The Island

By rr2253

Published on Jan 25, 2011


This is a work of erotic gay fiction. Please stop here if you are under age or it is illegal where you are. Send comments and suggestions to

Aiden and Martin were tired when they got home. They had expanded the number of teams by having several other slaves who showed promise, take on coaching roles along with them. Aiden was still in charge. I was invited to come and meet the other coach boys at the training center. When I got home from the slave selection day, we had identified 30 young men who would be put on sale initially. I told Aiden and Martin what had happened and they listened with interest. As Martin had been raped by dogs when I found him, he was horrified and afraid. Tears came to his eyes as I described what had happened.

The second soccer game came off without a hitch. More people attended than the last time. They enjoyed seeing the naked soccer players who sometimes got kicked in the groin or had the soccer ball hit them there. Every time it happened, the crowd cheered to see the player suffer. In the end, Martin's team came from behind and won. As in the last game, lucky ticket holders each got to take a losing player and use him for a half an hour in any way they wanted. This time, however, the losing coach also got involved. The players and coach were made to stand in line across the field with legs spread and hands behind their heads exposing them completely, the lucky winners were brought out on the field and selected a player to take back to a large tent that had been erected where they could amuse themselves with a player. A large well built guy got Aiden who was forced to suck and rim the man. He then was fucked using no lube as the man wanted to see Aiden suffer a little. Another guy took a player and took him next door to the dog kennel and he was made to get raped by a large dog. Several women simply got players and either had them lick their pussies or simply fondled the boys. One got lucky and was allowed to fuck the woman who won him. She made him withdraw before cumming and was then kicked in the groin. She also made him lick up his cum and lick her pussy as well.

By the time it was over, all the players were worn out. I came and got Aiden and checked him over for injuries. Fortunately, there were none. Aiden in his usual slave role, said he deserved to get fucked as a worthless slave. I never could seem to get him to accept his worth as a person or even as a slave. Martin and his winning team were given extra food and water to celebrate their winning, before they were sent back to their dorms. They were pretty elated at their victory.

Once Martin and Aiden got their teams settled, they came back to the quarters. Aiden congratulated Martin on his victory and Martin was pleased but felt bad at what had happened to Aiden and his team. When we got back, Martin asked me if he could make love to Aiden. I agreed and he he freely gave himself to Aiden. Aiden was always gentle in his love making with me and did the same with Martin. Martin asked that he fuck him without lube so he could feel the same rough sex that Aiden had felt. Of course, Aiden's big cock was larger than Martin's but he wanted to be filled with it. I watched for awhile and gradually, got involved myself. We ere all pretty well spent by the time we finished and we slept tangled together. I loved the feeling of Aiden's big meat pressed up against me.

After our usual morning ritual, I took Aiden and Martin to the slave market. Today was the day the slaves were to be brought in and put on display. None of the slaves knew they were to be sold. They were all washed and cleaned out before being loaded on a truck which picked them up from various locations like the pony farm, the slave training center and the farm where many of the well used slaves were sent.

My boys stayed close to me. They were amazed and somewhat fearful of what they saw.The building was rather attractive and looked like a fine shop. Inside, there were several pedistals to place the selected boys on. The back had cages for some and some private rooms where clients could take their selection to try him out if desired.

The boys were herded off the back of the truck and led into the shop. The manager who was appointed from one of the hotel staffs separated them into categories. The first were the sex slave boys. Several were selected to stand on the pedistals. Before they were placed there, other slaves were made to oil them down to make their skin looks shiny. The slaves were made to stand with legs apart and hands behind their heads. There was a variety of ages and looks. Most were white boys but several Asian and Hispanics were also there. The woman who was in charge was rather brutal and slapped the "merchandise" on their asses or in some cases, their cocks. After the oil down, she attached tags to their balls so customers could see the asking price. Then, they were selected to either stand on a pedestal or be sent to the cage area. She selected some nice looking boys ranging in age from about 16 to 21. Those on the pedistals, were made to stand with legs apart to prevent much movement, and leg irons were put on them ankles and attached to the stands. She made each bend over to make sure their asses were clean. She stuck her fingers into them and then made the slave lick it clean. All seemed to be in good order. The ones sent to the back were either put in cell like cages where they could stand or in the case of those who might serve as dog bitches, placed in large cages but on their hands and knees. She pushed dildos equipped with tails into those boys asses. All had collars on them and weights attached to their balls. On some, she had attached large rings around the head of their cocks. This was done to weigh them down and make their cocks hang down more. All had been given a sex stimulant to make them erect.

My boys were fearful especially when she asked if they were to be exhibited too. I quickly told her they were my property and they were not for sale. She seemed disappointed as she stroked their cocks. She was particularly interested in Aiden as she admired his large penis and big balls. "I could get double for that one" she remarked. I assured here that he wasn't on the market. She also inquired about my pony boy twins. I said I was in the process of breeding them. I had just learned that the girl who was impregnated with their seed was in fact pregnant. I told her she might get their product down the road. Once she was done fondling Aiden and Martin, they quickly retreated to the outside to stand with Jay and Jake.

I wandered about the shop. Spotlights shone down on the boys on the pedistals. She yelled to all of them that they could not piss or shit. She would have younger boys sent around to relieve them later. She had a group of maybe five younger boys around 13-15 who were made her piss slaves. Their job was to drink all the piss from those on display. I reminded her that none of them were to be made to do it for more than a day. She assured me that that would be the rule.

Also in the back, the pony boy slaves who were chosen were tied to a post in the back courtyard. A sign was hung over them telling perspective buyers that they were trained to be ponies but could be used for any purpose desired. I was glad I had not had the red haired youth and Paul brought to the sale. I knew it would sadden Martin if his friend was sold.

There was also a shipping room in the back. The plan was to have the sold slaves crated and shipped by private aircraft to their new home. If sold, they were tied into a carte with their butt's plugged and mouths gagged. They were also tied so they could not move their arms or legs. Also, if a customer wanted them done in a special way such as castration, pierced or shaved in a particular way, this could be done before packing them in. Any surgical modifications would delay shipping until the process was done. Some of the youths still had some body hair. I had left them as they were. Some clients wanted their slave to have pubic hair or hair in their asses or underarms while others wanted them clean shaven totally. The shop offered a permanent hair removal if desired which like the surgical procedure, would take several days.

The spotlights mounted to show on the pedestals worked well. The youths who were displayed looked striking with their tanned and now oiled skin. Their feet were secured to the floor by small chains that affixed the.boys to the stands. This left them standing with legs spred. The tags were affixed to their balls and hung down nicely between their legs. The stand were just high enough that customers could easily see the boys completed and touch any part they chose without stretching. One one display, two boys were placed. One was chained and the other on all fours at his feet in a dog like stance. A tail had been affixed to a dildo and shoved up his ass. The standing boy held a leash that was attached to the collar around the kneeling boys neck. The kneeling boy kept his legs spred so that the tail hung down. To examine his ass, one just lifted or moved the tail. It looked tight in his hole and he seemed to squirm a little. The merchant had him lick the standing boys feet and occasionally was made to get on his knees and lick the standing boys cock and balls. The standing boy rubbed his head a little when the little show took place. Some precum dripped from both boys cocks. The store wasn't officially open until the next day but passerbys asked to come in and they were welcomed. The boys were not allowed to speak. Soft music was playing in the background as both couples and single men and women came in to examine. I don't know how many people stroked the boys cocks and examined their asses. If a customer wanted to get a close look, one of the shopkeepers opened the chains and the boy was allowed to get down. Customers were encouraged to poke and prod. If someone wanted a private session, the boy was led off to the back room to an examining room where the customer could try anything they thought they might like with the boy. At least on of the young blond boys of about 17 with short cropped hair and a nicely defined body, was taken back several times. Both men and women took him and either fucked him or made him lick their assess or pussies. Before lunch, there were two offers for him. His starting price was $750,000.00. .A sale was likely that day.

In the back, several dog boys were kept in a small kennel. The boys I had seen the day before, were there.. They were kept on all fours and crawled about. A sin reading "puppy farm" was hung over the kennel. One of the slave boys from the kennel was present who oversaw them, cleaned up any shit and brought in a large dog every few little while who had his choice which boy to fuck. All the dog boys had a large weight tied to their balls which kept them from trying to stand. When the dogs were not present, the slave put dog tail dildos in their asses which he pushed in without benefit of lube. Of course, from having the breeding jell wiped on their asses to make them appear in heat, ther semed to be adequate lube. The crowds were allowed to play with the "puppies" by tossing a bone or ball. They were allowed to go into the kennel when the real dogs were not there, and pet or rub them as they chose. All had been fitted with paw like mittens on their hands to make them look more like puppies. A boy and his father spent a great deal of time playing with the puppies. The puppy boys moved around the cage slowly as the weight of the large weights attached to their balls I'm sure made moving painful. The puppies balls were being stretched and pulled with each movement they made. The slave made them move around kicking them in the balls or butt if they stayed motionless too long. The crowd seemed to enjoy watching the dog boys suffer. The boy and his father, really enjoyed seeing the darker hairy boy I had seen earlier, get fucked by the real dog. When the real dogs were let in, the slave had put a mouth gag on the "puppies" to make sure their yells and screams were not too loud. Some of he puppies had been used that way for awhile and were almost used to it. The newer boys still were in agony. After getting fucked, the puppy boy was taken out at the father and boy's request to be examined. The weight was removed from his balls and he was made to climb up on and examining table with the dog cum still dripping from his ass. The boy stroked and puppies back and head as the father examined his balls, cock and ass. He didn't like the dripping cum, so the slave boy was asked to lick it out which he did. The puppy got very hard from having his ass eaten and dripped precum. The boy asked what that was and the father told him it was his own puppy juice. From the stroking of his cock, the puppy boy eventually shot a load on the table. He had tried not to I'm sure, but could not help himself. Ass all the slaves on display, he had been given a sex stimulant earlier. Once he shot his load, the slave made him lick the table clean.

The father and son examined his mouth and teeth. I could see tears form in his eyes as he was totally at the mercy of the clients and the slave boy master. He had no idea what was going on or that he was about to be sold and go wherever for the rest of his life.

The father commented that he wanted the air shaved from his cock and ass as well as his legs and underarms. He was quit a hairy boy for only being about 16. He also said he thought the "puppy" would be a good match for his dogs to use. He let his son climb on the puppy boy's back and said he could ride him. The father also said he wanted a ring placed in his cock head to make sure he wasn't able to fuck. The seller asked if perhaps it might be better to have him castrated as that would keep him docile and certainly unable to produce sperm but the father said he wanted to see the puppy frustrated by his lack of being able to use his cock in anyway and wanted to see him shoot his load when the boy or the father wanted.. He liked the big ring that was placed around his balls and asked that another be placed on to further pull the balls down.

Dog boys were a little cheaper than outright sex slaves but the father said he might have him do double duty. A price of $400,000.00 was agreed to and the sale was made. The father asked if they could watch him getting "ringed" with the large ring through his penis. Of course the woman clerk agreed. I didn't want to watch or hear his screams as he was led away to be shaved and pierced probably without any pain killer.

The boy was thrilled that the purchase had been made and the dad seemed equally happy with his purchase. He would have the "puppy" crated and delivered to his hotel room and eventually put on his private plane to home.

I was sorry to see him sold but knew that this was what I should expect from any sale. I had no idea what lay in store for Tony, as I remembered his name to be. I went outside where the pony boys were kept. The selected ponies ere the two wite boys, the black boy and the Asian kid I remembered. All were being examined by guests. Particular attention was being given to the black boy with the large cock and balls. The public hair had been shaved from him along with all his body hair. He still had a very short amount of hair on his head. His big cock ring hanging form what must have been a nine inch and extremely thick cock, glistened in the sunlight. His balls ere not as large as those on my pony boys but his cock was almost the same in size. The smaller Asian boy too had been shaved clean and he had a young girl on his back and was giving her a ride . all pony boys had been fitted with a collar an lead leash as well as a ring around their balls. Attached to the ball ring was another leash that the trainer explained was kind of a brake. If the pony boy didn't respond properly to a command, or didn't stop as fast as required, could be pulled. It caused the pony boy a great deal of pain. He explained that if they had the pony boy castrated, the strap would be fitted around his cock. If the cock was removed, there was likely little need for anything as the pony would become very docile but probably not be as strong or fast. Each pony boy in addition to the sex stimulant was also fed steroids to help them build more muscle. It had it's negative effects but could be eliminated from the diet if the pony was castrated.

I was glad I had not had any of these thing done to my pony boys as they seemed strong enough and I didn't see the need to add any pain to them. I had found out that the steroids had been given earlier before I owned them to help bulk them up but discontinued as it might have make their cock and balls shrink slightly As they had been bred to show off their attributes and I had them work out in the gym, there was little need to give them any more drugs.

The poor Asian kid ran with the girl on his back for at least fifteen minutes. He was sweating in the hot sun. when he finally was allowed to stop, the girl got off. He seemed to wiggle a little showing his need to pee and pissed on the ground near us. I knew he couldn't help it. The girl giggled as he pissed . His legs were spread a bit and he made a good sized puddle but didn't show any embarrassment. The man who was with the girl, touched the pony boys cock which was not as large as the other ponies but was nicely sized and hung down well with the weight of the ring through its head. He remarked how cool it was to see the urine spray a bit as it had hit the ring wetting his legs slightly.. The trainer said if he liked the spray, something could be put in his penis to make it spray more. The sweating pony boy was wiped off by a stable boy slave. The man examined the pony boys feet and said he liked how tough the bottoms had become. Of course, no pony boy ever wore any shoes or foot gear. The were trained from an early age to be barefoot all the time. As a result of never wearing shoes, most slave boys had developed strong feet that seemed a little wider than men I had grown up with.

The girl had wandered off and was checking out the two blond pony boys and the black one as well. She didn't seem hesitant to fondle their cocks and balls. The boys were used to this kind of treatment and didn't move much other than to show he start of erections. She seemed to be having trouble deciding which pony she liked best. One of the blond boys who was moving around a great deal had to shit. He bent over a bit and his sphincter began to open and he dropped a large turd on the ground. Pony boys never used a toilet and were taught to bend over slightly. I was amazed how much like animals they had become. The stable boy quickly went up behind him when he was done, and began to lick out his ass. It was important that they be kept clean. The girl was amazed to see this and thought it gross as she exclaimed to her male escort. He laughed, the pony boy and the stable boy said nothing. The stable boy picked up the shit with his bare hand and put it in a trash can.

I went back outside of the shop to find Aiden and Martin still waiting. As good slaves, they had stood next to the carriage with their legs apart and hands behind their heads and faced forward, giving no heed to anyone who passed by. There was a couple who were looking Aiden and Martin over. She particularly seemed to like his huge cock and was touching it. He didn't move. I knew they must have been tired as I had been in the shop for some time. As I approached, the man asked if Aiden was to be in the shop for the opening. He said he and his wife admired his great body with nice pecs, but still thin and lean. His wife giggled a little as she also said she liked his shaved cock and balls. I told them neither boy was for sale as the were my property. She seemed disappointed and the man said he would give me 800,000. For the pair. I said thanks but no. I couldn't imagine giving up either boy at his time. Martin was leaking precum as I think he still had a thing for women even though he gladly now never asked about women and gave himself freely to me. His cock was quite hard and although not as big as Aiden, still looked very hot. I thanked the couple and said I was sure they would find a slave to their liking in the shop. I quickly got in my carriage. Aiden and Martin quickly went to the rear and attached themselves to ropes and were secured to the carriage. I was going to have them ride with me but decided that it might call more attention if they did so I let them run behind.

Seeing all the sex I had witnessed, I was horny and had sex with the boys back at the quarters. I fucked them both but saved my seed for Aiden. After we were done, we laid in my bed and Aiden asked if he could speak. I looked at him and said of course he could speak. He said that he thought maybe I should have sold them as he was just a slave an if it would bring me money, he would sacrifice himself for me although he was glad and honored to be allowed to be my slave. I explained that I could never sell him and he was too valuable as one of the main soccer coaches.

I reminded him that most of the slave boys, although gorgeous to look at, had little knowledge and were only aware of what they had been taught or trained to do. Martin and Aiden were both smart and creative. The slave boys who were being sold, knew absolutely nothing about life, and had no idea what was happening to them or where they were going. In some ways, they were like human animals bred and used for pleasing free men or women. The fact that they were bred as slaves and knew nothing else made it easier for me to not get overly concerned about what happened to them.

I thought it unusual for a hot stud like Aiden to be so loving. Most young men his age were purely into themselves and used and abused willing men or women who were at their disposal. Slave boys on the other hand, who never had really been loved or knew anything about the world, only knew that they were there to serve. Aiden was different. Martin had also learned to be a good slave. I think both had lots of fear. I knew Martin had come from an abusive family which is why he left home. Of course after he was kidnapped with Paul, they had both learned to be good slaves probably out of fear for their survival. I thought about this all night as we slept. I always awoke early, I guess from my military days, and loved to watch them sleep peacefully next to me. Aiden in particular, loved to nestle up close and have lots of contact. He awoke shortly after I did. I didn't want to wake him but he almost instinctively woke up. He knew he was my slave and always wanted to be ready to serve. Once he knew I was awake, he almost bolted down to the end of the bed to suck and lick me as he did everyday. He seemed to care so little for himself. His warm smile and hot mouth were on my ass. I loved his hot tongue as he invaded my hole . His legs were now up and facing me and I stroked his feet and legs admiring the strength and muscles he had developed. I pulled his left fot to me and licked his toes and soles of his feet. I knew he didn't want to be pleasured but I held him there firmly. It only made him eat my ass more intently. I felt his cock get harder as it pressed against my side. Martin soon awoke and kissed me then went to work on my nipples and armpits. Mike who now slept at the end of the bed each night, awoke and began to suck on Martins cock. His job had become to do kitchen work and cleaning as well as to offer his ass to each of us. He was a true slave and although he started out as a pony boy, he had quickly learned to be a sex slave and toilet boy. He crawled up the bed on was on his hands and knees ready to take each of our of morning loads. Martin was first and he stopped licking me and fucked Mike until he shot his load. I ten turned over still allowing Aiden to eat me but fucked him also. Finally, it was aiden's turn and he dumped a load in Mike too. Mike had truly become a cum dump for us. Knowing his role, he got of the bed with cum dripping out of him and knelt on the floor next to the bed where we each gave him our morning loads of piss which he drank without protest. I think Aiden missed humiliating himself a little as he used to drink my piss most mornings. While we showered, Mike went to the kitchen to prepare our breakfasts. I liked seeing the cum drip from him so he didn't clean himself up. As he had no cock or balls, Mike usually didn't use the toilet either. He went out and pissed with the pony boys .After serving us, he would lick up the cum that dripped out on the floor. He was then allowed to go out and shit and piss with the pony boys and help Randy clean up his own mess as well as that of Jay and Jake. He truly was a slave, much more so than Aiden or Martin. While we ate, he knelt and licked my feet and toes. He now was also told to eat my ass after I had shit. He then would clean up outside with Randy. I sometimes liked to fuck him with his hole dirty. Once I shot in him, he would lick me clean. His mouth and holes were used by all of us all day long and he didn't seem to mind. I think he was grateful to have not been killed after losing his cock and balls, as some other pony boys had been.

As we ate and Mike licked and sucked, I decided I needed to talk to Aiden about his life. I wanted him to feel superior to the other slaves. He was so humble that it had taken weeks to get him to learn to use Mike. He always felt that he should be the one doing Mike's job. I wanted to know more to figure out why Aiden was the way he was.

End of Chapter 13

Next: Chapter 14

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