch himself. I thought I better excercise some control over him.

He said he would honor my wish with pleasure. He knelt with his hands behind his head as I stroked and played with cock, balls and ass. From fucking him earlier, I knew his ass was wonderful. He let me play until he again got so aroused that he shot another load. I suspected he hadn't cum in awhile. This time it shot all over me and he quickly started to lick it up. I stopped him and scooped up a sample on my finger and ate it. It was warm and delicious. I again thought that probably a month ago, I would never thought of eating another man's cum but now it seemed so natural.

We cleaned up and he took me to the bath and washed me totally. Before showering, he knelt and licked my asshole again. I wanted to apologize for it being sweaty and possibly dirty but he decided to let him do his duty. After bathing he applied a cologne on me and helped me with my new loin cloth and neck chain. I insisted on washing him too but left him naked. Before leaving, he again knelt and swallowed a load of my piss. I told him he would get fed later and we went out to join the Commander at 6pm. The slave boy followed me out with me holding his chain attached to his collar. He asked if I was going to replace the dildo or ball crushers. I said no but when the commander came, he insisted the slave have his hole filled so a butt plug was placed in him by me but much more gently than before.

We went outside and the small carriage was there with two muscular boys in front to pull it. The looked straight ahead. My slave went to the rear once we were seated in the carriage and attached his leash to the ring provided. I didn't want him to run behind but knew that I couldn't suggest he ride with us.

The sturdy muscular boys were whipped by the Commander and they took off in a trot. If the front now, I marveled at how their sturdy bodies flexed as they pulled us. I looked down and admire their big cocks swinging freely. It was then that I noticed that only the one had a big ball sac. I asked the Commandeer about it and he explained that the second boy without balls, was considered a gelding. They had cut off his balls at a younger age to see if it made him run better. He remarked that he hadn't seen much difference but it didn't matter as it was only a slave. The sad truth is that now we have him breed any future pony boys. I thought it maybe didn't matter to him but I was sure the pony boy felt differently.

We approached a grand looking house where the carriage was pulled up the driveway. Several other carts with pony boys were already there.. As we had travelled, the ponyboy with the balls had pissed as he ran splashing his legs and feet. He now stood stopped at the house with piss still running down his leg. He didn't seem to notice. The other cart pulling pony boys were also excellent physical specimans. Most had their balls which hung out prominently. I noticed that several had had their balls pierced or had weights on them. As we got out, the Commander noticing my interest in them walked me over where he touched several of the boys stroking their cocks. They immediately got hard and he told me to stroke one also. I stroked it until the pony boy moaned and shot a load of cum. He had never touched himself. We left them there with huge boners as we went into the house. I noticed a younger smaller boy coming out with pails of water which he placed in front of them. He also was giving them small pieces of food which they took hungrally. The boy also went around and seemed to stroke their cocks and balls so by the time we were inside, all the pony boys had big boners.

We went inside for the dinner. I led my slave boy by his leash. The commander led the way. I felt somewhat uncomfortable wearing only the loin cloth while the Commander was in uniform. Of course, the slave boy wore nothing. I guess it didn't matter anymore as I too was now a slave.

End of Chapter 3

Next: Chapter 4

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